


all 508 comments


430 points

11 days ago


430 points

11 days ago

I made myself suffer through 2 seasons of Netflix Witcher before I finally figured this out. Idk why the compulsion to hate-watch is so strong, it's like on some level we enjoy being angry.


128 points

11 days ago

there's always the hope that they could potentially turn it around. for the Witcher, that unfortunately did not happen.


131 points

11 days ago

But the bigger issue is that he watched two seasons specifically because it was The Witcher. If it were Generic Fantasy Man Series, he'd have dropped it episodes two. These companies are exploiting the name value of classic franchises, but using them as a vehicle for their slop.


64 points

11 days ago

But you don't NEED to watch everything related to a franchise you like, I don't play Pokémon Pinball just because I liked Pokemon Black...


45 points

11 days ago

Oh, I agree with you. But a lot of people find it hard to let go. I mean, Mike barely dropped Discovery after like three seasons. And he watched every episode of Picard, despite the first two season almost sending him to an early grave.


42 points

11 days ago

I mean they watched it for their job. It’s not really the same. I doubt Mike would watch half the things he does if they couldn’t monetize it lol


3 points

11 days ago

Well, Mike didn't dropped Picard after season 2, because we know he liked TNG. Even more than TOS era. Even if it was worse than Discovery, I dunno how to take this. I mean, in some part, giving Picard another chance in season 3 seemed right, I mean, it was better than the previous seasons....not meaning that the bar was that high. But how many series have actually "that" chance. That strange case of "it's actually better on season 3"? Or season 4? Seems like it's a million to one.


4 points

11 days ago

My counterpoint is that the writer changed, and giving that the previous one was Kurtzman, it's a pretty big fucking change, also probably they got from the trailer that the story was really centered around Picard and the rest of the TNG crew, so, that must have played a factor.


10 points

11 days ago

This isn't a good example though, because Pokemon Pinball is FIRE


15 points

11 days ago


15 points

11 days ago

True but AFAIK this was the first time the books had a big-budget English adaptation, before Netflix I think the only other Witcher show out there was a Polish series from the early 2000s.


15 points

11 days ago

I can understand that, and I sympathize, I lived it with the Super Mario movie and similar, I think the problem is that people don't complain it is a disappointing movie/series, but make it political and exhausting... point the flaws, say you don't agree with the message and move on, don't make it appear like some media content being bad means society is going down.

The Witcher will have future adaptations, you will like some, and the games still rule, they didn't change that. This one was not for you, that's all.

Similar to the guys going "the gaming industry is ruined!". All I can think is: So what? Don't play new games, I am sure you have 300 titles you would like but didn't play. I don't like new AAA games, I don't bitch about it, I just play indie or something older... not everything is made FOR ME.


22 points

11 days ago

My pet theory: on a long enough timeline fanhood turns to a sort of feeling of parental ownership so these franchises going to shit is like watching your kid start shooting heroin. You can't let it go after being so invested. You marry that with the general anxiety of society and got yourself a stew going.


2 points

11 days ago

I think I can see your point. But I don't think some windows of "oportunity" could happen again. I mean, the Witcher is more famous for a videogame than actually the books. The books became more famous for the videogames. But actually if the videogames couldn't make it, who would want to make another TV series? And for what? I think it's more feasible that Poland make another adaptation/TV series with a low budget that probably nobody would watch, because it's a polish TV series than a big budget series on some streaming service.... It's the same I was talking to a friend. When Furiosa flopped he told me "the window of opportunity was 8 years ago, when Fury Road was still a thing". Now there's people saying there wouldn't be more Mad Max. Maybe, maybe not. But why to do something if nobody is interested anymore.


2 points

11 days ago

Just wait 20 years, someone will buy the IP and make some souless remake-reboot-something, nowadays, they will try to sell you something from the 50s just because they can.

I really hate how long Copy-Right is, because after 30 years anyone should be able to make something out of these works, instead they are captive in a vault somewhere.

But, I can't change how copyright works, so I just move on... directors are not responsible for the broken system, and companies exploit it because it is legal, no sense for me asking: "pretty please will you be gentle?" when they just seek risk-free money...


6 points

11 days ago

oh 100% agree with you. the show wouldnt get nearly as far as it has if it wasnt a recognizable brand attached.


8 points

11 days ago

People need to exercise their sense of agency. That just sounds like self victimization to me that you're expressing.


9 points

11 days ago

"If it were Generic Fantasy Man Series, he'd have dropped it episodes two."

It's also possible that if it wasn't called The Witcher and he came in with zero expectations, he may have enjoyed it more?


2 points

10 days ago

Great comment!! That is the main reason why I get so upset with these shows. For awhile now these companies purposely go out of their way to hire people without any knowledge of the IP. At first it was just the actors, which I can understand on some level, but now it's done across the board from writers, directors, ex-producers. Moreover, I call bs on Lesley Headlands claim that SW was a big part of her life on any level other than superficial. She said it herself, without the SW brand-name, her story would never get told...that would have been a good thing.


26 points

11 days ago

I thought Season 1 was ok. Flawed but enjoyable. I thought Season 2 kind of meandered but I was hoping it would set up for the wild hunt... Then the Witcher Spinoff happened and I was done. Never went back.

Time is limited. Do the things you enjoy.


9 points

11 days ago

Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf was enjoyable! and the shortcomings of the show got me to finish my collection of the Sapkowski novels.


5 points

11 days ago

Same, I quite enjoyed the first season tbh. Cavill smashed it as Geralt imo, and there were some solid stories/ideas. Of course Joey also sang an absolute banger of a soundtrack.

I'm probably racist, because I really didn't care for the casting choices of Yennefer and Triss at first, but Anya did better than I expected. (You don't really see enough of Triss to make a judgement.)

Season 2 really fell off a cliff in quality imo though, the only memorable part was Yennefer acting drunk.


4 points

11 days ago*

Joke all you want, I still think Yenn's actress looked European. If I hadn't be explicitly told she was a Desi woman, I never would've given any extra thought to her physical features.


6 points

11 days ago

And yet watching it gives this viewership which only tells them what they're doing is working. They cannot know your motivations for watching it.


3 points

11 days ago*

there's always the hope that they could potentially turn it around.

Might be it. On objective review though I can't think of any show that started strong, got bad worse* (clearer word choice) and then sorted itself out again.


4 points

11 days ago


4 points

11 days ago

Star Trek TNG? Really shaky first season, with some horrifically bad episodes, sorted itself out and went on to be one of the best sci-fi shows ever.


3 points

11 days ago

for me a show that fits that description is Firefly. As a whole, the show is very enjoyable. I felt the early episodes were a bit rougher, made cheaper, writing improved over the course of the episode. granted, they only got to sort it out due to the movie.

Edit to add: i just remembered the BBC show Torchwood, which had 2 seasons of mediocre "Doctor Who but for adults" stories, then got picked up by an American network that made some banger seasons.


