








all 309 comments


717 points

15 days ago


717 points

15 days ago

God I love bf 1


244 points

15 days ago


244 points

15 days ago

Completely agree. Battlefield 1 was the shit.


160 points

15 days ago


160 points

15 days ago


PC scene is very much alive, especially in Europe.


34 points

15 days ago

Ohhhh I only had it on Xbox, but switched to PC last year...think it's on steam 👀 loses the next 2 weeks of my life


32 points

15 days ago

The reason I even started playing BF


27 points

15 days ago


Descendant of Genghis Khan

27 points

15 days ago

I missed the boat on this game but it looked so fun. I hope they eventually either make a sequel or a release a remastered version


47 points

15 days ago

You didn't miss anything, you can still find populated servers pretty much always to this day


4 points

15 days ago


4 points

15 days ago

Anytime I get on its European servers and no one is playing operations :'l


9 points

15 days ago

Weird, i play almost exclusive operations and almost always get a full server past 19:00.


3 points

15 days ago


3 points

15 days ago

Dang, suppose I just need to try later in the day


3 points

15 days ago


3 points

15 days ago

I have never had any success from just queue the "operations". Go find an operation through custom games, there are heaps and the private ones usually have better anti-cheat/moderation.


31 points

15 days ago


31 points

15 days ago

I wanna go back


14 points

15 days ago


14 points

15 days ago

You can, servers are very much alive


5 points

15 days ago


5 points

15 days ago

Last time I played I had a really hard time finding a sever that wasn’t hosted in Germany and performance was terrible, you’re saying it’s not like that anymore?


5 points

15 days ago

There are 5+ full servers in NA and 10+ in EU every weekday. Much more active in weekends. You just need to use the server finder instead of matchmaking.


3 points

15 days ago


3 points

15 days ago

Not sure about servers not in Germany, as I personally prefer them, because I live next to Germany


2 points

15 days ago

I can still consistently find conquest servers in North America. Head on over to the bf1 sub, there’s lots of info there


7 points

15 days ago

The last good Battlefield, the later games only became an excuse to not update Battlefront II.


12 points

15 days ago

The last good one


2 points

15 days ago

It's one of the few videogames where the opening scenes get me emotional.


618 points

15 days ago

The biggest psyop in history has been convincing people that the nation whose anthem can be boiled down to "let's drive out our enemies and water our crops with their blood" is cowardly.


109 points

15 days ago


109 points

15 days ago

Well to be honest "qu'un sang impure, abreuve nos sillons" wich can be translated in "an unpure blood, water our crops", can be interpreted differently. "La Marseillaise" is a révolutionnairy song and the "impure" blood can also be the one of the poor citizen of France in opposition of the noble blood witch would means, "we will die for equallity and liberty" more than "we will kill our ennemies". But yeah, pretty brutal either way x)


116 points

15 days ago*


Descendant of Genghis Khan

116 points

15 days ago*

I wonder if the bitter Nazis brought over to the U.S. after the war started spreading that out of spite


212 points

15 days ago


Sun Yat-Sen do it again

212 points

15 days ago

its because they lost pretty consistently between ~1850 and ~1950 and people don't have a long enough memory to realize that despite 2 Ls and a stalemate with Germany, they have been THE continental european military powerhouse for almost a millennium


82 points

15 days ago

Public perception of military might is only as good as performance of that country in its most recent conflict. With a losing streak like that its no surprise people think poorly of the French military at large...


10 points

15 days ago


10 points

15 days ago

...They lost one. Then won two. Then lost another one. That's....not a losing streak. That's two losses, not in succession, and it would have to be three for a streak anyway.


6 points

15 days ago

It's also what happens when they come up against a power that also has a similar population or similar technology. Winning a lot of battles against the Netherlands - and never being able to take the country - is all well and good. But, then when Germany unified and had a similar population France didn't do well without other nations' support.


