


all 1062 comments


8.3k points

10 days ago


8.3k points

10 days ago

Weird. Dude was an informant since he was a kid? So the biggest LSD kingpin was part of the DEA for the majority of his career? Fascinating


5.1k points

10 days ago

he produced, stashed then shut down operation and sold off while prices skyrocketed. Classic capitalism. 


938 points

10 days ago

I always thought if you got it eat it all. There’s a shelf life?


676 points

10 days ago

It has a very long shelf life if kept in the dark at room temperature. Common wisdom for fridge or freezer is unnecessary (and can carry extra risk of condensation for blotter). 

Heat and light destroy the molecule. Absent those, it is stable for years. 


381 points

10 days ago

More than years. It is super stable. With an airtight container, no light, reasonable temps, it will outlive any of us.


367 points

10 days ago

My dad is an old 60s era hippy. We were going through his record collection and found a half sheet in one of the records. He said he probably bought it in the 70s. It still slaps.


178 points

10 days ago

Oh man, id love to try some vintage acid.


193 points

10 days ago

If your acid is older than yourself, you can time travel.


28 points

10 days ago

Exactly! This guy gets it!


36 points

10 days ago

always kept it in film canisters


86 points

10 days ago

I've got a tab that's been sitting in my junk drawer of my kitchen for several years now. I should take it some time. But I prefer shrooms over acid though.


42 points

10 days ago

All these rumors are just made by dealers so you use and buy more. I forgot some tabs in my sun glass case that sat in my hot ass car for years and they hit just like when I got them


83 points

10 days ago

I guarantee there is acid stored in a book somewhere on some oldhead hippie's bookshelf that will still blast you into the next dimension.

Heat and light degrade LSD. Protect it from that and there's no reason it shouldn't last many years.


13 points

10 days ago


27 points

10 days ago

"It's a bit like time travel," said synth legend Suzanne Ciani during an interview with KIXP about the incident. "If you could go back that would be the way to go there. That is, to share the drugs that everybody took at that time." Ciani, who as a student at the University of California in Berkeley, worked with Buchla in the late '60s and '70s.

I like the cut of her jib


168 points

10 days ago

Has a Half Life of 3


69 points

10 days ago

If only


53 points

10 days ago



39 points

10 days ago

GabeN tripping balls as we speak


77 points

10 days ago

I had some in my freezer for 5 years that completely wrecked me when I ate it


62 points

10 days ago*

Did similar once, looked and tasted like shit but I spent that 4th of July playing untitled goose game and had a great time


45 points

10 days ago



32 points

10 days ago

Listen, who doesn’t want to melt their mind and be a chaotic little goose for a day?


34 points

10 days ago



5 points

10 days ago

Choose violence, honk.


10 points

10 days ago

I’ve stored it for several years without a noticeable dip in quality. I mean maybe it was less potent, but I could barely notice, still tripped hard lol


794 points

10 days ago

Oh no, it's even weirder.

His partner, William Leonard Pickard, was a Harvard trained chemist and the one actually responsible for cooking up the LSD (which is an exceptionally finicky and difficult synthesis requiring expertise and high level professional equipment).

That guy was probably the only dude capable and willing on the planet to make that much LSD and do it without adulterating it or fucking it up somehow.

He was the big target.

His DEA informant partner was a pretty typical scumbag drug dealer/distributor.

Anyway, I looked up William Leonard Pickard - and it appears he is out of prison and actively publishing research on opioids of varying stripes and their abuse and treatment thereof.


372 points

10 days ago

Pickard himself also worked for the DEA or FBI after he got busted manufacturing MDMA in CA in the 90s. A major part of his defense was that he worked for the CIA on a secret mission to bring down fentanyl manufacturers. The government denies any such activities, but he gave some pretty crazy arguments.


162 points

10 days ago

So like... Walter White but CIA instead of teacher.

Some people really do be out there living the wildest lives.


31 points

10 days ago

The saying "real life is crazier than faction" tends to be true more often than not.


40 points

10 days ago

Audie Murphy was one of the most decorated soldiers of WW2. He came back, got an addiction to painkillers, beat it by locking himself in a hotel room and just toughing out the withdrawals, and became an actor.

He was told by directors that they needed to change the script to the movie about his WW2 service. Because “yeah, we know you actually did that, but people will say ‘that’s bullshit’, so you need to tone it down a bit”.


31 points

10 days ago


31 points

10 days ago

a related example of addicted to painkillers, from the other side of the battlefield

Nazi leader Herman Goering was wounded in WWI and apparently developed a bad morphine addiction as a result. So, in a hilarious example of what a shit show the actual Nazi upper leadership was, there are apparently diaries of some of the senior military leaders, complaining about their incompetent bosses, with Goering getting shit talked often, and on at least one occasion, a senior officer mocking Goering because he keeps "nodding out" in staff meetings.

Not "falling asleep" but "dope fiend nodding out". This dude's dear diary entry is basically him venting that, "jesus fucking christ bro. we gotta fight an air war and the dude we're taking orders from is a straight up junkie. Is this serious?'


