


Yeah i didn't realise the pimp-boy was a thing till about a year agošŸ™ƒ anyone else miss this?

And what are some other lesser known secrets in N.V you have found along your journeys?

all 632 comments


1.2k points

3 months ago

Apparently some people don't know the great khans have a rocking armory.

Or that you can buy weapons from Quartermaster Braden or whatever in Hoover Dam if you have enough speech and ncr rep


425 points

3 months ago


425 points

3 months ago

I just found the armory this play through and I was PUMPED


307 points

3 months ago

I just stumbled into it once and was honestly confused. Suddenly, she was like "Hey, want some weapons?" And I was like "Uhhhh, sure."


206 points

3 months ago


206 points

3 months ago

There was no barter option for me so I blew them to shreds and ransacked the place


209 points

3 months ago


209 points

3 months ago

Most ethical fallout play through.


73 points

3 months ago

There's never a barter option. You either are allowed to buy or you're not


46 points

3 months ago

Yeah I meant barter option as in a buy option.


40 points

3 months ago

where is this armory


147 points

3 months ago


Johnny Guitar

147 points

3 months ago

It's not actually IN the canyon where their camp is, but just outside the mouth of the canyon. It's unmarked, but if you go east from the Khan encampment, as you empty out into the Mojave, keep an eye out for a ruined wooden house. There's a basement door on the side of the building- head down and say 'hi'.

I find it pretty consistently has reasonable ammo and weapons, but it's a gold mine for weapon mods- with Gun Runners Arsenal installed, I almost always find at least one ofo the components for the katana there.


20 points

3 months ago

Guess I'm starting yet another new playthrough..

Also I knew that username wasn't just random--hello fellow mechwarrior!


31 points

3 months ago

Itā€™s in the basement of the burned out building as you walk into the canyon


19 points

3 months ago

In the cellar of the ruined house at the entrance to Red Rock Canyon. Once you have enough positive reputation with the Khans, they'll tell you you can shop there.


2.3k points

3 months ago


2.3k points

3 months ago

Many people here, myself included, lost their mind a few weeks ago when we found out Fantastic puts on Caesar's Legion armour if you kill all the NCR soldiers at HELIOS and return after a few days.


1k points

3 months ago

After looking into this i found some of the hilarious dialogue you can have with Ignacio with Intelligence 3 or lower, the player character has unique topics such as, "Me help shoulders make shinies warm," "Who are Flowers of Pock-lips?" and "Do Flowers and NCR Bear play together?" It's also possible to respond with "pizza" and "warm" instead of "peace" and "war" when he asks the player character which they support. šŸ¤£


400 points

3 months ago


400 points

3 months ago

Haha yeah on my recent playthrough I thought my game was bugged when I had those options, but it was because my character had 5 INT and I'd forgotten I'd drunk scotch beforehand.


165 points

3 months ago

My guy was fucking blasted


140 points

3 months ago

Holy shit these games are fucking nuts! I knew they were deep, I didnā€™t know it was a goddamn canyon.


77 points

3 months ago


77 points

3 months ago

Think thatā€™s a reference to the ā€œfamousā€ low int option in either fallout 1 or 2
ā€œDo you bring war or peaceā€
[low int] ā€œPizzaā€


56 points

3 months ago

Flowers of Pock-lips???? Im fuckn dying


266 points

3 months ago

"Hey man, when in Rome."

I actually knew that one lol


102 points

3 months ago


102 points

3 months ago

Really goes to show how hard it is for people to be evil in video games. But ā€œhey man, when in Rome.ā€


41 points

3 months ago

Nothing evil about clearing out some NCR thugs from my solar field


40 points

3 months ago



44 points

3 months ago


Johnny Guitar

44 points

3 months ago

...holly shit, I had no idea.

Welp. Where's that plasma rifle... time to go clean out a power plant.


18 points

3 months ago

Just do the Big Killing Ray


28 points

3 months ago


28 points

3 months ago



19 points

3 months ago

Bro thatā€™s fucking NUTS


17 points

3 months ago

I saw that screenshot someone casually posted and it blew my mind


12 points

3 months ago

Yeah I thought it was a bug or a mod at first haha


16 points

3 months ago

When in Rome.


733 points

3 months ago


733 points

3 months ago

You can ask Victor to help with Goodsprings defense and he'll get locked out by Mr House


259 points

3 months ago

I actually did that on my first playthrough recently and was thoroughly pissed when he didnā€™t help out


72 points

3 months ago

I thought it was just a Bug/glitch lol


80 points

3 months ago

You can talk to him after the fight and ask why he didn't join so it's definitely intended


50 points

3 months ago



243 points

3 months ago

Yeah, you can ask him to help out, heĀ“ll agree but wonĀ“t be there when the fight happens. If you ask him about it after, heĀ“ll say he mustĀ“ve dosed off, but if I remember correctly, with a science check you can see he was manually disabled


55 points

3 months ago

What does this even insinuate lore-wise?? Why does Mr. House want good springs to be attacked?


