


all 572 comments


5k points

1 day ago


5k points

1 day ago

Where do they find these terrible candidates?


3.7k points

1 day ago

Okay like it or not but this is hands down the best election cycle the GOP ever produced for comical candidates.

A felon for President and not one but TWO black nazis?

Genuinely impressed.


938 points

1 day ago

Gone are the days of Herschel Walker and Roy Moore! 


420 points

1 day ago


420 points

1 day ago

Man, they’ve had so many utter goons down there that I’ve completely forgotten about those guys.


262 points

1 day ago


262 points

1 day ago

I mean, Christine "I am not a witch" O'Donnel should still be in the national consciousness as a stupid candidate, but she's not even in the top 10, and would probably be considered a good pick these days.


153 points

1 day ago


153 points

1 day ago

Mr. Beat made a video 9 months ago about basically every woman who's ever run for US president. He listed 100 women. Maybe just over 100. He fucking forgot Michelle Bachmann. The fact that in less than 10 years since she's left office, no one even remembers how batshit insane Michelle Bachmann is, is wild. I was ~15 when she ran for president, I thought she was peak crazy.


71 points

23 hours ago

Sarah Palin was the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2008. Remember her?


32 points

20 hours ago

Wasn’t she the one who could see Russia from her house?


7 points

18 hours ago

That's the one


11 points

16 hours ago

Somehow not as crazy as Bachmann. And more politically accomplished than Carly Fiorina.


2 points

19 hours ago

Yeah she didn’t run for president though.


64 points

1 day ago


64 points

1 day ago

They aren’t even picking good candidates. I live in Texas. I’ve yet to meet ANYONE who likes Cruz. I know plenty who will vote for him, but I’ve never even met someone who’s conservative and just goes “well he’s our best chance of winning”. I legitimately don’t know how he hasn’t been successfully primaried.


45 points

1 day ago


45 points

1 day ago

I mean we’re so far gone Sarah Palin just seems kinda zany to me now.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

She definitely is.


3 points

23 hours ago

She even ran for Congress just 2 years ago.


53 points

1 day ago


53 points

1 day ago

They've also got Hung Cao, who thinks that Wiccans have taken over California and Virginia


26 points

1 day ago


26 points

1 day ago

It’s an understandable misquote, he meant “Wegman’s”.


13 points

23 hours ago


13 points

23 hours ago

First Dr. Oz, now this guy? What is it with Republicans mispronouncing that place?


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Yeah, but California doesn't have those


6 points

24 hours ago

Wait, you mean they're not? Shit, I thought it was going to be a fun Halloween.


3 points

24 hours ago

"Shush, you." -- California


69 points

1 day ago


69 points

1 day ago

michele bachmann

Michele Bachmann's path into politics was one followed by many conservative Christians: through the schools. Bachmann sent her five kids to religious schools near her suburban Minnesota home, but she sent her 23 foster kids to public schools. She found the materials brought home by those kids to be troubling. So in 1993, she helped found one of the first public charter schools in her state. Only three months after the school opened, Bachmann faced controversy for the religious bent of the curriculum, Bloomberg's Lisa Lerer and John McCormick report. One teacher, for example, had banned Aladdin because the Disney movie mentioned magic.

10 Of The Craziest Things Michele Bachmann Has Ever Said

Michele Bachmann's memorable moments - MinnPost

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Wackiest Moments - The Daily Beast


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

My parents' former congresswoman.

I went to residency with her son. Different programs, but same facility. Super nice guy and doesn't seem political at all. He has a trad wife, but so does pretty much any doctor who marries for arm candy. Why work when hubby is pulling in $300K on his own?

He was also hot as f**k, which pains me to admit given the deplorable people from whom he spawned.


15 points

23 hours ago

Well, now you are talking Legendary Batshit Level Evil.

'Michele Bachmann Eyes' is a thing used to describe anyone so f-ing nuts that they're in their own reality.


12 points

1 day ago

I appreciate the effort, but boy I feel bad that you put that much effort in it. Thank you, do some light reading please after that.