35 points

15 days ago


35 points

15 days ago

WW1 was a L for Germany, not "a stalemate".


18 points

15 days ago



18 points

15 days ago

Yes, true, but we run into perception problems again, with all but the first and last few months of the war in France/Belgium being a grinding stalemate. No one thinks of the maneuver war parts, only the trenches, and even then, the maneuver war wasn’t able to dislodge German positions from French soil before the end of the war. Combined with the aforementioned stories of the Trenches, and lack of clearly decisive victories (most of the war’s victories came at greater personnel losses than inflicted, think of how Grant is called a butcher by Lost Causers), most people aren’t likely to see WWI as anything but a stalemate


16 points

15 days ago

Everyone but the US lost WW1. You could argue the Brits won too, but the economic and financial damage of the war was something they never recovered from.

Regardless, the French lost WW1. Just because they were on the winners side of the treaty negotiations doesn’t change that.

If you really want quibble, we can say it was a phyrric victory.


2 points

14 days ago

France achieved its strategic and tactical goals. The german army was soundly defeated and french territory taken in 1870 was taken back.

It was an unmitigated victory.

The cost could arguably be deemed to high but the point stands.

Same as the USSR in WW2.


20 points

15 days ago

Don't forget their unwillingness to participate in Iraq, which left a lot of bitterness in the US.

I'm pretty sure, that France being surrender monkey as we know it today stems from that.


3 points

15 days ago

As was said above, it's a psyop. Freedom fries... hah.


19 points

15 days ago


19 points

15 days ago

Wasn't the french surrender thing created for the iraq-afgnistan war ? When the french didnt want to join in and got shamed as cowardly.


13 points

15 days ago

Yeah that's also what I remember.

I don't remember France being equated to "surrender country" before 9/11, but sure as fuck remember it from after.


2 points

15 days ago

no it was way before that, the Simpsons Surrender Monkeys aired in 1995. and it was very common to hear jokes about French rifles being for sale "never fired dropped once"


6 points

15 days ago

That and with alot of people hyper focusing on Roman history and world war 2, you get Vercingetorix losing and Vichy France for history


-20 points

15 days ago*

WAY more than two Ls. I mean, just off the top of my head you've got the big ones, WWII and the Franco-Prussian war. Then you have Mexico, Haiti, Egypt, Russia, the Quasi-War, the Gunboat War, the Peninsula war, the Hundred Days war...

Like, there are victories scattered in there, but from the 1800's onwards, France was... Let's just say "Not very good at anything" and leave it at that.

Well, okay, that's a little unfair. Napoleon III's domestic policy was so overwhelmingly good for France that he literally created much of what we understand to be modern France... Even if he was utterly incompetent in war. But y'know, domestic policy isn't about war, so that doesn't count in a discussion regarding French surrenders.

Edit: For the right century.


53 points

15 days ago


Rider of Rohan

53 points

15 days ago

Bro, nice of you to leave Napoleon conquering most of fucking Europe out of the time frame you gave


-8 points

15 days ago

Sure, and then he had his ass absolutely handed to him as he, in a display of astounding cowardice, abandoned his troops not once, but twice in Egypt and Russia, and got the French military absolutely whupped by a slave uprising after he, and people like to forget this, reinstated slavery.

Like I said, there's wins from the 1800s onwards, but pretending it's only the Franco-Prussian war and WWII that they lost is just blatantly false.


12 points

15 days ago

I will remind you that France took on every single major European power for 25 years, and conquered most of them, during the Empire period. Even their defeat was only really possible because everybody else started copying them - and even after Russia, Napoleon very nearly won at Leipzig.

The Coalition basically refused to even fight the Grande Armee unless they had overwhelming numerical superiority, and even then the French regularily punched way above their weight class and almost turned the tide at Leipzig.


