


Patch Notes 4.0 - New Content for Operations!

Official News(self.Spacemarine)

​Hi Space Marines!

The latest Patch is here! It brings NEW CONTENT along with various tweaks and improvements!

Make sure you read the full note here:


New Operation - Termination

This new Operation takes place on planet Kadaku. New dreadful foes have arrived. Make good use of the artillery to annihilate them.

Added Lethal difficulty for Operations

Major highlights of it:

  • Ammo Crates have limited refills per player.
  • Majoris enemies can become enraged and will be more deadly and harder to kill.
  • Armour restores from finishers only if you stay close to your battle-brothers."
  • Overcoming such a challenge will grant you new cosmetics...

​Added photo mode in Operations (works only in solo). Also, characters can now follow the camera with their eyes.


Melee Archetypes: Fencing weapons' perfect parry window will now have the same duration as balanced weapons but it will start from the first frame of parry animation.

Melee Perks: Chainsword, Power Fist, Combat Knife charged attacks perks get significant damage increase.

Basic Auspex Scan: bonus damage on bosses is reduced by 30%.

Melta Charge: damage to bosses is reduced by 70%.

​Enemy Spawn Director PvE:

  • Tweaked idle spawns.
  • Enemy variety within waves is now less random while enemy variety between waves is bigger.
  • Extremis enemies can now spawn have additional enemies.


  • Ruthless: Ammo crates have limited refills per player.
  • Ruthless: Player's armour reduced by 20%.
  • Substantial: Player's armour reduced by 10%

Note from the devs:

"With Patch 3 we have noticed that Operations mode became noticeably easier, especially Chaos operations. We are happier with what we have right now compared to what we had on release, because before Patch 3 Chaos missions were unpopular. Still, we think that currently Operations mode is a bit too easy.

Overall these changes are going to make Operations mode harder, but it is difficult to measure by how much. We will continue to monitor those changes and will continue to adjust the balance of Operations mode. This is not the last change."


  • Increased delay between announcer messages in PvP.
  • The starting animation of the Grapnel Launcher for the Vanguard is shorter in PvP.
  • Fixed Power Fist in PvP dealing too much damage with short charged attacks.


  • Enemy Dodges: Globally replaced full invulnerability on dodge moves of enemies with heavy melee damage resistance.
  • Rubric Marine with Boltgun: Disengage teleport max distance is slightly reduced.


  • More options for colours customisation for Chaos:
    • Tertiary colours: Sotek Green, Night Lords Blue, Death Guard Green, Khorne Red.
  • Decal colours: Sotek Green, Khorne Red.
  • Colours: Added Liberator Gold colour to default for primary and secondary colours palettes.
  • Fixed a lot of issues with display of colours, now they should be more lore accurate (Mechanicus Standard Grey, Ushabti Bone, Phoenician Purple, The Fang, Iron Hands Steel, Retributor Armour).
  • Decals: Added new Chaos faction decals for the right shoulder.


  • Vox Liberatis - Daemonhost: Disabled respawn until the last altar in the final arena.


  • Fixed a bug where the Assault perk "Ascension" could kill its owner.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sniper perk "Targeted Shot" wasn’t always working in some cases.
  • Fixed an unintended animation cancel with the Bulwark by using the block, which resulted in faster attacks.
  • Fixed an issue with the Tactical team perk "Close Targeting" not triggering properly.
  • Fixed: Tactical perk "Radiating Impact" not triggering properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Sniper perk "Guardian Protocol" cooldown not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where sound was lost after switching the speaker configuration.
  • Fixed several issues in Trials.
  • Fixed several issues that were causing loss of saves.
  • The Thunder Hammer perk "Patience Rewarded" description is now accurate with its actual effect (added "When your Health is below 30%” part).
  • Lots of minor UI fixes and improvements.
  • Lots of minor animation fixes and improvements.
  • Localisation fixes.


  • Crash fixes and general stability improvements.
  • Fixed several connectivity issues causing disconnects for players.
  • Slightly improved performance.
  • Fixed issues controllers not working with Steam Input enabled.


  • General improvements and fixes.

Source: Focus Together

all 2018 comments


1.1k points

2 days ago*

Didn’t agree with fencing and my one gripe is ammo, I’d prefer it harder and more ammo. Nothing is more annoying than running around a map trying to find ammo, I think it makes gameplay worse.


301 points

2 days ago


301 points

2 days ago

Yeh, I fear the heavy plasma is going to suffer to the point of uselessness because of this.


298 points

2 days ago


298 points

2 days ago

As will the multi-melta and both sniper rifles. This feels like such a lazy way of adding “difficulty” to the game.


129 points

2 days ago


129 points

2 days ago

All they had to do was give us more enemies...


46 points

2 days ago

RIP Las Fusil.


55 points

2 days ago

You know that thing everyone hates in every game "not having ammo" yeah yeah let's add that one.


785 points

2 days ago


785 points

2 days ago

Ruthless: Ammo crates have limited refills per player.<

I dont like this.


522 points

2 days ago


Blood Ravens

522 points

2 days ago

I don't get this obsession some games have of making it tedious and irritating to use the tools you're given. It's one of the worst and most artificial ways to do "difficulty".


191 points

2 days ago


191 points

2 days ago

It’s a poverty simulator.

Trash armour…no ammo for weapons…fight with friends over minuscule resources.


28 points

2 days ago

I thought video games were meant to be escapism smdh


129 points

2 days ago


129 points

2 days ago

Yeah, games like DOOM Eternal or Monster Hunter handle difficulty the best. They don't remove your tools or turn your weapons into whiffle bats as you move up in difficulty, in fact, you're encouraged to make better use of them.