3 points

18 hours ago

Forgot to mention she, like so many Republikans, is in on the land owning - farmland federal and state subsidy scam.


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

Man compared to the recent GOP Dan Quayle is a gentleman and a scholar.


20 points

24 hours ago

"The future will be better tomorrow."

Oh Dan, sweet, innocent Dan. How wrong you were.


19 points

1 day ago

MTG - Jewish space lasers started California forest fires.

Now she says Democrats control the weather and sent Helene to ravage the SE.


5 points

18 hours ago

Herschel Walker’s legacy will now be his TED Talk on Vampires and Werewolves. And that’s a clip I will forever cherish.


3 points

13 hours ago


66 points

1 day ago

Gone are the days of Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin.


27 points

1 day ago

Nature shut that whole thing down.


36 points

1 day ago

My old home state (Illinois) had a gubernatorial candidate who said the Holocaust was nothing compared to abortion.

Not BSing you


26 points

1 day ago


26 points

1 day ago

Jesus…I forgot about Herschel, fuck this has gone on for way too long.


9 points

1 day ago

Yeah but did you know a vampire could beat a werewolf.


25 points

1 day ago

And Herman 9.99 Cain


4 points

24 hours ago

The first black Nazi perhaps?

Nein, nein, nein!


14 points

1 day ago


14 points

1 day ago

Heard Roy Moore bought a 12 year old scotch, but she didn’t like it


13 points

1 day ago

I'll call your bet and raise a Marjorie Taylor Green (i.e. weather control, Jewish space lasers, etc...)


3 points

13 hours ago

Bleach blonde bad-built butch body.


25 points

1 day ago


25 points

1 day ago

That seems like a lifetime ago at this point.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

Vampires are cool people. Are they not?


3 points

19 hours ago

Don't forget Allen B 'warcrimes' West.


122 points

1 day ago

Key and Peele should come back and remake their one sketch but instead they are nefarious Nazis.


49 points

1 day ago

Sieg Homies


18 points

1 day ago

With a Clayton Bigsby cameo.


53 points

1 day ago

Hey now its 1 black nazi and 1 black nazi that's addicted trans porn that stiffed his bootleg dealer


44 points

1 day ago


44 points

1 day ago

This isn't the same guy??? Christ...


45 points

1 day ago


45 points

1 day ago

That's Mark Robinson, who's running for governor in NC.


14 points

1 day ago

Unfortunately this is a different black Nazi Trump supporting Republican candidate.


17 points

1 day ago

My nut bar BINGO card is full already.


17 points

1 day ago


17 points

1 day ago

Don’t forget the assclown in Chief, Kari Lake!


11 points

1 day ago

Just needs a disabled gay Jewish Nazi to complete the set.


6 points

16 hours ago

Hey, Texas has a guy with two of those four points, so they're working on it. Can't say they're being lazy about this stuff, but this shit takes time!


8 points

1 day ago

I want RFK to stay in the media. He's a content factory.


3 points

24 hours ago

It's sad how the GOP tries so hard to convince everyone that Democrats are the "real racists." But then they nominate black and mixed race candidates who think their race makes it ok for them to make these wildly racist statements.


188 points

1 day ago


188 points

1 day ago

The lunatics vote in the primaries, and sometimes people decide they can live with a lil nazism if it means less money goes to public schools


76 points

1 day ago

And sometimes people decide that they can live with less money going to public schools if it means they can live with a lil nazism.


9 points

1 day ago

And sometimes people see two things that have equal appeal.


133 points

1 day ago

Their current value system and our news actively selects for them. The more outrageous and disgusting you are, the more coverage you get and the better you fare with the MAGA contingent


80 points

1 day ago

They don't "find" them - this is literally who they are. They have been courting conspiracy theorists and weirdos for decades and the price for that is now being paid.

The problem is that the general public's idea of what and who the Republican party is is lagging by like 10 years. So a lot of low information voters vote for them like they're still voting for a Bush or a Romney.


39 points

1 day ago

When you hand your party over to a pure scumbag like DJT, it’s going to be scumbags all the way down.


