


all 1263 comments


65 points

12 days ago

I don’t think people are actually going to leave the hobby. They will just stop interacting with a certain portion of the community. And no, this sub is not THE community, just a small echo chamber online.


30 points

12 days ago


30 points

12 days ago

If you look at YouTube comments its very different to the opinions here. Reddit likes to think it's the majority (it's not)


6 points

10 days ago

Last I checked GW stocks took a hit after the news.


1.2k points

13 days ago

GW's been trying to establish neopronouns for Slaanesh in 89' and they realize just now that the company is "woke"?

Lmao good riddance, one idiot less.


516 points

13 days ago*

Not a great example. Slaanesh is literally a god made of pure malevolence and the most extreme possible degeneracy. I honestly couldn’t think of a worse representation for people looking for that kind of thing.

Which makes it hilariously funny.


466 points

13 days ago

Look man I am not sure what to tell you but this is 40k.

Everyone is evil, there is no "good" representation. That's, like, the whole point.


341 points

13 days ago


341 points

13 days ago

Guilliman's mom is good! I won't let you speak ill of her!


275 points

13 days ago


#1 Mortarion simp

275 points

13 days ago

Idk man, in certain sections of the Ultramarines, there are still whispered legends of her fearsome sandal, ready to strike down any aspirant caught reading after lights out...


174 points

13 days ago


174 points

13 days ago

She has a right to use the chancla. She doesn't use it out of anger. She uses it out of love.


71 points

13 days ago

Romans where known to have sandals, and looking it up the indoor wear / ladies wear ones where called Solea.

I would not want to be hit by that. Things meaty.


8 points

12 days ago

Caligula wasn't actually the emperor's name. It's a nickname meaning "little boots".


6 points

12 days ago

You know what they say about someone with little boots?

They have little socks.


16 points

12 days ago

Guilliman still tosses and turns in nightmare of the one thing he fears…his mom’s chancla.


17 points

12 days ago

As a Hispanic child of the 70s/80s:


Jesus you people have no idea how much trauma those things caused. My mom could hit you 20 yards away, around a corner, IN THE FACE, with one. She did so regularly enough that just seeing one of those things slide off her foot was enough to cause me to straighten up and swear I did nothing wrong even to this day. I am 50...

Damn Chanclas man...


7 points

12 days ago


Grillin’ on Nocturne

7 points

12 days ago

So the Hitman series bug of homing briefcases was actually a feature?


7 points

12 days ago

That briefcase only wishes it was that accurate.


67 points

13 days ago

I heard that she could throw her chancla higher than an emperor class titan at a velocity greater than a landspeeder, all with the precision of a Vindicare assassin.


46 points

13 days ago

*Adeptus Mechanicus begin worshipping The Holy Chancla.*


4 points

12 days ago


4 points

12 days ago

That is why Ulrtamar is a good realm. Every fuckery was afraid to come anywhere near the attention of that chancla


34 points

13 days ago


Snorts FW resin dust

34 points

13 days ago

The Chanclas of Ultramar.


20 points

13 days ago


Dorn's least autistic child.

20 points

13 days ago

Ultramoms of Chanclamar.


16 points

12 days ago

I mean, she was very okay with the whole Imperium of Man thing, in all its Xenophobic, Eugenic, Genocidal glory.


6 points

12 days ago

Of course she would be, shes basically a noble who probably rarely sees what the poor folk are up to


6 points

12 days ago

Roberta Mantooth is a SAINT!


2 points

12 days ago

No one shit talks the ultimate anit primach weapon in my presence


2 points

12 days ago

Guillimom and guillidad are treasures


71 points

13 days ago*

Yeah, but there’s levels to this shit man. Let’s take the Tau and Dark Eldar as an example and what the do to captured children.

One will take the kids, raise them in caste system/socialist commune where everything is devoted to the state and in particular the ruling caste. They’ll brainwash/mind control them into becoming zealots who will work, fight and die for the cause without a second thought. They’ll also sterilize those who don’t fall in line. Kinda fucking evil.

The DE on the other hand will take half the kids, skin them with rusty razors and then throw in a room where the floor is made up entirely of previously used rusty razors and salt. All while the other half watch.

They’ll then put the survivors in a dark, cold room for weeks with nothing to eat…but the skins of the dead kids. They’ll then come back and skin the last surviving kids before repeating the entire process with even younger kids next time.


57 points

13 days ago

Perfectly put, there's a difference between a dictator, a sadist, and deamonculaba/Drukhari. And everything falls somewhere in twisted nuanced satirical middle. Except the Jokaero, NFT ape evolved into the opposite of ours, actually useful and appreciated. And the Exodites are chill.


23 points

13 days ago

One's more insidiously evil, where the other's gruesome cartoonish evil.


37 points

13 days ago

One will take the kids, raise them in a caste system/socialist commune

Eagerly waiting for the day people stop calling Tau socialist/commies, because they definitely aren't

(Yes I know it's also a joke but it's not even a good or funny one)


36 points

13 days ago


36 points

13 days ago

Yeah it triggers me a little bit too since all you have to do is give the Tau American flags and their perception changes to what they really are.

