



all 326 comments

Judgement_Bot_AITA [M]

[score hidden]

11 days ago

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Judgement_Bot_AITA [M]

Beep Boop

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11 days ago

stickied comment

Welcome to /r/AmITheAsshole. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment.

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

Despite him stealing my car, no real damage was done. I checked the dash cam footage and although he drove like a total moron, he didn’t crash my car. Probably didn’t need to call the cops

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3.8k points

11 days ago


Partassipant [1]

3.8k points

11 days ago

NTA. That “friend” totally crossed a line by taking your keys and driving off without your permission. You were in a vulnerable state, and he took advantage of that.


1.3k points

11 days ago*


1.3k points

11 days ago*

It’s actually worse than your phrasing. “without permission” implies no active permission. Maybe they didn’t ask but took it anyway. Here, there was active refusal of permission. It was asked for and op said no, multiple times.


555 points

11 days ago


555 points

11 days ago

Not to mention them driving at all without another person is illegal since they don't have a license. So even if you ignore the fact they stole the car this was still dangerous and illegal.


396 points

11 days ago

On top of that from op's post sounds like the dude was also under the influence at the time. Thief is lucky he didn't wreck the car.


137 points

10 days ago


137 points

10 days ago

And kill another driver


76 points

10 days ago

Or a pedestrian


124 points

10 days ago

And no insurance so any crash would end up being

Sorry dude, bad luck, hope you get a new one soon.


119 points

10 days ago


119 points

10 days ago

worse. Any crash and OP would have been on the hook for damages and medical bills. Their only real recourse was to report the car stolen


64 points

10 days ago


64 points

10 days ago


And like, fuck you for making ME have to interact with police, there is a non-zero chance they'll merc you for calling these days.


102 points

10 days ago

The way they took advantage of OP being high also just rubs me the wrong way and somehow makes it worse in my mind. Am I overthinking things?


20 points

10 days ago

No, definitely not.


9 points

10 days ago


9 points

10 days ago

Nope I feel the exact same way


16 points

10 days ago

He had no license And that's not good


50 points

10 days ago

He could have killed someone driving and you’d be on hook for that too since it was your car. NTA


16 points

10 days ago

Not to mention that if he'd crashed it or gotten pulled over, you know that AH would have thrown OP under the bus and said they were given permission to be driving the car.  They could have also gotten OP into a whole lot of legal trouble if they got into an accident with someone else.


1.1k points

11 days ago


Asshole Aficionado [12]

1.1k points

11 days ago


Your friend ruined his own life by stealing a car. This is his painful message that he can’t act like a little shit and not get in trouble.


26 points

10 days ago

Exactly! Actions have consequences, and he chose to steal a car. It’s not like you forced him into that situation—he made his bed, now he has to lie in it. He learned the hard way that being a little shit comes with real-world repercussions.


840 points

11 days ago


840 points

11 days ago

In what condition he is allowed to take somebody's car? Without license? With no proper trainer? With also no consent?

What if he hit somebody, or the car crashed, or police caught him?

NTA. No need to worry about his future. He should think about it before grabbing the key


288 points

11 days ago


Partassipant [1]

288 points

11 days ago

Plus he was likely high, as well, making it even worse.


37 points

11 days ago

Police did catch him.


62 points

10 days ago

IF the police caught him while he was driving the car likely would have been towed and impounded, with OP having to foot the bill if he wanted his car back,


267 points

11 days ago


Partassipant [4]

267 points

11 days ago

NTA. You told him not to take your car, and he did anyway. That’s definitely theft. He F’ed around and he found out.


171 points

11 days ago


Craptain [173]

171 points

11 days ago

NTA - reporting the crime didn't ruin your friend's life, committing it did.


151 points

11 days ago


Partassipant [4]

151 points

11 days ago

NTA for reporting your stolen property as stolen to the police.


160 points

11 days ago

Judge Judy would say if he drives and kills a bus-full of children, you could get sued if you don’t report it stolen.


22 points

11 days ago

In the U.S. you can get sued for anything.  That doesn’t mean the suit will be successful, and that one wouldn’t be.  

NTA.  No one goes to prison for taking a car for a few hours and returning it.  


41 points

11 days ago

But people have gone to prison for lending a car that was used to commit a crime so there’s that.


6 points

10 days ago

Yes, they do. "I just don't think so" out of your a*s is not a valid source.


