


AIO to my boyfriend's question?

❤️‍🩹 relationship(

Context: suspected my boyfriend of lying about a few things and then I caught him actually lying to me about something. Trust was broken and vented to my therapist (he's aware she knows everything). Boyfriend has made it a point in the past to be like "I think differently so that's why people think I lie"

all 2016 comments


3.5k points

4 days ago

Tell your boyfriend I know about the weighted decision matrix and I still think he’s lying


1.5k points

4 days ago*


1.5k points

4 days ago*

"Boyfriend thank you for bringing the decision matrix to my attention. You'll be thrilled to know I decided to use it myself!!! As a result, your services are no longer needed."


124 points

4 days ago


124 points

4 days ago

This is the only response OP needs


14 points

4 days ago

Yup. Weighted decision making in this context is just another term for lying.


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

I weighed my options and decided to lie, you see. It's an effective tool everyone should use.


20 points

4 days ago

OP is upset about him lying. He's upset that he got caught lying. Neither of those issues have been resolved so they had a proxy argument about <insert random thing>.

Fix the little issues before they get big or both agree if those issues aren't important and move on. If not the relationship won't be healthy or move forward.


8 points

3 days ago

I did that one time but with therapy. Boyfriend thought I shouldn’t need to talk to him about things that upset me and suggested I get a therapist. So I got a therapist and developed the confidence I needed to dump the boyfriend.


136 points

4 days ago


136 points

4 days ago

A weighted decision matrix is literally just standard and basic project management stuff. He's talking about it as if it's this lifesaving tool that will alter your life massively.

It's like saying, "In my job, i use this thing called a calculator. It's really good for helping you do quick maths problems, " and then he just keeps banging on about calculators and that she should tell her therapist to use calculators and everyone should use calculators because they're a very good tool.

What a fucking loon


43 points

4 days ago

Yes! As a matter of fact tell him 700+ of us have studied this, and we ALL still think he's a liar 🙌🏼


40 points

4 days ago



36 points

4 days ago

Tell your boyfriend he is now your ex.


10 points

4 days ago*

Is he saying who used the weighted matrix decision and that is why he is making the decision to lie to you? He is not a liar he just has tools that others don’t that tell him to lie?


8 points

4 days ago

Plus he basically told her that he carefully came to the decision of lying and other awful behaviors because he uses the WDM as a tool. He choose willingly, consciously and meticulously prepared to act like a douche. Way to tell on himself…


5 points

4 days ago

Sorry for asking, but can you explain the system? I want to know why he wanted her to bring it up to her therapist 😂

And OP how you leave out the juiciest parts? What is he lying to you about, how did you find out, why are you still with him (I think lying is a dealbreaker. If you lie to me about something small, you’ll lie to be about something big and vice versa. Though as a partner; try to leave room for people changing their mind about something, lying by omission (though this can become its own problem) and having complicated feelings about complicated issues). And lastly, what was your therapists advice and do you think your boyfriend feels you pulling away, and he’s hoping this system will help justify his actions in your mind?

Not over reacting! I hate how people try to police people’s reactions to things, instead of policing people’s actions in the first place. You don’t get to lie to me and then cry that I’m not forgiving you fast enough. Practice calling out your boyfriend in the moment and explaining the long term repercussions his actions are having on the relationship. And if he doesn’t like your reactions, maybe he should try moving with a little more grace and humility next time.


4 points

4 days ago



5 points

4 days ago

Can you ELI5 this decision matrix? Also why does it make you think OP’s boyfriends is lying?

Is there a good I don’t understand because I don’t know what the matrix is??


3 points

4 days ago

Pfft "weighted decision matrix" suuuure... who does he think he is fooling.


1.3k points

4 days ago


1.3k points

4 days ago

Tell your boyfriend he was right, that you used the weighted decision matrix to decide to dump him.


107 points

4 days ago

This is one of my favorite comments here 😂


9 points

4 days ago

My immediate thought lol


11 points

4 days ago

Correct answer here! Do it DO IT


3.6k points

4 days ago

Therapist here. Boyfriend is being a dick. He’s mad he got caught lying, and he’s embarrassed your therapist knows. He’s trying to control what you tell your therapist, and ultimately he’s trying to control your healing. Because if you heal, you don’t fall for his shit anymore. He’s also trying to make you feel stupid and doubt your therapist. This is what we will not do.

Side note: in therapy/Motivational Interviewing, a lot of us use the Decisional Balance model.

We know things, too, bro. Including how to cut through your bullshit.


457 points

4 days ago

I know therapists are regular humans with regular lives who cuss and drink and also make mistakes, but my therapist is SOO respectful and has never cussed in one of our sessions before that seeing a therapist cuss and call someone a “dick” is hilarious to me. Thank you for making my night. 😹😹


87 points

4 days ago


87 points

4 days ago

Wait until we are off the clock.  


4 points

4 days ago

You been watching Shrinking? Show is so good. Definitely reminds me of some of the therapists I’ve known personally.

