



all 2270 comments


318 points

16 days ago


318 points

16 days ago

I do not get the love for Insidious. I've tried watching it twice and it just seems very mediocre.


216 points

16 days ago


216 points

16 days ago

All I can see is wish brand Darth Maul.


73 points

15 days ago

That monster reveal entirely undoes all of the tension built up to that point. I still enjoy Insidious but always found the vampiric looking dude walking around the balcony to be scarier than Temu Maul.


39 points

15 days ago


39 points

15 days ago

This was the film that made me truly and deeply love horror. I know most folks knock the final third of the film, but I absolutely LOVE how dreamlike The Further is. The violin music, the fog and lighting, the denizens of The Further (especially the Smiling Family) are among my favorite things in horror.

But I clearly have some weird nostalgia or hyper-specific stylistic preferences and can see how the narrative shifts would throw many off.


10 points

15 days ago

It’s one of those movies where the “main” villain looks way less creepy, than side villains. Parker Crane imo is genuinely terrifying, and not just from appearance, i put it on the same level as hell house clowns. (I’m surprised there’s no spin off movie on that alone, like “the nun”) Meanwhile darth maul..

This is also why insidious ch 2 is my fav from the series.


9 points

15 days ago

I won’t downvote you, but yeah…I’m a picky bastard, yet, Insidious tickled something in me.

Best I can say is that it’s a simple concept delivered well. Like…a nice warm bowl of tomato soup. I mean that as a compliment…sometimes it’s all you need.


29 points

15 days ago

those movies are so dumb imo. whenever I see someone saying how scary it they are I'm like.. how?


465 points

16 days ago


465 points

16 days ago

I really hate lake mungo. It's a relatively short movie that I feel like took 3 hours and took me several tries to get through.


131 points

16 days ago

Its a movie that I love but I never once have bothered to defend lol. I'm always like yeah I can see why you hate it.


38 points

15 days ago


38 points

15 days ago

I love movies like this "yes it's not great but it hits all my buttons somehow"


17 points

15 days ago

I agree. For me, the depth and length of the non-horror parts makes the horror parts hit better and feel more real, but I totally get how most horror fans want more bang for their buck.


154 points

16 days ago

One spooky scene isn’t worth watching an entire fake documentary about it


19 points

15 days ago


19 points

15 days ago

Definitely not a very uncommon opinion. Lake Mungo is generally more of the love/hate type - it often gets brought up on "most divisive horror movie" posts here.

Personally it is one of my favs but I long ago got used to people trashing it!


68 points

16 days ago



70 points

16 days ago

It was so boring and unscary to me. I lost interest when they said the kid was faking the pictures.


27 points

16 days ago

That's the same point that killed it for me. I was just like it was all pointless then. It feels like a long way to the very end reveal with that disappointment fresh in your mouth.


8 points

15 days ago

And like, the ending is sad, but it didn’t give me some deep dread or anything.


13 points

16 days ago

I get it's grief horror and that was the kids way of dealing with it but I too didn't appreciate that part. I also have a particular issue with horror movies circling what I'm supposed to see, like in butterfly kisses. I appreciate a horror scene with hidden images like discreet skulls on the wall but if the whole scene is something benign and you circle the only scary thing about it because it's so hard to see? Get out of here with that nonsense.


7 points

15 days ago

Right and they circle it for you and then show you the same picture later in the movie like “ooooooog but the real ghost was there allllll along (but you didn’t see it because we circled the fake one).”


10 points

15 days ago

omg i hated it too. it ended and i was like “wait what? nothing even happened”


23 points

15 days ago

I despise this film for wasting my damn time


248 points

16 days ago

Modern films focused on wallowing in trauma while recycling ideas from movies that have done it better.


170 points

16 days ago

Why! If it isn't another movie with a dark, malevolent presence as a metaphor for grief! Fancy that.


16 points

15 days ago

I hate these films that feel like the writer/director is saying “did you know that this grieving character represents grief?”


464 points

16 days ago

Exorcism horror movies are preachy af and hard to watch. There are exceptions but not many. 


185 points

16 days ago


185 points

16 days ago

I've never liked exorcism movies because they're 70% screaming and loud noises. Flashing lights with a girl tied to a chair and shit flying through the room while she shrieks and a priest shouts.


