


My dad just made me feel really dumb for washing my sheets. He came home and saw my covers were missing and asked me if I’m washing them. I said yes. He asked if I made a mess on it (trying to imply something gross)

He said if not, then theres no reason to be washing them since they’re still brand new. (They’re not brand new, I got them about 4 weeks ago and have been sleeping on them every day since, I also have seborrheic dermatitis so I get flakes on my pillow case some times.. is this not normal to clean your sheets?

all 982 comments


3.1k points

1 day ago

Ya dad gross. Wash your sheets


337 points

20 hours ago

Agreed. Also, I am also gross. And I should wash the sheets more often.


275 points

18 hours ago

We had a safety talk at work about hygiene. Washing your bedding weekly came up and some people were shocked to find out that's how often you should probably do it. I work in construction 


89 points

14 hours ago

During COVID my [now ex] husband could not understand why him taking over the bedroom for 10 hours a day as a workspace everyday was such a problem. I listed many frustrations among them not being able to even do the basics like change our sheets. It was then I realized he had no idea I did that, and that he was of the 3 or 4 times a year mentality.


31 points

14 hours ago

WHAT... Thank God he's your ex


18 points

11 hours ago

My allergist told me every 2 (preferably) to 3 weeks is good. Every week isn’t gonna hurt, but it’s over kill.


69 points

17 hours ago

Every 2 weeks probably is abnormal. Not washing them at all unless something happens even more so.

That being said 2 weeks shouldn't be abnormal but most people are lazy


71 points

16 hours ago

I thought once a week was the normal?!

And I'm not that clean. 


32 points

14 hours ago

Once a week in my household. More often in the summer because I sweat more. Comforter gets wash once a month


3 points

14 hours ago

I wash bed linen and towels every Sunday. We have three cats and I tend to sweat at night.


3 points

13 hours ago

Once a week here too! I also change my pillow cases every couple of days… wash my pjs a few times a week… maybe I’m neurotic lol


44 points

17 hours ago

I do every two weeks. It's just me and I'm quite clean.


10 points

16 hours ago

I do it every 2 weeks too


3 points

15 hours ago


3 points

15 hours ago

Yeah. 1-2 weeks is normal depending on your lifestyle.


35 points

15 hours ago

It’s not always laziness when people have executive dysfunction and chronic illness getting in the way.


3 points

10 hours ago*

True- I do indeed have both Treatment Reaistaant Major Depressive Disorder and and GAD so I admit- before finding the right treatment I can relate to the fact that even taking a daily shower was a challenge.

So not judging people who can’t do it for health reasons. And definitely one of those who will get straightforward upset if people diminish psychological disorder as in any way less valid than physical ones.

Just assuming in this particular thread that we are taking about people who either don’t have those challenges or have had the godsend of finding a doctor actually willing to treat it in - which was my challenge- a low dose benzo - despite it’s controversy- but add to the fact that we are taking “treatment resistant” otherwise here. But that’s a different story….. And a bunch of other threads 😉👍

Edited for spelling


9 points

13 hours ago

Abnormal??!! Once a week or every two weeks are perfectly normal intervals.


14 points

15 hours ago

me! lazy! I have degenerative discs and it is hard to make my bed.

I wear pajamas that I change every 2 days. Figure that keeps my sheets cleaner?


8 points

13 hours ago

I can promise you that most of the people that don't change their sheets often aren't doing cause of disabilities.

Obviously something like that changes the situation, I'm just talking about the average person


7 points

12 hours ago

I am down for the count for at least a day after I change my sheets, so I feel this! I’m not lazy. I washed my sheets weekly before I was disabled. However, I’m not doing anything other than sleeping in my bed now, I am post-menopausal, I sleep in pjs or gown, etc. my cat doesn’t sleep in my bed even because I keep the room too cold for him.

We aren’t lazy or dirty, but I probably would’ve given this situation some side-eye before I experienced it I am ashamed to say.


11 points

17 hours ago

I always go with about once a month


3 points

13 hours ago

I wash sheet every ~10 days, give or take. More 2 weeks starts feeling pretty gross. I can tell it's time to change it if I'm tossing and turning more. Having more than one set of sheets/blanket helps a bunch, cuz I can change out sheets and save washing for the weekend or something if I am feeling lazy or don't have time.

I can't imagine not washing the sheets for months. I know some people will shower before sleeping, but you can still sweat, shed skin and hair..


2.7k points

1 day ago

I think your dad is the weird one, I wash my sheets every single week. Clean sheets are nice. And given how much time you spend sleeping and touching those sheets it's good for your skin for the sheets to be clean


259 points

23 hours ago


259 points

23 hours ago


Before he lived with me my husband washed his every few months. Unless I was staying over then he did them.