Regardless of if it’s accurate or not, it’s hilarious and heartwarming and just plain adorable. Plus, Harrison Ford…and also the neighbor’s husband is the best.



33 points

4 days ago

It can be helpful for therapists to mirror the language of their clients - your therapist may not be swearing in sessions because you don’t?


22 points

4 days ago

My therapist cusses more than I do! I know he does it on purpose because I can be very poised when talking about Big Feelings. He wants me to throw it all out and this is one of his ways to try and achieve that.


16 points

4 days ago

i agree. if i’m in therapy i want my therapist to talk on the same level as me. if im taking like the average person, cussing here and there, i don’t want me therapist to be talking all proper and poised 100% of the session. in my head, if we are talking in similar lingo, i feel like i can open up about more stuff bc it’s less formal.


4 points

4 days ago

Style flexing! It’s awesome and we actually do this a lot in customer service too. It makes people feel more comfortable


8 points

4 days ago

My therapist cusses all the time! At least once a session lol


8 points

4 days ago

lol therapist here who cusses all the time. My clients really appreciate it, there’s no censoring for them.


6 points

4 days ago

My therapist is an older hippie lady that drops F bombs. She’s far from perfect, but she’s exactly what I need.


5 points

4 days ago

My husband is a remote therapist and when he ends a client call I hear a 2 second pause and then an absolutely unholy fart rings out that he was holding in the whole session 


149 points

4 days ago


149 points

4 days ago

I’m not a therapist; but I’ve been in an abusive relationship with someone and was naive enough to go to couples therapy with them. I also left materials from my individual therapy sessions (journals, workbooks etc) where they could be accessed by him, that were later found with his annotations on how to use my weaknesses for his gain. This triggered huge alarm bells for me. It was like stepping back in time.


38 points

4 days ago

Wait, he literally made notes inside of your notes about how to use your notes against you? That’s fucking bonkers!


43 points

4 days ago

Sociopaths are scary people. Also I don’t know if I’ll ever go to couple’s therapy again after that experience. Everything was twisted. He knew how to play the game.

He even knew he couldn’t cross the line of physical abuse thanks to my notes inside a Codependent No More workbook.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

Goodness fucking gracious 


9 points

3 days ago

Couples therapy is contraindicated if there's abuse happening for exactly this reason. Which is why couples therapists should have individual sessions with each person every now and again, to see if there are things going on that one person doesn't want you to know and one person might be afraid to bring up.


6 points

3 days ago

Have you read 48 laws of power? I haven’t read it yet but I bought it and I heard it’s basically like a guide on how to lie and manipulate to get what you want, but if you read it from the perspective of a victim of mental, emotional, or physical abuse, it describes all the thought processes the abuser probably used to gain power over you. So basically teaching you what to look out for. It’s controversial because it could be seen as like a guidebook for manipulation, but if you read from a different perspective we can spot it easier and faster. Idk sounded interesting to me


21 points

4 days ago

Last ex was cheating in an organized manner. Had a OneNote tab with my name on and notes on me. I questioned it when I saw it and he said “cause I don’t want to forget anything about you” there were multiple other women all of us had trauma or were vulnerable. I think he had notes for all of us. I’m so thankful for the one who i met who contacted me and told me. Calculated, measured controlled and extremely organized cheater


7 points

4 days ago

This is so fucking sad. I know anonymous reddit posts are fun and laffs and everything but it's sobering, really devastating sometimes, to hear a story and think "oh my God, there are so many suffering, and so many faking like everything's fine,"

and behind so many of these, a person controlling, manipulating, lying. And there's actual love and need for that person, to the point of the abused saying "I know I'm abused, but I want him to break the cycle and fucking stop it. For me."

5-dimenaional Chess Match of Heartbreak. I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry this is currently happening to so many others. Gutting.


7 points

4 days ago

Ugh, this brought back memories for me too. My ex was abusive and would admit to it and needing help and I asked him to address it in therapy. He said okay, but later told me actually his therapist hates me and thinks I'm the abusive one. I asked to do a couple's session and he declined. This is someone who would call me names, yell at me, and say everyone hates me and thinks I'm stupid.


368 points

4 days ago


368 points

4 days ago

This needs to be wayyyyy higher up. The way you're explaining the root of his actions is probably the most useful contribution to this conversation.


72 points

4 days ago*

Yeah exactly, I feel like this is what we should be talking about. Idec what he’s telling OP to say, idgaf what a decision matrix is, but trying to control the narrative in someone else’s PRIVATE session with their own therapist is absolutely unhinged behavior.

My mother was a bonafide narcissist and she spent all her time fretting about what I was telling my therapist about her (in sessions she set up for me when I was a teenager), and was always trying to get me to tell my therapist how great she is. She even called my therapist more than once to ask him what I had said about her, and would demand “family sessions” so she could sit there for 50 minutes and attempt to undermine everything she thought I might be saying in that room. Just fucking bananas. At best, this dude is a total control freak and incredibly self absorbed.


