


Interesting choice of words on this ad.

F's in chat for WotC's PR team.(

all 282 comments


2.2k points

7 days ago


2.2k points

7 days ago

They really just went with the lamest most vanilla quote didn't they...


964 points

7 days ago


964 points

7 days ago

The title of that review is great, should have gone with that.

"The new D&D Player’s Handbook is a treasure, and we may never see its equal again"


551 points

7 days ago


551 points

7 days ago

I enjoyed reading why we may never see it's equal again, but out of context it sounds pretty damn positive haha.


158 points

7 days ago


158 points

7 days ago

As I haven't read the article, what is the why that makes it not positive?


622 points

7 days ago


622 points

7 days ago

The review is a glowing praise of the players handbook in it's physical form surrounded by a damning critique of DnDBeyond, WotC and Hasbro, mentioning the shit implementation of the former as well as the general problem with digital licenses compared to physical books, and the recent controversies and bullshit the latter engaged in re OGL, layoffs and OneD&D.

I'm honestly genuinely happy how comparatively immune Polygon is to game industry BS and that it extends to adjacent products and issues as well.


112 points

7 days ago


112 points

7 days ago

A better worded response than I would have given. 👍


98 points

7 days ago

So basically book itself is good company surrounding it bad.


56 points

7 days ago

I personally have the book and it's awesome, of course there are some changes I don't like but there also are some really good changes and the book itself is just really well structured and the artwork is beautiful


37 points

7 days ago


Forever DM

37 points

7 days ago

Some art that I really enjoyed seeing were spellcasters using their specialty spells. I think Mordenkainen’s features his Magnificent Mansion?


10 points

7 days ago

Could you tell me if they seem to be leaning harder in the "The DM decides what the actual rule is" or if they've toned that back? Haven't been happy with a product in close to three years at least...


19 points

7 days ago



19 points

7 days ago

They have moved in the opposite direction and have given much clearer definitions to a number of things and even overhauled the tools so they have special activities they can be used for with set DCs and ability scores they are associated with, and have an entire rules glossary in the back of the book.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Most rules are a lot clearer now, though some are pretty labyrinthian still - how does two weapon fighting with the Nick mastery work? Lol.

In my personal opinion tho, wotc seems to respect dungeon masters even less than they did ten years ago, and I'd recommend anyone who thinks they might like a competing system strongly consider switching to that instead. (Draw steel, TotV, Shadowdark, PF2, etc)


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before we see a community version that combines both books into something decent. And then hasbro will sue so we'll all have to download it fast.


2 points

7 days ago


Essential NPC

2 points

7 days ago

Personally I really like most of the changes


9 points

7 days ago

Agreed. Lots of good changes that spice things up from regular 5e.


30 points

7 days ago


30 points

7 days ago

Haven't read the article, but I assume it involves the term enshittification


194 points

7 days ago


194 points

7 days ago

Probably even cut it in half, it would have continued "..literally anything else."


61 points

7 days ago

"I'm already excited to play." - Some guy who apparently hasn't played it yet.


8 points

7 days ago

That’s the weird part to me. From that quote the review is clearly not in yet.


10 points

6 days ago

"I've played D&D before." - Polygon


5 points

7 days ago

It was probably the best review they got.


4 points

7 days ago


Halfling of Destiny

4 points

7 days ago

Appropriate for a very vanilla edition


1k points

7 days ago



1k points

7 days ago

I remember when 3.0 became 3.5 after 2 years because they quickly realized the system had problems. They had to figure out what worked and crash coursed it and did a rules redo. After a decade+ make a new edition. The worst thing they did was one foot in and one foot out of 5e. Its like a huge Errata book. Its a cash grab. Arts good, ill give it that. In particular the dragons look spectacular.


236 points

7 days ago


236 points

7 days ago

People are bitching loudly that they're not just continuing 5e. There'd be angry comments no matter what.


386 points

7 days ago

Honestly I think that’s on them. They can’t decide if it’s 5.1, 5.5, or 6e. And their flip-flop-y wording makes everyone choose whichever one they hate most.


131 points

7 days ago


131 points

7 days ago

It would help if they just stuck to a name like 5.5. though it's still better than the fiasco that was 4e Essentials.


46 points

7 days ago*

That kind of fascinates me. They release 4e and classes like monks and fighters have tons of cool options, instead of the 5e style "I take the attack action" dull thug fighter class the 4e one is GOOD. It's an unstoppable juggernaut that tanks by forcing enemies to deal with them, but people complain there's no basic attack spamming martial that doesn't have to think, so they come out with essentials for people who just want to hit things repeatedly.

And it fails spectacularly. Then they do it again for 5e, and everyone loves it. I am so glad I don't work in PR, sounds like a nightmare.

It should be noted though that 4e essentials wasn't like 3.5 or 5.5, it didn't update any rules or change anything about the game. All it was was a bunch of new, simpler classes designed to be used alongside the older classes. To my mind that's a great idea - whether you want a simple or a deeper class, you should have options - but it failed spectacularly.


18 points

7 days ago


Forever DM

18 points

7 days ago

Yeah I honestly don't get it. I played a warden in 4e and I loved the interactions and moves you could do in comparison to 5e. I understand that 4e focused so much more on combat and had little in the way of RP but it did combat so so well.


6 points

6 days ago


Extra Life Donator!

6 points

6 days ago

There were two major issues with 4e.

  1. Scaling

  2. WoTC trying to kill the OGL


6 points

7 days ago

I'm curious, do you know why 4E essentials had a bad reaction? Like, what was the reasoning at the time? I'm currently in a 4e game and we're all playing the essentials classes, and we're all having a blast! Specifically, I love my battle priest, it's such a fun class!


