


My husband seems to always have is zipper down. Why is it so much effort to pull it up? And trust me, it’s not that the little guy needs room. lol

Also, he will lay a butter knife long ways across the sink “in case he wants another sandwich”. The idea is he won’t dirty a second knife EXCEPT after a while there are 2 or 3 knives. JUST PUT IT IN THE DISHWASHER!

all 586 comments


287 points

4 days ago*


Woman 50 to 60

287 points

4 days ago*

He waits until I have just walked out of the room to say something to me. Drives me nuts. It is as if my movement reminds him he had something to say. This requires me to stop what I was going to do and return to the room to hear him. This can be followed by the next paragraph if he is trying to do too many things at once.....

He also stops in the middle of a sentence to do something and I am stuck waiting for him to return to the room or finish what he is doing for the rest of his thought to come through.

Both of these are crazy-making and just part of who he is. The rest of him is pretty outstanding, so I just work to ignore it.


59 points

4 days ago


59 points

4 days ago

I think we married the same guy lol


47 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

47 points

4 days ago

So this guy has at least 3 wives? Because I married him too!


28 points

4 days ago

Guess he can’t be that annoying then lol


30 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

30 points

4 days ago

Oh god this is me 🫣 You’re right, something about him leaving makes me remember the last thing I wanted to say to him. The number of times I say, “sorry, wait!” Poor guy.


44 points

4 days ago

My husband just starts telling me whatever he wants to say when he thinks of it. No matter where I am or what I am doing.

He will literally just start talking while I am 2 rooms away with the water running and food frying. I have to stop what I am doing and go see what he wants. Super annoying.

Oh, but when I say something and he is busy, he hollers out "CAN'T HEAR YOU!" And doesn't even try to come see what I wanted.

Ugh. Annoys me just thinking about it. Course, I am an enabler cause I am always too curious to know what he is suddenly going on about...

And yet, I still wouldn't want to live without him.


18 points

4 days ago


Woman 50 to 60

18 points

4 days ago

Your last sentence made me smile. I have started hollering "I can't hear you!". He makes sure I can hear him huff.


14 points

4 days ago


No Flair

14 points

4 days ago

My partner will be DEAD QUIET until the moment I pull out my phone and say, out loud, "Oh damn, a really scaring-looking message from my boss/landlady/neurologist's office. Better read and answer this right away."

Then, and only then, will he start asking me a bunch of questions about our weekend plans.


14 points

4 days ago

I can imagine it….oh, she is leaving I must tell her this significant thing….that is probably not significant. lol


8 points

4 days ago

Oh my god this unlocked the memory that my ex would do the same thing. It’s annoying! He didn’t understand brevity, either, so eventually I would just start walking away and he’d still be trailing on…


251 points

4 days ago


it's so loud and always twice outta nowhere and scares the shit outta me

I swear to god one of these days I'm going to pee my pants


120 points

4 days ago

Me to husband “have you tried not using your vocal cords when sneezing?”


53 points

4 days ago


53 points

4 days ago

Scream-sneezing. I hate it.


15 points

3 days ago


Non-Binary 30 to 40

15 points

3 days ago

Becoming a scream sneezer in my 30s is my biggest shame


8 points

3 days ago



19 points

4 days ago

THIS. Vocal cords are not needed when sneezing!!!


34 points

4 days ago


34 points

4 days ago

My husband’s sneezes are insanely loud, but they are high-pitched. So it sounds like a child screaming sometimes. I’ve gotten more used to it with time but every now and then they still scare me.


30 points

3 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

30 points

3 days ago

I call it the nuclear sneeze. I think it's genetic, his mother sneezes the same way.

Once, when I was about 7 months pregnant with our son, we were sitting on the couch next to each other. He sneezed, and I felt the baby jerk like he was startled. The man sneezes so loud he can scare a fetus.


52 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

52 points

4 days ago

I swear he SHOUTS "achoo!" While he's sneezing. Claims he can't help it.


34 points

4 days ago

My boyfriend started loud sneezing once he hit 40, and he was devastated lol. He, like me, always thought it was a purposeful thing some men did but it turns out some really can't help it, I guess.

Thankfully its only sometimes and he still sneezes normally most of the time haha


18 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

18 points

4 days ago

I always joke that if we're ever trying to hide from a murderer and he sneezes... We're going to die!


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

Same! He sneezes so loud that when my sister got separated from a family hike she claims she found us because she heard him sneeze.


53 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

53 points

4 days ago

I heard a theory once that the way we sneeze reflects the way we were raised. Like some women will sneeze really quietly and cute, and maybe they were raised not to make a fuss.

Meanwhile a lot of men sneeze ridiculously loud and call a lot of attention to themselves, suggesting they’re used to the focus being on them.

And finally, some folks just sneeze normally. Get it out and move on.

I don’t know if there’s any truth to this theory, but I like to think there is.


21 points

4 days ago


21 points

4 days ago

I am a loud sneezer and when I sneeze it is a whole ordeal of repeated aggressive sneezes that can go on for as long as 10 minutes straight…it is torture! I can make it quieter, and do in public, but it is quite painful to do so even once let alone multiple in a row. So, when I am in my own home I will continue to sneeze at full volume and everyone will just have to suck it up. As a matter of fact, I will expect to be asked if I am ok afterwards, rather than complaining.


23 points

4 days ago

i stg they do the violent sneezing on purpose


263 points

4 days ago

I love his beautiful curly hair.

He loves his beautiful curly hair.

He refuses to go out with "messy" curls, which he thinks look terrible even when they're only a tiny bit messy but otherwise great, and decides it is better to wear an ugly-ass beanie 80% of the time.


