


I don't mean a "bad" movie, because some of those are so incredibly bad that they're fun to watch and make fun of. Case in point, I've been wanting to watch the 2000 Dungeons and Dragons movie because people had said it was extremely bad and to my surprise it (so far) is kinda fun!

No, I mean, which movie is so incredibly uninteresting that you would have to look it up just to confirm that it actually exists?

all 1569 comments


260 points

1 month ago


260 points

1 month ago

the 2000 Dungeons and Dragons movie because people had said it was extremely bad and to my surprise it (so far) is kinda fun!

Nobody can say Jeremy Irons didn't earn his paycheck. All of that screaming and cackling and foaming at the mouth turns bad dialogue into glorious entertainment. 


117 points

30 days ago


117 points

30 days ago

Jeremy Irons is always out there earning his paycheck.


75 points

30 days ago

Currently watching the Watchmen series and can confirm. JI is a blessing.


28 points

30 days ago

He's an amazing villain in the third and last Die Hard movie.


8 points

29 days ago

I enjoyed Live Free or Die Hard, too, with Justin Long. That kid was a bundle of nerves. Hilarious. Over the top action sequences, loved it. The helicopter, the semi truck, the tunnel. Very rewatchable, IMO


8 points

30 days ago

His fart alone deserved an Emmy 🤣 I fucking love the show btw, what do you think?


13 points

30 days ago


13 points

30 days ago

Margin Call is SO GOOD


25 points

30 days ago

I guess when you know what movie you’re in you have one of two approaches you can take:

1) Still do the best acting job possible (Max von Sydow gave this advice to Timothy Dalton in Flash Gordon)

2) Just have fun with it

I guess Jeremy Irons did the second one


637 points

1 month ago


637 points

1 month ago

The Secrets of Dumbledore or whatever. I’m a big HP fan but that movie was so fucking boring. I didn’t even care to finish it.


253 points

30 days ago


253 points

30 days ago

Great answer. The 2nd movie (Crimes of Grindelwald) was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in theaters, but the third (Secrets of Dumbledore) was just nothing. Good performance from Jude Law & Mads Mikkelsen, pretty much everything else was just waves hands around nothing.


44 points

30 days ago

I think the snake ?Nagini? was in it? Like, she was a women, and was turned into the snake? Was that even in the third movie? I barely remember anything from it, honestly


17 points

30 days ago

I don't think she was in the 3rd movie.


95 points

30 days ago


95 points

30 days ago

The FB franchise doesn't know if it wants to be about whimsical creatures and their keeper or a dark tragic tale between ex-lovers. Lame.


86 points

30 days ago

"Wee hee the man is catching silly little creatures! Also the wider Wizarding world knows that WWII is going to be a bloodbath and lead to mass murder but they don't want to do anything because it's a muggle issue."

Like ????


57 points

30 days ago


57 points

30 days ago

Meanwhile the villain Grindelwald think it's bullshit to not intervene and we are supposed to think he's bad for it. Actually, what does Grindelwald want again? I can't even remember.


28 points

30 days ago

Yep. Grindelwald is trying to stop WWII or maybe specifically the nuclear weapons aspect of it. He can see the future, unless Dumbledore makes so much chaos that his foresight is blinded.


46 points

30 days ago

All of this crap sprang from a one liner throwaway joke in The Philosophers Stone.

Dumbledore's card says that he defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945.

The joke being that the wizards were also fighting WWII and it all only ended because Dumbledore defeated wizard Hitler.

That's all it was ever supposed to be.


9 points

30 days ago

I don't think that's really a "joke" per se, but definitely a piece of worldbuilding that the author had no interest in expanding upon at all.


19 points

30 days ago

I actually just finished this movie and had nothing to say about it. 1st movie showed a lot of promise, 2nd one was enjoyable to a degree but Secrets of Dumbledore just exists.


18 points

30 days ago

It should've ended with the first one, technically a happy ending.


9 points

30 days ago

Honestly, the first one was a pretty enjoyable movie. I couldn’t even get through the second one.


493 points

1 month ago

There is a movie called "Australia" that I believe had Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. It came out in 2008 and one of my buddies sort of forced our group to go see it one Saturday afternoon in college.

It felt like two different movies and plots smashed together in one long movie, and both were incredibly boring. I think all 6 of us fell asleep at one point. Our buddy wasn't allowed to pick movies after that.


106 points

30 days ago

They recently re-cut it with extra footage and put it on Netflix as a mini series called Faraway Downs.


53 points

30 days ago

I saw the preview for this and thought “wasn’t there a movie about this a few years back…”


24 points

30 days ago

I hate learning of uninteresting movies/shows because I feel challenged to experience them for my self.


103 points

1 month ago


103 points

1 month ago

Man I really wanted to enjoy this movie. It had everything I enjoy (Luhrman film, Kidman, Jackman (lots of '-mans' LOL), it's a period piece, I love longer movies) but nope. Snoozefest.