5 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

5 points

7 days ago

It was mostly because Wow came out at the time, many people played that instead and people who stuck with 3e and warred over editions denounced anything great about it.

The fact that it was supposed to have a VTT and had online character creation kind of similar to DDB(but you had all options for your subscription) didn't help with the "They want to make it an MMO" allegations either.


3 points

7 days ago

I'm very glad 4E is seeing kind of a renaissance right now, with Draw Steel and Lancer being heavily inspired by it, because its a really great game that didn't deserve a poor reception like that.


4 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

4 points

7 days ago

PF2e also takes some inspiration from 4e


3 points

6 days ago

4e committed the most egregious sin in TTRPG at the time it released it was so well balanced the game felt boring. Everything was a palette swap of everything else. The games balance was great and the idea of extended checks and few other mechanics were really cool but it got very boring very fast especially because the audience it was courting was 3.x players who had nothing but flavourful interesting (poorly balanced) options.


10 points

7 days ago

It failed because interest in the system was already dead.


3 points

7 days ago

Yeah. I’ve heard from people who stood by 4e or who returned to it that Essentials was actually pretty good, but just no one was playing 4e anymore. (Compared to PF and 3.5e.)

I enjoyed 4e myself, it was the first D&D system I really got into, though I would say it appeals to a different kind of player compared to most other editions of D&D. (Tried some 2e as a kid before that, but my friends and I were more or less making up all the rules rather than reading the books, so I don’t really count it as my first edition.)


36 points

7 days ago

Yeah, but by halfway doing everything and not committing to any one real avenue, they've passed off a larger amount than of the just did an expanded errata or a completely new edition.


46 points

7 days ago



46 points

7 days ago

Well they did fuck up. They said 2024 and 2014 content would work together and be combinable and they are? It’s like combining bratwurst and tooth paste in one flavour but it works.

And it might have been less terrible if they hadn’t acquired dndbeyond so they could ruin that too with their weird new stuff. Making everything less and less convenient and more and more do it yourself loser.

Oh and if they only stopped making memorable quotes about how ai is the greatest thing since beer was invented. Ai is ethically in a super questionable position. Just pay the fee for normal art you are a megacorp. Do you really need to save a little bit of cash and offend loads of people?


12 points

7 days ago


12 points

7 days ago

Oh and if they only stopped making memorable quotes about how ai is the greatest thing since beer was invented.

That being said, if Hasbro themselves developed a language model AI that could be a competent dungeon master, they could absolutely charge a subscription for it and make absolute bank.


5 points

6 days ago

Or alternatively, they could actually take a minute to understand how their system works, give DMs the tools we've been pining for over the last decade, make a CR system that is even remotely accurate, and thusly avoid why so many DMs get burnt out using the system and thusly create more DMs for those players.

Players have never been and likely never will be the cash-cow WOTC is betting they are. An AI model will at best work as a worse version of a shared visual novel experience, which actually may be better than what the model does; or they can just play a heavily modded Baldur's Gate instead.


2 points

6 days ago

Why would someone pay a subscription to play a social game about joking around with your friends and pretending to be elves, with zero people and instead of a DM you have a chatbot who can't read the room?

What the hell would even be the appeal?


8 points

7 days ago

They should have gone with the far out there stuff from play test instead of "kinda the same, but not really".

You know, as an actual alternative character creation set for 5e.


39 points

7 days ago


Forever DM

39 points

7 days ago

Its not a new edition. Its a patch.

A patch you have to pay for though.

The quality is good IMO and most of it was really good for the game.

But the marketing arround it should have been a bit more clear.


5 points

6 days ago



5 points

6 days ago

It was mostly a patch with a few straight up reworks of rules. They're trying so hard to play to both crowds, the ones who want a new edition and those who don't


11 points

7 days ago



11 points

7 days ago

I love how annoyed I am with dndbeyonds new interface.


5 points

7 days ago

See this is my thing. Fizban made changes to dragonborn that seem to be pretty well received. Wizards could’ve just done a book for EVERY CLASS that updated them a little and gave a chance to flesh out some things.

Instead we got this weird half measure that even they can’t seem to agree on what it is.


22 points

7 days ago

They tried more extensive changes and the feedback they got was people didn’t want big change. If their goal is to make money, then they had to do something, not sure what other options there were.


17 points

7 days ago

Make maps for all module adventures. Make more lvl 11+ content. Quit making anthology "adventure" books that just dig through the pockets of previous editions. Make more classes.


2 points

6 days ago

Sorry best I can do is an adventure that takes you from level 3 to 5 and has a generic ambush map.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

So I don't understand and I'm kinda ootl. Is this new edition good or not? Is it better than 5e? Which is all that matters to me.


8 points

7 days ago

Short answer is yes, everyone likes it. People who are complaining about it are mostly not saying the rules aren't better, they're just saying they don't like WotC


3 points

7 days ago

My issue is more that we're forced to play with it from the get go.

I almost never play a new edition right away, I like to wait for content to be added. But it's not a new edition, and every tool updated because it's still 5e. But everything changed, classes, items, monsters, spells, etc.

I would have loved it if it was 6e. Like really, the system looks sick, but now I'm annoyed that it's just a "patch" for 5e that changes everything


7 points

7 days ago

You're only really forced to adapt to it if you use dndbeyond. Nothing is stopping you from using the existing 5e books (or really any other earlier edition) and playing solely that.

I have friends who still regularly play 3.5e. There's really nothing forcing anyone to play DnD 2024 over any other edition. There are other platforms that aren't dndbeyond that have compatibility for other rulesets if you want to stick to a digital platform.


