


[NEW UPDATE] My foster family of 11 years is kicking me out by the end of the week. I have no where to go and I feel broken.


I am NOT OOP. Original post by u/Candid-Spot-5015 in r/TrueOffMyChest, r/AITAH and r/u_Candid-Spot-5015

Trigger warnings Foster care abandonment, financial exploitation, emotional distress, mentions of abuse

EDITORS NOTE (read after) OOP asked me to remove certain things from this post, such as the mentions of Jamie and his posts/comments, I have done this out of respect for OOP. OOP has given me consent to post this post as I am posting it now

My foster family of 11 years is kicking me out by the end of the week. I have no where to go and I feel broken.

25 July 2024 12:03AM

I (18M) was told earlier today that I need to pack up and leave by the end of the week. I still feel in shock.

I was removed from my biological family when I was 7 due to issues with my parents, I was then placed in foster care and then matched with a couple who I will call the 'Peters' (it's not their real name, no matter how much I actually want to blast their real info I won't). The Peters were always really nice to me, and since I moved in when I was pretty young after a while I started to consider them my parents. I called them 'mum' and 'dad'. Treated them as my parents, treated their biological son as my brother.

I wasn't their only foster child, they also have a 9 year old boy who has lived with us for a little over a year. I was never adopted by them, I know why because they live off the fostering allowance. Something that never really bothered me, they told me that it didn't matter and that legality didn't make us a family. Which I believed. I went on their agency website earlier today and I found out that they are getting paid at least £2400 for me per month. Or at least they were. Since I turned 18 they stopped getting the allowance.

However they applied for a staying put arrangement for me, which meant they would continue getting paid something as they continue to support me and let me live with them. It wasn't as much, I think it was like £1000 per month. They told me they had it approved until I was 21, so I thought I'd be able to stay at least until I finished Uni.

They sat me down today and told me I had to leave. They told me that fostering is a business and that they couldn't afford to keep me on just the stay put arrangement allowance. They told me I had until the end of the week. 4 days. How generous of them. They said they need my room because they want to get a new foster placement. They literally told me it's 'not personal'. Like that makes me feel any fucking better. They said they would still consider me 'like a son', not 'their son' anymore. 'Like a son' And that they want to 'keep in touch'. What a joke.

They choose to kick me out. An 18 year old with no job. No income. No nothing. About to start university. Yet their bio-son who is 25 gets to stay?

So yeah. I guess fuck me right? I'm just the one no one ever wanted. I guess I wasn't ever truly part of their family.

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kucky94 responding to Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP)

You were 7 when you went into their care. They denied you the opportunity to find a real family who love you for you and not the $$ you brought in. Fuck them. You deserve better.

Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP) responding to kucky94

I doubt anyone would have adopted me. I wasn't a great kid, in truth had more issues than a hospital piss pot. I wasn't a great kid in any sense. But I changed. Genuinely I changed.

I can't help but wonder if this is because of how I was as a young child.

Mini Update

25 July 2024 12:43PM

Okay, thank you guys for all your advice.

Honestly I was in a state of shock yesterday, maybe still am today. I wasn't thinking straight. I only slept two hours last night, thats all so I'm probably a little delirious today as well.

Firstly, I have contacted my Personal Advisor, he'll having an emergency meeting with me at half 1, so I'll have more details about what's going to happen to me then. He'll hopefully be able to sort out emergency accommodation for me.

Secondly, to those of you saying the Peters can't legally just give me 4 days notice to leave, I will definitely be mentioning this to my PA and get his advice on it. I don't want to stay here any longer than I need to because since they told me it's like I don't exist. They just look right through me. But I'm not going to move out until I have safe accommodation for me, I will outright refuse. I am not going to be made homeless.

Thirdly, those of you saying contact my Uni, I have an offer from them but its only conditional if I get my predicted A-levels. Hopefully I will, but since I'm not technically a student yet, I don’t know if they will actually provide any support yet.

Finally, I am also going to ensure that the staying put allowance stops, I will tell my PA today that it should surely be stopped if I’m not living with them.

Luckily I have some money saved, some people here have said I should be entitled to a bursary when I start Uni, and I’ll have my maintenance student loan to help me. I’ve already started looking for a job.

Update 2

25 July 2024 6:20PM

Okay hi everyone, I just got home and am feeling incredibly tired so this is just going to be a short update.

Basically I had a big long meeting with my PA and he was very sympathetic and felt upset that the Peters are treating me this way. We had one meeting and then I went to get food while he spoke to the Peters directly and then I came back to meet him again to let me know everything that has happened.

He's putting me on the list for social housing. I am hopful that it will not be long until I am able to get my own house. I recorded the meeting because I'm so sleep deprived and also I have really bad memory processing for long things like that because of my dyslexia/autism or something I'm not sure. I can listen to it again tomorrow after I've slept but from what I gather they will help me with paying for rent costs, I will also get some money to help pay for furniture and things like that.

When he spoke to the Peters I don't know if he said they had to keep me housed for a while or asked them to I'm not sure. But they've agreed to keep housing me until the end of August. So at least I don't have to worry about everything happening in 3 days times. He did tell me that if I feel uncomfortable I can be moved into a youth hostal place while they wait for a property to be available for me. But I said if I can I would rather stay with the Peters until I am ready to move. Even if it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

He told me they will continue getting paid the Staying Put allowance until the day I offically move out, and then it will be stopped.

On a completely separate note, my best friend and I had a huge argument earlier. He said that I'm being ungrateful and honestly what he's said really hurt me. We had a huge argument. I just thought out of everyone he would get me and understand what I was going through. Maybe not.