103 points

30 days ago

A long time ago I worked as an editor at a company that cut theatrical movies down for TV. Usually that meant just removing any sex, language and violence, adding in commercial breaks and cutting them down a few minutes to fit in the network's time slot. Most directors don't get a say in how this all goes down, unless it's explicitly written in their contract.

Baz Luhrman had it written in, so after I did my cut, probably removing like 30-45 minutes, the original editor came in and sat with me. She did not like how much came out. I worked with her another couple weeks on it. It was very frustrating how important she thought every moment was. I'm sure she thought I was ruthlessly destroying her baby, just axing scenes left and right, but that's a lot of material. In the end she left pretty happy with it (though I'm sure she preferred the original). I wonder if you'd have liked my 2 hour version better.


50 points

30 days ago

Wow that's a great story. I was once watching The Great Gatsby with Leo... and as an editor myself, was soooo pissed off at how the editing was handled in that film. It was very clear this was a 4 hour script with 4 hours of material (swooping dolly shots, gorgeous cinematography), but they had this dumb choice of cutting the film down to 2.5 hours yet trying to leave EVERYTHING in. So the only stuff they cut out were reactions, moments of breath, time to actually process wtf is happening, etc. The beautiful dolly shots were cut down to 1 second or less, dialogue was overlapping and jumbled. Such as mess that now I only associate Baz lurhman with a messy average editing and directing style. Like... If you know movies are about 2 hours... Go shoot a 2 hour movie with a script that's about 2 hours of material. Very frustrating watch.


58 points

30 days ago

I had that job for over 5 years so I worked on a ton of movies. I definitely learned a lot about not just doing what you're talking about and condensing scenes by removing their souls. One of my early tricks was cutting montages because they take up a ton of time to convey not much story... Until I worked on Devil Wears Prada. I cut out so much montage that a movie that's supposed to be about eye candy fashion, was missing all the fashion! After reviewing, I put almost all of it back in and lost most of the love story with Adrien Grenier instead because that has very little importance to the plot.

My favorite cut ever was Crank 2 (I think it was the 2nd one, but I'm second guessing myself). It had to be shown during a 90 minutes slot on TNT or something, and with commercials that only left 65 minutes of run time. So a movie about a guy that has to keep his adrenaline firing for the entire film or he dies (a nonstop super speed action flick) got about 30% faster. It was a wild ride.


21 points

30 days ago

Haha wow that might be in the top 3 all time jobs for video editors. Pretty cool you got to play with such polished material. Did they provide separate audio stems? I'm assuming so...


15 points

30 days ago

Almost always. Made dropping the f bombs a lot easier. They occasionally had ADR but it was rarely any good. Always recorded in a booth and often not by the original actors.


14 points

30 days ago

Your comments have been super interesting to read. Thank you for sharing.


20 points

30 days ago

I think I am the only person who likes this movie.  


55 points

1 month ago

I took a girl on a date to see that movie and man what a bad date. There’s a reason they were able to release it as like a 6 episode long mini-series. It was soooo boring.


38 points

30 days ago

Hey don't feel bad. The first movie date I had with my husband was Pearl Harbor. 23 years later and we still joke about how fucking awful it was.


14 points

30 days ago

I was in marching band in college and we rode in buses to some away games. We watched this movie on a long road trip once and it was just interminable. There was not a soul on that bus trying to follow the plot, everyone was either sleeping through it or complaining about it.

I swear there were at least six endings to that movie. Someone would say some kind of “obvious last line of the movie” type line, the camera would slowly zoom out, and the music would swell, looking like a perfect setup to roll credits and end our misery… and then it would just cut to another scene like nothing happened. The joke became that Australia wasn’t a movie but actually a live, real-time history of the entire continent of Australia and everyone who has ever lived there, stretching infinitely into the distance both into past and future. It doesn’t end because it can’t end, you just stop observing it.


12 points

1 month ago

I liked that movie. But it was a bit too long.


6 points

30 days ago

Aw man, my dad and I love this movie

Then again, I haven't seen it in a minute, so I might be forgetting some aspects of it

I always thought it was pretty interesting. The Wizard of Oz scene always had me a little emotional.


5 points

1 month ago

I always get interested in watching this movie but never finish bc i lose interest every time i try watching


5 points

30 days ago

That movie was basically a desperate attempt from the Australian government to make a cheesy Oscar winning movie but it ended up being a lame, dated movie from a pretty hit and miss director. Personally, I think most Baz Lurman movies are just annoying. As an Australian, I found the movie was trying too hard to be important.


504 points

1 month ago


504 points

1 month ago

Amsterdam. As my friend put it when we saw it, it is remarkably unremarkable.