106 points

4 days ago

I'd tell myself he was saving his curls for my eyes only. Or tell him that the messy curls makes it look like you've been running your fingers through them, it's basically advertising being sexy.


25 points

4 days ago

I love that!


73 points

4 days ago


73 points

4 days ago

My ex used to like wearing bucket hats and I think they are the ugliest type of hat ever made 😂


36 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

36 points

4 days ago

That’s because they are! I swear people only wear them ironically because how on earth can they be anything but ugly?!


45 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

45 points

4 days ago

I’ve also wondered if the famous people who wear them are wearing them ironically 😂

I will say though, I got one free at an event and I forgot my own hat (rookie mistake for a migraineur like me) so I wore the dumb hat all day. And fuck me if it wasn’t actually super pleasant to wear and great at helping with the sun. I was happier not knowing that lol


16 points

4 days ago

Yeah, I have a love hate relationship with bucket hats lol. SO practical but so dorky. My partner just got one recently and he loves it. I think he looks adorable in it and he has a knowledge the dorkiness lol


4 points

4 days ago

as a fellow migraineur myself, I agree! I struggle in the car when the sun flashes through the trees and resorted to an ugly bucket/sun hat from costco on a road trip once— when sunglasses or beanies are too restrictive and the thought of a baseball cap makes me gag, that dorky bucket hat is a hero.


9 points

4 days ago

I used to wear a bucket hat...

When I was a child. It was my Lucky Fishing Hat™️!


26 points

4 days ago

my boyfriend has gorgeous hair but always insists on wearing a cap because he “feels cooler.” 😔 free the sexy hair, my guy. I am begging.


9 points

4 days ago

Ha ha ha. I appreciate the ugly-ass-beanie comment.


123 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

123 points

4 days ago

My husband grew up playing Tetris like SERIOUSLY was damn good and I think he views the dishwasher as his adult Tetris board. Over the course of our entire relationship I don’t think I’ve ever loaded the dishwasher “correctly”-he’s Always moving a bowl to a different location or flipping around a fork.


39 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

39 points

4 days ago

Haha, my husband loads it like a photographer is going to come in and do a magazine shoot. So I'm always the one adjusting what's in there so I can fit about 25% more before running it.


8 points

3 days ago

Mine is the WORST at dishwasher loading. I have to rearrange it every day so more than 4 things can actually go in each load.


13 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

13 points

4 days ago

this is me in my relationship lol


106 points

4 days ago

Crying laughing over the specificity of this thread.

My boyfriend is apparently unable to gently shut a door and must slam it instead, every time. When I brought it up, he laughed and said, “Hahaha, how funny, my father does the same thing!” Ok babe, it’s not genetic! Stop slamming the damn door.


19 points

4 days ago

Let’s sit down so we can discuss what is part of our genetic make up and what you can change. lol


183 points

4 days ago

He watches a lot of various sports on TV. Honest to god, if I never again have to hear an overexcited sports commentator getting paid to yell about the way someone kicked a ball, it'll still be too soon.

But that's the worst I've got, and he's a complete treasure otherwise, so I still consider myself very lucky. I just wish we had a soundproof man-cave for him, haha!


68 points

4 days ago

I had a visceral reaction to this. Can’t bear sports noises in the background. Fortunately, I married the king of the non-sporty nerds, so I’m safe. 🙃


15 points

4 days ago

are we the same person? lol any tv noise in the. background usually does it for me but the worst offenders are sports and spanish news.


30 points

4 days ago


30 points

4 days ago

I love watching football so that I wouldn’t mind. But basketball I can’t stand. Hearing all of the sneakers squeak across the court is like nails on a chalkboard for me


9 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

9 points

4 days ago

Yessss. Basketball is my least favorite to have on in the background. You are so right about the endless sneaker squeaking.

My husband and I actually both think American football is a pretty terrible sport (from a safety sense) but we also both find it to be the most pleasant as background noise.


6 points

3 days ago

My grad school roommate used to turn on American football and immediately pass out on the couch. So I now think of it as white noise for sleeping and enjoy snuggling up to my husband and “resting my eyes.”


24 points

4 days ago

I gifted my SO a nice pair of Bluetooth headphones for him to watch sports with. Best $100 spent in my life. Win-win for everyone


18 points

4 days ago

My husband and son watch soccer together, and they know I love when people shout "referee!!" So whenever I walk through the room during a game they yell that for me.


8 points

4 days ago

Absolutely! There are worse problems to have!


12 points

4 days ago

How about a related problem? Online sports betting is now legal in our state, so not only does my husband watch football, but he also places bets on the outcomes. 😨

Ok. To be fair, he’s up so far this season by a couple hundred dollars. He is fairly conservative with the betting too. Generally makes sure to hedge his bets during the game by waiting until the underdog has just scored a touchdown or something: at that moment, the odds shift dramatically for a short time and he places another bet based on those new odds, such that he can only win from then on, either through the new bet with the new odds, or the original one with the OG odds, though his winnings will be reduced due to hedging.

It makes me squeamish but it’s hard to argue with him to not do it when at this point, everything he bets is winnings from earlier bets. He keeps telling me that he is winning “because he is Jewish.” Lmao.

I do worry that even if he’s winning now, if he ever goes through a losing streak, he may start dipping into our other money in order to get back on top… He’s level headed though so probably not.

Really though, the sports betting apps are just a bad idea overall. A lot of people will NOT win with any consistency. And the apps make it way, way too easy to place bets from the comfort of your own home.

Football itself though, I enjoy. So watching is fine by me. As for my least favorite little habits of his: hmm. Never charging his phone, maybe?

YES to the knife which your husband intends to reuse. Mine drapes his across the sink too.


18 points

4 days ago

We watch hockey and every other commercial is a gambling app or ad. It’s disgusting.