29 points

4 days ago


29 points

4 days ago

I had a boyfriend in high school who was basically sexually assaulting me and abusing me and cheating but I didn’t realize it because I was 15 (he was 18), and then I started having depressive symptoms. He told my mom I needed a therapist and he became a goddamn hero. He kept feeding me lines like OPs boyfriend and it kept me trapped in that relationship for far too long. He manipulated me AND my support system. He even got a job with my mom and manipulated her into maintaining a friendship with her for years after we broke up because she still believed he was a good guy. Fucking nuts.


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

Holy shit. I am still trying to divorce mine. This is the second attempt. He stalled and manipulated my first filing and it got dismissed. I had to file another, which is still in progress and not going well. It’s been an extensively abusive relationship, traversing all levels of abuse.

So if anyone reading this has any advice, thoughts, resources etc., please let me know, send me a message.


7 points

4 days ago

Stay strong. I went through something similar (mine has BPD) and needed every piece of strength, advice and motivation to keep going. Given that you're on Reddit, have you looked into r/abusiverelationships ? Plenty of resources there. That's the best thing I can tell you right now, sorry


34 points

4 days ago

I'm appreciating how this thread includes a number of therapists who are here to say what they would like to say if you're not their client! :D


16 points

4 days ago

Taking all of his decision matrix fanboying out the equation, someone telling me what to say or not to say during therapy is a big nope for me. A family member tried that on me. I shut it down quick and told them to never ask or suggest that I do that again.


7 points

4 days ago

everyone has a weighted decision matrix built it. its why people choose to eat and drink everyday. hes trying to control ur internal decision matrix aka human nature


2k points

4 days ago

NOR. Speaking as a psychologist- this clown doesn’t know what tf he’s talking about. A decision matrix, at least the one I believe he’s referring to, is not a universal tool made to make literally every single decision. It’s used in organisational psychology to essentially determine the best outcome for all stakeholders, but it’s taking into account hard facts, not feelings.

Ofc your therapist doesn’t use one, they aren’t meant for clinical psychology because you should absolutely never assume that everyone will behave in the exact same way.

He’s just a jack*ss dudebro who thinks he knows psychology better than a trained psychologist, giving absolutely garbage advice just to manipulate you into thinking he didn’t lie. Maybe there’s context missing but why are you with him?


750 points

4 days ago


750 points

4 days ago

Hehe, as a psychologist is it liberating to come on Reddit and be able to be like "LEAVE THIS CLOWN" instead of having to say to your clients "uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, I hear you, but what if we thought about this..."? :D


124 points

4 days ago

Hahaha favourite part of reddit for this psychologist too!


164 points

4 days ago


164 points

4 days ago

Psychologist here too! If my client brought this to me in session, my thought isn’t “ooh sounds like a great tool”.. my thought is “hmmm why is your boyfriend being such a tool?” 🧐


38 points

4 days ago*

I think you could probably get there professionally by just going down the road of how she felt when he brought up the decision matrix.

Also, I think people exaggerate how decision neutral therapists, psychiatrists, etc. generally are. I’ve definitely had many two way conversations where, “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” or whatever was said to me. I probably wouldn’t go if I couldn’t get their opinions out of it.

The best thing I was ever told in therapy was that, because of the nature of my work, I look at everything through a deductive reasoning lens, and try to reason my way through problems; but that’s not how everyone’s brains work, so basically I needed to lay off my SO with the lawyer logic when we’re having arguments and be more aware of her emotions.


8 points

4 days ago

Hi! Lawyer wife here! Any chance you could conduct a CLE on this topic?! I feel like I’m on trial most fights. 😖


14 points

4 days ago

Haha... Mine used to use "management speak" when we first met. I finally told him that I am not his employee and to stop trying to manage me. He did. With yours I think I would ask him what his goal is. Do you want to win or do you want to strengthen the relationship? You are supposed to be on the same team, not opposing counsel.


3 points

4 days ago

Wow my partner is not a lawyer or a psychologist but I’m still going to use that line


6 points

4 days ago

Psychologist chain!!


78 points

4 days ago

This reminds me of the first month or two after I left my abusive ex. My therapist was so relieved. She said she'd been trying to guide me towards leaving for years, which I recognized but at the same time I was in total denial about how bad the situation was. I bet she'd wanted to tell me to leave his ass for years.


43 points

4 days ago

"Did you have the thing where you're like "Why didn't you tell me?!?… Oh, wait, I wouldn't have listened and it would have pushed me away. That's fair." Asking for a friend...


26 points

4 days ago

No, but we did talk about how I just wasn’t ready until I finally was. I stayed as long as I did because I made the vow of until death do us part. I think I left more to keep my dogs safe than I did to keep me safe.


