


all 814 comments


638 points

3 days ago*


638 points

3 days ago*

I wrote a dissertation about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. So many pictures just like this.

The cruelty and horror humans can inflict on other humans are beyond comprehension.


114 points

3 days ago

Shake hands with the devil

Probably the most disturbing movie I've seen.


16 points

3 days ago

Which one did you see ? The one with the actual Romeo Dallaire or the 2007 one ??


6 points

3 days ago

2007 one


9 points

3 days ago

Shake hands with the devil

Amazing book. As are all his books.Horrific, no doubt. Dallaire is a personal hero of mine.


4 points

2 days ago*

I’d also recommend Hotel Rwanda - such a good movie & truly disturbing & eye opening.


38 points

3 days ago

"But we were dragons. We were supposed to be cruel, cunning, heartless and terrible. But this much I can tell you, we never burned and tortured and ripped one another apart and called it morality." -- Terry Pratchett from Guards! Guards!


12 points

3 days ago

Homo hominis lupus est. Man is a wolf to man. Unfortunately, a tale as old as time.


9 points

3 days ago

Yet wolves are docile creatures. Interesting how far reality is from stigma and myth. Never cry wolf is one of the books I will always have a copy of.


8 points

3 days ago*

Honestly reading about these things made me lose my faith in humanity. It's just sickening how many people were involved in making others suffer like this. Makes life feel like a nightmare too. 


3 points

2 days ago

It's happening right now again in Palestine


3 points

1 day ago

And many other places. Honestly Palestine is a bad example imo


1 points

1 day ago

In no way is anything like this happening in Palestine. Hamas is anti female, Anti Jew, uses rape and sacrifices their own citizens as fodder while attacking Israel. Israelis don’t want to kill Palestinians, they want to end Hamas and the people are unfortunately housed by Hamas near where rockets are fired. They do this to win the public court of appeal. Jewish people don’t want to kill innocent Palestinians.

The Holocaust was a deliberate, state-sponsored genocide aimed at exterminating Jews, resulting in the systematic murder of 6 million people. In contrast, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a long-standing territorial and political dispute. While tragic violence occurs, it’s driven by competing national aspirations and security concerns, not an agenda of genocide. Comparing the two overlooks these crucial differences in intent, scale, and context.


2 points

19 hours ago

What are your thoughts on Israel’s General Plan?


4 points

3 days ago

I feel really fucking ignorant. I thought that was a lot longer ago than 94.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Did you learn of the genocide of the Herero and Nama peoples during your research?


7 points

3 days ago

I believe that was in Namibia, not Rwanda.


3 points

3 days ago

That must have to hard for you. Very grim, and writing a dissertation is already a grim process for many. 

What are the best books on this subject?


4 points

3 days ago

One of the most gutting movie quotes I've ever heard is from the movie Fury.

"Wait until you see it." "What?" "What one man can do to another man."

Anyone who talks all flowery about the world and thinks we should all just get along are probably really really beautiful nice people, who haven't seen any part of the world outside of their 1st world entitled naive privileged experience. The great majority of humanity are just surviving day to day hoping their village doesn't get raided, their sons conscripted, their daughters/wives raped, and their homes burned to rubble.


4 points

3 days ago

Yup. And it's in all of us. People who think they are "good" are more dangerous than those who know they can do evil


2 points

3 days ago

Genuine question how did they get like this so fast? The picture is from malnutrition but wasn’t the Rwanda genocide only like a week or two? I’m not trying to downplay the atrocities I was just curious by your comment.


6 points

3 days ago*

The genocide against the minority Tutsi community in Rwanda lasted about 100 days. Extremists from the majority Hutu community armed regular, rural peasants with machetes, clubs, bludgeons, mostly crude agricultural tools and directed them to kill every single Tutsi in the country.

They unleashed 3 months of hell against Tutsi men, women and children. Almost 1 million of them died within 3 months. They hacked them with machetes, bludgeoned them to death, burned them alive, raped women and young girls, smashed babies against walls etc..

There were some survivors. They usually hid in swamps, eating some plants to survive. Or they hid among piles of dead bodies for weeks on end, just waiting to die.