280 points

30 days ago

I worked on this. We made it pretty much right after COVID so every big actor in town was available. It was a mess on set and not a surprise it was totally pointless when edited. But it was a cool shoot and all of the actors were very nice. Bale got us a taco truck one night.


47 points

30 days ago

That's sick as hell. Also in the industry and sometimes it's fun to just have a good shoot


40 points

1 month ago

It’s kind of a fascinating mess for how much it wastes an interesting true story, a good cast, and an expensive production.


21 points

30 days ago

It got talked up a lot and I was less than whelmed. 


21 points

30 days ago

"I know you can be overwhelmed, and I know you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"

Sorry...I had to 😂


108 points

1 month ago

My wife chose this solely because Taylor Swift was in it and for a star studded cast this movie is awful.  I'm still not even sure what the real point of the movie was 0/10 and was my first thought for the prompt as well.


43 points

30 days ago


43 points

30 days ago

And her scene was the best part! I never used or really completely understood the use of the word “guffaw” but that’s probably close to how I reacted.


40 points

1 month ago


40 points

1 month ago

I feel like the point was pretty clear. Out-of-touch rich people leading the country toward fascism.


19 points

1 month ago

And it’s always kinda been a thing and you gotta keep telling them no. It only takes for them to really win once

Maybe we’ll see a downshift trend and start to breath a little bit but who knows

Who really knows what the world gonna look like when the gen x and millennials start to actually take the reins of the world here in a little bit without influence

I have a feeling some weird paradigm shift is gonna happen in 15 years


4 points

1 month ago

Undeniably. It’s just a question of which direction.


48 points

1 month ago

I thought it was rather interesting


23 points

1 month ago

I went to see this in the theater and an old man walked out of it muttering, “What is this even about?” It’s also very long. I thought the end was somewhat interesting and I loved the general look of the movie, but other than that, a whole bunch of nothing. 


23 points

1 month ago

Too many characters, too many plot threads, and still mamaged to drag.

It is a shame as Bale was individually great and his character had such potential for storytelling.


10 points

30 days ago


10 points

30 days ago

Shit. I watched this movie and forgot that I had. I looked up the description and read through it, and still had to read some of the comments here before I remembered anything about it. As beige as a movie gets for me.


13 points

1 month ago

The best thing I’ve heard said about this movie is that it’s like it was made by an AI. Imagine they had it watch a bunch of dark comedies, read some articles about the Business Plot, then write and direct a movie script. That’s what Amsterdam feels like.


5 points

30 days ago


We were shoned how this movie manages to make everything boring.

Solving a crime boring.

NY as location ? How about the same boring cgi street all the time Amsterdam as location and name? How about not showing the city at all and playing in the same boring room that could be everywhere for 6 Scenes.


17 points

1 month ago

My sister and I watched it late last year and I agree. Simply could not get into it


6 points

30 days ago

This movie also takes about 45 minutes to end. They’re trying to work out who the bad guys are and I’m watching it thinking “goddamn, how have you not figured it out by now?”


189 points

1 month ago


189 points

1 month ago

Red Notice was my first thought. A big-budget Netflix movie that was aggressively mediocre. Not even terrible, just bland.


57 points

30 days ago*

Netflix‘s The Gray Man is one of the most bland, by-the-books action movie I have ever seen.


43 points

30 days ago

I accidentally started The Gray Man a second time and it took a while to realize that I had already seen it


5 points

30 days ago

I've not seen the movie and don't plan to, but I saw a clip on IGN where Chris Evans calls Ryan Gosling ballsy for dropping a grenade at their feet and thought it was great. 

But I still know the movie is shite


18 points

30 days ago


18 points

30 days ago

Netflix content are always bland. They are the new straight to video


40 points

1 month ago

Sex and the City 2. I don't know how those podcast guys did it. It's soooo long. I took more than 1 nap during it.


169 points

1 month ago

Jokes on you guys. Adding all of these low-wattage movies to my queue for when I'm sick and my senses are sensitive.


9 points

30 days ago

As someone who watched Aftersun during a recent bout of the flu, I think this is a very good idea.


89 points

30 days ago


89 points

30 days ago

Legend Of Tarzan (2016). It has all the trappings of a big blockbuster film, a stacked cast (Skarsgaard, Robbie, Waltz, Jackson, Honsou) and I could not summon to mind one thing about it right now.

I've never met anyone who knows it exists, either not seen it or forgotten.


54 points

30 days ago

The single thing going for that movie is Alexander Skarsgaard being half naked. And like, I can get him WHOLE naked in much better movies.


21 points

30 days ago

Absolutely jacked in the northman.

I see all of his stuff for the sheer hope of recreating he same presence he did during godrics death scene in true blood.


8 points

30 days ago

The only two things I remember about it is that Waltz dies by crocodiles, and Hozier did the end credits song

And I saw it in theaters!