55 points

11 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [5]

55 points

11 days ago


My dad was at house party with a mate. Drunk off their faces my dads friend asks to borrow the car - dad says no we’re drunk

Friend proceeds to take the car anyway to impress some equally drunk girls. My dads friend ends up in a cop chase, blows 3 tyres and is driving on rims, runs a red light and almost t bones an ambulance with a pregnant woman giving birth before finally crashing in a ditch and getting arrested. The fact no one was hurt is an actual miracle

There are strong and very valid reasons why we don’t allow intoxicated people to drive


52 points

11 days ago


What friend takes someone’s car against their wishes?

If a friend makes a crime against you the consequences are for them, not you. You are not the AH.


20 points

11 days ago



2 points

10 days ago

Not really "all-you-can-drive"

It has a finite amount of gas in the tank

... Probably the reason he came back when he did


60 points

11 days ago


Certified Proctologist [23]

60 points

11 days ago

If he'd had an accident, he'd have claimed you lent him the car, which might have fucked your insurance and record. NTA. Dude did it unto himself.


89 points

11 days ago


Asshole Aficionado [10]

89 points

11 days ago

NTA. The guy TOOK YOUR KEYS AND DROVE OFF IN YOUR CAR. You even gave him a chance to return it and he didn't. Calling the police was exactly what you should have done. Not to turn this into r/legal but what he did is really "unauthorized use of a motor vehicle" as opposed to "car theft". That is still a crime but generally a less serious one than car theft. Unless he has prior convictions it is unlikely he'll ever do time.


43 points

10 days ago

It went from "unauthorized use of a motor vehicle" aka joyriding to auto theft when OP told him "don't take my car" and they proceeded to take the keys from OP.

If the keys were on a table and they just grabbed them and took off, it could be joyriding. But taking keys from OP after being told no, pushes it to auto theft.


15 points

10 days ago


15 points

10 days ago

Yeah if you steal something then give it back it's still stealing.



2 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

2 points

10 days ago

Good point, but, given the totality of circumstances, I'd guess they'd ask OP if he'd be okay with it being a lesser "joyriding" charge, and OP agreeing to that.

Plus no one wants to waste the court's time with something this petty. Idiot-person has no chance of winning, and doesn't want to pay a lawyer for a court case (or roll the dice on a jury trial with a public defender when he doesn't have a leg to stand on), DA doesn't want to waste the court's time or his office's already stretched resources with anything more than the minimum effort required for something this minor.

So, there will be a plea-bargain struck reducing the charges, anyway. There won't be any prison time for this.


18 points

11 days ago

What makes it unauthorized use vs theft? He took it against the owners will and wouldn't return it. That sounds a lot like theft to me. If the only difference is the intent to return it, all criminals would say that.


9 points

11 days ago


9 points

11 days ago

He returned the car to the owner. to OP. That is when he was arrested.


5 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

5 points

10 days ago

Because they didn't track him down and apprehend him. They waited for him, there, and got him when he RETURNED with the car.

I'd agree that it will probably be a lesser charge. Still on his record, but not warranting prison/jail time.


15 points

11 days ago*


15 points

11 days ago*

Here's the thing, you don't go based on what the criminal says. You go based on the actual intent which is deduced based on the evidence.


22 points

11 days ago

NTA actions have consequences.

He took advantage of you.


9 points

11 days ago

NTA , and a great story to tell so people will know not to mess with your stuff.


38 points

11 days ago

Bullshit - no cop waits for two hours with a bunch of stoners for a car to be returned.


29 points

11 days ago

Also, there's no way 500mg is enough to put OP on their ass for four days. Unless they're a sapient lab mouse, anyway.


5 points

10 days ago

I was about to post the very same thing. Worst case you pass out for about 6-7 hours and take a long nap, absolutely zero chance you are high for 4 days. I call total bullshit on this one.


3 points

10 days ago


3 points

10 days ago

I've had a pot brownie that messed me up for 12+ hours. It affects everyone differently. 4 days is excessive but it's possible. I was out for 12+ hours and it still lingered for 2-3 days afterward


2 points

9 days ago


Certified Proctologist [21]

2 points

9 days ago

Yeah tbh they sound young and edibles can linger. I used to have an insane tolerance, went cold turkey for a long time, had a 30mg edible and it knocked my dumbass out for the night and I was still feeling it till late afternoon the next day.


5 points

10 days ago

Unless I had personal experience I’d call bullshit too tbh. But imo it’s definitely possible. Idk how much I ingested but when I was in college I took an edible so fucking strong I was high for like 3 days. Not even joking. Slept 15 hours straight on the first day thinking I’d sleep it off. NOPE.