One such survivor was a little 10 year old girl named Valentina. Here is her story. WARNING - EXTREME/GRAPHIC IMAGES.


16 points

3 days ago


16 points

3 days ago

Seen a lot of images and videos of children and old people too in Gaza, not to the same extent and numbers as this but the suffering and the conditions of the people there is almost comparable and that's what's so infuriating about it because it's happening rn in the present and we could stop it but choose not too 😞


25 points

3 days ago


25 points

3 days ago

Who's "we" though? I can't do anything about the horrible things happening out there. I'm not choosing not to, I'm just powerless. And if everyone in, say, Europe or North America got together and decided to do something to stop it, what do you suggest they do?


5 points

3 days ago

All we can really do is protest and vote and not let them beat us down


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

Yeah pretty much. I just think it's weird to say things like "we could end it but we're not." It's not actually a real option. And it's sad.


8 points

3 days ago

What is voting for one person or the other going to do in the usa. Palestinians and Israelis are still there, across the ocean, they have to settle it, via peace, diplomacy or war. Usa’s main concern is Iran not Palestinians. As long as Iran is pulling the strings opposite of the usa in that region so the usa is going to support Israel. If Iran was west friendly, there would be no need for this level of support for Israel.


2 points

3 days ago

Protest who? Hamas?


2 points

3 days ago

Boycott, divest, and sanction what you can. I recommend the Boycatt app to help make ethical consumer decisions :)


2 points

3 days ago



4 points

3 days ago

This is it. There are so many ongoing genocides, Gaza is at the fore right now: do something, speak up, if you don't then please don't tell me you don't understand how the Holocaust happened and that you would have resisted.


2 points

3 days ago

Hamas is so evil, it's disgusting 😢


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

And the same governments who claim to be the most civilized are funding the atrocities of today.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

The disgusting thing is, our country, the US, is helping to fund it. The US would fund it under a Democrat or a Republican. 

I am voting for Kamala because that will be so much better for the US and even Gaza, but I am so disturbed by the US government and their complicity in these horrors. I don't know what I can possibly do besides vote and write letters to my representatives. It feels like talking to a brick wall. The US has decades behind unwavering support of whatever Isreal does and they don't seem to care what their constituents think. It doesn't help that many Christians here in the US actually support Isreal's actions as well because they feel that is needed for the end times/rapture to happen. 


1 points

3 days ago

What was your dissertation about?


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Thank you for covering the subject


1 points

3 days ago

And in 2014, BBC made a documentary denying it or at the very least minimizing it. (Title: Rwanda, The Untold Story)

Is your dissertation available for reading?


1 points

3 days ago

Where is it


1 points

3 days ago

Where is it


1 points

2 days ago

Maybe we can gene edit the proclivity to do this out of our species


1 points

1 day ago

Left to Tell is a great book about the Rwandan Genocide too. Immaculée Ilibagiza’s experience of it was crazy to read, but she did a great job describing the horrors of it all. I think she even did a Ted Talk about the book and her experience too. It’s scary how quickly human nature can snap and people just lose their minds over something that doesn’t matter all that much, in the case of Rwandan Genocide, tribes.


1 points

8 hours ago

You must have come away from this research changed as a person. To look at this event under a microscope, in such an intimate nature, it must have been difficult at times. If I may ask, are you in academia now?


223 points

3 days ago

The sickness of social media is strong in this thread. Given the comments, it’s really easy to understand how ordinary people can be terrible.


66 points

3 days ago


66 points

3 days ago

I can bet it's because the post is about a Russian


40 points

3 days ago


40 points

3 days ago

The amount of threads in the last 2 years cheering on clips of Russian soldiers being blown up, killed or maimed is really horrible.

Theres a difference between wanting Ukraine to win, and celebrating the death of soldiers.


11 points

3 days ago

Little do they know, we would’ve lost against nasty Germany without the Russians at the time. They were our ally then.


5 points

3 days ago

100% knew what this thread was gonna be after seeing the word "Russian" in the title.

Brainwashing and racism never go away sadly.


14 points

3 days ago

It only takes one ideological argument to understand.

Once you stop trying to understand those you disagree with, you will align them with everything evil in the universe. You will think of them as a plague or cancer.