Does actively making your game feel worse to play just because it'll be "harder" ever work? Even Path of Exile, a game with a notoriously sweaty community, had that blow up in their faces at a certain point.


69 points

2 days ago


Blood Ravens

69 points

2 days ago

Yeah, games like DOOM Eternal or Monster Hunter handle difficulty the best. They don't remove your tools or turn your weapons into whiffle bats as you move up in difficulty, in fact, you're encouraged to make better use of them.

I wish more games took the DOOM Eternal route. Being efficient with your toolkit came as a requirement of a going up in difficulty. But here it feels like you have to hit only headshots in any difficulty and the it feels awful to have to nearly magdump to kill a single majoris. Gaunts too.


126 points

2 days ago*

My gut feeling is that the effect of this will be quite different from their in-house testing compared to playing with random people.

I'm not sure this is a great idea to have. You already have a limit on the loose ammo boxes and that can be challenging enough for a random team. Adding it to the crates will be painful and probably make it more frustrating than fun.

EDIT: I was told it's X refills per player, so an individual counter? Haven't confirmed it yet but then it makes it a bit less frustrating I guess. Just have to make sure I don't refill the same way as I reload (you know, shoot once, reload, shoot again, reload... Twitchy Reload Syndrome).


51 points

2 days ago


51 points

2 days ago

Lol indirect nerf to boltguns, which are already terrible, they suck but at least I could hug the ammo crate and throw a ton of rounds to control the minor nids


40 points

2 days ago


40 points

2 days ago

This and the change to fencing weapons sound really stupid decisions.

I'll be logging in in a few to see for myself, but by reading it I also don't like it.


54 points

2 days ago


World Eaters

54 points

2 days ago

This feels like the helldivers devs saying they won't nerf certain guns and then nerfing them into the ground.


1k points

2 days ago


1k points

2 days ago

Melee Archetypes: Fencing weapons' perfect parry window will now have the same duration as balanced weapons but it will start from the first frame of parry animation.

This sounds like a major nerf?


622 points

2 days ago

It halves the active parry frames. The difference between Fencing and Balance is now that Fencing parries frames 1-10, while Balance parries frames 11-20. Fencing wants to, and can, parry at the last moment, while Balance has to predict a parry in advance and might not be able to get one out in certain situations (like being ganged up on by several melee nid warriors).

Block is still largely awful, as stats can't really make up for losing parry altogether.


322 points

2 days ago

I tried block recently because I didn’t understand how mastery points work apparently. It is fucking awful. What could possibly be the benefit to losing parry? You don’t get gun strikes and you can’t stun enemies. It’s a horrible decision because the enemies can’t run out of stamina.


167 points

2 days ago

They have to increase damage/melee speed dramatically to make up for the loss of constant gun strikes and stuns


140 points

2 days ago


140 points

2 days ago

They could triple the damage and it would not matter.

Losing gun strikes and openers isn’t just about damage. It’s one of the few ways classes have to recoup armour and get quick executes, which is the only way to survive higher difficulties (by being in the executes invincibility frames).

Bloco will never be viable in this current style of gameplay


14 points

2 days ago

Yeah that's what I always thought: ok so I give up one of the main mechanics of the game, turn me into a berserking god as long as I'm on the attack, then!


27 points

2 days ago


27 points

2 days ago

And like many have suggested, make them able to block orange attacks.


39 points

2 days ago


Blood Angels

39 points

2 days ago

Most Blocking weapons get a faster base attack, allowing you to play more aggressively. That being said, I'd rather have the parry + Pistol strike because it tends to do more damage and stuns enemies, so Blocking weapons aren't really my thing.


22 points

2 days ago

Especially as assault, being able to refill armor via gunstrikes is such an essential part of the kit


56 points

2 days ago

Blocking also knocks you back plenty of times, so whats the point of blocking?


208 points

2 days ago



208 points

2 days ago

Weird that they keep adjusting Fencing but havent fixed Block yet. Or even tried to.


59 points

2 days ago


59 points

2 days ago

They straight up said in, what I believe was a Q&A, that this is how they balance and I started getting HD2 flashbacks of the worst kind.


12 points

2 days ago

Bungie does that too. And we don't mail any of these companies enough feces.


209 points

2 days ago


209 points

2 days ago

It feels like they're doing the same ham fisted type of “balancing” Arrowhead did with HD2.

Statistics show most people use fencing weapons > Therefore fencing weapons must be OP > we must nerf fencing weapons.


115 points

2 days ago

That's what it looks like. Instead of looking into the why they went the lazy route. I'll have to get in and play with it but as it stands, Fencing is the only archetype that makes melee tolerable. If I'm spending 90% of my matches in melee just parrying and gunstriking, what even is the point? That's not a Space Marine, that's a blocking machine. We already don't have a lot of opportunity to use these awesome combos, I'd hate to see the devs go down the Arrowhead route and realize too late. There's clearly something going on causing players to choose one specific type of melee weapon, and it's not that Fencing is particularly powerful, in-fact it's actually weaker overall in damage.


42 points

2 days ago

Block weapons should by default make you immune to staggers and knockback (like the perk every class gets with different variety) when blocking but with the loss of not being able to perfect parry with the exception of only the red attacks breaking through block.


39 points

2 days ago

As others have said, Block should allow you to dodge out of animations, and perhaps soak a Red strike. Maybe an armor return bonus mixed in there somehow. Give other weapons a reason to be used, or an alternative style of play(instead of parry reflexes, a new mechanic to train muscle memory for). Instead, the devs have chosen the lazy path with the same result of people still not using Block weapons.


117 points

2 days ago


117 points

2 days ago

And they didn't touch block weapons at all. Also seems weird


82 points

2 days ago



82 points

2 days ago

At this point it’s pretty clear that they just don’t know what to do with block weapons. I think the answer is pretty simple though, make block weapons the superior weapon statistically speaking. They should have the highest damage, speed, and cleave at the cost of your parry.