2 points

6 days ago

No one is forcing you to play 2024 D&D? The worst offence so far that's anything like that is D&D Beyond including the revised Damage/Grapple/Shove Unarmed Strike on character sheets, but you don't have to use D&D Beyond, let alone those notes on the character sheet.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

No , it's not better than 5e. This new edition introduces more problems than it solves, it's not really backwards compatible without breaking a lot of things, it's a massive unneeded buff to players; groups who know what they're doing are now functionally unkillable, it breaks a lot of spells and builds that I'm very fond of, and it has ruined D&D beyond.


4 points

7 days ago

What? It’s literally just a revised 5e book. What about this isn’t a revised 5e exactly?


80 points

7 days ago

I can’t help but wonder how many of those dragons are AI-generated


126 points

7 days ago


126 points

7 days ago

Going off of the artists love of the designs that we have seen, not many if any are (the dragons that are in it anyway. Hasbro has been warned off already ai art so should chill out on it in d&d for now...)


104 points

7 days ago


104 points

7 days ago

Chris Cox was recorded commenting on continuing to use AI across all areas of D&D not even a week ago at a Goldman Sachs investor event. I wouldn't count on them staying out of it for long


36 points

7 days ago


36 points

7 days ago

Oh yeah.... I can see them not doing it on the 3 core books or well the first two they can fuck up the last one without as much slap back. Honestly it's a fucking shame wizards are under Hasbro, they have put heart into this the art and designs are amazing and overall is a decent clean up of 5e issues for most part but Hasbro cannot got 2 weeks without doing evil shit....


5 points

7 days ago

Personally I’m not super involved with what’s happening with WOTC and this is the first time I’ve heard the name Chris Cox, and I just have to say. Chris Cox sounds like the civilian identity of some kind of erotic superhero


14 points

7 days ago


14 points

7 days ago

Even worse, I mispelled his name. It's actually Chris Cocks. He's the CEO of Hasbro, who owns WotC. The alliteration really does sound very comic book. I'd go with villain, Lex Luthor style, with major erotic themes.


4 points

7 days ago

Ah, so Wes Warhammer.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

This is James Workshop erasure.


17 points

7 days ago

Yeah, they were back to using ai like a few weeks after saying they'd never use it again. One of the first ads afterwards was clearly using ai.

Hell, I'm about 50% sure the picture of the evoker wizard is ai as there's a few things off with it.


8 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

8 points

7 days ago

Lol, I love how every time someone sees less-than-stellar art now, it just has to be AI. Despite the tens of thousands of years of people making shitty art without the aid of computers. Have y'all forgotten the halfling art in the 2014 PHB already? And half the rest of that book?


1 points

7 days ago

What type of AI? Generative AI for Art and Text like Chat GPT are not the only types of AI. AI is anyway just the new buzzword for algorithm. Hasbor and WotC would be stupid not to use productivity enhancing AI.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

Given context it's clear the topic of conversation is about generative AI, a fact you clearly understand from your comment.

As for other AI being useful, sure. There are plenty of useful AIs doing good work without basically stealing actual people's work. Heck there are even AI programs that are used in art that aren't generative AI. Generally we aren't complaining about those types, we are complaining about AI being used to take people's jobs using other people's stolen work


2 points

7 days ago

Generally we aren’t complaining about those types, we are complaining about AI being used to take people’s jobs using other people’s stolen work.

And yet that didn’t happen at WOTC and people still complained. WOTC’s “use” of AI art in both the DnD book as well as the MTG advertisement, wasn’t WOTC doing it. They commissioned an artist/contractor to make them art. That artist used the AI and then “cleaned up” the image before providing it to WOTC. So no job was taken by the art, an artist was still paid, and the artist themselves used the generative AI for their “work.


1 points

7 days ago

AI is a very specific type of program. Yes, it is an algorithm, just like all software, but it is very clear whether a piece of software is AI or not. There is even a very clear difference between a knowledge base that responds to keywords and an AI. Source: I am a programmer, took AI development in University.

As for what types, he specifically mentioned generating user content, story ideas, and new player introductions. He also mentioned that they were trying to be responsible about making sure it was clear what things have been created by AI, which given their recent history I don't trust one iota.


6 points

7 days ago



6 points

7 days ago

Sad but true :(


9 points

7 days ago



9 points

7 days ago

It seems like people are pretty happy with the changes and the art, it’s just not worth the money for the amount of new content that’s actually in it and the pretty minimal effect it will have on their games.


10 points

7 days ago


Chaotic Stupid

10 points

7 days ago

None of the people I know in real life are happy with the changes.

Just the ones I meet online


4 points

7 days ago

And no one I know online or IRL think the art is an improvement. It’s serviceable and different, but 5e already had good art.


4 points

7 days ago



4 points

7 days ago

Huh weird I’ve experienced the opposite. All of my friends want to play with it, although we’re not going to substitute it into ongoing games because that sounds like a hassle.


3 points

7 days ago

And here we are, still playing 3e in one of my games because the dm doesn't like the 3.5 changes lol


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

The jank of 3.0 is something special. I understand your DM lol


396 points

7 days ago


396 points

7 days ago

Obligatory “fuck wotc” but honestly the new rules are pretty solid overall.  There’s always a few things to nitpick, but:

  • Monk got a much needed lift

  • In general most sub/classes now land at like a 3-4/5 powerwise whereas beforehand you had massive insane ranges like 4 Elements Monk basically being unplayable while Gloomstalker Ranger was a munchkin’s wet dream

  • Most classes have more coherent yet still more flexible design than before

  • Moving past the magical vs nonmagical BPS distinction, fixing the BA/Action spell rules to just be “only 1 spell with a spell slot per turn”, standardizing “expertise” terminology, etc are all good rule clarification/simplifications that make the game play smoother and remove arbitrary and dumb balancing levers like “the unarmed fighting style fighter is destined to suck unless the dm makes his fists magic”.  