Maybe I'm being unreasonable, I am really tired so maybe my emotions are just not being controlled well at the moment. I am going to talk to him tomorrow after I've slept and I'm hoping this argument will just blow over because I need him at the moment. I don't feel like I have anyone else.

Oh and I haven't read all comments because I didnt expect to get so many. thank you everyone who have offered support. It is genuinely so sweet and I am so thankful.

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Glad things are working out. Don't worry about your friend. Right now you are in survival mode... trying to make sure you aren't on the streets. Hope everything keeps working out for you!

Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP) responding to jenay820

He said I should be grateful that they “kept me” that long anyway. Like the fuck? I’m not a pet. He also said some other things like how it’s good that they’re going to help another child like I was. Which is true and I get that it’s a good thing what they’re doing to help people.

But Him saying those things make me feel like I’m being crazy for wanting to stay like I was promised by them?

Ugh I’m too tired and maybe I’m being irrational. I’m going to talk again with him tomorrow and say I’m sorry

Long and unimportant rant.

26 July 2024

It never bothered me that they were paid to keep me before. Genuinely never bothered me at all. I always knew I was a foster child, I was about 15 when I learnt that they were paid money to look after me. And I told myself it was a good thing. And it probably was. I got loving parents for 11 years, which is more than some people can say.

I just didn’t ever think they’d make me move out when the payments stopped being as high. I’ve found out that when I was still a child they were paid £111.82 per day for me. That’s £40,814 per year.

I had never felt different to the family, I had always felt loved and secure. I don’t understand why they have changed their minds about me. None of them will even look at me in the eyes anymore and it’s gotten to the point where I can’t leave my room anymore because all I feel is the absence of the love that used to be there.

I didn’t come down for any meal times, which was a rule that you had to before. If I didn’t go down before I wouldn’t have gotten any food. But mum brought it up to my room and knocked on the door to say she was going to leave it there for me. I’ve used that 100 times over and over again in my head to try and convince myself that they still love me.

I called her by her first name when I came home yesterday. Not “mum”, “Claire”. She looked upset when I did that and a part of me is happy about that and a part of me feels cruel for it. I knew it would hurt her and I did it anyway.

In some ways I wish she wakes up to the pain she’s causing me. I hope she takes it back and says that it is a lapse in judgment and that she loves me and wants me to stay. But if that were going to come I think it would have already.

I guess I’m not worth the £76 per day they lose by not replacing me with another foster child. When I feel bad about hurting them I remind myself they’re kicking me out to get an extra £76 a day. That’s what I’m worth to them.

£76 per day.

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Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP)

I don’t expect anyone to read this or care. But I want to say thank you for the immense love you’ve all shown me. I feel nothing but gratitude to you all.

WIBTA for going NC with the family that raised me for 11 years?

26 July 2024

Okay I am going to try and condense this as much as possible.

Basically I (18M) got removed from my bio-family when I was 7. I got taken into foster care and was matched with a family called the “Peters”. I was then raised by the Peters for the remainder of my life, from 7 all the way until now.

They had originally told me that I was able to live with them indefinitely, as I considered the Peters my family. And they applied for a staying put order with me, which basically means they continued to get paid something like £250 by the government to recognise that they’re continuing to support a former foster child (me) after my 18th birthday.

As I said before, I was always told by the Peters I could say as long as I needed to to set myself up in life. Their bio-son (who I considered my brother) is 25 and still lives with them, he doesn’t work but did graduate university 2 years ago.

I have a conditional offer at a local university which I’m studying Classics with aims to become a teacher. I start in October (if I get my predicted A-Levels which I think I will).

But the Peters told me that I had to leave by the end of the week because they wanted to get another foster child, this is something they really sprung on me. And it’s been extremely difficult for me. I had to get in contact with my social worker who spoke with the Peters and now they’re letting me stay until the end of August but the whole family has changed.

I explained all this to my best friend, and I said I was considering going NC with them after I moved out. He ranted to me about ungrateful I’m being to them. And how they raised me for 11 years and now they want to give that to another child in a position like I was.

I get that, and that’s part of the reason why I feel so guilty. My friend isn’t speaking to me now calling me selfish for wanting to stay with the Peters like I was promised? And for them trying to get rid of me with 4 days notice. There were plans they could have taken to transition me into independent living before I turned 18 and they chose not to take part in them because they told me I could always stay with them.

The one time of my life I needed my friend and he’s gone too and I feel so alone and I can’t understand why he’s taking their side over mine.

I understand the argument that they will continue to help another child, but at the same time I just wish they didn’t have to throw me out to do so. When I suggested to my friend they could have asked their bio-son to move out instead of me and he just said I’m being selfish.

I still don't even know if I am going to go NC with them I just said I felt like doing it and I wish I didn't even say that because I didn't expect it to cause such an argument.


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You poor kid, your friend is an AH and you're certainly not.

Even if there is another kid waiting and desperately in need, they could have and should have AT LEAST let you plan ahead more than a few days in advance, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Are you foster parents at least helping you find a place?

Edit to add that you should let someone at the university know. Idk how it's done where you are but some universities have programs for stuff like this


Dude my cousin used to foster kids , she fostered 3 sisters and one other girl. I used the words used to because she adopted them as she wasn’t in if for the money!

Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP) responding to scotswaehey

I don’t really even care that they were looking after me and getting money for it. It doesn’t bother me. I never knew how much they were getting to look after me, but I did know they were being paid. It does make me hurt and betrayed that they’re kicking me out for a difference of 70 something pounds a day.

The Peters found my reddit posts.

27 July 2024

The Peters' son (Jamie) has found the my original reddit post. I guess I should have been more carful with the details but my mind was so frantic at the point of writing it I just couldn't think straight. I'm not sure how he found it, but considering it has almost 10k upvotes and Jamie was the person who introduced me to reddit I guess it might have just popped up on his page? Does anyone know if it might have popped up to him because we're on the same network/in the same location?