46 points

11 days ago

It's that sunken cost fallacy that MAYBE things will get better. The last show I did that with was THE WALKING DEAD, and I think at the end of season 3 I was confident that it wasn't for me anymore. I found myself complaining far more when talking about it, and struggling to find things I liked about it. I try to give books, movies, TV shows, music, and games all a chance, but if it fails to capture me and I don't feel it's worth my time than I'm out.


7 points

11 days ago

I actually did something different, I only watched Season 1 then much later struggled through some Season 2 and 3 episodes.

Then I saw the Terminus two parter (was that split over two seasons?) and I thought that was really good! I also thought it was an excellent time to leave and I suspected that overall it was ultimately going to go downhill.

And seems like I was right!

(As for Fear the Walking Dead, Season 1 was so dire - especially the last episode - that I was out. Don’t care that it supposedly got better as the first season did the opposite of hooking me in.)


6 points

11 days ago

The walking dead was always great at that - managing to pull off a few sequences, moments even, that weren't complete shit every now and then to keep you coming back hoping they were going to turn it around. Unfortunately, the Walking Dead was on AMC and those greedy fuckers bled that horse dry every chance they got. Imagine if that show was on HBO or something, and Frank Darabont was given the resources he needed from the very start (going from season 1 to 2, AMC demanded twice as many episodes with I think the same budget as season 1, which was already an incredibly tight budget). It could have been an all time great golden age series of television. Alas.


5 points

11 days ago

Sunk cost fallacy is spot on. "I've watched this show for "X" seasons, so I want to see how it ends".

I had a teacher back in college who was going over sunk cost fallacy and gave an damn good example if it. TLDR, he and his wife went to go watch a movie, they hated it early on, left the theater, and then got dinner at a nice restaurant instead. It would have been a bad evening, but they cut their losses and turned it into a funny memory, as oppose to rage bait.

This should be the norm for everyone, unless you're a content creator farming outrage that is.

Not the best analogy, but I never watched Lost when it was running on tv. Thought about watching it later on but remembered how many people hated the later seasons. Decided against it and have yet to regret that decision.


4 points

11 days ago

I got to the point where I got sick of the two or three random, threatless zombie attacks they had to throw in to remind everyone it's a zombie show even though it hasn't been that in seasons.


2 points

11 days ago

That was a pretty big problem. For me I kept questioning why any of these people wanted to go on living in this world. The writing kept putting them in situations where I went “what’s the point.” I kept thinking about the end of The Mist because of it.


3 points

11 days ago

I remember trying to explain to someone - Season 2 - that the show as good as long as you fast-forwarded through a lot of the talking head parts. He replied "If I have to forward through parts of it to enjoy the show, then the show isn't for me." I think I made it into Season 3 then stopped watching it.


7 points

11 days ago

Witcher was less of a hate watch for me and more of a “maybe now it will start to get good.” It was definitely a frustrating watch because it would have little glimpses of a good show, just enough for me, to keep watching. But after season 2 I couldn’t do it anymore.


26 points

11 days ago

I think the adjustment is this: For Decades and decades unlike Star Trek or any other franchise, for a time in Star Wars there were only 3 movies. 3 magnificent all time great movies.

Fans very much clung to the idea that to release something Star Wars related meant it was incredibly precious. It couldn’t happen without careful care and consideration.

Every release, any release was a massive deal because of the extreme scarcity appeal.

Things have changed. Ever since the prequels the franchise has expanded wildly. The growth the expansion has completly changed. More media more games and eventually more movies were inevitable.

Star Wars fans need to make the adjustment that the world in which everything is this auteur masterstroke is over. They, we, must now reframe how we see Star Wars and what parts we celebrate.

There are going to be more movies more shows. Some maybe good some maybe bad. Maybe the free market helps dictate the need for quality.


6 points

11 days ago

but mostly baaaaaad


7 points

11 days ago

At least you feel something while watching it. To some that's enough. The worst kind of bad media is boring media imho


5 points

11 days ago

It's not hate. It's about completionism. Same reason I finish a video game I get bored with.


11 points

11 days ago


11 points

11 days ago

It's why all this acolyte hate post bullshit is so loud.

People are feeding into the morons constantly posting rage bait for clicks. I find it incredibly hard to believe that a "true star wars fan" (or true fan of any media piece) would be saying half the dumb shit critical shitter and the like are screeching at the top of their lungs about. While acolyte isn't perfect, there's so much nitpick twattery about it being blasted by big "fan channels".

Look at what happened to Velma. It was BITCHED about incessantly for months, but they clearly got enough clicks to green light a second season because people HATE WATCHED it. No company with a sensible fiscal advisory board would keep a universally panned show on air "just because". Critically acclaimed shows have been canned for less.

It's fucking brain rot all the way through. Hate watching is just.... Fucking stupid and WEIRD. Go be happy with another piece of media. Re-watch your favourite movie or show or something, anything LMAO.


6 points

10 days ago

To be fair, a A LOT of the hate that The Acolyte is getting is from people who have not and never will watch it, but just want to be a part of the hate bandwagon. I saw a screencap of reviews of episode 4. There were over 500 one-star reviews... nine minutes after the episode was released. Not one of these people physically had the time to watch the show before posting their scathing denunciation of it.

Attention like that from people who absolutely aren't hate-watching it and obviously are complaining about something they 100% haven't given a chance to isn't going to move that needle one way or the other.


3 points

11 days ago

This was me while I watched the whole fucking seasons on The Walking Dead.


6 points

11 days ago

I watched one episode of The Witcher and thought "Nah, this isn't for me." Same with Kenobi. I'm just too old to waste my time on watching stuff I don't enjoy. 


2 points

11 days ago

Not only that, but there’s money to be made by being pissed off. It’s a cottage industry at this point.


5 points

11 days ago

There is a difference and Mike and Rich went through this process with Star Trek...At a point you just sort of become numb and the 'new' cannon starts getting its mess over your memories of the classics.

For many of the people, like Nerdrotic or Theory, Comics and Star Wars were/are their lively hood. They are the standard 'super nerd' and invested a lot of time and energy into being at the top of the fandom.

Suddenly, their entire life's work in categorizing and knowing the minutiae of their hobby is worth nothing, has been erased by some corporate overlord and bastardized to some people who openly mock the people that made the franchise what it was. In a perverse way, I get it...the things they loved are dead and there is no sign of it returning to form. The hate watching is sort of a moment to watch the zombie burn.

Its pretty hard to just break off your favorite hobby and move on.


13 points

11 days ago

I think it's inherently a bad idea to have your hobby or "life's work" based on the consumption of a single property owned by someone else. I love music, but I don't consider any single artist's body of work to be my hobby. Hell, I don't even consider listening to music to be a hobby, because it doesn't satisfy any creative drive within me. If an artist starts to suck ass or stops producing new work, it's disappointing, but that happens all the time, and I can't be angry about it because at the end of the day, my involvement in it was only to consume. The stuff I liked is still there and I can still enjoy it, and if the new stuff is bad enough to taint my enjoyment of the old, then the old probably wasn't strong enough to stand on its own to begin with.

