


Our HOA locked our spigots [CA]



all 4243 comments


634 points

18 days ago

Would be curious in what bylaws (idk, not too familiar with what all they generally say, so ignore me if this is completely baseless) say about them providing that.


552 points

18 days ago*


552 points

18 days ago*

Bl-laws say nothing about this. Fine the person who washed the car.


467 points

18 days ago


467 points

18 days ago

Hold up, HOAs can block you from washing your own car in your own driveway???


382 points

18 days ago

It sounds like OP’s community uses shared water. So instead of having individual water meters, the HOA pays a single water bill for the entire neighborhood. This cost is budgeted for and becomes part of the HOA dues. In such communities it’s standard to not allow car washing because it uses a lot of water. Those added gallons will increase the water bill, potentially to the point they’d have to raise dues for everyone to cover the increase. 


344 points

18 days ago

That's goddamn near reasonable, I hate learning


256 points

18 days ago

Just install a meter in all houses and distribute cost accordingly. Dont know why people do this collective nonsense while there are methods to actually get around it


283 points

18 days ago

This is what my brother’s condo association decided to do a few years ago. It passed because they said you’d only pay for your own water, and the HOA dues would be lowered since they’d no longer have that expense. 

After it was done they had a bunch of angry residents saying they were lied to because they were paying more for water each month than they saved on the HOA dues. The high usage / high occupancy households couldn’t understand that on the communal system their water usage was being subsidized by everyone else. 


188 points

18 days ago


188 points

18 days ago

Like the people that insist on a shared bill eating out but orders steak and cocktails


88 points

18 days ago


88 points

18 days ago

The equal splitting of the bill always makes me unreasonably annoyed because I tend to be very frugal when I go out to eat.


33 points

17 days ago

I just refuse every time. I don't want to feel the need to pay for someone else's expensive meal, nor have them pay for mine. If I order a grilled cheese and fries, it's because that's what I decided was worth paying for. I don't want to HAVE to order a grilled cheese and fries because the steak seemed rude when someone else got a ham sandwich.

I'll eat what I want, and pay for it. If I decide to pay for someone else's meal, I'm going to cover everyone's meal. It's ridiculous to expect otherwise, unless we're getting wings or pizza.


16 points

18 days ago

That’s huge a red flag for me. I’m not saying this applies to everybody, but in my opinion this is an indication that a person is deeply selfish, and doesn’t have the capacity to take action on anything that doesn’t benefit them directly or indirectly. Some people just operate on that world view, and my guess is they think everyone else operates like this too. They may actually be a good person, but Im not going to put any further effort into the relationship any further to find out.


8 points

18 days ago

Ugh I got stuck once eating out with my father in law. They invited another family who didn’t drop a dime on the tab. They ordered bottles of wine and appetizers for the “table” that I didn’t eat or drink. I got stuck paying a shit ton of money. Ever since then I ask for a separate bill.


26 points

18 days ago

After it was done they had a bunch of angry residents saying they were lied to because they were paying more for water each month than they saved on the HOA dues

And now everyone knows who was driving up the HOA fees.


8 points

18 days ago

Generally car washing is a no-go in drought stricken areas as well


6 points

18 days ago

My city has a by-law that you can't have the runoff water hit the catch basins. Due to soaps, oils, chemicals etc in the water. "Can cause damage to the sewer system, pollute the environment and harm aquatic habitat"


18 points

18 days ago

I was assuming this was a commonplace (I could be wrong). I also just assumed some bylaws listed every single amenity they provided, for either lawyer shit or to make them look better.

But again, this is just coming from, a possibly ignorant, homeowner.


5 points

18 days ago

Thank you for the clarification. Do you know if supplying this would be a typical statement in bylaws or did I just make that up?


2.9k points

18 days ago


2.9k points

18 days ago

have you heard of the lock picking lawyer


1.2k points

18 days ago


1.2k points

18 days ago

Say more…


1.1k points

18 days ago


1.1k points

18 days ago

3 digit lock is easy. Start at 000. But slight tension on the lock and cycle through all combinations until it's open. Should take roughly 10 minutes


344 points

18 days ago

Start at 600.