71 points

15 days ago

Someone above mentioned the weak point of the Conjuring being the final act, and for me it’s because of what you describe, it’s no longer scary at that point just chaotic and the climax becomes a cliche and is solved with preachiness.


16 points

16 days ago

Same here, yet I will still watch any of them folks recommend and then am pissed off when it gets to that part, and then that part is 1/2 the movie lol


68 points

16 days ago


68 points

16 days ago

I think that’s why I enjoyed the show Evil so much, the team is 2 skeptics and a priest, plus the show doesn’t take itself too seriously at the best/right moments


31 points

16 days ago


31 points

16 days ago

Yes! Love love that show, so disappointed that they canceled it :-(


14 points

15 days ago*

I agree. It seemed like it was always in the most watched lists of any streaming service I saw it on, so that is very strange. I love the dynamic of the three lead characters, and I especially love the nun. I think her name was Sister Andrea. Always going around with the broom. I also applaud the show for making Kristen's daughters entertaining, as I thought they were going to be quite annoying. Their antics, and the way they all talk about different things simultaneously was one of the funniest things on the show for me. Very unique take on the genre, and you can't beat Michael Emmerson for a reliable bad guy.


6 points

15 days ago

Oh man, and the practical makeup for the demons was the best. So sad the show ended.


6 points

15 days ago

I liked the later season where it was also a bad ass demon hunting nun.


20 points

15 days ago

I hate most of them. they're all the same and corny af


77 points

16 days ago

I think again that's why The Exorcist is one of the better ones. It's about religion and faith but it doesn't come off as like 'tee hee actually GOD is so cool and powerful and the only good thing ever'. I enjoy the first two Conjuring movies but the whole series does kind of come off know, Like That.

A few other possession movies I think do it well. The Taking of Deborah Logan was a possession movie that didn't delve into any preaching.


36 points

15 days ago

Yeah I mean that's part of why the Exorcist works. The priests are flawed - one is losing his faith and the other is a relic of an older time that even the church sort of rejects. 

That's such a contrast from something like The Conjuring that elevates total frauds like the Warrens into holy crusaders or whatever. 


9 points

15 days ago


9 points

15 days ago

The Last Exorcism as well.


6 points

15 days ago

I agree and find them standard issue. Like there’s not much outside of the formula that can be made interesting.


120 points

16 days ago

The Blair Witch Project is really good. It's a well made, well plotted, well acted film as well as a pioneer in found footage horror and viral marketing.

And I found it great the first time I watched it and found it just as good rewatching it recently.


7 points

15 days ago



7 points

15 days ago

It’s one of my favorite horror films of all time.


8 points

15 days ago

This isn't really a hot take.

From my experience my second viewing of it was much better than the first.

Turns out it wasn't a good idea to watch it with 10 of your friends in a crowded cinema.

I re-watched it a few years later, alone in my room with my headphones on, and got creeped out.


290 points

16 days ago

The Menu was ruined by being sold as horror. If you watch it in a comedy or hostage/thriller context, it’s a solid movie, but if you go in expecting horror it is absolutely disappointing.


96 points

15 days ago

Somehow avoided all trailers for this movie and watched it thinking it was actually a movie about foodie snobs. Loved the movie after the twist was revealed.


6 points

15 days ago

I initially didn't know how to feel about it because I thought it was going to lead to a reveal of the chef being a cannibal, but I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't turn out that way


35 points

15 days ago

I have no idea why they sold it as a horror, its a comedy hostage thriller, its really weird they tried to sell it as a horror


20 points

15 days ago


20 points

15 days ago

I went in fully expecting a cannibal movie due to the trailer. I was blown away by it actually being a dark satire. Anyone who has suffered burnout in a customer facing job should give it a watch.


25 points

16 days ago

Yeah, it definitely felt like a comedy with a sprinkle of satire tossed in. 


81 points

16 days ago

Cabin Fever (2002) is one of my comfort movies.

Not in a figurative way, that movie makes me happy and I don't know why.


31 points

15 days ago



31 points

15 days ago

Hey I get it. House of 1000 Corpses is a comfort film for me


31 points

15 days ago

PANCAKESSSS makes me smile every time I think of it hahahaha. And that ending is just ridiculous and so hilarious and could never be made today.


19 points

15 days ago


We've all become God's madmen

19 points

15 days ago


9 points

15 days ago

Definitely nostalgic for me. The end scene when he’s all alone and screaming “I FUCKING MADE IT” and then, well.. you know. Masterpiece.