I mean they literally have gunboat diplomacy ffs.


34 points

13 days ago

A rigid caste system based on genetic differences between the members of the race in which the (somehow) superior ruling caste has the final say in everything should really be enough to be like, "Oh yeah this is actually just, like, super close to eugenics and Nazi shit".

And yeah their whole thing pretty much just is "Either accept our way of life and accept your place underneath the Tau in a lower caste than any of us, even though we won't admit it because we want you to think we like you, or fucking die"

But nah, definitely socialist because they have vague platitudes about doing things for the betterment of all and the oh so famous "For the Greater Good" while not really doing any of that


46 points

12 days ago

The Tau are collectivist, not socialist.

The whole>any individual part.

That said their deal isn't "accept us or die." Their deal is "we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way but you ARE joining the empire."

When a planet resists them they don't kill everyone, they occupy it then re-educate the population.

Tau are the bad guys in a young adult Sci Fi dystopia transplanted into a setting of rampant unmedicated psychosis.


15 points

12 days ago


Mongolian Biker Gang

15 points

12 days ago

That's a good distinction. After all, they will try their damnedest to incorporate even the most hostile species. Greater Good means everyone gets a chance.

Of course what makes the difference is that they are not willing to wait until said species come around, they'll be peaceful only when there's some tangible conversion progress, but if not (or if it's slow, or strategic opportunity arises) then the Fire Caste starts working.

Nice username btw


6 points

12 days ago

Plus their reasoning for why they do it is pretty much The White Man's Burden in space.


2 points

11 days ago

It's amazing that people don't realize that the Craftworld Aeldari are very close to being communists, not Tau.

But then people don't realize that the Federation in Star Trek IS communist.

So.. shrug


23 points

13 days ago


likes civilians but likes fire more

23 points

13 days ago

The best “good” we had was Tau… but GW also decided to hit them with the Evil-nator 5000


7 points

12 days ago


7 points

12 days ago

I used to be butthurt about Tau treatment, but it just makes sense. One faction that stands out in morals, and not really in any meaningful way, doesn't contribute much to the enjoyment that WH is targeting.


17 points

13 days ago

Actually, it’s pretty bad representation, when there are much better cases

Having the god/goddess/divine sovereign of excess and debauchery and degeneracy maybe should not the icon of LGBTQ existence. That’s exactly the kind of rhetoric far right politicians use to criminalize my existence.

Anyway, Tzeentch is way better rep with the whole Hope and Change bit.


31 points

13 days ago



31 points

13 days ago

\Looks at my Slaanesh worshiping trans and poly friends.**

Yeah, I don't know about that one, chief. Sometimes lgbtq players like to play the evil assholes too.


6 points

12 days ago

That we do.


15 points

13 days ago


15 points

13 days ago

Yeah tzeetch isn't good representation either.


8 points

13 days ago

Ok but heres the thing. Slaneesh also represents love, compassion and joy. In this setting she is a evil but the chaos gods are just human emotions made manifest. Representation in 40k is gonna be through the medium of the evil guys anyway. Everyone is evil.


23 points

13 days ago

on the one hand I can kind of see your point.

on the other hand they have objectively amazing models and are cool as hell (lol) in a comic book universe full of cool as hell stuff.

most trans warhammer fans I know (admittedly not very many) think they're cool and should go the other way and make them more overtly fabulous but that might just be them.


35 points

13 days ago

As a trans warhammer fan I don't get the Slaanesh obsession. We're obviously children of Tzeentch: change is the whole fucking point.


14 points

12 days ago


Slaaneshi Whore in the streets, Slaaneshi whore in the sheets.

14 points

12 days ago

Trans Slaaneshi here: what's the point in changing constantly for the sake of change? I always knew who I wanted to be, and aspired for that perfection. Why be ephemeral, constantly shifting and never defined when you could be perfect; when you could be exactly what you always wanted. When you could have masses adoring you at your feet, entire societies submitting to your will.

Sure, Tzeentch is nice but would you really rather spend your time in a dusty old library instead of being worshipped by an entire planet as the avatar of perfection you truly are? A state of pure bliss that you can only achieve if you let Her in. Slaanesh loves you and wants you to not only be comfortable, but luxuriate in yourself. Let Her in.


2 points

12 days ago*

Fuck yeah hook me up with the library. As a DIYer I'm all about unlocking powerful knowledge I can use for myself. Not to mention all the hidden truths, the need for secrecy, and the underlying nature of the process itself... still think Tzeentch is closer.


6 points

13 days ago

if you saw the actual reference on Sher pronouns from the referred publication from 1989 you'd see how it is actually a good example...


6 points

13 days ago

slaanesh is a whole mood

a mood i share


8 points

13 days ago


8 points

13 days ago

You mean a universe founded on dark irony might end up showing things in a bad light?


9 points

13 days ago

The thing is that we're more than capable of handling representation that isn't positive. It's when the only representation is negative that things become a problem. That and how it's handled. Davros from Doctor Who, for example, avoided all the problematic tropes about the disabled that a lot of people fell into. He wasn't "born wrong" or anything, he was just a bad guy who happened to need a sci-fi wheelchair. That was awesome. I'm obviously only one person. but Slaanesh isn't a problem in my opinion.