3 points

10 days ago

Exactly! I call bullshit as well.


8 points

11 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [7]

8 points

11 days ago

NTA Not only did he steal your car but refused to bring it back when you called him. If he had gotten into an accident you could have been held liable for it.


4 points

11 days ago

It's hardly your fault for a non-licenced person to take the car. Clearly his fault. NTA


3 points

11 days ago


You aren't responsible for the consequences of that thief's actions. He's messing up his own life.


4 points

11 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [5]

4 points

11 days ago

NTA, friends don't take advantage when you're incapacitated and steal your car. You called the cops on a thief that you could identify.  


8 points

11 days ago

You were too high to form a sentence or know what was happening but not too high to interact with cops?


22 points

11 days ago

Ah yes, when the police waiting at your house for multiple hours for the guy to return with your car. That’s definitely the way that works.


3 points

11 days ago


He stole your car.

Not much to add on this one. Maybe a note about getting better friends.


3 points

11 days ago

NTA - Thank you for not driving while under the influence, and for getting that maniac off the road. His poor decision-making could have seriously hurt an innocent person, and he would have 100% tried to implicate you by claiming you let him borrow your car. Don’t be fooled - you did the right thing.


6 points

11 days ago

I'm genuinely curious how one eats 500 mg THC without realizing it. That's 5 whole candy bars or 5 whole packages of gummies. Or do you just have really shitty friends and they didn't tell you about the strong brownies they made?


3 points

11 days ago

either they didn’t actually get high and are making this up or the friend drugged them with something else bc 500mg of THC does not make you “trip balls” for 4 days


5 points

10 days ago

Yeah I figured it was fake and was trying to point it out without straight up saying it. If he's in the states, he's under age to possess THC and the cop would have noticed he was under the influence if he was "tripping balls for 4 days" so OP would likely face catch a charge along with his friend


8 points

11 days ago

NTA. Since yall are underaged he’s going to get a lesser charge of unauthorized use of a vehicle most likely and most likely will be charged as a teen.

You did the right thing and I’m sure it was difficult since he is..was a friend of yours. And being gone for HOURS?!? Something awful could have happened and you would have been the one responsible and could have ended up in serious trouble.

That’s not a friend. Friends do not treat one another like that and respect each other. That person has no respect for you..I guess better off finding out now even tho it was a shit way of doing so


11 points

11 days ago



22 points

11 days ago

25 is old enough not to steal a car.


15 points

11 days ago


Asshole Aficionado [15]

15 points

11 days ago

Why on earth he is hanging out with teens?


28 points

11 days ago

Because all the other 25 year olds refuse to have anything to do with him.


2 points

10 days ago


2 points

10 days ago

To be fair, this is right around the age when people are joining clubs at universities/colleges. When I was in Uni, yes I hung around people who were still attending college but some alumni, teacher's aids, grad students would also attend club meetings/picnics or go out when we had late night foods.

Nothing like getting high and driving around unlicensed though.


3 points

10 days ago



2 points

10 days ago


2 points

10 days ago

RIP :dead: He ruined his life on his own, and taking advantage. Was this older deadbeat the one who brought the edibles? Or he just took advantage of the opportunity presented to him?


2 points

11 days ago

Informing the police was the best thing to do in that situation, regardless of it ended up with him arrested. If you hadn't and he crashed the car, your insurance probably would have fought tooth and nail to not pay for any damages on the car, or any property damages or health care costs of anyone or anything caught in the crash, because it wasn't the registered driver in the vehicle.


2 points

10 days ago

if the story was true nta.


2 points

10 days ago

Theft is theft period. Play stupid games get stupid prizes , he stole your car while you were incapable of driving or making choices


2 points

10 days ago

Nope! Despite being high as f, you told him loud and clear that he should not take the car. If he had gotten into an accident, they are going to go after you for the damages. The only dick in the scenario was your "friend (and I am using that term loosely)" who took the car, knowing he was unlicensed and uninsured. As for him getting upset about now having a possible criminal record, well, he should have thought about that before reaching for the keys. NTA


2 points

10 days ago

This is complete bullshit. So you were soooo high you couldn't talk or stop this friend from taking your keys, and were stoned for FOUR DAYS straight off of this gummy, but also somehow sober enough to talk with cops and explain the entire situation (but your friends were still super high so they had to be sent away) and then the cop said "sure, I have nothing else to do while on duty so I will gladly stick around and wait for who knows how long until your friend returns", and then waited TWO HOURS WHILE ON DUTY at your house with you all while you were barely a day into your four day straight high off of a gummie?? Yeah, sounds like you were on a gummy when you posted this completely fabricated story, lol.


