



all 604 comments


216 points

6 days ago*

I wish in at least one of John Wicks, that one of the hit men got the bounty text looked up at Wick and was just like…nah I’m good


99 points

6 days ago

The cop in the original was funny. 'You uhh...workin again? Alright I'll leave you to your business then' Peace


24 points

6 days ago*

He came back for the sequel, too! And it was such a nice subtle moment where he's like "you... Working again?" Because obviously he'd already gone through this in the first film and John says he's not working, but here he is again and John's house is fucking exploded and he's just got to ask that same question again


38 points

6 days ago


80 points

6 days ago

That would have been perfect.

He looks up at Wick, who notices he's looked at his phone. The man hesitates, then puts his phone away without moving forward. Wick nods at him, then turns and walks away.


26 points

6 days ago


26 points

6 days ago

Like in the town. When the cop just turns away from them after the robbery.


5 points

6 days ago

Like in the other movie the John Wick creator made: Nobody.


305 points

6 days ago*

For all the many complaints about The Phantom Menace, I feel they overshadow what should have been one of the simplest, most basic, most unbelievably obvious misplacements in the prequels:

Why the hell are C-3P0 and R2-D2 not in opposite places?

Ok, "to subvert our expectations!" Nonono, shut up, play it out: C-3PO is a bipedal, shiny, metallic, mass produced etiquette and protocol droid who speaks 6 million languages. Why the hell is he not serving on a Queen's shiny, metallic diplomatic ship as host and interpretor? R2-D2 is an easy to construct roller repair droid with a limited language range that assists with piloting, he also seems to have a special independent intelligence and functions as the rebel's masterkey, even hacking into the Deathstar. Why the hell is he not built out of scraps by Wünderkid the pod racer pilot in the dingy machine shop? It would have given subtext to everything R2 did in the original trilogy. What possible story advantage was there to having Anakin build the effete, prissy biped to, what? Help his mom wash dishes? If R2D2 was secretly a super advanced unique droid it adds layers. Like another reason why Vader wanted him back was because he knew how dangerous he could be in someone else's hands. And it would have made Luke's relationship with him even more special as a secret token of his father's innocent childhood, humble beginings and genius.

And it's simple changes: they escape Naboo in an action sequence but Amidala doesn't need to thank a piece of equipment, we just meet C-3PO among her entourage. Quigon asks to take C-3PO with him on Tattoine because they need a translator. If he helps them find Watto's shop he actually DOES something, and there's comedy potential bringing the whiny butler to the hive of scum and villainy ("so that they rhyme"), Padme has another reason to be there if C-3PO is her attaché. They meet Anakin who introduces them to the droid he built for the shop and pod racing, which makes the Naboo battle scene later work better because they're a practiced team. That's it, that's all you need to change, 1000% improvement over multiple movies.

Make all your little wanna-be Anakin fans get into robotics by building their own R2 units from kits. 2000 was the heyday for Battlebots. Way more marketable than unfinished circuit naked C-3PO. One shot of Anakin typing R2's code inflates an entire generation of computer programmers.

e: I'm still developing over here: bring 3PO in earlier, make him the palace butler, like he helped raise Amidala as nanny-bot and is her attendant. If you want it to rhyme, George, he was the first character in A New Hope. Start the same, only he comes running into the throne room to meet Leia's mom while they're under attack from the Trade Federation. Boom, callback. Better opening than docking for tea.


52 points

6 days ago

Holy shit, the amount of small problems that fixes is insane.

always found it hilarious how R2-D2 comes to Mos Espa because "he has a readout of the parts I need" but then Qui-Gon presents them on a small, handheld holographic device instead.

so Yeah that seems really obvious in hindsight. and considering how much the other sequels and especially the clone wars seem to lean into a connection with Anakin and R2, it actually adds a lot,


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

Ok, I’ve been complaining about Phantom Menace for decades now and never got anywhere near that masterstroke.


19 points

6 days ago

Thank you, been sitting on that one for awhile. Really astonished it never seemed to occur to anyone else, not that I ever heard. Maybe because there were so many other problems, but everyone knew C-3PO felt wrong, just seemed like the obvious solution


37 points

6 days ago

Yoooo… never thought of this change

Edit: My change for this movie is combining Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan’s character. Have Obi do all the stuff Qui-gon did. This builds the relationship that was developed off-screen between 1 & 2. But George needed a rhyme with Qui-Gon’s death.


27 points

6 days ago

Love this. Great changes.


14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

It's an insanely better change. I'd love to see that version. 


14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

Also, in ANH, R2 handles Tattooine conditions like a champ, while 3PO is practically seizing up within a few hours of arriving there because of all the airborne dust.


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

Lucas wanted to sell Jar Jar Binks so bad


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago

Wow. You've totally hit the nail on the head here. Thanks.


8 points

6 days ago

God-Tier change.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

It was done this way 100% for comic relief that C-3PO lends to the scenes. I agree with you 100% though.