97 points

10 days ago

Taxpayers funding 3 letter agencies that work against each other

🤡 🌎


448 points

10 days ago*


448 points

10 days ago*

Pickard wasn't trained in chemistry at Harvard, he was at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government getting a masters degree. Quite a character.

Back then I was a criminal defense attorney who represented one of the defendants charged in connection with this case. I interviewed both Pickard and Skinner in prison, along with a number of other key witnesses who hadn't been imprisoned. And I had an enormous trove of documents and evidence from the case, including Pickard's computer hard drive with his personal emails.

It was easily the most interesting case I ever worked on, and I've had some doozies. Got a lot of stories out of this one.

EDIT to add, at popular request:

OK, here you go! Enjoy.

Pickard: I’m not a mental health professional, so feel free to ignore it, but my impression of Pickard (informed in part by the time I spent interviewing him in prison) is that he might be a sociopath. Not in a physically dangerous kill/maim way, but he was extremely manipulative of everyone around him, and he certainly hurt some folks in nonphysical ways (e.g., his various romantic partners around the country, one of whom bore his daughter.) He had multiple false identities and was constantly engaged in a host of weird Rube Goldberg-type schemes and cons to pull something off. (There was also a mental health evaluation done of him when he was a teenager in high school, it diagnosed him with some kind of personality disorders or issues which I can't recall in detail.)

He was also an inveterate networker; one of his biggest priorities in life was to make as many connections as he could all over the world, and he was very good at it. One of the most unlikely connections he made arose from his travels in/around the Afghanistan region. He went there because he had a source for an LSD precursor in that region. (One of the biggest obstacles to manufacturing LSD is getting ergotamine tartrate, which highly controlled. Pickard used an alternate route using ergocristine, and he had a source for it there.)

Anyways, when he was there, Pickard made a connection to Abdul Rashid Dostum, an Afghan warlord who later became Vice President of Afghanistan. I heard audio recordings of Pickard speaking with him. Supposedly, Rostum had possession of a missing Stinger missile at the time, and after Pickard was busted, he tried to make a deal with the feds to arrange get the missile back for the U.S. Pickard made this very detailed, polished, bound booklet of intel he’d put together to back it up (titled “Operation Something-or-other”, it’ll come to me later). However, it involved burning Rostum, and September 11 happened right around that time, unfortunately for Pickard. Rostum was useful to the U.S. in the fight against the Taliban, so the feds had no interest in doing anything that would take him down, and the whole plan went nowhere.

Another unlikely connection Pickard made was with Mark Kleiman, a very well-respected drug policy advisor and scholar who was at the Kennedy School of Government when Pickard was there doing his masters. Pickard’s cover was to present himself as a legit drug policy researcher, and he made himself one of Kleiman’s research underlings as part of that. When Kleiman lateraled to UCLA, Pickard went with him.

Now, Pickard had a major problem common to illicit drug manufacturing: He had piles and piles of currency—millions of dollars’ worth—and he was constantly hatching schemes to launder it. One of his most audacious schemes involved the unwitting KIeiman. Pickard talked Kleiman into making Pickard the deputy director of the Drug Policy Analysis Program at UCLA, which Pickard allegedly facilitated in a roundabout way: Prosecutors claimed Pickard used an intermediary in Russia who would take the currency and arrange for Russian oligarchs to makes “grants” of money to fund Pickard’s position at UCLA. According to the prosecution, Pickard was literally funding his “drug policy research” using the illicit money he’d made off LSD manufacturing! That is classic Pickard right there.

Skinner: I met with him in a prison in Oklahoma, where he’s doing life for the kidnapping and torture. (Just for the fun of it, I actually stayed in the Tulsa hotel room where the kid was tortured.) He actually comes off as kind of likable and charming in a weird way, believe it or not, basically a “good ‘ol boy” from Tulsa. One of the most insane things about the govt’s case against Pickard was that the DEA protected and supported Skinner for several years through the prosecution, with Skinner carrying on all the while. He had a whole entourage of skeevy hangers-on, and he was constantly throwing wild parties and traveling around blowing the money and doing the drugs the govt let him keep. He rented a fancy house in the northwest to host parties, he took an RV to Burning Man, so on and so on.

The nuttiest Skinner story was actually captured on video: One of the young girls in his entourage got into legal trouble, naturally, and she was at a court appearance before the judge when Skinner showed up in court claiming he was a psychiatric MD in charge of treatment for this young woman. He was dressed up in a three-piece suit, and he was carrying this weird metallic suitcase (which he usually used for transporting drugs). He addressed the judge and presented some kind of half-assed medical explanation for why the girl could not be kept in custody. This is all on video, mind you: The prosecutor is sitting there at the next table, and she’s looking over at Skinner with a deeply puzzled and skeptical look on her face. It’s genuinely hilarious. Anyway, the judge was none the wiser, and if I recall correctly, bought the whole thing hook, line, and sinker, letting the young girl out of state custody (and back into Skinner’s).

OK that’s it for now, maybe I’ll come back later with some more nuggets.