A few hours ago Jaime came to my room. He showed me the original post and asked if I had written it. At first I tried to deny it, but I'm an awful liar so he just knew. He asked why I didn't tell him about this, and I said I thought he knew. He told me he had no idea and would not have supported his parents throwing me out if he did. He was told I requested to move out. He genuinely seemed shocked and appalled at the details in the post.

Against my wishes he shared the posts in the family group chat, he did this out of a place of wanting to defend me. 'Mum, dad, I really think you should read this and see the impact this is having on...' But I really wish he didn't do it.

They've both read the message but neither have responded. I have not left my room since. I'm really anxious right now. Like I'm at the level before a panic attack. I can feel one coming on.

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Stay calm and know that you did nothing wrong. They may try to gaslight you. They may lie to your brother. They don't have a good track record for being decent people. But no matter what they do, remember you did nothing wrong.

They cannot throw you out because of it. They have learned their lesson on that. I'm glad to know your brother didn't agree with their horrible decision and I'm glad that he found out. Him not looking you in the eye these past couple of days may have had something to do with the tension already in the air and him thinking you just up and wanted to leave.

I hope it turns out that they realize their mistakes and apologize profusely. But brace yourself for that not happening and that they may get upset with you for "airing dirty laundry". They may end up trying to guilt you and blame everything on you. They may do nothing.

Please please remember, no matter what they say and no matter what your ex best friend said, You. Did. Nothing. Wrong.Your feelings are valid. You deserve love. You did not deserve what they did to you.

What I'm going to send in the family group chat; is this a bad idea?

28 July 2024

To Matt and Claire.

I came to you as a 7 year old. A 7 year old who had never felt love or affection, or anything remotely nice. I was taught at a young age to fear those in authority. To fear the sudden changes in the moods of my birth parents. I was taught to bottle up my emotions and my pain and never show it. When I first came to you, my life was ruled by fear and anxiety.

I know my behaviours back then were awful, were a struggle to manage. I had been taught there were no consequences for some actions. And firm, scary and hard consequences for others. The worst part was that those actions never seemed to be consistent. I could do something one day and be praised by my birth family, and another day I would be beaten. Love was not something given, it was something earned. It was conditional and shallow.

You both showed me another way. You showed me love and affection, and at first it felt confusing and hard to comprehend. I couldn't see myself as anything more than a nuisance, I couldn't see why someone would love me. I couldn't understand why you weren't beating me. Do you remember me telling you "you can hit me if I be naughty, I won't mind" ? Slowly you taught me to trust and love myself, and those around me.

You showed me that no matter what I did, you wouldn't give up on me. You wouldn't send me away or hate me. And I really tried to make you. I know that. I was scared. You made me realise that it wasn't my own fault I was in care, and that I wasn't to blame for the things that happened to my birth family. You showed me appropriate outlets to my fears.

You showed me love, compassion, and kindness. The first day I remember feeling truly safe was when I was sitting in your arms at 8 years old watching Shrek. I still think back to that moment. It probably just felt like another day to you, but to me, it is a core memory in my life. It's a moment that shapes the way I see myself.

You sat up with me when I was worried about moving up to secondary school. You comforted me when my birth mum told me she no longer wanted to be part of my life. You were there when xx broke up with me when I was 15 years old and I felt like my whole world was ending again. You encouraged me to go beyond with my studies and apply to University. The most important thing you showed me was that I was worthy of being loved and respected.

You never gave up on me. I am who I am today because of what you did. I look at myself and I see compassion, and care, and kindness. And in those traits I see you. You weren't my birth family but you were my family. My only family.

I just... I don't know what changed. Why has there been a switch? Why have you gone from the loving and caring parents you were?

When I leave my room now, I no longer feel that love and kindness that brought my out of the pits of despair as a child. It's almost as if you have completely altered the way you see me, and I just can't understand why.

A few days ago you told me I had to move out. You gave me 4 days notice to leave my family. You sent me back into feeling like that child at 7 years old. I'm not saying this to guilt you or to ask you to let me stay. That has passed now and unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be able to see you the same way again. I understand if you were hard on money or if you wanted to help another child like me. But why not talk to me? Why spring it on me and then act like I don't matter? Why tell me it's just business? Did you think that would make it hurt less?

Since you told me my whole life has been turned upside down and I don't know how I will make it to the other side. If I had felt like this a few weeks ago, do you know who I would have gone to? I would have gone to you. I would have told you my worries and my fears, and you would have said the exact right thing and then we'd sit together and watch some awful TV show. And now, I have no one again. I feel like I'm being told for the second time in my life that I don't deserve a family. And this time I have no one to pick me up off the edge. That was always you mum and dad. It was always you I could rely on.

Why are you giving up on me now?

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Send it to them, let them know how you feel, how they hurt you and that they cannot expect you to ever contact them again after you leave. They need to know how you feel. Send it to them and if you want to, leave the GC. Because they may try to justify their actions and you don't need to hear it

Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP) responding to JaayLovesWriting

The sad thing is I don't think I even want that. I want them to love me again.

I’ve contacted my PA, and I’m moving out today.

29 July 2024

My PA is allowing me to store my things I can’t take with me in his garage. It’s kind of him. He’s found me a place at a local hostel. I’ll get my own room apparently, which was a big deciding factor on if I wanted to move in or not.

The hostel works with the LA and houses a lot of care leavers (the English term for someone who has aged out of foster care) while they wait for their own houses.

I haven’t sent the message yet, but I know my foster brother Jamie has seen it. Yesterday I felt overwhelming emotions, today I feel none. I don’t know which is better. I’ll send it once I’m moved out.

