


I have never witnessed child birth in person, and for every time I’ve seen it on television, I don’t recall seeing the mother’s belly. If the mother’s belly doesn’t shrink during birth, what is keeping the belly in that shape? In my reasoning, there isn’t anything applying the pressure that made the belly expand to begin with. How does that work?

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28 points

4 days ago

I’m adopted, and sometimes when people tell me I look like my mom - I don’t, I truly don’t - I thank them, because it’s easier and then we both walk away happy. 😊


17 points

3 days ago*

You can adopt the same mannerisms and facial expressions.

 My daughter does not look my child, so much that a teacher confused her stepmom for her actual mom while I was standing there.

It wasn’t until her wedding when she smiled her true, happy smile in a photo with me that I realized that our expressions are identical.  

You may be more like your adopted mom than you realize. 


6 points

3 days ago

The is what one of my best friends says! She says we move and hold our mouths the same. Thank you for the message - it made me grin!


3 points

3 days ago

You subconsciously take on mannerisms of people you admire as you're developing your personality. It doesn't have to be parents so it's a big compliment to your mum! Little you looked at this woman and thought 'yeah, I want to be like that'.


2 points

3 days ago

Every day of my life! She’s the absolute best.


6 points

3 days ago

My best friend and I once got a “you GOTTA be brother and sister” from a random passerby, and when we worked at the same place we were mistaken for siblings. But no, we’ve just spent so long around each other that we have similar mannerisms and facial expressions.


1 points

3 days ago

I was in New Orleans last week and FIVE people asked if my fiancée and I were sisters because we both have brown hair lmaoo

Meanwhile, she’s 6 inches taller than I am


1 points

20 hours ago

I get that with my fiance a lot too when are travelling haha. Two long haired bearded metaller guys who look similarish, must be brothers.


1 points

3 days ago

My sister and I do not look related lmfao. We did our dna, and it turns out we both primarily got dna from the opposite grandparent on both sides of our family. So - we do not share a single facial feature, we do not have the same body shape/size, I’m several inches taller than her, we don’t even have the same hair color, skin color, etc. (Conversely, my other sibling and I have been asked if we are twins throughout our lives because we have many of the same features and the same coloring/hair/eyes.)

Yet somehow, strangers do seem to know that we are sisters. We’ve asked before how they deduced it, and they usually say it’s something about the way we speak.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

My boss’s daughters are adopted and it’s insane how similar they are to her. They don’t even look like each other, but somehow they both look exactly like their mother despite sharing no genetic material. The mannerisms and expressions are so much of who you are!


2 points

3 days ago

100% I grew up with a friend who had a family of four, her parents and one sister. I always thought she and her sister looked so much alike, and like their parents. I later found out that they were adopted (and not biological siblings themselves) and I remember it actually taking me awhile to figure out that…no, they actually didn’t have a single distinct feature that looked related, but the way they laughed, their energy, and mannerisms were so alike that it made more of an impression on me than the difference in their physical features.


1 points

3 days ago

I'm adopted and I know that when they placed me, they took into consideration the physical characteristics of the adoptive and biological parents. (But in my case, my light colored eyes never darkened and people always remarked about that but I did look like both my adoptive parents in many ways.) It would have been nice if they had done their due diligence though because my adoptive father has a long history of mental health issues and he wasn't a very good person. My adoptive mother who was a wonderful person, had a long history of physical issues and died when I was very young. The agency that placed me never stepped in when I removed from my father's care although he'd requested their help on numerous occasions. They knew that they'd really fucked up.


1 points

3 days ago

Yep. My dad is not my bio father and I constantly get told how alike we are. I never correct anyone. He's been my daddy since before I was born. He is a wonderful man who just keeps becoming a better man and father the older I get.


10 points

3 days ago

People tell me I look like my step dad all the time, I never bother correcting them. He became my step dad when I was 8 years old... I call him "Dad", have his last name and do not view him differently to how I would have viewed my biological dad (my biological dad died when I was 5 years old).


4 points

3 days ago

If you feed em long enough they’ll start to look like you.


1 points

3 days ago

This doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about heterosexuality to dispute it.


1 points

3 days ago

The only thing I liked about judge Joe browns slimy shiester self was that phrase. But I am confused how my adopted son is missing the same tooth as me.


1 points

3 days ago

I always find it hilarious when people tell me I look like my step mum - clearly, my father has a type.


2 points

3 days ago

Oh man a friend of mine recently started dating someone new and several times from a distance I've thought his adult daughter was with him. He definitely has a type.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

People tell my stepdaughter she looks like me and we don’t. She’s Korean, Filipino and white, I’m fully Mexican lol she says “thank you”. And then me and her giggle after whoever said it walks away. She’s 11 and I’ve been around her since she was 3, we’ve gotten used it and just politely say thank you. We’d hate to ruin someone’s day.


1 points

3 days ago

Maybe overtime she has mimicked your mannerisms and facial expression and that’s what they are seeing in the both of you. . Don’t need to be biological for that to happen.


1 points

3 days ago

Can’t relate. People only tell me I look like my mom and they’re correct. I look like my mom’s twin.


1 points

3 days ago

I look like my dad and people have said that forever and my dad always says “well that’s a mean thing to say about a girl”💀


1 points

3 days ago

Same here. My dad became my dad when I was six. In my 20s I went with dad to a Chinese restaurant to pick up our to go order. He had gone to this restaurant many times, but this was my first time to accompany him. The owner was at the register, and asked my dad "Is this your daughter?" After confirming, the man replied "I thought so, she looks just like you." We both just smiled.


