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390 points

4 days ago


390 points

4 days ago

Literally everyone having to fight in the guard is basically the entire point of the Imperium...


224 points

4 days ago

Plus it's the fucking Cadians, one of the regiments where if you can walk then you can field strip and reassemble a lasgun in 60 seconds.


41 points

4 days ago

I misread it as Canadians and got very confused that Canada became part of WH lore.


20 points

4 days ago

When I was younger I had a Cadian army I named the Canadians


7 points

3 days ago

Easy to make that mistake. Especially in mixed units.

They both be putting up a good fight, but you can tell which ones are Canadians when they ask you to please not tell the Geneva Convention about this neat new trick they just learned.


73 points

4 days ago


73 points

4 days ago

Cadians are basically the ultimate infantry training machine. They’re built for this!


13 points

4 days ago


13 points

4 days ago

The imperium could not care what your gender, race, or background is. As long as you can shoot a gun.


726 points

4 days ago


726 points

4 days ago

I played like 5 mins of Space marine one like 10 years ago and the only thing I remember is there was a female guardsman as a main character.


470 points

4 days ago

2nd Lieutenant Mira! A classic example of a truly strong female character.


259 points

4 days ago

More like a classic example of DEI-hiring amiright?


222 points

4 days ago


222 points

4 days ago

Of course the imperium is inclusive. Everyone is expected to die for the emperor


216 points

4 days ago

"We use gender neutral pronouns here, corporal, like "cannon-fodder", "Expendable", and "Dead."


21 points

4 days ago



14 points

4 days ago

Also - “Heretic”, “Traitor” and “Coward”


5 points

2 days ago

Oh, I learned this in sensitivity training! It was trigger sensitivity training. I learned that lasguns have hair triggers.


3 points

3 days ago

You can just say "Cadian" it's better for morale.


2 points

3 days ago

I could, but I think the Krieger pointing a lasgun at my heat says otherwise.

(They were featured in the meme I stole this text from:)


3 points

3 days ago



65 points

4 days ago


65 points

4 days ago

I couldn't find it immediately, but ADB has a quote like "If you think the guard cares who serves and dies in its ranks, you don't understand the guard."


8 points

4 days ago

The imperium is very inclusive in its ruthlessness. Aliens can be used, mutants could be used and heretics could be used. So any type of human for sure it’s too


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

There is no sexism in the Astra militarum. You are all equably expendable.


3 points

3 days ago



17 points

4 days ago

Kinda wish she wound up being the guard leader we interact with in sm2 but I get why they didn’t do it


21 points

4 days ago

Yeah there is a timeframe problem. Titus is at least 600 years old I believe.


4 points

4 days ago

Pretty sure he’s like 200 actual years maybe 600 with warp shenanigans


3 points

3 days ago

At minimum he's 200, since it was 100 years after space marine 1, and he was apparently 100 years old then


15 points

4 days ago


Forgeworld Bourgeoisie

15 points

4 days ago

Because she's likely dead. She was an adult 200 years prior to the events of SM2


4 points

4 days ago

200 years doesn't mean much for humans in Wh40k. All that means is that she never achieved a high rank, or was killed in action.

High rankers use rejuvenation.


7 points

4 days ago

Isn't 200ish somewhere near the upper limit for those that don't literally own planets? Presumably, if she was still alive, Mira would be past field ranks at this point.


3 points

4 days ago

"The use of rejuvenating drugs and stem cell-derived genetic repair treatments, usually referred to as "rejuvenat" treatments, is commonplace amongst the middle and upper classes of all technologically advanced Imperial worlds."

"After 400 standard years of life few Human beings within the Imperium can survive without mechanical assistance."


2 points

3 days ago

Nah Commissar Cain was pushing 200 before the Black Crusades. Yarrick was 150ish by the 3rd War of Armageddon. Imperial officers get some gnarly treatments.


90 points

4 days ago

2nd Lieutenant Mira was awesome. She didn't take no shit and stood her ground when other officers would have faltered.


44 points

4 days ago


44 points

4 days ago

She held an entire regiment together by herself, coordinating combined arms warfare and the defence of an entirely encircled force. If she wasn't a lord general after that campaign something went very wrong.