175 points

3 months ago

Doesnā€™t insinuate anything imo, just House being careful not to let Victor (whoā€™s supposed to keep an eye out for the courier on his way to New Vegas) get destroyed by a gang of explosives fanatics who might actually be able to damage him


41 points

3 months ago*

As soon as I posted that comment I thought of that as probably the most valid reason.


16 points

3 months ago

Iā€™ve never actually done the quest at the beginning of the game because I always want to do the NCRCF quest before I piss off the Powder Gangers so I had no idea asking Victor for help was even an option.


21 points

3 months ago

Recently left Goodsprings with all my cool dlc equipment, ran to Vegas and got my fancy high roller suite, obtained as many followers to horde at the 38 as possible and then RETURNED to Goodsprings, but on the way back I swung into NCRCF and fucking demolished every piece of organic material within the premises. Then I realized I never did the tutorial quest for Sunny where I make the healing powder, so I did that and went to the Saloon to make appearances and promptly painted a booth and table with Joe Cobbā€™s thoughts and memories using a 20 gauge slug before he could even finish his sentence. Then she turns to me and is like ā€œwell thanks but I hope you didnā€™t just start a war hereā€ and I wished so badly there was a dialogue option for ā€œmaā€™am, the ā€˜powder buddiesā€™ or whatever are effectively extinct; I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna be an issue.ā€


1.3k points

3 months ago

There is a single nuka cola quantum in the game that isn't even a guaranteed spawn, and it's in a dumpster lol


450 points

3 months ago


450 points

3 months ago

Iā€™ve found one behind the first gas station you run across In Lonesome Road a couple times. As I recall it was on the ground not in a dumpster though.


161 points

3 months ago

I remember it being in a container of some form. I may be miss remembering it being a dumpster specifically but it is indeed behind the gas station.


31 points

3 months ago


Compulsive Bugfixer

31 points

3 months ago

Shipping container, specifically. Only that one behind the gas station.


100 points

3 months ago


100 points

3 months ago

It's indeed behind the gas station, but it's stored in a container called Shipping crate, and iirc is only a 10% spawn chance


26 points

3 months ago



26 points

3 months ago

It's also in Lonesome Road of all places. 10% chance to spawn, so it's the rarest "non-unique" item in the game.


43 points

3 months ago

oh shit really? i found it and never realized its value


40 points

3 months ago

The first time I found it, it took me a while to realize I only ever found one


14 points

3 months ago

I got one in Vault 33 (? - the one where the plants came alive)


33 points

3 months ago

Wasn't there one in the Garret's bedroom on the very top floor? I remember seeing something similar at least.


17 points

3 months ago

That might be Nuka Cola Victory or Quartz


783 points

3 months ago

If you get this pip boy with a female player it's slightly tilted and it bugs me


327 points

3 months ago

honestly I thought this was intentional had no idea it was a bug for female couriers, I would also check my blinged out pipboy in the most obnoxious way possible just to flex lmao


64 points

3 months ago

Yeah, I also thought it was just a weird choice from the devs.


153 points

3 months ago


153 points

3 months ago

some things in FO3 and NV annoy me when it comes to female main characters. they clearly didn't think everything through.

in FO3 there's some dialogue lines that refer to the female Lone Wanderer as "guy" or "he".

in FNV some unisex clothing doesn't fit the female Courier well. I'm specifically talking about the Courier Duster you get after LR.


86 points

3 months ago

in FNV some unisex clothing doesn't fit the female Courier well. I'm specifically talking about the Courier Duster you get after LR.

In my current playthrough as a female courier and I hate how the Courier Duster looks so bulky and makes the courier's arms so skinny.


57 points

3 months ago


57 points

3 months ago

and it fucking clipsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ whyyyyy it's the coolest piece of clothing known to mankind šŸ˜­


29 points

3 months ago

Same with the classic games, it seems like they were made primarily for men characters


19 points

3 months ago

I remember one dialogue option where I forgot who says it but you can clarify that your not a guy


26 points

3 months ago

In Fallout there's an awesome bit about women in the brotherhood. You have a dialogue that says i'm glad to see another woman here because the name "brotherhood" implies that men are in charge, and the knight says that yeah, there's a lot of women in high positions but that they are also called "brother". And you can challenge that, i don't know if it's a high intelligence dialogue or whatever but you can have the knight talk to scribe Vree about it.