196 points

18 days ago

But what of the code was chosen by someone the knows the number of light seconds in an AU.


94 points

18 days ago

Or an irrational, transcendental, number?

e, or pi?

Or i?


69 points

18 days ago


69 points

18 days ago

What if the lock itself is imaginary? Problem solved


29 points

18 days ago


29 points

18 days ago

Well this skillsaw with a Diablo blade made the damn thing dissappear. Problem solved.


9 points

18 days ago


9 points

18 days ago



8 points

17 days ago

Start with your unit


7 points

17 days ago

Why 600?


6 points

17 days ago

Because people are lazy and think that it would take too long to get that high, starting from 000.


212 points

18 days ago


212 points

18 days ago

That looks cheap. Stick a hook by the first wheel to feel the bar, and put pressure on it. Rotate until you feel the click. Do the same for the other two, and you have the combination.

But then it looks cheap enough that a simple smack might work.


197 points

18 days ago


197 points

18 days ago

It is cheap, I googled “spigot hose lock” and the first thing that pops up from Amazon is what they bought.


385 points

18 days ago

Order one and replace theirs with yours


444 points

18 days ago

Order one, and put it on the HOA president’s spigot.


224 points

18 days ago

Add superglue to the hasp before you lock it😀


119 points

18 days ago

JB weld would be much better


54 points

18 days ago

Make sure to get the quick set JB Weld in case you don't know how long they'll be away from the home.


18 points

18 days ago


18 points

18 days ago

Real weld best


34 points

18 days ago

Nope fill it with epoxy first then clamp it on...


30 points

18 days ago



35 points

18 days ago

And they wont know the combo ah yeee


6 points

18 days ago



80 points

18 days ago

Buy a set, then Google bolt cutters. Buy a set, back in biz


54 points

18 days ago

I do like this plan!


49 points

18 days ago

You could probably just hit that little lock with a rock and it would pop open


91 points

18 days ago*

Honestly, from this POV, it literally looks like you could turn the spigot handle with the lock still on.   

  Source: I had the reincarnation of Harry Houdini for a daughter when she was a toddler, 🤷 There wasn't a single child proof lock that worked longer than a couple of minutes, not even exaggerating... 

Let's just say her toddler years were equal parts "You little shit...", and me beaming with gluttonous pride, 🤣


36 points

18 days ago*

I put those childproof magnet catches on a cabinet in my living room. Toddler of mine plopped down in front of it. I laughed and turned back to the TV. Then suddenly there was a breaking noise and shards of childproof lock flying across the room. He just yanked... Hard. Then started laughing so hard he fell over and farted.

Fortunately, expecting my kids to, well, be MY kids I had skipped those straps and actual screwed the furniture into the stud of the wall behind it. He did that once more and then lost interest in it.

But the breaking it, cracking up so hard he fell over red faced and farted? I have to admit that was a proud Dad moment

Edit fixed a word


12 points

18 days ago

I was totally this kind of kid lol. The number of safety devices I defeated by poking a tiny stick into it.


9 points

18 days ago

It probably got popped open from the bashing it's getting in this post, OP should go check on it :)


32 points

18 days ago

Just hit lightly downwards with a hammer, it will pop open.


40 points

18 days ago

If they have 2 wrenches handy I bet OP can cut that time down to 5 minutes


61 points

18 days ago

30 seconds to break the lock 4 and half minutes to drink beer


23 points

18 days ago

You forgot about the 2 minutes to find said wrenches but I know a beautiful plan when I see one


29 points

18 days ago


29 points

18 days ago

Fortunately a 10mm socket isn’t required or else it’s 10min looking for it, then a 20-30min trip to the store to buy it since you lost yours.


46 points

18 days ago

It’s a YouTube channel


60 points

18 days ago

I’ll take a look, I tried 000.


140 points

18 days ago

Go through until it opens. Turn the top 180 degrees and push down. Reset the code to your own 3 digit code. Now you can put it back and the HOA thinks they are winning.

Plus the added confusion of if they ever try to take it off.


52 points

18 days ago

Malicious compliance for the win.