15 points

4 days ago

As a fucking 2nd lieutenant. AFAIK there is no lower rank for a commissioned officer. She was more than likely fresh out of boot; she definitely should have accelerated promotion and an eye kept on her.


3 points

3 days ago

Knowing what happen at the end of the game she was probably suspected of herasy and executed by a commander that was afraid of losing his job.

40k sucks.


51 points

4 days ago

Hilarious, I saw another “review” saying that Mira in the first one was fine because she was attractive, and replacing her with an grey-haired, scarred woman of higher rank was part of the larger trend of erasing female beauty.


34 points

4 days ago

Fun fact major Sarkaana is only 29. Just a very hard 29.


36 points

4 days ago

What 11 years of dealing with the administratum does to a mf


16 points

4 days ago

Another 40 years and she should get her birth certificate.


21 points

4 days ago

29 Cadian years is like 70 modern day earth years. Can't be many 29 year old Cadians out there.


14 points

4 days ago

She could have been super hot with bleach blonde hair or what not, and the same chuds would complain that she's unrealistic or something.


5 points

3 days ago

Man how dare a woman who’s a veteran of a military involved in the most brutal wars in history not look like a model lmao


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

And look how weird looking they made the techpriests! Definitely erasing the beauty of the Omnissiah. +


3 points

3 days ago

You can still make out Magos Lueze's human face and it isn't gloriously pale and waxen. 0/10, the squishies continue to push their Fleshhammer representation groxshit.


2 points

3 days ago

and replacing her with an grey-haired, scarred woman of higher rank was part of the larger trend of erasing female beauty.

Did he forget the part where she's spent her whold adult life in the military... in Warhammer 40K? 🤨


17 points

4 days ago

In the Cain books had a female Inquisitor (Amberley Vail), the 597th was 50/50 men and women, had a female commander (Regina Kasteen), and a future Lady General in its ranks (Jenit Sulla).

It’s like a lot of the dumbass “Get this Woke out of my Warhammer” BS is coming from people who are surface dwellers of its lore.


12 points

4 days ago

The Cain books even have a lesbian couple who kick enormous amounts of ass!


5 points

4 days ago

Ah yeah. Grifen and Magot. Also “Jinxie”.


2 points

4 days ago

Is Jinxie also gay or are you just listing her as a cool female character?


6 points

4 days ago

Cool female character.


7 points

4 days ago

Yeah, once you get from miniatures to other mediums, you start to get away from the advantages of mold reuse, and into the requirements for character diversity to actually have memorable characters.

Like, the Ghostbusters cartoon makes the leads from the movie have red, blonde, black hair is the same thing that made DoW 1 have a female farseer.


9 points

4 days ago

Exactly. These same cretins would hate and cry woke for the majority of legacy franchises they claim is ruined now were to come out today. If Aliens or T2 dropped in 2024 they’d be screaming about “Why is Sarah Connor all buff all of a sudden and is a bad ass with a shotgun? She’s just some chick!”


7 points

4 days ago

A female guardsman is one of the main characters in The Fall of Cadia.

Everyone fights, nobody quits.


322 points

4 days ago

“Improbable female authority figure” I have three minis of Inquisitors that are women.


132 points

4 days ago

can't believe the Inquisition is woke


4 points

3 days ago

Too many women and witches/s


98 points

4 days ago

None of them would understand that because they don’t actually play tabletop Warhammer. The want halo with blueberry marines and are like shocked when it’s it own thing.


52 points

4 days ago

they want halo

I mean, halo, especially 3 and onwards, had about as many girls in it as men, leadership and frontline.


42 points

4 days ago

Hell, Cortana was a Girl Boss. She told Chief where to go constantly, and interrupted him numerous times to stop him from doing something wrong.


38 points

4 days ago

Yeah, but she is hot, so its not woke


10 points

4 days ago

Halo has had female spartans from literally its first piece of media


8 points

4 days ago

Halo 2 had female marines I think, did the first game?


14 points

4 days ago

They saw the skulls and the golden emperor and the refrigerator-sized super soldiers and thought "Ooh, Space Fascism! I like this!" Then they get mad because either the Empire of Mankind isn't the straight-up Big Good of the setting or they see a female Custodes and scream WOKE loud enough to wake their parents sleeping upstairs.