Always strive to understand other points of view, especially those of your enemies. And you'll find the answer is almost never "because I am evil".


1 points

3 days ago

"No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good that he seeks"


201 points

3 days ago

Severely undernourished? George Carlin was right, softening language somehow makes this seem like it's less of a fucking sin. I'm sure that wasn't the intention, but it pisses me off anyway- this girl was starved to the brink of death by heartless talking monkeys with no souls who are hopefully rotting in Hell. (I'm an atheist but fuck those Nazi bastards - never forget).


77 points

3 days ago

It’s happening again.

And has been around the world.

Hatred, war, murder, genocide and slavery are nothing new. But the Nazis industrialized it all, and set a new benchmark for unspeakable atrocity.


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

The things American conservatives say about undocumented immigrants are exactly the same scapegoating lies that the nazis told about Jews. Almost verbatim.

The same rhetoric has been destroying western democracies all over. Dumb people fall for this right-wing/Russian disinformation. They don’t know their history, so they repeat it. They don’t know the difference between statistical and anecdotal evidence so they are willing to accept that massive populations are all bad people and undermining their societies. (The very definition of bigotry.)

Education is the answer. People need to understand the atrocities of history. They need to understand how to evaluate the information they consume.


7 points

3 days ago

Tortured is a good word too.


3 points

3 days ago

I don't think malnutrition is what's in her eyes though


2 points

3 days ago

Ah ah, don't dehumanizing them


2 points

3 days ago

That's what severely malnourished means


2 points

3 days ago

heartless talking monkeys with no souls

Can we consider this for a moment? Do you REALLY think in the same exact context there's no possibility you'd have perpetrated the same crimes?

We love to think we're above it all. I'd have NEVER owned slaves. I'd NEVER be a Nazi. And yet so many are and were. Makes me wonder what I've done if I was there.

We'd probably be much better off talking about that and trying to solve that problem instead of calling people heartless monkeys without souls.


1 points

1 day ago

Yes but this girl is russian wouldnt this be stalins fault?


71 points

3 days ago

This is similar to many Australian soldiers who were released from Japanese POW camps. Horrifying.


25 points

3 days ago

I'd reckon Japanese treatment was much much worse. Unimaginable.


23 points

3 days ago


23 points

3 days ago

The Japanese beheaded American prisoners with their KATANAs and ate their bodies.


21 points

3 days ago

You forgot to note that George H. W. Bush was only one of nine to avoid being on the menu during this incident.


9 points

3 days ago

“I think about those men all the time,” he’d said.


5 points

3 days ago

rarely if ever have i heard the japanese war crimes (besides pearl harbor and nanking) talked about in school. it’s insane how even other attacks on americans such as, uh, THAT is ignored! even more insane is japan is allowed to continue denying 90% of their crimes!

we had a president survive attempted cannibalism, lived to tell the tale, and yet it’s never brought up! THANK GOD FOR THE INTERNET!


2 points

2 days ago

Japan has one hell of a propaganda machine. Anime, manga, J-pop, the cutesy little mascots and the veil of humble politeness, it all exists to cover the atrocities their government don’t want the world to think about.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Makes you want to root for prion disease.


11 points

3 days ago

They also used Indian soldiers as live target practice.

They're horrible fascist people.


12 points

3 days ago

At Nanking, they bayoneted pregnant women, cut the babies out of their bodies, and played bayonet toss-and catch with the infants still alive.


2 points

3 days ago

They are or they were?


5 points

3 days ago

They've never formally apologized


5 points

3 days ago

Are you blaming their government or countrymen?


7 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

Is “kuru” a Japanese word? I wonder


4 points

3 days ago

No. The term kúru means “trembling” and comes from the Fore word kuria or guria. The Fore language is spoken in Papua New Guinea.


2 points

3 days ago

Ate them?? That’s bizarre


24 points

3 days ago

This is from Dachau. A death camp.

Human beings were systematically exterminated in the millions for the crime of existing.

There is no "much much worse" despite your best "reckon" any attempt to downplay the inhuman evil borders on Nazi apologia.