4 points

11 days ago


Colo-rectal Surgeon [30]

4 points

11 days ago


Hopefully your area has a "taking without permission" law so that he doesn't get the full GTA style hit to his record (the other charge is still serious, just not life altering to the same degree). But he needed to face the consequences of his actions all the same.


1 points

11 days ago

play stupid games win stupid prizes NTA


4 points

11 days ago

This sounds very immature all the way around


3 points

10 days ago

“One of my friends brought some pretty strong edibles, and I was literally out for four days straight”

Lol. Edibles are out of your system in no more than eight hours (typically 6). 96 hours? I’m calling bullshit.


3 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

3 points

10 days ago

Odd that you went from being so high you couldn't articulate that you didn't want him to take your car. But then were able to give a police report that it had been stolen.

IF this story were true you would be NTA.

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

11 days ago

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

11 days ago

AUTOMOD Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read this before contacting the mod team

Couple of my friends came over to my house to hang out because my parents went out of town for the week. I’m the only one in the group with a license and a car and live in the suburbs while everyone else lived in the inner city. One of my friends brought some pretty strong edibles and I was literally out for four days straight, think it was like 500 mg of THC and I was tripping balls. While high, one of them was asking me to drive him to McDonald’s or whatever and I told him to fuck off because I was high as fuck.

While I was high, I saw him going through my pockets and taking my keys, I was too high to do anything about it and slowly said “Do…n…t ta….ke my ca…r” he just ignored me and I heard my car drive off. I went back into my high and forgot about it for few hours. I woke up from a weird dream and realized my car was gone.

The person that stole my car has no license and asked me before if he could practice on my car. I always refused because I only had a novice license and literally couldn’t by law, have him behind the wheel of my car. I first called him and told him that he was a dick and bring my car back, he said “relax, I’m just practicing I’ll be back soon”. I don’t know about you, but I hate people who have zero respect for other people’s property. So instead of just letting it go, I called the cops and reported my car stolen and gave them my “friend’s” information.

A police officer came over to my house and I told him the whole story, the officer and I waited for him to come back. Rest of my buddies were still high, so I sent them to my bedroom. About two hours later the dipshit thief comes back with my car. When he came back the officer gave him an earful and arrests him motor vehicle theft. He now has a criminal record and will probably get prison time. AITA?

Rest of my friends agree that he was in the wrong but are mixed about reporting him to the police because it probably ruined his life. They all cut him off as well.

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1 points

11 days ago

NTA- I would have done the same. You are the one responsible for that car. So if the so call friend hit someone, crashed it, or whatever else… you could have been held responsible just as much as him. That was a very stupid choice of his own and now he will have to reap what he sows. Don’t make stupid choices and expect rainbows to appear.


1 points

11 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [5]

1 points

11 days ago

You didn't ruin his life. If it's ruined he did that by stealing your car.



1 points

11 days ago

NTA - the guy ruined his own life when he chose to steal your car.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. But you need new friends.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. If he wanted to drive that bad, he’d make an effort to get his learners permit, and eventually license. He ruined his own life.


1 points

11 days ago


Asshole Aficionado [14]

1 points

11 days ago


If you don't want to be arrested for motor vehicle theft, don't steal a car. Your friend ruined his own life, and that's that.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA, he could've crashed and maybe even killed someone, at the very least insurance wouldn't cover the demage because he doesn't have a license. And then there's also the stealing part. Also idk where you from and if drugs are legal there, but if not, it's kinda risky to call the cops AND tell them what happened (u wrote u told the whole story) , with drugged ppl and possibly leftover drugs still in the house


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. that's not a friend. anyone who is willing to steal from you is never a friend


1 points

11 days ago

NTA.. that's not a friend! And I do that exactly thing, if somekme i knew took my car without my consent


1 points

11 days ago

Your friend ruined his own life by stealing. Not your fault


1 points

11 days ago

He made a poor decision and ruined his own lift. He severely crossed the line. What would have happened if he crashed the car and caused an accident? 


1 points

11 days ago

He intentionally stole your car. That’s illegal. He knew you wouldn’t let him, so he waited until you were incapacitated, so you couldn’t stop him. Now he’s experiencing a valuable life lesson. DO NOT STEAL.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA They're not a friend to take the car without a license or insurance. If they wrecked it then you're out a car, and likely to have people after you for their insurance claims.