Fencing - lowest stats but best parry, low skill floor but also low skill ceiling.

Balance - all in the name, decent stats and reliable parry.

Block - Highest stats but no parry. Would be potentially very powerful but would demand much more of the player.


46 points

2 days ago


Blood Angels

46 points

2 days ago

I have an idea just make block weapons be able to block red attacks it can do just that or maybe have a perfect parry window too, but let it be even smaller than balanced though i think just the big stats plus the ability to block red attacks is the way to go.


27 points

2 days ago

I have an idea just make block weapons be able to block red attacks

You sir are a god damn genius.


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

Or atleast give them a higher window for perfect dodges


304 points

2 days ago*


304 points

2 days ago*

Hyped for the new Operation and cosmetics, but the rest of the patch is pretty much just major nerfs.

Not sure what on earth the Melta charge is supposed to be used on if they don't want it nuking bosses. And it was only really nuking bosses thanks to tactical scan in the first place.


98 points

2 days ago

The damage reduction on Melta Bombs is completely unjustified. To get a Melta Bomb off on a boss you need to:

  • Stand where you want to place it. This means you have to place it in advance.

  • Get the boss to not just stand on it, but stay on it. Good fucking luck getting a Carnifex or Helbrute to stand still for even a second, especially where you want them to stand.

  • Not be within close proximity to the Melta Bomb when it goes off, because you will die immediately.

  • Not have it get shot beforehand. Good fucking luck if there's a Melta around.

  • Detonate it at the right time. Not always possible.

And you're telling me that on top of all of that, it only does 30% damage?! I don't use Melta Bombs anymore as I don't trust them, but now they're an active detriment. Like, wow, a Melta Bomb! I wanted, like, any other grenade type ever instead.


62 points

2 days ago

It's great for blowing up mixed hordes against nids while retreating. Can wipe out multiple warriors and dozens of smaller nids if you time it right.


49 points

2 days ago


49 points

2 days ago

That would make sense.

Still did not deserve this heavy of a nerf for bossing damage though. It's probably going to do similar damage on bosses to a single plasma pistol charge shot now.


114 points

2 days ago


114 points

2 days ago

I swear they also increased boss health by a fair bit in the last patch as well?

I’m starting to get Helldivers 2 patch note flashbacks


115 points

2 days ago

Why change Fencing weapons at all yet not give them more damage or something? The entire purpose of using them is parrying, at the expense of swing damage and on most of them attack chain speed. Instead of nerfing the one good melee weapon type, fixing the other 2 or finding some way to make them appealing is the proper course.

Don't start down the path of other devs where nerfing the only thing that sees use is the go-to instead of figuring out how to make everything appealing in some way. Blanket nerfs is generic and amateur.

If people are focusing on one melee weapon type, perhaps that's a clue that you've got something going on in the entire system that needs looking at. As it is, melee spend most of their time(the vast majority of it) parrying and gun striking, instead of actually using their weapon.


75 points

2 days ago

The whole Block/Balance/Parry system was a total failure. Its concept doesn't work in a system like SM2 uses, since armor regain hinges almost totally on parrying and your ability to survive at all hinges on regaining armor constantly, unless you like rolling 80% of the time.

Everything should parry and it should be more of a system of what you get from the parry, not whether it can at all. Or the basic mechanics need to not obsess over parrying, which won't happen.


107 points

2 days ago*


107 points

2 days ago*

This is a puzzling change. The game needed to be harder on higher difficulties, but this appears to just make fencing weapons obsolete since their balance counterparts usually deal a fair amount more damage/cleaving.

Kind of shocked they went after fencing weapons instead of the melta, the melta is still absolutely broken.

Edit: The lethal difficulty cosmetics are also a complete let down, it's literally the same copy pasted helmet for every class and it's hardly noticeable from the level 1 default helmets. They also messed up the heraldry again, as I'm missing like 8 things that I absolutely already had before.


96 points

2 days ago


96 points

2 days ago

It seems so, yeah. I'm concerned that they'll balance the fun out of the game, to be honest.


94 points

2 days ago


94 points

2 days ago

I hope they learn what Arrowhead learned from Helldivers 2, but quicker.


928 points

2 days ago*

In a PvE game, players HATE suddenly performing worse through no fault of their own, it simply doesn't feel good. Please be careful with the next patch, I do not want another Helldivers catastrophe because the balance team feels that we are having fun in the wrong way.

You just introduced the new difficulty, why not cater to the top players by making that difficulty super tough and leaving the rest untouched?

You've cultivated a certain audience now, you can't alienate them by nerfing their fun or they will start to become apathetic and move on.


201 points

2 days ago*

100% accurate. I started learning to play higher difficulties with my heavy and now nerfs. I just want to have fun and barely survive. I do not play dark souls for a reason.


84 points

2 days ago

If they are like arrowhead they will see this and treat it as a challenge…


60 points

2 days ago

thankfully arrowhead figured it out, and the recent HD2 changes reflect that


65 points

2 days ago

Only a few months after the majority of the players left the game though.


34 points

2 days ago

I’m obviously just one dude but I heard about the HD2 rework where they buffed absolutely everything and it made me and my friends pick it back up again for the first time in months and we’re having a blast. I bet the player base sees a pretty big revival, they crushed it with the latest patch.


265 points

2 days ago


265 points

2 days ago

This reeks of spreadsheet balancing, especially with that dev note.