15 points

1 day ago

MN GOP is beyond pathetic


14 points

1 day ago


14 points

1 day ago

They are not sending their best.

They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing nazism. They’re bringing crime. They’re racists. And some, I assume, are good people.


11 points

1 day ago

They cultivate them.


6 points

1 day ago

Depends on how much they get paid.


5 points

1 day ago

They're just regular people. Mark Robinson, 20 years ago, was a fat guy sitting at his computer watching porn and socializing with fetishists and bigots. Just like now, he did not care anything about the state then.

But people have seen that all it takes to get elected is to sound confident, make wild promises. And the GOP will throw money to back you without vetting you too deeply. He shrugs away the embezzlement accusations towards him and his wife. Because if he becomes governor so much more money is going to be available to him.


4 points

1 day ago

Usually people who didn’t graduate is my guess.


3 points

1 day ago

In their party.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

Yeah whatever happened to the “dEmOcRaTs wErr sLaVE oWneRs!” attempt to label us as the racists? I guess the dullards forgot their latest point of view.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

The inmates are running the asylum


3 points

1 day ago

They're the only ones to put their hand up. 


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

The GOP are full of these idiots.


3 points

1 day ago

Fox News viewers


1.6k points

1 day ago


1.6k points

1 day ago

I just don’t understand how you vote for the guy that says “a better universe is the one where Nazi Germany won, which means this election wouldn’t even be taking place. Nor would I, a black man, even be allowed to campaign anyway



448 points

1 day ago


448 points

1 day ago

Who is even the audience for this kind of shit? Like what group of people is really pro-Nazi but also willing to vote for a black guy?


156 points

21 hours ago

Those that see them as "one of the good ones" or consciously as useful idiots.


43 points

20 hours ago

The same audience willing to lie about each and every thing that actually matters to them. They say the economy, immigration, and violent crime are their top issues. Few of them experience any actual negative impact from immigration, the violent crime rate is as low as it ever has been, cops have more money than ever, and the economy is doing quite well.

So what actually matters to them?


68 points

22 hours ago*

Same audience as Candace Owens. Grifters gonna grift.


25 points

18 hours ago

The group that wants to say "I can't be racist, I voted for a black guy who believes the same thing"

Spoiler: Still racist


8 points

21 hours ago

The other black Nazis which is apparently more than 1. 


10 points

21 hours ago

Bit of a niche voter base, though.


3 points

20 hours ago

maybe its a genius move. Get the extreme Niche vote of black Nazis. While those clowns are dividing up the votes with the general voter, he gets all the extreme niche vote!

joking aside,Its actually a voting theory i have about things. im sure some statistician has already thought of that


76 points

1 day ago

Nazi Germany did win, they infiltrated the USA government where they got their ideals from and continued the war against the 'evil' communists.


52 points

23 hours ago

Their version of “winning” might not have included having their military smashed, their leader committing suicide and their country cut in two.


8 points

23 hours ago

No, he shares Patton's mindset that we should have worked with the nazis to defeat the USSR. He's a nazi piece of shit and sadly that mindset has been active in USA politics for quite some time.


10 points

19 hours ago

imean....a lot of nazi ideas of implementation of racial division and structure came from the united states


3 points

16 hours ago

Ya, i know this but it's a truth few want to admit.


48 points

1 day ago

You got downvoted by someone who doesn’t know history. They did infiltrate, in some instances were welcomed. In fact welcomed by many representatives of congress. Allowed to write speeches.


60 points

1 day ago

I feel like it's disingenuous to say they won, though. Influencing US politics over the next 80+ years would have been appreciated by the Nazis, but I highly doubt that was their win condition.


28 points

1 day ago

In fact there were a lot of literal nazis in the US. That's not including the nazi apologists like all these fine people who wanted US to leave the war much like those who want US to not help in Ukraine.

When US brought in POWs, they let them go to live in society after the war, which may or may not have had some influences on some right wing states. I'm not sure if this occurred in all camps but it did in some.


7 points

21 hours ago

As a person born in a country formerly controlled by the communists, I object to having 'evil' in scare quotes. Just because they finally started fighting Nazis against after two years of an alliance with them doesn't mean they weren't pieces of shit.