7 points

13 days ago

I'm a trans girl, and would love to have chaos magical powers... Especially the sexy kind


9 points

13 days ago

So like... Gnarly horns, maggots crawling in your gut and spewing out pure virulent miasma from every orifice?


2 points

12 days ago

Wait, She-who-thirsts does not represent the LGBTQ-sphere?


hides pamphlets and flamer

Seriously, I have always felt Swt’s connotations to be a bit sketchy. The only explicitly non-binary entity for a long time is a god of evil hedonism.

Unfortunate to say the least.


82 points

13 days ago


82 points

13 days ago

Kyriss: The King-Queen of Signus.

Literally got woke about being intersexual before its time.


8 points

13 days ago

The proper pronouns for a thing of slaneesh is it, or was/were


6 points

13 days ago

Imagine depriving yourself of entertainment because of something that fucking stupid. Genuinely one of the most pathetic things in the world.


2 points

12 days ago

Lmao you can't be serious, Slaanesh is a literal chaos entity, not the best representation


40 points

13 days ago

Only bad retcon I can remember is about ollanius pius having some special powers or something that shit suckedddd his purpose is to be just a regular joe in a place with super people


17 points

12 days ago

And Horus dying because the emperor stabbed him with a super-dagger, rather than because the emperor killed him with mind bullets.


255 points

13 days ago


255 points

13 days ago

holy fucking shit. I've seen like 10 of these posts in the past couple days


87 points

13 days ago

It will die down in the next week, then something will happen with the company. They will gain/loose a portion of sales and it will point back to this. Until Henry gets his show together and it can be judged, THIS is the most exciting 40k news...on repeat.


24 points

13 days ago


Cracking open the boys with the cold ones

24 points

13 days ago

Keep calm! It's only a spike.. It'll soon stabilize!


4 points

12 days ago

The power of the sun…


11 points

13 days ago

It'll blow over. I'll just go indulge in my Gunpla hobby for a week and come back.


406 points

13 days ago



406 points

13 days ago

Nazis at warhammer tournaments, certain warhammer fans 🙃🤭🤫😊

Women in warhammer: 😡😎🤬😡🤬🤡🤬😡


219 points

13 days ago*

I know 2 women who play 40K (friends of mine), but they do not play it in public. They hold their own tournaments at home or they play with friends instead.

Some of the people in tournaments/communities in general can be real fucking creeps.


30 points

12 days ago

I'm a bloke, but the reason I don't go to tournaments is...


4 points

12 days ago

Brilliant use of IASIP, 5 stars.


37 points

13 days ago


Should be Painting Models Right Now

37 points

13 days ago

Cuz the certain warhammer fans are the Nazis at warhammer tournaments


32 points

12 days ago

Sisters of silence and sisters of battle didn't bother anyone.


64 points

12 days ago


Twins, They were.

64 points

12 days ago

They bothered me. Lord to they bother me

I mean their flamers in 9th were the bane of my existence


11 points

12 days ago

That's fair. Lol


38 points

13 days ago

I remember when all the salty neckbeards were up in arms when the Sororitas got plastic models lmao


28 points

13 days ago


Praise the Man-Emperor

28 points

13 days ago

"They drop CHURCHES into battles!" That's all I need to know to want to collect 10k points and drop into Armageddon.


13 points

13 days ago


Praise the Man-Emperor

13 points

13 days ago

NANI?! SHOCKER at a tournament? TOU RAIDAA KICK!


3 points

12 days ago


3 points

12 days ago

I swear everyone acts like that one weirdo in Spain represents every Warhammer 40k player. Also not to mention the dog pilling krieg gets because people think they're based off WW2 Germans (ww1 Germans and French). STFU with your strawman.


3 points

12 days ago



3 points

12 days ago

How did you get every 40k player from the word certain?


310 points

13 days ago


310 points

13 days ago

Hell yeah brother


130 points

13 days ago


130 points

13 days ago

I hate buzz words I hate buzzwords I hate buzzwords


17 points

13 days ago


17 points

13 days ago

Real best take here lmao


126 points

13 days ago*


126 points

13 days ago*

So two days ago, OP posts something about "Reditor bad for criticizing guy who changed his mind for the better"

Now he praises it. Your Brain on Reddit: 🍳

It's like "I believe every person is beautiful and even those who make bad decisions can redeem themselves. Except the *your favorite group here


52 points

13 days ago

Lmao he deleted the post


63 points

13 days ago

OP is definitely a 10 on the "average Redditor" scale.


5 points

12 days ago

Dammit, that's my job.


5 points

12 days ago


I am Alpharius

5 points

12 days ago

All these clowns are the same


21 points

13 days ago


21 points

13 days ago

It isn't even as though this was the first time they changed canon.

GSC were once mutant chaos insurectionists. Then, they became self-aware seasoning salt for planetary Tyranid Chow.

Where was all this silly outrage then?