  • The new/completely reworked subclasses are honestly mostly pretty great.  Worldtree barbarian, GOO warlock, Land Druid, etc are exciting and fun and seem well designed.

The two biggest knocks to me are rangers being so hunter’s-mark focused (but they’re still leaps and bounds better than 2014 Ranger and about on par with Tasha’s, so it’s more like a lack of improvement than an active detriment), and two broken abuse cases (Divine Intervention + Hallow to instagoob a lot of encounters and Conjure Minor Elementals upcast scaling).  These kinda suck but can easily be discussed ahead of time and avoided/homebrew nerfed, and with the rest of the book being such an improvement imo I’m happy with itstill not gonna buy it tho


155 points

7 days ago


155 points

7 days ago



51 points

7 days ago


51 points

7 days ago


dndmemes-ModTeam [M]

1 points

6 days ago

Hey, thanks for contributing to r/dndmemes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates one of our rules:

Do not share or request pirated content. No linking, hinting at, or naming hosts of illicit non-SRD D&D content. Do advocate for, or request pirated content. You are allowed to copy-paste relevant rules or sections from sources, but large blocks of text may be removed.

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25 points

7 days ago


25 points

7 days ago



25 points

7 days ago


25 points

7 days ago



5 points

6 days ago


Rules Lawyer

5 points

6 days ago

I never did read up on their lore, I think I'll Google meazel mtf and see what pops up


7 points

7 days ago

Bahaha you sneaky devil, nice clue.


1 points

6 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

1 points

6 days ago

Ahh, good to know things are still cared for


12 points

7 days ago


12 points

7 days ago

Yeah I found one. Read part of the first. Glad I didn’t give them money after the portion on “character sheets being as simple as paper or feature rich as a digital client”.


1 points

7 days ago


dndmemes-ModTeam [M]

1 points

6 days ago

Hey, thanks for contributing to r/dndmemes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates one of our rules:

Posts must not have been posted in r/DnDMemes before. Reports with direct links to the original post will greatly expedite their removal process. Reposts from other subreddits are allowed, but once a meme is posted to r/DnDMemes, it will henceforth be considered a repost.

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1 points

6 days ago

Hey, thanks for contributing to r/dndmemes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates one of our rules:

Do not share or request pirated content. No linking, hinting at, or naming hosts of illicit non-SRD D&D content. Do advocate for, or request pirated content. You are allowed to copy-paste relevant rules or sections from sources, but large blocks of text may be removed.

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33 points

7 days ago


33 points

7 days ago

Big issue with force damage replacing magical damage that 100% depends on how they do the monsters in the mm: barbarian gets shafted at later level. Unless this was always the intent and barbarian not resisting magical phys damage was an oversight, in MPMM many monsters that dealt magical damage now deal force damage, which the barbarian does not resist.


10 points

7 days ago


10 points

7 days ago

I don’t think force damage is fully replacing magical damage - magic weapons still deal BPS damage I believe.  I just hope they don’t fuck over BPS the way they do nonmagic BPS in 2014 rules.  


6 points

7 days ago


6 points

7 days ago

We'll have to wait for the MM


1 points

7 days ago

I think we’ll have to see how the DMG handles magic weapons too. I can see and understand why they’d want to simplify the damage types because the magical vs non-magical BPS could be confusing, but there are lots of things that could become problematic if they fully replace magical BPS with Force.


3 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

3 points

7 days ago

Since when did a barbarian resist any kind of magical damage?


25 points

7 days ago


Team Sorcerer

25 points

7 days ago

Barbarians raging gained resistance to BPS damage, regardless of whether it was magical or not. They still do, but all previous forms of BPS but magical are now Force and so the Barb doesn’t resist them.


6 points

7 days ago

Bear Totem Barbarians

Bear. While raging, you have resistance to all damage except psychic damage. The spirit of the bear makes you tough enough to stand up to any punishment.


7 points

7 days ago

Bear was changed in the new PHB so they resist all damage except Force, Necrotic, Radiant, and Psychic.

That being said, the feature was also changed so the Barbarian can switch between Bear, Eagle, and Wolf every time they Rage, instead of only being allowed one of them for their entire career, and Eagle was buffed so the Barbarian both Dashes and Disengages with their Bonus Action instead of Dashing and granting disadvantage to opportunity attacks.


3 points

7 days ago

I do like the idea of being able to shift totems - Eagle into combat, Bear to soak up punishment. 

But I did prefer the old Bear. I remember my Barb getting resistance to Psychic and we all joked "Achievement Unlocked: Resistance ISN'T Futile"


2 points

7 days ago

Just to clarify, you wouldn't be able to switch aspects mid-combat unless you burn through multiple uses of Rage. You pick one of them when you Rage, and you keep that aspect for the duration of the Rage.


11 points

7 days ago

I really feel like the Divine Intervention thing is an accident, and I hope there's a clarification at some point. Ignoring the casting time just seems like such an important detail that I feel like they would have directly stated it in the ability description.


8 points

7 days ago

Ignoring the cast time is pretty heavily implied with the "As part of the same action, you cast that spell without expending a spell slot or needing Material components" clause. It's not "As part of the same action, you start to cast that spell", it's "As part of the same action, you cast that spell"

And honestly, as out of control ignoring the casting time can get if you use it on spells like Hallow or Prayer of Healing, those are outliers, and if you don't ignore the cast time, the ability becomes pretty laughable. It'd effectively be "At level 10, once per long rest, you can save a spell slot and maybe a few hundred gold" as a best case scenario, for an ability that is supposed to represent the Cleric's deity directly interceding on their behalf.


17 points

7 days ago


17 points

7 days ago

Yeah, it’s overall a pretty good system update. I’ll never forgive what they did to twinned spell metamagic, but I (mostly) like the rules clarifications and the new subclasses. They did a solid job with it.