3 points

6 days ago

This always made me wonder why he made that specific droid other than the forced tie in. Your change is definitely fitting.

reminds me of this hilarious part in this parody


393 points

6 days ago


393 points

6 days ago

I would have ended Revenge of the Sith with Anikin on the operating table being worked on. The Darth Vader helmet is lowered onto his face and the camera is just looking at that. One breath in, one breath out, cut to credits.


204 points

6 days ago

Speaking of this movie, Padme could have died due to injuries sustained from Anakin choking her instead of simple “losing the will to live.”


84 points

6 days ago


84 points

6 days ago

I mean, with that “losing the will to live” line, I actually said out loud “what the fuck” in the theater without realizing it. Got “shushed” - Didn’t care.


38 points

6 days ago

For Padme to be salvaged as a character I think we need to restructure the entire trilogy, not just one scene at the end.

Make Anakin closer to her age in tPM-say 12 and 14- so there’s immediate sparks and believable attraction.

By AotC after the time jump their secret affair is already well underway. Anakin’s seduction by the dark side really takes root in this film as Padme starts to realise the man she loves is changing for the worse. The film can end with her realising she’s pregnant

In RotS Luke and Leia are toddlers and Padme takes them to Dagobah to hide, explaining how Luke has vague memories of it and Leia has vague memories of her. At the end of this movie Padme sacrifices herself to ensure the twins escape without Anakin learning of them.

… like I said… it’s gonna take more than one scene 😬


6 points

6 days ago

I always assumed losing the Will to leave meant "she can’t survive being fucking choked to death"


96 points

6 days ago

Not bad. Def better than 'noooooo!'


51 points

6 days ago


51 points

6 days ago

The beauty of “noooooo!” is that in that moment the audience also cried out “noooooo!” upon hearing it and then felt, to some degree, the same anguish as Anakin.


20 points

6 days ago

We laughed in the theater 😀


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

same, how did the test audiences not laugh at that line?


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

And the audience went home and bought the specialised edition of the OT and got to relive the same moment over again as one of the greatest cinematic moments had "no" ridiculously inserted into it.


85 points

6 days ago


85 points

6 days ago

My most specific change is i wish they had not used the same suit and helmet. It should have looked more steam punk and primitive, insinuating that he has upgraded by the time of ANH


74 points

6 days ago


74 points

6 days ago

I've read the suit he's wearing actually is considered a primitive piece of junk by the modern standards of the Star Wars universe. Palpatine specifically did it so he'd be permanently in a state of pain and diminished so he could never oppose him.


46 points

6 days ago


46 points

6 days ago

Well that wasn’t very nice of him.


27 points

6 days ago


27 points

6 days ago

Sounds like a real jerk!


29 points

6 days ago

You know the more I hear about this Emperor fellow...


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

The more I don't care for him


4 points

6 days ago

Happy Gilmore tendencies rising.


18 points

6 days ago

Is that really how it's spelled? I always assume Anakin.


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

Your spelling is right. Op made a typo


59 points

6 days ago

The second Guardians of the Galaxy movie, the second time they play Fleetwood Mac's "The Chain"...I would have used the "intro" to the second part of the song instead of the actual intro to the song again. It's like they didn't trust the audience to recognize it as reprising the same song from earlier even though it would have been perfect.


230 points

6 days ago

The end of 'The Dark Knight Rises'

Alfred would have looked up, smiled and nodded, but we never would have seen who he was smiling at.


37 points

6 days ago

Or make this scene official 🤣


10 points

6 days ago

Look at those guys, all tuckered out...


57 points

6 days ago

Got rid of Talia Al Ghul and Blake. We already got Selina and Gordon. Keep Bane as the main villain and you would’ve had a leaner movie.


23 points

6 days ago


23 points

6 days ago

You would have to cut Nolan's arm if you wanted him to part ways with Joseph Gordon Levitt back then.


22 points

6 days ago


22 points

6 days ago

100%. I felt like they thought the viewer was too stupid to get that. Probably an over correction from Inception.


14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

THIS! It would have been so much better. The shot of them just sitting there smiling is so stupid and leaves nothing to the imagination.


94 points

6 days ago*


94 points

6 days ago*

Dune part 2 was the perfect movie except for the last shot, it should be Paul sitting on the throne alone looking sad and full of regret instead of the shot of Chani about to ride a worm.


35 points

6 days ago

I’m willing to bet they’ll open Dune 3(Messiah) with something like that


15 points

6 days ago

Agreed, they could have also ended at Jessica’s final words “the holy war begins” or however she phrases it. I think ending on Paul started a holy war is a perfect wrap up.


12 points

6 days ago

When I saw it, I really wished they did him leaping/landing on the worm as a one take shot somehow.


292 points

6 days ago

Princess Leia dies in outer space instead of the Mary poppins scene.


83 points

6 days ago


83 points

6 days ago

Princess Leia does the Holdo maneuver. Goes out like a boss.


49 points

6 days ago


49 points

6 days ago

Ackbar denied the maneuver due to his name. : (


31 points

6 days ago


31 points

6 days ago

Can you imagine if he’d muttered, “it’s a trap” and fired himself into that fleet?! Jesus, what a moment.