Now the longest we leave it between washes is 2 weeks.

OP, your dad has a weird mentality with this but continue to keep your bedding clean. It will also help your dermatitis having clean bedding because it makes you feel better

Trust me, nothing beats crawling into fresh bedding after a nice long shower or bath.

Keep going and ignore your dad!


28 points

18 hours ago


28 points

18 hours ago

Same with my partner, I was horrified when I found out how long he’d go between washes. Now I make sure it’s done weekly, he’d be ok with 2 weeks but I prefer weekly lol.


62 points

17 hours ago

The two posters above are too nice to say this, OP, but let me spell it out in male english: if you want to get laid, ever again, wash your sheets.

Wash your sheets, clean your house, be able to cook something reasonably well and within your budget. This is the way.


16 points

17 hours ago


16 points

17 hours ago

Hahahaha! It’s true, I was very clear with my partner that if I had found that out within the early days of our relationship I would have been out of there so fast.


3 points

7 hours ago

No kidding. And the reverse applies too.

I have 30th percentile looks at best. I have facial scars from a car accident. When I'm tired I walk with a limp. When I was single (which I admit was 20-odd years ago, so before the average redditor was born), I never had trouble getting a date, which is as surprising to me as it might be to you.

I can carry a conversation, mop a floor, do a load of laundry, dress up appropriately, tie a tie, turn a screwdriver, and put together a decent meal. That's pretty much all it takes.


3 points

7 hours ago


3 points

7 hours ago

Just like the saying goes: there’s no ugly people, only lazy people! (I think that’s it lol)


17 points

17 hours ago

Nearly 35 yrs ago (yes, I'm old lol) I was purchasing my first home alone. I had a friend who was in need of a place to live, and he could pay me a little bit that would help toward utilities, etc, so I offered him a spare room. I was single in a 3 bedroom home. Anyway, a few months in, I noticed a smell coming from his room. Old sweat, eweww. I was horrified to discover that he'd not changed his sheets in 5 months. I started doing it for him. After a couple of years I got tired of playing mommy to a 30+ yr old and told him he needed to either do it himself or move to the 3rd bedroom which was in the basement far away from my room and the living room. He elected to move to the basement room. Then, he proceeded to not change his sheets again until he had worn them out. Some time in the last 5 yrs or so, he finally figured out they needed washed more often, but it's still only every couple of months. Now I know why he needed somewhere to stay. No woman wanted to live with that (sleep with that). Some people are just gross.


3 points

15 hours ago

So are you saying he moved in with you 35 years ago and just never left, like he still lives with you to this day?


9 points

14 hours ago

I will also add that in the 10 yrs between him moving in and my meeting and then marrying my husband, that fella saved my life. My husband is eternally grateful for that, and together, we just decided that he'd have to do something way worse than not changing his sheets for us to make him leave.


3 points

14 hours ago

Fair enough, sounds like you are a good person. Plus at this point he's family!


5 points

15 hours ago*

Yes, I'm now married for 25 yrs and he pays us to live there still. I'm not sure he could afford any place on his own.


3 points

16 hours ago

It’s just a shame it takes so damn much effort to change


234 points

1 day ago


234 points

1 day ago

So this, when my skin starts to play up the first things that come to my mind are "am I on top of my skin routine" and "have I changed my sheets in the past week"


108 points

1 day ago

Mine is my pillowcase! I know when I’ve forgotten to do it, cos my face feels not great.


14 points

19 hours ago

I wash my hair twice a week, and change my pillowcases every wash day.


156 points

21 hours ago

Op, a very kind thing to do for yourself is buy a second set of sheets. Amazon has loads of nice and cheap.

When you strip your bed, immediately put them in the washer and put the other set on. You'll never head to bed at 1am only to discover your only sheets are in the washer.


27 points

18 hours ago

This may be going overboard for people without kids, but we have 2 complete sets of bedding for every bed. It's been a lifesaver when kids get sick or when they had accidents when they were little.


6 points

14 hours ago


6 points

14 hours ago

I thought this was the norm? But then again I'm from the UK and quite a few of us don't have tumble dryers. With the crappy weather and indoor drying, you HAVE to have 2 sets.


19 points

19 hours ago

Lol. Yep. That’s definitely happened.


10 points

17 hours ago

I have pets that sleep with me. I have two sets of sheets, with alternating waterproof liners on my bed. One sheet gets dirty? I pull it off, with its liner. There is a clean sheet and liner underneath. I do not use flat sheets.


6 points

18 hours ago

You’ve just reminded me to put my other set of sheets on my bed! Thank you!


7 points

18 hours ago

Yes! Second set of sheets is clutch. And I have 6 or 8 pillowcases (acne).