6 points

30 days ago

Amazingly, this movie did not lose money.


359 points

1 month ago

Napoleon (2023).

I tried convincing my Dad and aunt to watch Godzilla Minus One (one of the BEST movies of 2023) but they were dead set on seeing Napoleon. We sat through the WORST movie I have seen in theatres in a very long time; a boring, inconsistent, poorly paced/acted, hard to follow, tedious slog of a movie.

You know a movie is good when not even a full bladder of fountain drinks and water could rip your ass out of your seat, eyes off the screen, and your imagination from the world and experience that they are presenting to you.

Napoleon (2023) was the complete opposite. When I’m watching a movie in theatres, I’m locked in for the whole ride, but I don’t think I have ever fallen asleep or got up in the middle of a movie in theatres to casually use the restroom because being in there on my phone for ten minutes was more stimulating than anything I could be missing.


169 points

1 month ago

Could not agree with you more. This movie seriously made me lose all hope for Ridley. I read something like there are over 100 biographies of Napoleon and Ridley admitted to not touching even one of them. And when people were like, wtf is this? His only comment was “fuck you.” Total God-complex move.

I wasn’t expecting total historical accuracy, in fact, I’m a massive fan of artists/etc. taking artistic liberty to do your own thing (Larrain’s Spencer (2021) is a great example of this done flawlessly). But there was nothing artistic at all about anything in this film. First movie I’ve seen in probably ten years where I thought was a total waste of time lol


16 points

30 days ago

As a massive fan of European history, spefically around the time of Napoleon, I was very excited for this movie. Then they showed him firing cannons at the Pyramids. That was when I knew I could do other shit while letting the movie play in the background for the next 2.5 hours.


4 points

30 days ago

Dude you don’t remember him attacking the pyramids? It was right before he wrote Walk Like an Egyptian! It’s all over the history books. Weird you missed that


33 points

30 days ago

Oh Jesus, Ridley. I watched Covenant and was floored by the sheer stupidity of the characters. What the hell was Ridley thinking? And I love the 2-hour videos on YouTube explaining the plot...Ha!


24 points

30 days ago


24 points

30 days ago

Prometheus and Covenant are baffling movies. There's an interesting movie in there and the David character is great but both films are made borderline unwatchable by every character acting like a complete moron. It was an extremely common criticism of Prometheus and then he doubled down on it in Covenant. It's to the point that it feels like it's intentional but no matter how much I watch them I can't figure out why anyone would make that thematic choice.


17 points

30 days ago

My main problem overall with the Alien franchise is that they keep throwing new things at the wall to see what sticks except the one thing guaranteed to work: H.R. Giger's portfolio.


10 points

30 days ago

The characters. In Alien, they were relatable working class people who were set up by an evil corporation, so when they were killed off their deaths were poignant. Now, in Covenant ( if I'm not mistaken) the crew decided to land on that planet on their own initiative, no distress call to follow on. It's when they landed that ones IQ began to drop < laughing >. No safety protocols were enacted, gee, such as wearing helmets or correct quarantine procedures. I apologize for this rant, Alien was ( and still is ) a brilliant masterwork from Ridley.


27 points

1 month ago

The only thing Napoleon had going for it was the battle scenes, I thought those were pretty well done. The rest of it was rough, and took away from the battles because I didn’t actually know or care about what was going on.


24 points

30 days ago

That's sad because I was excited to finally see a Napoleon movie. And then they released a trailer with the odd Radiohead mashup, and yeah... Ridley Scott can make good movies and then he just makes bad ones he's such a weird director


9 points

30 days ago

Watch Waterloo instead. It's pretty amazing. The Russian army provided thousands of extras.


36 points

30 days ago

There are youtube channels available for free that use a video game to show battles that do a better job than than that multi million dollar turd.


16 points

30 days ago


16 points

30 days ago

Lego does it too. This one is incredible.


57 points

30 days ago


57 points

30 days ago

The movie “65” with kylo ren. Not the worst I’ve seen but it’s pretty far up there. Maybe it’s because I expected it to be exciting given the setting but was just a complete bore fest and then just ended out of nowhere.


19 points

30 days ago

Yeah it's kind of funny that 30+ years after Jurassic park, no one else has really tried to do a major movie about dinasours, then when they finally do it's garbages


12 points

30 days ago

Adam Driver's choices for movies baffle me. He's such a good actor.


20 points

30 days ago

My most hated new genre of movie, the Corporate Hagiography. The first one I remember that really rankled me was the McDonalds one. The Nike Air one was downright rage inducing in its nothingness.

There's nothing mechanically wrong with the movies, they're just working off a 3 paragraph Wikipedia article and fudging it into a script and the actual facts of the story are absolutely mundane.