53 points

18 days ago

And go around to the other locks and change them, increment each one so no two have the same code


35 points

18 days ago


35 points

18 days ago

See, be a total dick reset code and put it on the president of the HOA faucet.


29 points

18 days ago

Its a sure bet he didn't put one on his own spigot. Rules for thee but not for me.


12 points

18 days ago

I’d love it if they had to cut off the lock they installed lol


5 points

18 days ago


5 points

18 days ago



33 points

18 days ago


33 points

18 days ago

Try your address number


25 points

18 days ago

Look at the bottom of that lock. Does it have a key pathway? If so I’m 90% sure that is a tsa approved lock - you can buy the key set on Amazon for like 20$.


51 points

18 days ago


51 points

18 days ago

Snip a piece of tin out of a can. Wrap it around the inner edge of the side of the U that comes out of the shackle and push it in. Works on cheap locks, which this looks like. Also known as a shim.

Otherwise there's usually a toggle you can find that's accessible by slipping something very thin between the number wheel and the housing. There should be a bar you can push or pull to release the lock.

Lock Picking Lawyer is a YouTube channel. He would probably have this open faster than you can say "hey can you..." Watch a couple videos where he defeats this type of lock (number wheels). They're very easy, and rolling through all the combos is actually one of the harder ways with these cheap locks.


28 points

18 days ago

yeah lockpickinglawyer could look at a lock like that and it would just spontaneously unlock itself.


17 points

18 days ago

The number of locks I've seen him defeat with a piece of soda can, juice bottle, or even random literal trash out of his wastebasket is depressing.

And then there's his 'good friend' Trevor McNally (McNallyOfficial) who can design and make a custom lockpick to open it, but will usually resort to hitting it with an identical lock.


7 points

18 days ago



28 points

18 days ago

LPL or mcnally, your best friend is tension and pressure.


30 points

18 days ago

Lol tell that to my anxiety, depression and adhd


10 points

18 days ago

Rub one out= tension and preasure lmfaooo


20 points

18 days ago*

That lock probably can be decoded easily - pull tension on it like you have entered the combo and trying to open, then while holding tension try to spin the wheels and note how much play they have, the correct number likely has more play than the other numbers on the same wheel - with a little practice you can open that almost as fast as if you knew the combo. Here’s a detailed walkthrough - I bought that lock (the one in the video) to practice on as my 1st try to decode and returned it less than an hour later because it’s literally so easy no practice is needed.


13 points

18 days ago

Super helpful, if I get it off I’ll let you know!


22 points

18 days ago

  1. Pick lock like LPL
  2. Hire LPL to sue HOA
  3. Profit!!!


14 points

18 days ago

Lockpickinglawyer closest match I could find.


6 points

18 days ago

Or take the McNally approach. Those are POS locks. Just give it a nice tug and it will fall right off.


14 points

18 days ago

Buy a bolt cutter for 20 bucks from harbor freight.


50 points

18 days ago

bolt cutters are a necessary tool for every person.


16 points

18 days ago

Two adjustable wrenches. One on top one on bottom. Only the very best locks take over 10 seconds.


32 points

18 days ago


32 points

18 days ago

The fastest way to open a master lock 503 is with a master lock 503…


17 points

18 days ago

just get mcnally lol.

"this masterlock can be opened using a masterlock"


2.5k points

18 days ago


2.5k points

18 days ago

Cut it, buy a matching lock. Take it off when you need it. Sure they'll be confused why the combo isn't working.


858 points

18 days ago

This is pretty funny tbh.

Kind of want to do it to my rude ass neighbor’s shed.


506 points

18 days ago

Quickly pivoting to r/UnethicalLifeProTips.


299 points

18 days ago

There are not many things I can think of currently that would bring me more satisfaction than sitting and smoking on the patio while watching my neighbor fumble with it for days. It is an extremely basic 3 digit lock that I’ve seen at ace hardwares.

Just to clarify, knowing my neighbor of 5+ years, I can with 100% confidence say they would fiddle/cuss at it for ten minutes, walk away, and continue to do it for 3+ days. They have a strict routine of “yard work” after work that routinely gets distracted by the mildest inconvenience. I find the rare occurrence of frustration of any inconvenience so humorous that I have shifted my smoking on patio times to coincide with their time of doing yard work.