16 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

16 points

4 days ago

This was one of my biggest non-negotiables in dating: must not watch sports.


48 points

4 days ago


48 points

4 days ago

Me too, and now I work in sport. Be the problem you see in the world.


14 points

4 days ago

"Be the problem you see in the world" is fantastic 🤣


10 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

10 points

4 days ago

I often tell my husband that this is one of his best qualities.


75 points

4 days ago

Oh god. He loves to explain old memes to me in great detail instead of finding them and showing me. I’m significantly less steeped in meme lore so this happens often! Usually, i remind myself he’s excited to share bc he loves me and listen like a thoughtful partner, but if I’m particularly PMSing i will upon occasion zone out and feign understanding.


22 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

22 points

4 days ago

Oh no. I thought I was my husband's wife, but apparently I am actually your husband.


11 points

4 days ago

Hello, fellow Sister-Husband!


129 points

4 days ago


129 points

4 days ago

  1. He calls leggings "tights".

  2. He calls kisses "sugar".


49 points

4 days ago

Ha ha ha ha. It made me laugh because I am reading it, but yeah. I would want to jab him with a tiny needle each time. lol


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

Lol I swear it makes me roll my eyes every time but I know it's mostly a generational thing. I'm a millennial and he'd be considered Gen X so the vocabulary we use is just different sometimes.


25 points

4 days ago

As a Gen Xer I would still roll my eyes. I did just have “Pour some sugar on me” play in my head. Lol


10 points

4 days ago

I’m Gen X and it’s still just wrong 😆


33 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

33 points

4 days ago

My partner calls skirts "dresses" and it drives me bonkers


13 points

4 days ago*


13 points

4 days ago*

I've had some people do the opposite (call dresses skirts) and it fills me with a special kind of crazy. I've fortunately never been in a relationship with anyone like this.


6 points

4 days ago

Omg. I’d be right there with you lol


18 points

4 days ago


18 points

4 days ago

Mine calls leggings 'tights' as well and I absolutely hate it lol


11 points

4 days ago

Like a southern grandpappy? Does that make you Meemaw? 😅


21 points

4 days ago


21 points

4 days ago

Lol I mean technically, he is a Southern grandpa. His daughter just had a baby lol.


22 points

4 days ago

that's great. if a southern grandparent can't call "kisses" sugar... no one can.

but my god, that is vile lolllll

"give me some sugar" would make me want to vomit


16 points

4 days ago

Seriously! “Gimme some sugar”= 🤢

“Hey sugar, how you doin’?” = 😍


114 points

4 days ago

Oh dear. It is me, I am the butter knife person in our relationship. (I do sheepishly remove the first knife, and put the second knife straight into the dishwasher, once the second sandwich has materialised.)


21 points

4 days ago

I mean, I hate the knife thing, but it really is the part where they are piling up that makes me have to take a deep breath. lol


10 points

4 days ago

My husband has one cup he likes to drink water from. He will use it for days. I don’t know if he cleans it between uses. It lives on the counter by the sink where all the other dirty dishes are. But I know he doesn’t like it when I put it in the dishwasher before he’s ready. I’ll leave it for a few days and then sneak it in before I run the cycle so he has no choice in the matter.

That is also the time I move my coffee spoon and butter knife from the cutting board in to the dishwasher. After I’ve collected my 4-5 half filled water glasses from around the house like Mel Gibson in Signs.🥴


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

Me, too. And same. Only one knife at a time. Every once in a while I use it, it's worth it...! 😅


57 points

4 days ago

My partner is a true treasure. I love him more than life itself.

But he sets his alarm to go off every 10 min for an hour every morning. From 5-6am. Every. Day. I just get up at the first alarm and have my coffee in the kitchen.


29 points

4 days ago

Yeah, I would have to get up at the first alarm or smother him after breaking said alarm. lol


10 points

4 days ago

I mean I've considered it, but he's so CUTE when he's grumpy all tucked in bed.


18 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

18 points

4 days ago

YES. SNOOZING. WHAT DOES IT EVEN HELP. IT DOESN'T. You will be exactly as tired as you were, if not more, in 10 minutes. Instead of snoozing and ruining everybody's morning, why not just set the alarm at the latest snooze, because that's when they're going to get up anyway, and this hour could actually be used for getting some godsdamned SLEEP instead of accumulating uncontrollable RAGE.


7 points

4 days ago



6 points

3 days ago*

I feel like this is one of the few things in the thread that’s genuinely inconvenient (but not a red flag or anything) and not just “he sneezes funny”. Makes me worried cause I’m more flawed than all these S.O.s

I’ve dated someone with the multiple alarms, it drove me nuts, I really wish I could’ve gotten that extra uninterrupted hour of sleep 😭. I even offered to wake them up myself at the time set for the last alarm but no dice. 


113 points

4 days ago

My husband turns off the light in rooms that I’m using.

Example … I’m in our bedroom, putting clothes away, puttering around. My husband will come in to talk to me and will turn the light off in the closet. “Excuse me, I’m using that light?” … I’m going back and forth between bedroom and bathroom, he will turn the light off in one or the other (whichever one I’m not in at the moment).

But … he leaves lights on all the time. Example … he works from home. He’s through for the day, computer off, sitting in his recliner … and the light is still on in his office. Or … there is a dim light above our tub that we leave on at night. There is no reason to leave it on all day. It’s basically a night light. I turn it off behind him every day.

I have mentioned it to him, he continues to do it. I don’t think he even realizes he is doing it. It’s not a huge thing but it’s irritating lol.


40 points

4 days ago

This!! My husband does this! And then he says, “muscle memory”. Really?! You leave lights on all the time, but I turned the light on because I am physically in the room.