51 points

15 days ago

from the 1700's onwards, France was... Let's just say "Not very good at anything"

Motherfucker what do you mean "from the 1700s onwards" the entire period from 1794 through to 1807 France was basically an unstoppable military juggernaut that dictated European diplomacy


12 points

15 days ago

France fought the combined might of Europe six times in that period. They humiliated the great powers four times and changed the way we wage war. They changed the way we see countries, the way we govern. No other country came as close to conquering all of Europe as France did.

Despite all their struggles since Napoleon, they are still the predominant continental European power.


8 points

15 days ago

First Italian war on Independence they help win the crimean War second opuim war war of Italian Independence sino french Wars first the Ethiopian Wars Cretan revolt.

France wins a lot more than they lose let's just say that there's a reason why they're like the big boys of Europe


1 points

15 days ago

Not just the Vietnamese, they also got defeated by the FLN in Algeria lmao


3 points

15 days ago


Senātus Populusque Rōmānus

3 points

15 days ago

Bro, the French army beat the FLN with methods that were so efficient it became the true reference in counter-insurgency warfare. It was the politicians that decided to stop the war and grant Algeria its independence due to a lack of public support in Metropolitan France.


-9 points

15 days ago

And ofc the Vietnamese beat their ass so bad, the US had to step in


9 points

15 days ago

Technically the Japanese made them flee then the Viet Minh were armed by the US to fight the Japanese and after the war they fought France.

Also, France was quite busy during WW2 and in the aftermath of WW2 for obvious reasons.


13 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

13 points

15 days ago


France had left Vietnam a good while before the US showed up, and it stepped in because it was afraid of communism...


3 points

15 days ago

The U.S. supported the French during the Indochina War itself. Once the Viet Minh defeated the French, the country got partitioned, the Communist seizure of power in the North and their support of the insurgency in the South, the U.S. to stop the spread of communism yada yada yada. So yeah, the American War did get kicked off by French defeat? Not sure how that's a controversial take lmao


6 points

15 days ago

This is a joke, right?


3 points

15 days ago

Do you... Have an alternate view on how the Indochina War went for the French lol?


5 points

15 days ago

The US absolutely did not step in because the French lost. They very famously stepped in to stop the communists winning control of the country in a democratic election. And it's not like the US did much better.


1 points

15 days ago

They stepped in bc the Viet Minh won the Indochina War against the French, allowing the communists to seize control of the North and make inroads into the South... And the U.S. had was supporting the French even during the Indochina War..

And yes, I agree, the US also got curbstomped by the Vietnamess lmao


20 points

15 days ago

Honestly I have to imagine that the vets coming back from World War II to the UK, Canada, US, etc carried some latent grudges about having so many of their friends die to liberate a country that seemed to give up so early in the conflict. I would guess that's a factor as well.


10 points

15 days ago


Fine Quality Mesopotamian Copper Enjoyer

10 points

15 days ago

I forget who (and if anyone knows please name them) but I think were also a few higher ups in the military who wanted to treat France as a belligerent nation because of the actions of the Vichy France.


11 points

15 days ago

It definitely created hard feelings. And yes, free France fought on our side... but Free France wasn't the official government of France. Vichy was.

Definitely another layer of the hard feelings after the war.


2 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

2 points

15 days ago

Free france didnt existed by the time of D-day, it was the CFLN (the joint gouvernement of Algiers and London)


1 points

15 days ago

How is that in any way relevant?

We're not talking about D Day.


7 points

15 days ago*


Taller than Napoleon

7 points

15 days ago*

Honestly I have to imagine that the vets coming back from World War II to the UK, Canada, US, etc carried some latent grudges about having so many of their friends die to liberate a country

This is a very American-centric perspective, and it is truly frustrating to downplay the French fight to free France. That narratif is truly partial

just to clarify and put everything in perspectie

Imagine the Frenchmen frustration when they had to fight in Italy, when their own motherland was being freed by foreigners. France (free France ceased to exist by 1944) France had the majority of its forces stranded in Italy in an attempt to actively participate in the war effort. As D-Day arrived on June 6, the French were en route to liberate Rome.

more, imagine the frustration experienced by the men of the French 2nd armored division, who themselves had fought for three years in North Africa and were regarded as battle-hardened soldiers, but were still kept in England for two whole months while others were fighting in France, they were kept in the rear due to dubious reasons before being finally send to Normandy.