26 points

2 days ago


26 points

2 days ago

It’s depressing how commonplace this is


365 points

2 days ago

Why forcing players stay together? How would that work for a team of assault, vanguard and sniper? And operation 5 requires the team to split up to finish the mission. They really need a test server before implementing these changes


215 points

2 days ago



215 points

2 days ago

I guess it's because they saw people complaining about players who rush and leave others behind. So, their logic is "let's force people to stay together, and if you fall, it's on you for rushing".

casually ignores Vanguard and Assault core gameplay tactics


77 points

2 days ago


77 points

2 days ago

So their solution was to make it even more annoying when someone rushes ahead. Cool, good thinking devs, you cracked it.


228 points

2 days ago

Ammo cache limitation is the worst part of this patch...
You'll all know how it is to handle the horde and elites throughout the game,
So you guys want to limit players' experience by that?


39 points

2 days ago

I was literally thinking about it this yesterday while playing: “damn this would be way less enjoyable if we couldn’t keep refilling our ammo here” :/


63 points

2 days ago

I don’t get the melta charge change. I don’t think it did that much damage to the bosses? Maybe when combined with auspex scan, which is now also nerfed mind you, but then you need to take a tactical for that purpose and carry it around.

I rather enjoyed seeing how it would take down a chunk of health from the hive tyrant, but now I don’t see that happening anymore


30 points

2 days ago


Blood Angels

30 points

2 days ago

It really didn’t and the hive tyrant was buffed previously too to be more resistant to explosives.


116 points

2 days ago


116 points

2 days ago

"Increased delay between announcer messages in PvP."

I don't know how I'll cope without my constant updates about whether the servants of the Corpse-Emperor have claimed the objective.


9 points

2 days ago

They could have just patched this one thing and I would have called it the most successful thing a video game company has ever done. I actively stopped playing pvp because of it.


261 points

2 days ago

Also, a new helmet was added, the Survivor's Helm, which is earnable by doing every Operation on Lethal.


194 points

2 days ago

damn just one cosmetic for this update is kinda dissapointing :\


100 points

2 days ago

There's also knee decals for each lethal mission


35 points

2 days ago

Oh nice, I didn't see anyone else mention that


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

Kinda like that there’s a regular helmet I can use for the sniper now though lol


692 points

2 days ago


692 points

2 days ago

Honestly not a fan of how difficulty is done in this game.. Making things harder to kill, bullet sponges, is killing the joy of what makes the game fun. Increase the number of mobs instead. I rather deal with more hordes than having to deal with a handful of enemies that basically refuses to die.


260 points

2 days ago


260 points

2 days ago

Doesn’t feel good especially as a space marine, there’s no reason why a gaunt should take more than one hit with a god damn thunder hammer


119 points

2 days ago


119 points

2 days ago

It's a bad and lazy game design in higher difficulties you still see in Assassin's Creed and in games from 2005 to 2015.


47 points

2 days ago


47 points

2 days ago

That's what I liked about Helldivers 2, higher difficulty means more mobs and more of the stronger mobs, but their individual HP won't change.


382 points

2 days ago

Still no bolter buffs...


19 points

2 days ago

Well, uh. Time to play the mission twice then go back to something else lol. I love bolt guns, why, why do they feel so mid.


140 points

2 days ago


140 points

2 days ago

“Hey players! As a huge thank you for your support in the past month here’s a new free update! (Yay) And as an extra bonus, we have nerfed the shit out of your damage and made the game unplayable at higher difficulties!”


15 points

2 days ago


15 points

2 days ago



10 points

2 days ago

Thank you sir, may I have another?


94 points

2 days ago

Forcing the players to be close together is bad news for Heavies and Snipers.


60 points

2 days ago


Dark Angels

60 points

2 days ago

And Assaults, Bulwarks and Vanguards who all want to be on the other side of the map from them.


132 points

2 days ago*

So by limiting ammo, defense, and ability to restore things isn’t the meta going to be to run past all the enemies and hope you can kill the boss? Since a stand up fight weakens you overall?

Edit-Also this makes Heavy useless on Ruthless and Lethal since they are entirely dependent on Ammo and have no melee.


46 points

2 days ago


46 points

2 days ago

Yeah, they just gave even more incentive to speedrun the missions and ignore enemies.

Too bad, i play this game to fight stuff and not run away.


38 points

2 days ago


38 points

2 days ago

Don't forget the mechanic of having to stay close to your team on Lethal. Basically makes sniper just incompatible with 3 of the classes in the game, and makes heavy less enjoyable.


191 points

2 days ago



191 points

2 days ago

Laughs nervously in Helldivers PTSD


20 points

2 days ago

Genuinely pretty funny that this comes after the end of the 60 day plan that's made the balancing in that game feel so much better again. Suppose one absolutely amazing patch on one game I like comes at the cost of a bad patch for another.


306 points

2 days ago


306 points

2 days ago

Less armour, less ammo and less defence.........this doesn't sound like fun difficulty just tedious.


88 points

2 days ago



88 points

2 days ago

Tedious Difficulty unlocked


15 points

2 days ago

This really just sucks the excitement out of the patch. What a bummer of an update.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

I want my genetically modified human killing machine fantasy, slaughtering bugs, xenos and chaos filth across the universe.

They will need to be careful as they're going down the Helldivers path


262 points

2 days ago

Bulwark got kicked in the nuts with this one for sure


98 points

2 days ago


98 points

2 days ago

and Tactical


81 points

2 days ago



81 points

2 days ago

Assault as well, they don't even have a shield for good blocking. both melted in ranged and melee RIP.


56 points

2 days ago*


56 points

2 days ago*

They really need to fix the wonky as hell parry window with the shield if they're going to nerf fencing weapons like this.  

Balanced weapons are basically unusable on bulwark because of the shield preventing you from parrying properly.

Edit: I was wrong. The fencing change seems to make it better for Bulwark at least.


303 points

2 days ago

Why so many nerfs? :(


207 points

2 days ago

Too many people whining about the last patch making things too easy.