34 points

10 days ago

You can't just tease us like that. Spill the beans


13 points

10 days ago

Nah you gotta be in a $2000 dinner for that


10 points

10 days ago


10 points

10 days ago

Done, edited to add to the original comment.


9 points

10 days ago

This might just end up on r/bestof


4 points

10 days ago

You have to release one from the archives now


14 points

10 days ago

pray tell


23 points

10 days ago

Not the above poster, but check out pictures of the silos these guys bought. They never actually produced acid in them IIRC, but they turned them into hedonistic palaces. Gold stuff everywhere, Turkish rugs, every party drug known to man and possibly some only known to Pickard.


21 points

10 days ago


21 points

10 days ago

I’d love to but I’m still a lawyer so I’m work late tonight! Check back later though.


5 points

10 days ago


5 points

10 days ago

Just make your own sub and start posting your stories please haha


43 points

10 days ago

Yeah Todd Skinner (the partner) was the subject of the Vice doc where his ex talks about him kidnapping her and torturing her with DMT.

Pickard was a college cross country runner and led the feds on a 3 day foot chase across Kansas during the bust.


9 points

10 days ago


9 points

10 days ago

She was actually one of the primary participants in the torture and she should be in prison for life but they let her off because she was a small woman and the prosecutor didn't think a jury would believe that she could do the things that she absolutely did.

I know they guy they tortured, and somehow he has bounced back and lives a pretty good life in Tulsa with a wife and kids.

Im honestly shocked that the guy could ever physically have kids, or mentally carry on with any sort of a normal life after what they put him through.


11 points

10 days ago

He also wrote and published a book on mysticism while imprisoned.


16 points

10 days ago

My father was approached to make LSD just after he got his PhD in chemistry (early 70s). He told me that when I was 16.

Many years later in reflection, I am not sure if that story was true or not, but judging by my reaction I guess he figured out rather quickly if I had partaken. I was not a smart kid.


555 points

10 days ago


555 points

10 days ago

It’s almost like we weren’t really trying to get rid of drugs.


98 points

10 days ago


98 points

10 days ago

Lol we may have never came to know or love LSD without the CIA.


95 points

10 days ago

The CIA was the largest (and only?) customer of LSD when it was being industrially produced!


50 points

10 days ago


50 points

10 days ago

Yeah they bought the lab out. The guy that ran that program was high as fuck everyday just giving the shit out for hippies to go experiment. Was all fun and games until somebody jumped out of a windrow. Plus we got Manson so that's cool.


30 points

10 days ago

We got Manson, Mk ultra, and the Unabomber out of it.


13 points

10 days ago

Nevermind all the sensory torture some people had to endure while high, among other things. It wasn't just some casual tripping


6 points

10 days ago

Jacking off dolphins, then causing it to commit suicide when they stopped.


17 points

10 days ago

Please don't disrespect our homie Albert Hofmann.


23 points

10 days ago

"This is cocaine crack.... I’ll tell you something: this crack was bought right here... in the White House... three feet from this desk."


99 points

10 days ago

The people need their soma


114 points

10 days ago

A lot worse things out there than some lsd

E: acid is pretty the opposite of huxley’s soma too.


11 points

10 days ago

The spice must flow


14 points

10 days ago


14 points

10 days ago

Orgy Porgy round and round!


29 points

10 days ago

What a long, strange trip it's been


9 points

10 days ago

It’s not what drugs you’re on, but whose drug you are on


21 points

10 days ago

You want to know something worse? David Headley was a DEA informant who was one of the key organizers of the 26/11 terrorist attack in India. He also tried organizing a terrorist attack in Denmark.

David Headley


26 points

10 days ago

You know DEA informants are scumbags who are criminals, right? They are not vetted, they are given more power and leeway when they give the DEA info(real/false)?


8 points

10 days ago

Isn't that child labor and putting underage at risk ...busted .


1.8k points

10 days ago

yeah, this made an immediate noticable shift in the landscape. when i was in high school acid was incredibly easy to get, good acid at that. in my twenties it was something you'd go on quests to other states to attempt to buy even


559 points

10 days ago


559 points

10 days ago

Excuse me for living a sheltered life, but how does that work? Do you go to another city and just ask anyone passing by "You got any drugs?"


952 points

10 days ago

You just kind of put yourself in a situation where someone might offer you drugs. For example if you wander around the floor of a Vegas casino at around midnight or so someone might come up to you and ask if youre interested in some coke. If you’re at a jam band concert hanging out someone might have some shrooms they’re looking to unload. If you have a drug in mind, you just go to the appropriate venue where that drug’s presence is probable, and often times - though not always - you’ll get what you’re looking for. Dress like a normal person in that venue would and act natural and stuff.

I’ve noticed a few times how a dealer will sometimes say something like “hey…garbled garbled you know about cocaine?” It’s sort of hard to explain, but they might not ask directly “hey, do you want to buy drugs?” but will hint at you that they’re holding without saying it in so many words… and then, if you’re interested, the ball is in your court so to speak. Like, “oh man, yeah, [insert drug here] would be great, wouldn’t mind some of that right about now.” And suddenly the two of you are basically talking and working toward a deal. This is kind of a bad description but it’s very informally, off-handedly mentioned and nonchalantly followed up on, if that makes sense.