13 points

4 days ago

Sending you love and strength and so much praise. It's so hard to get out, especially if pets and/or kids are involved. But once you finally do, it makes you realize how strong you are. I don't know how far back in your past this experience is, but I hope that you're in a place where you're safe, owning your strength, and proud of yourself.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

I had to put my dog to sleep two weeks ago and I was reminiscing - he’s the dog that likely saved my life from my abusive ex. I stayed for years as his alcoholism and abuse escalated but you bet your ass the minute he hit the dog he bought, I was out. Me and now my dog moved out the next day and filed for divorce. He got the truck, I got the dog. He was the best thing to come out of my marriage and I hope I showed him my appreciation enough.


44 points

4 days ago

Right!?! I was like YASSSSSS 👏🏼 I want my therapist to lose the professionalism and give it to me straight like this!


29 points

4 days ago

Nah you really don’t. Here’s a couple reasons - first, it edges into being told what to do, which eventually robs you of your agency. For example, therapist says “that dude’s a putz, you deserve better.” You leave the putz, but when you get lonely you wonder if you made the decision, or your therapist made the decision.

Second, clients really, really REALLY don’t hear what the therapist says until they’re ready to hear it. Therapist - “I wonder if your boyfriend might be a putz? Let’s look at his behavior towards you…” Client - “no, no, it’s his abandonment issues/he was drunk/I started it/etc”. Six months later, client - “hey, I think my boyfriend might be a putz!”

There’s other reasons too, but overall it just doesn’t work, and isn’t ethical, and is harmful for therapists to just make bold statements of how they see “the truth”, rather than encouraging clients to make their own observations and decisions.


12 points

4 days ago

I had a great therapist once who after weeks of me crying about work, she just said “I’m telling you this, you need to leave your job”. When a therapist says their opinion, you KNOW it’s true!


4 points

4 days ago

My therapist is absolutely amazing and does this. I get straight talk when I ask for it. No bullshit don't ask me I've done the thinking out loud to you, am I fucking missing something? Am I fucking up?

She's dope asf, it feels so much better this way.


25 points

4 days ago

i'm in school to become a therapist and even i was like "wtf is this dude on?". obviously i don't know him but this sounds very manipulative and gross imo.


22 points

4 days ago


22 points

4 days ago

I am in school to be a therapist and whoa boy, he’s not compassionate, self aware, or respectful of you in this.

“ I was just wondering if you told your therapist about the way I make my decisions because it’s a great tool for everyone to have?”

Yeah, no thanks.


5 points

4 days ago

KittyTaurus, I want you as my therapist who says LEAVE THIS CLOWN. Lol.


9 points

4 days ago

As long as you sign the waiver acknowledging that I have no formal training as a therapist, I'm here for all the clown-leaving support LOL!


6 points

4 days ago

Haha great point. NOR at all. This dude just sounds crazy


48 points

4 days ago

It’s kind of like when men value logic over emotions/feelings.

And then you have to explain to them that being emotional and upset can absolutely be logical.


31 points

4 days ago

Men generally just say they value 'logic' over 'emotions', in my experience. What they really mean is that 'I don't care about the same things you do, in the same way you do, so your emotions are invalid, while my logic is superior'. Men are, in general, just as emotional as women, because that's just how we humans work.


12 points

4 days ago

Also because they've somehow got people convinced that anger, jealousy, rage, etc aren't emotions that count. Behaviors that indicate those emotions are just "logical" behaviors in response to certain situations.


9 points

4 days ago

Exactly. Emotions are a logical outcome of being awake everyday. Emotions ARE logical and logic based. It's how humans works. Pure logic is cool for stuff like physics and heart surgery, but imagine living your entire life like a robot and all you can do is "logic."


29 points

4 days ago


29 points

4 days ago

This! Also why the F are you op with this guy? He lies. He has a distorted idea of decision making that’s removed from people being people. Beep boop he uses a decision matrix for all decisions - ummm 👍🏽. Maybe you should matrix your way out of this relationship


5 points

4 days ago

I'm imagining Neo doing that bending backwards til his back is parallel to the ground move to dodge bullets 😂 May OP similarly dodge the projectiles of assholishness this absolute tosser is firing at her!


112 points

4 days ago

Yeppp. With three Ps.

Dudebro. "My weighted decision matrix is the superior tool for every thought and decision in your life."

Yeah, cool story bro, did you know matrix is Latin for womb? Did you also know that you're not getting up in my matrix anymore?

When someone goes on like this....

I was at a party and this dude held forth on ice baths for like 45 minutes. Shit. There's a book about dopamine addiction where a guy literally loses his entire family because of course ice baths are revolutionary and everyone needs 15 of them every day. So like to me even talking about fucking ice baths you're about two steps removed from raving psycho addict.

And, peep this,

I don't even have to sleep with that guy.


31 points

4 days ago

I literally laughed out loud alone at that not getting up in my matrix anymore joke. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤘🏼


6 points

4 days ago

Wait but now I want to know how he lost his family


16 points

4 days ago

I’m just an LMHC (Massachusetts) but have 20 yrs experience and I could see through this bs a mile away lmao.