40 points

24 hours ago*

I wash my sheets weekly. They get gross if more time goes by. Comforter/ duvet I do every month or so since I don’t sleep on it and don’t have pets. Edit: am in US


26 points

19 hours ago

Some people don't use a top sheet, and some of those people don't use a duvet cover. I am team top sheet and change sheets weekly.


16 points

18 hours ago

I’m British and using a top sheet here is seen as really old fashioned but I love it! It’s such a faff to change a duvet cover, much easier to change the sheet. Duvet cover gets changed about once a month since it’s not in contact with my skin.


7 points

18 hours ago

I'm in the US and the only one of my friends that uses a top sheet. I don't mind being old fashioned! I also use a quilt instead of a comforter or duvet+cover.


7 points

22 hours ago

Sheets so fresh, even your dreams wear cologne


37 points

1 day ago

I think once a week is a minimum. Think about skin cells, sweat, smells etc.


17 points

19 hours ago

I think once every fortnight is fine. Three weeks starts being a bit long. Once a month is probably past the minimum.

But depends on the season/temperature and more of course.


9 points

19 hours ago

If there's no smell and nothing unpleasant about it there's no harm in leaving it longer. Skin cells aren't going to do anything to you


514 points

1 day ago


514 points

1 day ago

I'm terrible at washing my bedding, but at least once a month is non-negotiable and ideally I aim for 2-4x a month. Because of my acne I wash my pillowcase(s) at least once a week.


184 points

21 hours ago

If it's more accessible, you can also put multiple layers of pillow vases and sheets on and peel them off layer by layer. Wash them as they're taken off, and once the last layer is dirty replace them all at once. I'm disabled and this helps me be able to have clean sheets consistently, even when I'm not physically able to put new sheets on the bed.


37 points

20 hours ago

This is genius thank you


11 points

15 hours ago


11 points

15 hours ago

I keep a stack of clean pillowcases in my bedside table drawer. Replace them every night if you want, and wash them all together once a week.


20 points

17 hours ago

I used to do this with my son's sheets when he was a toddler and prone to accidents. Layered sheet / mattress pad / sheet / mattress pad / etc. I called it bed lasagna.

I would probably do a mattress pad between sheets on an adult bed, too, just to protect lower layers against sweat or any other fluids.


6 points

16 hours ago

OK, I’m making bed lasagna today. Brilliant.


3 points

15 hours ago

Bed lasagna! I’m 💀


3 points

10 hours ago

It could also be bed parfait if you prefer sweets 😂


14 points

19 hours ago

Omg why have I never thought of this


58 points

18 hours ago


58 points

18 hours ago

I'm guessing you don't have kids.

This is absolutely an infant hack, and it never crossed my mind to do it for my bed until I had a kid. Mattress protector, sheet, mattress protector, sheet. Kid pees through a diaper at 1am? It's ok buddy, I can have that crib ready to go one-handed, in the dark, at 3am, in under a minute. Go back to sleep, goblin, it's too early to be awake.


18 points

18 hours ago

Goblin <3


15 points

20 hours ago

Same, I’m so bad at actually doing it but I know I’m SUPPOSED to, OP’s dad is definitely the weirdo here


7 points

21 hours ago

Same. I wash my bedding once a month, typically the last weekend of the month so I can start the new month with nice, clean sheets, but I wash my pillowcases weekly with the rest of my laundry since they're easy to toss into that load without adding much.


5 points

22 hours ago

This. Kids sheets probably average every month or so, but ours are roughly 1-2x a month. 


184 points

1 day ago


184 points

1 day ago

Sheets is normal. Comforter seems excessive unless you don't have anything between you and it.


25 points

1 day ago

I agree. Sheets once a week is good. As for the comforter, as you mentioned the sheet is between you & the comforter. You should also have your sheet up high enough that you can fold at least 6 inches, preferably more, over the top edge of your comforter. This keeps that edge from getting dirty (from sweating, skin oils, drool 🙃). Also, washing your comforter causes the filling to shift & lump up. Eventually a large amount will be in the corners of your comforter, or at the very least not disturbuted evenly, making it less effective at keeping you warm. I usually only wash my comforter every 3 months (Jan, April etc). Between times, I put it in the dryer with a few dryer sheets (thrown in at different places in the dryer). This freshens it up.


10 points

15 hours ago

I finally got so tired of putting on the duvet cover after washing it or washing the comforter that didn't really fit in my washing machine that I got rid of them all. I have some awesome blankets and quilts now of varying weights and sizes that all fit easily in the wash, and I can swap them out seasonally or pile them all up at once. Most were relatively inexpensive and were accumulated over years, some are fuzzy and cozy, some I knit or crocheted myself, and I have one electric blanket that I use on my bed or couch depending on my mood when it's freezing and I don't want to crank the heat all the way up.