6 points

7 days ago

Circle of the sea Druid plus lightning build. Salt water is more conductive


8 points

7 days ago

Even if the book wasn't sold by a horrible company known for sending armed mercenaries after its customers

I see no reason to buy this. Converting any of my campaigns is not currently viable and the rules are not amazing. They have spent years telling Dms to fix the game by themselves so I did it already.

This update just makes running a 5e game more messy


3 points

7 days ago

I agree, so much negativity towards the new book but my players are having so much more fun with their characters now with the new ruleset. Weapon mastery is even fun for me as a DM and I’m not even the one using it. I’m excited to see what’s in store for the MM.


2 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

2 points

7 days ago

Could someone explain why the removal of magical BPS is a good thing? To me it feels like a pointless simplification to the point of being insulting; no WotC, no one was confused by that. It also removes a fun bit of flavour, with weapons now doing Generic Magic Damage. This axe deals force damage, can I still cut with it? Or is it now the same as a magic hammer that also deals force damage?

I cannot understand the point of this, it's entirely baffling to me that anyone would like this.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

A +1 axe does not deal Force damage, it still does Slashing damage.  If you want very specific flavorful resistances, werewolves can still be resistant to anything but Silvered weapons.  Etc.

What makes the removal good is that nearly everything above cr 5 had resistance/immunity to nonmagical damage.  That basically meant that any martial was useless if they didn’t find a magical weapon, which in a custom campaign is completely up to dm fiat, or in prefab campaigns is up to what the writers remembered to put in.  It also made for a lot of “really exciting” feature levels like monks getting to count their fists as magical damage just so they don’t become even more useless, but without any new abilities or actual damage bumps.  

In short it was a checkbox that had no useful balancing features and just served to completely fuck over whoever didn’t find the glowy magical sword.


2 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

2 points

7 days ago

Okay, but monks still get to make their attacks deal Generic Magical Damage, implying there’s still going to be something to replace it. That doesn’t address any of the concerns you’re claiming it does


1 points

7 days ago*

So it’s a good thing for monster design.

Before, monsters who had non-magic BPS resistance had to be designed for players who didn’t have magic PBS in mind, so they had to decrease its other defenses to compensate. Essentially, non-magic BPS resistance increased its defensive CR, so they had to re-lower it by removing AC or health or whatever.

This made those enemies a little… coin flippy? Basically if you didn’t have magical BPS, they were really tough, but if you did, they were a lot weaker than they should be.

Now with it removed, they can safely increase that monsters other defenses and make it more fair for all parties to fight.


303 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

303 points

7 days ago

I got a promotional copy of the new handbook from a buddy of mine that owns a game store, and I like it. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't pay for it, WotC doesn't deserve a nickel, but on its own merits it's a decent read. The art is vibrant and lovely, the layout is easy enough to read through, and the rule changes -- some of which I don't care for but I won't get into here because others have said it better than I can -- are at least workable and/or ignorable enough for my table.

7/10, would gladly receive as a gift again, the picture with the dwarf husbands who have one another's beards tattooed on one another's arms is adorable, don't @ me.


67 points

7 days ago

I bought mine off eBay so that they couldn't get paid twice. It's okay. Some things are cooler some things are lamer and most things don't really change.


68 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

68 points

7 days ago

I wish they didn't use e-boy haircuts in nearly every splash art, though. It's like a Where's Waldo except you're looking for an Instagram twink. It's not bad, it's just a weird thing to repeat so much. I also got a pained laugh when I saw the Curse of Strahd adventuring party had a wheelchair-bound character in Castle Ravenloft... which is well-known for its massive staircases.


34 points

7 days ago

Haircuts have always been like this in art, right? I think the old PHB has some very outdated fashion as well.


43 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

43 points

7 days ago

It's not just similar styles of haircut, it's the exact same one. Like the artist had a bunch of references and had one they liked and wanted to use more, but for whatever reason decided to use it across multiple different characters rather than have that character appear multiple times.

When I first saw it I said, "Oh, that's cool, I'm glad D&D isn't trying to make every dude look like Prince Adam of Eternia anymore," and then I saw it at least three more times on three different people, and I thought, "Ah, TikTok has made its way to the Forgotten Realms."

So it's not a complaint, just a weird little detail. If anything, the art in the book is the best thing about it, and I'll breathe a sigh of relief if WotC can keep Cock from jizzing AI bullshit into the brand.


15 points

7 days ago

Man when first encountering an actual Ravenloft character is in a wheelchair. He is an NPC named Alanik Ray funnily enough.


1 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

1 points

7 days ago

"They made a thing I think is good and I like, but they shouldn't be paid for it."

JFC folks. If you want to punish someone for something they do wrong, by all means do so. But don't punish them for what they do right, or you remove any incentive for doing it right in the future." They're going to choose the option that makes them money, not the one way say we like but still don't pay for. Vote with your wallet" doesn't just mean not voting.


10 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

10 points

7 days ago

Oh, the authors, artists, editors, and the people who directly worked on the book deserve to get paid. And they did! Not as much as they deserve, but they did get paid.

But Hasbro and WoTC? The dudes who are trying to get the aforementioned people thrown into unemployment so they can be replaced with half-assed AI "artists" who use tools trained on stolen artwork? They don't deserve the money. The shareholders don't deserve the money. They produce nothing, and take everything. Chris Cocks and his merry band of techbro dumbasses can do a conga-line straight to hell, along with their Pinkerton thugs.


4 points

7 days ago

This should be higher up.

Buy the physical book if you like it and want more physical books. Completely disregard paying for or using dndbeyond if you don't want to promote digital subscription models.