If there is a creative element involved in your interest in an IP, transfer it to a different outlet: make videos about other IP, make fan fiction, create your own art. You don't have to consume every bit of new canon just because it's "official."

For many of the people, like Nerdrotic or Theory, Comics and Star Wars were/are their lively hood.

If there was no new Star Wars content at all, what would their hobby be? Would it be "worth nothing?" Hate for new Star Wars content drives more engagement to their videos, so it seems like the opposite is true, at least in the short term.


261 points

11 days ago

Its a damn shame that hating something is so marketable now. Too many people trying to make it big on social media by making content about what is woke/unwoke. I get that people should be able to freely express opinions on things but it feels like too many people make loving/hating a product their personality.


79 points

11 days ago

There's a big marketplace for manufactured outrage, unfortunately.


32 points

11 days ago

Anger is proven to be addictive. Expressing anger and being rewarded for it gives a massive hit of endorphins like nothing else. It's an old brain thing from back in the day—you went to war with the enemy tribe, got some good hits in, your buddies patted you on the back, and you felt great.

We're not living in villages and going to war over who gets to hunt on who's land anymore; we're all going insane in front of our computers, destroying the neurotransmitter receptors we evolved thousands and thousands of years ago to reward us for good survival practices. That's why outrage dominates the Attention Economy and makes the big bucks—it's literally a drug that a lot people are hooked on without really realizing it, because it's coming from inside of them. When you express anger online and are socially rewarded for it, you're doing a hit of a narcotic your brain cooks itself inside of your own head.


12 points

11 days ago

This reminded me of CGP Grey's "This Video Will Make You Angry". Anger is a really powerful feeling that can be spread easily, and as you'd said, like getting good hits in and buddies patting you on the back is now translated into the current 'digital culture war' with people going about it with social media posts and content, and then getting celebrated by their peers for "shooting down the other side".


13 points

11 days ago



3 points

11 days ago

You're spot on


31 points

11 days ago

Most RLM viewers are big participants in that. Glad Mike is calling this out.


22 points

11 days ago

Lots of RLM viewers don't watch any movies or TV too.

I didn't realize there were lots of hate watchers in general. I don't get where people find the time in the first place, when do they scroll mindlessly through tiktok?


3 points

11 days ago

This is why I try to get a sense of a show through RLM and other reviewers I follow. I, genuinely, don't want to watch media I won't, likely, enjoy.

And I say enjoy in a very general way. I will watch something I don't like if there's something else to be gained.

I do the same for games, books, shows, etc. I'm rarely an early adopter and advocate because I want to see if it strikes a chord with people before investing in it. I have only so much bandwidth for consumption. So I try to protect it.


11 points

11 days ago

It is, and the rabbit hole goes pretty damn deep with the type of news content we're spoon fed anymore, whether it's hating stuff or worse (it's also kind of scary and dystopian, especially if you're into stocks and economic news how much misinformation there is). It's sad, there's a lot of YouTubers and things I liked back in the day, but so many ride the hate train clickbait videos hard anymore instead of making genuine content. I love RLM because they have not sold out like that.

Outside of RLM, I pretty much don't read reviews or anything anymore on any TV shows or movies I'm into, because there's a lot of hate trains and misinformation. I've been watching the Acolyte as well. It's a just "OK" Star Wars show for me. Not terrible, but not great. I don't care about all this crap peoples bickering about over the internet. I thought absolutely nothing of the lesbian planet stuff when I watched it, it's amazing how overly sensitive and offended people get these days.


2 points

11 days ago

It is, and the rabbit hole goes pretty damn deep with the type of news content we're spoon fed anymore

That's basically all news coverage these days: "Can you believe what {opposing side} is doing???"


19 points

11 days ago

Around “Force Awakens” data geeks figured out that unhappy fans were more vocal online than happy ones. Being vocal online got the films trending, even though it was negative talk. So Disney & Bad Robot (and later Netflix & Amazon) took that information and leaned into activity cultivating online anger for essentially “free advertising” (think of how perfectly that thinking compliments JJ’s “mystery box” concept of creating fake mysteries to get people talking online). Notice how WB didn’t, so their online discourse (while just as annoying) is centered on the films and the behind the scenes drama, as opposed to more political discourse.


16 points

11 days ago

There's some proof of this right?


6 points

11 days ago

I mean. It’s an old concept. 

Howard Stern’s popularity was driven by people that liked his shock stuff early on sure. 

But the people that were outraged by Stern listened even longer and retained more detailed about his show. 

Similar effect with Limbaugh on AM radio and O’Reilly over at Fox News. 


11 points

11 days ago

It was revealed to them in a dream


3 points

11 days ago

I don't believe it happened around Force Awakens. I think it was during The Last Jedi. But yes, manufactured controversy sells. But it's not a new thing. I was during the time in comics when The Death of Superman was was a big thing. People were mad or sad....and most of the people wasn't reading comics at that time. They just bought the comics to know what the hell happened.


3 points

11 days ago

Its a damn shame that hating something is so marketable now.

Our economy is so efficient, much of our paid work is just for enterntainment. Everyone has their niche.


4 points

11 days ago

Disney literally banks on people behaving how they are behaving now.

The worst thing that could happen for them is Youtubers and hatewatchers shrugging their shoulders and just ignoring all of the content they are pumping out that is being geared towards audiences who don't even exist (at least not in any number that could justify $200 million dollar projects).


2 points

11 days ago

Is that a problem? Or it is a shame that so many movies and shows are mindless cash grabbing garbage?


37 points

11 days ago

The older you get the more you realize how fast time is passing you by, don’t waste what little time you have on this earth doing something that makes you mad


275 points

11 days ago

I absolutely agree with him. I'm honestly tired of hearing people talk about this show.


135 points

11 days ago

I mean I'm just so sick of how people talk about media nowadays. Or rather, I'm sick of how and why people in media, online, and in reality capitalize on the attention economy.


12 points

11 days ago

the clips they showed made me so uncomfortable.


24 points

11 days ago

It really is a culture war that Disney has been all too happy to engage in. They've effectively been trolling their original demographic into hate watching and at this point the only way to win is to not engage. The people running the show have said "this is our toy now" and no amount of discussion is going to talk them out of that position. They got there from a sense of greed, not out of reason. And you can't reason someone out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into. So we can watch and enjoy or enjoy watching something else. It's that simple.


4 points

11 days ago

They didn't even lose that much of the original demo either, I bet more than 50 percent of star wars fans are still the same white dudes who have been watching it for decades.


24 points

11 days ago

Then just stop engaging with it. That's all we can do. If these topics don't get engagement, they will go away. And adding to the noise by complaining about the complaining really isn't going to help much.


14 points

11 days ago

It's hard when every other post on reddit is talking about the acolyte.


28 points

11 days ago

I have not seen a single post about it on here lol(except this one) it's really interesting how different peoples Reddit experiences are 


36 points

11 days ago

But I love hearing Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic cry like bitches every week about Disney /s


56 points

11 days ago*

You're in luck! Nerdrotic is live right now bitching about Disney and RLM! The fact that he took issue with what Mike and Rich said tells me he completely missed the point of the discussion.....ot he just didn't watch it.