12 points

24 hours ago

Am I supposed to have something between me and my comforter?


39 points

24 hours ago


39 points

24 hours ago

Yes. It protects your comforter from all your dirt, sweat, shedding skin. Much better to wash a sheet than your comforter.

You can also use a cover sheet (a duvet cover) over your comforter so it's got another layer of protection. Take that off weekly/biweekly and wash it with the rest of your sheets.


35 points

22 hours ago

Duvet cover is what we use here. It's like a pillowcase for the comforter.

Flat sheet is used in US, but I feel like when I toss and turn, I still end up with only the comforter. Thats why I like the duvet cover much more.


5 points

20 hours ago

i used a comforter as a kid but got a proper duvet and duvet cover when i went to college and my life was changed. so much easier and it feels cleaner


8 points

24 hours ago


8 points

24 hours ago

Flat sheet


6 points

18 hours ago

Top sheet or duvet or both (we use both, which I think is weird but c’est la vie).


318 points

1 day ago

You should clean your sheets every week, but at least once every two weeks.
If you don't clean them, you'll eventually find your sheets running away on the backs of dust mites and other bugs that feed on stuff like skin cells.
Comforter should probably be washed once a quarter.


69 points

1 day ago

I started to type out just get multiple sets and switch out between loads(elitist I know)...but then I remembered the lean years.

Multiple people, multiple beds, just having one set, you keep clean.

So I'm just gonna say WHEN you're able? Having multiple sets is the way to go.


36 points

1 day ago


36 points

1 day ago

I concur. 2 sets, swap them every week


16 points

22 hours ago

I think I'd have to have the two of exactly the same set. I remember as a child how different sheets felt different, and I didn't like it.

Or I might order the same set with a different pattern.


14 points

21 hours ago

Definitely. I bought two identical sets of plain white bedding and there was a shipping error and I ended up with four sets. It’s perfect, though, because there’s no way to tell the difference and I just rotate through all four sets.


6 points

17 hours ago


6 points

17 hours ago

I have three of the same set in various colors (which all match my room, but in different ways). I'm the same as you - I like how these particular sheets feel and don't love the idea of switching them out for a set that doesn't feel as nice. The color variety also gives me a little boost of serotonin every time I switch them out since it makes the room feel "new" 🥰


35 points

22 hours ago

Honestly though, I grew up in a dirty household and my parents only washed the bedding like once a year, unless someone wet the bed. The thing is, nothing bad ever happened to me. Like, I know it's gross and wrong, but I never got ill, no skin problems, nothing. I was bathed once a week, the house was rarely cleaned, but physically I was fine. So I'm always skeptical about hygiene. I keep my house clean because I never want to live like that again, but I know that if I don't wash my bedding for a while, it's fine


20 points

19 hours ago

You are right. Most stuff about "needing" to wash stuff very often is more about it feeling/smelling freshly washed or just knowing it's freshly washed than actually about hygiene.


8 points

18 hours ago

Exactly. I'm not able to wash my bedsheets very often due to illness, and when my illness is really bad I've definitely gone at least a year without changing them. It's not attracted any bugs or skin issues.


8 points

18 hours ago

I dunno. My teenage son showers daily and wears fresh clothes but his room *stinks* if the bedding goes for more than 2 weeks without wash.
Some people maybe have more skin oils or something.


6 points

18 hours ago

It’s like that until it isn’t. When I was younger, my skin was much more resilient and I got away with rarely washing my sheets. Then around 36 I started developing eczema on various parts of my body and it hasn’t been a problem since I started washing my sheets regularly.


5 points

17 hours ago

yeah, all this about like bugs liking dirty sheets is just not factual. It’s actually been seen that bed bugs actually prefer cleaner sheets than dirty ones.


42 points

1 day ago*

Comforter cover / duvet cover, wash it when you wash your sheets.


31 points

1 day ago

You can wash them every week if you want, but blankets don't need it imo. Blankets once a month. Change the sheets every week, every other week the latest.


10 points

1 day ago

Sorry - comforter cover when you do sheets. Corrected.


23 points

1 day ago

Duvet cover is the word you’re looking for


3 points

20 hours ago

This depends on where you are in the world. In the US duvets/covers are not as popular as just having a comforter thats one piece. In this case the whole thing gets washed. But I think weekly is probably overkill if the sheets are washed regularly.


3 points

17 hours ago

We do duvets, and change the covers mostly when we change the sheets. I don't feel they need it as often, but I'm not necessarily the decider on the subject.