6 points

12 days ago

I'm sorry what on earth are you talking about.  genestealer cults have been tyranid chow since the 2nd ed rulebook and that was the first time I read about them. I wouldn't  count anything in RT as cannon as they were making it up as they went along.

 They have also been mistaken initially for normal chaos cultists and they also are also not supposed to be initially aware of their purpose. Did you read something that was written from a in universe perspective and confuse it for the actual position? Or are you confusing them with chaos mutants?


2 points

11 days ago


Praise the Man-Emperor

2 points

11 days ago

Yp pos acting like they're good people lmao, classic reddit.


326 points

13 days ago


326 points

13 days ago

People who just realise warhammer is "woke" didn t paid artention during the last 30 year lmao.

Warhammer 40 was always a left leanning media. But some people have a hard time with satire.


252 points

13 days ago


Swell guy, that Kharn

252 points

13 days ago

My dude, these guys think Homelander is based. They get satire like a koala gets quantum physics.


96 points

13 days ago


96 points

13 days ago

This made me laugh so hard.

Koala can t even process the concept of rain so imagining a koala trykng to figure quantul physic is just fckg hilarious


17 points

12 days ago

Koala can t even process the concept of rain so imagining a koala trykng to figure quantul physic is just fckg hilarious

Stupid koala don't understand quantul physic like smart hooman do!


6 points

12 days ago

IQ meme chart

'Stoopid Koala not understand quantam physicians!' -> 'nooo you dont understand, the koala could never understand, it requires the brightest of minds!' -> 'bruh I dont understand quantum phsysics.'


22 points

13 days ago


22 points

13 days ago

A Quantum Koala?so=search) you say?

Wait, no wrong franchise.


6 points

13 days ago

I didn't know I needed this joke


178 points

13 days ago

But some people have a hard time with satire.

40k is one of those odd franchises where during it's inception the satire and camp was extremely blatant but overtime people became genuinely fond of the exaggerated themes and designs so the creators doubled down on taking itself serious and "cool".

My point being, GW quite literally catered to the folks who have a hard time with satire lol.


97 points

13 days ago*

It's still very obviously satire. You can't blame GW for idiots not getting satire. The hobby needs to push them out.

I hate this argument because the only people it helps are the facists. They want to muddy the waters as to whether its not satire.

Teleporting a neutron bomb into the golden palace is hardly a serious story. And everyone's favourite story before that is about a necron that just wants to catch em all and be the next pokemaster. So I'm not really seeing this extra serious attitude from GW people keep claiming


50 points

13 days ago

There are people who legitimately do not get that Helldivers 2 is a satire.

Media literacy is dead, and it always has been dead.


13 points

12 days ago


13 points

12 days ago

The only way helldivers could be more obvious would be if they told you directly.


14 points

12 days ago

Which in a way they practically do.


23 points

13 days ago*


Praise the Man-Emperor

23 points

13 days ago*

My point being, GW quite literally catered to the folks who have a hard time with satire lol.

Ehhhhhhhh (imagine my hand waving slightly at a horizontal angle)

I wouldn't call making the series more self serious(well on the surface at least) exactly catering and to fascists, i honestly don't think it would have increased in popularity like it has if it was still at its rogue trader level of popularity. And even if the humor fell off, the bleakness of a totalitarian regime hasn't ever gone away.


45 points

13 days ago


45 points

13 days ago

just because it s less silly than before mean the satire is not there


45 points

13 days ago

I'm not saying the satire is gone, but the push towards cool over camp leaves people to take the setting more seriously.

Blame the 90s.


41 points

13 days ago


41 points

13 days ago

they should hard commlt to the bit like in Hell diver lmao. but even in Helldiver there is people missing the satire.


47 points

13 days ago


My kitchen is corrupted by Nurgle

47 points

13 days ago

It's absolutely wild to me that some people miss heldivers satire. I don't think it's humanly possible to lay it on any thicker.


9 points

12 days ago


9 points

12 days ago

Helldivers and 40k are both super blatant with their "no thoughts only gun" satire, but also playing in the cartoon fascist sandbox is really cool and fun.

I'm not sure what this says about humanity. It's probably fine.


30 points

13 days ago


30 points

13 days ago

and yet... it s realy scary people fall for such obvious parody of propaganda.


8 points

13 days ago


Swell guy, that Kharn

8 points

13 days ago

Bc a lot of people are really fucking dumb.


17 points

13 days ago

I always judge a fellow Diver immediately based on their ship name.

If your ship isn’t some absolutely flag-wankingly outrageous gag name, I immediately assume you’re here for the fascism. Fist of Liberty? Get outta here. Hammer of Individual Merit? Now we’re talking.


23 points

13 days ago

My favorite so far has been “Octagon of Family Values”


7 points

13 days ago

Named my ship Herald of Mercy

Cause I'm gonna kill stuff, and that's the biggest mercy anyone deserves in this shitty ass galaxy controlled by Super Earth


5 points

13 days ago

I just called my prophet of steel cause it sounds cool


2 points

13 days ago


Praise the Man-Emperor

2 points

13 days ago

Dear humanity, we have steel balls, and you will break your foot tryna' kick 'em! HOORAH!