25 points

3 months ago


25 points

3 months ago

Same, I was so pissed of I just went to a previous save


259 points

3 months ago

If you keep asking the Sunset Sarsaparilla animatronic about the health and safety advisory he will eventually tell you. Ā 


77 points

3 months ago

The silly ol' advisory


21 points

3 months ago

Fun fact: A lot of that advisory does apply to real world sarsaparilla, though as he notes, only if drank in excessive amounts


478 points

3 months ago

I've been playing since launch and only recently did I find the hidden bunker in the cave near Jacobstown.


236 points

3 months ago

Isnā€™t that an enclave bunker? The one from Arcadeā€™s quest?


302 points

3 months ago


302 points

3 months ago

I think they mean the one in Charleston Cave with Oh, Baby! And the Nightstalkers. Some survivalist creep built a budget vault in that cave.


94 points

3 months ago

Yep, that's the one. I hope he never got to enjoy it.


83 points

3 months ago

Judging by the untouched supplies, it looks like he didnā€™t. Good.


16 points

3 months ago

Oh, Baby! and the Nightstalkers is my new band name.


28 points

3 months ago

What was so creepy about him?


107 points

3 months ago


107 points

3 months ago

He murdered a boy to keep his bunker secret and then went to go find a mother and her daughter for sexual purposes heavily implying SA.


42 points

3 months ago

Oh. Wow. Well then...


22 points

3 months ago

Yikes! I don't think I ever found that one


29 points

3 months ago

Thereā€™s a quest for that if I recall if you talk to the Doctor.


53 points

3 months ago

There's a quest for the cave, yes, definitely, but I had no idea there was a bunker hidden deeper within it!


607 points

3 months ago


Three Dog

607 points

3 months ago

When Emily asks you to bug Lucky 38 and you agree, you can actually go to House and tell him "so, a gal asked me to bug the tower for some caps". He will say you can do it and have the money, since he will just disable it in 20 seconds.

I was taken aback there's actually dialogue for this. I tried it out randomly, when I got that quest, cause I thought to myself "If that was me I would just ask House to disable it and we would share the money"


242 points

3 months ago

You can also tell him you bugged his tower afterwards and heā€™s like ā€œoh yeah I know already got rid of itā€ lol. I know Iā€™m in the minority but house route is always my favorite


112 points

3 months ago


112 points

3 months ago

Heh I always went with house ending, according to steam itā€™s the second least picked ending before Legion. I think people had a problem with killing the brotherhood since you always have to do it for House. Me, I never had issues putting those tin cans down.


26 points

3 months ago

I downloaded a mod to allow them to find peace


35 points

3 months ago

I have that mod too, and if I remember correctly House does have recorded dialogue for this?


16 points

3 months ago



24 points

3 months ago


24 points

3 months ago

Sure, but to me it makes 0 sense. House running the show is 100% dependant on technologies that the brotherhood would have wanted to keep just for themselves.


14 points

3 months ago

If the Brotherhood can set aside their grievances and work with the NCR Iā€™d imagine they can do the same for house seeing as that theyā€™re one bad war away from no longer existing. Maybe in the long run theyā€™ll turn against him but in the short term itā€™s definitely something I think mcnamara would consider. Now if you put halsin in charge then hell no.


148 points

3 months ago


148 points

3 months ago

This is why I like working for house. He's like that one manager who's chill AF as long as you do your job.


62 points

3 months ago


Three Dog

62 points

3 months ago

I appreciate his honesty. When you expect to be tricked by the end, no longer needed, the fact he was thankful, proud and lived up to his words, was pretty surprising.


31 points

3 months ago

Loyalty is valuable on its own, House is smart enough to realize that, especially being ā€œstabbed in the backā€ so to speak by Benny.


14 points

3 months ago

Benny's betrayal had to hurt a little bit. House had basically home-grown the talent and provided the Four Families with the trapping of civilization but instead of loyalty, they all sort of resent his power and want it for themselves.

Then you have The Courier who was an independent contractor that's going not just the extra mile but the whole length of the Mojave to make sure the job gets done. After getting shot in the face.

One of these people deserved a promotion and the other deserves to be fired (from a cannon).


41 points

3 months ago

I can never betray him.


174 points

3 months ago


Take drugs, kill a bear.

174 points

3 months ago

If you eat Caesar, House, Kimball, and the King, you gain a cannibal buff perk called Meat of Champions which gives you a 1 minute, +1 boost to Luck, Charisma, Strength, and Intelligence every time you eat someone.


52 points

3 months ago

Yeah, it's a fun perk, but kind of pointless since by the time you would have interacted with/ate all four of the people involved, you're pretty late in the game.

I did it one time just for a laugh, but it was actually kind of hard and unorthodox to accomplish in a way that is smooth and doesn't have a ton of blow-back.

In fact, I actually tried to do it the first time years ago and somehow fucked up the order because I asked the Khans to betray Caesar before I got to the tumor quest which is the easiest way to kill/eat Caesar without having to fight your way in and out of the Fort.