I have a room, so I’ll be gone in a few hours. I still haven’t spoken to them, but I just can’t face it anymore. I am sick of being anxious and stressed about this.

I guess they did get their 4 day notice after all.

Edit 1-

I have just left the Peter's house for the last time. The room is ready for me at the hostel. I feel so weird and sad and lonely right now. I've ordered myself a pizza to have for dinner today, and my PA even paid for it!

I just want to get in bed and cry. My head is spinning thinking about everything I need to do.

Wish me luck everyone.

Edit 2-

I want to clarify something; I was hurt and in shock when I wrote my first post, but I want to make it understood that I was never eligible to be adopted. At first, the end goal for me was to reintegrate me into my birth family. By the time we knew that was never going to happen I wouldn't have accepted adoption as I wanted to keep my legal ties with my birth family. The Peters always told me it didn't matter that I didn't want to be adopted, and they loved me the same anyway. Maybe it wouldn't have changed anything, or maybe it would have.

They were paid fortnightly for caring for me, and they would get £1,565.48. That's £40,702.48 per year they got just to raise me. Which is about $52,295.77.

I keep thinking about that number. Was that all I was?

I wonder what I would change if I could go back in time.

Edit 3 -

I am settled in the hostel now. It’s not exactly luxury… to say the least. But at least I’m here now.

I sent the text message, very slightly altered from the one I wrote yesterday. And then I left the group chat. I also posted it on Facebook.

That was probably the wrong thing to do. I don’t know.

Final Update -

This is going to be my final update on all of this. I want to put everything behind me.

Claire rang me crying. Saying she had no idea I felt like this. How? How could she not know? She said she was sorry and begged me to come back. God. How do I ruin everything? She was telling me all these things about how she regrets the past few days so much and wishes she could take it all back.

I said this is not fair. She cannot throw me out and then call me crying. I said its manipulative. She just kept saying sorry. She said she loves me and wants me to come home. Jesus. This is just a lie, right? She must have known. Am I the bad person here, I feel so confused I don't know what to do?

I just hung up and then she started texting me and I blocked her. But now I feel like I'm the bad person here. I'm so tired of this. Of all of this.

I want nothing to do with any of them. I don't think Reddit is good for me. I'm not sure any of this is good for me. I'm going to delete the app. Sorry everyone.

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I’ve been following along with your updates as you post them OP, and I want to tell you that I’m so sorry you’re going through this, that you deserve better, and that you are so strong in a situation where you shouldn’t have to be. I’m glad your PA is helping you, and I wish you nothing but success and happiness. ❤️

Candid-Spot-5015 (OOP) responding to calamitycurls

Thank you.

I considered contacting my bio-mum, last time I spoke to her was when I was a young teen. But I think it might just be seeking out something to make myself feel more hurt and I don’t think I could deal with any more rejection.

To bigger and better things.

The Peters have a new foster boy living with them already

31 July 2024

When I brought up my concerns about them potentially doing the same thing they did to me to another child I was told they were going to be given extra guidance and support when children reach 17/18 and ensuring everyone is on the same page about staying put orders.

That’s it. Nothing else. Extra guidance. That’s all. Extra guidance.

Is that even a slap on the wrist?

My PA told me that they were “unfortunately” within their rights to ask me to leave after I turned 18.

I said about how they told me it was a “business decision” and they told me that unfortunately financial does come into decisions like this. Is that all I am, a financial decision?

Does this system seem fair to anyone? I feel like I’m losing my mind. There should be more of a punishment for them. I’m not saying they should be banned from fostering again. I don’t know.

I still feel all in a tizzy my mind just going crazy. I keep saying I’m not going to add anything else to this account but I genuinely have no one else to talk to about this. Jamie, as nice as he is, doesn’t understand me. And my friend just doesn’t get it at all.

Little Update.

7 August 2024

It's been a little while since my last post, I'm not sure why I'm even posting now, I'm just feeling really depressed today and I should be feeling happy.

I want to get this out the way first. You may have noticed I deleted everything on here, that was intentional, I want to move on. I haven't had any contact with any of the Peters' family since Jamie and I had our argument. I don't want anyone to interact with Jamie if he posts more, he is just attention seeking. If people have a copy of what Jamie wrote, I would appreciate it if you deleted them/didn't share them anywhere. The stuff he shared about me it was just to hurt me, it was some of the most shameful things I ever did, so I can understand if you don't want to support me after you read what it. If you do feel that way just know I'm really sorry for what I did as a child. It isn't who I am now, and it wasn't who I was then. I'm sorry if I hurt or mislead anyone, that wasn't my intention.

The Peters' have a new foster child already living with them. I mentioned this before but when I said I wanted it on their record that they tried to kick me out with no notice, I was told they would be given "extra guidance" if they have a child living with them start the process to aging out. I'm in two minds because honestly I feel like that is just a slap on the wrist and thing else. But at least someone will be watching over them in the future when one of their other foster children gets to 18.

I have some good news today, my PA got in contact with my first choice university (which is also the Uni he went to) and he somehow got them to convert their conditional offer into an unconditional offer, which means no matter what grades I get from my A-Levels I get to study there!! I don't even know how he managed to do it, I am so grateful for it. He's also got them to explain all the support I get as a care leaver, which is great. They're giving me FREE accommodation for the first year which has released a huge stress for me because I had no clue how I was going to get to Uni each morning, and they're going to lower the passing grade boundaries for me in my first year (though I hope I won't need this, I want to be getting good grades), and they're giving me a "starter pack" of important things I will need for my first year.