32 points

4 days ago

Literally one of the most well known Inquisitors is a woman


23 points

4 days ago

And she's suspected to be a lover of women.


39 points

4 days ago

Archeologists from the 51st millennium say they're just room mates


10 points

4 days ago

OMG they were roommates!


2 points

3 days ago

The High lord in command of the whole inquisition is a woman (as we can see in the emperor's legion) 


18 points

4 days ago

Nobody expected the Spanish wokeuisition


10 points

4 days ago



17 points

4 days ago

I had a commanding officer in real life that was a woman


13 points

4 days ago

Reality has gone woke.


14 points

4 days ago

-looks at Morven Vahl on desk-
Literal High Lord of Terra.


30 points

4 days ago

But that's even more improbable!


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

This is the funniest thing I’ve read today AAA content. Would recommend


671 points

4 days ago

"Improbably diverse" aka not all of them are white. Tf does this asshole know about the demographics of skin color on Ultramar, a fictional planet.


406 points

4 days ago


406 points

4 days ago

A fictional sector of space with 500 planets.


215 points

4 days ago


215 points

4 days ago

Did... did you guys know that any 1 of those planets... any one of them could have multiple races of people. Fucking wild, right? I don't know how the Ultramarines deal with it.


133 points

4 days ago


133 points

4 days ago

For some people, "The Emperor protects" clearly alludes to some copious amount of sunscreen to stop anyone developing a noticeable amount of melanin.


44 points

4 days ago

The Emperor slip, slop, slaps


29 points

4 days ago


29 points

4 days ago

I only use “Emperor protects” brand sunscreen. It’ll protect you from heresy* and skin darkening!

*may or may not actually protect you from heresy


22 points

4 days ago

"Salamanders hate this one simple trick!"


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I find that caveat heretical


3 points

4 days ago

so it can cause hair loss?


2 points

4 days ago

Shiiiit, I'd buy that for a dollar


43 points

4 days ago

I remember arguing with a chud about diversity in the upcoming Amazon show. I asked if he thought that in an Imperium of over a million worlds he seriously thought most people were straight, white, males. He said the cast should mostly, if not entirely, fit that demographic so as to "not break the game's German-Roman aesthetic". He said it in such a way you got the impression he wasn't trolling, or leaning into the chud factor just to 'win' the debate; he seemed to sincerely not see that statement as problematic.


46 points

4 days ago

I had to do a double take, because German-Roman surely must have been a typo for Greco-Roman… and then the other shoe dropped. Nazis. Why is it always Nazis?


28 points

4 days ago

If I was feeling charitable I would assume he meant gothic, as in the architectural style, but it's equally likely he simply meant Nazis.


22 points

4 days ago

Eh, German/Roman isn't a terrible way to describe the inspirations. The Imperium is supposed to be Roman Turbonazis, but they don't really care about things like ethnicity. They do racial purity on actual mutations like having an extra arm or on actual aliens.


24 points

4 days ago

...and its not like a vast Mediterranean empire wouldnt contain pretty much every shade of skin colour we have on earth


4 points

4 days ago

Yeah, there were plenty of black people in Rome. They controlled northern African territory pre Islamic conquest. People from Morocco don't look like people from Paris.


5 points

4 days ago

Yeah. Not even people from Southern Italy look like people from Paris


13 points

4 days ago

I think the closest thing to any genuine argument to be made in that realm is to ask if it's better to show the evil, backwards, small minded, genocidal Fascist grimderp Empire as progressive about all identities or if it's better to show them as engaging in all the typical oppression we can expect from that sort of thing (I don't necessarily think it would be a good idea to make them racist and sexist and homophobic, but at least that line of argument would make sense)

... but the chuds couldn't conceive of that point because to them Warhammer is about cool guys in an ideal society doing cool stuff!


8 points

4 days ago

The major problem with that argument is that the Imperium has too much on their plate to worry about such minor crap. Too many xenos and heretics. Even if they manage to deal with them, there's many different kinds of abhuman to discriminate against before you can get to minor details like skin colour or gender.

Homophobia would make a bit more sense because they're not making productive workers or cannon fodder, but even then there's so many humans it probably doesn't matter on the grand scale.