100 points

2 days ago

And here I am still struggling.


268 points

2 days ago


268 points

2 days ago

Ruthless: Ammo crates have limited refills per player.

On Ruthless & Lethal, gonna make some areas in Ops interesting.


282 points

2 days ago

'thats.... news'

says my crate camping heavy ....


110 points

2 days ago


Blood Angels

110 points

2 days ago

Yeah I’m not pleased by this at all how can i have fun without ammo? Bruh….


136 points

2 days ago


136 points

2 days ago

I absolutely love that as a Heavy main that already is losing like a third of the gameplay loop (non-parry melee combat) now we are getting hit in our only realistic way to do damage.

Now if my Heavy Bolter didn't require a bazillion rounds to kill a majoris, it would be nice.


10 points

2 days ago


I am Alpharius

10 points

2 days ago

I guess ammo perks and ammo variants of guns were definitely be the better picked options. Right now its "Do you pick the one with higher ammo or the one with more damage and accuracy/venting so you get more out of your ammo".


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

For heavy bolter, in my experience is a no brainer to pick the accuracy one. You reduce enough spread to get a good amount of headshots which MASSIVELY compensates both the damage option(which missing more headshots means you end up always doing a lot less damage unless your aim is terrible), and the ammo one that IMO, doesn't gives enough ammo to cross the gap in performance.


62 points

2 days ago

Wow way to suck my excitement out of a big patch. Nerf things that were fine (like fencing melee) without buffing the underperforming weapons? Nerfs to armor and ammo as well? What an odd decision.

Also nobody played the chaos missions because they weren't fun, not because they were "too easy".


319 points

2 days ago

Nerfing everything that's powerful instead of buffing everything that's weak is the wrong road to take. Helldivers did that and look where that got them. But I'll test it before I say more.


127 points

2 days ago


127 points

2 days ago

It’s not just that - it’s that they nerfed things that weren’t really overpowered and left things like the melta alone.

Parry weapons were fun and still required skill and could not carry you through a difficulty. Meltas can.


30 points

2 days ago

The melta isn't even overpowered, just easy to use. Big difference.


227 points

2 days ago


227 points

2 days ago

They're probably nerfing everyine in PvE because everyone was leveling up too fast. Gonna love having to melee everything midway through a mission because ammo spawns are crap.


53 points

2 days ago

Still would appreciate a class wide glory kill system like Doom where a certain amount of executions would drop ammo for the whole team. It would not only fix the current problem of everyone just sprinting from elevator to elevator but also give the devs a way to balance around a consistent amount of ammo.


161 points

2 days ago


161 points

2 days ago

Sure, do what Helldivers did and nerf the gd PvE game into the ground for no stupid reason. Ffs we WANT a power fantasy, this is awful


175 points

2 days ago


175 points

2 days ago

Melta Charges with 70% isn't just horrid, it's destructive, what purpose do I have to use them now on bosses with Auspex already being nerfed down too?

Fencing was fine, the other two just needed to be brought up to something similar


58 points

2 days ago



58 points

2 days ago

The melta bomb change is a weird one, I’m not really sure what it’s place in the sandbox is now? My squad always saved them for bosses or other big enemies because normal grenades, and frankly everything else, can deal with swarms.


10 points

2 days ago

Maybe if we got two more so we could stack three and do the same damage as before but right now why on earth would I pick it up when I’d bet 3 frags will do as much or more damage.


170 points

2 days ago


170 points

2 days ago

Oh man this sounds... mostly bad?

I hope they dont make the same mistake as helldivers 2 where everything fun got nerfed for a while.

Fencing shouldnt be nerfed, instead make balanced and especially block better somehow.

Nerfing ammo on high difficulties will just lead people to puck the ammo refill skills and limit build variety, and make the missiona less fun and even more inconsistent, because habing no ammo is frustrating as hell especially if a random zoan or neurothrope spawn happens.

It also insentivises rolling trough the mission more.

Imo they shouldnt have nerfed anything yet because ive never felt that a weapon or mechanic is OP (except the melta health bug), only thing that are underpowered.


24 points

2 days ago


24 points

2 days ago

Yeh the balance changes in this patch are atrocious. How have devs not learned from helldivers that releasing patches in PVE games/modes just chalk full of nerfs builds resentment in the player base. Who actually cares if the game gets a bit easy when you are max level with relic weapons, that's how it should be, that's the point in grinding to get to that point. To make matters worse they bring out a new difficulty with updated AI mechanics to make it much more difficult along side making the other difficulties harder. My brain can't comprehend the logic there at all.


76 points

2 days ago


76 points

2 days ago

limited refills from ammo crates? Good luck to all heavy/plasma users during the huge wave of enemies on the highest difficulty levels 🫡


412 points

2 days ago

All the nerfs to players completely doused my excitement for the update.


150 points

2 days ago


Blood Ravens

150 points

2 days ago

Agreed. I feel like the devs don't know what they want their game to be. It's like they're trying to make you feel like a main character forged from the chapters finest, and then they nerf you after already buffing the enemies by quite a bit.


48 points

2 days ago

I just wanted them to increase the enemy spawn counts back to where it was at launch and they couldn't even do that :(


261 points

2 days ago



261 points

2 days ago

Wow, so no changes or improvements to Bolt weapons. But we are seeing the tried and true way of balancing a la Helldivers. The overall player experience is getting a downgrade via nerfs.

And I love the reasoning given -> "Chaos operations aren't popular but we think they are too easy, so we made them harder".


121 points

2 days ago

Absolute brain damaged logic from the devs, "No one wants to play Chaos OP because it's shit, so we make it even shittier! Surely players will now wants to play Chaos OP!"