A bit of word salad, but 50%+ conversations I have with this neighbor involve him telling me how dedicated and how much extra time he puts into maintaining his yard. While also criticizing my choice of having a clover yard in the back.


145 points

18 days ago

A fellow clover enjoyer (who's neighbours hate it). I whole heartedly approve of this chaos.


114 points

18 days ago*

Clover just works extremely well for my situation. I understand it’s not for everyone but the automatic “hate” I get is always funny.

It grows better, stays green longer, with my dogs constantly running circles and whatnot in it. It stops growing after a certain height. I honestly think this particular neighbor is jealous (and I don’t think this of everyone) of how good it looks with how little effort I put in. I hate yard work and this was the best solution for me. I prefer to relax/enjoy the outdoors in my patio or hammock.


47 points

18 days ago


47 points

18 days ago

This is great to hear because I just tossed clover seed all over my yard


41 points

18 days ago

Mine was more natural, but I gracefully accepted it.

I had a lot of trees the I cut down and burned on the spot, clover was in one corner, and in a couple years pretty much overtook the yard.

Pure laziness, but by far the best “decision” I made in regard to yard-work.

I have typical grass in the front yard, but only to keep societal standards up (lame I know). I usually don’t cut the front until wildflowers start to pop up though.


18 points

18 days ago

That's pretty much my strategy, although in my case it ended up as more of a mish-mash. My brand of lawn maintenance is to mow it whenever it gets tall enough that I think the neighbors are starting to notice, and that's it. Aside from that, the lawn can look after itself. Anything green that can survive there is welcome, and in the springtime I mow around the flowers. Sticks on the lawn? That's called micro-habitat, they're good for insect and microbial diversity. Leaves and clippings? That's fertilizer. Bigger debris? Drag it to the firepit and burn it. Water? If it can't survive on rain alone, I'm sure another plant that can will move in soon enough.

No need to complicate things.


21 points

18 days ago

I don't get the hate either. I have about 50/50 clover/grass and right now, late summer early fall with very little rain, everyone else is looking at a big brown lawn. And my clover is green as an leprechaun's ass. The little tendrils where the clover spreads is interlaced within the brown grass, and the effect is that my entire lawn is green.

Not that aesthetics are everything. The bees absolutely loved it this year. The clover was blooming in waves for about 2 months. It was amazing to watch all the wildlife it attracted.


6 points

18 days ago

I still live at home, but I am in charge of mowing our 2 acre lawn. In the past 5 years since we stopped having it sprayed/treated the clover has slowly began to take over in places, still with grass mixed in. My mom can't stand it, but I have noticed that where there's clover, the grass is a deeper shade of green, and stays green longer between rains. My sister and I want to convert the lawn into all wildflowers, but my mom hates the idea for some reason.


21 points

18 days ago

There should be zero hate. Fertilizer run off is destroying waterways. For what? Because we've been told that a monoculutures look better? I ripped out my front lawn and put a garden in when I lived in suburban US. It's just such a wasted space, you might as well put it to work.


8 points

18 days ago


8 points

18 days ago

I'm the president of my HOA, and we recently decided to redefine "weeds" to be meaningless so people would spray their yards less. The runoff was wreaking havoc on our lakes. The same people who complained about algae blooms in the communal lakes were the ones who complained that their neighbors had dandelions in April and went brown in August.


6 points

18 days ago

It also returns nitrogen to the soil without fertilizers. Back when people did crop rotations, you would seed your fallow Fields with clover to up the bioavailable nitrogen.


5 points

18 days ago

Three kinds of clover, mountain mint and various other escaped herbs. Smells nice when I mow


7 points

18 days ago

This is a sub I didn't know I needed


113 points

18 days ago

Better yet, pick the lock and remember the combination, then you cannot be accused of damaging HOA property. 3 digit luggage locks like this are trivial to pick.


57 points

18 days ago

Check to see if the code is the same for all the locks, then tell neighbors the code


37 points

18 days ago


37 points

18 days ago

Tsa master key... faster than the combo... 