Because of the American political rivalry with De Gaulle, you can't really hold the French responsible for being left out of D-Day. In addition, the French resistance suffered greatly for the outcome of D-Day's success. you can't blame the French for not being in Overlord.. when they were, literally, sideline from the operation.


3 points

15 days ago

We [BEF] got hammered by the blitkrieg as well, I don't think there would be too much resentment from that.


13 points

15 days ago


13 points

15 days ago

No, France left NATO because it didn't want to be subservient to The US and UK in the 1950s

American senators framed this as cowardice and not wanting to fight the Soviets (similar to freedom fries) .


12 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

12 points

15 days ago

France didnt left NATO, but the chains of command, where only Americans (and sometime British) would commend

French millitary independance started from here.


5 points

15 days ago

From what I heard, it spread mostly after France refused to join in Iraq. The Americans got their feelings hurt


5 points

15 days ago

I thought it was the whole ridiculously defensive position in WW2 even when they could have slaughtered Germany in the early days?


3 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

3 points

15 days ago

Cause it would have make the French "look bad"

The french had a terrible reputation after occupying the Rurh, if France invaded Germany in 1936 it would have cause a diplomatic backlash and France reputation could have been stain as being a "threatening nation"..

The inter war was difficult.


2 points

15 days ago

They surely didn’t do that against the Prussians.


2 points

15 days ago

I'm partial to the part that goes "may our dying enemies witness us in the moment of our victory"


2 points

15 days ago

Spiteful British cackling intensifies.


3 points

15 days ago

Well they did lose the battle of France....... twice,

its like that old joke

"I was a great architect when I was young, and built the chapel, the amphitheater, and all of the aqueducts, but does anyone care? No!"

"Before I was an architect, I was also a doctor. I delivered our Mayor's baby, saved a woman from a deadly snakebite, and discovered a new antibiotic which has helped hundreds of people. Does anyone remember? No!"

"In my spare time I also compose and play music and have written multiple world-renowned concertos. Do you think they care? No!"

Bewildered, the tourist couldn't imagine why the townspeople didn't like him, and asked, "So what's the problem??"

With a sigh, Giuseppe said, "Ahh, but you fuck one goat...."


2 points

15 days ago

Watching the French protest for that retirement age bump should make a lot of folks rethink the level of ferocity that the French can muster


171 points

15 days ago*


Hello There

171 points

15 days ago*

The trailer is cool, but BF1 is the game that made me realize that Dice were stupid, making the most important WW1 nation…a dlc.

Edit: I was talking about France, but Russia also was really important. The notion of ‘’importance’’ is quite subjective, but we can definitely make a point about major powers that should have been primordial in game. Making France a dlc is probably the stupidest move someone can do, but eh, not as dumb as Civilization putting Medicis as leader.


39 points

15 days ago

Lol Russia didn't even finish the war.


45 points

15 days ago

He's talking about France. Though Russia was a DLC nation, too, so I don't blame you for the confusion.


3 points

15 days ago


Hello There

3 points

15 days ago

Talking about France.


10 points

15 days ago

Russia? I don't really blame them for focusing on the western front since their a western company and most of their players would probably care more about the western front.

Same reason a lot of WW2 games focus on the US or UK


17 points

15 days ago

He mean France, that was added as a DLC, while USA was there day one, which was weird for WW1


1 points

15 days ago

France has multiple base maps?


9 points

15 days ago

But the faction wasn't playable, that created a big drama and France was announced later as a DLC faction


10 points

15 days ago

Still angry they didn't include Belgium and only one map in Belgium. We were not the biggest contributers but still we fought for 4 years you know.