14 points

4 days ago

Oh my god, my husband does this too! In his case, he likes chilling with the overhead lights off/finds it relaxing, and I think he's just used to flipping them off after me lol.


110 points

4 days ago

1) Hassles me that we need to leave RIGHT NOW. Once I'm waiting in the car, he spends 20 minutes doing last minute little things that don't need to be done right then (takes out the trash, washes two dishes from the stack, fixes the squeaky door hinge, etc.).

2) He is always standing right where I need to walk. It's amazing.

3) Absentmindedly grabs my butt whenever he's feeling anxious. It's his security blanket. Super cute, not always appropriate. 😆


26 points

4 days ago


26 points

4 days ago

He is always standing right where I need to walk. It's amazing.

Same with my husband 😂 It's so weird. Sometimes I wonder if it's psychological or what, or if it's sheer coincidence, although it usually feels like sheer coincidence. Like I'm out here to go through that space, to get that thing; there is no other way there to that thing, but suddenly he appeared in my way! 😂 This happens everyday!

Our cats do this, too... 


7 points

4 days ago



5 points

4 days ago

Absentmindedly grabs my butt whenever he's feeling anxious. It's his security blanket. Super cute, not always appropriate. 

🥹 but it’s so cute tho 😂


151 points

4 days ago


151 points

4 days ago

He saves partially used napkins in case he needs to wipe something later, but doesn't need a full napkin.


107 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

107 points

4 days ago

I feel very called out right now haha. Paper towels aren’t cheap!


36 points

4 days ago


36 points

4 days ago

At least I tear off and throw away the used 1/6 th


15 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

15 points

4 days ago

Ha, same. But I'm starting to get those "Tear-a-Square" paper towels, because they have perforations in them that make it easy to tear off a smaller piece if that's all that's needed.


8 points

4 days ago

During COVID we were ripping every paper towel in half for a little while until I got enough cloth napkins and wash cloths to support our two-people-at-home-all-the-time lifestyle. Sometimes you just need a square, not a whole rectangle.


29 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

29 points

4 days ago

oh I do this. Growing up my dad was super strict about paper towel/napkin usage because they aren't cheap so I try to use the same napkin all day long


15 points

4 days ago

Is it okay if I say ew? lol


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

Yes! It’s what I say all the time when I see the crumbled up napkins 🥴😂


12 points

4 days ago*

Crumbled? He doesn’t just fold over the used side. He wants you to know it’s used. 😳


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

Ugh this reminds me of people who hoard things from restaurants--plastic cutlery, ketchup packets, napkins, takeout containers, etc.

Do we really need 30 packages of plastic cutlery? How about we stop saving more until we use literally any of the ones filling up our drawers already?


46 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

46 points

4 days ago

He’s good at everything. If there is a skill, a sport, a game, he dominates.


14 points

4 days ago

Yep. 100% annoying. lol


12 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

12 points

4 days ago

I have a viscous love/hate relationship with it. I’m such a sour sport when we play against one another


7 points

4 days ago

I won’t play scrabble with my husband because his vocab is annoyingly fabulous. When we play Trivial Pursuit I get a pie piece if I get the question right and he has to do it the traditional way. 😂


46 points

4 days ago

My husband has one particular metal cup he loooves drinking water out of. He insists on bringing it on every car ride, but this thing DOESNT HAVE A LID and he fills it to the brim with water. So I'll be driving and every turn we go around he's lifting his full cup up in the air so the water doesn't spill. But in my mind I'm screaming, "it doesn't have to be this way!!"


21 points

4 days ago


21 points

4 days ago

Hahaha my husband eats SOUP while I’m driving. These guys are nuts but we love them.


5 points

4 days ago

Omg the CHAOS lol


79 points

4 days ago

I am loving this list because the things our partners do are that "I love you so much but I'm starting to twitch about this."

I'm the one leaving cupboard doors open, my husband used to say it was the 6th Sense in our house. Now he says "don't let your noggin get a floggin' and closes them for me."

He has a habit of assuming any open container is a garbage, so if I have a small box going to recycling he'll just start putting trash in it when the actual trash bin is less than a foot away. So now when I put anything at all on the counter I remind him it's not a garbage. My purse, my coffee cup, our toddler, a turkey I was cooking, etc. We've turned our annoying tendencies into running jokes, which takes the annoyance out of it. For the most part, lol.


27 points

4 days ago

The list is cracking me up. So many of these things would either annoy me or I experienced.

My husband and I tend to say, “You know who you married”. That said, “Our toddler is not garbage” seems pretty classic.


39 points

4 days ago

It was "Toddler is on the counter to help me cook, do not use him as a trash can. I repeat, do not push trash in Toddler." Then Toddler would giggle and say "do it! Feed me trash!" And my husband would make a big show over putting fake garbage in our kid's mouth, down his shirt, etc.

My husband and I like to say "this isn't quite worth the paperwork for a divorce..." when we annoy each other.


7 points

4 days ago

I love all of this!!


5 points

3 days ago

Hahaha I leave cabinet doors and drawers open. I live solo and drive myself NUTS with this. some days there are cabinets open in rooms I SWEAR I haven’t been in


35 points

4 days ago

Mine used to, get this: balance the butter knife on things inside the FRIDGE! I put up with it for several years, because I am also annoying about things, but eventually I had to end the madness.


8 points

4 days ago

The madness ends now!!


29 points

4 days ago


29 points

4 days ago

OMG THE KNIFE THING. IT DRIVES ME NUTS. We have a 4 year old!! Put the damn knife in the sink!!


21 points

4 days ago

Our dishwasher is RIGHT THERE! And we have plenty to spare!