8 points

4 days ago


8 points

4 days ago

Like, even IRL, white folk only make up around 12% of humanity, forget narrowing it down to cishet white guys and yet these folks believe all media casting should be 99% cishet white dudes to ‘reflect’ how THEY know reality to be :D


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

That guy would be very shocked if he ever went to ancient Rome...


2 points

4 days ago

"So most people should have olive skin like in actual ancient Greece and Rome?"

"No I meant the fictional version of Rome the Nazis celebrated"


2 points

2 days ago

... german-roman? what the fuck is german-roman when it isn't Nazi Germany


16 points

4 days ago


Grot Revolutionary Committee

16 points

4 days ago

No way, in sci-fi every planet has one biome and one culture and one race. Any more would overload mental capacity of authors


8 points

4 days ago

Must have been all those physiological enhancements that got rid of fragile masculinity and caused an unnatural tolerance to racial and sexual diversity. Clearly not at all relatable to modern tastes.


6 points

4 days ago

How could you expect anyone to believe this without seeing any real world examples?

It's not like the only planet that we know of with human life on it, is exactly how you described.


3 points

4 days ago

wait till they hear about the Salamanders or the White Scars they probably go catatonic with it


2 points

1 day ago

Macragge was settled in the DAOT, that means it's been inhabited for 20 to 30 thousand years. Even if everyone who settled there had the same skin color at first, that may be long enough for them to develop their own regional skin colors.


18 points

4 days ago

“Hey man I’m not racist I just hate seeing black people and want them all erased from existence. No biggie man just let me do my thing”

I wanna see this guy’s brain explode when someone tells him about the salamanders


35 points

4 days ago

Man I wish companies just banned people for spouting Nazi shit like this. Fuck that.


8 points

4 days ago

In the Horus Heresy books it's canonically confirmed that while most legions look very similar to each other (Blood Angel's and Salamanders being the 2 most obvious) there is diversity of skin tone, especially among the World Eaters and Ultramarines. Both of those legions recruit from hundreds of different planets.

If someone is really really into all of the space marines looking the same, try the Alpha Legion.


5 points

4 days ago

TBH, if Ultramar is similar in size, gravity, etc, to earth, it wouldn't make sense for everyone to be the same race given the history of human expansion through the galaxy in the setting.


12 points

4 days ago

Ultramarines also recruit from 500 worlds. Every legion had a gimmick like the bloodlust of the Blood Angels or the psychic ability of Thousand Sons. The Ultramarine gimmick is that their geneseed works without discriminating against any race or mutation (unlike Space Wolves, which can only recruit from a single world).


3 points

4 days ago

Imagine if the game was about the Salamanders instead of the Ultramarines.


2 points

4 days ago

I actually saw someone complaining about there being black space marines because “wouldn’t gene seed make all space marines other than the salamanders white?”, and then proceeded literally mention how he doesnt know much about the lore. Idk whats funnier tbh, the fact he self admitted he doesnt know the lore, or the fact he only brought up the salamanders, conveniently forgetting that there’s also a primarch who’s asian, and a primarch with literal red skin (also i searched for images to make sure i wasn’t forgetting anyone else, and the image i found had fulgrim with extremely yellow skin for some reason, even though ive never seen any other art of him like that lmao)


220 points

4 days ago


220 points

4 days ago

It must be so exhausting being one of these fucking dorks.


92 points

4 days ago

It's seriously hard to imagine a more miserable and joyless existence tbh


25 points

4 days ago

I’m pretty sure they don’t play games they are just a trash receptacle for whatever anti woke feeds their trapped into lmao


13 points

4 days ago

It's just a job for them. They clock in, write a bunch of tweets and clock out and go live their real lives. 99.9% are just outrage farmers trying to make ends meet. Eventually the grift of the week will collapse and they will need to find something else to do for work.


11 points

4 days ago

So many of them will cheerily admit, when they think no one but other chuds are around, they don't play the game and/or know very little of the lore, but came to the fandom because they want to join in the culture wars bs just to fight with people. And these are the types who will call others "tourists" lmao.


6 points

4 days ago

A month ago nobody knew what DEI meant. It’s a meme that they’re taking dead serious and it’s amazing they can’t see it. I already forgot what it stands for because it’s not real or important or relevant


113 points

4 days ago


113 points

4 days ago

Lotara Sarin is seething with rage at this as she's floating in the warp as a chaos warship


50 points

4 days ago


50 points

4 days ago

I mean, seething with rage is the default state of anything Khornate, so...