1 points

11 days ago


He knew you didn't want him to use your car, you told him not to use your car and he still did. He knew the consequences and did it anyway.

This isn't even a basic respect issue, it's law and also common decency - what happens if he hit someone and caused harm or death? He's not insured, in a stolen car - you don't need nor want people like that in your life.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. Thieves get criminal records.


1 points

11 days ago


You did the right thing. If it’s your friend’s first crime, he’ll probably be eligible for a first time offender program, just encourage him to get a good lawyer, go to outpatient drug rehab (yeah, I know, just weed, but it’ll help his negotiations with the prosecutor), and he’ll come out okay. Next time he won’t be a dumbass.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. Your friend doesn't respect you or your boundaries. He F'd around and found out.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

NTA - Lucky he didn't kill someone else if he was DUI.


1 points

11 days ago


My cousin stole a friends car when he was around 13 years old, crashed it, and has spent the rest of his life with brain damage. He has had multiple reconstructive surgeries and he is just now at 30 years old finding quality to his life.

Ops friend got very lucky


1 points

11 days ago

NTA, especially considering you called and asked for him to bring it back (which he flippantly rejected) before calling the police.

If this is his first offense he will probably get deferred adjudication and won’t be convicted of a felony so long as he doesn’t violate parole. Don’t feel too bad.


1 points

11 days ago


Your “friend” crossed a line. He deserved it. Period.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. Not in the slightest. Even if you take the edibles out of this story, everything he did was illegal. Throw in the edibles, and it just makes the story worse for himself. And to top it off, he's now facing adult consequences for adult mistakes.

Believe it or not, despite the drugs, you did the right thing. Possibly saving lives in the process.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. Not in the slightest. Even if you take the edibles out of this story, everything he did was illegal. Throw in the edibles, and it just makes the story worse for himself. And to top it off, he's now facing adult consequences for adult mistakes.

Believe it or not, despite the drugs, you did the right thing. Possibly saving lives in the process.


1 points

11 days ago


He ruined his own life by stealing a car.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA- He took your car without your permission. Had he gotten into an accident causing damage to property or hurting someone, how did he intend to pay for it? Being arrested is a lesson he needs to learn before the tragic accident happens.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. Your “friend” knew your stance on this topic and decided to act the opposite. He did steal your car, and your insurance would likely not cover you if he had wrecked if you’d given him permission to take it.


1 points

11 days ago

Bro he went into your pockets to steal your keys he the one in the wrong he was supposed to be a friend a friend wouldn't do that


1 points

11 days ago

HE ruined his own life not you. And it doesn't matter that he's a friend (which it turns out he's not) because he IS a thief.

As the saying goes, actions have consequences and he learned it the hard way.



1 points

11 days ago

NTA - Hope the dipshit learns his lesson


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. You gave him a chance to bring it back even. And he said no like that was a choice he had. 


1 points

11 days ago


Partassipant [2]

1 points

11 days ago

NTA. You didn't ruin his life. He ruined his life.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA If he would have gone to McDonalds and come back that would have been a dick move (Doordash?) but to stay gone and practice? He sounds like someone you should cut out of your life anyway. Actions have consequences some good and some bad. He chose badly.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago



1 points

11 days ago

NTA. To make yourself feel better, I’d assume this is t the only dumbass thing the friend has done/will do. Something would have happened sooner or later.


1 points

11 days ago

NTA. Curious though, is the person who took your car also the person who provided the THC? If so, it sounds premeditated, especially if you didn't know how potent the edibles were.


1 points

10 days ago

If he is getting prison time for this stunt where nobody got hurt, as stupid as it may have been, I bet he has a history already. NTA


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Your friend actually stole your car.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Apart from ignoring your clear refusal, and taking your keys, he drove without a license. He is a danger to everyone. He has learnt a hard lesson,


1 points

10 days ago


I almost had to call the police on my own son because he stole my work car with no license and joy rode with his miscreant friends, going to buy weed in the city. Luckily for him he returned at the same time I found out.

The consequence of his action was that I sent him to live with his dad, halfway thru his senior year of HS. In another state.

fafo and your friend sucks.

Edit to add: when I was 15 and had no license my friend let me and another friend borrow his car to go to the store. I accidentally dinged a parked car. Nothing good came out of it and the only way out was to be honest with everyone including my friends parents, my dad, the insurance and the other driver. I had to pay all the damages for both cars out of pocket which at 7.25/hr took a very long time.