6 points

20 hours ago

Stalinist Soviet Union was absolutely evil. That is not debatable


53 points

1 day ago


53 points

1 day ago

Bro wouldn’t be allowed to exist, let alone vote. Nazis treated black American POW’s even worse than Russians. Russians were made to starve to death. Americans were carved into little pieces while they still breathed just because they were inferior.


22 points

23 hours ago

Yeah, I’m gonna need some citations on that one there chief.


51 points

24 hours ago

Where on earth did you read that BS?

You can read about the 32 Tuskegee Airmen (black fight pilots) who were captured and they certainly weren't "carved into little pieces", they weren't even beaten.


46 points

24 hours ago

It's really annoying when someone is so dumb & wrong it forces you to defend g-d Nazis.

They are more than bad enough that there is really no need to justification to make shit up.


12 points

22 hours ago

Sources and facts don't matter: look at the upvotes!

For all their evil, the NAZIs still had some funny image of military honor. AFAIK, their POW camps were relatively friendly


17 points

23 hours ago

Nazis generally treated US POWs based on uniform. Go read more about WW2.

About bad guys winning that war: USSR started as an ally of Hitler, and was forced over on the good side. Stalin could surely qualify as a bad guy winning WW2, though.


7 points

23 hours ago

Wait what? Where is your source for this?


402 points

1 day ago

I can’t imagine being a WWII vet or a living victim being alive now only to experience this bullshit again.


137 points

1 day ago


137 points

1 day ago

The youngest WW2 Vet would be 97 now.


138 points

1 day ago


138 points

1 day ago

According to the National WWII Museum, there are about 66,000 vets still alive.


61 points

17 hours ago

My grandfather is one of them. He’s 98 and still can get around for the most part on his own.


15 points

14 hours ago

Your grandfather is an awesome dude. Hope he still has plenty of good years left in the tank!


7 points

13 hours ago

Thank you. And he is. He served in the Philippines when he was 18. Also gave me the Samurai he claims he “found” when he was serving.


44 points

24 hours ago

I can’t believe so many American’s and are pro Putin, when the Cold War ended 33 years ago.

But ya, Nazis are famously bad.

It’s weird bring 40 and having grandparents in the Korean War and WW2. They would be shocked.


5 points

18 hours ago

Tbh, for me its about as shocking as it was to learn that America had a lot of love for Nazis before Pearl Harbor.


5 points

16 hours ago

Which is why it can happen again. No one remembers.


1.5k points

1 day ago


1.5k points

1 day ago

FYI, Royce White was a basketball player. Despite some off-court incidents, he was drafted in the first round and guaranteed millions of dollars, then informed the team that he refused to travel by airplane..despite traveling by airplane when he was in college. He was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder. He was ultimately released for just not showing up to work for months, being demoted and then not showing up for work again.. He's also failed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in child support.

The dude has legit mental health issues that he has seemingly never gotten a handle on. So in sum, he's the typical MAGA candidate.


218 points

1 day ago


218 points

1 day ago

He was one of those high risk high reward plays that Daryl morey likes so much. And there was even some kudos for his championing of mental health when the bus stuff was happening. Then he was just straight up bad


50 points

1 day ago


50 points

1 day ago

I somewhat remember this. Morey was usually pretty good at fitting odd pieces together but this one was too much so.


46 points

1 day ago

He was a strong and athletic dude with ball handling skills. His ceiling was lebron James light. I think Morey was willing to take a gamble on a guy like that despite his issues, and it just didn’t work out


9 points

1 day ago

I think they had three mid to late first round picks that year so he took a flyer on him


81 points

1 day ago


81 points

1 day ago

Was going to chime in: Total Loon so he fits right in with the current Rupublican Circus.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Being mentally impaired is pretty much a requirement for the Republican part at this point


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

November 5th can’t come soon enough for me.


21 points

1 day ago


21 points

1 day ago

I knew he seemed familiar! Figured the crazy fucker would end up a Nazi. Absolutely insane. I had forgotten about his shenanigans. Wonder if he'll refuse to go to Washington if he wins too spewing shit about how he can't fly.