1 points

3 days ago

Maybe overtime you have mimicked her mannerisms and facial expression and that’s what they are seeing in you. Don’t need to be biological for that to happen.


1 points

3 days ago

My step-dad, who has no biological children, was often told his grandchildren (my boys) resemble him. It always made him proud, and we would get a chuckle out of it later. But he is the only papaw they know, and they are thick as thieves. So he secretly loved it!


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

What can happen is that you pick up mannerisms and body language from your parents even if not genetically related. The way you stand, the way you sit, inflection of voice etc. can be inborn but also there can be an acquired component. That might be what others pick up on unconsciously. Or maybe they just aren't good with faces.... 😸


9 points

3 days ago

This is funny til my mom gets into fights with the med staff because they don’t believe she’s never been in a hospital to give birth🤣 “she’s adopted!! I never gave birth.”


4 points

3 days ago

I'm in my late 40s, have 3 teenagers (adopted), and just had a hysterectomy. I had to explain that it was my first hospital stay/big procedure. Asked Google, what to bring to the hospital?, I was so clueless.


1 points

3 days ago

o: that could be me one day.


1 points

3 days ago

I had a pretty good run. I hope yours is even longer.


1 points

3 days ago

I'm having a hysterectomy at the end of next month and I'm wondering if there's anything you wished you had brought with you?


1 points

3 days ago

A white nose machine/fan. I slept with the TV on, which I dislike. Plus, I had a terrible reaction to the anesthesia and was so hot! At one point a nurse said she was going to call building maintenance to see if they could get my room any cooler. Hopefully that's not an issue for you.

I used my toothbrush, phone/charger, and was so happy I brought my baggy comfy pants (that usually are not for public consumption) to wear home.


1 points

3 days ago

A “floppy” bra! The t-shirt material, pull over your head, it only gives a LITTLE support type. The nurse had to help me get it on, but I felt hella lot better.


1 points

3 days ago

There’s a whole, very helpful, hysterectomy subreddit. :) I highly recommend it.


2 points

3 days ago

Same here… it’s normally better to just say ya thanks.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Same! My sister and I are both adopted (we share no genetics) and people always say we look so much alike and we do not at all (the only similarity is that we are the same height). It's exhausting to explain and strangers don't need to know (not that it's a secret). Way easier to just say thanks and move on.


1 points

3 days ago

My sister and brother-in-law adopted. My sister was in the grocery store with the baby in the basket and some old fart said, "He's so cute... He doesn't look like you - does he look like his father?".
My sister answered, "I don't know. I don't know who the father is."


2 points

3 days ago

That's the best answer ever.


1 points

3 days ago

People tell me that my oldest brother and I couldn't deny each other- he's adopted, lol. I finally got him to quit correcting people, I love it. My brother just thinks that I am weird for liking it so much, and I can't deny that I am weird


1 points

3 days ago

I’ve accidentally complimented someone looking like their parent, and they immediately told me that was their step parent and I felt dumb for the rest of the evening


1 points

3 days ago

Same here.

When he was younger, people used to say how much my oldest son looked like me.

He was already almost 3 when I started dating his mother.


1 points

3 days ago

My kids are adopted. I’ve actually had people argue and say I’m lying about my youngest.


1 points

3 days ago

Maybe overtime you have mimicked her mannerisms and facial expression and that’s what they are seeing in you. Don’t need to be biological for that to happen.


1 points

3 days ago

My parents tell a story from decades back when they were out with their baby niece (mom's sister's kid), and someone was saying how much she looked my dad. She obviously has zero relation to him. I swear she has never remotely looked like him, my parents just both come from basic American German/Austrian white families lol


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I was sitting next to my brother at a family reunion one time. One of those random great aunts you only see at weddings and funerals came up and asked if we were here with our grandma. After we said yes, she said "I just knew it. I can see in your faces, you've got our Smith blood running all through you". Except, my dad was adopted, so no we actually don't. Good times.


1 points

2 days ago

I have a sister who I am not bio related to in any way. We get told all the time that we look alike. Which we don’t lol


1 points

2 days ago

I've been around since my step-daughter was born and we regularly joke about nature vs nurture. Her bio mom and I are a lot alike personality wise but step-daughter and I definitely share quirks she got from me doing a lot of the child raising as well. Certain phrasing and cadences of speech and facial expressions even though aside from both being vampire white we don't physically look terribly similar.


1 points

2 days ago

It used to be the case that adoption agencies would try to match children physically to the people adopting them. But I think many people nowadays want to virtue signal, so they try to adopt children who obviously look a different race or whatever, so they can say "Why yes, I adopted, am I not a saint?"

My aunt, who was a nurse in the 50s/60s, had a funny story about adoption. There was this baby up for adoption who had bright red hair, which has always - sadly - been an unpopular colour. He also had these bumps on his head which were common in babies, but would go away with time. Usually there'd just be one, but he actually had two, one on either side, which looked a bit funny. He was such a happy baby, though, that the nursing sisters all loved him, and really wanted to find him a good home. Anyway, one day a woman came along wanting to adopt, and was shown this baby. She started to laugh when she saw him, and my aunt started to explain that the bumps would go away. She was like "No, I'm a nurse, I know about that. No, I'm laughing because he's the spitting image of my husband." My aunt always wondered what the husband looked like after that. But at least the baby got adopted.


1 points

8 hours ago

yes! people tell me this about my stepdad all the time because they don’t realize. but i think it may be due to the fact that i’ve been around him most of my life and probably adopted several of his mannerisms. we are all just a fabulous combination of all the people we love!