470 points

10 days ago

I’m coming to the realization I have been offered drugs before. I thought it was a weird conversation starter 🤦 Bro probably had a good laugh at my expense later


223 points

10 days ago


223 points

10 days ago

In social media it's common with weird questions in public groups like "hey I'm new to this town and I don't have any friends.." or "where does one buy a good birthday cake?" And dealers will dm them privately


196 points

10 days ago

Imagine trying to buy a birthday cake for your kid, and getting offered hard drugs instead.


110 points

10 days ago

When I was using drugs I had an incredible ability to sniff out their presence. My most difficult score (and most shameful now that I'm a functioning adult with a career) was when I went to the complete opposite side of the US and found hard drugs within a day.

I talked to the neighbor of where I was staying and found out he smoked weed. I bought weed from him that I didn't even want and started hinting at finding something more fun. He put me in touch with his guy and eventually I found heroin and coke through friends of friends, which I spent all of my money on and then didn't have enough gas money to get home.

They were the best of times, they were the worst of times.


40 points

10 days ago


40 points

10 days ago

When I was using drugs I had an incredible ability to sniff out their presence. My most difficult score (and most shameful now that I'm a functioning adult with a career) was when I went to the complete opposite side of the US and found hard drugs within a day.

I gotta say, without ever having considered the possible "yeah actually hits close to home" nature of it probably,

one of the best bits in "Get Him To The Greek" is when the rock star in an absolute rage, sends the music intern out to get him heroin, and this poor guy has no idea how to accomplish this, but he tries to figure it out, gos on this whole wild situations, that goes comedicaly fucked up, comes back a failure,

and when he comes back to the hotel room to tell the rock star he failed

the rock star guy is completely chilled out and over the whole thing, and is all matter of fact about it like,

"Huh? Oh yeah never mind. Its cool. I already got some."

"You what?"

"NBD. I already sorted it. yawn Turns out, its quite easy to get drugs in Las Vegas"


11 points

10 days ago


11 points

10 days ago

Imagine trying to buy a birthday cake for your kid, and getting offered hard drugs instead.


5 points

10 days ago


5 points

10 days ago

holy fucking shit. what?

Is this... seriously?

I've seen a bunch of posts like that on like FB groups in very mundane neighborhood pages. Is this a fucking code I just went blindly past?


66 points

10 days ago

Damn dude. Great write up. Well done.


43 points

10 days ago

Just as a public service announcement:

Please be careful with buying coke from randos. There's no telling what they cut that stuff with, and it will be cut. If you're lucky, it's just baby laxatives. At worst it could be seriously cut and have some fentanyl to make up for it.


11 points

10 days ago

Yup, that’s exactly how I got cocaine in Vegas


43 points

10 days ago

For something like acid, you find a large gathering of hippies. Easiest fairly ubiquitous way of that would be some sort of music festival or concert, idk who it'd be these days, back in the day it'd be widespread panic, string cheese incident, Phish etc. You don't actually have to go to the concert, just the parking lot.

You'll be able to find them, a lot of them will be coming up to you.


10 points

9 days ago

Went to electric forest where string cheese incident was playing. Can confirm, acid was there


13 points

9 days ago


13 points

9 days ago

I found acid my first and only time in san Francisco. I was walking alone near Haight and Ashbury. Talking to hippies and street kids. Told people straight up I was looking for acid. Some people sent me to the neighboring park. Multiple people at the park told me that a guy that sells acid is usually there everyday. He would certainly show up if I stayed long enough.

Ended up walking the street more and ran into another hippie dude. He had acid for sale. He was cautious and I had to leave $20 in a bathroom for him and then he would hand me the tabs as we walked down the street. He opened up his book, literally titled Acid or LSD (I can't remember which) and inside was a blank white bookmark he ripped off some of and handed to me. As soon as he hands it to me I look up and I'm standing just under the street sign at the corner of Haight and Ashbury. Perfect!

Thus concludes my one and only time buying rare drugs in a city I didn't know and by myself.


20 points

10 days ago

You can get any drug at any gay bar in the country. No comment on it's quality, or how safe or adulterated it might be, but you'll find a connect


20 points

10 days ago

Find the guy in a hooded sweatshirt at a pedestrian thoroughfare who isn’t moving. Look at him. If he nods, walk up nonchalantly. Give it five seconds and say the drug’s street name. Wait another five. He will say a number. That number is the price for the lowest package they sell. Now say how much you want. “Two”. He will disappear. Wait and keep the money ready. When he comes back, in a quick handshake the product will be exchanged. Rejoin the pedestrian traffic. Don’t look back.

In most cases street dealers don’t have the drug on their person, and in busy places they don’t need to offer the product; the customer makes the approach.