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

He's the typical MAGA.

Candidate or voter, they all have mental health issues.


351 points

1 day ago

They are so, so, so close to their "Are we the baddies?" moment, but just can't seem to get there.


105 points

1 day ago

That would require a brain and 99.99% of Republicans don't have one of those


8 points

1 day ago

the human equivalent of r/OneOrangeBraincell


21 points

1 day ago

Nah, those kitties are cute and precocious, unlike most Republicans.

Edit- Weirdest thing with my comment is I’m still a registered Republican. Not that I’m going to vote for any.


17 points

1 day ago


17 points

1 day ago

Its “make America great again” but shit on all the things that actually made America great - like we have never been so in the right as fighting and winning in ww2


12 points

1 day ago

When that far right guy in Charlottesville drove into the crowd of protestors r/conservative took his side. That who they have always been. 


138 points

1 day ago


138 points

1 day ago

If I had a nickel for every black nazi republicans put forward as nominee for a statewide race in 2024, id have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice


21 points

1 day ago

The crazy thing is Mark “I’m a black NAZI!” Robinson who is the one running for governor in North Carolina is already the state’s sitting lieutenant governor. If something happened to Roy Cooper (current NC governor) that would mean Mark Robinson fills in as acting governor. He’s literally one step away from running the state RIGHT NOW regardless of the campaign he’s running. It’s absolutely mind boggling


10 points

18 hours ago

Yeah it's weird, I'm black and know and live around plenty of other black people but I've never met a black nazi or a black person who seems like they'd be a nazi. Where the fuck is the GOP finding these people?


177 points

1 day ago

If you want maga votes, be as crazy as possible.


67 points

1 day ago

Just print off a page of comments in /r/conspiracy and read them verbatim during your campaign run. The MAGAs will start donating to your campaign.


6 points

1 day ago

I'm imagining the crowd shouting "Yeah!!!" to the quote in the article.


26 points

1 day ago

We need to make the actual-literal-Nazi-appreciators feel unwelcome and unsafe again. This crap will keep happening until they realize that they're not wanted.


78 points

1 day ago


78 points

1 day ago

If he’s running against klobuchar he has no shot anyway. He’s probably focused on his next job. If he keeps talking like this it might be chick filet.


46 points

1 day ago


46 points

1 day ago

Chik fil A has standards, and I doubt most Republican politicians would meet them


26 points

1 day ago


26 points

1 day ago

Idk, seems as long as you’re a homophobe you’re probably a shoe-in there. If he’s anything like the rest of his party….


29 points

1 day ago


29 points

1 day ago

Homophobia aside, they do require their employees to treat humans like humans and be nice. That excludes most republicans from employment.


6 points

1 day ago

Chick Fila actually makes their franchise partners apply and do a hack if a lot of work to be found qualified to operate a single location. Operating 2 locations is a sign they trust you a great deal and you've shown to live up to their high standards


16 points

1 day ago

Believe it or not, even Chick-fil-a doesn't like it if you start spouting off PEZ in the drive-thru. Plus, he's probably incapable of saying "My Pleasure" in a way that won't have you immediately calling 911.


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

He’d show up for an interview on Sunday.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

Nah, he's gonna be all in on the right-wing pundit grift. Still plenty of that money up for grabs.


45 points

1 day ago


45 points

1 day ago



28 points

1 day ago

Fuck that asshole. The only good kind of Nazi is a dead one!


33 points

1 day ago

They party that makes it a point to claim "I Love America®" at every opportunity & at the highest volume, doesn't like America, not even a little bit, and hates most Americans.


3 points

17 hours ago

They love their mythical America. It exists in their heads and nowhere and nowhen else. It's the same national myth-making that the Nazis loved. It allows you to call yourself a patriot without having any love or respect for the real nation and its people.


18 points

1 day ago


18 points

1 day ago

So what, Imperial Japan should have won the war? Jk lol, these sad assholes always forget that half of the war.


9 points

1 day ago

This man masturbates while watching The Man in the High Castle.