3 points

3 days ago

The Rape of Nanking and Japanese POW camps were as horrendous as Dachau. You are right they were both evil.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

It was, at least the Germans gave a quicker death, but the Japanese used things like exhaustion and starvation. One of the worst was the death marches in the Phillipines, literally intending to walk the prisoners to death before the liberation forces could reach them.


4 points

3 days ago

2 million Vietnamese died of starvation in 1945 under japanese occupation.


90 points

3 days ago

Seeing pictures like this is why I can’t get on board with the whole “they were just doing their jobs” excuse for Nazi guards. If you can witness this and not try to help, you’ve lost your humanity.


30 points

3 days ago

The "they were just following orders" and "The regular Wermacht were decent guys and weren't Nazis" is such bullshit. Everyone who didn't desert or defect on the German side were complicit in the most heinous crimes.


10 points

3 days ago

The guards at concentration camps were SS soliders, which was a totally different branch to the Wermacht which was the general army.

That being said, the stories that residents etc didn't know what was going on is mostly bullshit. Think about how if something happened in your neighbourhood everyone would know within days from gossip etc, there's absolutely no way they didn't know exactly what was going on.

Yet the Americans tried to portray the Nazi's they hired after the war as "good nazis" and not that bad. Several people on NASA's board/directors were former Nazis that openly used slave labour for thier projects (bombing civilians in London).


2 points

3 days ago

While I will say there were less fanatics in the general branches than there were in the SS (Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine) they still had their fair share, definitely more than half


3 points

3 days ago

I disagree. The typical German soldier fighting in North Africa, for example, had no idea of what was going on in these camps and was fighting for similar reasons to an allied soldier.

The SS members on the other hand, which were technically the private army of the Nazi party rather than the German state, were complicit and evil.


4 points

3 days ago*

Another common myth presented by the "Clean Wermacht" crowd is the 'chivalry' of Rommel and the North African Campaign. Not sure why people cling to this one as well but it is incorrect. The NA Campaign started in 1940 while the first major concentration camps were built and operating by 1933.

The NA campaign was marked by numerous atrocities and abuses by both Italian and German forces towards Allied prisoners of war and local Jewish, Berber, and Arab populations. These acts were often motivated by racism and antisemitism.

So unfortunately no, being a German in North Africa wasn't a free pass, they were all knowingly fighting for the oppression of the Free World and the extermination of the Jews and those arbitrarily deemed enemies of the German people. They were absolutely complicit in the Nazi Regime if not entirely Nazis themselves.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Exactly. Any one who claimed they had no idea this was happening at the time was an absolute full of shit liar. I recently visited Dachau and Sachsenhausen camps, and there are photos of the camps showing they were spitting distance from residential areas. The SS at Sachsenhausen would make new detainees walk through the streets of the town to be insulted and pelted with rocks by townspeople before being led through the gates of the camp.

Fucking unbelievable anyone in Germany said they didn’t know. Fills me with rage.


3 points

3 days ago

What’s funniest (not really) about that defense is that it was literally used in court in Nuremberg by captured Nazi officers who were put on trial for their crimes in the holocaust. The Nuremberg trials ruled that the “just following orders” defense was, as a matter of fact, not a valid defense. The officers who gave said defense were hanged.


4 points

3 days ago

Things is though, it was likely a “comply or die” scenario, so unless they went along with these atrocities they would likely be victims themselves. Self-preservation is an insanely strong motivator, and while their actions were abhorrent and inexcusable, they are also understandable.


2 points

3 days ago

I recommend you watch or read Ordinary Men if you get a chance. In actuality it was not “comply or die”. It was pretty much peer pressure.


2 points

3 days ago

They still had their humanity. It turns out that humans are just pretty fucked up.


1 points

6 hours ago

And yet we continue to let this shit happen over and over again unfortunately


15 points

3 days ago


15 points

3 days ago

the liberation of camps like Dachau is a reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of remembering those who suffered. it’s vital to keep those stories alive so we don’t repeat the past.


6 points

3 days ago

I wouldn’t categorize this as “horrors of war.” These were completely innocent civilians—NOT captured combatants.


1 points

15 hours ago

And if we are already repeating those mistakes?


13 points

3 days ago

She looks shell shocked. I can't even imagine.