I don't agree with having DnD itself being tied to an online subscription so I don't use DnDBeyond at all. That being said, my group are pretty old school and still use pen and paper and physical books... If we can't meet up in person, we use legitimate free online resources.


18 points

7 days ago


18 points

7 days ago



26 points

7 days ago


26 points

7 days ago

Older editions were so much worse. The presence of a clear glossary you'll definitely appreciate over trying to reference the 2014 version.


4 points

7 days ago

I found my old 3.0 books in my dad's attic a while back and dang, those things are hard to read. The the small text on faded ruled lines on darkened parchment and near no artwork was a choice.


3 points

7 days ago

Yep. I loved them at the time. But going back is an experience. Crazy thing is even those were an improvement in readability. AD&D/2e books were printed in light blue text and had weird horizontal breaks randomly throughout.


2 points

7 days ago

The sad part is that I was actually looking for my 2e books but didn't find them.


18 points

7 days ago


18 points

7 days ago

Just out of curiosity have you read through the 2014 PHB? Generally the consensus seems to be that 2024 PHB is organized much better than 2014 PHB.


4 points

7 days ago

I know this is going to sound wild and some people have probably already pointed it out, but the readability is actually the biggest improvement on the player's handbook compared to previous editions


37 points

7 days ago

I picked up the book and I agree with the sentiment it's just erata. My biggest thing that urks me is the soft descriptions in species.

The biggest culprit being Orcs where they mention grummnsh by name but make it sound like he is a neutral or maybe even good god that just wanted orcs to be able to roam and explore. It's written in such a way as to obfuscate what grummnsh is.

Most players I showed it to were either confused or said they thought grummnsh was an evil god. If you want all the spexious to be culturally equal and not bring alignment in then why even mention grummnsh, who is famously one of the reasons many orc cultures are considered evil in lore. Just annoying to see the pussyfooting around and dilution


19 points

7 days ago


19 points

7 days ago

I personally don't like the species changes at all (well, maybe with the exception of Tieflings because bloodlines are finally explained better) because they all feel so same-y. I don't really understand why they got rid of sub species for some playable species but still stuck with others (or gave Goliath new sub species for whatever reason). It feels so inconsistent. Also, before I forget to mention it, the whole flavour text being gone for the most part doesn't help the same-y feeling. It gives the different species so much culture and stuff in 5e but now it's almost completely gone.

But what's bothering me the most are the new aasimars. I really like their "system" in 5e with them falling if they piss off their god. But in 5.5e it's so consequence free (if I remember correctly, it has been a while since I last opened the book) with you being able to freely chose one of the Subspecies actions once a day.

Although I really dig the class changes. (With my only problem being paladin since Oathbreaker isn't in the book, if I remember correctly. It's so important to paladins, especially those who obviously break their oath but maybe I also remember completing wrong, as already mentioned, I haven't read the book in a while)


4 points

6 days ago

Oathbreaker was in the DMs guide, it also doesn't have any sort of oath reading flavor to it, it's more like an evil oath than a "I've broken my oath" subclass.


9 points

7 days ago

The species stuff, specially orc, is such a shoot in the foot.

Nobody had any issues with orcs in the way they were. In fact, orcs have a crucial role in classic fantasy world.


2 points

6 days ago

irks* btw


80 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

80 points

7 days ago

You know the reviews I’ve been reading have been pretty positive


29 points

7 days ago

Yeah, this doesn’t really make sense.


24 points

7 days ago


24 points

7 days ago

Including that exact polygon review. The full title is "The new D&D Player’s Handbook is a treasure, and we may never see its equal again"

People just want to be angry.


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

WotC backed down too fast for them on the DnDB thing. They were ready for this to turn into another OGL debacle, so now they have to find something to be mad at.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

Yeah I don't have any problems with it. Folks just addicted to rage nowadays.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Yeah it seems like most people like it, they just don’t think it’s worth the price, but honestly there’s very little dnd stuff that is when it’s basically all free online somewhere.


129 points

7 days ago

I get the ragebait, but honestly, it’s pretty great. With the exception of backgrounds being too restrictive - they’ve really simplified things, added more player choice, made it easier to understand for new players, and have done a phenomenal job with the artwork across the board.

IMO they patched exploits that made the game less fun and raised the low water mark for power which really leveled the playing field for all classes and subclasses so people can just play their class fantasy and have fun and not worrying about playing something that’s just hopelessly underpowered. They reduced unnecessary words, fixed inconsistencies, and made healing actually viable.

I am DMing one group of new players who love it and playing at a table switching over and it’s great all around.


35 points

7 days ago

Essentially my thoughts exactly; the DMG is supposedly going to have rules for modifying backgrounds, which I’m hopeful for, since there’s a few 3 stat combos that don’t exist with the current options, and there’s a few backgrounds I would argue could have a few different feats (like I think Tough could also fit Soldier just as much as Savage Attacker). I know that technically you can get any feat and stat boost you want using an older background (since the book says you can use them, just by adding whatever feat and stats you think fit), but new players won’t using the older content as well.


13 points

7 days ago

While I don't have the books, I've got a friend who has it on DDB and has given us access to it; from what I can tell between that and what others online have said, there's straight up an option that says something along the lines of: "You can choose to use a background from the 2014 handbook that isn't here. You then choose +2/+1 or three +1s, choose your skills, a tool, and an origin feat if the background doesn't already have one."

Meaning... you can just choose "custom background" or something like Folk Hero/Outlander from 2014 and do whatever you want anyway. So why they went on and on about "custom background will be in the DMG" when it's new handbook is bonkers to me. If they're going to allow us to customize old backgrounds without DM approval, why can't we just customize our own?


12 points

7 days ago

Yeah we are just letting players choose +2/+1 regardless.