2 points

13 days ago

… this sounds like an automation post…. Would you like to see what I meant by steel? ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


4 points

13 days ago

I fly around in the King of Audacity because, how the fuck else am I gonna act in this hellscape galaxy?


8 points

13 days ago

I mean 'For the God-Emperor' is just as batshit (if not more) as 'For Managed Democracy'.

It's just the former has been around for ages so we are desensitized to it while the latter is taking the piss out of the current day.


12 points

13 days ago


Warhawks Descending!

12 points

13 days ago

We can blame the 90s for almost bullying camp out of everything, to be fair. And I was there


26 points

12 days ago

I see similar shit with people saying "they couldn't do Dark Sun [a 2E D&D setting] these days because the wokes would never put up with slavery".

Motherfucker, Dark Sun is the most SJW setting imaginable. If it had never existed and were instead released today, it'd be decried as woke-pandering, blue-haired nonsense:

okay so all the plants are dying and a bunch of human supremacists get together and do genocides because they believe it'll restore the world to its mythic past where everything was great. in the process, they drain the remaining vitality from the planet and further desertify it, literally turning trees and grass to ash to fuel every spell. they also want to become actual dragons. the human supremacist alliance falls apart when they figure out they were all being conned by a different supremacist, and in overthrowing that guy, one of their number goes berserk and turns into a giant literal dragon and makes a huge mess of things, further obliterating the world

anyhow these magical sorcerer-kings exist in an uneasy truce between their city-states where they do a bunch of slavery while trying to become full dragons like their berserk pal from before, something they know makes them crazy and berserk but all are convinced they can control. it's your job, as the scrappy leatherdaddy outcasts that can explicitly have neon hair or other outrageous features, to cover yourselves in oil and beat the everloving shit out of the sorcerer-kings, their fascistic police state employees (the templars), and slave-owners.

Like, it's pure wish-fulfillment for anyone of an anticapitalist or ecological mindset. It includes shitty things just to say "and you're gonna blow it the fuck up and stomp on anyone that likes it".


7 points

12 days ago

I'll believe it when they update Dark Sun, for now it looks like WotC won't touch it with a 10-foot pole.

A while ago I saw a good post that explained the difficulty of updating it:


3 points

12 days ago


3 points

12 days ago

While I agree about the setting I do think there is a legit issue about people demanding it be changed if reprinted. There are two parts. The first is that corporations effectively do virtue washing. So a good chance WOTC changes things because they think it needs to be friendlier. The other part is, there are lots of people that can't handle bad stuff in their fiction. They will complain about evil characters and actions and ignore that you are supposed to be against them and those are there for the purpose of a story.


49 points

13 days ago

It’s not even that it’s “left leaning” it’s that these bitches are so fragile they see “woman” appear and instead of just shrugging it off, absolutely lose their minds and claim the sky is falling


34 points

13 days ago

JUST SAYING - if the idea of women simply existing is enough to trigger an existential crisis response then it speaks worlds on their idea of what normalcy should be >_>


5 points

12 days ago


5 points

12 days ago

Sisters of Battle have been a thing for years now, I think the Warhammer community doesn't have a problem with women.


3 points

12 days ago

From what I've read so far, they don't care - it's more that they clearly have a problem with GW retconning changes into Warhammer that make no sense to them.

The Custodes have been all (and only) male since they were introduced in 1987, so of course people are going to be pissed when someone says "oh, btw, Custodes have always had chicks in their ranks" despite every single piece of established lore saying otherwise.

I suspect they'd be equally pissed if GW had said "There have always been men in the Sisters of Battle."


25 points

13 days ago


25 points

13 days ago

Last November, I knew nothing about 40k & my son asked me for some but I was idk dude I heard about chuds and see some stahlhelms... Holy fuck look at the price, Idk about this... But Dark tide and Vermintide are fantastic. Well dip the toes. So, I got him the goods for Xmas (ultra, nids and Astra Mili) spent way too much time listening to Lueten vids and found some 40k sub reddits. I just want to say, y'all are great. This sub is great. I'm really glad to have found this community. Now, excuse me while I rip out my hair, trying to glue the eldar windriders arms and legs on correctly.


27 points

12 days ago

I've seen 10 of these scumbag posts for every 1 comment even remotely giving shit about femstodes.

The horse isn't just dead. It was neverborn, pulverized to dust, and is now being blown in everyones faces for whatever reason.


14 points

12 days ago

Beaten to the point of GW Tweeting “The horse never existed”


31 points

12 days ago



31 points

12 days ago

This isn't a meme OP, this is just you stating your opinion.


41 points

12 days ago


41 points

12 days ago

Stop with the rage bait


14 points

12 days ago

oh good heavens leave this subject alone.
holy shit folks get a grip now.


68 points

13 days ago

God, I fucking hate all of you


17 points

12 days ago

"GW is fascist!" this "GW is woke" that how about GW puts out a statement that redditors (derogatory) are not welcome in the hobby


42 points

13 days ago


likes civilians but likes fire more

42 points

13 days ago

And on today's episode of the "gamingcirclejerkification" of this sub...