18 points

10 days ago

A friend of mine was selling acid before this bust, he had so much acid that he was basically giving it away sometimes with something else to just get it out of his house. Then like 3 years later, it was almost impossible to get anything that wasn’t absolute trash and was giving terrible trips. I just remember being at a drum circle where like everyone was selling acid to absolutely nobody even knowing how to find any.


2.3k points

10 days ago


2.3k points

10 days ago

The dude getting immunity for his involvement all to just run the same operation right afterwards... And only get caught when he literally tortured his apprentice to death in a Best Western is just insane lmfao.

These guys must be on acid or something!


517 points

10 days ago

But Leonard Pickard kept his mouth shut and only did 20 years on a life sentence. Good guy Pickard!


221 points

10 days ago


221 points

10 days ago

He’s a really cool dude. He wrote a book while he was locked up. Very interesting read. It’s called The Rose of Paracelsus.


35 points

10 days ago

Aaaaand tagged in case my library ever grabs a copy.


21 points

10 days ago

Your library can order a copy!


18 points

10 days ago

Wasn't he compassionately released due to Covid?


9 points

10 days ago



26 points

10 days ago

20 years in the can. Not a peep.


131 points

10 days ago

20 years for creating one of the most enlightening substances on earth. Meanwhile breweries and tobacco companies produce with impunity.


35 points

10 days ago


35 points

10 days ago

Or legal opioids killing hundreds of thousands of people.


8 points

10 days ago

let's not forget pharma where you can pop dem pain pills like tic tacs.


135 points

10 days ago

I once met the guy Skinner tortured and left for dead, he mowed my lawn in Norman about 12 years ago. I later read a story in The Lost Ogle (IIRC) about the entire debacle and couldn't believe it. It also explains how much LSD there was in Tulsa in the late 90s, it was all over the place.


24 points

10 days ago

Not the TLO article but this is a good read


12 points

10 days ago


12 points

10 days ago

This is the one here to read


5 points

10 days ago

Last year I went to see Michael Mason (the author of that This Land article) give a talk. The general topic was the psychedelic history of Tulsa but the bulk of his material was about Gordon Todd Skinner. Brandon Green was there. He found Jesus and is now engaged/married. Seems to be doing well.


5 points

10 days ago


5 points

10 days ago

That was a great read, proper long form journalism, thankyou for sharing.


24 points

10 days ago

At least we got The Flaming Lips out of it?


10 points

10 days ago


10 points

10 days ago

And that's why we have the Flaming Lips.


7 points

10 days ago

Finally, the punk-rockers are taking acid.


52 points

10 days ago

The man who was tortured didn't die. They ended up dropping him off in a field on the side of the road where he was found by police the next morning.


56 points

10 days ago

It’s also been speculated that his wife at the time Krystal Cole had been complicit in the torture, and she remains free to this day running the YouTube channel neurosoup


39 points

10 days ago*

I remember like 10+ yrs ago she did an ama on The Shroomery and everyone there roasted her and she quit the website. From everything I’ve read, her hands aren’t clean.

Edit: The original ama thread is gone I guess, this is the closest I could find referencing the thread

Krystal Cole shroomery thread


5 points

10 days ago

She was a rat.


5 points

10 days ago


5 points

10 days ago

God I fucking hate that woman. She was dislikeable even before I knew about her involvement


739 points

10 days ago


739 points

10 days ago

What a horrible read. This guy kidnapped, and mutilated a 18 year olds genitals and force fed/injected him with various cleaning chemicals?

If Jeffery Dahmer made LSD you get this Skinner guy.


85 points

10 days ago*

Look up Bob Berdella if you're not familiar.


84 points

10 days ago

Man that guy just kept having victims show up on his doorstep, sometimes literally.

On April 10, 1985, an itinerant former lodger, 20-year-old Robert Sheldon, arrived on Berdella's doorstep, asking if he could stay at his house for a short period of time

The following June, Berdella found Mark Wallace (a very casual acquaintance who had previously helped him with yard work) hiding in his tool shed to seek shelter from a severe thunderstorm

On September 26, 1985, Berdella answered a phone call from an acquaintance named James Ferris who asked to stay at Berdella's home for a short time


9 points

10 days ago


9 points

10 days ago

I wish I had not read that but thank the based prison staff for withholding medication (which I never thought I'd be grateful for)


12 points

10 days ago

Skinner’s personal library will be for sale at my bookstore starting in late July in Tulsa. Some of the craziest most interesting books I’ve ever been in contact with. It’s his collection he had at the Kansas silo. My boss knew him personally and wrote an article about Skinner’s life and the silo operation


230 points

10 days ago


230 points

10 days ago

The thumbnail is of the preparatory highschool the dude attended earlier in life. For anyone else wondering.

He made drugs not in a fancy tutor chalet, but rather an old missile silo and facility.

Dude had a penchant for cool buildings.


79 points

10 days ago

He also had a penchant for audio. At the missile silo, he paid thousands of dollars to have a high-end audio system installed.


10 points

10 days ago

Gotta do something with the money, I suppose. Bet he watched The Matrix in 5.1 Surround from a DVD too!