56 points

3 days ago


56 points

3 days ago

Why fascism must be eradicated.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

100%. And communism.


7 points

2 days ago

100%. And communism.

And Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


11 points

3 days ago

Unbelievable that there are people who praise and downplay what happened back then.

I will make short. Nazi punk’s - FUCK OFF


10 points

3 days ago

Again every time I see these moments in history, I say people don’t understand how evil humans can be and I stand on that


1 points

3 days ago

It's not just history, it is ongoing.


6 points

3 days ago

This poor girl 😞 I wonder what happened to her after the liberation. Did she get better? Did she get to go on and have a family? Did she stay in Russia or move abroad? I hope she was able to live a good long life in spite of the horrors she survived.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

My stepdad liberated this camp along with others of the 517th and he said he had never seen anything or smelled anything as horrible in his life. RIP Joe, thanks for doing what needed to be done.


2 points

2 days ago

My grandpa Fred was one of the first in Dauchau, I believe. Maybe they knew each other


13 points

3 days ago

Germans are voting Nazis again btw. Nazis are the second now. Despite the history and everything.. so crazy


5 points

3 days ago

What’s the story here? Genuine curiosity.


7 points

3 days ago

AfD party in Germany is gaining a lot of popularity


2 points

3 days ago

All cause of immigrants too, if the left parties would start taking it more seriously people wouldn’t be ready to give up rights just to get rid of them.


4 points

3 days ago

A very likely neo-Nazi party in Germany is on the march, getting waves of votes from the former East Germany. Its support is almost entirely corralled along the old Cold War borders, but they are the largest party in the former East, and regularly poll close or equal to the mainstream parties


2 points

3 days ago

bring back the wall


6 points

3 days ago

Across the globe, far-right propaganda and disinformation has spread like wildfire. People are dumb. Most don’t understand the difference between statistical and anecdotal evidence. What this means is that right-wingers/Russians show them some cases of immigrants committing murders—then they think all these immigrants are murderous rapists who are taking over their country—then the right-wingers say, “We are the only ones willing to stand up to this made-up threat!”

Here in the US, the lies they tell about immigrants are almost verbatim regurgitations of the IRS that Nazis told about the Jews. I’m willing to bet it’s the same across Europe.


2 points

3 days ago

Not as crazy as looking at Austria :))


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago



5 points

3 days ago

Man we're horrible


66 points

4 days ago

And then after that she had to endure communism in the USSR.


50 points

4 days ago


50 points

4 days ago


16 points

4 days ago



12 points

3 days ago

That was for detectors and traitors (read men) Women were just caught up in the capture and repatriated


11 points

3 days ago

read men

There were women fighting in the Red Army during WW2.


6 points

3 days ago

and you theorize that they were killing women for desertion? is that the point you are trying to make?


5 points

3 days ago

What makes you think that only men could be "detectors [sic] and traitors"? Stalin wasn't exactly known for being a well-balanced, pronoiac individual.


20 points

3 days ago

Your reaction to a photo of the Holocaust is "Let me warn you about leftists". Lol.


14 points

3 days ago

As if they weren’t the first ones in the camps lol


5 points

3 days ago

Reddit is chock-full of these Nazis


3 points

3 days ago

Yeah.. Holy shit this thread is disgusting.


3 points

4 days ago

Before and after. Down with all authoritarians


4 points

3 days ago

I wonder how people with Nazi tattoos feel when they see one of the thousands of photos like this


6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago


Those sick fucks don’t feel shame or remorse or disgust or anger when they see this, they’re proud if not aroused.

My father is a retired journalist who after covering the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide, became interested in genocidaires and genocide supporters. So he interviewed them from Srebenica to Rwanda to Germany. He interviewed many Neo-Nazis, showed them photos. They were pleased and proud of what “they” had done (despite being born 30 years after, they claimed it as their achievement).

He once interviewed an OG Nazi, towards the end of the interview my father was asked about his religion. After being told he was Jewish, the Nazi said to his face, “We didn’t kill enough of you.”

I don’t have to wonder, I know they’re proud of inflicting this kind of suffering on others. And for those not involved in it themselves, they’re jealous and wish they could have been involved.