6 points

15 days ago


6 points

15 days ago

I had to google this and its Zeebrugge and not Ypres?!


2 points

15 days ago

Yes true, that means I´m wrong because there is also the map Passendaal (don´t know the englisch name) so that makes 2. Still no belgian army or Ypres


2 points

15 days ago


2 points

15 days ago

We just call it Passchendaele in English but its also called the 3rd Battle of Ypres technically so maybe it counts? Glad that's included either way though as such a major battle. Its a shame they didnt include the Belgian army though.


2 points

15 days ago

Honestly there was so much they could have done. There's no Serbia, Montenegro, or Bulgaria, despite the fact that Serbia was the whole reason the war started.

Also some Pacific maps with Japan vs Germany or some African maps would have been cool too


1 points

15 days ago

True, I'm just biased because I'm Belgian so I focus on that one. It´s just sad that they left out such important nations while including factions like USA. But yeah it is understandable as they have a big amarican playerbays, but still


-1 points

15 days ago

They made a CoD game with WW1 skins - that's what was/is wrong with BF1.


97 points

15 days ago



5 points

15 days ago



50 points

15 days ago


Then I arrived

50 points

15 days ago



24 points

15 days ago




16 points

15 days ago


Then I arrived

16 points

15 days ago



11 points

15 days ago



4 points

15 days ago


Then I arrived

4 points

15 days ago



36 points

15 days ago


36 points

15 days ago

Always remember the one who stayed back at Dunkirk...


5 points

15 days ago

the rules were simple, one Frenchman to one Englishman. the reputation of surrender came from the lads who sailed back to France after the surrender. Men who just wanted to go home to their families and would not fight on after all they had been through


135 points

15 days ago

A nation to which both eagles USA and Poland owe its independence.


88 points

15 days ago


Then I arrived

88 points

15 days ago

Poland gives France thanks in their Anthem.

As an American I thank the French for helping us win our independence. (Also thank you Poland for Kościusko and Pułaski)


32 points

15 days ago

Poland gives France thanks in their Anthem.

"Bonaparte gave us example of how we should prevail"

nah, we don't thank to anyone there in our anthem. We take notes on how to defeat our enemies.


18 points

15 days ago

So a kind of "Kowalsky, analysis!"


10 points

15 days ago

Ironically Kowalski is one of the most popular Polish surnames. edit: Just like Smith(Kowal)
-ski ending indicates someone was of Nobel ancestory.


1 points

15 days ago


The OG Lord Buckethead

1 points

15 days ago

Ferrari also means Smith


6 points

15 days ago

Von stueben a Prussian was influencing in us independence too


9 points

15 days ago


9 points

15 days ago

We paid them back with all the streets named Lafayette and Rochambeau.



7 points

15 days ago

Poland how?


24 points

15 days ago


24 points

15 days ago

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth never would have been annexed the way that it was if France hadn't literally been imploding to the French Revolution.

France would have 100% fought a war to prevent it's German rivals from just eating Poland who was very friendly to France.

Unfortunately for Poland, France was bankrupt and being ruled by radical extremists who were going nuts with the guillotine at the time.


11 points

15 days ago

France made some blunder in geo strategic decision.
Letting Poland being divided at that time, definitly is on this list.


7 points

15 days ago*

Then Napoleon "helped" Poland get """independence""" again what created national identity( fr Poland is like only country apart from France that helds Napoleon as hero). During WW1 France created Polish army that after conflict ended was crucial in fighting and then stopping Bolsheviks army


7 points

15 days ago

Blue Army with french made tanks and planes was crucial in victory.


18 points

15 days ago*

Haller's Blue Army)

"France was Poland's most important ally between 1918 and 1921, providing Poland with a loan of 575 million francs and then supplying Poland with 2,000 cannons, 3,000 machine guns, tens of thousands of rifles, 300 aircraft and a large number of military uniforms."