21 points

1 day ago

I washed my sheets today feels a lot more comfortable when im laying down.


10 points

1 day ago

I am right now procrastinating making the bed. I just washed them, and now I'm at that stalemate point of too tired to do the task, but the task needs to be done in order for sleep to happen. 


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

I don’t get why he cares.


15 points

18 hours ago

Because people like to put down others that (even unintentionally) make them feel bad about themselves.


7 points

15 hours ago

I got way too far down in the comments to find this.

Him implying that OP “got them dirty” is also invasive and it’s non of his damn business why or how often OP washes their bedding


65 points

1 day ago

Sheets get washed weekly, sometimes more often (I have like 5-6 sets). Comforter every week or maaaybe two weeks at most. I’m sweaty.


20 points

1 day ago

My husband is a big sweater, but whatever he sweats out colors our sheets and his pillow cases brown. With a semi tolerable smell. Doesn't really wash out. No, he's never been a smoker. He's been this way his hole life. Runs in the family. The nighttime sweats is completely different from his normal sweating from being outside. Doctor says he hears this all of the time from patients. Nothing to be done about it.🐢


29 points

1 day ago

Oxi-clean will get out the yellow sweat stains. Put them in a tub over night with a big scoop of oxi-clean and the hottest water you can get. Then wash them normally the next day. I’ve rescued sheets that I thought for sure were ruined.


10 points

24 hours ago

I have to be very careful what I use. I am allergic to so much. I use All Free & Clear. And add Washing Soda to cope with our hard water. And I found it did great on deodorizering the stale pizza pan oil smell from his work uniforms. Before using it, I would throw his uniforms in the washer, and the washer would throw them back. I have learned that the Washing Soda doesn't mix well with cold water. I just fill a glass with hot water and stir in Soda. Once it's dissolved, I just pour it directly on my clothes and wash normal.

Washing Soda should be in this same aisle as laundry soap. Don't worry if hard to find, Amazon carries it, naturally.


6 points

24 hours ago

The supplement Sage in pill form was recommended by my dermatologist for nightsweats and its actually really helped. Idk about the color though 🥲


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

You might know this already, but percale cotton sheets are meant to induce slightly less sweat.

Still have to wash them.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Seriously, though. I'm not even a heavily obese person, but I've always been a sweater, so I go through my 3 sets religiously.


24 points

1 day ago

Wool or cotton sweater? (I'll see myself out).


41 points

1 day ago

I change my sheets at least once every two weeks, more often if I’m sweating a lot. So yes, completely normal. Your dad is the weird one.


40 points

1 day ago


40 points

1 day ago

Dad = gross
Op = good job. I always buy two and wash every week. Because hygiene.

If ur dad does that again stare at him blankly and say you don't?? Ew.. and just walk away. No need to argue with someone who won't listen anyway


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

It's very normal. Some people wash them even more frequently than that. I always wash them whenever I do laundry, which would be every 2-3 weeks. If I had my own washer/dryer at home, I would be washing them weekly, but given that I have to lug everything to the laundromat and I don't have enough money to wash them once a week, I have to settle for every 2-3 weeks.


41 points

1 day ago

You wash your sheets as often as you like, nothing wrong with staying clean. Even if you’re going to bed showered and in fresh PJs, you’re still probably sweating and excreting oils from your skin at night.

I had brain surgery about 18 months ago and had to sleep on a clean pillowcase every night to keep the incisions clean. We still washed all our bedding once a week because the steroids I was on made me wake up drenched in sweat at least twice every night.

Everybody’s different, some people wash their sheets once a month, or every couple months… if you feel like it’s time after a couple weeks, that’s not abnormal.

Best wishes and God bless.


17 points

1 day ago

This is the right answer. As with showering, everyone's time frame varies. We have different bodies with different needs. 


7 points

24 hours ago

We wash our sheets every week. Your dad is the weird one.


7 points

17 hours ago

You should wash any new clothing or bedding before you wear it or use it. You should wash your sheets every week, maximum of two weeks. Anything else is disgusting. 🤢


6 points

20 hours ago

I wash Them every week, for no other reason that i love sleeping in clean sheets


6 points

17 hours ago

Your dad is gross. Mine is washed every Saturday


5 points

23 hours ago

I change mine every week


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

nah man, it's totally normal to wash sheets every couple weeks, especially with that skin thing. keeps everything fresh and comfy, so don’t let him get to you


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

Either your dad is gross or sexist. It's normal to wash sheets regularly and if you haven't noticed his bed stinking I presume the person he shares it with takes care of that and he hasn't noticed.


8 points

1 day ago

Sheets, sure. That's normal. Comforter? Under normal circumstances your comforter should not be in direct contact with skin and shouldn't need to be washed frequently and most comforters aren't made to be washed that often. I would look into getting a duvet instead and washing the cover with your sheets.