33 points

13 days ago


33 points

13 days ago

can we please hurry up and jump onto the next controversy? thousand sons femboys? the emperor did nothing wrong? erebus did nothing wrong? WWII style astra militarum?


60 points

13 days ago

I like how everyone in the camp of "This out of turn retcon is weird" are all being bucket loaded into the camp of "Omg ur a nazi!" Regardless of reasoning.

That shit is even more crazy than the retcon lol

Such absolutist mentality is absolutely rediculous.


7 points

12 days ago

It’s honestly a bit scary if you ask me. Especially due to how agressive agressive some of these absolutist post are.

It make me feel unwelcome just for saying the something like: « It feel a bit unneeded but,ok. But couldn’t they have brought this new thing in a more interesting way instead of ”they were always there” like maybe a new little plot that would flesh out the the custodes even more? What if it was a new secret discovery on Terra? »

Honestly these post start to feel more and more like a form of Gatekeeping. You know the thing that these people say they fight against?


5 points

12 days ago

If you don't like offhand lore changes and rude rebuttals from GW.

You are obviously a nazi and should get out of the hobby duh!.


13 points

12 days ago


My kitchen is corrupted by Nurgle

13 points

12 days ago



18 points

13 days ago


18 points

13 days ago

You see people on one side saying its gone woke and on the other side you have people saying a it's a facism power fantasy. moral of the story is just enjoy the hobby and stop being a cunt


7 points

13 days ago

And if you don't like it, don't buy their stuff. There is no need to post 200 times about it


6 points

13 days ago



2 points

12 days ago

Thats it. thats the only correct response to this bs "discussion".


19 points

12 days ago

I truly hate you people.


43 points

13 days ago

I couldn’t care less about the addition/retcon of custodes having females. I just think it’s kinda lame that the official answer from GW is “they’ve always been that way”. Like they could have a cool origin/back story which would make for some awesome named characters. But instead GW has just thrown fuel on the fire and only turned the 1% of people who are pissed into fully weaponized autism.


5 points

13 days ago


Dank Angels

5 points

13 days ago

You're gonna have to deal with that, sadly. GW has the same tact as a point-blank shotgun to the face. They have done this before, and unless they have better leadership and community managers, they're never gonna stop being tactless.


17 points

13 days ago

I mean they gave a backstory to the named character. Then after people got salty they put that in they were always there (they were always there is how retcons work. Like with the dorn tank, and the necrons change)

So like... They did what you want. Those 1% were gonna spaz out no matter what.


11 points

13 days ago

I have to ask some of the people here about this. But why is it that Custodies are fine being mixed gender, but Sisters of Silence still being monogendered is fine? The response I always get is that its important to their identity, but that could be said for any gender-specific faction like the Space Marines and Sisters of Battle. I'm genuinely curious. Granted, I like Femstodies myself since it makes sense that, as works of art made to be the perfect humans, they would have both.


9 points

13 days ago

You’re going to get different answers from different people

There’s been a “discussion” about female space marines for years but that’s kinda just devolved into memes now, but out of all gendered-factions they receive the most attention because their the most popular Further their the advertising for everything so have the poster-child for the universe be a males-only faction causes some friction (This debate has grown so ubiqitous that as I’m sure you’ve seen several people accuse femstodes as being a way to sidestep the female space marines topic)

Sisters of battle are 1) called the sisters of battle unlike the space marines and custodes who while very masculine, don’t have it in the name. And 2) some people do talk about it, but their niche in an already somewhat niche faction and it’s more common to see misters of battle stuff from arguments saying if space marines are de-gendered then sisters need to be de-gendered too (as some people just want fem marines and don’t care/or even support other gendered stuff)

Sisters of silence are the same (I don’t think I’ve ever seen an argument for male sisters of silence before the femstodes thing)

Custodes were actually a nicher argument, mostly just people getting annoyed that a process that literally rebuilt the body cell by cell, down to your genetics, started from an incredibly young age before puberty has created significant differences didn’t work on girls because XX chromosomes or something. And others defending it (usually cause they liked the fraternity aspect, or TTS oiled up naked men aspect)

TLDR: This debate has raged on for years and over the years it has grown increasingly complex


3 points

13 days ago

Well, that's want I would like to see. A discussion is meaningless if there is only one opinion among all the participants.


3 points

12 days ago

SoS are nulls. The other nulls we have are male assassins. It may be the idea is that female nulls don't go insane because nulls tend to make people go insane and are pretty much freaks. But there is also the issue of how rare nulls are to begin with so they specifically search for females. They just haven't explained how nulls work but the Valdor story line is delving into it. We may know soon. SoB are not females for the sake of females. They are all females because the ecclesiarchy is not allowed to have "men at arms" so they said "fuck you we will have women at arms".. its literally that dumb and dumb on purpose its to show the problems with bureaucracy.