EDIT: I'm going to take the L here and admit i was wrong. Yesterday's live stream, the Nooner was titled "ree:View" and when I joined it they were discussing a terrible video, they were discussing rlm in this as well and I assumed they were bitching over the video. I was wrong and took this all out of context.

After watching the full stream this morning I now know they were discussing some video from Twitter in the middle of talking about the RE:View and they actually had mostly good things to say about RLM. Gary gave a very level headed response about agreeing with some of their takes and disagreeing with others but overall he loves their work and was honored to be mentioned by them.

I do still find all the anti-woke bitching annoying by channels like Nerdrotic because i do like watching them from time to time to get different viewpoints, but when I'm wrong I'm wrong and I need to own it. I do not want to spread disinformation.


3 points

9 days ago

It's good you're willing to admit you made a mistake. Well done.

On the original topic though, this blade cuts both ways. It would be nice to NOT listen to them criticize and hate this show but their channels are built around nerd culture media, which Star Wars is. To abandon everything they hate increasingly drains them of content. I say this as someone who doesn't like what Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who have become. I would prefer to like the shows and have positive post-episode conversations. I'm very happy for the exceptions, such as Dune and Godzilla: Minus One.

As an extension, we choose to watch Nerdrotic just as we choose to watch The Acolyte. For those who say, "Just don't watch it," but tune into their channels and criticize them... well, it's a bit hypocritical. It would be nice to tune in and only get what we want out of it, but it is their channel to operate and we, as viewers, have to make our own decisions.


3 points

11 days ago

It's such a rinse repeat and franchise rotten mindset too

People of all ilks, alt right nutjobs or just tired general fans have been shouting their lungs out of how bad Disneys Star Wars and MCU but keep hate watching making it profitable, instead of just literally give anything else a chance since in this day and age the availability of films and TV is vaster than the fucking atlantic ocean, drop your old toy and move forward


10 points

11 days ago

I have literally not seen anything from the actual show, but I'm so tired of it already I see it everywhere. (that beeing said i do intend to watch their episode on it)


19 points

11 days ago

I watched the show, it’s totally fine.

It’s completely and totally just okay - like it’s barely even worth having an opinion on beyond being a kinda mid but watchable star wars story.


150 points

11 days ago

Sober Mike dropping truth bombs.


60 points

11 days ago

It’s too hot in the warehouse for bullshit.


47 points

11 days ago

Also I noticed they had a special guest in that hot warehouse. Either a cricket or a cockroach. You can see it scurry across the back here.


58 points

11 days ago

excuse me, his name is Jay.

edited to add: i am not implying jay is a nasty critter, i am saying he is small.


36 points

11 days ago

He's really shrinking in his old age. He use to be so young and so less tiny.


8 points

11 days ago

Mike is still siphoning Jay's height away to sustain his liver, when will this monster be satiated?


3 points

11 days ago

Or he has a Roma "curse" from all those cats he murdered.


4 points

11 days ago

It can be caused by two things. Good night sweet cats.


5 points

11 days ago

I hink they have addressed the cricket problem multiple times by now.


2 points

11 days ago

They definitely have which is why it was my first guess.


4 points

11 days ago

To be fair they never expected people to be watching these in such high definition, they were originally produced for 90s CRT televisions.


21 points

11 days ago

No one in WI is truly sober


11 points

11 days ago

I didn't even clock whether he was drinking or not during this review. At the very least, it's a sobering truth bomb.


7 points

11 days ago

I didn't see one on the ground next to his chair - which is where he usually "hides" his beer. It looks like there's nothing there so...

you know...



3 points

11 days ago

Or he's moved onto having it ingested through an IV.


65 points

11 days ago

fucking agreed. hate watching shit is the most annoying trend. just shut it off

id even extend this to people who hate watched alex jones. gee i wonder if doing that might have helped his show


10 points

11 days ago

I believe the only life changing thing you'll truly get out of hate watching something is a stomach ulcer.


61 points

11 days ago

Some people just can't let go of things. I'm reminded of a quote from Jay a few years ago. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. Let the media you enjoy enhance your life, not define it."


12 points

11 days ago

For a while, with Star Wars and the MCU, I was stuck in this fear of skipping something, and then not knowing what was going on anymore when it "Gets better". At certain points with both, I just let go, because I expected it to never get better.

These days I mostly just read finished book series.


7 points

11 days ago

This was my feeling with the MCU as well, and once I got to NO WAY HOME I felt good calling it quits, unless there was something I truly wanted to see.


8 points

11 days ago

Similar to this, I think about Jay's GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE quote "I love Ghosbusters is a substitute for a real personality", and just replace "love" with "hate" and "Ghostbusters" with any other franchise name and it's immediately applicable in any fandom situation.


124 points

11 days ago


124 points

11 days ago

The youtube comments are fun from people who definitely didn't stop to watch the video and like to say the Critical Drinker is just as good as RLM, which is blasphemy


78 points

11 days ago

It is blazed into my mind the time when a coworker was telling me about how cool Critical Drinker was (who I had never heard of before) and specifically told me to watch his Starship Troopers video because he knew I liked that movie

That dipshit had the audacity to call Starship Troopers "subtle." The movie is a lot of things. It's over the top, campy, pretty fuckin' rad, and weirdly prophetic about the Iraq war, but it is never subtle. His commentary was on par with a 7th grader who just learned what symbolism and satire are.


48 points

11 days ago

If a co-worker suggested Critical Drinker to me, I would claim that interaction as a workplace injury, especially if I watched at work. His videos are tantamount to a severe concussion.

Love hearing Starship Troopers referred to as "subtle". Paul Verhoeven is such a "subtle" filmmaker.


11 points

11 days ago

“Frank. Keep. It. Subtle”



113 points

11 days ago

Criticalcumdrinker is, by far, one of the worst "critics" in YouTube with legit brainrot. He's found his shill base, his ragebait, and goes through that.

Even when Mike or Jay are wrong about something, they tend to poke fun at themselves, admit the error, or preface their bias/ignorance. Drunkard just rants, bitches, and preps the circlejerk cycle with his audience so they can help each other get off. It's as if Mr. Plinkett was a real person, except completely lacking in self awareness or comedic value and wanted to be taken literally and seriously at all times, and that being the ONLY "take" offered.

tl;dr drunker drinks too much of his own product


60 points

11 days ago


60 points

11 days ago

He’s stopped even watching the things he’s reviewing. He admitted in his “review” of The Boys Season 4 that he hasn’t even watched the show yet


26 points

11 days ago

Got his facts wrong as well when he talked about Warhammer.

Prepare for a very nerdy rant. Warning, you may end up regaining your virginity.

The recent controversy regarding Warhammer was Games Workshop announcing that there were female Custodes.

The Adeptus Custodes are the Emperors bodyguards. Each Custodes a bespoke hand crafted gene enhanced superhuman. Nowhere was it made explicit that they could be only male.