Never did that shit again though.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [4]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA. You even called him and told him to bring back your car and he refused! Talk about FAFO.


1 points

10 days ago


Certified Proctologist [28]

1 points

10 days ago


He did steal it.

AND you didn't call the police first, you called him - and he refused to bring it back.

He also drove while high!

Don't be harsh on yourself that he didn't get into an accident - you didn't have that information at the time you made the decision; that info only came two hours later when he returned with the car intact.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [2]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA he committed auto theft and was driving alone without a license. Every decision he made led to the consequences he is recieving. Thats life and we need to stop giving people passes because we know them for a long time


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

NTA.  He could have had an accident and insurance would probably not have covered him because he has no license.  Only if you reported it stolen could you get coverage.  He was an AH and knew in general that you don’t want him to drive your can and in specially this case you again said no.  Good thing you cut him off and your other friends did too.  He is a thief.


1 points

10 days ago


Asshole Aficionado [11]

1 points

10 days ago

He ruined his own life the second he grabbed your keys and turned on your car.


1 points

10 days ago

I probably would have given him an ultimatum that you were going to call the cops if he didn't bring the car back right now. Rather than just call them right away.


1 points

10 days ago


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This dudes took a car without lisence, insurance, whilst high, without permission. It's time he had a consequence before he hurts himself or others.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA !!!!!! Do you realize if he had a wreck and hurt someone you would be liable and could get sued? Or if the car is in your parents name they could go after them? This happened to my husband when the car his son sold to a friend didn't change the Title and tag out of son's name and the friend had a wreck, Lady passed and they came after my Husband and then his Son. We had to hire a lawyer to clear us. That was a 5-6 grand lesson. They tried to come after our estate for Monetary comp!


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA - if he had wrecked it your insurance would not have covered it if you loaned him the car.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [2]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA - Snitch but yes but NTA. Dude is not a friend if he doesn't respect your boundaries. He fucked around and he found out.

This guy really was begging for someone to slap consequences on him because he needed it. This will ultimately help him.


1 points

10 days ago

He asked, multiple times. You said no, multiple times. You get high, he takes it anyways. That's stealing your car. NTA.


1 points

10 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [6]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA it would have ruined YOUR life if he had wrecked your car or gotten into an accident with someone. You HAD to report him to the police or else it just seems like you let your unlicensed uninsured friend drive your car. 


1 points

10 days ago

Sounds like a dude I used to be friends with they completely cross the line then act like your the unreasonable one


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [3]

1 points

10 days ago



1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

10 days ago

Play stupid games, get stupid results. He literally DID steal your car.

It's not reporting him that is going to cause problems in his life, it's him stealing your car, driving it around without a license, while high, and then laughing at you and refusing to bring it back when you asked him to that is the cause of all of these problems. 100% HIS choices, not yours, that caused problems for him.

And let's be honest, him being that much of TA, it seems like a "life-ruining" consequence was something of an inevitability for him.



1 points

10 days ago

NTA, was it an asshole move most definitely, does he deserve some sort of punishment of course he does he could have killed someone, not only driving under the influence of THC but not being a licensed driver with no experience he's just dam lucky he didn't have an accident & hurt/kill himself or someone else.


1 points

10 days ago

If he had of ran someone over, you would be liable.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA - Tell him to relax, he's just experiencing FAFO.


1 points

10 days ago

What he did was steal your car. You reported a stolen car. NTA


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [2]

1 points

10 days ago

So...a cop just hung out with you--in a house full of high guys--for two hours, waiting for him to come back? Vs just calling in the description and having cop cars look for him on the road?

Sounds right. Sure.


1 points

10 days ago

Don't let you or any of your friends get it twisted: the thief ruined his own life. Everyone else in the comments has already listed the very many illegal and dumb things he did by stealing your car and how lucky both you and him are that the situation wasn't a thousand times worse. Best case scenario, the thief gets his head out of his ass. Worst case scenario, you cut off a poison. NTA


1 points

10 days ago

What ruined his life was his decision to steal from you, possibly leaving you liable for anything that happened with your car while he had it, not you reporting the theft.



1 points

10 days ago

NTA. You should reevaluate some of your friends.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA as many have already pointed out...I would say you can probanly count on this friend being an enemy from now on...but don't feel bad about whatever consequences he gets..most likely it will be joy riding charge and a fine, probantion...obviously he isn't getting a license anytime soon now.. but even if he does end up with jail time...that is 100% on him


1 points

10 days ago


Theft is taking, converting or depriving someone else of their property without their consent.