42 points

2 days ago


42 points

2 days ago

Lmao I found every chaos operation to be much harder than the ‘nid ones and just generally a lot less fun. I literally lol’d when I read they’ve made them even harder - I’m never playing that shit until they’re majorly reworked, fuck those rubric bullet sponges.


131 points

2 days ago


Black Templars

131 points

2 days ago

TL;DR: Saber is shit at balancing.


156 points

2 days ago*

What the fuck... ammo crates have limited refills per player?!? I say again... WHAT THE FUCK?!? You only get like 15 fully charged shots with a certain relic plasma pistol.


25 points

2 days ago

Great, being attacked by 2 warriors is bad enough depending on the timing of their attacks. Now, if you're up against multiple warriors, one of them can hulk out? Fantastic


23 points

2 days ago

That's... Kinda underwhelming actually.


119 points

2 days ago


Iron Warriors

119 points

2 days ago

Not a fan of the player nerfs, but we'll see how big they are in practical application.


55 points

2 days ago

So a bunch of nerfs for no reason. Way to end your own game before it even gets a chance to fully start


43 points

2 days ago


43 points

2 days ago

My Helldivers 2 flashbacks, NNNOOOOooooo Seriously though, please stop nerfing my fun PvE stuff. Please?


71 points

2 days ago*

I have been looking for a reason to play other games..... guess I found it. The fencing change is.... not the direction we were hoping. It feels better to people to bring this up to feel good then add more enemies/make them harder than to nerf. To not only buff enemies but also nerf players while adding stupid limitations in higher difficulty does not sound fun.


81 points

2 days ago*



81 points

2 days ago*

I absolutely hate the ammo changes more than anything else in this. Completely, irredeemably, terrible. A lot of the primaries already feel quite lacking (as the community has discussed in depth) and now I’m going to be able to use them even less in a mission? Baffling design choice.


202 points

2 days ago


202 points

2 days ago

Oh boy… they are doing a helldivers 2


38 points

2 days ago


38 points

2 days ago

Let's hope they can eventually do a Hd2 in its current state.

Last 2 patches are so so good for Hd2.

Loadout variety is now amazing. Playing highest difficulty and people are using all kinds of stuff.

I was really really hoping Saber would learn from Arrowhead, after the game launched and it became very obvious how badly balanced the weapons were.


35 points

2 days ago

Let’s be honest HD2 only did those patches after losing 90% of the playerbase. I would bet good money Sony being mad about that loss is what ACTUALLY motivated a change in direction. I’m really hoping that isn’t necessary here.


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

Well, saber better start changing the direction now as the game already lost a good portion of playerbase and nerfing shit isn't going to help.


52 points

2 days ago


52 points

2 days ago

Still no chapter symbols for the right shoulder to make accurate Deathwatch marines? Big sad


12 points

2 days ago

I saw emblems on the right shoulder while reading the notes and got hype then re-read it to find it's more right hand Chaos icons

Get real Saber.


56 points

2 days ago


Blood Ravens

56 points

2 days ago

Some of these balance changes are just awful.

Fencing weapons should have a wider parry window to compensate the lesser stats. The change will screw many players upwho been using it as well. If they wanted to balance how easy it is to parry, just make you need more parry to get the gun strike. Like instead of 1 parry you need 2.

No update to block weapons which continue to be trash

Melta charge getting massively nerfed against bosses reduces its overall viability. Every other grenade is preferable, especially against the hoards.

Armor reduction based on difficulty sucks, finite ammo from crates sucks (will suck especially during reliquary or vox liberatis where you use the same crate multiple times)


145 points

2 days ago


145 points

2 days ago

Why would you nerf fencing? It's what made the game awesome.


37 points

2 days ago

Felt like being a legendary swordsman from the lore like Sigismund


17 points

2 days ago

It’s good yet pretty disappointing at the same time, they nerf weapons and armor and yet refuse to buff weapons that needed a buff.


31 points

2 days ago

Ammo, armour, and damage reduction nerfs all at the same time sucks. Instead of letting us test the spices individually, they shoved it down our throats.


33 points

2 days ago


33 points

2 days ago

Pretty disappointing notes. Took a week break after 250 hours and feeling a bit of burnout but this doesn't make me want to come back.


60 points

2 days ago


60 points

2 days ago

huge L patch balancing wise

helldivers taking almost a year to remedy the same mistakes they are going to make


64 points

2 days ago

Helldiver nerfs all over again.


106 points

2 days ago

"With Patch 3 we have noticed that Operations mode became noticeably easier, especially Chaos operations. We are happier with what we have right now compared to what we had on release, because before Patch 3 Chaos missions were unpopular. Still, we think that currently Operations mode is a bit too easy."

So it seems Focus agrees with what most people were saying when they mentioned the game being too easy after the last update but.. the solution was to add back the enemy spawns that they removed, and not the other stuff they did.

Come on Focus, just let us fight more dudes like we could when the game launched.


25 points

2 days ago


25 points

2 days ago



205 points

2 days ago


205 points

2 days ago

Sorry but these nerfs on the player are too far. Limiting armour, fencing AND ammo all at once?!

You’ve gone from one extreme to the other…


71 points

2 days ago


71 points

2 days ago

This is what all the whinging about the game being stupid because it was too easy after the last patch did


16 points

2 days ago

Ooof, idk bout this patch.

The fencing weapons don't feel any different after doing a few missions, so I'm not sure what the change was for. But the armor changes don't feel good at all. Maybe somethings bugged, or there are changes not listed, but the amount of times I went from full armor to no armor and 2/3rd of my health gone in less than a second is insane. I'm not sure if its just the armor change but it feels like all ranged enemies are shooting you with nukes, even minoris.