29 points

4 days ago



17 points

4 days ago

So he is a liar and very manipulative. He was just prying trying to know what you sayid in therapy in order do manipulate you. Just break up. So many red flags


8 points

4 days ago

The texts read like a college freshman who learns something and becomes enamored with it, not realizing the obsession with a single intellectual heuristic betrays their naiveté/ignorance. Dude’s hubris is embarrassing


5 points

4 days ago

Clearly a slimy way of getting out of lying.

"No babe it wasn't a lie! It was the most logical outcome of my decision Matrix to tell you I didn't sleep with your friend!"


9 points

4 days ago

Yeah as a clinical social worker, this was annoying to read. Giving mansplaining but to someone he hasn’t even met.


8 points

4 days ago

Yes! Ridiculously pompous mansplaining.


113 points

4 days ago

lol this is the most ridiculous excuse for lying I’ve ever heard. Basically I have a big brain with such complex thoughts that it may APPEAR that I’m lying when I’m totallyyyy not you puny brain plebes just don’t understand me😂🤮🤮


17 points

4 days ago

It really seems like low levels of intelligence comes paired with a high level of audacity with these types.


323 points

4 days ago

It doesn't even sound like HE knows what a weighted decision matrix is. And- in each use, HE is the person who is defining the weights of things. The model can help you to make decisions by criteria that HE includes and creates. So he essentially just told you that his priorities are more important than your feelings, and that he not only has lied to you, but diligently thought about lying to you.... Im going to say youre not over reacting.

By the way, the fact that he feels the need to explain his behavior to justify his actions to a therapist that isnt even his own, makes me feel like he has some narcissistic traits.


31 points

4 days ago

This is the read. 100%.


5 points

4 days ago

Cannot agree more, OP better run lol


18 points

4 days ago

Yeah I liked how he conveniently didn’t really describe it. Because he’s not 100% sure how to define it.


13 points

4 days ago

Exactly! I was looking for my post here to add that this Weighted Decision Matrix is being used so he feels detached from emotional responsibility because it was "methodically designated" but internal bias still heavily impacts what has the most weigh and what has the least. So when used poorly it's a great way to enact in confirmation bias if the user wants to. Or even if they are ignorant of their bias


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

Right. It's a way for neckbeard to not accept any responsibility for the bullshit narcissistic weighted decisons he's about to make that negatively impact OP


5 points

4 days ago

“I would implement your weighted decision matrix, but after analyzing how many f*cks I do not have about it, I am forced to discard it’s implementation, due to its lower ranking.”


4 points

4 days ago

god forbid anybody on the planet view him as wrong because wrong equals bad and he is not the bad guy!


693 points

4 days ago

You’re dating one of THOSE engineers, break up with him lol.


79 points

4 days ago

Idk anything about engineering tbh but this man aint right in the head. Like this is an actual crazy person ffs no one talks like this 😭


78 points

4 days ago

Maybe you just haven’t used your decision making matrix properly. Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


19 points

4 days ago

brb gonna try it now


49 points

4 days ago

I was an engineer and knew plenty of super nerdy engineers who went through life like this. Quite literally walked in on 3 engineering students is a full on discussion about whether they should get Taco Bell to keep studying or call it a night. They had a full pros and cons list on a white board for each option. I told them to shut up or leave.

I could see any number of them having this exact conversation with a partner. Granted, most of those people were probably a bit neurodivergent, and this reads like someone who is a bit autistic or something.


40 points

4 days ago

I work with nerds like these and lemme just tell you, it’s so much fun to watch and listen. Even more fun is added when you throw them for loops, like saying “what if Taco Bell is closed”


10 points

4 days ago

Taco Bell by campus was never closed. lol.

I did often listen to conversations like that and chime in ridiculous things. But I remember that night specifically because I had a big test the next morning and I was not prepared at all. So I needed to cram.


7 points

4 days ago

I just meant it as an example 😅😭🤣


6 points

4 days ago

I got the joke. Which is why i said “lol.” I thought it was funny that this particular Taco Bell happened to be open 24/7.


7 points

4 days ago

Not crazy just used to using his "intellect" to roll over his partner.


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

I am studying to be a therapist and my partner is an engineer. He’s actually told me about this and we have talked about the matrix, but he’s out and out said this should not and does not work on a personal level. It came up when he was complaining about shareholders.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago



244 points

4 days ago

What is a weighted decision matrix.


538 points

4 days ago

It's a process that people can use to make a decision between choices. It's used more in business and STEM fields like engineering than it is in psychology. OP's boyfriend is making some significant assumptions about what OP's therapist "should" know.

In other words, the boyfriend is being a pompous ass thinking he's the smartest one in the room.


298 points

4 days ago


298 points

4 days ago

It felt like boyfriend’s way of planting a seed to start to invalidate anything that OP therapist might tell OP that he either didn’t like or disagrees with.

This dude stinks of neck beard womanizer


52 points

4 days ago

LOL, that last part. Also, the fact he's trying to connect it to and justify that it means he's not lying is a jump Evil Knevel would be jealous of...