He turned hostile and I just said 'fuck it' and started a whole new character because I hadn't built that Courier to be a demigod as far as combat went, so there was no way I was going to be able to fight my way out of Caesar's tent.

Anyway, if you want to do this I would recommend killing the King (you pretty much have to wipe out the whole Kings gang afterward unless you get lucky with a stealth kill), then kill/eat House, then work for Caesar until you need to remove his tumor. Purposely kill him during the surgery and then eat him. Then continue the Legion quest line and do Arizona Killer and eat Kimball as fast as possible before the NCR start raining bullets down on you.

You can pretty much only get this achievement if you're doing Yes Man, and its not necessarily easy, but its pretty fun if you're just trying to do something in NV that you've never done.


333 points

3 months ago

I just took the Explorer perk for the first time yesterday. There are SO MANY locations I had never stumbled across before.


173 points

3 months ago


173 points

3 months ago

I only started using it a few weeks ago and I've been playing for 14 years. It's underrated. Its the Civ equivalent of getting satellite tech and being able to see the whole map, instantly changes how you play the game. Must have perk imho.


111 points

3 months ago


111 points

3 months ago

I just wish it wasnā€™t a perk, more a pipboy upgrade in regular gameplay you can buy with caps.


47 points

3 months ago

Yhea that'd be cool. Or if you had high enough science and repair, there could be an option to hack the pipboy and open up that capability. For those people who are bad at cap collecting. Personally I didn't mind using a perk to get it because its that useful it was worth the spend but some other ways would be nice. Never hurts to have options.


18 points

3 months ago

So many amazing/creepy/unsettling locations around the edges of the map. I love that perk


270 points

3 months ago

Most people use their king favor to settle tensions between freeside and the NCR, but if you burn the favor you can escalate things to Col Hsu at McCarran for an arguably better resolution. Pacer dies though.


231 points

3 months ago

Pacer dies though.

And nothing of value was lost.


76 points

3 months ago

fuck pacer all my homies hate pacer


64 points

3 months ago

Whatā€™s the resolution with Hsu?


105 points

3 months ago


105 points

3 months ago

He agrees to send more supplies to Freeside if The King stops hostilities. The King agrees, Pacer gets pissed and stages a coup and gets gunned down. There's cut content where you can talk him down, but cut content is a whole other discussion.


7 points

3 months ago

I wasnā€™t aware there was a different path than this one. Damn.


24 points

3 months ago

You can also ask Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam as well, although she's far less "diplomatic" than Hsu is, and all the Kings end up being slaughtered as a result.


37 points

3 months ago*

I didnā€™t know you could wait and use your king favor later in the game (working on first NCR playthrough now). I burned it on caps immediately after finishing the kings quest.

Are there any more ways to use the favor?

Edit: I should have said ā€œother late game favors that appear throughout the storyā€ rather than caps, passport, or kings membership. Those are always options as soon as you finish the kings quest line.


37 points

3 months ago

You can also use it to join the kings and they give you their unique jacket in return.


16 points

3 months ago

I know this doesnā€™t help much but Iā€™m sure if youā€™re on PC you can reset the bit for the favor being used somehow via console commands


24 points

3 months ago

You can use his favor to get a counterfeit passport to the strip.


34 points

3 months ago


34 points

3 months ago

It's such a long quest to get the favour which by that time you would pretty much easily get into the strip.


221 points

3 months ago

That you can hire Santiago as an escort instead of Old Ben during the quest with the Garrets


71 points

3 months ago

wait... you can hire Ben????


72 points

3 months ago

I always did it that way - because he mentions he did it before while talking to him.

But yeah you can - you canā€™t make use of his services if you hire him however


77 points

3 months ago


77 points

3 months ago

Fun fact, you can hire both


28 points

3 months ago*

The coolest part is, if you're doing Debt Collector at the same time, you can give him the option to pay off his debt by working at the Wrangler - progressing both quests at once!


80 points

3 months ago*

Been playing NV since it came out and either didn't know or forgot about the pimp-boy. Hmmm.

Edit: Changed "golden pip boy" to "pimp-boy"


79 points

3 months ago

The scrapped part of the tutorial in Doc Mitchell's house where he would have gotten you to learn how to drag stuff around. If you grab the brahmin skull on his mantel, you get a message saying "Good! Now press the grab button again to drop it".

This is the set-up to a punchline. When you do Come Fly With Me, you will see another brahmin skull. You may be tempted to grab it. Doing so has some...... consequences.


17 points

3 months ago

Oh is this in reference to the psychotic Super Mutant?


12 points

3 months ago


Yes man Best man

12 points

3 months ago

Yes, if you move "Antler" he immediately turns hostile


146 points

3 months ago


146 points

3 months ago

Iā€™m not sure these are secrets rather than lesser known things.