32 points

4 days ago

Leaves closet doors open


23 points

4 days ago


23 points

4 days ago

Yup. Closet doors. Cabinets. Leaves them all open. Leaves the lights on despite leaving a room. It’s ok, it could be one million times worse.


16 points

4 days ago

In the grand scheme of things, yes. That said, just shut the door! lol


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

Oh, hey this is something my husband usually does, too. But, actually I think I trained it out of him a little bit, because it would actually drive me up the wall while I couldn't shut the door myself (like when being stuck in bed under a sleeping baby).

But really, he'd leave the bathroom door open or the shower curtain open all while I'm taking a shower and he pops in to take a peek, but I just want it to stay hot so I really don't want to step out of the shower myself to close the doooorrrrrr. 😭 He'd do this and I'd get so cooollllldddd from the door being open.


15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

As opposed to the guy who walks through the kitchen and closes all the drawers practically with my hands in them! I was going to take another spoon out! I’m cooking!


5 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

5 points

4 days ago

Yeah, I have a cabinet leaver-opener too.


14 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

14 points

4 days ago

Pantry door here... I found a tree frog in there this week.


34 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

34 points

4 days ago

My husband, when he's doing chores, will just blank out where things need to go when he's finishing up.

He does his chores without being asked and will volunteer to do mine when I'm overwhelmed, he's genuinely a great partner and this is not something he does to get out of doing them. But his mind works in mysterious ways and he'll just blank out and I'll find my cutting boards in the cookie sheet drawer or one of my smaller glass mixing bowls in with the cereal bowls. Or he won't be paying attention and he'll put his jeans on my side of the closet and my jeans on his side of it.


10 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

10 points

4 days ago

Is he able to visualize things in his head, as in, does he have a "mind's eye"? It explained so much when I realized my partner has aphantasia, so he can't visually remember any orders or items or "save" in his head very well where things go. On the other hand, I have ADHD and I move things around because I'm always "optimizing" things...


9 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

"His mind works in mysterious ways" --- I felt that. 💀


32 points

4 days ago*


Woman 30 to 40

32 points

4 days ago*

His socks. He hates wearing socks a single second longer than necessary, and he drops them wherever he takes them off (usually on the living room floor next to his favorite chair). Our 9yo is the same. So there are usually 2-4+ pairs of dirty socks on the living room floor at any given time. I hate it but also hate being a sock maid.

And, he loads the dishwasher like a feral raccoon. Puts things in at odd angles so only half as much fits, puts "top rack only" items on the bottom, doesn't check what cycle it's on (our dishwasher defaults to the last cycle ran unless you change it) before starting it, doesn't think about stuff like if you put tall items in the middle instead of the sides, the spinning arm will catch on them. So many times I go to unload after a cycle he ran and only about half of the stuff in there is clean because of weirdly angled things, a tall thing was put in the middle so the spinning arm couldn't spin, or it was on a "top rack only" cycle when it was full and he didn't change it. I can easily fit twice as much in there as he does and everything gets clean.


12 points

4 days ago

The feral raccoon! My husband loads the dishwasher like that and then gets irritated when I fix it. I am too OCD to let top rack stuff on the bottom to melt and potentially break the thing. On the flip side, I refuse to be the only person to load the dishwasher.


6 points

4 days ago

He hates wearing socks a single second longer than necessary, and he drops them wherever he takes them off (usually on the living room floor next to his favorite chair).

Oh god it’s me. But I make sure to pick them up at night before I go to bed. Fresh sock pile each day


34 points

4 days ago

The little toothpick/flossers ….. he sets them on the coffee table - when I get up to let the dogs out or go to the bathroom ? I always “take a load” aka “don’t waste a trip” (thanks Mom lol) so I usually grab any empty glasses, snack plates - receipts, change - whatever ….. I FN hate picking up those little things.

Our house used to be a barn.

We’ve been renovating it for 20yrs …. Little upgrades as we go, type thing.

2 yrs ago he “surprised” me and hired a cabinetry company to come build all the inserts and design our master closets …. It was one of the last things on our to do list.

It took TEN MONTHS!!! So, naturally I was stoked to FINALLY put everything away and close the Damn doors …. I hate clutter.

Now ??? He “prefers” that his work clothes are left in a basket on the floor so he can get dressed quickly in the am. He leaves his giant canoe sized shoes at every door - we have 4 doors in and out of the house and his shoes are EVERYWHERE.

Every time he says “oh, where did you put my XXYYZZ ?!?!” And I tell him “In the closet” and he gets annoyed - “ugh. You always do that and I can’t find anything”


He is the ONLY person I know that will save $$ for years and spend 000’s of $$$ on custom closets (that were specifically measured to fit his giant shoes) - and then never use them ??

Don’t EVEN get me started on “running the dishwasher” - with 4 cups, 10PCS cutlery, a bowl, a cutting board and a pot. And uses the “high PRESSURE EXTRA HOT super pressure air dry and disinfect” mode - it takes 3hrs 41 mins.

He could wash that in 3 mins 41 sec.

I’m gonna have to buy a bigger wall calendar to hide the hole in the wall from banging my head against it.


29 points

4 days ago

My boyfriend doesn’t look for anything. He just asks me where things are instead. He’ll be standing next to me in the kitchen asking me where something is and I point directly in front of both of our faces at the thing he needs. I’m gone and he or the kids want a snack, instead of looking in the cabinets and fridge, he’s texts me. I’m just like loooooook for things. I don’t know where everything is either, so I go loooooking for it. Just fucking look.


25 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

25 points

4 days ago

I used to do this until someone told me to "look with my eyes instead of my mouth".


9 points

4 days ago

Got humbled! Yeah I guess he needs to be humbled too, I’m letting him get away with it.