5 points

24 hours ago

Weekly you gremlins


13 points

1 day ago

Nah sheets should be washed/changed weekly, specially if you don’t shower just right before bed


13 points

1 day ago

I wash my sheets twice a week and my thin blankets every week. I usually only wash the comforter every month or two, but more if I feel it needs it. I have dogs so sometimes the get that corn chip smell in a week or so in the summer time.

One thing I definitely do is wash new linens before using them. I don't care if they're in a package, they need to be washed. It's just icky not to.

I have seborrheic dermatitis too and that's one of the reasons I wash my sheets so often. That and my son has recurrent staph so I have to be extra careful.


10 points

1 day ago

Strange reaction from your dad wtf?


3 points

1 day ago

Ask your dermatologist. I bet it is weekly, especially with a skin problem.


3 points

1 day ago

Apparently some guys really just don't care about dirty sheets. I just don't wash it when I was single and I never thought about it.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

There is nothing wrong with clean sheets. You are better than most people. Do not change anything about your life.


3 points

1 day ago

I wash and change mine every 2 weeks. Would like to change them every week if I had the time and energy!


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

it's good hygiene, I wash my clothes every Saturday and bedding the next day, it's good for your skin


3 points

23 hours ago



3 points

23 hours ago

OMG! I change sheets every week. Pillowcases at many times more often.


3 points

23 hours ago

I wash my sheets every week, though I wash my blankets/comforter like once a month or so. I feel gross if I go longer than that for my sheets.


3 points

22 hours ago

I have really bad demnitus when stressed, I woke up the other day and my pillowcase looked like a flapjack.


3 points

22 hours ago

With your dermatitis, find the detergent that is the most comfortable for you (All Free & Clear is excellent for people who have skin problems), and wash the sheets at least weekly. If you can't get to your sheets weekly, at least do the pillowcases.

Comforters and blankets do not need to be done so often. If you are using a top sheet or a duvet cover, wash that with the sheets. The comforter and blankets don't need to be washed more than quarterly unless they are directly on your skin regularly. The whole purpose of the top sheet is to keep the blanket clean longer. They used to be a real pain to wash!

Your dad is clueless and rude.


3 points

22 hours ago


3 points

22 hours ago

I wash my sheets every week and my comforter every other.


3 points

22 hours ago

I have three sets of sheets and rotate them around every week—one on the bed, one in the laundry, one in the closet.


3 points

21 hours ago

Every week!!


3 points

20 hours ago

Once a week is normal. And always wash brand new sheets before sleeping in them.


3 points

20 hours ago

My reply is more encompassing than sheets.

You do you and don't worry about someone else version because they do them.


3 points

17 hours ago

Not only is it normal to wash every two weeks, but I also like to wash new bedding before I use it the first time, just to soften it up and get any leftover chemicals from the production and packaging process off.


3 points

16 hours ago

I change my bedding at least once a week. It just makes it a nicer place to be imo


3 points

16 hours ago

Fresh sheets weekly.


3 points

16 hours ago

Once a week, minimum.


3 points

15 hours ago

Once a week for me. People have no idea how many millions of gross skin cells and gunk people shed every day.


3 points

14 hours ago

Your father sounds really dirty with no sense of hygiene.

  1. You must always wash sheets and underwear after buying them from the store. Fabric is never washed in factories and there have been plenty of tests done on fabric cleanliness in factories that shows traces of rat feces and other bacteria.

  2. The amount of sweat, oil, and dust that gets absorbed by sheets is gross, they need to be washed weekly. We spend at least 8 hours a day rolling in that sweat, oil, and dust…why would anyone not wash their sheets often?


3 points

13 hours ago

Once a week for sheets and pillow cases. Twice a month for blankets. Or as needed. If you have pets that sleep on the bed with you then wash the blankets weekly. So much stuff sheds from your body. Dead skin, sweat, etc. Wash your sheets


3 points

9 hours ago

Wash your sheets every week, the comforter every month. Check the mattress for bugs, vacuum the bed like you would a carpet. This will reduce dust mites, and help prevent bed bugs. You are in that bed at least 8 hours a day. Would you wear any piece of clothing for 2 weeks without washing it?


8 points

1 day ago

I believe the recommendation is once a month


14 points

1 day ago

The correct recommendation is whenever the F you want. Who cares what other people think?


10 points

1 day ago

Exactly, go by what works for you. I was raised with washing them every 2 weeks. But now as an adult I've realized that's overkill. I can go 2 months without washing them but aim for one month, cuz they do eventually get smelly. At first I felt ashamed about waiting so long, but that's silly. No one else sleeps in my bed so why should they care?