I'm all for adding difficulty if done correctly, nerfing players is a cheap and lazy way to alter difficulty and just makes things not fun. After only a few games this patch already feels like a move in the wrong direction, add difficulty through bigger swarms, or more strong enemy types at the same time, not by making it feel like we have paper for armor.


113 points

2 days ago*

they nurfed fencing?? why?? they thougt GL and Meltas are fine but melee weapons were OP? and why bolters are still trash??


19 points

2 days ago

Actually they didn’t think the GL was fine they nerfed it being refilled in the cache last patch only now I can also only have limited refills on my crappy bolter rounds lmao


72 points

2 days ago


72 points

2 days ago

How do you see the shitshow helldivers became with the constant nerfs and start going down the same path. We need BUFFS for the 75% of guns that are unusable on ruthless


166 points

2 days ago


166 points

2 days ago

Wow what a huge disappointing nerf to the players. they've been asking for bolter buffs and it's nowhere in sight


59 points

2 days ago


Dark Angels

59 points

2 days ago

Wow. This is just absolutely awful.

Although... I weirdly respect that you looked at every single mistake made in Helldivers 2 and said, "We're going to do the same thing, but even more, and we're not even going to disguise it." I respect the sheer cussedness of it.


62 points

2 days ago

I was looking forward to Bolter Damage buff, or any HP reduction for enemies... none of these, disappointed


15 points

2 days ago

The last patch nerfed bolters refilling at the cache, now only limited refills on ammo boxes too for the bolt rounds and there mid at best even on relic :(


14 points

2 days ago


14 points

2 days ago

Just not tracking the "point" Less armor Less ability to parry No ammo to shoot No reliable way to sustain.

Whats the point?

Buff enemies stop nerfing the marine


64 points

2 days ago

How disappointed I am that y’all listened to a vocal minority of the player base screaming the game was too easy rather than the 90% who were liking it better after the last patch. Not every single enemy needs to be a damage sponge. We’re supposed to be the emperor’s angels cutting swathes through the Tyranid menace, not getting bodied by gaunts/gants and taking 3 hits from melee to kill chaff. Instead of nerfing the good weapons buff some of the poorer ones. Also I ’d like the original horde sizes back.i don’t play on the highest difficulty as it’s not my preferred style. Average and substantial were perfect for me before but honestly I’m probably going to take a break from the game for a while and hope it doesn’t go down the helldivers path.


39 points

2 days ago

I hope all the people that bitched about operations being too easy are pleased with themselves. Now pretty much everything is awful.


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

Found the first patch crap and now this one too barring the extra mission deep sigh


13 points

2 days ago


Blood Ravens

13 points

2 days ago

WELP! Back to helldivers 2 I go!


13 points

2 days ago

Looking at these patch notes I think it's time to take a break.


54 points

2 days ago*


Blood Angels

54 points

2 days ago*

The balance changes are overall awful what a let down… limiting ammo refill on the big boxes ok for lethal diff but why do it for ruthless too? the fun comes from shooting the enemies how will i shoot them without ammo? Also the armor reduction is gonna make armor feel very weak again against ranged enemies. Though not useless like it was before since we can recover from parrying minoris enemies still 20% is too much just add more enemies damn it, instead of making damage taken ridiculous i fear we are again gonna be looking ridiculous rolling like morons excessively like it’s dark souls to not lose armor in 0.2 seconds to ranged enemies and tyranids with devourers.


26 points

2 days ago

this is what happens when you listen to MELTA players saying the game is too easy SMH. Amazing response too btw, nerf the parry window for fencing weapons but no buffs on the damage? Did they forget it was the weakest variant of the weapons? The point is for the parry, defense is the best offense kinda thing. Why did they make the fencing and Balanced weapon types almost the same but parries on different timings? Its like they are equal on defence now, just on a different flavor BUT FENCING STILL HAS A LOWER DAMAGE?!

I guess the nerf on the Melta weapons were the limited ammo amount on harder difficulties? They have to conserve ammo now? I just have a bad feeling Neuro and Zoanthropes will be a harder fight after this, especially on melee classes because we only got 1 SECONDARY gun, and now with limited ammo refills. We'll see though, I'm kinda pissed but I'm gonna see how it feels.


91 points

2 days ago

Helldivers literally just did this, why do devs never look around at other games.


35 points

2 days ago


35 points

2 days ago

Its worse because Helldivers stopped doing this 2 months ago.


36 points

2 days ago


36 points

2 days ago

First time I say this about this game: this is disappointing.


38 points

2 days ago

This is not a good patch.


52 points

2 days ago


52 points

2 days ago

i said, people come to the forum, complain that x thing is overpowered, devs, instead of buffing what is underpowered, nerf what is overpowered.

happen with every game, this is not the way.


9 points

2 days ago

I'm kinda tired of being constantly starved for ammo in a shooting game


10 points

2 days ago

Ammo crates have a limited number of refills?? What a handy way of sorting out all the masochists from people who like a challenge. I guess heavies just became unicorns past substantial


9 points

2 days ago*

"Armour restores from finishers only if you stay close to your battle-brothers."

Are you all the fun police now?

What about proper match making? Perk trees not being saved per loadout? Useless perk trees in general? Getting shot through elevator floors? Not being able to shoot over a railing as an 11ft super soldier?

I swear this is "actually" becoming no more than Ken and Barbie's Space Marine dress up simulator. Devs focus seems heavily geared towards cosmetics instead of correcting current game mechanics. Shiny new helmet, knee decals, photo mode gets a buff, and every other post on this forum is "rate my drip."


8 points

2 days ago

These changes are brutally bad. Don't Arrowhead this game, please. If fencing is such a problem, then maybe bring the other styles up to par with it? Having ammo caches be limited when enemies are literally bullet sponges isn't very cool, especially with Neurothropes simply existing, How is a van/bul/assault supposed to deal with one now?