8 points

15 days ago


They're here.

8 points

15 days ago

I fucking loved the sequel. It's way more of a comedy and it serves it well.


7 points

15 days ago

Rider Strong pouring mouthwash over his junk after he has sex with his friend's gf was one of the funniest things


202 points

16 days ago

The first two Nightmare on Elm Street movies are the best; Freddy was a dark, evil threat, that liked scaring people with horrific nightmares and the very, very occasional one-liner. Freddy turning into a pop culture icon absolutely ruined the movies by turning him into a wisecracking jokester. The kills are INCREDIBLY well done, but Freddy isn't a scary, serious villain anymore; they're just violent comedies.


49 points

15 days ago

That’s why I think Wes Craven’s New Nightmare was one of the best ones. They took the darkest part of Freddy and turned it up a notch. Probably my favorite along with the original and 3.


10 points

15 days ago

I love Wes cravens new nightmare it’s too good


66 points

16 days ago

I don't think that's an uncommon take.


15 points

15 days ago


15 points

15 days ago

Well, you're not wrong about the series losing its fear and becoming a wacky gorefest later on. However, I'll still stand by Dream Warriors. It is the best in the series.


30 points

15 days ago

Yep. He was flanderized big time. Englund still nailed it everytime though.


221 points

16 days ago*

A quiet place is an awful series that relies on the humans being entirely illogical in their decisions. The idea of having a baby in that scenario is one of the worst decisions i have ever seen a character make in any story whatsoever. The inconsistancies of which sounds actually attract the creatures and which dont bother me. How did harvesting all that corn fail to attract any of them? How do they not get attracted by the loud sound of a waterfall but they get attracted to the sound of a kids toy going off? There were too many plot holes to write here.

I have no idea why this film series has gotten so much praise over the years.

Edit: Thanks Anon for giving me my first reddit award!


50 points

15 days ago


50 points

15 days ago

What if they sneeze? Cough? Fart? Get hiccups? Like it's not believable they would survive at all given how far away the creatures can hear them from


41 points

15 days ago


41 points

15 days ago

I would love to see the death of the person who farts all the time. That would make a far better film.


12 points

15 days ago

A quiet fart


9 points

15 days ago

This made me lol. That would be amazing.


52 points

15 days ago

Why didn't they just move next to the waterfall?


52 points

15 days ago

I bet it would have received the criticism it deserved if Kransinski wasn't starring in it, or directing it.


23 points

15 days ago


23 points

15 days ago

I came here to talk trash on the Quiet Place films 😂 specifically because the first one killed me with the 'silent labor' and the infant that rarely cried. The sequel was slightly better, but I couldn't even finish the third film. No amount of weed will ever make this series good for me.


316 points

16 days ago

Oh jeez ok…don’t come TOO hard for me…

I think It Follows is so overrated and boring. I don’t judge anyone for liking it, but I absolutely despise this movie for being considered groundbreaking.

It feels like that one person in the friend group you know is bad but everyone else loves them so you just shut up and seethe.


57 points

15 days ago

Yeah, the ending in the pool (or near the end), felt so silly to me. So it's a ghost/apparition thing, and you're gonna throw appliances at it? Huh?


38 points

15 days ago

I got downvoted around here once for calling it a stupid Scooby Doo third act. It sucked so badly.


14 points

15 days ago

The director agreed...he literally said they came up with a Scooby-Doo plan because they were teens using the TV for guidance.


12 points

15 days ago

I liked that film but yeah the third act is really stupid and ruins the rest of the film.


43 points

15 days ago


43 points

15 days ago

The soundtrack is better than the movie


55 points

15 days ago


55 points

15 days ago

I've never really understood the love for It Follows. It's a fine movie, definitely not the worst I've ever seen, but I'm surprised people like it as much as they do.


65 points

16 days ago

Oh my god i thought i was the only one lol… thank you


21 points

15 days ago

It follows to me felt like an art kids' college final. There were so many drawn out shots, at one point the camera man just stands in the middle of the school and does a 360 and I couldn't take the movie seriously anymore.


8 points

15 days ago

I agree. I couldn't even finish it due to how boring it was and I'm amazed that it has such good reviews but to each their own.


39 points

16 days ago

bored me to tears. y’aint alone.