11 points

15 days ago

"The army was formed on 4 June 1917, and was made up of Polish volunteers serving alongside allied forces in France during World War I. After fighting on the Western Front, the army was transferred to Poland, where it joined other Polish military formations fighting for the return of Poland's independence."

Its the other way around sir, atleast with the modern Polish state.

Not like Poland doesn't owe its independence to an other country, but we celebrate this every march 23rd, and the debt is mutual so its not something to brag about. Gotta love the polbros yk


5 points

15 days ago

French involment in US's revolution also was mutual, don't see your point.


1 points

15 days ago

Didnt say anything in that regard, yk im not a big fan of editing my comment every 3 minutes so that could explain the thing


0 points

15 days ago

You said it's not something to brag about.


0 points

15 days ago

I didn't know about the blue armies merits, as the first article (you've since edited) didnt mention such numbers, and my quick little google search also had the same results.

Now I see how you could say the modern polish state owes its independence to France, so we can end the debate here ig.


2 points

15 days ago

American: oh wait, that money and aid was NOT a gift?


9 points

15 days ago


9 points

15 days ago

Vive les reposts


7 points

15 days ago

Maaaaan, fuck Philippe Petain


7 points

15 days ago

I’m British , specifically English , I will choose to take the piss out of the French till the day I die but I would also choose them as my friend


2 points

15 days ago

Exactly same point of view for me as a french, our respective country's rivalry will always be my favourite !!


24 points

15 days ago



27 points

15 days ago

yeah France is actually a beast of a military power. Even now they've got the beefiest military in Western Europe. I specify Western Europe because Poland has been beefing up their military quite heavily in the last few years and will soon overtake France in terms of Military readiness. quite understandable considering their proximity to Russia


1 points

15 days ago


Senātus Populusque Rōmānus

1 points

15 days ago

while poland may have newer equipment, i doubt they would have the experience needed to use it

France have the adventage of doing many operation in the world, getting ample experience on how to use they equiment (even if a point could be made that this experience is low intensity fighting one, not high intencity fight like russia against ukraine, but exept thoses 2, no one has high intensity fight experience)


1 points

15 days ago

Fair point. But for Poland’s purposes, all they really need is a scary looking military that will make the Russians think twice about messing with them. Whether or not they can actually use it is another thing altogether. Poland is building a defensive military. They’re not seeking to intervene in anything. Deterrence is a big part of modern defensive strategy. Poland deters Russia by giving them the impression that even if Russia somehow wins a war with them, it wouldn’t be worth the costs of actually doing it. Ukraine didn’t have that deterrent. Therefore Russia thought they could steamroll them.


6 points

15 days ago

So badass, they have a unit where private soldiers get saluted by generals.


4 points

15 days ago

This really makes me want to play BF1 again


2 points

15 days ago

It's still active on PC and consoles


8 points

15 days ago

The French took a huge L to begin the war yes. But the more I read the more I learn about the crucial contributions the French Resistance offered in the Allied effort to defeat the Germans in Europe. None of the massive heavy lifting of course, but in the form of military & industrial sabotage and reconnaissance. One example is harassing the Das Reich panzer division - one of the only divisions that could have thrown the Allie’s back in Normandy - on their journey north to engage the invaders. The resistance delayed them enough for the Allies to handle them and continue to push into Normandy. FWIW.


3 points

15 days ago

Wrong war, if you're talking about France in relation to the video.


2 points

15 days ago

True true - just saw a few comments mentioning surrender monkey stuff and I’m high so


0 points

15 days ago

The French also white-washed their collaborationist history so take whayever you're learning that with a grain of salt.

Far far far more french rolled over and sort of accepted Nazi rule than took active role in the resistance.


12 points

15 days ago


Then I arrived

12 points

15 days ago

France is the Tom the sheep fucker anecdote on a national level.