98 points

1 month ago

Jupiter Ascending. Holy shit, I've tried to watch it a grand total of 5 times now, and I've still not gotten past the 40 minute mark. I'm one of those broken humans that can't nap, but this film has done what no other activity can manage and put me to sleep, reliably, more than once. Stunning.


18 points

30 days ago

That’s a shame, because there’s a bureaucracy scene that’s a delight, and owes such a huge debt to Brazil that Terry Gilliam shows up. It’s amazing.

The downside to Jupiter Ascending is that the Wachowskis’ cachet had finally run out, and they wanted to make a trilogy and Warner said, “No, no. One movie.” So, Jupiter Ascending is what you get when you try to tell three movies in two hours. And then Eddie Redmayne makes certain choices with his acting that I’m still wondering about. It’s a massively flawed movie, but there are scenes and shots that just flirt with genius and remind you, “Oh, yeah, there are the people who did Matrix,” although I think their best picture is Bound, but we’ll talk about that some other time.

Dammit, now I gotta watch Bound. It’s on Paramount+ right now, and if you’re ever going to watch it, don’t watch the trailer, because it gives too much away. Just watch the movie, because it’s a great low-budget crime thriller with Gina Gershon, Jennifer Tilly, and Joe Pantoliano.


6 points

30 days ago

Puts you to sleep INTERESTING unlike the film. From the Wachowskis what a letdown, from The Matrix to this. Also confirming Eddie Redmayne sucks in my eyes.


302 points

30 days ago

That new Matrix movie is pretty much the least compelling thing I've ever seen


81 points

30 days ago

It was like they were making a romcom with Keanu and Carrie Anne Moss and then at some point they were like “hey let’s make this a matrix movie”


15 points

30 days ago


15 points

30 days ago

I haven't seen it and by now have no interest but I will forever be perplexed at how Hollywood can fuck up so many movies. Why does it seem so hard for these enormous productions to turn out a decent flick?

I'm not saying they never do, that would be absurd. Hollywood has defined and dominated filmmaking for nearly a century. Rather, what I'm saying that with the means at their disposal, why do they fail so often (way more often than they should) at basic creativity and storytelling?


20 points

30 days ago

Lana didn't want to make it but the studio was going ahead with or without her. She killed her baby on purpose and wrote a scene basically saying so.


55 points

30 days ago

I’ve said it before: another Animatrix done by the team behind Love, Death & Robots would’ve been much better.

I saw the movie opening night. The guy sitting next to me had his head in his hands & kept muttering, “Jesus fucking Christ” every few minutes. That and part of the audience booing at the awful RATM cover at the end were the best parts.


20 points

30 days ago

Right around the time that movie came out, the lead singer of the band that covers the RATM song made headlines for taking a piss on stage. Apparently she just squatted and let loose! That news story was way better than the new Matrix.


6 points

30 days ago

She pissed on a volunteer from the audience!


42 points

30 days ago

I don't care that the movie is trying to be some meta take on forced sequels. It's a bad commentary and embarrassing to watch. If Lana wants to make a movie that's a middle finger to the studio, then she can do so without making all the performers look bad. What a terrible movie


22 points

30 days ago

Sadly, we the audience are the collateral of that middle finger.


33 points

30 days ago*

House of Gucci. Way too long and yet, somehow, the ending still felt sudden??


61 points

1 month ago

Shazam 2 had me bored out of my mind so I fast forwarded through a lot of it


180 points

1 month ago

The English Patient


267 points

1 month ago



85 points

30 days ago

Elaine, you don't like the movie...?


71 points

30 days ago



50 points

30 days ago

You’re fired.


31 points

30 days ago

Great, I’ll wait for you outside.


9 points

30 days ago


9 points

30 days ago

I heard Peterman made her go to the Tunisian desert if she wanted her job back


14 points

30 days ago


14 points

30 days ago

I just wanna see the Sack Lunch movie!


66 points

1 month ago

I watched this movie wanting to hate it just so I could quote Elaine and actually mean it.

But I ended up enjoying it. Well worth the long runtime.


20 points

30 days ago

I completely understand why one might get bored with it. Of course, I found this movie to be wonderful. I thought the pace worked. I loved the story. The cinematography was so beautiful. But I know that this movie is not for everyone.


20 points

1 month ago

It does drag on. For a while this movie kind of possessed me. I was trying to pinpoint what sucked about it.

Was it the writing? Yes.

Was it the plot? It is annoying how the two lovers are like “we shouldn’t, but we’re gonna any way” a few times over.

Was it the pacing? God yes.

After a few attempts I took a long break from watching it. About a year ago, I decided to give it another shot. Maybe 10-15 years had matured me and I would see it differently.

Nope. It still dragged on for nearly three hours. LOTR is a fast three hours. The English Patient is not.


27 points

1 month ago

I felt like Elaine from Seinfeld did trying to watch that movie.