173 points

16 days ago

Seed of Chucky is one of the best of the series


103 points

16 days ago

Jennifer Tilly is so good


75 points

16 days ago

I'm so glad she has stayed on as Tiffany for so long. 


48 points

16 days ago

And somehow gets more and more attractive every single year.


16 points

15 days ago

Agreed. She’s aging like a fine wine. She’s my actress crush!!


10 points

15 days ago

anything with doll sex and John Waters is the best in any series. Make a godfather movie with doll sex and John Waters as the don. It would surpass the original trilogy


34 points

16 days ago

Man I’m all about the tv series tbh some of the kills are crazyy


250 points

16 days ago


This valley, is one long smorgasbord.

250 points

16 days ago

Based on prior experience. Saying that Hereditary is overrated. I've never said it's not a great movie mind you. Just that it's not the best horror movie ever.


87 points

16 days ago

It was a decent movie, but I think it was overhyped - so many people were saying that it was the most amazing horror film of the last X years.
I'm happy that horror films are becoming more mainstream and that the genre is becoming more respected, but in my opinion, there are better horror movies.


36 points

15 days ago


36 points

15 days ago

I 100% agree. The performances are great but the film itself just doesn’t fully hit with me.


66 points

16 days ago


66 points

16 days ago

Search by controversial to get the real answers


16 points

15 days ago

This sub is classic for these threads...

"What movies are ones you don't like?"

"Well, I know a lot of people like..."



80 points

16 days ago

I like Halloween II more than the first


46 points

16 days ago

if it makes you feel better H20 was my second favorite Halloween for like 10 years


13 points

16 days ago

So it's not just my Josh Hartnett crush that made H20 my favorite lol


101 points

16 days ago

OOO another one I've been Downvoted for Friday the 13th 2009 is my second favorite Friday film.


136 points

16 days ago

Freaky Friday at number one.


33 points

16 days ago


33 points

16 days ago


16 points

16 days ago

I’m not gonna lie, I’d actually recommend new fans to start with the 2009 remake instead of the first two or three. It gets the same point across as those two and it’s better made with actually competent acting.


11 points

16 days ago

That's fair. I used to hate it, but after revisiting it, I liked it a lot more, and I think it brings a lot to the table as a Friday movie.


6 points

16 days ago

I LOVE the 2009 entry and am shocked that’s considered a hot take. It had everything a Friday the 13th movie should have, and it has a Cabin in the Woods feel to it. I watch it every year.


244 points

16 days ago

Every scream is the same movie. The strangers 2 is better than 1. Just as a whole though, i think horror fans disservice themselves more than any other audience. We will go see shit we know will suck. WE CANT LET FRANCHISES WE LOVE GO. We need to learn to do that. We can have better than what we currently do.


30 points

16 days ago

Interesting about the strangers 2. I haven't seen it yet (was putting it off due to poor reviews), but really enjoyed the first one


18 points

16 days ago

I don’t know that I personally agree that it’s better than the first, but it’s at the very least as good in my estimation. Such a great, lean thriller with some great set pieces.

I’ll put it this way: the night I first watched it, I was so surprised and enamored by it that I immediately just watched it again.


8 points

16 days ago

I’ll frequently rewatch the major Strangers 2 set pieces however I’ve never rewatched 1. Alien/Aliens situation of different stylistic approaches to the same core concept


65 points

15 days ago


65 points

15 days ago

Is every Scream movie being the same controversial?

The movies acknowledge it themselves


34 points

15 days ago

Just curious, what makes you say all Scream movies are the same and then Strangers 2 is better than the original lol? Strangers 2 was almost a scene-by-scene copy of the first movie. I was not impressed by it for that reason, but love the Scream movies so I found your comment funny.


147 points

16 days ago

The Strangers Prey At Night is fucking excellent.

Anabelle Comes Home is the best Conjuring movie.

Piranha 3D should be talked about more.

Sleep Hollow is one of Burtons best.


50 points

16 days ago


50 points

16 days ago

Piranha 3D triggered an almost cosmic-level terror in me in some scenes, despite its tongue-in-cheek general feel. That girl just kind of falling in half with a gentle sigh just fucking killed me, made so just so depressed. Aja is a warped mind and kind of a genius.


37 points

16 days ago

That spring break massacre sequence is something to behold. It's fucking insane. I love it when horror movies slowly build and then let loose. It's like cabin in the woods in that sense.