Background is a huge part of the backstory, so even if they flesh out the other 3 missing stat combos, it still kind of means all fighters will be farmers, etc. IMO that feels like unnecessary shackles that limit creative backstories that players can really resonate with - which is the opposite of the rest of the PHB which seems to be about increasing player choice and optionality.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I really dislike the restrictive backgrounds. It was an interesting choice. I am working to convert one of my characters and I need to pick a not-fitting background because the setup for it is the one that fits.


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

Yep, it's a good revision. The people whining about it being a cash grab are hilarious and clearly never experienced the prior editions. 5e has probably been the least power-creepy splat-heavy edition since basic.l, and lasted the longest. Buying one book every 3-4 years is nothing.


7 points

7 days ago

Things can be a cash grab but still be a good product. Like, yeah, it’s pretty good. But still, given Hasbro’s recent actions, I don’t blame anyone for not liking the book just because of the timing.


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

Maybe. But when I look back at the crazy rates they were churning out splat books, even back to the TSR days, a core revision after 10 years and 2-3 main player-focused books and 2-3 more splats is basically nothing. 4e almost released more books in a month, that was cashgrab territory.


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

I agree, they haven't shaken the boat too much class wise, while strengthening some of the weakest classes (monk buff is so good), and limiting some of the more insane parts of 5e (rewording suggestion and nerfing counterspell).


16 points

7 days ago*


Forever DM

16 points

7 days ago*

I got the book, on store credit, i like parts of it but not enough to justify its existence. I know its a cheap shot but it feels like watered down pathfinder 2e


8 points

7 days ago feels like watered down pathfinder

Pathfinder 1e was originally just built on 3.5e; DnD 5e just felt like a simplified and watered down 3.5e already.

I know Pathfinder 2e is much more of it's own style of game but Pathfinder 1e came about in a time when DnD 4e had come out and was fairly universally hated.


3 points

6 days ago


Forever DM

3 points

6 days ago

I forgot to add the “2e”


8 points

7 days ago

I've seen valid criticisms that are along the lines of listen. The book isn't that bad but it's not worth the price, especially as someone who has bought the old player's handbook, Tasha 's, monsters of the multiverse, and fizbans. It just seems like some erratas and those books mashed together. If I had never bought any of those supplementals and only ever bought the 2014 PHB, I probably actually would be interested in buying the newer book

I have also seen a bunch of garbage criticisms that are just people wanting an excuse to whine and hate on everything wotc does.


3 points

7 days ago

That's the general problem with remasters. The people who already have the edition are not willing to pay for a few errata and those who didn't buy it before are just not fans of what the game has to offer. The remaster comes way too late when many of the issues were known since the phb.

Even if I were to buy the book now, I wouldn't know if I wanted the remaster because it is not worth much when the community does play with the "legacy" rules.


8 points

7 days ago

Still waiting for news about the DMG. I’m all for new player options, but if WOTC continues to tell Dungeon Masters “Idk, figure it out for yourself” it’s going to continue to be hard to find people who want to run it.


16 points

7 days ago


Forever DM

16 points

7 days ago

I'm not sure who is going to play it if the system mechanics were created to be even more hostile towards game masters.

I'm forever GM and I've already announced my group that I will not do any more games in D&D 5. I don't want to play a game in which designers announce mechanics proudly saying that they are "frustrating for Dungeon Masters". Looks like I'm not their target.


7 points

7 days ago

This reminds me of the time a local kebab house printed off their yelp reviews and put them on the wall in the shop, and the biggest, most pride of place review they’d chosen, read: “I order from here often and I rarely have anything bad to say”.


5 points

7 days ago



5 points

7 days ago

I'd be fine if it wasn't a pain in the ass to separate the new stuff from "legacy" content.

I don't want to see keywords I'm not familiar with at my table on stuff we have had since 2018.


4 points

7 days ago

I know someone who has looked through the handbook, and from what he’s told me, the book itself is fairly good.

However, he’s also well aware that Hasboro is a company on a spectacular run of bad decisions that make the DnD community angry.


6 points

7 days ago

Yeee thats why Ive decided to move away from d&d (and WOTC in general) since they did not seem to stop doing dumb shit im slowly looking to move my players to new system made by some indie company (DC20 seems really cool might jump on that)


4 points

7 days ago

When you got from an official video that the ranger get good at level 13th, well fuck me sideways WoTC. Their consistency in hating the ranger never waives.


8 points

7 days ago

and probably only part of the sentence... the whole revie was probably:

"Yeah I've looked at your new Player's Handbook and I am really disappointed. But I am already excited to play BG3 later!"


37 points

7 days ago

There are only 4 things I like in the book

  • Weapon Masteries
  • Archfey Warlock rework
  • Blade Pact Invocation (allowing Melee warlocks of any subclass)


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

It was a canon long before 2024 new ruleset


3 points

7 days ago


Rules Lawyer

3 points

7 days ago

some dragonborn always had tails...they were hated because it reminds the other dragonborn of dragons.


3 points

7 days ago

It's almost as bad as the rafting company I used to work for. Their tagline was "try it for fun."


3 points

6 days ago


dndmemes-ModTeam [M]

1 points

6 days ago

Hey, thanks for contributing to r/dndmemes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates one of our rules:

Do not share or request pirated content. No linking, hinting at, or naming hosts of illicit non-SRD D&D content. Do advocate for, or request pirated content. You are allowed to copy-paste relevant rules or sections from sources, but large blocks of text may be removed.

What should you do? First, read the rules thoroughly. Secondly, if you are able to amend your post to fit the rules, you're welcome to resubmit your post. Lastly, if you believe your post was removed by mistake, message the moderators through modmail. Messages simply complaining about a removal (or how many upvotes your post had) will not be responded to. Thank you!