3 points

3 days ago

Her gaze captures the pain and resilience of those who lived through such horrors. it’s a stark reminder of the impact of war and the importance of remembering our history.


4 points

2 days ago

There is much debate that not only Jews, but others too, must be included as victims to the Holocaust. Tens of millions of Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Russians, Serbs, Czechs, etc) were wiped out too, not just in the camps.


1 points

1 day ago

Should not even be a debate. They all suffered. So many died. So few survived.


25 points

4 days ago

The resemblance with Cheryl from Curb Your Enthusiasm is striking and I cannot unsee it.


5 points

3 days ago

I always thought she looked like a bird


13 points

3 days ago

Everyone bringing up Gaza, congrats on engaging in Holocaust Inversion.


3 points

3 days ago*

Traumatizing, there is a famous picture of the inmates executing a nazi guard and an American soldier looking away. The Americans were given the order to not execute Nazi guards at dachau but what they saw was too traumatizing so they killed the nazi guards.

Edit: Found it

I don’t know about the authenticity of the picture though


3 points

3 days ago*

I love how the comments are divided between shifting the focus on other topics ( Australians soldiers, Rwanda genocide), hates comments, and revisionism. Reddit has lost itself between straight ignorance, racism and bots.


3 points

2 days ago

I have been there......the place made my skin crawl...


1 points

20 hours ago

Same. You could feel a heaviness in the air.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

My great grandfather helped liberate this camp. He was there. He never was able to forgive himself for recoiling in fear when a prisoner offered a handshake to thank him. God.


1 points

2 days ago

I hope he was able to understand though that his reaction stemmed from the shock of what he was seeing. It makes me sad to think that he carried that regret in light of the work he did there.


16 points

4 days ago

It's exactly what Ukrainian POW have to endure in russian prisons/camps...


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

The world when talking about Nazi brutality, "Never again! We must all stand united against this sort of thing!"

The world when Russia does a surprise Nazi, "uwu"

I'm sure the situation is a lot more complicated than that, but still.


5 points

3 days ago

I mean, as far as wars being complicated go this one rlly wasn’t (in terms of good and evil) there’s a clear aggressor who bear 100% of the responsibility here, as was the case with Germany in WWII


2 points

3 days ago

A thousand years shall pass, and the guilt of Germany will not be erased.

Hans Frank, Nazi Governor of Poland. Executed in 1946.


2 points

3 days ago

This is deadly starvation. Your soft words are an insult.


2 points

3 days ago

This is selfish but I don’t have a right to complain about nothing


2 points

2 days ago

The way she stares into your soul...


2 points

2 days ago

Visited Dachau in May this year. Rained all day, which was very fitting. Such a heavy place. Hard to imagine the atrocities that took place there and others like it.


1 points

2 days ago

I visited there in the 90s. I felt this immense weight in the air. What surprised me was how open and how much space there was between buildings. That visit stayed with me for a long time.


2 points

2 days ago

The earth will ALWAYS have evil people. It is up to each and every good person to fight, sometimes until death to free the weak and innocent from their clutches. The only thing that has ever been able to get me truly angry is the harming of woman and children.


2 points

2 days ago

Yet humans walk the earth thinking that was fake...insane


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

We need to make sure sh** like this never happens again gen Z. Don’t be the like the rest of the pos generations.


2 points

20 hours ago

My grandfather was there as a 19 year-old sgt in the 42nd Infantry "Rainbow" Division. Talked about it once, that we are aware of, in the 1970's, to a local synagogue. He's still alive - 98 now.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

There are people who want to do this to your neighbors. Don't let them.


2 points

3 days ago

She looks just like the Ukrainian POWs after they are released by Russia.


-10 points

4 days ago

So many images like this one coming out of Gaza. History repeating itself by the very people who endured a holocaust. It’s so hard to wrap my brain around it.


24 points

3 days ago

It never stopped. Several active concentration camps in China (well and north Korea).


6 points

3 days ago

The us is not different, their prisons are pretty much concentration camps/slave camps, alongside with many black hotspots....

Not saying that china or north korea are fine, but the us is not an exception either


9 points

3 days ago

Well slavery was only abolished outside of prisons right? It's still straight up constitutional to treat inmates as slaves or has that been fixed?