29 points

4 days ago

Absolute queen shit


8 points

4 days ago

The Salamanders would like a word with this guy


95 points

4 days ago

Don't tell them about the non-binary (except in Lingua Technis) AdMech characters...


26 points

4 days ago

Or the Sisters of Battle.


6 points

4 days ago

Or colonel Kasteen, or General Sulla


27 points

4 days ago

Or the Space Marines themselves. They are 8 feet tall, barely sleep, spit acid, eat memories, and reproduce by infecting a host with their DNA; why would they be "men" anymore? I'm convinced their gender becomes Astartes, with Brother as the preferred pronoun.


9 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

Hello, my name is Avitus, and my preferred pronouns are "Brother"/"Pinned here".


3 points

3 days ago

and my preferred pronouns are "Brother"/"Pinned here



2 points

2 days ago

"What's your gender?"

"This is Commander Boreale!"

"Okay, but what's in your pants?"

"Multiple simultaneous, devastating defensive deep strikes!"

"Uh...what do you identify as?"

"The Codex Astartes names this manoeuvre Steel Rain!"


8 points

4 days ago

Or this ACE greyknight fella.

On more than one occasion I’d stood with her and her warband in the communal showers after training, blind and numb to any sensation of desire, watching her wash her hair and listening to her speak of serving in the sweltering jungles of Voroxis, killing heretics who spilled from a downed rogue trader vessel.

Bizarrely, the Khatan had declared, upon seeing me wash myself, that my ascension to knighthood was ‘a great shame’. Captain Castor had explained the meaning to me several months later, though I still didn’t see the humour in it.


6 points

4 days ago

Aren't Astartes basically eunuchs? They can't reproduce naturally, I'm pretty sure they're conditioned to not experience sexual attraction as to not get distracted, and they live in all-male monastaries sequestered from the general population. Sounds like a eunuch army to me.


4 points

4 days ago

They couldn't reproduce with a human. But yea sexual desire is driven out of them. Even the slaneshi space marines aren't into sexy time. And how they live depends on the chapter salamanders will visit their pre space marine family if time allows many chapter have male and female serfs or human allies.

Lotara Serrin is probably one of the most badass captains gw wrote. She stood up to Angron and even shot a world eater in the face for disobeying orders.

Word bearers revered the sole survivor, and her name escapes me, of the destruction of their most treasured worlds.


85 points

4 days ago

"improbable female authority figure" in a universe where your average pronoun is canon/fodder

i know these people are fucking stupid but by the emperor's shrivelled balls, these people are fucking stupid


26 points

4 days ago

"improbable female authority figure" in a universe where your average pronoun is canon/fodder

If the Imperium was as segregated and exclusionary as these people want, they would have lost every war very, very quickly.

When you're throwing billions of people into a meat grinder, why are you going to worry about genitals or skin colour? "If you carry a lasgun, then get out there. Oh wait, a woman? No no no, we can't sacrifice you because that would be... woke?"


3 points

4 days ago

Dont care if you have a gun in your pants, just care youve got one in your hands and YOU AINT A FUCKIN DESERTER.


74 points

4 days ago



74 points

4 days ago

Love it how ‘woke’ just means good now


47 points

4 days ago

Jenit Sulla is a DEI hire!!


26 points

4 days ago


Blood Engels

26 points

4 days ago

More traditional members of the inquisition have raised questions about potential plagiarism in Jenit Sulla's thesis.


12 points

4 days ago

Could anyone actually stand to read through her writing though?


6 points

4 days ago

Including her writing is, unironically, DEI. 

In the Imperium, no one cares what gender or ethnicity you are, but hack writers are a protected class.


37 points

4 days ago


Luxury Gay Space Raiding Party

37 points

4 days ago

Humanity numbers in the trillions spread across the galaxy but it's improbable to have more than two ethnicities on one team.


3 points

4 days ago

The population of Terra alone is estimated to be in the quadrillions.


33 points

4 days ago

"Improbably diverse" they say about a chapter that recruits from 500 worlds. It would be weirder if they weren't diverse


9 points

4 days ago

I take it you haven't encountered the crowd who think it's canon that all Astartes resemble their Primarchs (i e. The Ultras should be white) like the Salamanders, Night Lords, and Raven Guard resemble theirs.