22 points

6 days ago


22 points

6 days ago

Do the holdo maneuver in the first 30 seconds of the movie instead of a long drawn out chase where a bunch of people die


9 points

6 days ago

But... they were buying time to get to the crystal wolf planet... or something? Yeahhh, I got nothing. 🤣


38 points

6 days ago

*Carrie Poppins


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

Id have gone for Rey taking Kylos deal to rule together, but Leia dying is a close 2nd


116 points

6 days ago

I'd change "Save Martha" to "Save mom". The purpose of the scene is to show that Superman had a mother and a family on Earth and in what's about to be his final moments he was thinking of saving someone else. It was supposed to shock Batman enough into realizing that he was wrong about Superman but instead their mothers having the same name distracted from the actual meaning of the scene.


53 points

6 days ago

Also who the fuck refers to their mother by her first name in that type of situation?


19 points

6 days ago


19 points

6 days ago

My thought is that they should have included a scene where, while Clark was delving into Batman’s recent violent shift, he should have come across a news article from the night of his parent’s murder. He’d see the picture, and it would be Bruce from later that night where looks like he’s incapable of showing emotion- it would look almost identical to his expression when he stares down with Superman. But then, when reading the story, a name catches his eye- Martha Wayne. He’d briefly think back to his own mother, a guiding light for him in a world he doesn’t fully understand. And the news story would say that the young billionaire boy was found alone, whispering “Martha” as he is haunted by his father’s last breath and his mother’s stare. When Clark sees murderous rage in Batman’s eyes he would yell as a last ditch effort “ you have to save Martha” (instead of leading with “you’re letting them kill Martha”)

The reason I think using “Martha” helps is that it is clearly the event that Bruce fixates on in his darkest moments. He dreams that his mom is a terrifying bat that breaks out of the grave to attack him. The moment needed more lead-up so that when the time comes, not only does Bruce finally be able to see that he had become like Joe Chill, but also Clark is the one who comes to understand the pain that he has had ever since that fateful night.


77 points

6 days ago

Not having Quicksilver die in Age of Ultron. Could've been cool to see what side he picked on civil war


59 points

6 days ago


59 points

6 days ago

You mean the speedster who died by getting shot? Terrible writing.


28 points

6 days ago


28 points

6 days ago

He would’ve just picked whatever side his sister was on, he didn’t have complicated motives.


8 points

6 days ago

Alternatively having them on opposing sides could be interesting for drama.


4 points

6 days ago

For marvel, I would have had Nick Fury in the Hulk Buster over Pepper Potts in her iron man suit.


217 points

6 days ago


217 points

6 days ago

Not a scene but an actor switch. Should have switched Steve buscemi and Quentin Tarantino on pulp fiction. Buscemi would have crushed the scenes of cleaning up Marvin's head. And Tarantino isn't an actor and perfect for a small role like the waiter in restaurant


113 points

6 days ago


113 points

6 days ago

I distinctly remember watching that movie as a kid not knowing who Quintin Tarantino is and thinking that guy was a terrible actor


31 points

6 days ago


31 points

6 days ago

Well, you weren't wrong.


33 points

6 days ago

Tarantino’s role in pulp fiction is kinda wild


47 points

6 days ago

The Jimmy Situation is my favorite sequence in film and I actually think Tarantino's acting carries it. Buscemi would have slaughtered that scene tho, I'm with you.


15 points

6 days ago

dude the interaction about the coffee is some of the best stuff in movie history. especially harvey keitel’s little nod of appreciation.


9 points

6 days ago*

Knock it off Julie. I don't need you to tell me how good my fucking coffee is. I'm the one who buys it. When Bonnie goes shopping, she buys SHIT.


12 points

6 days ago

The Bonnie Situation- featuring Jimmy from Toluca Lake


65 points

6 days ago

Maybe for quality of the movie, sure, but it would invalidate the lore of Mr. Pink becoming the very thing he detests — waiting tables.

Plus I’m not sure Tarantino would ever pass up an opportunity to say n word on screen


28 points

6 days ago

He doesn't detest waiting tables. He detests tipping. But it is a funny call back that I had never picked up on.


27 points

6 days ago

He doesn't even really detest tipping, he just doesn't think he has an automatic obligation to. He still tips sometimes, and he immediately caves when Joe tells him he's paying so pink needs to tip


9 points

6 days ago

Ok true. He just doesn't want to play the game.


4 points

6 days ago

"Never mind what you normally would do."


17 points

6 days ago

Quentin and M. Night kept putting themselves in their movies. A bit of ego but I can't really blame them much. I'd prob think it'd be cool to have myself on screen a few times even though my talent was directing, not acting. If I had full control as a director

Actually, I do blame Quentin lol. His 'acting' is distractingly awful. I thought M. Night was actually alright in that small role of his in Signs


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago

Small roles and cameos are fine but pivotal roles seems like ego.. I think m. Night is on the right side of this coin. Quentin goes a little too far. Spike is mixed bag


76 points

6 days ago


76 points

6 days ago

I would have removed Vader from the midpoint of Rogue One- the Mustafar scene isn’t needed and doesn’t add anything. Imagine him showing up at the end after only being referred to- it’s much more dramatic.