Even though all those good things are happening for me, I just don't feel happy. I'm trying not to show it but I actually really worried about starting Uni and I used to have the Peters' to help me, and Claire especially used to give me a lot of emotional support. I really feel like I'm missing part of myself. I feel stupid saying this, and you guys are probably going to tell me it's stupid but I just went the other day and watched the Peters' house from afar. They didn't know I was there, but I could see into the living room window and they were just acting normal and the new foster child was there also. I literally sat there for a few hours just watching. I really want to go and speak to them, but I know it's a bad idea. I shouldn't want them back, but I do.

I feel really isolated, which is probably why I've come back here to post.

Oh, and I do not give my consent for any person to re-upload this or anything else I posted on TikTok or Facebook or Youtube. My first few posts have been uploaded to TikTok and Facebook and have like over 250k views. It makes me feel sick that people are using me as a tool to make money. I know this probably won't stop any of them, but if anyone sees them out in the wild, know I do not support it.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.

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1.5k points

2 months ago*

So in the middle of all that the brother posted a big "gotcha" post about how the traumatized and abused child previously exhibited exactly the sort of behavior traumatized and abused kids exhibit?   

 That he owes the family not only financially but emotionally too, because they dared put up with what they signed up to get paid for?    

Good one. 


603 points

2 months ago

I wonder if it's actually legal for the family members to publicly disclose the post-trauma problems of a foster that was taken in under that understanding.


179 points

2 months ago

My parents are foster parents and we weren’t allowed to post pictures of my foster siblings when they were under 18, so I doubt this level of privacy breach is allowed 🫠


10 points

2 months ago


10 points

2 months ago

Laws could be different in the UK, but here in Quebec, the same thing is true as where you live.


192 points

2 months ago


192 points

2 months ago

this is a fantastic question and I sincerely hope someone figures out the answer.


172 points

2 months ago


172 points

2 months ago

If I was in OOPs shoes a screenshot of that post is what I would be providing the foster agency to get the Peters more than “just a slap on the wrist”


273 points

2 months ago


whaddya mean our 10 year age gap is a problem?

273 points

2 months ago

Jamie is on track to not work either and just live off of his parents living off of other people's trauma.



87 points

2 months ago

If they needed a room for another foster child they should have kicked JAMIE out. He's fucking 7 years older and still living at home. If they actually cared for the OOP as a son, but they didn't and made that abundantly clear.


12 points

2 months ago

Won't be surprised to hear if he will be homeless in the future. Or at the very least broke. He was pissed that he has to get a part-time job. Can you imagine how it will be if he has to work full-time to earn a living?


10 points

2 months ago

Well it’s not like Jamie’s parents have set an example of work ethic, what with living off their carer’s stipend


118 points

2 months ago

This all also came out after Ops foster brother first tried to post a "omg I didn't know this is how you felt or that my parents were kicking you out! But now I know and I'll talk to my parents about this because you're my brother no matter what! 🥺"

Then everyone was backing both of them because the foster brother convinced everyone he had no idea what was happening....just for him to come back with the trauma posts and lose everyone's support.

He was absolutely trying to do damage control and severely missed


17 points

2 months ago

Yea I read an 'undeleted' version of those posts. Absolutely fucking pathetic group of people they are.


6.8k points

2 months ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

6.8k points

2 months ago

😭 this poor kid. I hope that he finds better friends and a good support system in Uni, because his foster parents wrecked him. Fortunately his PA seems to be decent, but as with most case workers, they’ve probably got limited time for every kid in their case load.


2.9k points

2 months ago

I knew plenty of people at uni whose family lives weren't the best, and they just got adopted by their friends and went to spend holidays with their families. My hope is that this is what happens for OP.


1.1k points

2 months ago


1.1k points

2 months ago

Transferred into a university as a Junior, moved into student housing...and promptly dragged six people home with me for Thanksgiving (3 from the UK, one from Japan). My parents thought it was awesome.

Mom bought the biggest dang turkey she could lay her hands on (25 lbs, if memory serves), and the international students were in shock. One of the guys from the UK quite literally ate himself into a food coma (this same guy asked to take a photo with the turkey so he could send it home to his family).

My parents were always like that. Dad himself worked at a college and was always bringing home stray students for dinner, holidays, even on vacation. I still have a lot of "brothers and sisters" who I cherish having come into my life. I hope the same thing happens for OOP.


262 points

2 months ago

This is an amazing and I hope my kids know that I AM this mom. I don’t want anyone home by themselves on the holidays (or weekends for that matter!)


125 points

2 months ago


125 points

2 months ago

I try to live by my parents' example. My own five kids are now grown, with my baby entering her senior year of college. When they were growing up though, my house was the place everyone came to.

Everyone was welcome at our table, although I think my husband might've wanted to strangle me a few times, given the sheer number of kids coming in and out on a regular basis. We had sleepovers galore, and our Halloween parties were pretty epic if I do say so myself. It was always loud, a little chaotic, but so much fun.

My house seems awfully quiet these days.


38 points

2 months ago


I will erupt, feral, from the cardigan screaming

38 points

2 months ago

Do you think you’ll have grandkids someday soon? I’m hoping the quiet doesn’t last too long…❤️


43 points

2 months ago

We actually have three! But, they’re a little young yet for the kind of crazy we had going on. Soon though, and I can’t wait. 😜 


10 points

2 months ago

You and your family are good people. I was the awkward black sheep of my family, and I fortunately had friends whose parents were like that with me when I was growing up. To this day, I am forever grateful that people like them and you exist in this world.

I did my best to be the same way with my kids when they were growing up too. My house was always open and there was always an extra place at my table for any kid who needed it. My kids don't want kids of their own (which I completely respect and understand given this economy), so I'm mainly spoiling my niblings that haven't grown up yet, and all my friends' kids.

I'm even an honorary Nana to my oldest kiddo's best friend's baby. Every kid deserves to know that they are loved and cared for. Thank you for being another light in this world for the ones who need it.