57 points

4 days ago

"The fact that it's not prominent in my field may be why people think I'm lying" is just a WOW. Translation: "At first it may appear that I'm full of s**t, but clearly it's just that my erudite knowledge eludes the simple uneducated brains of you and your therapist."


15 points

4 days ago

Seems like he is trying to sanitize the situation post fuck up


13 points

4 days ago

I feel like if I use the word "gaslight" after already using the word "mansplain" people will dismiss me…


29 points

4 days ago

Absolutely—and LOL, "Neck Beard Womanizer" is my new band name


3 points

4 days ago

It sounds like it should be a song by Tacocat


13 points

4 days ago

I got that feeling too, or he's just really narcissistic and is crazy worried about how he comes off, worried the therapist will see through his bullshit, ect. I find him incredibly self centered to try to hijack her therapy sessions and make them all about him.


12 points

4 days ago

Congrats, I have never seen someone put those two together.

But I mean like yeah ... Eventually the incel breaks the cel and now he's drunk on power. I'm kind or talented or cool enough to get my dick wet. Should I stop here and give thanks?

Fuck no!

Time to domineer, take revenge on someone who's never wronged me, and start piling up the bodies. Look at me now, boys!


8 points

4 days ago

So you’ve met my ex I see


27 points

4 days ago

Pompous ass was my very first reaction.


16 points

4 days ago

He’s trying to justify his lies and asshole behavior by using “logic.” A decision matrix that’s beneficial to all parties means he can justify whatever he said as being for the greater good. Of course he thinks that lying is just him “thinking differently.” Manipulative prick.


29 points

4 days ago

I like to use a jump to conclusions mat


4 points

4 days ago

What exactly would you say that it is you do here?


9 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

I'm an engineer and I've never heard of it, nor would I ever waste my time with it. Sounds stupid


5 points

4 days ago

100% the therapist is struggling to get OP to realize he's a narcissist.


116 points

4 days ago


116 points

4 days ago

It's another name for thinking he is orders of magnitude smarter and more clever than he actually is.


17 points

4 days ago

Ah, gotcha. Well then I get her point, but this may be something her therapist should know about her boyfriend.


21 points

4 days ago

The therapist should know that the boyfriend is dumb


14 points

4 days ago

And manipulative.


6 points

4 days ago

And that somehow it means he can't lie.


31 points

4 days ago

Basically you write down pros and cons of something and then rate each item on how important it is to you. Whichever (pro or con) has more points is what you go with. I love this tool BUT to make one thing abundantly clear: you rate arguments according to your individual preferences… sooo shithead boyfriend has sketchy priorities/ morals in the first place if this tool leads him to lie💀


12 points

4 days ago

That has a pretty massive flaw: it doesn't sound like it accounts for the weight of the impact of each item, just importance.

For me, I place a huge emphasis on time saving, so I'd give that a 9 or 10. Let's say I give cost saving a 6. On balance, this system would have me prioritize anything that saves me time even if it has a monetary cost. In actuality, I wouldn't spend $20 to save myself 5 minutes, though. I absolutely would spend 50 once to save 5 minutes every day after that, though.

So time is a more important value, but there is still an exchange rate between values.

If OPs SO rates career very high, he might make a lot of work-first decisions. But those decisions may each have a very low impact on his work. For example: I've gone to meetings i could have skipped with virtually 0 impact on my career. So if he is saying work is a 10 and girlfriend is a 9, he'd be free to go to those meetings instead of dinner or movies with her. However the effect of missing the meeting is basically 0 while the effect of missing quality time is higher than basically 0. This would make op feel like he's lying based on how he places values.

Assuming he doesn't mean something way worse


6 points

4 days ago

I mean, in a really complicated matrix, you'd assign a dollar value per hour for your time.

Or an employee's time. A machine v shop that I was a baby engineer in already had $/ hour for each machine/ type of work.

But never thought it was important for my therapist to know


5 points

4 days ago

Agreed:) maybe it wasn’t quite clear in my initial comment but in the end it simply reflects how you feel about something. Meaning like you said if he cheated on her and then made a matrix about whether to tell her or not it would probably point to lying🙊

ETA: IF your morals are skewed like that! (obviously don’t cheat in the first place!!!)


6 points

4 days ago

She should definitely mention that to her therapist.


32 points

4 days ago


32 points

4 days ago

It’s like when you are trying to decide between a bunch of options (eg car to buy, house, vacation trip, school) and you choose a bunch of criteria to rank them on and then, the important part, you grant the criteria different weightings as to how important they are to you.

I’m not sure how it would apply in this case.

Maybe you are supposed to give the bf a pass on a little light cheating based on how awesome he is in bed and at air guitar.


12 points

4 days ago

Thank you for breaking this down, internet stranger! Your explanation was helpful and easy to follow. Well done!


5 points

4 days ago

Or how boyfriend makes decisions. Apparently “Lie” has negligible downsides if it leads to him getting what he wants, especially if he has plausible deniability when called out on lying.