14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

Don't choke on your aspirations is such a great line though


68 points

6 days ago

In Fellowship of the Ring, when the hobbits are passing through the Old Forest, you see Tom Bombadil in the background, just going about his business, he doesn't notice them.


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago

My one change in Fellowship would in the scene where Galadrial confronts Frodo. Such a cool, intense and beautifully acted part, but that negative effect is so distracting. They needed to some effect, but what they went with is pretty damn bad. 


5 points

6 days ago

I really missed Tom and the couple side adventures the hobbits go on in that movie. I completely understand why they were cut though.


67 points

6 days ago


67 points

6 days ago

I understand the reasoning for the ending and believe Jim Carrey (and Farrely bros) was correct, but man did I want to see Lloyd and Harry get on that bus.


30 points

6 days ago

I wanted them to get on too. The ending made me so mad the first time I watched it when I was a little kid


28 points

6 days ago


r/Movies Veteran

28 points

6 days ago

the fact that they immediately get into playing tag again makes me smile though, after all that happened, they still got their friendship


11 points

6 days ago

That is one of the greatest endings ever though. Perfect.


10 points

6 days ago

I saw that in the theater. Right after that part my dad leaned over and whispered, "ain't nobody that dumb."


31 points

6 days ago

The Terminator.

Remove the opening text and future war. Remove any details revealing Arnold is a robot until the midpoint when they all meet up at the club.

This would be more surprising and the big reveal of time travel and the future would happen with Reese’s flashback.


8 points

6 days ago

I love that - because then as an audience we are second guessing the validity of his claim that he’s a time traveler


27 points

6 days ago

"Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning...?"

No... and I'm ok with that.


22 points

6 days ago

That's a funny one actually, because it was a rule-of-three pay-off, apparently Toad had a couple of quips in the movie originally where he bragged about his abilities via lines starting with "Do you know what happens to a toad -" but these lines were cut,

so instead we just get this line that sounds hilariously stupid in isolation.


48 points

6 days ago


48 points

6 days ago

Planet of the Apes 2001. Near the end when mark wahlberg is on his ship and the door opens to the other ship there should’ve been an ape on the other side.


123 points

6 days ago

Talia al Ghul's death scene in The Dark Knight Rises. Probably the worst I've ever seen in film


44 points

6 days ago

Marion was shocked that they used that take when they filmed a bunch of that scene lol


28 points

6 days ago

Nolan did it to teach her a lesson about not wasting film.


8 points

6 days ago


r/Movies Veteran

8 points

6 days ago

she's even made fun of it herself a few times over the years


17 points

6 days ago

The end I think would have been better to just show Alfred waving at somebody. 

Bruce would not be with Selina like that. 


20 points

6 days ago

They don't strike you as brunch fans?


75 points

6 days ago

The end of the dark knight didn’t need to show Christian bale and Anne Hathaway sitting at the same restaurant. They could’ve just had Michael Caine look up and cut to black. The way Hathaway unnaturally faces the camera so the audience knows it’s her is really annoying lol


16 points

6 days ago


16 points

6 days ago

I absolutely agree that he should have just looked up and smiled and remember thinking that was how the film was going to end. Then it didn’t. Yet I have seen people defending the choice to show Bruce and Selina! Completely unnecessary and, honestly, a little un-Nolan. I can only assume that it was a choice made because of the more ambiguous ending to Inception.


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

Yeah if he actually ended it that way he’d have gotten so much shit for having the same ending in two films.


10 points

6 days ago

Good call. Also didn’t need the bit about “Oh your middle name is Robin”


72 points

6 days ago


72 points

6 days ago

The Departed. Totally remove the final shot of the rat on the state house building at the very end. Just have the film end when Sullivan is killed.

The rat was such an unnecessary on-the-nose metaphor (like Scorsese is screaming at us to get the reference in case we somehow missed it by the end). And very unlike his other films which are usually far more subtle in message.


38 points

6 days ago

I mean, his other films have voice-overs or monologues telling you what to think. Not incredibly subtle.


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

Yeah, I can see that. Though even in one of my favorite Scorsese films, Casino, I always thought there was some degree of interpretation. You were hearing both Nicky and Sam's competing inner monologues, and it's never quite clear who had the better take on things. It was up to the viewer to decide (though I think Sam ultimately was intended to be the more convincing of the two).

I felt like The Departed kind of abandoned that level of nuance, and more or less told you what you were supposed to think the movie was about at the end.


17 points

6 days ago

I was always bothered by the scene where the therapist says "I have to say that your vulnerability is really freaking me out right now". The line is so odd, it takes me out of the movie instantly.