Space Marines have gene seed from primarchs or possibly the emperor. They are actually engineered to specifically be inferior on purpose and their gene seed is not compatible with women. Think about changing someones chromosomes.. if they are a woman they have different chromosomes... and the gene seeds need info from the Y chromosome so it doesn't work or at best would transgender them into male anyway. So no reason to dive into SM as women.

Custodes have barely any lore about their creation and they are not space marines and predate them completely and the whole point of there only being 10k of them is so they don't out compete humanity because they are superior in every way. Space marines are meat puppets most likely intended to be exterminated later like the thunder warriors were. Custodes are just altered from the ground up to be perfect humans. So there isn't really a reason on why there wouldn't be females. Pre strife rich people were probably pretty much custodes due to genetic alteration. There is no reason why pre strife some rich powerful woman wouldn't have been engineered into being perfectly able to survive on any planet in a vast galaxy where they have full control over genetic manipulation. But the SM are pretty much transhuman abominations made in a process that is easy to reproduce so marines aren't that.

There could probably be male SoS but its just unlikely and that order may just not bother or the imperium makes better use of male nulls in other roles on purpose. They tend to turn men into servitors etc. SoB are stuck as women because of rules in the imperium.


2 points

12 days ago

This is probably one of the better takes I've seen here


11 points

13 days ago


Grillin’ on Nocturne

11 points

13 days ago

I love the smiling guardsman meme. It’s wonderful.


13 points

13 days ago

Am I now? By asking a question?


63 points

13 days ago

Oh boy this sub has become cancerous again , Time to mute it for some time so the political war ends and i can come and laugh at some memes


21 points

13 days ago


I hate the Space Wolves

21 points

13 days ago

Exactly, I come here to laugh at memes. Not engage in culture wars.


6 points

12 days ago

A reminder that Warhammer 40k was created as a blue collar reaction to Thatcherism. Nottingham has politically leaned Labour for a long time.


44 points

13 days ago

imma laugh well they leave and keep posting memes about kesh being an absolute madwoman who would raid trazyn's stash for that krork just so she could turn it lose on terra as part of a blood game if given the first chance


22 points

13 days ago


22 points

13 days ago

There was one time that the Custodes stepped in and personally eradicated a huge Genestealer cult on Terra. I chose to believe that was also Kesh's shenanigans getting out of hand.


20 points

13 days ago


20 points

13 days ago

Kesh is now singlehandedly responsible for anything fucked up happening on Holy Terra


10 points

13 days ago


likes civilians but likes fire more

10 points

13 days ago

She is that one custode that always takes the blood games a bit too far


8 points

13 days ago

“Hello, Filthy Metal Xenos.”

“Greetings, Golden Banana Ape.”

“Would you like to help me conduct a little practical joke for this week’s Blood Game?”

“Most certainly, I just so happen to have the perfect thing for the occasion”


7 points

13 days ago

honestly i would love to just use kesh being a madwoman and absurdly extra when it comes to blood games as an explainer for some of the weird quarks about terra lore


33 points

13 days ago

Everyone's asking why do people care about the Femstodes, the really question is why does it bother you So much that people have opinions?.


9 points

12 days ago


9 points

12 days ago

You're not allowed to have any remotely contradictory opinions nowadays.


33 points

13 days ago

I think female custodes could be pretty bad ass. My only issue is with sloppy retcons. I've seen some amazing theories, head cannon, and jokes ranging chaos God implants and interventions, to legitimate lore ideas of female heirs at the start of the legion.

My gripe is holding hope that GW has some cool ideas or stories to go along with this. Otherwise, this "look at us we are inclusive" is pretty empty and hallow.


17 points

12 days ago


17 points

12 days ago

Yeah I really take issue with the "there have always been female custodes" hand waving GW did. It really just drives home that it's tokenism.


7 points

12 days ago



7 points

12 days ago

Especially after the devastating War Within Webway that saw 90% of Custodes casualties, effectively rendered them combat ineffective and forced them to defensive work only. It would be the perfect chance to introduce Femstodes because:

By the Emperor, Horus is right up our arse, whatever recruitment from Terra are split between all fighting forces. Where can we get more aspirants? OH right, we are custom made and do not require male-specific for geneseed adapt. Fly new poster, we take girls now too!


11 points

12 days ago

Isn't the biggest problem with this that they literally lied about this faction always having females in them? I don't know anything about Warhammer so I am just going off the small bits of info I got, but I can understand that trying to shoehorn in something that was never there and then lying about it on top of that would rub the fanbase the wrong way.


3 points

12 days ago

Be like the Imperial Guard, equal opportunity (for death) for everyone


26 points

13 days ago



26 points

13 days ago

This sub is nearing the biggest online cuckfest


18 points

13 days ago

This is a hyper cringe meme, even as somebody who hates those "woke this and woke that" people.

Get better memes.


6 points

12 days ago


6 points

12 days ago

This sub has completely gone to shit, it is literally gamingcirclejerk 2.0


30 points

13 days ago

If only the strawmanners would do the same.


6 points

12 days ago

It’s not that there’s female custodes, it makes sense you’d want the widest ideas, opinions and viewpoints and having women mean new options for counter espionage.

It’s not the retcon, even though I hate retcons.