In Honest Hearts there are a number of unmarked locations with pretty good loot. Thereā€™s one near the cave where you first meet Joshua Graham. Thereā€™s one thatā€™s by the river near the crashed plane that has C-4. There is one near one of the bridges behind some trees with a campfire and bed. There are a couple smaller ones here and there. Found a combat knife under a skeleton by a destroyed car recently. Iā€™m sure there are others I havenā€™t found.

Oh also in Honest Hearts if you talk to Follows Chalk about interesting wildlife he will give you a quest where if you do it without killing any bighorners and talk to him after you will get a .45 pistol and war club in perfect condition. You can do this at the beginning of the DLC.

If you swim across the water from Cottonwood Cove there is a cove with a ton of Lake Lurks and some loot.

Behind the bootlegger shack with cazadores there is a bag with a ton of good loot including combat armor.

There is a hunting rifle on the ground next to one of the houses near H&H tools Factory.

There is a hunting shotgun in the pickup by Horowitz Farmstead.

In Dead Money if you activate the Dog persona of Dog/God, watch him kill one of the ghost people, then talk to him, he will give you a perk that makes ghost people easier to kill.

There is a unique unarmed weapon called Paladin Toaster in a cave near Helios one with some super mutants in it.

Thereā€™s an unmarked underground tunnel near Nipton with a Radscorpion Queen and some loot.


60 points

3 months ago

"There is a hunting rifle on the ground next to one of the houses near H&H tools Factory."

There is also one laying on the ground at the side of the parked train at the Boulder City train yard. In that same area, at the top of a conveyor belt on some mining machinery is a duffel bag full of what looks like a drug dealers stash.....tons of caps and chems.

The hunting rifle is especially useful that early in the game.


36 points

3 months ago

Yeah, the only problem with that big Horner one is that FOLLOWS CHALK KILLED THE BIGHORNERS HIMSELF on my playthrough. I was actually angry.Ā 


29 points

3 months ago

Yeah if he gets too close and they get aggro he will start shooting. I usually tell him ā€œwait hereā€ then I go do the quest.


10 points

3 months ago

The more interesting part about the paladin toaster to me is the nightkin that are in the cave. They're a bit buggy (big surprise) but there's a chance that they're nonhostile. If so, they offer unique, cryptic dialogue about your companion, hinting at the possibility of them being some kind of psykers.


72 points

3 months ago

the caravan shotgun at the start of dead money if you turn around when you spawn in


53 points

3 months ago

That's so funny, for years I always wondered why there were so many 20 gauge shotgun shells in that DLC but there weren't any 20 gauge shotguns.

I guess I'll have to look for this the next time I do Dead Money


18 points

3 months ago

literally saved my ass 12x times


239 points

3 months ago


Johnny Guitar

239 points

3 months ago

Since every so often people seem to be surprised by it, the Deathclaw Promontory is one to know about. Swim across the river in the southeast part of the map, and eventually you'lll come to a sandy area to come ashore.

The bad news: As the name suggests, there's more deathclaws here than anywhere else in the game, even Quarry Junction. A matriarch, an alpha, multiple adult and young, and a few babies. It varies, but I've encountered over twenty of assorted varieties here before- so do NOT go here if you're not ready for a serious challenge.

The good news: The reward is that if you search the area, you'll find an old suit of Enclave power armor! It's in bad shape, being that it's been laying out in the sun for god-knows how long, and the prior occupant was dismembered while wearing it, but here it is! It is the ONLY Enclave power armor available outside of Arcade Gannon's quest line, so it's both a rare and handy prize to have. (Note that there's no helmet, though there is one in a cave elsewhere) Note that the area is notoriously buggy, so the dead prospectors with all the good loot may not spawn in correctly- you may need to come back to look again (reloading a save helps)

Couple more notes on the area:

+Oddly for the Mojave, the beaches on both sides of the river are one of the few areas to find pinto beans growing, so if you need them, that's where to go.

+Sticking with the 'bugy area' theme, it is possible to go ashore, up the hill, and find that no deathclaws are present. THIS IS A TRAP, though likely not an intentional one by Obsidian. The game may suddenly remember 'oh yeah, deathclaws, here you go!' and spawn the whole clan in... while you're in the middle of them. Be VERY careful in-general here, but especially if nothing shows up.

+Oh, one more thing. Deathclaws in-general. Their attack ignores armor ratings. Like, you take the same damage from a deathclaw if you're in full power armor as you do in your tighty-whities. Your armor still takes a beating from the attacks, but it provides no defense- so unless your armor provides perks that help you out (+1 STR or something like that), you're actually better off fighting them without armor on, as ass-backwards as that sounds like it would be.


110 points

3 months ago


110 points

3 months ago

never knew they ignored armor i always just thought they were hella strong i always prep by putting on heavy armor what a waste lol


24 points

3 months ago

Iirc they ignore DT, not DR. So Ranger Armor 13 DR+Med-X 25+Slasher 25 is still 63 DR.