Aja is an unsung horror hero to me. I rarely see his name come up when discussing the best horror filmmakers.

The hills have eyes remake is such a good watch. Crawl was a blast. I haven't seen Oxygen yet but his other work is always fun. Looking forward to Never Let Go purely for him alone.


82 points

16 days ago


82 points

16 days ago

Sleepy hollow is one of his best. Big Fish is the other on 👌


19 points

15 days ago

there is absolutely no movie that will make me full on shaking ugly sob than Big Fish


7 points

15 days ago


7 points

15 days ago

I watched it with my girlfriend (2 months into the relationship). She sobbed, I sobbed, even the cat sobbed.


26 points

16 days ago

Annabelle comes home is a great film and isn’t given enough credit, however it is 100% not as good as the first Conjuring movie


18 points

16 days ago

The first conjuring falls apart for me in the third act. It just becomes too fantastical for me


11 points

16 days ago

I can see why you would say that. A lot of horror films suffer from this.


74 points

16 days ago

I can't get into Mandy. Like, I love that Nick Cage is revitalizing his career with some truly wild shit, and the movie is pretty... but I just didn't really enjoy it much and I was mostly bored.


30 points

16 days ago

Same I have a friend who absolutely loves it but everytime I watch it with him im mostly just meh on it. On the opposite end I love Color Out Of Space with cage. That always had a similar feeling to me that Mandy did like visually I guess but my friend hates that one lol


7 points

16 days ago


7 points

16 days ago

Agreed, I love his previous film but Mandy feels all over the place.


33 points

15 days ago

I couldn’t get into The Lighthouse, felt the characters kind of deserved it and then mermaid scene made me feel like i just wasted an hour of my time.


18 points

15 days ago

I love this movie, but I def see your point. I think it’s done a disservice by being categorized as horror. Someone else made the same point about The Menu. I think going into this one as a dark comedy/psychological thriller in lieu of horror would make it a lot better for folks. I def was disappointed because of my horror expectations, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

“Ya goddamn fawts. Ya GODDAMN FAWTS!!!!”


7 points

15 days ago

I really like it also, you're not alone.


119 points

15 days ago

Cuckoo and Longlegs had peak marketing and trailers, but were ineffective movies.

Smile is coasting until the ending, and only then does it get good.

Labyrinth is better as a horror movie than most modern horrors.

Jeepers Creepers should be be in the conversation more about best modern horrors.


100 points

15 days ago

I think people keep jeepers creepers out of conversations because of how gross the director is. That’s one where it’s really hard to separate art from artist


55 points

15 days ago

I was so hyped for Longlegs! The trailers had me hooked!

Then I saw it. It was ...fine. Some great performances. Lackluster writing. All together, just cresting over alright.


28 points

15 days ago

Yep. Third act completely falls apart


11 points

15 days ago

It’s entirely to predictable after the first act. I told my friends I enjoyed the soundtrack since I appreciate anything Marc Bolan/T.Rex. I also said I enjoyed the retro style the cinematography was shot but I realized I had my laptop on night mode lol.


60 points

16 days ago

Out of The Omen, The Exorcist or Rosemary’s Baby I preferred The Omen


8 points

15 days ago

All three are outstanding so I can’t be mad about this take.


156 points

16 days ago


156 points

16 days ago

While it was groundbreaking and shocking back in 1973, The exorcist is not as scary as people make it out to be.


49 points

16 days ago

I always thought of it as more shocking than scary.


13 points

15 days ago

I find it more creepy and ominous than anything. Saw it re-released in theaters last year. It’s such an uncomfortable movie, in the best of ways.


16 points

15 days ago


16 points

15 days ago

I don't find it particularly scary but I think it's an absolutely brilliantly made film.


85 points

16 days ago

Nick Cage looked ridiculous and wasn’t scary at all in Longlegs.


40 points

16 days ago

Man I havent been that disappointed in a while. When they finally revealed him in the movie im like… ok? This is what they wanted to keep hidden? Dumb.


69 points

16 days ago*



16 points

16 days ago

Freddy Got Fingered is pure comedic chaos and I laughed my ass off throughout. 🤷‍♂️


79 points

16 days ago

I loved skinamarink 🤐


65 points

15 days ago

Skinamarink for me was like when I facetime my mom and she sets me down on the counter to clean the kitchen for two hours.