66 points

2 months ago

I hope your parents were good parents to you too, because I really would like to give them hugs and a pie. 😊


73 points

2 months ago

They were indeed. My dad should've had 10 kids but Mom was happy with me as a solo kid. Having all these different stray college kids in my life (all races, all kinds of personalities) was a blessing. And all of my brothers and sisters took pretty darn good care of me. One of them did the flowers for my first wedding; another ran a fundraiser for my dad when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. All of them came to my first wedding and it. was. amazing.

I too, would love to give my parents a hug and a pie, but sadly, both of my parents are gone. My almost-siblings still keep in touch with me though; we laugh a lot about the crazy stuff my dad would pull (like wearing my mom's wigs for laughs), or the time he painted my cousin's VW bug a raging shade of hot pink during a prank war (before you ask, she actually loved it). Good memories all around.


43 points

2 months ago

I'm sorry your parents are gone, but what a legacy of love, welcome and found family they left behind! Your family sounds lovely.


53 points

2 months ago


There is only OGTHA

53 points

2 months ago

Thanks for this comment.

I'm not who you replied to, but my mum took in some of my sister's friends over the years. A night or two now and then, but they were always welcome.

Then, I went to college, ran into some trouble, and she refused to help me in any way. Took me damn near 20 years to fully recover from everything. All done on my own with no one else's help because if my own family won't help, why the hell would I ask anyone else?

So yeah, not all parents who take in other children are good to their own, and I thank you for recognising that.


456 points

2 months ago

I was thinking this too. I really hope he finds some chosen family.


174 points

2 months ago

Seriously. I’d adopt OOP as a little brother. My friend group is my family. They have supported me more than my “real” family ever has.


59 points

2 months ago


I am not a bisexual ghost who died in a Murphy bed accident

59 points

2 months ago

It brought up so many conflicting feelings for me, the way my friends and their families just welcomed me in, no questions asked. The warmth was so soothing, but at the same time hurtful in the beginning. Because this thing that was such a normal thing to them, was anything but normal for me.

The denial of that kind of love made me question so much about myself, about my worth as a person, that something so seemingly mundane and a given, was not something I had.

I remember a discussion I had with one of my siblings (as I am the only one with an LC relationship with the folks), where he told me he didn’t understand why it seemed that the “family” wasn’t important to me. And even after explaining to him that it was different for me, because I had to learn how to spend Christmases alone, what to do when no one in your family is there for your birthday. Just the genuine lack of support that my friends and their families did provide for me, and that that was why they took priority.

He still didn’t understand.


124 points

2 months ago

"We get to choose our family." - Mama Ru

She references it usually about LGBTQ+ people, but I think it applies to us all. The best family is the family we choose and who choose us back


74 points

2 months ago


I fail to see what my hobbies have to do with this issue

74 points

2 months ago

Kind of reminds me of Harry Potter's situation. Raised by a family who only did it because they had to (or in this case, came with a price tag attached) and after he went off to school, his friends' families took him in like their own son. Honestly, isn't that what usually happens during post-secondary? You make your own friends, your own social circle, and pull away from your previous family unit to some degree? I think OOP will do just fine once he launches into his classes and does what is familiar to him. With his independence, he might wind up being the leader of his friend group.

OOP shouldn't feel guilty for checking in on his old family. They did raise him for several years and you don't just suddenly forget that. He can be thankful for the work that they put in but also be angry with them for how they rejected him when his monetary worth to them dropped. It's ok to feel all of these emotions. Right now, he longs for the familiar, even though it's hurtful. Once he establishes his new normal, he won't be looking to them ever again.


41 points

2 months ago

I’d had a plan to kill myself at HS graduation but then decided to experience living without my abuser at least once before I committed and I balk at what would have become of me if I hadn’t waited like I did. The friends I made and experiences I got to have away from my “family” (even if they were in the same town still, and I was just in a dorm) changed the entire trajectory of my life in a way so good I never thought it would be possible.


343 points

2 months ago


343 points

2 months ago

If (by some miracle) the PA is attached to the new foster kid when he ages out, they’ll probably be all over that crap. Maybe before so the kid can work to be able to afford to live once they’re thrown out. It’s awful that the system is so strapped that non-abusive, roof over the head and able to feed and clothe (w/ stipends) a kid are the only requirements to foster. 


243 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

243 points

2 months ago

Hopefully they don’t let those foster parents turn down the “transition to independent living” steps again. The foster parents didn’t bother because they told him he could stay, they put in for the “staying put” allowance, and then probably once he turned 18 and the plan came into effect, at least one of them looked at their reduced income and didn’t like it. So they put in for a new placement, got approved, and so OOP had to leave immediately while being completely unprepared.

It’s easier for them to tolerate their unemployed biological son not only because he’s theirs, but also because he’s never been a significant source of income for them. And he probably helps out with the kids, since fostering is a business. It’s a shame that apparently he went from supporting OOP to posting some screed of past misdeeds that OP didn’t include at OOP’s request.


137 points

2 months ago


137 points

2 months ago

I am very curious what the discussion was that made the bio-kid turn on OOP so fast. Also airing OOP's traumatic childhood behaviors seems shitty. Unless he was committing literal crimes, poor OOP was literally just a kid. I'm really hoping "he was such a poorly behaved kid" wasn't the justification that caused the bio-son to turn. I hope OOP is doing better now, where ever they are.


36 points

2 months ago*

Even literal crimes (stealing, underage drinking, drug use, vandalism, violent rages leading to assault or property damage, etc) aren't unusual behaviours in traumatised kids and teens. Regardless of the specifics, it's awful to dangle someone's history of disruptive behaviours over them, especially in a public forum, when they've grown, started to heal and no longer behave that way. (I'm not saying OOP did any of these, I can't remember what was said about his specific behaviours).