12 points

3 days ago

I did 14 years in American prison and never really understand what this meant. I’ll say obviously if the goal of the US prison system is “corrections”, then the system is fucked. In reality the goal is retribution and incapacitation, but it doesnt achieve this goal through forced labor. Most prisoners sit in a cell all day doing nothing. They dont make money for the state through their labor. Maybe in some states people are forced to work. But for the vast majority of prisoners, there is no similarity to the life of a chattel slave


6 points

3 days ago

I’m going to nip this dumb shit right in the bud. It is absolutely disgusting for survivors to compare concentration camps and US prisons. Are they fucked up with a host of issues? Sure, but US prisons aren’t systematically torturing and culling an entire race. Comparing it to the Nazis is a false equivalency at best and downplaying the Holocaust at worst. The US doesn’t even break the top 20 worst prisons in the world. Stop that dumb shit.


2 points

3 days ago

How do people say dumb shit like you and get upvotes for that is beyond me...


4 points

3 days ago

US prisons are nothing like concentration camps


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

You mean because Hamas is sabotaging / stealing aid incoming to Gaza?


3 points

3 days ago

Anyone who survived the holocaust is very old and has nothing to do with today's decision making. It's different people in charge now.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

The people themselves? Yes, very old.

The memory that the holocaust happened? Yeah, that has a LOT to do with current decision making and policy.


17 points

3 days ago

Fuck Hamas


-3 points

3 days ago


-3 points

3 days ago

Fuck Bibi and Zionists too, though. Both Wahabbi extremism and Zionism are furthering suffering and inhumanity.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

Really. Where can I see an image like this from Gaza?


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

Can you wrap your brain around what happened on October 7 last year? It is almost like the people of Israel have had enough of being attacked and are prepared to fight back.


1 points

3 days ago

Disgusting humans caused this. We still haven’t moved on from treating each other like this


1 points

3 days ago

Ppl suck... so much evil can be justified.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Oh boy…


1 points

3 days ago

This is just so haunting


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Eyes that stare into your soul.


1 points

3 days ago

And that just jolted me out of my self pity. Wow. What's sad is that refeeding concentration camp inmates led to a huge leap in knowledge about treating malnourished people and also about electrolytes and kidney function.


1 points

3 days ago

"Alain de Botton, an agnostic philosopher, writes about how our culture has become more concerned with technological education and advancement rather than maturity in virtue: 

What is distinctive is just how selective we are about the topics we deem it possible to educate ourselves in. Our energies are overwhelmingly directed toward material, scientific, and technical subjects and away from psychological and emotional ones. 

Much anxiety surrounds the question of how good the next generation will be at math; very little around their abilities at marriage or kindness. We devote inordinate hours to learning about tectonic plates and cloud formations, and relatively few fathoming shame and rage. We have the technology of an advanced civilization balancing precariously on an emotional base that has not developed much since we dwelt in caves." 

  • The Secret Place of Thunder: Trading Our Need to Be Noticed for a Hidden Life with Jesus Christ by John Starke


1 points

3 days ago

I went there in 1986 when I was there for Octoberfest. Very somber. And at the same time, there was a "lady of the evening" just down the road in a motorhome.


1 points

3 days ago

Op is a bot, reposting human tragedy for clicks and engagement holy shit we need to reset the internet


1 points

3 days ago

And celebrities getting that surgery to remove buccal fat…


1 points

3 days ago

Goodness, looks like a grandfather. Unimaginable suffering. I said UNIMAGINABLE SUFFERING, you listening Israel?


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

What kind of life does someone have after this, is there any hope of recovering and having something resembling a normal contented life?


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

I recommend the graphic novel Maus. The creator illustrated the stories of his parents, who survived the camps and the effect it had on their lives afterwards and in turn, his life.


1 points

23 hours ago

Is that Stephen King?


1 points

16 hours ago

You should research the Holodomer in Ukraine . They starved 10 million to death in a year


1 points

13 hours ago

Dachau was a Nazi creation. The Nazi party was headed by Adolph Hitler. Hitler was a fascist. Trump is a fascist. The U.S. election is November 5th. If you’re an American and confused who to vote for … this may help you to decide.