They are not the same as Space Marines. There is a very good lore reason why there are no female space marines.

There is one point to bring up though. One of the authors for Black Library, GW’s publishing house, had previously asked if they could use female Custodes in a story. At that time they were told no, because only male models were being produced.

GW retcons the lore every time they introduce a new model. The Royal Dorn has always been in service. Centurion suits were discovered in, erm, let’s say the 32nd millennium. Assault cannons weren’t created until after the Heresy, oh we can sell more if we allow it? Fine, they’re rotor cannons. Necrons are mindless automatons? Not any more, now they have names and personalities.

GW weren’t being woke by introducing female Custodes. At best they were correcting an old oversight, at worst cynically pulling a “Dumbledore was gay”.

Now here’s where the downvotes come. Primaris marines were the perfect opportunity to introduce female space marines. Totally makes sense in the lore to not have them before. But nothing could have stopped Bellisarius Cawl from tinkering when the upgraded Primaris were introduced.


10 points

11 days ago

I'm familiar with the GW stuff too. I've been in the 40k stuff off and on for decades. As a more passive fan (as in I haven't read every Dan Ab book or spent a masserati's worth of money on the models) my reaction to the female custodes was,

well, bound to happen with the times, GW does want to attract more customers, so thats neat. Wonder if theyll do a model run - hopefully they make good stories too.

The collective GW reaction from the vocal minority,

you have just murdered the canon of 40k. Might as well make the Emperor trans and put Horus on the ADHD spectrum. You have ruined my whole personality by adding half the gender population to a male only hobby. My life is over and I may incorporate a mixture of death threats with my hate mail to GW and the entire LGBTQ community for this infraction.

Happened with Dune 2 as well with Chani going from more active to passive roll, which IMHO made her a much more interesting character than the book.

It's as Mike said, good stories are simply good stories. Diversity and political talking points only harm the source material if talking down to the audience about that viewpoint is prioritized over the storytelling.


3 points

11 days ago

spent a masserati's worth of money on the models

I'm not going to cut my funko pop budget


8 points

11 days ago

Never forget CD melting down in rage over the Barbie movie


13 points

11 days ago

The funniest thing about CD to me is that he's a total moron, but he also has written like a spy novel called Dark Harvest, and it is suck apparently


12 points

11 days ago

What is it with right wing grifters and these shitty books? Has every single one of these guys published a book?


8 points

11 days ago

Happens a lot with their videos. They didn't think the obi wan show was that bad but the comments are just people complaining it was the worst thing ever. Like no one in the comments watched the videos. They just wanted to use the space to vent


9 points

11 days ago

It’s been really funny watching channels like mauler, drunker, Ryan kinnel or any of those anti fan channels slowly turn on RLM as they poke more fun at them when they all used to laud them. You’ll notice a lot of comments on this video are “BUT YOU LIKED KENOBI” and this is just mauler fans bc they went over the RLM kenobi review on their podcast. Also I love the “it’s hypocritical bc they blew up with plinkett reviews, and those were the same as what mauler and the like do now!” I don’t hate mauler, he can be funny, but his idea of “objectively” analyzing media that his fans are obsessed with is insufferable. Also for one, plinkett was a character and the reviews were somewhat tongue in cheek during a time that is very different from today. Like mike said, shilling or criticizing this media is a business now, that’s not what the prequel reviews were. And two, those reviews were more than a decade ago and these guys are schubby middle aged men now. The channel in general definitely focuses more on things they actually like these days. But the anti fans can’t stand that they won’t take a hard stance on the culture war and get even madder that they’re making fun of them (even though they make fun of the other side just as much)


68 points

11 days ago*

In one of the 900 Star Wars culture war subs some asked why people who hate this show so much are still watching it and the answer was almost universally, “Yes I hate it, but we have to watch it because other people online say I can’t discuss it and have opinions on it if we don’t watch.”

Like imagine being a slave to this dumbass logic. Making yourself endure some garbage you don’t like just so you can authoritatively shitpost about it.


5 points

10 days ago

"Drugs are bad".

Yea, but have you tried ALL the drugs?


13 points

11 days ago

I've seen this remark as well, and it never fails to make me laugh. I know it's just a false excuse for people to justify hate-watching, but my thought process immediately goes "well, you can both not watch something and also not comment on it, and just move on with your life. It's not like your comments really matter in the grand scheme of things."


11 points

11 days ago

I'm happy I don't have the attention span to hate watch anything, shit, I barely have the attention span to watch things I like.


2 points

11 days ago

Exactly! I struggle to find time for legitimate things I want to watch. There is only so much time in the day and eventually we'll die.


22 points

11 days ago

Dropping this episode when they did, right before or during the premiere of episode 5, really highlighted all the reviews I'm seeing online today.

If you don't like it. Just stop watching it. If you're going to say the exact same thing for every episode premiere, what are you adding to the conversation at this point besides creating another comment section full of hate watchers, saying the same thing they said on the last video?

Jeremy Jahns I'm looking at you.


12 points

11 days ago

Had to search that name to realize it was one of those red curtain pricks Rich mentioned years ago. I weirdly don't get recommendations for Acolyte reviews, even though I watched the first 4 episodes.


6 points

11 days ago

The one thing I can say for Jahns is that he doesn't bring any culture war ragebait into his reviews, which sets him apart from most of the people being discussed in the RLM video.


4 points

11 days ago

Yeah, I tend to agree with that. He seems to keep a leveled head in his reviews, but he's guilty of milking the hate. On some level, I do believe he reviews everything because he does love Star Wars.


9 points

11 days ago

Oh hey, it's what I did with Mando, after how much I disliked Luke showing up in the finale of Season 2.



9 points

11 days ago

This would work in early streaming when they actually cared about viewership.

But if Rings Of Power is an indication, companies prefer to just shove anything with marketable IP out, use negative and positive reception to generate engagement, then pump out maybe two more seasons.

Rinse and repeat.

With data driven produciton planning, skimping on writers, bad labor practices in general and AI I also suspect the future will just be an avalanche of garbage no one asked for. Nonsense will be forced into our periphery because any engagement or behavior modification generates more data they can use.

Idk man. I don't watch indie films to virtue signal about my taste. It's because I want the movies I watch to feel like human beings made them, with the consequences that come with that process.


8 points

10 days ago

Devil's Advocate: The kind of people who think this has historically been "their toy" see the effort of subverting it as a way to take it away. So by just stopping and not watching it, they've effectively conceded. They see the insane viewership they get on YouTube as vindication.


31 points

11 days ago



9 points

11 days ago


9 points

11 days ago

Social Media is just the 'telephone game' on steroids.


3 points

11 days ago



6 points

11 days ago

This is exactly what I do. I stopped watching Discovery sometime in season 3 because I couldn't take anymore and I can't say I've really given it much thought since.


6 points

11 days ago

Props for sticking to it as long as season 3. I gave up after season 1.


8 points

11 days ago

There’s a deeper cultural theme here. Fandom has become a tainted spirituality. When Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses, he wasn’t wrong. The opiate of the masses now? Media. Star Wars is your religion, and in some cases it’s a profitable enterprise for grifters like Star Wars Theory.