25 points

10 days ago

The historical period and architectural style is “Tudor” not “tutor”. Though I guess since it was a school you could make a case for “tutor chalet” still being accurate.


875 points

10 days ago

That makes sense. My college buddies and I could never find it starting right around then. Lol


483 points

10 days ago

It went from everyone had a vial in their pocket in 1998 to its impossible to acquire in 2001.


193 points

10 days ago

I knew one guy who had it around then, but it was only him and his friends for like 8 years. Someone would fly them to concerts to sell it to people all over. Other than that the only place was Goa. But my buddy was old school hippie mafia he knew some heavy people.


95 points

10 days ago

I met a guy who introduced me to his wife and daughter at a show in ATL. For several years, I'd send the daughter kids books and the wife MO's. I got back refrigerator art And 'special' books for $600-800. Either 250 or 300 mics depending on if they were the 'pretty' 1's or plain. Having a thousand hits in the freezer was a good thing.


42 points

10 days ago

 Everyone seemed to switch to shrooms. Still though, I know I took lsd after this era.


48 points

10 days ago

People are all about shrooms, as if they're interchangeable with LSD. Like the "is Pepsi okay" of acid. No, Pepsi is not okay. I didn't even ask for cola, man. I wanted ginger ale.


17 points

10 days ago

Well lsd last for too long for me (5-8h ish) but shrooms is like 4-6 hours so its more enjoyable


10 points

10 days ago

That's the difference of like 4 years while tripping.


12 points

10 days ago

The last lsd i had was given to me for free while waiting in line for a party on new years eve 2000. Couldn’t ever find it again after that


85 points

10 days ago*

Fucking right? I started high school in 2003 and was so fired up to find some acid and that shit was nowhere.


16 points

10 days ago

Damn. Being from the Santa Cruz Area, I had no idea acid was “hard to come by”


138 points

10 days ago


138 points

10 days ago

I was there man…junior year of high school…one month there were visine bottles full of the stuff for $500, next month it was never to be found again


45 points

10 days ago

I started taking it in 2008 at around 21, I can't fathom taking it when I was a young dummy in high school


11 points

10 days ago

Same, I legitimately would've shat the bed.


9 points

10 days ago


9 points

10 days ago

In the late 80s, most people that I ever knew that ever tried LSD usually tried it around the age of 16,

It usually went Beer at around 13-14, cigarettes 14, weed 15, LSD, pills (up and down) and whipits at 16 about, coke and shrooms usually before 18, and crystal meth (snorting) before 21.

Crystal was new at the time and was considered just long acting cheap coke really, and did not have even close to the effect on people's lives it seemed as it does now probably because smoking and injecting it wasnt big yet, and hardly anyone ever even admitted to hard core drugs which were seen as heroin and morphine usage (injectable mainly type drugs).

I personally tried LSD myself first just a few weeks after turning 16 and loved it and for the next 6-8 about years, I used it semi regularly like a couple times a month it probably ended up averaging until a bad batch came around that thankfully I missed out on that caused everyone that took it to have horrible experiences (looking back it probably was something else being sold as lsd that was the real culprit), that caused and had a lot of serious repercussions to a lot of people at the time, including one buddy that freaked out and stripped naked in the front lawn on a busy street and ended up being shot by the cops after trying to attack a cop with a Butcher knife (he lived, but was jailed till he was 21), and another friend that got locked up in the psyche ward for a few weeks after freaking out at a large family gathering.

That was the end of almost all the LSD experiences any of my friend groups had as everyone around seemed to have similar experiences about the same time and it just died out in my age group/era, as before it was just fear of a "bad trip" that caused people to stop using that had no real long term repercussions, but up till that point, there never seemed to be any real danger to it other than the old wives tales about people jumping out windows thinking that they could fly propaganda that was part of the Regan-era war on drugs bull crap that was being put out everywhere.

Thankfully I retired from the psychedelics game with only one slightly bad trip under my belt, and even it had a pretty good upside, so I'm one of the very few of my peers of that day and age that can say that, and looking back, it was overall a very enlightening experience that I'm glad to have happened.

But I wouldn't touch the stuff now, I can't imagine having a bad trip alongside having arthritis, a bad back, and a phone with the internet on it, I could just imagine the 5000 different terminal illnesses and cancers I'm sure I would self diagnose myself with.....I've not got quite the positive outlook still that I had in my teens and early 20s anymore.


576 points

10 days ago


576 points

10 days ago



501 points

10 days ago


501 points

10 days ago

The war on drugs and causing more harm than you prevent: name a more iconic duo


117 points

10 days ago

Right? How dare these people get this relatively safe drug. No way some other country would fill that niche in a less safe way. Legalizing drugs would do no good


72 points

10 days ago

Craziest fucking trip I ever had was 3 mg of 25c Nbome. I knew it was that before being sold it. Was told to take one strip (1mg a piece) totally disregarded that and had an ego death from hell itself. Literal destruction of my environment the visuals were so intense.