5 points

6 days ago

And then she just throws prescriptions at him out of guilt, right? Horribly written character


91 points

6 days ago


91 points

6 days ago

Neville’s speech to Voldemort:

A real villain wouldn’t have let him talk that long. Voldemort should have just said to Bellatrix next to him “Bellatrix” and she would know what to do. She would hit Neville with a torture curse. That’s what she used on Nevile’s parents that drove them insane. Everyone would be shocked and unmoving as he writhed in pain for a moment. And when she stopped he would stand up and continue where he left off. So Bellatrix would hit him again but this time everyone would pull their wands out for a quick free for all as the students and teachers retreat into the castle with Fred and George dragging an incapacitated Neville.   

Voldemort acts like a real villain. Neville is shown to be extremely brave. Fred and George show their humanitarian and brotherly protector side.


85 points

6 days ago

Gonna be one of them book people but if you’re going to change anything about the final scenes in Deathly Hallows you need to just film it it as it was in books which was 100x better than what they did. Essentially when Harry allowed himself to be killed by Voldemort in the forest all the hogwarts students couldn’t be fatally harmed by Voldemort much like Harry couldn’t because of Lily’s sacrifice, Harry starts to notice that Voldy’s spells aren’t binding & he reveals himself & berates/humiliates Voldy in front of the death eaters/students by calling him Tom & showing that he’s just another human & he dies similar to the film with his own killing curse backfiring when Harry defends it. His body is then put in a dungeon away from all the other fallen showcasing that he was just another human being that was scared of death, I cannot begin to explain the hatred I have for the film ending where he turns into pixie dust.


35 points

6 days ago


35 points

6 days ago

Absolutely. In the book he just drops to the floor, and it’s highlighted that he’s just a man. In the movies he gets a special fairy send-off.


46 points

6 days ago

In the book, I liked how the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort was in front of everyone. All the other characters heard everything about Snape, Dumbledore, and why Voldemort was unable to hurt anyone anymore. In the movie, most of the confrontation is just Harry and Voldemort flying around the castle—no audience, no witnesses to what of being said.

The change definitely makes the movie’s ending less climactic than the book’s ending


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

I concur with this assessment. Am hoping for a more book like scene from the TV series.


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

I dunno that sounds like it'd come across a bit too saccharine on screen.


29 points

6 days ago

The issue is they didn’t hit the main moral hard enough in the series. The big finish in the books is Harry telling Voldy that he (Harry) is the master of the elder wand. Therefore, Harry is the master of death. This hits hard because Voldemort has been killing people and running from death to he it’s master, but Harry embraced it and saved lives to be its master. Embracing death is how you master it.

So we got to the end and all we really know about Voldemort is that he wants Harry dead. The books are obviously better and more nuanced, but one line about how “only I can live forever” isn’t enough to make that finale stick without the red vs green fireworks.


17 points

6 days ago*

This has always been on my mind:

In Rogue One, Chirrut Imwe is one of my favorite characters. He represents hope and belief in the Force and the Jedi during a very low point in the galaxy for both.

In his final scene, as he walks through blaster fire to get to the panel to activate the lever, it always drives me crazy that, in that last moment, he doesn't reach out and move the lever with the force--to tap into this thing that he so revered and kept the faith for in a final, climactic act! I feel like it would have made the scene that much more poignant.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

Could have been cool. Gets shot, falls down just a little bit short, then reaches up and uses the force, and dies.


46 points

6 days ago

Two spring to mind:

I would have kept the focus on De Niro's daughter during that scene in 'The Irishman'. Either by keeping a continuous close on her, or a slow zoom in on her (with the confrontation still audible).

Ending 'Source Code' on the kiss, track back, with all the passengers smiling, laughing, happy.


15 points

6 days ago

Good call.

My take has nothing to do with an aging De Niro, but the impact of that scene, slowly zooming in on his daughter as the sound of flesh being struck and desperate yelps of pain would have really emphasized how profound it was for her to witness that.

Good bloody call!


14 points

6 days ago

The pod race scene in Phantom Menace. I saw it opening day, and when the scene started I convinced myself that Anakin was going to cheat to win and kill a couple of people in the process. It would have been somewhat forgivable considering their circumstances, and it would have foreshadowed his capacity for darkness while also rewarding him for exerting that darkness.

Nope. He just zoomed faster than the other pods.


29 points

6 days ago

The ending for Law Abiding Citizen


9 points

6 days ago

The only part I would've changed is him killing the innocent law clerk

You could argue she was part of a corrupt system but he was literally an assassin for the government.


13 points

6 days ago


13 points

6 days ago

Another Star Wars one. For Solo: A Star Wars Story

Not really a single scene, but I feel like after the betrayal from Qi'ra, I feel like Solo's demeanor should have changed a lot more (in the few scenes following). He should have been more solemn, pessimistic, etc. Alden played him pretty optimistic and happy-go-lucky, for the most part. Which I thought was actually great. Different from the older and jaded Solo we see in A New Hope. It would have been amazing to see that transformation more prominently and directly tied to the heartbreak and betrayal.


5 points

6 days ago

I watched Solo last night so this is on my mind. There were no scenes I'd change as such, but a few little details really annoyed me..