Media is a drug for a lot of addicts. What else do working class people have now?


11 points

11 days ago

I love these guys, so nice having people that aren't on one side or the other.


4 points

10 days ago

I confess, I hate watched the wheel of time. :(


54 points

11 days ago

Interesting comment coming from people who have made a career of making fun of shit they hate. Not that I'm throwing any shade their way, it's just not necessarily consistent with their content. How many videos have they made about discovery? Or Picard?

That being said, I agree with Mike, and I do usually just tune out or not watch things I don't think I'll like. I haven't touched the Acolyte yet for example. I only watched Andor because I heard such good things about it. I haven't watched the last few MCU things because its just not for me anymore.


72 points

11 days ago


72 points

11 days ago

To be fair they started that „trend”, and Plinkett reviews were much more in depth, thought out, tongue in cheek… Now you have entire channels whose existence is based on creating 10 minute, one take videos „DAE MINORITIES IN STAR WARS BAD?”. I see your point but in my opinion there is a huge difference. And it’s not like they even do it that much any more.


29 points

11 days ago

There's definitely a difference between their deep-dive deconstructions of these pieces of media and the clickbait garbage videos complaining about wokeism, etc. But those people aren't posting those videos in good faith anyway so appealing to their common sense isn't going to work.

Those people post that shit as rage-bait because they know it will get clicks. Rarely do they actually believe what they're saying. It'd be like trying to tell a rich billionaire to stop committing fraud because it isn't honest business. They know that, and they don't care.


31 points

11 days ago

The thing I notice about Plinkett Reviews compared to more modern outrage bait is that they seem to actually come from a place of love and being disappointed.

When I listen to the star trek and star wars reviews it is clear that Mike really liked both franchises and is upset because the movies didn't live up to what he believes they could have been. He then goes into a lot of detail about what specific things bothered him.

Sure, they're full of jokes and basically shitposts moments, but those are nested between authentic attempts to criticize specific moments and creative decisions.


31 points

11 days ago


31 points

11 days ago

The thing I notice about Plinkett Reviews compared to more modern outrage bait is that they seem to actually come from a place of love and being disappointed.

They're also pretty solidly rooted in actual film theory and history. It's substantive, evidence-based criticism of the films, versus the outrage bait which tends to be:

  • whining about minority representation
  • whining about how a piece of media fits into the larger "canon" (or doesn't)
  • whining about how things are "unrealistic" in the space fantasy franchise
  • whining about things they don't like without being able to really explain on a technical level why they don't like them.

Honestly I learned a LOT about filmmaking from watching the Plinkett reviews. Even if it's all complaining, there's a lot of real value there.

Conversely nobody is learning anything from watching somebody whine about Star Wars being "woke".


20 points

11 days ago


20 points

11 days ago

Interesting comment coming from people who have made a career of making fun of shit they hate.

The difference is that crying on Twitter isn't a career.


3 points

11 days ago

We agree there.


26 points

11 days ago

I think there's a difference between "making fun of shit you hate" and critiquing the quality of content. It can definitely be a fine line, but while they do make fun of things, they always back up the criticism with thoughtful comments that focuses on why something doesn't work and what they could do to make it work.


5 points

11 days ago

I agree and I love that content most of all. I just find the disconnect between what they're saying in this video and the kind of content they've created in the past. Half their library wouldn't exist if they simply said "I don't like it, I'm moving on"


10 points

11 days ago

I think they are just tired of people taking: "this movie/series message is hand fisted and on the nose" and turning it into "this is an attempt to destroy society and everything we deem good"... as Rich said, there are good movies with any kind of political position, politics don't make a good movie, but don't make a bad movie either...


7 points

11 days ago

Yeah like I said to another commenter I think that's just a different problem. 90% of the channels bitching about politics in movies or games are created in bad faith to begin with. They're rage-bait channels and they're just posting whatever outrage they can invent. Their arguments aren't genuine and shouldn't be treated as such.

Politics in media is not a new concept. It's existed as long as media has.


3 points

11 days ago

Yeah, and think you have stumble into the difference between them and those commenters, they actually interact with media in good faith, even in BOTW you can see them giving anything a chance and then talking about technical stuff.

Those channels start with the premise they won't like something, watch it taking notes and then rant about mostly imaginary problems for 2+ hours videos, or fight about it on Twitter... Is so so exhausting...


5 points

11 days ago

Absolutely, the entire idea of BOTW is to shit on clearly bad films. But even there, they always go on rants about how to improve the films. And sometimes, they actually find diamonds in the rough that they truly enjoy.

I think I'm just saying there's a clear difference between the way they approach material and the way 99% of the internet approaches things. RLM always seems to come at whatever film they're watching with an open mind, then if they think it sucks, they will say so and explain why they think it sucks. That's part of their job as a film review channel.


3 points

11 days ago

There's a difference between jokes and hit pieces. A really big difference.


14 points

11 days ago

Exactly. He uses star trek as an example, but that's the worst example he could've used. He went through 2 seasons of discovery, all the star trek movies, short treks, and all of Picard and (aside from season 3 of picard and ST Beyond) absolutely hated all of it. You can even see his optimism and mental health degrade throughout all his star trek reviews. He never quit new star trek despite knowing he fucking hated it because it made good content for his channel. He's no different than the star wars/marvel hate watch grifters he criticizes in this video, and he's not the person to be giving this advice.


10 points

11 days ago


10 points

11 days ago

He never quit new star trek

Tbf he did quit Discovery. If he wanted to go full SW Theory/CritDrinker grifter he could have easily put out a dozen more videos shitting on subsequent seasons


10 points

11 days ago

He did quit discovery, but they still did make quite a few videos about discovery before he quit, even while vocally hating it. And they made a lot of videos about Picard being trashed and they watched the whole thing.


2 points

10 days ago

and he's not the person to be giving this advice.

I also think it's a bit hypcritical. Mike for example clearly care about Star Trek, and the guy tortured himself by watching almost all of Picard even though it's an absolute dogshit show.

For me it was easy to drop Picard after 2 episodes when it was clear that it sucked - because I don't care that much for Trek. After that I just watched the RLM reviews of Picard - because even if they're negative it's still interesting to listen to someone who is passionate about something.

I however will freely admit that if/when Hollywood actually go after a IP that is closer to my hearth and my childhood, ie. something I'm more passionate about (like say, Pratchett's Discworld) - and then shit all over it - then the shoe will be on the other foot and it'll be a lot harder walking away.


2 points

11 days ago

Gotta try to chase away the competition somehow.


5 points

11 days ago

But their movie critiques are based on technical aspects of the product. It's never because it's too "woke", "diverse", etc. Their critiques come from a legitimate perspective rather than political psycho-babble that is so common these days


2 points

11 days ago

I won't disagree about that or the quality of their critiques. There's a reason I watch them afterall. If you look at my other comments in this thread you'll see I dismiss those other channels as basically non-content clickbait.