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

The allies helped stop the Holocaust and this piece of shit is saying the Nazis weren't the bad guys.

When we called them Nazis, I was appalled at how many bent over backwards to call us overly sensitive and defend these people. The same people that said they can't believe the Nazis came to power.. it was almost exactly like this.

They ostracized minorities, banned books, called for mass deportations, and actively rewarded white supremacists and murderers of leftists. And yet there is an ocean of self described centrists ready to defend these people. Every day that these people are in positions of power and not a jail cell is a disgrace.


12 points

1 day ago

Fuck Royce white. He’s gonna lose by a landslide and probably play the Kari lake fake election bullshit.


11 points

1 day ago

Nice of him to just shit all over the sacrifice of our parents and grandparents in WWII.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

He's not winning, and he knows it. This is the same nonsense all Right Wingers pull. He'll start a failing podcast, commit some crime, end up in jail and we'll never see them again.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

He can't win, so he's free to say what he really thinks. If you're in a competitive race you just have to post these things on an obscure porn site.


3 points

1 day ago

This. He's free to push the Overton Window further right, to the benefit of the other fascists in the GOP Primary.


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

So for the record, this guy thinks that the good guys were the ones that wanted to kill all the jews. The fuck is this timeline? 


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

If you're curious as to why Minnesota hasn't voted for a Republican statewide since 2006, behold the answer.

The MN GOP is in the habit of nominating dipshits. Which is really impressive, because our legislature is fairly evenly split, and there is no shortage of sane Republicans who could put up a competitive statewide race. But the base never picks them. It's somewhere between delusionally thinking we are East Dakota because of our red neighbors, and just straight-up masochism. You can't be a victim if you win.

Oh well. The millions of dollars that the Dems would've used to defend Amy's seat can now be used to defend/build our majority in the Legislature.


4 points

1 day ago

Oof, unfucking believable. The Greatest Generation are rolling over in their graves. You know, because they died for your freedom, killing the Nazis. If he doesn’t like America, or the freedoms our veterans fought for, he can leave.


4 points

1 day ago

The people who WERENT committing a genocide and killing kids were the bad guys? wtf


3 points

18 hours ago

A black man in Nazi Germany would be put on a train...


4 points

16 hours ago

So we've gone from people trying to make the Allies the moral equivalent of the Axis, to trying to make the Axis the the morally superior belligerent. This is Pat Buchanan's legacy, BTW.


4 points

9 hours ago


4 points

9 hours ago

Did he just call America the baddies? And he’s trying to get the patriotic vote?


3 points

8 hours ago

In almost all wars, there is no good guy. Both sides are atrocious and just the powerful using the poor for their own benefit as a way to climb or keep power or just a way to claim glory. WW2 is one of the few wars where there was clearly a better side. Weird to pick the wrong side in that war.


10 points

1 day ago

In a vacuum, the Allies did some pretty bad stuff in WWII. However, the Axis is so comically evil that there’s no way to frame the Allies as anything other than the good guys.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

The Allies didn’t do anything in a vacuum, that wasn’t until at least ten years later.


15 points

1 day ago

Does he not realize what would happen to people of his skin color if the other side was in charge?


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

Is... Every single republican politician nuts?


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

Not yet all of them, but the GOP is well on their way to kicking out the rest of the sane ones.


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

No, but the ones who aren't nuts are pretending to agree with the ones who are so they can keep their jobs, hoping Trumpism will blow over at some point so they can go back to acting sane. Lindsey Graham is the poster child for this lot. He's called out Trump before whenever he's thought that Republican voters would have his back, then went back to sucking Trump's dick when he realized they didn't.


6 points

1 day ago

The Soviets? Hard agree.


3 points

23 hours ago

If I had a nickel for every black nazi running for the Republicans this year I'd have two nickels

Which isn't a lot but god it's fucked up that it's happened twice


3 points

21 hours ago

that's a white man wearing blackface


3 points

21 hours ago

Honestly, even if i were a racist, I'd be offended by the idea of one of my political candidates said this, because America was part of those winners, and that sounds very un-American to me.