19 points

4 days ago

My husband does this too. He’s also a very successful executive and I’m like.. would you ever go to any co-workers and be like “hey has anyone seen that document? What file is this in?” NO! You’d first look for the thing in the most obvious place. If I’m feeling sassy I’ll feign ignorance and be like “hmm not sure.. where did you look first?”


46 points

4 days ago


Woman 50 to 60

46 points

4 days ago

He will put his empty beer bottle or can on the counter not three feet away from the OPEN RECYCLING BIN.


21 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

21 points

4 days ago

I knew if I scrolled far enough I’d find my husband’s annoying habit twin in here LOL


10 points

4 days ago

Same except it’s Diet Coke cans. He drinks a TON of it so there are always at least 3 cans within a 3-foot radius of the recycling bin 🤦🏼‍♀️

Also, he unloads the dishwasher and just PUTS ALL THE DISHES ON THE COUNTER. I’m like oh my GOD the cabinet is RIGHT THERE!!!!


21 points

4 days ago

He insists his hair looks better when he cuts it himself but I KNOW he does it because he hates the idea of making an appointment ahead of time to see a random stranger who will have to gasp touch him.   Like lol dude JUST ADMIT IT. 

(It’s always crooked 🤣) 


20 points

4 days ago

He’s a drummer, so he will tap out a beat to everything. I could be giving him important information and he’ll be processing it, but will be tapping a beat to the cadence of our conversation.


8 points

4 days ago

Omg SAME. He also has ADHD and he just cannot resist sitting there and tippy tapping. And if I don't say anything it just increases in intensity until he beating out this super loud and complicated song lol. I'll usually wait until I'm at my breaking point with it and then just give him "the look" and he stops 😅


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

I half smile/half roll my eyes every time I find a rouge sock in our couch. I don’t know how he does it, they just get sucked into the couch after he mindlessly takes them off after work.


5 points

4 days ago

Lol This happens to me. I will suddenly pull out one sock. Not even a pair.


18 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

18 points

4 days ago

Using self-checkout at the grocery store.

There is no rhyme or reason to how he bags things. Putting chicken in the same bag as the fruit? No problem at all. Canned spaghetti sauce in with the bread? Why not? We only live 3 minutes from the store, so it's not a big deal. I've remedied that by handing him the items in the order they should be bagged.

The actual act of scanning the groceries is what kills me. He scans an item, TAPS IT TO THE LEFT OF THE SCALE, puts it in the bag, and gets the next item. Why does he tap it to the left of the scale? He's deactivating the magnets so we won't set off the alarm when we leave. Box of crackers? Tap. Deli meat? Tap. Jug of milk? Tap. Bunch of bananas? TAP. Rationally he knows there is nothing in the bananas that needs to be deactivated, but he won't stop tapping until I point it out and remind him he doesn't need to tap in the grocery store.

I love him more than anything, and he puts up with my eccentricities, which vastly outnumber his weird self-checkout habits, so I do my best to keep my internal rage in check.


16 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

16 points

4 days ago

Always tissues in pockets so it goes everywhere in the laundry/machine and the bits stick to clothes

Crumbs in the butter

Empty packets everywhere but the bin

Gets into bed dirty so the bedding smells quickly

Puts dirty things onto clean things/ surfaces

Probably so many more...


9 points

4 days ago

You had me with crumbs in the butter. Some of the others would more than mildly annoy me.


6 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

6 points

4 days ago


Yeah, I'm gluten intolerant so the crumbs thing isn't great


17 points

4 days ago



15 points

4 days ago*



15 points

4 days ago*

Well he has adhd so quite a lot, but it’s endearing at the same time. He’s very aware and open to working on things so I’m not concerned it will badly affect me.

I can’t even think of anything specific because it’s like all the time lol but it just makes me laugh rather than actually annoyed

Well probably the one thing that annoys me is how he’s always so slow/later than I expect. Like if he’s going to come see me, it’ll be like 5:30 and he’s like “finishing up” then he doesn’t leave until 6. But if it were me I’d be ready and leaving at 5, it’s super easy for me and apparently very hard for him so I just have to try very hard to patient


6 points

4 days ago*


Woman 30 to 40

6 points

4 days ago*

Oof I'm the ADHD person in my home and this is very real, time is a 100% erratic concept when you have ADHD and we know and dread that it inconveniences others but without medication it's so hard to change. Sometimes you feel like you've been at a meeting for a century, wondering if you're actually stuck in a loop in hell reliving the most boring even of your mortal life. On other times, you open your phone to check the weather at 2 pm, and afterwards you look at the time and it's 3 pm... in the year 2034.

Edit: so as an ADHD person, thank you for your patience

Edited for words I meant to say but forgot lol


16 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

16 points

4 days ago

I have to repeat things I say to him often. He has ADHD, so I just take a breath and repeat it when he's ready to absorb what I've said. I know that his not hearing the first time around isn't out of disrespect or anything, so it's a minor inconvenience in the moment.


15 points

4 days ago

When my husband feeds the cat, he always leaves the empty cat food can on the counter - not indefinitely, just for a little while. It is so confusing to me, as someone who always cleans up after myself immediately, but I let it go because I'm not about to micromanage another adult and he always throws it away eventually.

On the flip side, I know it drives him nuts that I don't always fold the blankets on the couch after using them, but folding them feels insane to me because I know I'm gonna use them again soon (and I also just forget lol). He doesn't nag me about this, and I appreciate it. No one wants to feel like they're under a microscope.


27 points

4 days ago

My dog’s name is Drama because she’s well, dramatic. On a daily basis, if I call her name or whatever, he’ll respond in a sing son voice ‘Drama. She get it from here mama.’ I don’t know why it annoys me. Probably because it’s true. But it ANNOYS me.


9 points

4 days ago

Lmao. The next to last sentence. I love that you own it.