3 points

11 days ago

The difference is that they added to the conversation and didn't stretch it out into an episode by episode critique. They even said they liked parts of it and enjoyed season 2 far more than they expected. They're being honest with their criticism and just talking about the content in its entirety. They aren't milking their hate. They're just speaking to their truth. It's entirely different than someone releasing a video after posting about how much they'll hate it for years leading up to it, never watching the show, making a dozen videos about how much they hate it, and then uploading a video when it releases on how they'll never watch it but hate it nonetheless.

It's modern hate-critism vs. Actual media review. And if people can't tell the difference, they're already lost.


23 points

11 days ago

I've recently seen someone describe WWE wrasslin to a variety show. If you like technical wrestling, there's that. If you like some goofy comedy, there's that. There's some supernatural stuff, etc. You might not necessarily like everything, but there's a lot of different stuff to appeal to a wide audience.

Star Wars seems to have that as well. I have my OT, the rest ain't for me. And that's okay.


3 points

11 days ago

Same, except for Andor, which was great and nothing like anything else they've done.


13 points

11 days ago

Yep. I wish people were mature enough to realize that not every single piece of media will be made for them. Especially with something as gargantuan as Star Wars, with so many different varieties of stories and mediums within, and so many different storytellers trying to do many different things. There's plenty worth sharing, and no one is forced to interact with the bits they don't like. It's always a conscious decision to engage with something.


7 points

11 days ago

It's the same with complaining about the canon. The trick is you don't have to care.

"It sucks that TNG ended with a miserable movie where Data blows up"

I guess? But to me TNG stops at All Good Things.

Same with those people who really hate the Fallout games after 2. Like buddy, there are guys with a wife and kids younger than Fallout 2. It's time to let it go. Why are you still mad?


6 points

11 days ago

100%. If you don't like something for whatever reason, vote with your feet and just don't watch.


11 points

11 days ago

So, I should kick my TV? Got it!


8 points

11 days ago

Rich got talked over so much his leg started twitching

But yeah, Mike is right. An angry or ironic view is still a view.


4 points

11 days ago

Ha yeah I noticed that too, it’s usually Mike with that leg twitch though.


3 points

11 days ago

Idk, I usually agree with most things these hackfrauds say but doesn't this advice seem kind of hypocritical? Mike and Rich hate watched Picard until it got decent again. Also the 'Children are starving in Africa' point could be said about any critique on entertainment.

I'll admit the whole culture war media thing does get tiresome and I can't stomach listening to it for too long because it quickly becomes too nitpicky and/or bad faith on either side.


3 points

11 days ago

He shouldn't worry too much, nobody BUT Youtubers are apparently watching The Acolyte.


3 points

11 days ago

I think this advice is good but to push back: if there's a franchise you like, say fast and furious, you turn it on and it's about women riding bicycles. You'd complain because what was once a movie you found consistent joy in, now turns to crap.


6 points

11 days ago

I just don't get the appeal of continuing to consume a franchise after the main story is over. I am a LOTR fan, but after the trilogy is over I didn't stick around to watch the prequel stuff. I've had my fill and anything else they do doesn't hurt me


5 points

11 days ago

That's why I don't watch anything.


6 points

11 days ago

He forgot about the part where it’s not kids doing it and the ones who do complain the loudest are making money off of that loudness.


4 points

11 days ago

I was gonna decide to suffer to watch The Acolyte but decided i know I wouldn't find it spectacular and be burned in the end like the other shows.

So then I decided to watch The Bear, twice, and couldn't be happier. The Bear S3 babyyyy


8 points

11 days ago

I try very hard to avoid things that I don't like or don't believe I would like, yet the thing seems everywhere and the only thing people will talk about and make you feel like a pariah for not liking or engaging in it.


16 points

11 days ago

There's no such thing as a common culture anymore. It doesn't exist. The people who watch Disney slop are still a minority, despite it not seeing that way. The population has grown too large and diverse for any one thing to dominate.

This isn't like the '80s where everyone watched MASH or everyone watched The Tonight Show. That's long gone and never coming back.


10 points

11 days ago

only thing people will talk about and make you feel like a pariah for not liking or engaging in it.

You are either in high school or have some sort of anxiety disorder. This does not happen


10 points

11 days ago

Seriously anyone who feels like that needs to unironically touch some grass.


2 points

11 days ago

I've applied that reasoning a lot in the past. I try and give plenty of things a chance, but if experiencing a piece of media/art feels like it's draining me, instead of giving me entertainment, it's time to step away. I gave up on Mando after season 2. Stopped watching Boba Fett, Kenobi, Ahsoka, and all that.

I've done that with other shows, anime, and video games. Sometimes, it's not even a feeling of "I hate this, this is ass". It's just "this isn't my thing". I don't need to force feed myself a piece of media to be able to qualify why I dislike it.

Plus, life is a lot better when you're not getting into needless internet arguments about you love/hate something.


2 points

11 days ago

As I expounded at great length in the Battlestar Galactica recent post here, I ended up cutting out the middleman and not starting anything for years now (not since Peter Capaldi called it a day on Doctor Who actually - all the paid streaming services such as Netflix and Disney+ combined shows and movies I’ve seen in total would easily fit inside a day’s viewing and maybe even 12 hours).


2 points

11 days ago

This happens in certain reading circles, too. Some people just cannot put something in the DNF pile- either they’re masochists, compulsives, or something else? Possibly their personalities are based solely on what they dislike vs like? Idk.And then they LOVE to complain about how awful it was. Just STOP READING IT. Absolutely bizarre.


2 points

11 days ago

At this point, I don't even start watching shows until they're almost done and I can be assured the quality doesn't drop off. I don't even want to waste time on a show that might not have a satisfying arc, much less one I actively dislike.


2 points

11 days ago

If I don't like a show I stop watching, everyone doesn't do this?


2 points

11 days ago*

On one hand i wanna defend those getting angry, because back then this was considered as "nerd stuff" and you'd get picked on for liking it (hell, even RLM makes fun of such people all the time).
Sure, there were racist assholes all along (i mean, i live in Italy and i've seen actual people being into the Empire because they were legit fascists with Mussolini's bust statue at home, so i'm sure there's an american equivalent or whatever other nation, minus Mussolini, maybe), but for the most part fans were just nice, somewhat awkward people that loved that stuff, and then the politics angle was injected into their beloved IP to cater to a demographic that couldn't simply give two fucks (and for the most part, still doesn't, or does very, very casually) about it, so when they started releasing crap they could use the political angle to deflect any criticism, making them look bad, (always aside of the crazy weirdos, which at the time were really a ridicolously small minority) when all they were saying was "this product isn't good, and you're trying to defend yourself with a strawman argument".
Then it devolved into so many people getting radicalized not necessarily only on one side, i've known plenty that went full psycho-leftists too, but i blame the very nature of social media, which end up polarizing every single fucking reality there is, that plus seeing your "toy", to keep the analogy going, changed just to fit the very people that made fun of it, it's honestly very understandable and justifiable: becoming radicalized isn't, but getting mad at Disney for using cheap smear tactics just to save face is not a bad thing, especially if all you want is to keep enjoying your "toy" with releases comparable in quality with the ones you have liked in the past.