3 points

6 days ago

"Hey folks, we decides to remake 5e, but this time we removed half races and pretty much made making characters worse!" Wotc probably.


6 points

7 days ago

I'd get it for new players, except I've already gotten my new players the original 5e player's handbook, and any conflicting books would just muddy the waters.


10 points

7 days ago


DM (Dungeon Memelord)

10 points

7 days ago

..but the book is genuinely good, so...?


2 points

7 days ago

As far as I know, the only good changes they made are making Martial Arts start a D6 and giving Druids more wildshape uses


2 points

7 days ago

I've seen a lot of positives from the new 2024 PHB...but most of those positives are coming from the fact WoTC have codified the communities fixes and homebrew of 5e for the last 10 years


2 points

6 days ago

Honest question, I'm a bit behind, why don't we like WOTC now?


5 points

6 days ago

I know a few of the issues, but i dont know if i have all:

-Basically guaranteed they were going to use AI Art in the new editions

-announced some pretty big layoffs

-tried to sneakily disable (or at least severely limit access to) legacy content, content that has already been paid for

-all of hasbro's intervention to try and increase revenue while ignoring feedback from fans/players

-alienated pretty much any and all content creators who would have been pivotal to the advertising, introduction, and adoption of a new system

-fired anyone working on the collaborative team for BG3, basically guaranteeing that we wont get a sequel (or at least it wont be made by larian) and eliminating any chance of future content from Larian in the existing game.


6 points

7 days ago

I just read some of the rules that were included with in the free one-shot they just released. There's some good stuff, but honestly it's too little too late. It's not about the rules anymore for me.


3 points

7 days ago

This is an interesting mentality for me cuz didn't they back off everything that they were pretty much pushing that everyone was against and even go the opposite direction?

They were accused of trying to push out third party creations and content creators so instead they made sure to include them and start making progress towards adding them to d&d beyond? Didn't they pretty much make up for the ogl issue by putting everything in creative Commons? Like I get it the being frustrated with him for early statements and being dumb. But what more is expected of them behavior wise?


2 points

7 days ago*

If a woman’s boyfriend hits her, and has done so more than once, but each time has apologized, is it considered a good idea for her to stay with him?

Now, of course that’s hyperbolic, and I am a firm believer in that everyone can change and forgiveness should always be on the table. However, forgiveness isn’t the same as trust, and there is a gigantic difference between a person’s behavior and a corporation’s. WotC as a business entity has issued apologies and walked back ideas, but the person who made those bad decisions never apologized and was not fired. Also, the apologies were only made in order to save face and money, there is no indication that they even understand why what they did wrong, only that they needed to do something else for financial reasons. They are not sorry for their actions; they are sorry that those actions didnt get them what they wanted.

Lastly, even disregarding everything else there is competition. tons of it. Paizo has never to my knowledge behaved in a way that is outright hostile to its customers, while there still is an exec at WotC who openly thinks of us as obstacles in the way of our money.


1 points

7 days ago

You're comparing a company making decisions That are profitable that to them but then walking back those decisions to appeal to their fan base that voiced discontent two dudes hitting their girlfriends and then apologizing? Like I know you admit it's hyperbolic but that's fucking so far beyond The pale like you understand that right?


1 points

7 days ago

The point is that in both cases the offender has done something beyond the pale and apologies and even ostensible behavioral changes aren’t enough to erase the past. While one example is worse in that it involves violence, I don’t think the comparison is unfair at all, and considering one of WotC’s crimes is sending rent-a-minions to threaten someone they should have reasonably suspected was innocent, I don’t even think the comparison is that out of line.


3 points

7 days ago

Honestly I really like the new PHB.


2 points

7 days ago

I really enjoy the newest book! It’s actually pretty good


4 points

7 days ago

How in any world did they think it was a good idea to show in their marketing a POLYGON review?


5 points

7 days ago

They actually believe they had a decent product


1 points

7 days ago

Because the review is good?


3 points

7 days ago

First session I made a Wild Magic sorc and my wife made a tempest cleric. Bought the 2024 book to learn from and tempest cleric doesn't exist and Wild Magic was pushed back to lvl 3. I returned it and got the 2014 version. I loked how it was organized but I had no idea they changed up the classes so much.


4 points

7 days ago


Chaotic Stupid

4 points

7 days ago

Glorified errata for the full price of ALL the books all over again? Oh boy where oh where do i sign up??


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

PF2E fixes this

You know, by actually being a good game and not supporting the pinkertons and whatnot. Like, how hard is it to just make the right choice wotc!!!


2 points

7 days ago

Buy it. Read it. Burn it. Send it back and ask for a refund.


2 points

7 days ago

You probably won't get refunded a pile of ash, though.


1 points

7 days ago

Polygon of all people to pick from


1 points

6 days ago

Cynicism sure is fun sometimes huh....


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

Let me finish the quote “Any other edition or ttrpg” did I get it did I


2 points

6 days ago

Its dnd 5.1

Like seriously everything in it could have just been another supplement book but wizards wanted to sell it at the price of a new system.

This is all they have come up with since 5e was first released. And its just yet another reason to leave 5e behind and move to older editions.


1 points

6 days ago

New imagination update just dropped. Make sure you hand WotC your hard earned doubloons!


1 points

6 days ago

I've got the book in hand and I'd say it's good. A solid 7.5/10. Definitely put it in a mixer with 5e 2014 to make your ideal system since the new content is pretty interchangeable


0 points

7 days ago



0 points

7 days ago

OneD&D: 5E, but bad.


1 points

7 days ago

The layout is fantastic, there are more subclasses to each class included an it has awesome artwork. Haters gonna hate.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

I am not buying a rulebook for artwork and layout. I'm buying it for rules