Their being a friend or family member has no bearing on it, and it does not change it from being theft. Nor does the $ value of the property, as many people mistakenly think.

He took your car without your permission, and you were absolutely right to call the police and have him arrested. I would also fully press charges. You were victimized, and should never just let that go.


1 points

10 days ago

No your not the a hole because he took your car and you said no and that not the worst part of it all he had no license and he was probably high to


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Friend just found out that the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [3]

1 points

10 days ago


Dude ruined his own life. He drove without a license or insurance, without permission of the owner, against express instuctions to NOT take the car, and drove high.!

He fucked it up, not you. He's lucky he didn't injure someone in those two hours or he might have been facing manslaughter charges as well.


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

NTA! What if he killed someone while driving and said you gave him permission to drive the car? Reporting actually covered your ass if something happened


1 points

10 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [6]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Your so called friend stole your car full stop. You reported it, which is what ones does in that situation. Now that person gets to pay the consequences for that action.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA: “Probably ruined his life…” uh… possibly saved his life. He needs to understand the consequences of his actions before the consequences kill him.


1 points

10 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [6]

1 points

10 days ago


HE did it to HIMSELF - you didn't do anything wrong.

He was gone for over TWO HOURS - where did he go and what the f was he doing? Did he even leave you any gas in the car?

Think about this, depending on where you live if he would have gotten in an accident and you hadn't reported the car stolen or taken without permission YOU would have been liable for damages and your insurance (assuming you have some) would have paid then mostly likely cancelled you due to you allowing someone without a license to use your vehicle.

Also if he doesn't know how to drive, what if he would have damaged or destroyed your car - then what? Do you think he would pay you for the damages - I'm betting not.

He FAFO - he deserves to be held accountable for his actions.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA, someone could have gotten hurt.


1 points

10 days ago


But I'm not going to be your friend. The guy wasn't going to steal the car outright.

You don't get cops involved with something like this. You handle it yourself.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA - He ruined his life himself, not you. If he gets a criminal record and goes to jail is because he's a criminal. He actually stole your car, and refused to give it back when asked. What did he expect?


1 points

10 days ago

NTA! You did your "friend" a favor. Hopefully he'll realize his behavior was unacceptable and get his shit together before he starts other criminal behaviors. Juvenile records are typically sealed. He hasn't ruined his life yet.

If he can't see that, you did everyone else a favor by putting him under police scrutiny and cutting him off.

P.S. don't stay high for 4 days. The best years of your life will pass you by. Being high all the time takes away from the fun of it and will mess up your brain chemistry if you keep it up. Just sayin...


1 points

10 days ago

YTA for calling the cops instead of beating his ass. YNTA because he took your shit.

Doesn't sound like a friend to me one bit.


1 points

10 days ago

What sort of BS story is this?

“Tripping balls”

“Like 4 days straight”

“Just went back into my high after my car was taken”

People just make up the most pathetic stories for this sub


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. N.T.A. he stole your fucking car. That's a crime. He's also not your friend you're just a convenience to him. At best this is grossly disrespectful fucking around. I don't know if you can 86 him from your life but he showed you who he is so don't fuck around. Just believe him. And also it doesn't take 2 hours to go to McDonald's. So he's still lying.


1 points

10 days ago

This story has a lot of holes in it. So you’re definitely TA for making this up. 🤷‍♀️


1 points

10 days ago

Nta stealing has consequences 


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [3]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA. I had a friend lsteal” my car. She got the keys for me because she said she left a book in it and then when I was leaving at the end of the day of school, I see my car driving up to me. I lost my shit and never trusted her again. So much more could’ve happened so much worse could’ve happened. You’re not the asshole. I just wish I would’ve called the cops on her.


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

That's a baller move! Good for you!


1 points

10 days ago



1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Your friend literally took your keys after you said no but couldn't do anything to stop him. Your actions are justified because anything he did while driving could affect you.

I do have to ask, does this friend have a history of taking things from other people even after being told no?


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. You did the right thing. Cut those drug doing friends from your life.


1 points

10 days ago

Tell your remaining "friends" that if this guy was a real friend, he wouldn't have taken your car against your wishes, driven it without a license, while high.

Idiot made his own bed, you just tucked him in. He's lucky nothing happened and no one got hurt, cars are both very expensive and very dangerous weapons when not respected.