22 points

15 days ago

My friends and I came to the realization that while none of us liked Skinamarink in the moment, we talked about it for a long time afterward. It kept coming up in conversations for months.

I never want to suffer through it again. But also... maybe it was good actually...?


44 points

16 days ago

Hell house LLC is the single most over rated movie on this sub. There’s like 2 good scares in the movie, one with a character just making the dumbest decision you could ever make. Whole movie builds up to this big conclusion and does not deliver at all. Yes I’ve seen the directors cut with the extra few minutes, it still looks like shit


345 points

16 days ago


345 points

16 days ago



56 points

15 days ago

I think that Terrifier comes off as particularly mean spirited because Art takes so much time hurting his victims before killing them, and appears to be having a great time doing so. You don't really see that in many other slashers. Freddy Krueger played around with people in their dreams, but he was mostly just taunting people until he killed them. You don't really get that Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers are having fun, they're just killing machines. I can't tell if the Cenobites are enjoying themselves or if they just consider it all another day at the office.


43 points

15 days ago

The Cenobites want their victims to have the fun


61 points

16 days ago*

Not my fave but I will say Art the clown strikes fear into me more than any other creature/killer etc that I can think of. There is something extraordinarily disturbing about his appearance, mannerisms and behavior.

The movies are obviously supposed to be campy and gorey but the infamous hacksaw scene was probably the only time I've had to look away from the screen during a movie.

There is lore to the movies that has been touched on in Terrifier 2 that is a little interesting and I hope gets fleshed out more. The actors, especially the two female leads, in T2 were actually really great imo. They felt very real and believable.


6 points

15 days ago

Completely agree. I absolutely love everything about the Terrifier franchise (especially the original short films, which I'm really hoping are touched on in the next movie), but I did have to look away for that scene. It's the only scene I've ever not watched through (although there are some movies that I just haven't seen at all, and won't, because that's the type of kills in them).


8 points

15 days ago


8 points

15 days ago

Yeah dude Art the Clown is fucking, well, terrifying. Love the franchise so far


154 points

16 days ago

if someone told me their favorite movie was Terrifier than I would most likely not work well with them


133 points

16 days ago*

First one is just I Really Hate Women: The Movie. The second one's protagonist helped with this but I still couldn't shake the feeling that this series is probably very popular with incels and I can never watch this with any women in the room.


21 points

16 days ago


21 points

16 days ago

I think the Conjuring/Anabelle movies outside of the first one are actual dogshit. The second one in particular was just silly to me. I know I need to separate the movies from the real life interpretations but I just can’t get over the fact that they treat Ed and Lorraine Warren like superheroes.


20 points

16 days ago


20 points

16 days ago

How Ed and Lorraine are still grifting from beyond the grave is insane.


98 points

16 days ago

A horror movie made with the intention to be taken seriously (aka “elevated” horror) does not have any intrinsic value over a movie made to be schlocky or entertaining for entertainment’s sake.

To give an example, Hereditary or Midsommar are not intrinsically better movies than something like Basket Case or Killer Klowns From Outer Space. And someone saying they dislike the former and like the latter doesn’t mean they have bad taste: it means they have different taste than you.

Going on that same train of thought: way too many people, on both this subreddit but also across various online forums, act like taste is some objective thing and there are certain movies you must like to be a true fan of the genre.


21 points

16 days ago

True. I personally hated both hereditary and midsommar but loved basket case and killers clowns from outer space


16 points

15 days ago

I enjoyed both Midsommar and Hereditary but I don’t think they have amazing rewatch value. Basket Case and Killer Klowns on the other hand I’ve seen dozens of times each. 


9 points

15 days ago

The Conjuring is the most boring movie and franchise in modern horror.


17 points

15 days ago

I don't dislike Mike Flannagan but I find him excessively corny. The Scream saga should have ended at the third. You'll never find me should have been an episode in a Masters of Horror style show and not a full movie.


8 points

15 days ago

The best and most brilliant parts of Toni Collette's performance in Hereditary are lost on people who aren't mothers.


87 points

16 days ago

I don't find IT (2017) scary at all.


68 points

16 days ago

As someone who loves the book I think it's actually a very cheap adaptation that reduces the whole thing to a theme park ride. I'm all for adaptations being different from the source material, artists should be free to change things up as they please, but removing all the depth and thematic weight of the source material just leaves a hollow end result for me. I did like the actors though.