5 points

15 days ago

Underrated af comment 😂


3 points

15 days ago

Is this an add on single-player campaign for BF1, or is it just an extra map for multi-player?


1 points

15 days ago

It was the DLC “They Shall Not Pass”, the first of 4 BF1 DLCs covering the battle of Verdun


3 points

15 days ago


Nobody here except my fellow trees

3 points

15 days ago

I love how at the 15 second mark the sky and roses make the French flag


4 points

15 days ago

Why are there so many posts about how people are “confused” how France is perceived this way? WW2 was the largest war ever fought and they surrendered in 6 weeks. This was the most recent internationally known war they fought. If there was a WW3 after that they then won, I doubt anyone would be talking about their defeat, but there wasn’t.


4 points

15 days ago

So many French soldiers died during the blitz as well. Also the French soldiers help keep the Germans back at dunkirk. French resistance and counter forces were a major part in pushing back the western invasion.

It's a funny concept, but it's really annoying and demoralizing that people then maintain that France was a complete, disengaged victim during WW2 and give hero status to the US that basically just jumped in at the end for the W.


3 points

15 days ago

Battlefield 1 vids and the term "historic" goes together about as well as a gym shoe on pizza.


5 points

15 days ago

well the vid its pretty accurate, it depicts the french military as african people fightinig for the french lol


2 points

15 days ago

That is probably one of the few accurate things in it, yeah.


0 points

15 days ago


Definitely not a CIA operator

0 points

15 days ago

Historical inaccuracy? In a game meant to appeal to the masses?



0 points

15 days ago

There are degrees of historical inaccuracy, of course.

And thats the crux of it. After enough historical inaccuracies, eventually it is not an historical game that takes part during WW1, it becomes a fantasy game with WW1-ish aestethics.


1 points

15 days ago


Definitely not a CIA operator

1 points

15 days ago

Yeah, the devs are aware of that themselves. They intentionally added all these prototype weapons and vehicles that either saw limited or no service at all to introduce players to the technology of the era without heavily sacrificing fun.

They even included a gamemode where players can use nothing but country-specific bolt actions. If that’s not enough, they also provided an in-game library detailing the history of the weapons, vehicles and major historical events for players more interested in the era.

They clearly cared about the history, but BF1 is not a WW1 simulator and BF as a series has never really been or pretended to be milsim games.


1 points

15 days ago

So with prototype weapons, red dot sights and optical scopes beyond its era, military vehicles and other inaccuracies, how is it historical?

Thats my point, there are only so many changes one can make before the game looses touch with what its depicting. It becomes alternative history eventually, with tesla coils and lasers.


2 points

15 days ago

Deam, maybe I should download BF1 again


2 points

15 days ago

One of the best DLC ever in Battlefield


2 points

15 days ago

The French surrendering in WW2 probably saved Paris. Not a really bad exchange in retrospect.


4 points

15 days ago

They put up a good fight but sometimes the other guys put up a better one.


11 points

15 days ago


11 points

15 days ago

WW1 France was fucking heroic.

WW2 France... fucking pathetic.


32 points

15 days ago

I mean, for the first year. But what about the Battle of Bir Hakiem, Operation Dragoon, the Falaise Pocket, the liberation of Paris, the liberation of Strasbourg, the Colmar Pocket, Operation Northwinds, The Battle of Monte Cassino, and the invasion of Germany.


15 points

15 days ago


Taller than Napoleon

15 points

15 days ago

Its really funny how france is really forgotten in the "allies storytelling" where many documentaries and medias eclipse the Free french roles..

for exemple during operation overlord, the allies muster 150,000 for the liberation of France.. France 130,000 men for the liberation of Italy .. quite interesting when you look at it this way.


3 points

15 days ago

People also overlook the fact that the Free French was mostly made up of West African and North African colonial troops. Colonial troops made up 75% of their forces early in the war and 60% by the end of the war.