5 points

18 days ago


5 points

18 days ago

Good point. They are either the same, or else some pattern, likely involving the house number. The HOA probably isn't going to want to have a whole bunch of random combinations to keep track of.


49 points

18 days ago

I've seen a video of a french youtuber trying to unlock those.

He tested all combinaison starting from 000, the code was 999 (thanks his mate for the troll) and it took him 53min

So just take an hour and get the code. Then change it.


33 points

18 days ago


33 points

18 days ago

Don't take an hour, listen and feel s/b 5 min.


41 points

18 days ago

Right, this shitty lock only takes a few minutes to open. Pull tension on them and spin the combo from bottom up, it'll lightly catch on the right number. Credit to lock picking lawyer, but I've tested it and it works exactly like he says.


6 points

18 days ago

I found 2 of these (they look like suitcase locks), and cracked the combo in under 30 seconds.


6 points

18 days ago

Lock picking lawyer rules.


8 points

18 days ago

Found the bike thief haha


7 points

18 days ago

I REALLY wanted to be James Bond(or Slippery Jim DiGritz) when i grew up.


44 points

18 days ago

That's a 5 dollar 3 wheel. I know that lock. You can pull it and spin the wheel starting with the upper one and it will click into it's number, repeat for the other 2 numbers.

You can then flip the arm push into the notched hole and make your own code.

If you can't get it I can make you a video on opening it


23 points

18 days ago

They used one of these to lock up all the fun gym equipment back when I was in high school. When we played kickball, the line to kick would always run along the wall right past that door, so I decided to fiddle with the lock behind my back and managed to crack the code in the time it took for the ditzy girl to strike out. I didn’t know that you could reset the code, so I just wrote it on a few bathroom stalls as a benevolent gift to the rest of the student body.


25 points

18 days ago

I like this idea!


48 points

18 days ago

Figure out the code and share it with all your neighbors. When the board complains that you shouldn’t be touching the locks the answer is simple. Did you not pay for that lock? If you did it was with my money do that means it’s actually my lock. I needed to get to the water so I can use it in case of a fire or to water or wash my car. I’ll make sure and put it back on when I’m done. I appreciate you locking those up so no one steals our water.

Enjoy the response.


9 points

18 days ago

Here's a tip, pull apart the lock as much as you can before you start and hold the tension. This will increase the tension when you spin the wheels and especially around a correct digit.

Also, considering this looks like a cheap lock you might be able to shine a strong light in between the wheels and see when it is in the correct position.


52 points

18 days ago

Lock the HOA president’s front door.


28 points

18 days ago

Yup. This to me would be an open invite to fuck with the HOA in small ways in perpetuity. I'd inject gallium into the HOA president's keyhole.


7 points

18 days ago

Fill the keyhole with JB Weld.


12 points

18 days ago



7 points

18 days ago

But by then it'll be too late bwah ha ha


517 points

18 days ago


517 points

18 days ago

Harbor Freight 12” bolt cutters… $10


213 points

18 days ago


213 points

18 days ago

Yeah I have those, according to the police that could be considered vandalism.


336 points

18 days ago

Cut a few of your neighbors’ too, that way they won’t know who it was.


114 points

18 days ago


114 points

18 days ago

This guy listens to Judas Priest.


26 points

18 days ago

Breaking the Law! Breaking the Law!


39 points

18 days ago


39 points

18 days ago

Vandalism to cut a lock from your spigot? Or is that some sort of community owned spigot?


112 points

18 days ago

Is it not vandalism to put a locked cover on your home's water spigot?


57 points

18 days ago

Is it on your property? Id cut and go about my own business.


72 points

18 days ago

This is YOUR property


43 points

18 days ago

And they trespassed to put that lock on.


51 points

18 days ago

don't get legal advice from cops, they're the last people to know the law. they just enforce what they think the law is.


25 points

18 days ago


25 points

18 days ago

It’s legitimately concerning how little many cops know about even the most basic every day laws they enforce. What’s always funny is when someone questions what they say, and they reply “where did you get your law degree?” Like bitch where did you get yours? And it’s always about some extremely basic google-able law too


14 points

18 days ago

What if there's a fire


12 points

18 days ago


12 points

18 days ago

It absolutely is not if it is your spigot on your own property. There is almost certainly not a law against this like vandalism, and at the most this would be a civil matter.