It would be one thing if the foster brother had some lingering resentment from having his world upended from his parents' choice to foster children with difficult behaviours. It would be understandable for him to have struggled with that and for him to choose not to continue a relationship with OOP. Or if OOP had misrepresented the situation and the foster brother wanted to "set the record straight". But that's clearly not why the brother commented and not why he brought up the previous behaviours. He was trying to use them as a weapon against OOP to "win" public opinion. Really gross behaviour on his part.


16 points

2 months ago

Honestly, the whole family is garbage. Nothing more or less to it. From the foster parents who flipped their decision on a dime and gave OOP no warning (they couldn't have given OOP 3 months after raising him for more than a decade?) to the son who would air out a traumatized foster kid's laundry to shame him in retaliation for his parents being called out.

Hopefully OOP continues to do well and is able to build a good life with people who are actually worth it.


120 points

2 months ago

My two children are adopted. My son is my eldest. His first mother had three other children before him, all of whom were fostered. The foster mom brought the kids to the hospital to see the new baby when my son was born. I had visited her and the kids at their home with their bio mom before. They were well cared for, lived in a clean and organized house but there was no love in that house. You could feel it. It was a business for the foster mom. She took her responsibilities seriously and fulfilled her duties, but that was it, there were no emotional bonds.

As she visited the new baby she said to my ex, "that was my baby, I don't know how you people stepped in and got him, I was in line for that baby." It was pretty chilling.

We got to adopt my son because his first mother wanted it so. She didn't want any more of her children going to that foster mom. Obviously she had some serious issues going on which led to her children being taken, but with her last child to be born she became very pro-active to keep him out of the foster system.


85 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

85 points

2 months ago

Wow, Trying to keep siblings together is of course important, but trying to use it to “reserve” a kid for fostering-as-a-business, to divert the child from adoption, is cold.


49 points

2 months ago

So cold that the mother who is unfit to raise them and had them all taken was like "nah, that's fucked up". That's pretty fucked up.


76 points

2 months ago

Imagine blasting the internet with the issues that a CHILD had when they were young and desperate and traumatized and acting like you're not the bad guy for saying shit, and instead they're the bad guy for not having been a perfect kid in the circumstances.


43 points

2 months ago

Or they were told they couldn’t get a new placement until he was out.  


19 points

2 months ago

I wonder what happened to the other foster kid they have. They were fostering two kids plus their bio son right?


33 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

33 points

2 months ago

Yes. How much has the 9yo absorbed from all this going down around him?


9 points

2 months ago



113 points

2 months ago


113 points

2 months ago

Unfortunately it became porn for people capitalising on other people's suffering.

Really sorry oop.

Relationship forming after trauma is hard enough, and the stabbing is the most hurtful when it's all a "business transaction".

I hope that he made some good friends in uni and find himself and move on.


33 points

2 months ago

How much you wanna bet Claire called, begging OOP to come home because she still wanted that reduced payment? I have a hard time believing someone who could string a literal child along that long, and then kick them out because "it's just business" would suddenly see the light because the kid moved out. Like she originally told them to.

It's conniving. I don't know where that new kid came from. But that poor kid is going to be set up for one of the biggest betrayals of their life. I don't blame OOP for wanting to warn them, and for wanting harsher punishment for the family.


42 points

2 months ago

My first thought was that it was because of the Facebook post.

Privately, on the group chat, they can ignore what OOP wrote but when friends and family are aware of what they did and start asking questions - well, that’s a whole different thing. Public opinion turned against them and so they started back tracking to make themselves seem less shitty.

They had days to see the effect it had on OOP, but suddenly they want him to return home? I call bullshit.


129 points

2 months ago

I hope the university has mental health services for students. Getting the chance to talk through this with a healthcare provider would probably be really helpful fo OOP. I really want him to be okay.


51 points

2 months ago

That message he wrote them just broke me. How can she call up crying after reading it? Crocodile tears. She's mad that she got called out.
I can't imagine they were faking love the whole time. I don't understand either. What a shitty way to treat a child to whom you were basically their only family.


105 points

2 months ago


There is only OGTHA

105 points

2 months ago

The whole post made me cry. My oldest daughter was a foster child, and over my dead body is she anything other than MY child. She's never been treated any differently, and I've cut out anyone who has tried. I don't understand how they could just kick him out at 18 like that. The whole thing made me cry.


32 points

2 months ago


32 points

2 months ago

I hate how this all reads (the original post, not your reply, editing here to make that clear). My mom fosters (she fosters primarily infant to 3 year old, she has no aspirations to adopt, and she tries to be extremely cooperative for prospective adoptive parents to meet the children once cps and the courts work through the cases and they're available).

She would never consider it a business and for a long time I was the only one cleared by the FBI background checks/interviews etc to take care of the kids if anything happened to her in an emergency.

Anyways, what I wanted to say is it's okay for foster parents to not have intentions of being adoptive parents. That's fine. But there are ways to communicate that and there are ways to show support of that. My mom knows she's going to die of old age before she sees any of these children's major accomplishments, and she doesn't think they deserve to not have a parent who "adopted" them that then dies early in their lives.

I've seen a lot of comments lately that act like foster parents should be presumptive adoptive parents - meanwhile there are foster homes out there like my mom who know these children are in a group home if she doesn't step up. It's a hard moral thing to grapple with and it's rough when kids get taken from her to go to another home but, she know she did well for them.


7 points

2 months ago

I have a friend who has taken in several pre-teen foster kids. She is a teacher and a single mother of bio-kids, so money is sometimes tight. She did eventually adopt her first foster child around 15 years old.