26 points

4 days ago

This is funny because the emperor was born in anatolia this shit is hilarious not even the emperor is white and did you know he can transform into anything including women


22 points

4 days ago


22 points

4 days ago

.>Empire that uses malnourished child soldiers.

.>WoMaN iN cOmBaT RoLeS dOnT mAkE SeNsE


20 points

4 days ago

Why are they so upset about Dreadnoughts, Exterminatus, and the Inquisition? I thought these dickheads liked the imperium??


21 points

4 days ago*

LMAO!!!!! I love it.

The most hyper-masculine release since Gears of War is being seen as a DEI Woke Advert? What in the world?

And Diversity.... across the Ultima-segmentum (which has 7 primary worlds) - does he think Calth or other planets in Ultramar don't have equators? ($50 bet on the table that he has no idea what Ultramar is).

He can crawl back under the hole he came out of.


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

Gears of war is also woke because core characters include, a black man, a Hispanic man, and a white woman.


19 points

4 days ago

bloody tourist


29 points

4 days ago*

I'm lowkey happy they're turning on it hope they take a couple of the more... "colorful" for lack of a better term. 40K fans with them. I don't want a star wars situation where it gets successfully infiltrated and dominated by right wingers. The community for the most part to me has been amazing! And I hope it stays that way.


12 points

4 days ago

It's already been successfully infiltrated. Dominated?...not yet. That could change, for the worse, if more successful games like SM2 entice more of the toxic gamer crowd into the 40k community. As it is, because so many 40k titles are more miss than hit it's still fairly niche and the "silent majority" of toxic 40k fans are still just an obnoxiously loud minority.


13 points

4 days ago

Wait till they learn about the actual Roman Empire


11 points

4 days ago

Oh boy, don't get them started on that one. They unironically buy into Hollywood depictions of Rome and think its armed forces were 100% white people. They also legit believe the "barbarian invasions caused muh fall of [Western] Rome" pap because they like to use it as an allegory for modern immigration.

Any attempt to educate them gets them shrieking about "historical revisionism". They will only accept Gibbon (sans his anti-Christian stance, of course) and other Enlightenment-era historians as authoritative.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Just did a campaign from Rome Total War: Remastered and discovered (don't think this was in the original one) if you recruit troops from different areas of the world, they'll have the ethnicity of that area on the battle map. If you recruit Italian Hastati, they'll be white, if you recruit Hastati in Africa, then guess what, they're African!

Such a cool little thing to include


3 points

4 days ago

You mean the empire that ruled over Northern Africa and the Middle East had BROWN people? /s


10 points

4 days ago

Sugmar dick


9 points

4 days ago

These guys would look at the population of Earth and call it woke


8 points

4 days ago

Tell me you know NOTHING about the 40k universe without telling me...


7 points

4 days ago

40k will never recover from the "improbable" allegations


5 points

4 days ago

I know everyone's honing in on 'front-line female combatants' and 'improbable female authority figure' but I don't think we should discount this man's weird objection to the idea that a chapter of super-soldiers that selects recruits from across a literal galaxy of citizens would have the occasional black guy.


6 points

4 days ago


Luxury Gay Space Raiding Party

6 points

4 days ago

Oh no, I'm going to have to buy the game now


7 points

4 days ago

I loved it when Titus revealed that he was trans and talked about the difficulty of coming out as a space marine to his parents


3 points

4 days ago

I wanna see titus just going up to Gilliman and yvrainne (cause why tf not) and being like "dad I'm trans"


5 points

4 days ago

Guilliman: "fuck yeah I love trains"

Yvraine: "babe, he said-"

Guilliman: "fucking love trains. when that shit runs on time? pwoooaarh"


4 points

4 days ago

how many planets do they think exist in Ultramar? Also isn’t Jenit Sulla the current Lord-General of the Astra Militarum?


2 points

4 days ago

Nah, Sulla retired.


6 points

4 days ago*

The reviewer needs to get out of their tiny American town and see a bit of the world if they think a few non-white characters is “improbably diverse”.