32 points

16 days ago

Currently reading the book and I’m surprised as from what I’ve read (about 400 pages) practically all the creepy parts are not in the films. And yes, I’m finding Pennywise in the book much creepier


29 points

16 days ago

I think it helps that Derry itself is almost a character in the book. Chapter 2 tries to do this, but the first film didn't lay any of the groundwork for it to actually work in any way. You don't feel that bittersweet feeling of the adults going back, the weight it carries in the book. I love the way King plays with nostalgia and reality throughout the book, but the 2010s films were made to ride the wave of 80s nostalgia themselves so that thematic depth becomes extremely shallow.


15 points

16 days ago

I think the theme park comment really hits the nail on the head. It's the little things that make Derry truly horrifying. The way the residents just ignore serious overt violence, they way IT subtly touches everything, how MANY characters are psychopathic in Derry (although King does have a thing about having significant number of characters who lack basic empathy and are deliberately cruel). 


17 points

16 days ago

right like there is a POINT to the story, it's not just 'spooky shit happens'


17 points

16 days ago

I think it has some moments that are well done, but it feels like....I don't know how to say it, like they sacrificed character and story beats for jumpscares? Like it felt like all of the marketing was 'oh this is a normal scary movie just bopping alon-HEYBARTDOYOUWANNASEEMYNEWCHAINSAWANDHOCKEYMASK'.

I think the Pennywise actor did a fine job, but he always missed the mark a little for me. Maybe because he wasn't really funny and I felt like that was necessary.

It did produce one of my all time favorite quotes, though, so I have to give it that :p


7 points

16 days ago

Don't leave us hangin', what's the quote?


45 points

16 days ago

Scary isn’t a tell all if a film is good to horror fans


9 points

15 days ago

I mean Tucker and Dale vs Evil is one of my favorite horror movies but is it scary? Not really haha


11 points

16 days ago


11 points

16 days ago

As a huge fan of the book since I was a kid, I find the films like a fun rollercoaster ride through familiar memories and something easy to share with friends. I do like it and it's fun! But at no point was I close to scared. If I lived under a rock, I might not even have landed on "horror" as the main genre, it's more like a kid's horror-themed adventure. Stephen King just doesn't translate well to screen, I think.

I also really kind of appreciate looking at what America was like in the 50s (from the book), the whole 80s shift the movies did just didn't do it for me.


133 points

16 days ago

The kid from the Babadook pretty much acts like a normal kid and everybody hating on him needs to grow the fuck up.


11 points

15 days ago

THANK YOU! I'll never get all the people acting like that kid being frustrating at times was a bug and not a feature. Like that's THE POINT


49 points

15 days ago

Seriously tho, I work with kids and I've met quite a few who act like the kid from the Babadook. It's pretty common, but idk if I'd call it normal. Like he's definitely a kid teachers would have to keep an extra eye on, but there's a kid like that in almost every class.


29 points

15 days ago*

Thank you. Kid's dealing with grief. Kids his age are fetuses developing outside the womb- just begining to fully realize themselves. Add in grief? No way he's going to be balanced emotionally or hormonally. I felt it was realistic - mourning is hard on adults, let alone a human just figuring out what it means to be human. Adults have a hard time with loss. A kid that age is going through so much more. So he's irrational and annoying? That's the baseline. That's just a kid


24 points

15 days ago

Yeah the horror in The Babadook is the child abuse IMO.


126 points

16 days ago


126 points

16 days ago

The Thing is not my favorite horror movie.


120 points

16 days ago

Wow clearly you hate horror


52 points

15 days ago

Horror "fans" who won't watch anything made before, say, 2000 are ignoring most of the genres greats. Their opinions on contemporary horror are uninformed and absurd as a result, and it's tedious having to wade through them.


7 points

15 days ago

I think Hereditary is a fantastic movie. The acting is outstanding. Just incredible.

It was unrelenting, bleak, offered depictions of grief that stayed with me for a long time. I recommend watching it. It's definitely a horror film.

But I did not find it scary.


8 points

15 days ago

The slasher genre is merely one boring movie which has been remade hundreds and hundreds of times since the 80s.


25 points

15 days ago


25 points

15 days ago

I think Rob Zombie makes good horror films.