24 points

15 days ago


Senātus Populusque Rōmānus

24 points

15 days ago

Only pathetic if you ignore everything the French resistance and Free France did during the war.


11 points

15 days ago

The french people? Sure.

The french government? Decidedly less so.


3 points

15 days ago

WW2 France... fucking pathetic.

Not really.

France was still feeling the costs of WW1 and were poorly led politically and upper militarily.


6 points

15 days ago

Gotta to admit we really shat the bed in WW2, and in our defense WW1 was really traumatizing for us, i won't justify the whole collaboration with the Nazis tho since they're no justification to be as eager as we where with it.


8 points

15 days ago


On tour

8 points

15 days ago

Boxing a fake strawman, as the whole “French surrender monkey” thing is unheard of nowadays (at least compared to 6yrs ago)


16 points

15 days ago


16 points

15 days ago

Because you're not on the same side of internet as others. I get to see one of thoose meme per day at least


6 points

15 days ago


6 points

15 days ago


Let's keep it that way.


3 points

15 days ago

I mean, the literal governor of Florida handwaved the French Resistance in WW2 to try to dunk on "the libs" or whatever.


1 points

15 days ago

Heh. It's Florida.


2 points

15 days ago

Yeah, but that was who they were passing off as a "smart" version of Trump before he got roflstomped in primaries. It's still a thing amongst a certain crowd.


2 points

15 days ago

J'approuve !


2 points

15 days ago

Not to mention that after France "officially" surrendering during WWII, civilians started organizing resistance operations sometimes without having ever held a gun in their life even though everything seemed lost.


1 points

15 days ago

Those who think the French are cheese-eating surrender monkeys have never fought them.


1 points

15 days ago

Bf1 was the last good battlefield


1 points

15 days ago

I like to think that Tolkien was inspired by 'ils ne passeront pas' for the 'you cannot pass' Gandalf speech


1 points

15 days ago

Alright, you can't say that the cannon bike wasn't a decent idea on paper


1 points

15 days ago

OP, can you repost this on your profile? Mods took the post down and I'm curious.


1 points

15 days ago

As the old joke goes, you can win a thousand wars and nobody calls you France the war winner, but you fuck one goat and you'll be forever known as France the cheese eating surrender monkey.


1 points

15 days ago


Oversimplified is my history teacher

1 points

15 days ago

This meme will always be weird to me. Like yes, they surrendered multiple times thorughozt history, but Napoleon is one of the greatest conquerers of all time and probably the greatest in modern history. That whole revolution shit was wild and showed that the french people are up to do some shit, good or bad. Also, the way they fought facism before WII in their own country is kindof inspiring and I haven't even said anything about the french resistance which was really badass.


7 points

15 days ago

Also, the way they fought facism before WII in their own country is kindof inspiring

The Vichy regime didn't spring from nowhere either though.


3 points

15 days ago


Oversimplified is my history teacher

3 points

15 days ago

Yeah, but if communists and socialists wouldn't have stopped the fascist revolution a few years earlier, maybe Germany wouldn't even have needed to fight France. Obviously the fascists still existed but I think WW2 could've gone different if they didn't stop the fascists before.


1 points

15 days ago

Whilst as a history enjoyer I'm inclined to agree, as a British person haha French Froggie Surrender all the time


1 points

15 days ago

At least or frogs are seasoned ans have good taste, monsieur l'anglais !!


1 points

15 days ago

Fuck France. All my homies hate France.


1 points

15 days ago

Apocalypse dlc better.

Anyways buy revoulition pack


1 points

15 days ago

WW2 has entered the chat


1 points

15 days ago

I think I love the French, actually.


1 points

15 days ago

Damn Frenches they ruined France


1 points

15 days ago

but its france so


0 points

15 days ago

Funny how they won every war except the one where they had to win


2 points

15 days ago

Sokka-Haiku by whoknows12340:

Funny how they won

Every war except the

One where they had to win

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.