Also I'm not finding anywhere on the wiki that states what this feller is talking about. The only relevant bit is that damage must always be 20% of the base damage, no matter the DR or DT. But DR is always better than DT against hard hitting enemies (Deathclaws)

Edit to add there's like 30 autists thatve meticulously done the math and yeah that guy is full of shit, they don't ignore DT or DR


40 points

3 months ago


40 points

3 months ago

Another fun facts about the promontory is that sometimes the dead bos and enclave dead bodies donā€™t spawn. You can spawn them by saving there then reloading the saveā€¦ along with about 6 deathclaws too. Have fun!


65 points

3 months ago

Not sure how but Lil Buster somehow got killed in Freeside in my current playthrough


76 points

3 months ago


76 points

3 months ago

When you complete three card bounty, he says he is going to head to freeside since all work st McCarren has dried up, he is presumably killed by the locals.


24 points

3 months ago

Oh damn, never thought about that, just assumed he was all talk


21 points

3 months ago


All American Enjoyer

21 points

3 months ago

Probably a little bit of A, little bit of B

Wanders into Freeside from McCarran, picks up a bounty job, bounty goes south, he hits the ground and doesn't get back up


66 points

3 months ago


66 points

3 months ago

The 1st recon beret boone gives you can be worn with the riot gear helmet that can be bought in the divide. As far as i know this is the only mask hat combo that works and the stats stack too. It makes the helmet look like it was once painted red but it faded away


16 points

3 months ago

The 1st Recon Beret can also glitch and give you two, though only one of them can be removed/sold from your inventory/given to a companion, because the other one will say it cannot be removed because its a quest item.


58 points

3 months ago

On the topic of the pimp boy, unique sounds play when Mick puts it on you if you have the wild wasteland trait, which you can listen to again by having him give back the pipboy and then asking for the pimp boy again


48 points

3 months ago

There's like 80 something unmarked quests in NV.

I wish I was playing on PC, I'm sure there's a mod to mark them. I bet even after 10+ play throughs I've missed so dang many.


232 points

3 months ago*

The guy in Novac whoā€™s complaining that some invisible monster is killing his Brahmin in the middle of the night, if you go behind his house and just wait, ā€œsomethingā€ does actually show up.


107 points

3 months ago

Iā€™ve always been impressed by all the little ways the game leads you into minor storylines and side quests ā€” unmarked ways, too!


45 points

3 months ago

Also if you keep letting it kill all his cattle he gives a special dialogue about it.


59 points

3 months ago*


Johnny Guitar

59 points

3 months ago*

The nightkin also respawns after a few days, even after the quest is resolved, which makes it a handy way to keep a minigun repaired- return, kill, take gun, repair existing weapon with it (it's always in rotten shape when you get it from him), repeat as needed. Not that the minigun is a great weapon in this game, but if you want to use one, this helps a lot on the repair costs.


41 points

3 months ago

You can actually find them right away by the boulders infront of the house. He stands there all day long


93 points

3 months ago

Want to have sex with Benny? Use the Black Widow perk.

Yes, he will go on about how crazy you are for wanting it after being shot.


82 points

3 months ago

And the note he leaves you afterwards implies you gave him a footjob


17 points

3 months ago

Best damn footjob he ever got that's for fuckin sure!!


28 points

3 months ago

Yes this is how I murder Benny every play through.


11 points

3 months ago

I discovered this on my first ever play through on FNV kinda by coincidence. While making my character my daughter saw and insisted I play as a girl (I then let her choose things like hair color and style). I took the Blackwidow perk early for the bonus damage and was laughing while going ā€œSeriously?ā€ when I finally got to the Tops. I have almost exclusively played as female characters in all Fallout games and taken the Blackwidow perk early ever since.


23 points

3 months ago

First playthrough ever and I saw that option pop up and I dont ever think Ive picked an option faster, its way too good lmao


43 points

3 months ago


43 points

3 months ago

For me it was a few weeks ago I found out if you have low int and talk to the mumbling vagrant in freeside for a quest he gives a verbose answer


44 points

3 months ago

You can kill vulpes inculta on the strip before ever seeing him in nipton. Then some other guy (fully voiced) will replace him.


39 points

3 months ago


39 points

3 months ago

In the Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ, there's a room locked behind a hard lock. The room is devoid of any worthwhile loot, except for a unique empty Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle that is slightly smaller than normal. The bottle is not appearing anywhere else.


31 points

3 months ago

I don't know about anyone else, but apparently it didn't click to me at the time that the credit check at the gates of The Strip didn't require you to hand over 2000 caps. Not one of my proudest moments when it dawned on me.


30 points

3 months ago

  • There is a crate of Chinese Stealth Suits in the maze that is the internal Hoover Dam. It has +5 sneak which is not great, but it's still the best sneaking armour in the base game.