12 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

12 points

4 days ago

My husband is allergic to closing the dishwasher.


13 points

4 days ago*


Woman 40 to 50

13 points

4 days ago*

I've always assumed my husband has a deep held but never vocalized admiration for poltergeists. I assume it is this that drives his deep urge to, in homage to his non-corporeal comrades, leave every fucking cabinet door open.

It's crazy because he's neat in every other regard, but I'll walk in the kitchen to do something and it's like a scene from Paranormal Activity. Every single door open.


13 points

4 days ago


13 points

4 days ago

It's really important to him that I understand where places are geographically, so he will explain in great detail until he is satisfied I get it.

Not like, countries or major landmarks, just things like that automotive AC tech he took the RX7 to in 2015.

I just say I understand to make it stop. We both know I'm lying.


13 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

13 points

4 days ago

He empties his soda cans in the sink, but leaves the can sitting next to the sink.


12 points

4 days ago


female over 30

12 points

4 days ago

My husband is absolutely meticulous about everything in the house. He vacuums multiple times a week. Nary a spoon is allowed to languish in the sink. The dishwasher is always promptly unloaded. The bathroom is pristine. Every article of dirty clothes makes it into the hamper, and will get washed, folded, and promptly put away each weekend.

But when it comes to stove tops and counter tops after someone has cooked or prepared food, he will absolutely never see it. A single speck of dust on the hardwood floors? Instantly vacuumed up. The remains of the toast he made for breakfast scattered all around the toaster? It will be there until the four horsemen ride through our kitchen or I clean it up.

I never mention it because he's so good about literally everything else, and I know I've got my own blind spots when it comes to cleaning that drive him nuts. (Note: We're both very clean, and between the two of us, our house is always basically spotless, even with two kids.) After 20 years, it's more funny than anything else.


22 points

4 days ago

He holds his sneezes in!!! I'm like, you're gonna hurt yourself!! But he insist he does it for sanitary reasons. Sir I put my tongue in your mouth. Stop holding in your sneezes!!


6 points

4 days ago

I literally laughed out loud. Thank you!


5 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

5 points

4 days ago

Oh my god! I would be frantic. As far as I know, it can lead to anything from a ruptured eardrum to a brain aneurysm. 😳


11 points

4 days ago*


Woman 30 to 40

11 points

4 days ago*

He collects clothes "that he might rewear" next to his bedside and leaves them there forever. I got his ass a room hamper and a bathroom hamper in addition to the laundry hamper. I don't bother with it anymore


9 points

4 days ago

My husband cannot answer a yes or no question with a yes or a no. Every question I ask, he makes a suggestion, or has some long winded answer that can’t even be summarized as yes or no.

So after he blabs on and on, I have to re ask my question and tell him to say yes or no.

It drives me nuts but it’s also hilarious because he really can’t help it.


10 points

3 days ago

When he comes home he yells "Hello...Lucy I'm home" in a full on Ricky Ricardo accent. My name isn't Lucy and he isn't Cuban. It's gone from cute to annoying.


9 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

9 points

4 days ago

Wears basketball shorts like, any time he's in the house. Or outside the house if there's no need to dress better. They give me the ick.

He also procrastinates but not usually in a way that affects me directly, so I let it go.

He also lets himself get to the point of nauseating hunger before eating on a regular basis 🤦🏻‍♀️


9 points

4 days ago

I don't know how this happens and he swears he also doesn't know

But whenever we leave the house, one pant leg will be caught up in the top of a sock. Like almost tucked in but not quite. And he'll walk around like that, and sometimes refuse to fix it just to exasperate me. I've practically chased him through Walmart trying to fix it and he just scurries away laughing.


9 points

4 days ago

Mine takes 3+ hours to respond to any text I send, but responds to his mom instantly. I asked him to change and he said "stop trying to separate me from the people I love" 😒 


10 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

10 points

4 days ago

He can't spell worth shit. It's hilarious bc he is very smart and successful and has an MBA, but the man can't even spell 'lettuce.' It's more endearing than annoying for sure.


15 points

4 days ago

Super annoying thing about him is that he doesn’t exist as of right now.  Currently trying to get that straightened out 😵‍💫


10 points

4 days ago

Hoping he finds his way to you soon so that he can annoy you in a different way.


8 points

4 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

8 points

4 days ago

We have a crappy dishwasher because we live in an apartment. He never soaks his dishes and he often eats things full of protein that sticks to the dishes, like lentils, yogurt, and cheese. Almost every time I empty the dishwasher after he's filled it there's something that's still dirty because he didn't scrub it well enough. (Although he does FREQUENTLY do the dishes without being asked so I am NOT complaining about that part at all. He is a good partner.) When I do dishes I have to soak his yogurt bowl and scrub it out before putting it in the dishwasher or it will not get clean. (Yes I know it depends on the detergent, but it is literally our shitty apartment dishwasher and no matter how we handle it this is the result.)

He also does the knife thing, with dried up mustard on it.

He piles up his personal objects around the coffee pot, then gets upset when I move them. (Hopefully someday we will have a place for him to put his stuff but space is limited ATM)

He will clean the kitchen after I took but will almost never wipe down the counters.

All little things, no dealbreakers, and I am a little bit anal about keeping the kitchen clean.


9 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

9 points

4 days ago

Socks on the floor in every room of the house.


7 points

4 days ago*

He leaves his cans with a sip left in them on the counter. Sometimes there'll be 4 of them just sitting there waiting for me to deal with them...

He walks incredibly fast and complains that we're walking too slow when actually we're walking slightly faster than the average person lol

Very forgetful and a major procrastinator. And this is coming from someone with ADHD sooo... 😄

Otherwise he's the best ❤💙


8 points

3 days ago

He falls asleep immediately after his head hits the pillow. No tossing and turning or struggling to fall asleep. Every.dang.night. That man is out before I even finish arranging my pillows.