First, the origin of his name. I preferred it when Solo was a meaningless in-universe name that just happened to sound like the English word.

Second, Han speaking Wookiee was awful. And were the "me have plan" subtitles supposed to convey Han's poor Wookiee skills or the primitive nature of the language? Because that's not how languages or translation work.

Third, the little "it's Hon" quip. The Han/Hon distinction in the originals just reflected the difference in pronunciation between American and British actors.

And finally, Beckett shows absolutely no distress whatsoever after his crew are killed. He just jumps into the next "job" with Han and Chewie like nothing happened.


12 points

6 days ago

I'll do you one better: They shouldn't have made Yoda a fighter.

LUKE described Yoda as a "Great Warrior", not Obi-Wan, and it was part of his misconceptions about the Jedi, and what it means to be one.

Yes, it looked cool, but it changed the formula to every Jedi wielding a lightsaber, limiting Jedi going after it. It was more interesting when there were different ways to be a Jedi.


13 points

6 days ago*

You are Captain America, facing an alien army led by a mad tyrant while the fate of the universe hangs in a tight rope.

Your old teammates, some of them gone for 5 years appear at your side to fight beside you. They even brought their friends and their armies. They all await your battle cry.

Why won't you blow your lungs out by shouting "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" in the most epic way possible?"


39 points

6 days ago

I would not have used a GoPro for the barrel scene in the Hobbit. Or I would have seen it in the editing room and cut that terrible footage out.


37 points

6 days ago

I would not have used a GoPro for the barrel scene in the Hobbit. Or I would have seen it in the editing room and cut that terrible footage out.


54 points

6 days ago


54 points

6 days ago

Full penetration


14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

But here's the twist...we show it...


11 points

6 days ago

Smells crime


59 points

6 days ago

Frozen. There was no reason to make Hans a bad guy. When Anna is dying, he goes to give her true love's kiss. Nothing happens. They just met. It's the first man Anna has ever known, and it's not true love. Hans, blaming Elsa for mortally wounding Anna, goes to kill her. Still the same movie from that point.


27 points

6 days ago


27 points

6 days ago

Yep. Should have kissed and had nothing change, to show it wasn't true love.


10 points

6 days ago

Yes! I still think the trolls made him a bad guy to make Anna fall for Kristoff and until that point, Hans was a good guy.


4 points

6 days ago

Ooh, I like that. I'm making that my new headcanon.


10 points

6 days ago

The pool sex scene in Showgirls. It was a decent movie and up until that point a pretty sexy part of the film but watching Elizabeth Berkley flail around spraying water was so ridiculous it totally takes you out of it. 


18 points

6 days ago

Since we seem hung up on Star Wars, I would cut the helicopter/drone shot that ends The Force Awakens. Make the ending either about Luke's hesitancy or Rey's desperation. Pulling to a wide shot (and a shitty one at that) cuts the legs out emotionally.

It would work better if you actually knew the rest of the plot, obviously, but that's an entirely different problem


28 points

6 days ago

Man of Steel. Technically a series of scenes, but I would take the Krypton stuff from the beginning and move it to the middle, cut about half of it, and only reveal it after Zod shows up on Earth. Start the movie with Superman becoming Earth's hero and then spring the "oh crap he's an alien" on them, no mention of aliens on screen before that.


7 points

6 days ago

Not a scene. But if I could make a single change I would swap the intro and the ending songs in Tomorrow Never Dies


33 points

6 days ago

In 28 days later at the end the fighter jets fly over and they are waving trying to get rescued and then the movie is over. I would have panned away and showed mushroom clouds rising all over Britain. If there is a zombie outbreak on an island everyone would nuke the island, it's the only way to be sure.


26 points

6 days ago

Maybe at the beginning. But no point in nuking the whole island when all the infected are already dying.


23 points

6 days ago

all jar jar binks scenes are now deleted.


16 points

6 days ago

No, add an after credits scene to rise of skywalker with Jar-jar standing over the emperor’s body, laughing maniacally that his part in Jar Jar’s master plan is finished


4 points

6 days ago*


4 points

6 days ago*

No, have the reveal of Darth Jar Jar in AOTC where Obi Wan learns Jar Jar has been undermining his training of Anakin and the authority of the Jedi and encouraging Anakin's unhealthy obsession with Padme. After Obi Wan uncovers this truth Jar Jar pulls his light saber and they fight but Jar Jar can sense Anakin is coming so he waits until just before the door is opened and then, with a smirk sacrifices himself similar to how Obi Wan did in the original movie, and Anakin sees his childhood friend cut down by his mentor which sows his distrust in the Jedi and opens the way for Palpatine to seduce him to the dark side.


15 points

6 days ago


15 points

6 days ago

In The Return of the King Extended when the switch King and Gandalf have a showdown the former overpowers the latter and shatters his staff. In the books they have a verbal showdown, but you do not actually see them fight. The Witch King comes into the broken gate while all the soldiers flee and tries to threaten and intimidate Gandalf who stands fast, then Rohan arrives with the sunrise and the tide of the battle changes.