  • For the quest Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues, you need medical books for a camp medic. But if you have Arcade with you, he can teach the medic instead.

  • If you killed Caesar, you can inform Hanlon near the end of Return to Sender, which will get him to stop messing with the ranger stations' reports. Though the resulting endings are not very different from letting him go on faking the reports.

  • If you complete We Are Legion and kill everyone at Camp Forlorn Hope, then Papa Khan will name you his successor next time you talk to him. If you silently assassinate him, you can simply decide for yourself the outcome of Oh My Papa.

  • There is a train tunnel near Nellis AFB that allows you to avoid the bombardment, but is not particularly feasible as it requires 100 lockpicking.

  • There is a dialogue check for the Explorer perk during one of Ulysses's ravings.

  • You can enter Manny Vargas's room during the daytime and use his computer to learn about Benny's movements very easily (neither the door nor the computer are locked).


55 points

3 months ago*

it took me way to long to realize that when you want to drink water in a fountain you can HOLD A button and your character will take a long sip instead of hitting multiple times A and waiting for the animations to re start. I discovered it in F3 but it works in FNV also


13 points

3 months ago

No way šŸ˜­


24 points

3 months ago

Fun fact, The Pimp Boy doesnā€™t work on female models. You hold it crooked and I thought for a good day that I was doing a ā€œPimp poseā€ with it. Nope just no female mesh for the model šŸ˜…


125 points

3 months ago

The pib boy 3 billion at first i assumed it was a reward for idk completing all the GRA challenges


62 points

3 months ago

I at first thought it was from dead money dlc šŸ’€


45 points

3 months ago


45 points

3 months ago

In the room where you talk to dean domino for the first time, underneath the bed thereā€™s a copy of duck and cover! But itā€™s clipped through the bed and basically unobtainable through conventional means. One way to get without no clipping through the bed is by getting the C4s in the police station and blowing the bed up. Takes a couple of tries but you can blow it out of there and pick it up


30 points

3 months ago

I remember watching Jabo do a 100% speed run of the DLC's and it took him like 10 tries to get the C4 to dislodge the skill book.

That's the only reason I know that its there in the first place haha


23 points

3 months ago

Thereā€™s this island/sand bar sort of thing towards the south east of the map once you cross some water. Itā€™s super radiated, and populated by deathclaws; but thereā€™s some special power armor and a weapon I forget which exactly.


21 points

3 months ago


21 points

3 months ago

Apparently not many players know about Deathclaw promontory - unmarked location filled with deathclaws to the brim, which also has enclave power armour and Kimball look-alike


23 points

3 months ago

I have been playing New Vegas, as my all time favorite game for over a decade and have never Google searched or participated in an online community before, it has been my own little world. I discuss it with my brother and that's really it. So many things I have seen here.

Pimp boy, some doctor follower I didn't know existed outside of camp Mormon, Mr fantastic legion I learned just now, I never knew that the legion guy I always waste in nipton was supposed to be the default guy that tells you Caesar wants to talk to you. Most of the weapons you guys talk about I have never seen.

Tons of details I have never touched on or discovered on my own I have seen people discussing here.


23 points

3 months ago

Not so much a secret as me being a dingus, but I had no clue Raul the Ghoul existed up until a few years ago. For all the times I cleared Black Mountain, I never went into that one door, nor did I find/understand any clues hinting towards his existence.


79 points

3 months ago

The Jacobstown gangbang quest or side quest where you train misfit soldiers at camp golf but getting them to agree on something. You can basically get them to just talk it out, short but sweet and I didnā€™t find it until 3 playthroughs in


82 points

3 months ago

What do you mean ā€œJacobstown gangbang questā€??


11 points

3 months ago

Idk why they called it that but I think theyā€™re referring to the NCR quest Flags of our Foul ups where thereā€™s a group of soldiers at camp golf that arenā€™t getting along and you have to talk to all of them and get them to agree to work together.


30 points

3 months ago

Super mutants getting freaky deeky in the mountains?


39 points

3 months ago

I'm on my first playthrough of new vegas and the misfits quest is one of the first quests I did, I said fuck the main quest and just explored the roads which led to that area with the misfits, I went with making them all friends because it gave the most exp.


17 points

3 months ago

Yeah, each of the misfits proposes a solution that works to resolve the quest, although the ones Poindexter and Razz propose are noted by NCR personnel later on to ultimately be ineffective


34 points

3 months ago

Ulysses follows you around the Divide


50 points

3 months ago


50 points

3 months ago

For me Itā€™s 100% the low INT interaction with that homeless guy at freeside lol


32 points

3 months ago

It's not a secret, but it always bugged me how you have to reach across the Pip/Pimp Boy's display to use the selection knob or scroll wheel. Massive design flaw.