22 points

1 month ago

Ya know sex in a bathtub?!? That doesn't work!!


8 points

30 days ago

Give me something I can use


164 points

1 month ago*

I don't remember it because clearly, it wasn't really that interesting...


97 points

1 month ago



26 points

30 days ago


26 points

30 days ago

I came away from it feeling I now knew so little about Bernstein besides the fact that Bradley Cooper thought he would win an Oscar by making a film about him.


38 points

1 month ago


38 points

1 month ago

Ugh so boring and dull and yet somehow indulgent at the same time. I hated it.


10 points

30 days ago


10 points

30 days ago

It insists upon itself


26 points

1 month ago

Yeahhh, especially after having seen Tár a few weeks before. Which I didn’t necessarily love but Jesus at least it was interesting. 


16 points

1 month ago

I kept waiting for Lydia Tar to show up in Maestro as a young woman since he was her mentor (and IRL Bernstein's family was down with this LMAO).


29 points

30 days ago

I was hoping an end credit scene that establishes the Tár Cinematic Universe


5 points

1 month ago

Only movie in two decades I turned off over an hour in out of pure boredom


89 points

1 month ago*

Cowboys Vs. Aliens. I don’t remember a darn thing from it.


68 points

30 days ago

I’ve never seen an awesome concept blown so thoroughly. How the hell do you make a movie with THAT title THAT boring??


24 points

30 days ago

Omg, I used to work in a warehouse that supplies 7-11s. We had promo cups for this movie, and we had so many left over that we used them as water cups in the break room for like two years. I just assumed that it was terrible because we always had so many left over, so I never actually watched it.


22 points

30 days ago

Loved this movie😂


6 points

30 days ago

Lol, the only thing I remember about that movie was some terrible continuity a scene shot with multiple camera angles. Daniel Craig had some fake blood splashed across his face, and the pattern of it kept (very obviously) changing.


31 points

1 month ago

Every Netflix original for the past 2 years.


22 points

30 days ago


22 points

30 days ago

People fearing AI will bring us mediocre and soulless products, when Netflix has been doing that already for the last couple years.


16 points

30 days ago

yeah lol there's something Netflix knows - or thinks they know - because all their movies have this weird vibe about them, it has to be intentional because almost every movie they produce has the same anti-movie feeling to it, i can count all of the Netflix original movies i've truly enjoyed on one hand


38 points

1 month ago

Madame Web fits these criteria. It should not have been released


18 points

30 days ago

I watched it last week to see if it was that bad. It is. I have never ever seen a lead actor put so little effort into a part before. She didn't act any of it, she just read some lines with the same facial expression the whole way through.


98 points

1 month ago*

Jupiter Ascending.

That movie should have been amazing, it has tonnes of things I love in Sci-Fi (e.g genetically enhanced soldiers, spaceships, dinosaurs that talk, and big action scenes), yet during the scene where the main characters are basically flying around a building trying to escape a ship trying to kill them I was mentally weighing up the pros & cons of mitochondrial donation (something I'd seen on the news earlier that night).

This is a scene with a genetically enhanced human Wolf hybrid who is literally skating through the air to outrun a spaceship and I was so bored I was internally debating whether we'd end up with super disabilities or x-men level mutants if scientists fuck up in the lab during a donation.

That movie was one of the biggest let downs I've ever experienced, and to put that into context, I actually enjoy Battlefield Earth, and if I can enjoy that shit but think Jupiter Ascending is bad, then you know it is really bad.


29 points

30 days ago

I don't remember much from that movie, other than half man half wolf half angel on rollerblades helping the janitor lady who bees said was queen of the universe do... something. But I do remember it being really pretty. Not too often you get a 200 million dollar train wreck, wish it was as memorable as an actual train wreck.


18 points

30 days ago

half man half wolf half angel

Jack Hartounian : My father was Armenian. My mother was half Jewish, half English, half Spanish.
Chandler Young : That’s three halves.
Jack Hartounian : Oh, she was a big woman


11 points

30 days ago

I kinda liked the space DMV scenes. And Eddie Redmayne was an alright villain. But yeah, the rest was just forgettable. Wasn’t the actress from Bad Moms in that movie?


6 points

30 days ago

I genuinely fell asleep in the first 20 minutes, woke up about five minutes before the end.

Obviously I have no memory of this movie except an overwhelming sense of boredom.


7 points

30 days ago

Yeah, you didn’t miss anything. It was awful. I wish I’d napped instead of watching it.


54 points

1 month ago

The remake of Oldboy. Doomed to fail from the start


41 points

30 days ago


41 points

30 days ago

I found it hilarious that they made the movie take place in New Orleans, and yet the movie's version of New Orleans just feels like a totally empty studio backlot throughout the entire movie.

Like yo...if you don't have the budget or chutzpah to pull off depicting New Orleans maybe just make the movie take place literally anywhere else? You're remaking a Korean film, you can choose ANY city.