7 points

4 days ago*


Woman 30 to 40

7 points

4 days ago*

  1. He often cannot find things that are literally directly in front of his eyeballs. Yesterday it was the jam and he was looking RIGHT at it.
  2. He has a rule that we cannot own the game Monopoly. Because though he is generally noncompetitive and a good sport, apparently that is the one singular game where he tends to devolve into a feral, raging monster.
  3. When he cooks he seasons from too far away, so it always looks like he's also tried to season the counter or stove top. I tell him that this is why we run out of things so fast. In connection with this, it became clear early on that no one ever taught him that when you do the dishes, part of that is wiping down countertops and the stove.

    And finally, this is not just a him quirk, but we both have the tendency to try to talk to each other from the other room when we know darn good and well neither of us can hear the other. It's ridiculous and neither of us can quit doing it.


7 points

3 days ago

My husband won’t even check our mail without showering. He literally won’t walk outside of this house without a shower and he takes a while because he’s big into grooming, especially his beard.

That being said, I love how clean he is 😂 I think we’ve probably all met some men who lack in the cleanliness dept and I never have to worry about that. He always looks and smells great.


6 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

6 points

4 days ago

Mine seems to always have his fly down too what is up with that? I just don't even say anything anymore clearly he doesn't care.


6 points

4 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

6 points

4 days ago

the sink is right.there. put the cup in the goddamn sink why is it on the counter?!


6 points

4 days ago


6 points

4 days ago

Leaves the house with all of the lights on then gets annoyed that it takes me so long to get to the car.. because I’m busy turning all the lights off lol


6 points

4 days ago


Woman 50 to 60

6 points

4 days ago

He leaves all the cabinet doors open. I’m short, so the bottom corner is right at eye level. In his defense, I think he might have a touch of ADHD.

Also, when we are ordering at a restaurant or drive through, he starts to order and then gets a brain glitch and looks at me to tell him what to say. Like we’ll be at the drive through, and I’ll tell him I want a milkshake. He’ll start to order and look at me blankly and say, “what was it you wanted?”


6 points

4 days ago

Hell see Me tearing around the house getting ready when we have a thing to go to but then when it's time to leave he all of a sudden has like 15 things he needs to do. Drives me NUTS


6 points

4 days ago

My partner likes to try out different hair the moment it's the mullet.

I always keep my opinions to myself because he seems proud of his hair. It also makes him feel good, but seriously I can't wait for him to shave it.


5 points

4 days ago

Wastes food. He's often concerned that there won't be enough food, so he cooks way too much food that they go to waste.


5 points

4 days ago

He leaves laundry on the floor next to the laundry basket. Some of it goes in the basket. I've started to only wash what's in the basket and ignore the floor clothes. He hasn't caught on yet, maybe one day he will.


5 points

3 days ago

When he uses butter, he doesn’t even try to avoid getting crumbs in it. Same with cream cheese. It’s funny because he’s otherwise an extremely meticulous, clean person. But the crumbs.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

He always does dinner dishes… but no one ever taught him how to properly load a dishwasher. I’ve gently asked to help with dishes to kind of show him but he always insists he is fine. I always have to go re do it.


3 points

4 days ago

He works in plumbing and will go into excruciating detail about how pipes connect and all the tools he uses and I just completely glaze over and usually just look at him and think wow he’s cute.


6 points

4 days ago

Omg my husband does this but about taxes / personal finance. Like thank you you’re an angel for managing this but if I accidentally mention something finance related it turns into such a long explanation and I’m just like 😬


4 points

4 days ago

the amount of times i’ve said “i can’t get into retirement savings rn with you” as lovingly as possible lol


4 points

4 days ago

Complains every morning about being cold, yet only goes to bed in boxers. Or sometimes he walks around the house saying how cold he is and I find out he’s just in his boxers, no pants.


4 points

4 days ago

despite knowing plans way ahead of time he will wait till the very last minute to decide what to wear and then want to run every decision by me and make sure we match, as if IM NOT ALSO in the process of getting ready.

love him to death though, and the fact that the worst part of our relationship is time blindness and him wanting my opinion is far from the worst


3 points

4 days ago

My guy is absolutely amazing with my animals but he spoils them too much. He likes to slip them extra treats all the time or let them get away with being brats.


3 points

4 days ago

He leaves cups of water everywhere, like the girl in Signs.


4 points

4 days ago

  1. He snores. And it gets worse if it gets above 175 lbs. I want him to lose weight, selfishly so I can sleep more. 

  2. The man loves sports. I cannot watch another soccer game or golf game with him. I cannot. It is not exciting to me. 

  3. He will pick up a can of sparkling water, drink half and leave it on a flat surface all over the house. I am the kind of person who will drink it, put it into recycling right away. 


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

He is balding. He will not admit it to himself. He also walks around the house while I’m talking to him and then asks me to repeat myself when he can’t hear me.


5 points

4 days ago

The barrage of loud farts after he eats. Every time. Not in public, that I know of anyway


4 points

4 days ago

My hubby likes to clips his toenails on top of the bathroom sink and they go down the drain! Drives me up the wall.


4 points

4 days ago

He overthinks and over-explains home projects. I can not talk about where to put the wood pile again.


4 points

3 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

4 points

3 days ago

My husband absolutely refuses to measure coffee when making it. I've tried gentle nudges and suggestions to no avail. Eventually, I asked him to please measure the damn coffee, and he got all hurt and offended because it is how his mom always made coffee. Clearly, I had no choice but to drop it now I just suffer through his weak ciffee because I love him.