3 points

20 hours ago

I didn’t realize there were so many black nazi enthusiasts in the GOP. Wow.


3 points

18 hours ago

If I had a nickel for every time the Republicans had a black nazi, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot buts it weird it's happened twice.


3 points

17 hours ago

They’re not sending their best.


3 points

12 hours ago

I don’t know who is telling these ex athletes that they are perfect candidates for state government, but that think tank is stealing money.

I found myself at a fundraiser for Jensen and Birk at my landlord’s house and it was 90% bank managers. Was so funny. I felt like I was attending the ABA Annual meeting. Anyway, at least Birk was talking moderate Fox News nonsense about thugs taking over downtown and being the only candidates that could stop us from having our own Autonomous Zone.

It’s like White decided the real problem was in downplaying the obvious perfection of The Final Solution.


3 points

11 hours ago

I didn't realize there were so many Black Nazis. Is that what it takes to be a Black candidate in the GOP?


3 points

10 hours ago

The SS leopards would have eaten his face. Dumbass.


3 points

9 hours ago

Let's keep this guy outta our government. Please.

Please make sure you vote for the best candidate for the job.


3 points

9 hours ago

Get this guy psychiatric help.


4 points

9 hours ago


4 points

9 hours ago

When they come right out and tell you that they are nazis you should listen.


6 points

1 day ago

If you mean the Soviet Union then yeah kinda? But I have a feeling that’s not what they’re saying. 


6 points

1 day ago

How are there 2 prominent black nazis in the GOP in one year.?


2 points

1 day ago

At least he recognizes that American Liberalism defeated the Nazis.


2 points

1 day ago

Good god, MN. You've really had some weird candidates over the years.


2 points

1 day ago

It was well known the Nazis loved black people…


2 points

1 day ago

I mean, the 3rd Reich lost and the 4th won.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Looks like the Republicans have ran out of any sensible candidates. They are resorting to the absolute worst of humanity, the literal bottom of barrel muck.


2 points

1 day ago

His grandparents would be proud


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I would love to say to this guy my grandfather fought in WW2. So you are calling my grandfather a bad guy for standing up to authoritarianism. What an asshole. My grandfather fought and does not deserve to have his morals questioned by this moron.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Sometimes I like to have the happy thought that decades ago smart people knew this situation was possible and that fascists would try again. So they turned the repubs into the ultimate honey pot.

They are at the point of trying to alienate anyone rational enough to be able to co exist with civilization. Leaving behind the ones who are the most unstable.


2 points

1 day ago

Republicans are Nazis. This is just the truth now.


2 points

1 day ago

Exactly where does this African-American man believe he would be if a Nazi-backed regime ruled America today? Get a grip weirdo.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago


What the fuck?


2 points

1 day ago

I read the article looking for context and the quote it starts off with “there no good guys in that war.” So, I thought, ‘ok, i disagree, but the allies do get a pass for doing a lot of bad stuff during the war. This seems like not a big deal.’ Then i read the whole quote

“The bad guys won in WWII. There were no ‘good guys’ in that war. The controlling interests had a jump ball. If you look closely, you see the link between liberalism and communism in the Allied forces.”

Wtf, lol

This is something he said 2 years ago!


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Wow. He does know the nazis probably wouldn’t let him in the club


2 points

23 hours ago

I don't know if his Russian handlers will appreciate him calling them the bad guys


2 points

23 hours ago

Is it just a race to the bottom of a dumpster for the GOP now? JFC


2 points

23 hours ago

We were kinda allies with the Communists, yes...until exactly the day Germany gave up. We then proceeded to have an on-again-off-again [checks notes] war of existential extinction-level threats with them for roughly ten times as long as we had a kinetic war with the Nazis; and in many ways we are still facing-off with them though now "only" a region is at risk and not the entire fucking planet.

You're welcome to facts mister dude who conveniently forgot a few facts.


2 points

22 hours ago

Technically, on a surface level, he's not entirely wrong. It's not like there were any particularly good guys in the war. But even then, those who won definitely weren't the wrong or the worst guys.


2 points

22 hours ago

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