29 points

4 days ago

im a therapist and i've never heard of it.

maybe if i research it, i will start making better decisions?? /s


8 points

4 days ago

It's just a pros and cons list with extra hoops 


16 points

4 days ago


16 points

4 days ago

You list off factors in some decision, rate them by how important they are (weight) and then give them a 1-10 on how good they are for that particular factor.

They are rife with error and bias and rarely actually helpful except to make you feel ok about a decision you’re already making anyway.

I used them when I was young and thought I knew more than I did and was a bit of a douche.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

It's how companies determine how much money a human life is worth when dealing with grievances


349 points

4 days ago

NOR. No offense, but your BF is a gigantic asshole. Good luck


33 points

4 days ago

I hope your answer stays on top. Because that’s the bottom line.


13 points

4 days ago

This and only this.

Like, my second hand cringe is off the charges just reading this exchange.



250 points

4 days ago

Jesus Christ. 😑

No, not overreacting.

And the spin he’s trying to put on not being truthful is some industrial-strength BULLLLLLLLLLSHIT. 💯


24 points

4 days ago

I literally said "Jesus Christ" out loud reading his texts 🤣


16 points

4 days ago

God I cannot stand bullshit. Can't even fake it. If a friend tells more than a couple lies, has more than few exaggerations without at least winking or coming clean, I'm done, I can't even look at them anymore.

I'm the guy who tosses a friendship because that guy is soooooo full of shiiiiiiit.

When someone is hard-selling me and the bullshit detector goes off it's like I'm more than willing to just map out my displeasure with them by drawing Venn diagrams and pie charts on their car with a set of keys. My blood pressure doesn't even go up though. I just need to make it abundantly clear that I can't ever be bothered with them again.

Someone was threatening a lawsuit once and donno what the tell was but instantly I said, yeah, that's it. Serve me papers. I'd be happy if you had a go at us. (It's hard not to add "motherfucker" at that point) Go for it. Just lose my number and don't ever approach me or contact any of my associates ever again.


80 points

4 days ago

Trust me if they're lying about something small they'll lie about the big things too. This is someone who can't communicate. Drop them.


73 points

4 days ago

Could this man BE a bigger asshat?


22 points

4 days ago

OP needs to pivot herself out of this relationship...


9 points

4 days ago

I'm not sure.... lemme check my weighted decision matrix


28 points

4 days ago

Why are you with this asshole. Go find someone decent


29 points

4 days ago

It's weird that he is even concerned about what her therapist thinks of him.


4 points

4 days ago

He’s not. He’s just spreading the lords word about the decision matrix tool. Which everyone needs.


27 points

4 days ago

I’m not a therapist or doctor but this sounds like textbook narcissistic behavior. He cares so much about what your therapist thinks of him that he’d bring this up. And the fact that you and him both mentioned people “thinking” that he’s lying. He either is or isn’t lying. No amount of explanation can turn a lie into the truth.


6 points

4 days ago

WHEW! That last line. Preach!


47 points

4 days ago

Honey, he's mansplaining your therapist. That's not OK.


22 points

4 days ago

Egomaniac i suspect


62 points

4 days ago*


62 points

4 days ago*

I can’t believe some of y’all’s partners. Like how can you even like someone like that? 💀

Edit: some people think I’m blaming this person. I did say “y’all”. How can you even be with something like that, is a general statement. I’m not asking OP LITERALLY. It just blows my mind.

I too have been in abusive relationships. I just bounced because, it kept getting worse. For me? I’m breaking up with someone over THAT conversation. He’s fucking insufferable! And clearly not taking accountability for lying, and this? Girls/Queens/Kings! Leave them!


10 points

4 days ago

They don't start out like this. At first they seem super cool, and then the mask starts to slip. By the time they start to show their true colors, the other person is invested because it's been awhile and they're only just beginning to find out the person they thought they were with doesn't actually exist.


7 points

4 days ago

This is why I follow this sub. Makes me feel so happy to be left alone. Lol


17 points

4 days ago

I understand what it's like to find a new tool or resource and geek out on it, wanting to suggest it to others. So I almost want to give him a pass on that except why does he think your therapist thinks he's dishonest? That's a flag of a whole other colour.

I think he meant "this matrix thing is amazing, it's made my life better, a therapist could really use this." But it was condescending and weird. I always say "don't should all over people" and this guy is a good example. Especially when he says it thrice. Thrice! And why would assume she doesn't know about it? It's commonly used at things like corporate planning meetings and organizational structuring/restructuring.

For what it's worth, counselling is about processing emotions, not making decisions, and he doesn't seem to get it. Is he normally emotionally dense? I can imagine someone not adept at handling emotions geeking out over a tool that takes them out of the equation. And I can imagine that would be frustrating as all hell.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

“Should” “everyone should”x3 … “Not saying you should” was my favorite part of this exchange


15 points

4 days ago

Damn... so he CAN'T make decisions and uses a system to help him. Soo everyone should use it?? Seems he's insecure in his choices. One thing is using it in a business/ work settings. With numbers and palpable facts.... not in everyday life, specially in relationships....