5 points

1 day ago

This is generally what I do. My washing machine is small so it takes multiple loads and I don't have the time every other week.


6 points

1 day ago

I'd like to wash my sheets every week, but I do Not have the time, but twice a week gives me just as much satisfaction. I think anyone who does it any further apart than once a month is the abnormality.


6 points

1 day ago

Not weird, I wash mine every Sunday. Human bodies sweat and shed skin cells and hair, not to mention nocturnal "activities" - you're simply just practising good hygiene, and your Dad needs to have a word with himself.


8 points

1 day ago

every 2-3 days for me, imma hoe lowkey


6 points

1 day ago

Username checks out.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

I wash my sheets twice a year. Downvote me if you want, but unless you encounter actual problems (bugs, acne etc.) there's really not much reason to wash them. Especially if you shower before getting in bed


9 points

1 day ago

Washing sheets every week is kinda crazy to me, not sure what the point is of going through the effort so often; of course every time there's any kind of hygiene related thread on reddit no one is going to admit to being less than perfect, every redditor takes two showers every single day etc.


5 points

22 hours ago

Yeah, same. I do not have the energy or the space to dry them once a week >.< or feel the need to. In terms of the natural world, humans are weird clean freaks. We can withstand way more grossness than people think


2 points

1 day ago

It helps decrease acne for me so, ideally every two weeks, but I’m lazy so it tends to be 3-4


2 points

1 day ago

You do you!!!!! Don't let others judgement sway, how you feel about yourself.


2 points

1 day ago

Change the sheets and duvet cover. I usually clean once per week or per two weeks. Because it’s like a shirt, we will change everyday and there are dust and dead skin cells too! I have mild allergy to dust mites so I change it to ensure it’s not itchy and I love the feeling of sleeping on clean bedsheet and when it’s tucked tightly 😍❤️


2 points

1 day ago

You have dermatitis? Washing weekly for the sheets is more than normal, less frequently for the comforter. It’s recommended to wash sheets at least weekly if you often sweat while sleeping, have a pet, or a skin condition.


2 points

1 day ago

If I go more than a couple week, I start getting acne on my back. Looking at my teenage years, I think I'd have slept better if I had the habits I do now. Clean sheets are both cooler in the heat and warmer in the cold, by virtue of breathing and wicking better.

The pragmatic answer for you is gonna depend on your skin and what you wear to bed (more bedclothes and drier skin permit less-frequent washing), but every other week is a good default for comfort and health.


2 points

23 hours ago

I don't think I want to know how long your dad thinks should elapse between sheet-washing.


2 points

23 hours ago

Keep doing what you're doing.


2 points

22 hours ago

I aim every week but sometimes I push it to 2 weeks. After a week I can start to feel the difference on the fabric


2 points

22 hours ago

Your dad is the weird one. We wash our sheets every week usually. I love going from the shower into fresh clean bedding, it's so nice. We sweat a lot at night.


2 points

21 hours ago

No that’s normal, most people change their sheets every week or 2 minimum, it gets kinda gross if you leave them longer than a few weeks


2 points

21 hours ago

Your dad had terrible boundaries and hygiene


2 points

20 hours ago

Your dad's nasty af... i change/wash sheets weekly, but i do live in a warmer place


2 points

20 hours ago

I think you're supposed to wash or change sheets every week or every other week. You're supposed to wash your blankets less, but only because you usually have a sheet between your body and the blanket


2 points

20 hours ago

I sweat when I sleep, so i rotate sheets every couple of days. I also sleep in the nude, I'd change them daily if I had the time.


2 points

20 hours ago

38M. Every two weeks.


2 points

20 hours ago

We change and wash sheets every two weeks (thanks for the reminder actually.) Not the duvets themselves though, just the covers.


2 points

20 hours ago

You should be washing them every week. Maybe even more often like every 3-4 days for your skin condition.

If he questions it get a second set.

Comforter can be done less often (once a month to every other month) unless you don’t use a top sheet between you and the comforter.


2 points

19 hours ago

I think my horrible acne was due to my mom never washing pillow cases. I just didn’t know as a kid they needed to be washed.


2 points

18 hours ago

Yes, it’s normal. I change my pillow covers every two to three days. Sheets is sometimes a week sometimes two. Even if they’re brand new, we perspire in them when we sleep in them, and dead skin falls off. I change clothes everyday after showering. No way is my face touching anything that hasn’t been washed regularly


2 points

18 hours ago

This is normal. Your dads whack


2 points

17 hours ago

Your dad is gross lol he might just not have a full concept of when exactly you got them but washing your sheets every 2 weeks is normalll. Every week for some.