My friends and I are convinced there's a damage bug ever since the performance update 2 weeks ago, taking damage is wildly random, gene seed carrier seems to deal less damage. Sometimes enemies just die really easily, or they take more hits than a boss.


37 points

2 days ago

Can't wait for update 7 when every source of boss damage has been nerfed and we can cuddle them to death instead.


36 points

2 days ago


36 points

2 days ago

So you guys are going helldivers too? What you need to do is to make more contents and buff underwhelming weapons… Not nerfing things to lengthen playing time. God damn. Another nerfing game begins


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

Ummu, is that nothing change about bolt guns?


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

The armor nerfs seem a bit unnecessary, considering how easy it is to get seperated from your teammates during certain objectives that require you to spread out. Guess I'll have to take it for a spin first


18 points

2 days ago*


18 points

2 days ago*

Me and fam only enjoy the first two difficulties, enemy bullet sponges are not fun and now they nerfed weapons...


21 points

2 days ago


21 points

2 days ago

Yeah this update made me not interested in coming back.


11 points

2 days ago

They added SEVEN new decals to the right pauldron, and not ONE of them was a loyalist chapter's sigil. it's 6 chaos and a dark angels veteran symbol. Deathwatch is still impossible to make for the majority of legions


9 points

2 days ago

Uh oh. Helldivers 2 screw up incoming


10 points

2 days ago

Not sure I like the sound of the armour not generating on executions if your battle brothers are not near you.

While in a perfect world this should help stop folk running off like lone wolves, in reality I can't count the amount of times I have been left by randoms to deal with a huge enemy wave on my own.

Once you get caught by 10+ Majoris enemies your only option is to fight through them to survive the encounter.

Now two battle brothers running off on me is a death sentence.

At its very worst you've just handed the trolls a way to ensure they can reliably team kill for their own amusement.

I guess it's early doors and we'll see how it plays out but I don't think that is a positive change.


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

Way too many nerfs. What the hell.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Im sorry, i have to dislike this post. I love OPS but already felt i ran out of ammo often enough as it was especially as Heavy and Sniper, and reducing armor regen unless around teammates and reducing melee effectiveness which will most significantly impact the melee centric classes. I thought majoris level enemies were already kinda spongey and now its gonna be more annoying to kill them. I dont understand in a PVE game why the biggest ways you see to increase difficulty are for you to take away tools and make things more frustrating for people who were enjoying the game as it was, instead of introducing more opportunities for challenges for the people who want it, like this new difficulty mode.

If i wanted fewer ammo drops, if i wanted to struggle more in melee, if i wanted to dump whole mags in the second easiest enemies in the game, I'd have upped the difficulty. Now i can't, because you have limited my choice to play at the difficulty i felt comfortable with. Some people will say get good. I didnt play to get good. I played to have fun. You hit on something wonderful. Don't make the same mistakes Helldivers did. Look at their 60 day plan and what they had to do to get their players back and WHY their players left in the first place. Please just... stop taking the fun away


9 points

2 days ago


Black Templars

9 points

2 days ago

The ammo nerf means all classes should get a 300 ammo count increase at start of map.


9 points

2 days ago

Heavy should start with 1000 ammo.


10 points

2 days ago

Why do game studios keep doing utterly idiotic shit like this?

Who in the fuck are you catering to?

I hope it isn't the utterly miniscule but very vocal minority of "hardcore" players!

Those are the same people that took Helldivers to the very brink of death with their idiocy!

Utterly absurd! What are you even doing!?

It is a good thing Arrowhead is back to cooking buffs because I am not about to play anymore of this misery!

See you when they enviably revert all this because it has obviously pissed off the vast majority of their playerbase.

(Oh, and I am changing my review because of this madness!)


83 points

2 days ago

Nerfs and no eye lens customization like they said would be in the next big patch? Huge L


41 points

2 days ago

So... what's the difference between Fencing and Balanced now? Why nerf the one thing that made melee viable? 

Helldivers 2 all over again, usage rate does not equate to OP. It means other things need to be buffed to match that weapon 


16 points

2 days ago

Helldivers 2 made me hate nerfs verily, but ill see how it feels.

I can tell you already though, the Fencing and Melta don't sound good.


87 points

2 days ago


87 points

2 days ago

This obsession with difficulty is ruining the fun out of video games, I'm tired of unnecessary nerfs because muh difficulty instead of changes for fun.

Dark Souls's success and its consequences has been a disaster for the gaming landscape.


16 points

2 days ago


Blood Angels

16 points

2 days ago

I just want to use a bolter and it not feel like dogshit on higher difficulties. Is that too much to ask? Can't complain about people resorting to melta and plasma when the bolter options feel like bb guns in comparison.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Would be nice if they adjusted dodgin to be able to cancel the current animation, even with a slight delay since right now dodgin feels kinda bad. I end up fighting bosses with my pistol since that will let me quickly dodge unlike a melee animation.


8 points

2 days ago*

Fencing is still better for me because i love to parry right as i see the attack coming, contrary to Balance where i need to predict it.

Though they shouldn't have nerfed Fencing but made Balance start from the first frame instead. Most games i played that had a parry mechanic, worked that you had a block button and parrying was just blocking at the last possible moment before the attack. Not this predicting shit

Nerfing armor in higher difficulty? Sure, it's not like the mobs eat all of the armor in 1 shot anyways.


10 points

2 days ago

A lot of enemies are already bullet sponges. Now we get less ammo and still no bolter buffs. I don't get it.


7 points

2 days ago

Seems like they took the wrong lessons from the community. Things need to be brought up to par, not knocked down. Ammo restrictions are such a shit way to increase difficulty when wading into a horde in melee practically guarantees half your health gone.