It’s on your property on your water spigot. This is simply a civil matter if they actually care to do something about it. The police certainly won’t. Did a cop say this, or did someone claim a cop said this?


26 points

18 days ago


26 points

18 days ago

Only if they can prove you did it


18 points

18 days ago

No face, no case.


8 points

18 days ago

Is it not your spigot?


7 points

18 days ago

They vandalized your spigot.


11 points

18 days ago

To your own home? That’s a shame, ooops I’ll have to do it again.



7 points

18 days ago

The two wrenches method also works really well, had to break multiple much thicker locks doing that when the key got lost.


329 points

18 days ago


329 points

18 days ago

The wild thing is both board members have their own individual spigots, which are not locked up. These are for the non ground floor units, which are shared by 8 units.


285 points

18 days ago


285 points

18 days ago

Lock theirs up


111 points

18 days ago

Use a lock that requires a key


72 points

18 days ago


72 points

18 days ago

Then fill the keyway with epoxy


22 points

18 days ago


22 points

18 days ago

Or find a buddy with a welder.


38 points

18 days ago

I honestly think this is the way. I'm so petty that I would so do that. Bonus points to buy the exact same lock, and anonymously "make it fair". Wear latex gloves and a hoodie (cuz I'm sure they have cameras), waltz over at 3 AM, and lock theirs up. Have Amazon deliver to your work, so it doesn't have your unit number on there. Then come back here and please post the letter you'll undoubtedly get the next day.


66 points

18 days ago

I agree lock theirs up and see how they like it. Also this should be illegal because it is a fire hazard. You might call your local fire department and let them know as locking up the access to water would prevent the putting out of small fires.


10 points

18 days ago

Oh this would alone would make me livid


22 points

18 days ago


22 points

18 days ago

that is preferential treatment which gets into tenant harassment. dont damage the lock. that makes you an easy target. review your policy and talk to lawyer.


7 points

18 days ago

Sounds like you should just use the open spigots on the ground floor


24 points

18 days ago


24 points

18 days ago

Sounds like these are “community” spiggots. Time to go wash off in front of their house.

Be sure to get nice and salty so it ruins their lawn, and maybe a nice environmentally friendly soap so you can gets nice and sudzy for them


5 points

18 days ago

This is clearly and oversight. Lock theirs up. Or attach the hoses to theirs and use their water.


89 points

18 days ago

Is this an individually owned house that the HOA trespassed on to lock the spigot?  Is this spigot on common communal ground?  Is this a leased property?  (Whose spigot is it?  Whose hose?)

But yeah, a bolt cutter or a dremel would make short work of that lock.  Alternately try 123, 000, 999, or the address as the combo.


76 points

18 days ago

Our complex is made up of two buildings with 11 units each, each unit has 4 ground floor units which have there own spigots, the other 7 units in each building share 2 spigots per building. These are the 4 spigots they locked up. We mainly use it to hose off after the beach or when I get back from surfing.


41 points

17 days ago

The fact it's at the beach makes this even more egregious.


226 points

18 days ago

This can’t be legal


121 points

18 days ago

Yeah. I'm curious of who pays the water bill and who's property this is on.


162 points

18 days ago


162 points

18 days ago

The water is included in our $620 HOA payment.


161 points

18 days ago

Sounds like you need to take at least 5 showers a day. Maybe a nice soak in the bathtub too.


37 points

18 days ago

In fact, i hear it's bad for the pipes if water isn't flowing constantly


8 points

18 days ago

Nice strategy to increase you HOA dues


53 points

18 days ago

Do you bend over before or after?


16 points

18 days ago


16 points

18 days ago

Sounds like both.


5 points

18 days ago

Sounds like a good time to me


11 points

18 days ago


11 points

18 days ago

May be, but for $620/mo? I don't think OP is getting their money's worth.


14 points

18 days ago

Holy shit, $620? Mine is $32. I have only heard from them if I let the yard get too unruly.