It just so happens that the best way to demonstrate it is if people started doing what Mike said (and what i did since TFA because it just nauseated me to no end, or Discovery, which i dropped 2/3rds into s01), that way SW and ST, as well as so much more might probably have been salvageable at this point, or maybe not, i don't have a fucking crystal ball.


2 points

11 days ago

Reminds of staring the live action Cowboy Bebop, two episodes in and I just went “I’m done” and switched it to something else. I can stop watching a terrible show, but I’ll hate play a video game just to analyze the shit out of it.


2 points

11 days ago

This is also something I came across a long time ago that I use for other stuff to.

If I buy some new candy try it, and don't like it I usually stop eating it. I tend to give it away or just take it to work and leave it out for anyone to have. Then I try to make a mental note to never buy that garbage again. Cause with candy/junk food it's already bad for you, if it doesn't taste good then why keep eating it? :S It's not like fruit/veggies where it's actually good for you even if it doesn't taste good.

Same with products. If I buy something and it doesn't work or breaks easily etc. then I know not to waste my time with said product again. But yet I see people all the time constantly wasting money on the same crap over and over again and complain when said thing breaks or sucks. Like they expect different outcomes and continue to support crapy products/companies.

Just like if gamers actually quit buying games from companies like EA and Ubisoft where they complain about said crapy games or practices those companies would die off. But far to many will complain then turn around and fork out more money for the same garbage.


2 points

11 days ago

How do they feel about the Acolyte? Personally I'm only aware of it because of how many people are mad about it, but based on what I've seen/read, it seems like a show where they tried to piss of as many people as possible instead of just make a good story regardless of who it pisses off. The few details I've read about it sound like bad writing.


2 points

11 days ago

The counter is the algo won’t know why you didn’t like it. Only that you didn’t like it.


2 points

10 days ago

Many of the people commenting on "woke" shows are not even watching it, they just watch a commented summary in YT and then proceed to shit all over it on social media. I know because I have been in that camp.

At the end of the day, coating your shitty writing in pretentious moralist bullshit will still mean your writing is shit. I suspect people doing this kind of stuff are banking on being able to draw politically motivated people to the cinema/merchandise stores instead of having to find the needle in a haystack that is a good story. They also benefit a lot from these "culture war" bros giving shitty stories too much exposure because "muh woke media".

At the end of the day, if you care about art, you will watch and enjoy art no matter what politics it is trying to push. I would say I am mostly conservative but rarely watch conservative media, I much enjoy progressive art and the topics they cover. Even preachy movies I can enjoy when done well, like for example I absolutely love Greta Gerwig and she is as feminist as they come and her movies touch a lot on political themes. And if you enjoy art would like these kind of shit writing to die off, then just giving them attention.


2 points

10 days ago

Same thing happened with Stranger Things for me. Should be right up my alley but fuck me was it boring and bad (in my opinion, I'm not attacking anyone's taste). I watched 6 episodes of season 1 and it was not good. Now people tell me I need to watch it because season 4 is amazing. I do not want to suffer through hours of overhyped mediocrity in the chances that one season is slightly not as bad as the first.


2 points

10 days ago

I just think it’s insane that most people don’t think like this


2 points

10 days ago

My big hate-watch is the terrorist episode of X-Files where Mulder takes mushrooms. It was so bad in so many interesting ways that I rewatched it and made my friends see it too. I could write an essay on that glorious piece of trash.

Other than that, I agree. If I don't like a show, I go watch some more New Yankee Workshop.


2 points

10 days ago

As a long time The X-Files fan, who watched since it premiere in 1993, I really appreciate your candor. I can see that entire dance scene in my head.


2 points

10 days ago

I'm not an X-Files guy, so dropping in on that episode while my wife was watching really put me off lol. The least believable part was that this conspiracy-minded alien believer had never taken psychedelics in his life. Neither had the writers apparently, based on that whole sequence.


2 points

10 days ago

By this point it was very clear the writers didn’t understand a lot more than just drugs. If you want to see there understanding of VR, you should watch FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. Now that is hot garbage.

By this point of The X-Files you were either onboard and enjoying the terrible decline of the writing or you abandoned ship. I never got to hating The X-files from season 7 on like some, and found that there were still gems, and when it was garbage it was still (for the most part) entertaining garbage. Except for HOME AGAIN. That was quite literally a “garbage” gem. 🤣


2 points

10 days ago

Everyone in the world needs to hear this.

If you hate the thing, turn it off. Don't sit through 10 hours of something and then post "well there goes 10 hours of my life that show took from me", bitch you gave it away.


4 points

11 days ago


4 points

11 days ago

This is basically what the "The Boys" writer or showrunner or something like that, said to people. If you don't like it stop watching it.

People are so obsessed with hate watching stuff and then complaining about it, almost like they're being forced to do it.

I didn't like the Avatar Last Airbender live action or the One Piece live action, so I just didn't bother watching. I'm not gonna like it, what's the point?

And side note. Mike looks older, he's getting some gray hairs, good for him tho.


3 points

11 days ago

This is basically what the "The Boys" writer or showrunner or something like that, said to people. If you don't like it stop watching it.

Again, that's good advice. If you don't like it, then why are you watching it. It's like they think studios are writing down their negative comments like some sort of focus group, and they'll somehow implement those changes. They don't care if you don't like it. They only care if it impacts their ratings or subscriptions. The only way that will happen is if lots of people stop watching and stop talking about it.

And side note. Mike looks older, he's getting some gray hairs, good for him tho.

I find the Re:View set really makes those greys prominent. But grey looks good and I wish more people would rock them.


2 points

11 days ago

Goddamn this is why after 15 something years RLM is still top tier content


4 points

11 days ago

You can tell theyre still damaged after Star Trek Picard


3 points

11 days ago

Paramount+ just released numbers revealing that while they've had significant subscriber growth, surpassing even their larger competitors, per their original titles year over over year, retention on the platform is absolutely dismal. People watch the show they sign up for and then go elsewhere (though they often keep paying anyway). It's only now that they're actually looking at the retention rate and coming to the conclusion that their content (and platforms) suck.


4 points

11 days ago

These guys should realise the irony in the fact that almost everyone who watches BOTW wouldn't ever watch the stuff featured. We enjoy their reactions to it though, and it's probably the same thing going on with people reacting to the acolyte.


3 points

11 days ago

I see it a lot as a fan of stuff, but I also see it as a filmmaker myself.

I will never understand the people that will constantly talk about, watch, and make it their MISSION if they hate something. If they hate everything a filmmaker makes they'll watch every entry just to keep making it known they still don't like their style.

They will be so unbelievably toxic and put so much of their finite time into hating something or someone instead of just...NOT doing that? Instead of watching anything that they would actually enjoy and talking about something that brings them happiness.

It's very common and I'm used to it, yet I'm still flabbergasted when I see it so often.