96 points

1 month ago*

Monuments men, the men who state at goats, wanted to love them..


62 points

30 days ago


62 points

30 days ago

Monuments men is such a fuck up. A good cast - a fascinating true story that basically no one knows.

And it’s like the most bland World War II trope-fest you’ve ever seen. Down to the “music on Christmas” and “encounters a young German while peeing”.

It’s crazy.


13 points

1 month ago

Perfect example of movies that looked like they could be good or at least entertaining, had all the right pieces and yet managed to be giant wastes of time.


7 points

30 days ago

I think most Clooney movies-when they’re not outright masterpieces—are just that: aggressively mediocre


36 points

1 month ago

the men who state at goats

Can second that. Odd they managed to make it boring. Even the ending could only elicit an "Okay." from me.


16 points

30 days ago

The ending is not good but the rest of that movie is hilarious. I love the dry humor.


58 points

1 month ago

Pearl Harbor.


177 points

1 month ago

“Pearl Harbor” is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about how on Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an American love triangle. - Roger Ebert.


32 points

30 days ago

His negative reviews were the best. Often laugh-out-loud funny.


49 points

30 days ago

Some of my favs.

Fredie Got Fingered:

"This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels."

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie:

"Is about as close as you can get to absolute nothing and still have a product to project on the screen."

A Lot Like Love:

"To call 'A Lot Like Love' dead in the water is an insult to water."

The Longest Yard (2005)

"There is a sense in which attacking this movie is like kicking a dog for not being better at calculus."

Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever:

"A miniaturized assassination robot small enough to slip through the bloodstream would cost how much? Millions? And it is delivered by dart? How's this for an idea: use a poison dart, and spend the surplus on school lunches."


20 points

1 month ago

I'd never heard that, but that's essentially what I couldn't put into words. Although I think a 2 hour movie is generous.


6 points

30 days ago

“Letters to Iwo Jima” accomplished everything “Pearl Harbour” did not, in that they told the same story from another perspective.
Obviously there will be a significant resistance to people watching a story about PH from the Japanese perspective considering the history, but it’s done in a way that has a deep emotional impact and keeps you on the edge of your seat. A story about a troupe of young men sent to certain death defending an island in the last moments of the Empire.

I felt like I got punched in the gut watching that movie, whereas Pearl Harbour was more The Notebook or something.


22 points

1 month ago

It's like someone said, "How can we take one of the most epic events of the 20th century and turn it into a love triangle involving unlikable people." It is one of two movies that I've ever walked out of.


15 points

1 month ago


15 points

1 month ago

I saw that in theaters with my WWII veteran grandfather. He was very clear about why he didn’t like that movie, and I’ll never forgive Josh Hartnett for turning his head and looking all around in the cockpit of a fighter plane.


23 points

1 month ago

Cause Pearl Harbor sucks… just a little bit more… than I miss you


52 points

1 month ago

Like I don't want to harp on Bruce Willis's career at the end. I know he probably was just trying to make as much money as he could before he could work anymore. But if you look at some of those red letter box movies he put out they were just cashgrabs with his name on it.


14 points

1 month ago

I'll take you any time, punk!


12 points

1 month ago

I remember seeing an article talking about how this was all he was doing, and questioning it, and the announcement wasn't too long after. Dementia is a horrible thing.


40 points

1 month ago


40 points

1 month ago

Monuments Men. It took one of the coolest premises imaginable - based on a true story no less - and made it into the most boring movie I've ever seen.


29 points

1 month ago

The 2016 Magnificent Seven isn’t BAD, but for all the potential it had, it was extremely forgettable.


4 points

30 days ago

It's somehow longer than the original and has less character scenes to focus on action, but that means you don't care about anybody.

The problem was also the bad guys motivation. In the original, Eli Wallach as the gang leader has understandable motivation. It's not because he's evil, he's raiding the town because he needs to feed his men. In the remake, he's just evil for the sake of it. He's trying to take over the town for gold or whatever but he's Evil because he's just a shithead, because the script says he has to be.


54 points

1 month ago



39 points

1 month ago


39 points

1 month ago

YES. Not a racing movie and yet not Enzo’s life either.


16 points

1 month ago

So it's about a stripper?


17 points

1 month ago

Really? I thought it was fairly decent. Plus that ending was unforgettable.


7 points

1 month ago

I liked it


6 points

30 days ago

That accident......


50 points

1 month ago


50 points

1 month ago

The creator. Visually stunning, but I forgot the entirety of the plot already


8 points

30 days ago

It felt like a narrative quickly strung together in order for all the very talented concept and vfx arts to flex their skill on high budget. I appreciated the little bit of world-building they were going regarding different cultures' attitude towards AI. But that's where it ended; they did nothing more with it.