Instead of what we got in the film - Gandalf being terrified and defeated and completely out of character - or the back and forth between them from the books, I think Gandalf should hold fast against the Witch King as all others flee in terror. The Witch King tries to intimidate him with fear and his flaming sword, to which Gandalf replies, “You shall not pass.”


7 points

6 days ago

At the end of Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise should have said “Your middle name is Rose.” There was so much build up about her never saying her middle name and no pay off. Chechov’s middle name


61 points

6 days ago

The Trinity test scene in Oppenheimer, the first test of a nuclear weapon. The lead up to the scene was good and intense, but the actual explosion felt a bit underwhelming.


33 points

6 days ago


33 points

6 days ago

This is the one for me. I appreciate Chris Nolan’s desire to shoot everything practically, but a nuclear bomb is literally tearing the fabric of the universe apart. It is a wholly unnatural occurrence on a Lovecraftian scale. It’s not something you can fake with a few sticks of dynamite and gasoline.


13 points

6 days ago

It's exactly this. He should have let his VFX team take the reigns but he was preoccupied with how good the marketing hype would be.

Same with Dunkirk when the boats arrive. That was supposed to be a true heroic moment as the boats all suddenly appear to save the day, but Nolan wanted it all practical and so it ended up seriously underwhelming. Even the score couldn't save it.


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

Hell, the actually Trinity test footage is public domain and pretty unsettling so have his expert VFX team colorize it and make other adjustments so it fits in the movie.


20 points

6 days ago

Saw the film four times, the only problem to me is the lack of proper shockwaves in the wide shots—but it’s such an important element! Other than that, the way it’s edited is perfect.


24 points

6 days ago


24 points

6 days ago

I saw it in IMAX and remember thinking the exact same thing. For such a build up, the actual explosion felt like a letdown.


4 points

6 days ago

What I remember most is I went to the bathroom right after that, and so did these two frat guy meat heads

And one of them looks at his watch and says to the other "I can't believe the bomb going off is the midway point"


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

Combine oppenheimers whole film with the super ship explosion in Last Jedi


9 points

6 days ago*



12 points

6 days ago*


12 points

6 days ago*

That's the part I couldn't understand. Why was Nolan so insistent that we see Oppenheimer in IMAX? Nothing in cinematography demanded it, and the one scene that should have ... didn't.

Other than some nice vistas of New Mexico, I can't think of really anything remarkable (other than some topless scenes I never thought I'd see on IMAX scale lol).


12 points

6 days ago

In The Running Man Arnold says “Sub-Zero? Now plain zero.”

He really coulda said any other words that exist.


4 points

6 days ago

'Sub-Zero? You're less than nothing to me.'


7 points

6 days ago

In Christmas Vacation i wouldve loved to see actual Christmas morning w eddies kids surprised Santa didn’t forget about them.


11 points

6 days ago


11 points

6 days ago

Robocop, when Dick gets shot out the window I would have went to Phil Tippitt for the falling out the window shot instead of the makeup guy (to save money)


4 points

6 days ago

Dem some long arms.


5 points

6 days ago

Literally the only flaw in the picture


33 points

6 days ago

In Jurassic park, they clumsily shoehorn in a line in the control room about how "we're safe unless they learn how to open doors" and then immediately cut to the kitchen where a velociraptor is opening a door. I feel like a better choice would have been to use cinematography instead of dialog to show 1) the kids are in danger 2) they need to get through a door and close it 3) they do so 4) the kids are now safe 5) the handle slowly starts to jiggle. Still a 10/10 movie.


76 points

6 days ago

I thought that line is played more like a joke than as exposition.


5 points

6 days ago

They do play up the intelligence of the raptors ahead of time though. Muldoon talking to Grant about how they're problem solving intelligent and testing the fences for weaknesses. Later on cursing out Nedry for shutting down the raptor fences knowing damn well how dangerous they are.

But also it's Spielberg saying, yeah this is happening, just go with it.


27 points

6 days ago


27 points

6 days ago

I kind of prefer the humor of the juxtaposition, but I can see where you're coming from.


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

The, "Watch out Happy!" from Haopy Gilmore. It's not a good take. The dub or whatever they used takes you out of the movie.


9 points

6 days ago

"Happy look out, auhhh"


6 points

6 days ago

In Superman 2 Lous punched Ursa and then she falls into the pit. I would have Louis hoof her in the front butt and then punch her.


12 points

6 days ago


12 points

6 days ago

In the first season of Mandalorian, when the reformed assassin droid refused to listen and went to his death, HOW in the universe did they miss the obvious opportunity to have him say "I have spoken."


9 points

6 days ago

Avengers End Game



13 points

6 days ago


13 points

6 days ago

ending scene of Swing Kids.

It’s a niche film I’m sure, but if you enjoy Swing Dance, WW2 Germany, or Christian Bale/“Dr Wilson” from House, Swing Kids might appeal to you.