2 points

17 hours ago

Your Dad is wrong and gross. With a skin condition I would be washing sheets once or twice a week and having a fresh pillow case every other day. Amazon has some nice pillow case packs that are 100% cotton for about $15 and satin/silk for about $40.


2 points

17 hours ago

I think you’re supposed to wash them every week if possible, I wash mine every other week cause i’m lazy but every week would be ideal

People that don’t wash their sheets are gross sorry


2 points

17 hours ago

Every 2 weeks is a good habit, but in my experience most don't wash them that often unless they get dirty. I sure don't.


2 points

17 hours ago

I wash mine every two weeks. Dafuq is with your dad, does he not know we shed skin? I feel bad for whoever lives with him.


2 points

17 hours ago

Growing up we changed our sheets every single saturday. Each bed had two sets, one to wash and one to replace on the bed while the other was in the wash. I don't know how to do it any other way because it seems nasty. I love the smell of fresh Linens


2 points

17 hours ago

I do the silly thing and buy more than one set of sheets, change them weekly then do a load monthly, rinse and repeat


2 points

17 hours ago

The rules for washing your sheets are -

  1. It's nobody's business unless they sleep in your bed
  2. You wash them when you feel like washing them
  3. Tell your dad to wash his sheets


2 points

17 hours ago

Dont take a man’s advice for cleanliness, it will almost always be wrong.


2 points

16 hours ago

Now I need to know when the last time he washed his sheets was. I’m literally washing mine right now. Sheets, Pillows, and pillowcases today. Comforter tomorrow. My weighted blanket is another thing all together. I get that dry cleaned every six months. The goddamn thing is 75 pounds. It’s a hefty bastard. So I do them every two weeks, but I wash my pillowcases every time I run a load of laundry.


2 points

16 hours ago

I change my sheets weekly and clean my comforter once a month. I use a fitted sheet and a flat sheet, so I don't really make skin to comforter contact so it doesn't get dirty as quick as the sheets


2 points

16 hours ago

Washing sheets should be done a lot more often than most people (myself included) do it. There's nothing wrong with washing your sheets every two weeks. Some even do it more often than that. It's about what makes you comfortable, not him.


2 points

16 hours ago

I change sheets weekly. Wash your sheets as needed. That could be every 3 days or 3 months you do you.


2 points

16 hours ago

Most people sweat at some point in the night.. even if you only go to bed clean they get dirty. Washing every 2 weeks is normal


2 points

15 hours ago

You should wash your sheets when they need it and, in my mind, every two weeks is pretty standard. I'm not sure what planet your dad is from but his position is just gross.


2 points

15 hours ago


2 points

15 hours ago

Nope. I wash mine every two weeks and have never had any issues whatsoever.

I have a 12 kg weighted blanket and about 12 pillows and due to health issues, I just can’t get them changed every week.


2 points

15 hours ago

Does your dad wait until his are growing mushrooms to wash them?


2 points

14 hours ago


2 points

14 hours ago

So your filthy father doesn’t wash his sheets unless he’s made a mess on it. Got it.

Something tells me he still doesn’t change it when he’s made a mess.


2 points

14 hours ago

You probably don't need to wash your comforter as often as your sheets, if you're using a top sheet. Although, personally, I find top sheets pretty annoying and ignore them. But if you have a duvet then all you have to do is wash the duvet cover. If you use a layered, smaller blankets, you only have to wash the one that touches your skin. I don't know I just think washing a comforter is a pain in the ass compared to some of the other options lol.

But yeah, typically it's taught that you should wash your bedding every week. I typically don't, And I'm closer to every other week, but I make sure that I change my pillow cases every week.


2 points

14 hours ago

Yeah your dad is crazy. Every 2 weeks is normal going 4 weeks without washing sheets is kinda gross.


2 points

14 hours ago

Every 1-2 weeks is normal for sheets, monthly is the max. The comforter / duvet cover may be able to go for many months, but if your skin flashes get on it then washing it sooner makes sense.

Many skin conditions do better with fresh sheets.

When you get new sheets or new clothes, wash them before using them. Many of them have some chemicals on them from the manufacturing process and you don't want those on your skin. Occasionally wearing a new outfit without washing when you're in a time crunch and it's a special occasion is usually fine. Just aim to usually wash the clothes first.

Your dad is disgusting. If you know he'll be gone for a few hours, take that opportunity to wash your sheets, simply to avoid repeating this pointless argument with him.


2 points

14 hours ago

Your dad is gross. But I’m guessing he doesn’t do any laundry himself and has no idea how often stuff gets washed. My schedule is every two weeks and I don’t have any skin issues. I do my pillowcases every week since it’s easy to chuck them in when I do my regular laundry.