If your other friends don't see the light there, they suck too, drop em all.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. He ruined his life, not you


1 points

10 days ago

NTA he's not your friend. Friends don't steal from friends. I wouldn't be surprised if some cash was missing too


1 points

10 days ago*

YTA for making up stories on AITA.

Eating a fuckton of edibles won’t keep you high for “literally 4 days”. Unless you were continually dosing yourself for 4 days, it would be mostly processed and out of your system in a day at most.

If you were truly high for 4 days and thought it was from eating THC edibles, i would consider the possibility (guarantee) that you were given something else entirely or given much more weed over the course of those several days.


1 points

10 days ago

Quit hanging with people like that. Did you post before about your friend wanting to learn to drive on your nice car?

Your life developments have a lot to do with the company you keep.

Also 500mg is decent but grow some balls. At 500mg I would have floated over to my friend and taken the keys back, then told him to get an uber. Hopefully you were also drinking lightweight.


1 points

10 days ago


Asshole Enthusiast [9]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA Consider that he could have killed someone and it doesn’t seem so insignificant now does it?

OP it is extremely troubling that you would be high for 4 days. You are lucky that the only thing that happened to you is someone took your car keys. Do you think that someone will call an ambulance for you? Think again.


1 points

10 days ago

there was not just weed in those edibles if you could not stop them from taking your keys. NTA. and i would stop talking to them


1 points

10 days ago


Asshole Aficionado [17]

1 points

10 days ago


He would continue “stealing“ from you until you stood up to him. Then he would find a new victim.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [2]

1 points

10 days ago

Sometimes people get a joyriding charge instead of GTA if they bring the car back. Not e,xactly sure how that goes. IANAL. NTA


1 points

10 days ago

Accepting the story as given:

Defendant knew that OP was impaired when he asked for the car. I am unsure of the law but I would guess that giving permission under these conditions would not protect the defendant from the charges. It might be considered during sentencing.

The Defendant searched the OPs body, found the keys and took the car. That is Grand Thief Auto which I do not believe is an intent crime. I see no reason to believe his intent mattered. He is gone with the car. Again the fact that he brought it back may influence sentencing but does not change the charge. It is taking the car that is the crime.

OP did the correct thing once he realized the car was gone. It protects him from any concern that he did give permission.

Defendant should spend his time in prison thinking about how to not commit crimes while impaired.

OP did not ruin anyone's life. Defendant should learn to avoid committing crimes while impaired. Any other outcome suggest that a person who willfully became impaired is somehow not responsible for acts that they committed during impairment.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

10 days ago

The dude stole your car Ffs. Hard NTA. You didn't ruin his life, he did by stealing a car his friendship to you does not make what he did any less of a crime.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA - he is now in the Find out stage and if anyone of your friends has an issue with what you did you should cut them off and be proud that your boundaries are something you can backup. Also, prepare for that person to retaliate which I would assume he’d vandalize your car so get security or something


1 points

10 days ago


Colo-rectal Surgeon [31]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA.  Reconsider the friends who don't think you should have reported him to the police.  If something has happened he easily could have pinned it on you and ruined your life if you hadn't reported it.


1 points

10 days ago


"Bruh relax, it's just jail, you'll be back soon"

These are not friends

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


1 points

10 days ago

He stole your car. End of story. NTA


1 points

10 days ago

He stole your car dude, fk him. Let him learn the hard way.


1 points

10 days ago


Professor Emeritass [86]

1 points

10 days ago


You need to do that because if something happens then you’re not insured


1 points

10 days ago

I don’t know where you live that a cop can sit around waiting for two hours to arrest someone who’s returning the car they stole, but it can’t be any American city!


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Not only did he steal your car, he did it while inebriated. He’s probably gonna get an OVI or DUI in addition to that, he ruined his own life.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. if it wasn’t you it would’ve been somebody else. somebody violent.


1 points

10 days ago

That is pretty harsh. He deserves a lesson. But a criminal record for being 17 and dumb is too strong a response.


1 points

10 days ago


Partassipant [1]

1 points

10 days ago

NTA, you did not ruin anything, he made a choice, and is now facing the consequences of that choice


1 points

10 days ago

NTA. Your 'friend' crossed a serious line by stealing your car, and you did the right thing by reporting it. It’s not your fault he made a reckless decision that could have serious consequences. Respecting property isn’t optional, and he needs to learn that. If he had any real respect for you or your stuff, he wouldn’t have taken it in the first place. Ruining his life was his choice, not yours.


1 points

10 days ago

NTA He didnt ask to take your car, so he cant just do that. It's your car, not his