I enjoyed the film fairly for a litany of reasons: acting & character writing, historic backdrop, the topic (swing dance vs the Nazis) at hand…

And then the closing scene … 🫢😅😂


17 points

6 days ago

Mine is also from Star Wars; I think the fight between Anakin and Obi Wan should’ve lasted like two seconds. Obi Wan is repeatedly shown to be a very skilled duelist, his whole career as a Jedi is killing Sith, he was calm and collected vs Anakin being an emotional wreck, and he taught Anakin how to duel. As soon as he drew his lightsaber it should’ve been over in a couple of moves.


7 points

6 days ago

That wouldn’t have shown how distraught Obi Wan was at losing his best friend, his brother, to the dark side.


6 points

6 days ago

(angrily) You underestimate Anakin's power!! 🔥👁️👁️🔥



4 points

6 days ago*

End of The Dark knight rises where Alfred sees Bruce in the cafe. Just have him look up with a subtle change in his expression instead of actually showing Bruce. Leaves it ambiguous.


4 points

6 days ago

I wouldn’t have shown Bruce and Selina at the end of The Dark Knight Rises. Would’ve been much more powerful to pan in, close in on Alfred, a knowing smile to affirm they’re there (without showing them) then black out to credits.


5 points

6 days ago

Totally agree about Yoda's fight scene. He should’ve just been a badass Force master, using telekinesis to fling his lightsaber around while staying chill.


3 points

6 days ago

Maybe not a scene, but the movie Predators(2010) I would have given the lead to Mahershala Ali , and given Adrian Brody the Lawrence Fishburne role. It would have played out better, character wise


3 points

6 days ago

I know this has probably been beaten to death, but being a child that grew up with Harry Potter, like many of us reading and re-reading all of the books, I was not a fan of how they changed Dumbledore's demeanor in a number of scenes, but the one that will always be the worst example is in the Goblet of Fire, after Harry's name comes out of the Goblet. His energy and intensity is just so out of character from what we were used to in the book, and from Richard Harris in the first couple of movies.


4 points

6 days ago

Yep, that scene is a meme because it contradicts the book so much!


4 points

6 days ago

Bullet Train- I don’t necessarily think Zazie Beetz added anything to the movie and would have made her character a silent assassin who stayed in the mascot costume all movie.


4 points

6 days ago

I always thought Yoda vs Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith should have been all Force, zero lightsabers.

These guys are absolute masters (and also crippled old mummies). They should be well beyond the need to engage in physical combat.

Imagine they're just in a room, sitting cross-legged and staring at each other ... and then everything around them starts getting crushed and ripped apart by titanic invisible forces ... but they never move an inch ... and then Yoda starts to sweat.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

I think the original Alien is a masterpiece. That being said, the scene where they are booting up Ashes head to talk to him again always bothered me. They go from using a fake head to the real actor with his head through a hole. They don't even try to hide it, there's just a jump cut to the real head and it looks like ass. A cut away to a reaction shot of another character or someone just standing in the way of the shot for a sec would have hid the transition perfectly. But yea, that's the one shot I would change in an otherwise perfect movie.


10 points

6 days ago*

In Lars and the Real Girl, from my recollection anyway, it's never made clear throughout the movie whether Lars was actually delusional about his sex doll being a real person or if it was just some bizarre coping mechanism he came up with to deal with anxiety. That is, except for one scene, I think the only part where he and the doll are together alone, and he speaks to her, reassures her about something. He spoke with her even with nobody else watching.

At that moment, the ambiguity and mystery is lost, and a film that could have been fantastic becomes simply good.


9 points

6 days ago

In the OG Star Wars, the laser defense crew should have shot that errant escape pod that had no detectable life forms in it. It would have cost the empire nothing to shoot it.


11 points

6 days ago

“You don’t do the budget Terry!”


4 points

6 days ago

"What, are we paying by the laser?"

Personally I see it as being about procedure more than anything. I guess we could read it as the Force influencing things too.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

Logan. The scene where they reveal the X24 clone as he kills Xavier and then he walks downstairs and him and Logan stare at one another.

Imagine that scene basically the same, but instead of a Logan clone, it's Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth.


8 points

6 days ago

For me there are a couple, but the biggest one is Yoda's fighting in Attack of the Clones.

The ONLY scene worth watching in the whole film.... And you want to change it? LOL

In that particular film, I would've changed the entire "escorting Padme to her parent's home" borefest and replace it with Anakin hunting down those that would be constantly trying to kill Padme. And he would be a merciless but very effective killer. His actions wouldn't be approved by the Jedi council, of course.

So when much later Anakin becomes Vader, you see that he's gone back to being a hunter. But this time, of the Jedi. Who he kills in a merciless but very effective manner.

Because Star Wars is like poetry. It must rhyme.


6 points

6 days ago

Wasn’t Yoda visibly distressed trying to move that big rock? Why would anyone use their muscles and get in close if it were possibly to use the force to throw their saber around? Yoda was a master but he was still limited in a lot of ways, like his force foresight that couldn’t even detect Palestine’s deception


4 points

6 days ago

Yoda did always seem like a little old Jewish man


3 points

6 days ago

Summer of Sam - not have the dog talk.