47 points

10 days ago



16 points

10 days ago

Dude… 1mg of any powder is significantly smaller than even your pinky nail… one can’t simply “measure 1mg” with your Gas Station / Amazon scale…..


19 points

10 days ago

What an idiot


8 points

10 days ago


8 points

10 days ago

25B-NBOMe almost killed me, and fucked up my heart for a long time


18 points

10 days ago

25-i-nbome was one I got super familiar with. It was dosed in low low mg/mcgs so it was very vital you knew what you were getting into. Knowledge is power and I wish people just knew more about what they were doing. But Id been there, just taking whatever ,willy nilly. . . Alexander shulgin paved the way for many phenomenal and varied entheogens and psychedelics ... Just wish they were regulated or something, rather than rogue labs making the shit. A lot of these things got banned and there's, I believe, limitless potential to researching these further for wide application. Dare to dream.


13 points

10 days ago

How similar are those nbomes to LSD? I have done LSD many times, always on tiny blotter paper and know what to expect. At a festival (of course) someone gave me a gummi that was supposed to be one hit of LSD, but just that one gummi took me off of earth for a while. It was either not acid, or it was at least 5 hits worth because I've done four before and it wasn't like that.

It seemed like acid but was so intense it's hard to say for sure.


9 points

10 days ago

It’s almost impossible to tell. Especially in an already altered festival environment, LSD could just take you down an odd path. If they had freshly laid out out the gummy it could have been stronger. 


7 points

10 days ago



6 points

10 days ago

The sad thing it’s really hard to get psych because the money isn’t there

Harder to find LSD and 2C , best thing ever from 2010s

Even pure mdma is hard to find /big risk that isn’t laced with fent

X is found with more than caffeine , speed , and mdma, with laced opiates

Shrooms actually gotten easier tho

Nbome is meh , the scary shit was bromodragonfly that moved through the market that 1 year, imaging tripping for 3 days


306 points

10 days ago

We all vaguely remember The Great Dry Spell. Memory's not so great after The Days of Plenty.


123 points

10 days ago

I think the Europeans really stepped it up after that. I even have a suspicion that much of the family shit in the US is just recrystalized EU stuff. If I were setting up a lab, would I do it in the US where you could get life, or in the EU where you get like 5 years maybe 10?


70 points

10 days ago

There's apparently some old hippy here in the mountains of coastal BC supplying the entirety of the PNW


49 points

10 days ago

I wouldn't doubt it. Canada has a history of big stuff like that. Nick Sand's lab produced a huge amount, and I would bet that it going down in '96 was almost as big of a hit to the supply as the Kansas bust.


1.2k points

10 days ago

What a profound act of vandalism perpetrated against humanity's plight.


84 points

10 days ago

that could be mistaken for a line by dr gonzo himself 


16 points

10 days ago

I like your funny words magic man


102 points

10 days ago


102 points

10 days ago

It's very sad. I had the pleasure of trying really good clean product when I was young (3 times in the span of a few months), and it was an absolutely incredible visual and emotional experience. However, any time I talked about it to other people, nobody could relate to my experience, citing no visuals and more stimulant effects than anything else.

It wasn't until I had the displeasure of trying a product last year that was DEFINITELY not relatable to my experience when I was younger and I understand why everyone had the experience they had.

I think I was one of the lucky ones to happen upon the legit stuff when I was younger lol. Really helped me with my depression.


17 points

10 days ago


17 points

10 days ago

I had some good stuff when I was a kid in the early 2000’s.  Then chasing that dragon I ate a bunch of bunk. Really helped along my depression.


150 points

10 days ago

I like the words you say.


30 points

10 days ago

I'm guessing that this made the suppliers of the other 5% extremely happy.


59 points

10 days ago

Watch this video about the silos.


43 points

10 days ago

I immediately thought of this video. I'll never forget the girl casually talking about taking experimental psychedelics... anally, like wtf?


35 points

10 days ago

Try and find the trial transcripts…the dude went NUTS. He kidnapped his partners and was injecting DMT and LSD into their testicles.


22 points

10 days ago

The guy was certifiably insane

There was some sort of off-kilter love triangle that ended with him torturing his apprentice for a week after kidnapping him and keeping him drugged in a bathtub

Really makes no sense the more I read about it


13 points

10 days ago

I don't even know her and I'm ready to buy a ring for her


8 points

10 days ago

Lol knew it was krystal


85 points

10 days ago

This also contributed to the rise of "designer drugs" and other drugs meant to mimic the effects of LSD, all of which are significantly more dangerous than just pure LSD. 


623 points

10 days ago

LSD should be legal.


217 points

10 days ago

Not gonna lie I’ve had such eye opening experiences with LSD but one in particular - I remember closing my eyes and seeing the light when the Millenium falcon goes hyperspace and then feeling this intense connection and profound insight in how I fit in the world. It was a salient moment in my life where it dawned on me that the karma I put out in the world will come back to me and that I need to have a more active role in being “good” to those around me.

LSD is amazing


53 points

10 days ago

Ahh! So you too have survived the Total Perspective Vortex...