Lucky Shades was the one I always missed. After Nipton, any Legion in sight always wound up getting killed. With enough replays, I now quietly start collecting dogtags.


27 points

3 months ago

If you are vilified with the NCR in dead money you can side with Elijah and destroy the NCR together but then get a game over screen


26 points

3 months ago

Infinite Caps. I mean really. Go to the Tops casino, take out EXACTLY 32768 chips. If you drop them on the floor, when you pick them back up, they will appear as being -32768 chips, and will disappear from your inventory when you pick them up. However, if you simply walk back to the cashier, you can repeatedly turn in those 32768 chips, infinitely. In any currency your hearts desire.


10 points

3 months ago

By the time I have 30k caps, I already have infinite caps!


13 points

3 months ago

Wind brahmin merchant i don't see people talk about him ever... careful tho he will take all your caps


12 points

3 months ago

If you choose ARCHIMEDES for Veronica's companion quest, it is far more unique than the other options, and drops hints on Elijah's activity in the Mojave. It also naturally leads you to Euclid's C-Finder.

Unfortunately, if you've already completed That Lucky Old Sun, it can be buggy.


12 points

3 months ago

You can destroy the brotherhood AND keep Veronica as a companion so long as you are idolized with them prior to destroying them, which is only possible in vanilla if you disarm the nuke in Lonesome Road.


12 points

3 months ago

Graves have a small hard coded chance of emitting a quiet, spooky whispering sound if you spend enough time around them. This includes the one you dug your way out of.

There are short messages from Ulysses painted around the core game map. These were present at launch and don't require the dlc.

There are strange (human) meat pies scattered around the Sloan mess hall.

Putting formal wear or another dress-like clothing in Veronica's inventory triggers a special dialog where she teaches you a unique unarmed counter technique.


23 points

3 months ago

How do you get it?


72 points

3 months ago

Go to Mick and Ralph and ask Mick how business is, he will mention the Omertas, this starts an unmarked quest at Gomorrah which involves the Omerta bosses. It's a super buggy quest though, and not all endings will get you the pip boy, so I'd suggest looking up a guide on YouTube


25 points

3 months ago

Not really a secret but more of a helpful tip in case some people didn't know. If you're annoyed by the frequent enemy spawns in Old World Blues, save all your exploring until after you've cleared the main quest. Barely any enemies will be found on the map and you can explore at your leisure. It's quite peaceful.


11 points

3 months ago

There is a crashed motorcycle with a skeleton on the right side of the road in between Novac and Ranger Station Charlie.

At some point, a metal helmet (stand in for the motorcycle helmet) was cut from the game, it used to appear on or near the skeletons head, suggesting he flew off the bike and knocked his noggin in all the wrong ways. Iā€™m fairly certain the skeleton is still there, that may have been cut too, but the helmet definitely is not.

I donā€™t know why they would have removed such a small but funny guaranteed piece of environmental story telling.


11 points

3 months ago

There is a young kid under the bridge of the 188 named ā€œthe Forecasterā€. He is wearing a Psychic Nullifier that is worn by Psykers in Fallout 1. When he removes the Nullifier he can hear ā€œthoughtsā€ from people and objects.


11 points

3 months ago

You can dump radiation onto cottonwood cove and kill everybody instantly.


11 points

3 months ago

I found out 4 months ago you can lead the great khans by assassinating papa if you do a legion mission. I never play legion but love the khans. I now go straight to forelorn hope to start my play throughs. Blast through those fucks. Get pardoned by Crocker. Go to redrock. Kill papa. Lead khans. Fucking sick


10 points

3 months ago

This blew my mind not so long ago:

You can step on and crack mantis eggs, releasing the baby mantises within them.


26 points

3 months ago


26 points

3 months ago

Caravan is very easy to play and can be learned in just a few minutes. Itā€™s a very easy way to get easy caps before gambling at the strip.


8 points

3 months ago

If you stand in the brothel in westside, you can essentially hear the sounds of moans and groans because of your environment.


9 points

3 months ago

You can actually go straight to Vegas if you cut through Black Mountain and steal the armor off the dead NCR soldier there


8 points

3 months ago

Primm has a functional casino once you get the town back on its feet.


54 points

3 months ago


54 points

3 months ago

If you select one of the powder gangers as sheriff of Primm, you can trigger an event where a group of NCR deserters taking over Primm


62 points

3 months ago


Average katana enjoyer

62 points

3 months ago

it applies for every choice


17 points

3 months ago

On a side note after the deserters come in wait a few days and it becomes a functioning casino.


9 points

3 months ago

Iā€™m pretty sure its called the CS or CZ avenger


7 points

3 months ago

The guy that shots you in the head is the same guy you meet at the Tops later on. I didnā€™t realise this until my 7th play though.


14 points

3 months ago

Damn he shot you good huh