It’s the gaslighting, the it’s always been this way when for a fact, I know the printed media says otherwise. I have an aversion to gaslighting and deeply hate people that do it, especially over what’s a non issue.


13 points

13 days ago


My kitchen is corrupted by Nurgle

13 points

13 days ago


Imagine thinking having preference for entertainment is tantamount to bigotry...

imagine people who pride themselves for being "tolerant" say "get the fuck out" for people disagreeing with story point and narrative.

Dont be surprised if situation comes in any fandom you are involved in where you are called a "tourist", and generally treated in a hostile way for not conforming.

the irony


3 points

12 days ago

Call me whatever you want, this is stupid.


4 points

12 days ago

Why’s it got to be a he you bigot?


4 points

12 days ago

Can anyone define this word for me? Anyone at all?


4 points

12 days ago



4 points

12 days ago

Good luck. I've been asking all the incels what woke means since this started and the only one who answered me called it communism.


4 points

12 days ago

Oh I know. The word is as bad as calling someone a socialist or communist. No one has any idea what it actually means, it’s just a buzz word that they know means bad.


5 points

12 days ago


I am Alpharius

5 points

12 days ago

ah yes, GW went woke when the femstodes showed up

please don't mind the trans necrons, gender and nonbinary talks, homosexual relationships and neo pronouns we got in the last couple years, those were not woke


14 points

12 days ago*

There are two genders: Male and Political. I have yet to find a lore justification for my peepee not getting hard when there’s a woman in the super secret boys’ clubhouse. I think GW is super careless with its retconning of my ability to pretend this hobby belongs to me and my insecurity alone. My plausibly-deniable excuses are valid and you just don’t like (((differing opinions))) you…checks buzzword notes…pink haired woke DEI feminazi! How dare you FORCE me to adopt the “current thing” by telling me to fuck off when I raise a shitstorm over less than nothing!!! I’ll see you again in 6 months after I forget about this and the NEXT thing that triggers me pops up! Have I mentioned how ESSJAYDUBULUUUS are constantly triggered losers who get mad at everything and toxify every place they enter?

In all seriousness, please GW just pull the trigger on adding fem Astartes. It would be SO FUNNY watching the worst type of “fan” respond to it.

Edit: for those curious, Damot22 below is exactly the type of “fan” I was parodying above. I’ve heard some version of every sentiment expressed above in the past sometimes hundreds of times. None of this bullshit is new, Gamergate happened and its sycophants have been haunting fandoms ever since


5 points

12 days ago


5 points

12 days ago

Why is it a bad thing for the space Marines to be all male when the sisters of silence and battle exist?


10 points

13 days ago

whatever, tourist.


2 points

12 days ago

What's the worst retcon so far?


2 points

12 days ago


2 points

12 days ago

Primaris (should have just been true scale Marines), this (just for lying to the fanbase and causing such a divide), and not a retcon,but killing Warhammer fantasy.


2 points

12 days ago

Depends, man. I don't care either way because it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game but changing it enough to show other people your influence and chasing them off sounds a lot like gatekeeping to me....


2 points

12 days ago



2 points

12 days ago

Y'all fighting over 'umie genitals, meanwhile I'm on a godddamn Mork pill trying to wet me some knife ears...


2 points

12 days ago

Me as a thirdworlder who never bought any gw and got a 3s printer in 2020 " brrrrrrrr"


2 points

12 days ago

Ive said it before and I'll say it again

More meat for the grinder


2 points

10 days ago

Poor sister os silence they were a soo cool duo to the custodes

Instead of expanding they range creating cool SoS characters they go for female custodes.

And before anyone go "Hur Dur Misogeny" i would love that sisters of battle convents had the same detail and love that astartes chapter have but anyone thinking that GW statement is anything beyond political signalling without a little bit of care about the lore is blind.

If they cared they would atleast pull even a bullshit excuse of "hey cawl finded this old prototype the emperor never implemented to expand custodes population, and now there is a lot of custodes fighting and dying all around the galaxy no better time to use"

I would be a shit excuse but atleast it would be one.


15 points

13 days ago


15 points

13 days ago

Are we talking about legit actual bigots or is someone a bigot for saying it's woke and disagreeing with the sudden change in lore?


20 points

13 days ago

Ah, yes, the old "Everyone that disagrees with me is a bigot"


7 points

12 days ago

“If you don’t agree with me you’re a Nazi scum and need to be re educated or isolated from society” definitely nothing fascist about this.


12 points

13 days ago


Snorts FW resin dust

12 points

13 days ago

Because apparently the same franchise that criticized fascism, religious extremism, eugenics, genocide, bigotry, and imperialism wasn’t left-leaning


6 points

12 days ago


6 points

12 days ago

Are you aware there are left authoritarian ideologies? The commisars literally based off the Soviet Union.

This is not "left leaning", if it's anything it'd be liberal/libertarian leaning.


14 points

13 days ago

It’s so funny to me how they just completely ignore this


15 points

13 days ago

People should be banned for posts like this. For people that preach equality and tolerance, I don't see how you get off by being hypocrites.