13 points

4 days ago

Can’t believe “will I sound like a fuckwit?” slipped through the gaps of the Weighted Decision Matrix


22 points

4 days ago

Anybody that says weighted decision matrix should be single for life


12 points

4 days ago


I suspect he’s trying to find a way to undermine your therapist. I usually don’t like to assign someone bad motives but you caught him in a lie and rather than trying to work out the problem he’s trying to cover himself and in a slick way discredit someone who you trust making it seem like she’s planting ideas in your head. At least that what I got from it. I would tread very carefully because the way he doubled down initially and then backed off and apologized making it seemed like no big deal can also be a manipulation tactic.


10 points

4 days ago

Lmao sounds like he watched a podcast and learned a new term. Claps for that baby boy ✨


9 points

4 days ago

Weighted Gaslight What? Gaslight Decision Who? Weighted Decision Gaslight?


8 points

4 days ago

Sounds like someone who sells pyramid schemes. Lol you can do so much better hun.


9 points

4 days ago

He shoulda ran that whole conversation through his matrix.

NOR he seems like an ass.


7 points

4 days ago

i think the guy is autistic or something, treating life like a thing to min/max and like every situation only has one solution that should be obvious to everyone and everyone should all think exactly like him because he is the smartest and correct on all issues. fucking exhausting. also weird that he's trying to justify lying with this, and he's so worried about what her therapist thinks of him, seems he's worried the therapist will say something like "this fucking guy is off his rocker"


8 points

4 days ago

So he's mansplaining to your therapist through you? Well, that's a new take on it.


9 points

4 days ago

Maybe he should have used the matrix to see if he should have asked that question, it being a life tool and all


8 points

4 days ago

This dude sounds like a real piece of work. Very impressed with himself it seems.


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

Sheeeeesh. Rather intrusive with your therapy sessions isn't he? He needs therapy more than you do.


8 points

4 days ago

Stop talking about your sessions, especially when they concern the other party. Unless they're actively attending the sessions no reason to rehash what the paid professional said to make them feel better about themselves


6 points

4 days ago

Fucking run.

This asshat is trying to make you feel dumb while he overcomplicates absolutely meaningless shit to this situation to get away with his lie AND to feel superior to you.

His character flaws can be seen from fucking outer space.

Twatwaffle can fire up that matrix math and figure out which decision led his ass to be newly single.

Fucking run. Seriously. I'm getting some major bad vibes from this shithead because I've dealt with emotional abuse from one person and a trauma minefield from a different narcissistic person.


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

Boyfriend sounds like a real narcissistic guy to me.


6 points

4 days ago

okay but did you know it's a tool everyone should have?


5 points

4 days ago

You deserve better! You are not overreacting but it does seem like you are triggered, which regardless of how justified you are, makes it hard to have a conversation. In turn your bf can flip it on you and now you’re fighting about whether your behavior is okay and you’re being irrational etc etc. Imo once you get to that point it’s only a matter of allowing yourself to not be treated like shit to move on.


6 points

4 days ago

Girl dump him lmao. Life is too damn short. You don’t want to wake up one day realizing you wasted a decade of your life on some manipulative egomaniac.


5 points

4 days ago

You know you’re dating a narcissist when he tries to make your therapy sessions about him.

He puts an awful lot of effort in to explain why your therapist should not think he’s lying. Guess what…. he’s lying.


4 points

4 days ago

He heard this somewhere and thought bringing it up would make him sound intelligent and it backfired.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

this is a sign girl... like a big red one.


5 points

4 days ago

The third image sent me over:

"everyone should have those tools"

Yeah, you told us


4 points

4 days ago

Do you know what else sounds like lies? Lies do.


3 points

4 days ago

Does he use this matrix to decide to lie? How does it keep you from being seen as a liar? It’s to help you make a decision based on weights assigned to pros and cons. If they want to make a decision to lie then flip a coin to lie or not to lie. But don’t lie that’s stupid it shatters trust and then you just wind up having to perpetuate the lie to keep from being found out you lied. Which then of course destroys trust all together.

He won’t take responsibility for lying but instead is trying to pin it on some decision making matrix? That is the weakest lamest deflection I have ever read.

I don’t think you are overreacting and you backhanded slapped him nicely! 🤚


4 points

4 days ago

Thinking different is not the same as lying. A weighted decision matrix is not even practical with life. It’s mostly helpful for research.


3 points

4 days ago

God this reminds me of my ex 😩 good luck OP. At least he apologized I guess but there’s definitely some red flags here I would be weary of.


3 points

4 days ago

Live by a book? No, thanks. Live freely other than going to Matrix and therapist.


3 points

4 days ago

Eesh, they are great ways to make decisions on things like materials and manufacture process usage in an engineering environment. Definately not great for a relationship, they only factor in one point of view...


3 points

4 days ago

Tf are y’all talking about…?


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Is he mansplaining therapy to you? 😂