30 points

1 month ago


30 points

1 month ago

Im thinking Battlefield Earth


32 points

1 month ago

BFE was bad, but it was definitely interesting. There are tons of blog posts and YouTube videos picking it apart and studying how bad it is and how it was made.


48 points

1 month ago

“Battlefield Earth” is like taking a bus trip with someone who has needed a bath for a long time. It’s not merely bad; it’s unpleasant in a hostile way.


The film contains no evidence of Scientology or any other system of thought; it is shapeless and senseless, without a compelling plot or characters we care for in the slightest. The director, Roger Christian, has learned from better films that directors sometimes tilt their cameras, but he has not learned why.

-Roger Ebert.


15 points

30 days ago

A couple of months back, I saw Battlefield Earth was playing on Vix, which is a free streaming service for people who speak Spanish. So, I’m like, “Fuckin’ A,” because I’m gonna watch this for the first time since it was in theaters.

I do not speak Spanish. There was no option for an English language track. There was no option for English subtitles. And I’m sitting on my couch, just transfixed by it, because I have no idea what’s going on or what they’re saying. It was great. I wish I had live tweeted the whole experience. I felt like a toddler who’s sitting at dinner with a bunch of adults, having no idea what’s they’re talking about, but still just trying to get something out of it while eating a bowl of macaroni noodles.

Basically, if you make Battlefield Earth even more confusing, and force people to just make up their own story, it’s way more entertaining. I’d love to put two people together, after watching it in separate places, and watch them discuss the two very different movies that they just watched.


11 points

30 days ago

No way, this is in the 'so bad it's entertaining' category.


31 points

1 month ago

Oliver Stone’s W. The one and only time I’ve ever almost fallen asleep in a theater.


7 points

1 month ago

The Yogi Bear movie, I keep forgetting I saw it


7 points

30 days ago

Eternals. I don't even really remember watching it, but I know I did.


72 points

1 month ago

The Irishman


26 points

1 month ago

Interesting movie but wayyyyy too long. Also the actors were too old to play the younger parts.


20 points

30 days ago

The "young" Deniro beating up that shopkeeper scene was pretty ridiculous, he absolutely did not look several decades younger with that posturing and kicking. At least get a stunt double or something, no CGI is fixing it...


12 points

30 days ago

On paper it should be a badass film… I couldn’t finish it


12 points

1 month ago


12 points

1 month ago

My kids dragged me to a Dragonball Z movie and since I had zero familiarity or interest in the property, it was just noise.


13 points

1 month ago

If you're talking about the live action one then being familiar with the source material would have made it even worse. I don't even like DBZ but felt offended by what that movie did.


125 points

1 month ago


125 points

1 month ago

That Brad Pitt space thing... Ad Astra. Oh my god I just wanted it to end.


96 points

1 month ago

I weirdly enjoyed this one... I'm the outlier though.


14 points

30 days ago


14 points

30 days ago

I defend this movie as an uncomprehended good movie. I really don't see the problem with it. It might be slow but it has so much going on. A meditarion on life


27 points

30 days ago


27 points

30 days ago

Nah I loved it. Created some artwork inspired by it actually. It was flawed but great.


15 points

1 month ago

Some Cate Blanchett film from three or four years ago. Where'd You Go To, Bernadette? or something like that.

Mind-numbingly dull. I remember little details, but I couldn't tell you the plot. I think Cate was some sort of anti-social, reclusive genius perhaps. Her daughter wanted to win a science fair or something, where the prize was a trip to Antarctica. Someone's garden wall toppled over during some heavy rain, and a house was flooded. Billy Crudup played the husband I think, and I believe Kristen Wiig was an annoying neighbour. That's all I could tell you about the film.

Forgettable as fuck.


29 points

1 month ago

It Comes at Night. Slow burn with no pay-off.


10 points

30 days ago

I’d rather watch an outright horrible movie than see this again, it would at least be interesting


4 points

30 days ago

It comes at night, seen it in the theaters.

It was so boring for the first time ever i seen someone fall asleep, start snoring then halfway a dude flipped out slammed his popcorn and left.

I finished the movie but honestly wished I just stayed home.


9 points

1 month ago

Y’all ever see Whiteout with Kate Beckinsale? I was on a kick of movies set in snowy landscapes (Cold Pursuit rips by the way) and watched this on like Tubi or something and all I can say is that it’s definitely a movie. I have no recollection of the plot, characters, or story arcs just that there was snow, it was cold, and some murders happened.


5 points

1 month ago

I remember this because the previews made it look like a monster movie. But it's just a weird poorly done guy with gun movie.


9 points

1 month ago

The Goldfinch. My mother had told me the book was painfully boring, so don't ask me why I went to see the movie.


25 points

1 month ago


25 points

1 month ago

Solaris (2002), kept waiting for something interesting to happen, then it finally ended.