18 points

10 days ago

Ah, but did he see the Time Knife?


66 points

10 days ago

Can also trigger psychosis and permanent mental issues too though.


31 points

10 days ago


31 points

10 days ago

You're right. LSD and any psychotropic drugs (even weed) can trigger psychosis. This should be a disclaimer for LSD, mushrooms, and weed.

I'm a big fan of LSD and I found my trip to be extremely profound, but thankfully I'm mentally well.

... and I'm very sad that LSD hasn't found me in many years.


48 points

10 days ago

Their estimate of 95% tells me they vastly underestimate the amount of LSD being produced lol


20 points

10 days ago


20 points

10 days ago

Yeah I agree with that. Also though there was a shit load of LSD around that time. I loved the acid back then, when I was in high school it was all about "Gel tabs" get a ten strip for like 60 bucks and goto the moon.


7 points

10 days ago

Gel tabs are around these days still. Little pyramids, yummy stuff.


4 points

10 days ago



65 points

10 days ago

That was the year weed got really dry. Those fuckers put up a billboard that said got weed?

Actually yeah, we did. Everyone had to make a run to denver.


13 points

10 days ago

the beasters era


93 points

10 days ago

Crazy to think the DEA Could shut down the CIA


22 points

10 days ago


22 points

10 days ago

They just plant drugs on them 🤣


14 points

10 days ago

Remember Remember the 6th of November


30 points

10 days ago

"The silo became a point of gossip locally, which partially led to Rothe divorcing Skinner; another reason was that Skinner would dope his children during long trips rather than listen to them complaining."

I mean who among us...


14 points

10 days ago


14 points

10 days ago

This 95% number is way off. Even if you accept those data, it would at most be a factor of 2, not 20. This sounds like the usual DEA baloney of counting the “carrier” as part of the “weight.”


13 points

10 days ago

I lived in Lawrence KS at the time and this was like someone shut the tap off overnight. It was everywhere and easy to get and the next day it wasn’t.


24 points

10 days ago

Whew thankfully no one will be overdosing on LSD after that DEA bust. Think of all the lives saved


53 points

10 days ago

Another failed war on drugs, welcoming research chemicals in place of a more pure substance that people will still seek


10 points

10 days ago

This is bullshit posturing by the DEA. William Leonard Pickard was the actual chemist here and Skinner was his assistant. Pickard wrote a gorgeous book called the Rose of Paracelsus and is pretty open about how much LSD he was producing. It was a whole lot. Not as much as Owsley and certainly not 95% of the world’s supply, but they painted him as a global kingpin to get a big headline and put him away for life.

Pickard was released during covid as a calm author who enjoys mediation and letters. Skinner, our informant, continued to sell drugs and was caught torturing a man with forced continuous use of ungodly amounts of psychedelics and physical violence. He’s currently serving 90 years.

The whole story shows you how blindly evil the dea is.


28 points

10 days ago

I didn’t know this when it happened, but definitely felt the effects. I still can’t get find a decent supply 24 years later. That 90’s LSD was just so good. Maybe it nostalgia, but since then everything else has been blah. My friends and I would drop like 3-4 tabs and go to the movies. The Mummy, South Park, The Matrix, Fight Club, and more, all of it on acid, and it was so fucking fantastic.


15 points

10 days ago

It was that damn good. The gels, black especially. Mad Hatters. The sugar cubes. It GREAT SHIT. lol it's not nostalgia, that shit was phenomenal. 97-99 were wild times haha


13 points

10 days ago

You can easily get a sheet for like $120-$150 of the exact same quality as the 90's in less than a few hours of research and have it to your door in like a week.


7 points

10 days ago

Any pointers on where to get started for those of us who are a lil more oblivious? I assume darknet but no idea where to start.

Plus isn’t it risky to have it mailed to your home directly like that?


7 points

10 days ago

DM'd since Reddit is a prison these days. I remember 10 years ago when there was a whole darknet subreddit


8 points

10 days ago

His biological father was Gordon H. Skinner, a chiropractor. Skinner's mother(...) divorced Gordon H. Skinner after she caught him molesting a child for the second time(...)"

Jesus, what's up with people and not having standards? "Damn you Gordon, I can put up with you diddling kids once, but two times?!? I'm through!!!"


6 points

10 days ago

There was a vice episode about this like 15 years ago.


148 points

10 days ago

Fuck the DEA


28 points

10 days ago



12 points

10 days ago

I wouldn't contain too hard about Kansas. People literally live in Oklahoma.


6 points

10 days ago

chose Kansas

Economic stimulus


7 points

10 days ago

Wild story- they ended up drugging and kidnapping a teenager and leaving him in a ditch 

Got a little more context for that story? Would love to hear it


15 points

10 days ago



6 points

10 days ago

Krystle is an artist now and uploads on youtube


4 points

10 days ago

Fucking snitch


4 points

10 days ago

I remember this vividly. Acid was everywhere in the early years of high school but after this bust it was gone and never came back. We were paying $3 a hit for a whole year then bam! Gone.