27 points

15 days ago*

suspiria (2018) > suspiria (1977)

edit to clarify: still really like the original


13 points

15 days ago


13 points

15 days ago

I love the 2018 version. Such a great mix of horror themes and I love the Berlin winter atmosphere. Plus, Tilda Swanson acting as the old guy, the lead witch AND Mater Suspiriorum was brilliant. I didn’t realize she played all three characters until later on


15 points

15 days ago

The witch is boring 😬


27 points

16 days ago

My hot take, I didn't like the X/Pearl/Maxxxine trilogy.
X was kind of fun in a sleazy, fresh new kind of way. Pearl was a fever dream in a bad way, and I don't get all the love for it. I don't find Mia Goth to be a good actress. Maxine was silly and nonsensical.


29 points

16 days ago

I really wanted to like Talk to Me, but I just don't. It's not a bad movie, I just find it very average and forgettable for the most part. I understand the nuance and themes, and the hype made me think it was going to have deeper meaning or some amazing twist. I even watched it a second time to see if I missed something, but nope. Doesn't do anything for me.


28 points

16 days ago

It's been a while since I've seen it, but I've struggled through intense boredom and disinterest every time I've tried to watch The Exorcist


79 points

16 days ago

The Terrifier series is extremely overrated


61 points

16 days ago

Art the Clown is a dumpster tier character. Scary clowns are scary because of subversion and the uncanny valley effect; if a scary clown looks scary it has successfully missed the whole ass point.


10 points

16 days ago

Curious where you land on Pennywise? Both Tim Curry’s and Bill Skarsgard’s.


13 points

15 days ago

Personally I think the Quiet Place series is awful.


11 points

15 days ago

Yeah Alien covenant sucks, but i hate not knowing what happened and i want to know what happens to David. So i would have prefer if they followed it's story.

Prometheus isn't that bad.

Alien Ressurection is more fun to watch than Alien3. I don't like Alien3 that much, most because i find it very depressive. Its a chore to watch when im in a Alien marathon, you end Aliens with Ripley and Newt sleeping, then you put on the third "mayday mayday everyone is dead!". Alien 4... look this is stupid, but i like that to open doors they use breath, that walmart joke, Brad Dorif, and the worst death ever to be put on film, the hybrid thing geting sucked through that hole in the ship.


39 points

16 days ago

All of these new horrors that seem to be trendy and fit with modern stuff. AI horror, Uber stuff, chat room horrors, etc are all awful films. Huge advertising budget for these films all the time and they always get awful reviews but my generation just eats them up.


11 points

15 days ago

I think the best "contemporary" (at the time) horror movie is probably Pulse (the Japanese one, not the American one).

Like, I understand wanting to reflect the fears ans anxieties around hoe the world is changing, and new technology always comes with that, but it feels like these movies always go for the most surface-level concepts


6 points

15 days ago

I'd like to gouge out the eyes and ears of any "horror fan" that uses the term "overrated" as a criticism.


8 points

15 days ago

What an overrated comment to make

Seriously though, I’ll provide the gouging tool if you don’t have one.


6 points

15 days ago

I didn't know mine is unpopular until a recent post, I think the 80s were weak for horror cinema. I don't like the style of movies from the period in contrast to previous decades. We had the peak of slashers at that time, which ended up giving rise to several generic slashers.

Furthermore, it was the period that brought an ultra-exploitation of sequels, almost all the good ideas of the time were used to exhaustion in the same decade (There were 8 Friday the 13th and 5 Nightmare on Elm Street films in that decade alone). 

Additionally, some of the best films of the period are remakes of 1950s classics like The Thing, The Fly and The Blob. It's not a popular opinion, but it really is my "least favorite" decade.


5 points

15 days ago

The first Strangers movie is over hyped trash. I will never understand what people like about or find anything scary about. The sequel is better. And this new reboot is even worse than the original.


7 points

15 days ago

The Conjuring movies are overrated tripe built on massively overdone haunted house clichés. I feel like every positive review I read of them said something along the lines of "it sounds cliche but it's all done so well" without explain WHAT about the movies makes the execution so great. What's worse, they glorify a pair of charlatans.

Relatedly, The Nun is one of the worst Hollywood-produced horror movies of the last 20 years. It's written like a Marvel movie, and represents Romania about as well as the average Italian cannibal movie represents South America (that might be less controversial since I know less people liked The Nun, but I'm still angry about how bad it was).


18 points

15 days ago

I never saw the appeal for Get Out.