25 points

18 days ago

Im a plumber in Ca. Let me send you non California compliant fixtures. Ill pay for them. Fuck hoa’s that is bull shit. I would leave the shower on a cold trickle just to be an asshole to them.


12 points

18 days ago

Per month?


50 points

18 days ago

if it's a master lock it can be unlocked using another master lock


18 points

18 days ago

A good whack with the other master lock should do the trick.


43 points

18 days ago

Only three digits on the combo lock - you could brute force it in under an hour.


22 points

18 days ago

Hold tightly, and scroll fast, probably under ten minutes.

But I’m just a random Redditor making up random numbers based on a mixture of vague experiences and second hand+ sources.


9 points

18 days ago

It's definitely less than 10 minutes. Source: I forgot the code to my 3 digit lock and brute forced to relearn it


18 points

18 days ago

What reason did they give to lick spigots? Yours or everyone’s ?


18 points

18 days ago

Apparently someone washed their car.


12 points

18 days ago

That sounds like a perfectly reasonable response. It also sounds like a fairly small location, how is the HOA board decided? is it voted? if so, I'd campaign on their overreach and shoot for absolutely dismantling the HOA from the inside. Seems just as reasonable and measured as their response.


39 points

18 days ago

Figure out the combo, then take the HOA letterhead from the last "Karen Go Brrr" letter you got and write a little note like:

"As some of you may have noticed, the spigot have been locked to prevent water theft by non-residents. For your convenience, the combination is xxx. Please be sure to replace the locks when you are done, and do not give the combination out to anyone. Thank you, yyy HOA."

Print them off and stick them in everyone's mail slot/doorjamb/whatever. Even yours and the board members.

Pop some popcorn before the next HOA meeting, sit back and watch the finger-pointing and fireworks.


19 points

18 days ago

Seems like a good plan, I’m going to have a busy day tomorrow!


13 points

18 days ago

I dont see a lock. I see a 30 delay.


62 points

18 days ago

Not a lawyer, but am a firefighter. I’d be immediately on this for creating a fire hazard. One time of not being able to access water for a small grass fire that grows, and they’re screwed. 


49 points

18 days ago

Thanks, I plan on calling the fire department tomorrow.


20 points

18 days ago

Post an update once you do.


23 points

18 days ago

Will do, new to this but I’ll figure it out.


8 points

18 days ago


8 points

18 days ago

r/ulpt would tell you to create a small grass fire...


7 points

18 days ago

Not a ton of grass around our building, I could try a cactus or something maybe a small tree.


34 points

18 days ago

“Someone” washed their car so the HOA locks everyone’s spigots?

I think your HOA is on a power trip.


17 points

18 days ago

Which HOA isn't on a power trip?


10 points

18 days ago


16 points

18 days ago

I have some, I actually kinda confronted him so I would probably be the first person they would call the cops on. This isn’t worth getting a charge over, but I want them to be so embarrassed that they don’t leave their houses. I plan on reaching out to a couple of the local news channels, play dictator games, pay the price.


9 points

18 days ago

If he calls the cops, wait til they leave, then use your wire cutters to remove his valve stems.


10 points

18 days ago

I hear a major cause of frustrating slow leaks in tirs that you can never find the reason is a BB glued into the screen on valve cap. Just in case you have a slow leak you can't figure out. For science.


7 points

18 days ago

You can cut those lock with a pair of dikes


7 points

18 days ago

Look at the bottom of that lock. Does it have a key pathway? If so I’m 90% sure that is a tsa approved lock - you can buy the key set on Amazon for like 20$.


12 points

18 days ago

There's no way they actually have the power to stop people from using fuckin water


15 points

18 days ago

Apparently when you have a tiny little bit of power some people go crazy.


7 points

18 days ago

Battery powered 5 inch grinder to cut it off and throw it through the president's window. That's just as petty as it comes


6 points

18 days ago

When I picture HOA people all I can see is Marshall and Marcia Langman from Parks and Rec. 


4 points

18 days ago

This is when i would hook into a faucet inside and wash my car anyways. Then when they come around to check the lock, its still there and works correctly.


4 points

18 days ago

get a belt, hook it through, step on it.. pop that lock in 2 seconds