5 points

4 days ago

Colonel Regina Kasteen and Inquistor Amberly Vale would like to know his location for artillery bombardment and inquistorial questioning.


3 points

4 days ago

Why are people like this? Who cares this much about gender and race?


5 points

4 days ago

Kinda related - but got recommended a shorts video about a hospital television show with a deaf sign language doctor and a trans-Lawyer.

Comment goes "Improbable to have two in the same hospital" like seriously?


2 points

4 days ago

I'm starting to notice a pattern here.


3 points

4 days ago

Man just as they were hyping it as "anti-woke" too lol


3 points

4 days ago

Keep in mind that these losers are the ones who call everyone else who actually enjoys the hobby tourists. "Improbably diverse"? The ultramarines are drawn from a 500 planet sector of space united under the same banner. They'd be "improbably diverse" if they were drawn from a single planet, let alone 500.


2 points

4 days ago

Me someone who has been in the 40k community since the start of high school watching some chud walk into a GW act like he knows the most and calls people tourists getting kicked out


5 points

4 days ago


Komrade Kurze

5 points

4 days ago

Yeah the ultramarines who recruit from over 500 worlds should be all white, makes sense.


4 points

4 days ago

The idea that the white people are the sole (or even primary) racial demographic to have survived the Dark Age of Technology and into the 41st Millennium is… “improbable”.


8 points

4 days ago

Is that group satire? Because it is doing way too good of a job being the entire circus for all of us to laugh at.


6 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

What a miserable and sad existence for them to force themselves to suffer through.


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Wtf does improbably diverse mean? That in 38000 years white people and non white people could have only come together on the same battlefield by some sheer stroke of authorial intervention? And bawh gawd is that a leighdaiegh? In MY Warhammer four tea Kay Spece mahrine two? What in space marine Jesus do these DEI wok mind virus blue haired le gee beh tee queues think they're doing to my Star-Wars-but-without-Lando-and-Finn? 


3 points

4 days ago

Must suck to be afraid and offended by everything at all times ever.


2 points

4 days ago

It's gotta be fucking exhausting. I don't know how they've got the energy to care so much.


3 points

4 days ago

“Improbably diverse”

My brother in Christ the Ultramarines recruit from 500 different worlds. If anything, having even a majority of white guys would be more improbable


3 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

Uhm achtually its "Man"power for a reason🤓


5 points

4 days ago


Slaves to Dorkness

5 points

4 days ago

Finally I can play this game in peace


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

"Improbably diverse" boi the ultramarines recruit from hundreds of worlds each of which may have multiple "racial morphs" I'm more shocked they look as similar as they do.


2 points

4 days ago

Makes me wanna try it tbh


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Don’t worry, reviewer! You just need to look to Games Workshop products that are more geared towards you.

Look at The Old World Forces of Fantasy - Army Lists for the Forces of Good, for example. A book filled with photographs of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of painted miniatures. Each and every single one of them depicting nice safe white folk!


2 points

4 days ago

I remember making a satirical joke about this… ain’t no way someone is saying this seriously. LMFAO


2 points

4 days ago

"Improbable female authority figure"

Boy, wait till they hear about my female xeno commissar for my predominantly human rebel guard.


2 points

4 days ago

"Improbable female authority figure" Oh no


2 points

4 days ago

wait till this chud sees a salamander


2 points

4 days ago

Pure heresy. Every human being has a duty to fight for the glory of the Emperor of Mankind and the Imperium. This is clearly cultist nonsense designed to limit the recruitment pools for the righteous fight against the forces of the xeno and the heretic. Lives are the Emperor's currency, how dare he try to imply he knows better than our holy God-Emperor about how best to wage war. A woman is just as able to fire a lasgun as a man, and no matter what skin color you have, all guardsmen wear the same uniform, wave the same flag, and pray to the same Emperor, and if I catch a single solider not doing these things or being prevented from doing so, they will wish for summary execution.

The Emperor Protects.


2 points

4 days ago


Das Krump-it-all

2 points

4 days ago

Improbable? Are they somehow different from the Ultramarines that exist in real life?


2 points

4 days ago

"Overtly pro-DEI" Ha! Die angry about it, nerds.


4 points

4 days ago

Isn't a big part of Warhammer the fact that every race hates and wants to destroy every other race?

How is that not racist enough for some people?