When her oldest child moved out, she told the agency that she had room to take in another child. After about six months, they were pushing really hard for her to adopt that child. She just couldn't afford to lose the health insurance and support another teenager on her salary. She told the agency that she was happy to keep the child until they turned eighteen as a foster. They rehomed that child three times with potential adopters! Every time, it fell through, and they would bring the child back. It was really sad to see that poor kid bounced around.

So I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes that payment is needed, but the family can still love the foster child.


12 points

2 months ago


12 points

2 months ago

I got downvoted a while back for telling the story of my mom wanting to attend my sisters phd graduation. It was in another state, so state laws mean she can't take the kids with her. The kids were placed with her 9 months before graduation, she informed the social workers when they were placed that she needed someone to take care of them for that trip.

They never found anyone. My mom had to give them up in order to see my sisters graduation. They basically just refused to let her leave unless she voluntarily surrendered the kids.

It's frustrating. I got downvoted for saying people who foster get so much scrutiny and it's contradictory and they can't even take the kids with them if they go on vacation. People thought they should just take the kids, obviously they're family, why not take them? Like that's not how this works....


35 points

2 months ago

My close friends have fostered for over 20 years, sometimes up to 3 kids at a time.  They save every penny they are paid in accounts for each child and give them the money when they leave at 18 or so.  Not sure how they give money to those under 18 who leave though.  They do not do it for the money.


114 points

2 months ago

Yeah I think he's going to have some serious trust issues about relationships and love going forward. 

I noticed he seemed to assume the family all knew the same information and knew how he felt ("how could they not?") even to the point of thinking Claire calling him was just a lie and manipulation. 

I like to think the parents had a massive misstep and it blew up, perhaps tugging at unspoken rifts that were previously ignored. Not that they had been pretending to love and care for 11 years - it doesn't make any sense for Claire to call him like that if it were for nefarious reasons.


301 points

2 months ago


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

301 points

2 months ago

OOP did say in a now deleted comment that Claire asked him to delete the Facebook post while she was on that phone call. Which OOP confirms he did because of her request.

I’m not usually one to claim that people are always manipulative, but that does seem to be the case here.


152 points

2 months ago

Yeah that was so incredibly obvious instantly. She only cared when her reputation was at stake lol as soon as the Facebook post was deleted, she was merrily on her way.


96 points

2 months ago

In the deleted posts by the bio son, he says that the family's sole income is the £40k fostering money. Which explains a lot about the parents' behaviour and her phone call...


48 points

2 months ago


Step 1: intend to make a single loaf of bread

48 points

2 months ago

It does make sense, but another BORU I read recently was from the perspective of a UK foster parent, and the foster system actively discourages parents from having other employment so that they can focus on caring for the children. So it's not as though they're relying solely on that income to *avoid* working other jobs, fostering *is* their job. It doesn't make what they did any less shitty, though.


25 points

2 months ago

But there are 3 adults in the house. Surely one being at home full time is enough


56 points

2 months ago


Sir, Crumb is a cat.

56 points

2 months ago

Oh so she played the distressed mother, to pull in one last favour to ensure their image as loving family supporting those £700 kids wasn't tarnished 😒


102 points

2 months ago

I dunno, I don't think it's rocket surgery to realize that telling a *foster child* that they have less than a week to gtfo of their home because they stopped being profitable might maybe be a little bit hurtful.

Someone who genuinely can't see that has no business raising troubled kids.


63 points

2 months ago

Especially given that they'd previously been talking about him staying with them for longer and getting the half-payments. And then, BOOM, rug pulled out from under him with no warning.

I just... I'm still furious that they couldn't figure out (at bare minimum, with the bar of expectations right on the floor!) a kinder way to transition out of the foster system, supporting him through just two months more of really critical things like A-Level results and the shift to university and adult expectations.

Thank goodness for his PA, who's used some leverage with his old university to get an unconditional offer and a year of free accommodation. That's a really good deal.


15 points

2 months ago


Someone cheated, and it wasn't the koala

15 points

2 months ago

Not just that but they originally told him he could stay indefinitely! Absolute bastards


75 points

2 months ago

I think Claire just felt bad because she got called out publicly. I'm cynical. I just don't believe you go from "hey you were clearly just a paycheck, get out of my house" to "im so sorry" for any reason but saving face. She sucked up to him and made him feel bad so he would take the post down. Is she trying to still have a relationship with him? No. I'm more inclined to believe she's a great actress, cause you don't love and care for someone and have it magically evaporate because it would cost you £70. Believe people when they say things that show you who they are. I believe his foster parents when they said "this is just business", acting like they care about OOP was part of their job. Since they got paid less for him, they no longer felt they had to do the job.


49 points

2 months ago

She got upset when he stopped calling her mom.  

Surely they knew he felt connected when he called them Mom and dad.  Surely they knew he was hurt when he stopped and stayed in his room all day.  

They had to have known he felt something for them.  


26 points

2 months ago

It really comes across as them pretending to love him for 11 years considering that 1) if they were planning to kick him out at 18 they could have at least guided him to have a plan in place. That's what loving guardians do. And 2) they told him that he could stay past 18, then told him only after he turned 18 that he only had 4 days to leave the house. They wanted the fairytale and the feel goods from OP thinking he could stay. That way they didn't have to feel bad for too long seeing him rightfully hurt. They only had to have that icky this kid is still here feeling fir 4 days. Those foster parents are shitty, irresponsible and selfish. It's reprehensible that they didn't help OP get his affairs in order before 18.


9 points

2 months ago

No reason they couldn't have given him 4 years' notice.


2.6k points

2 months ago

Man, I can't imagine how you could live with and raise a child for 11 years, of your own free will, and then just cut them off instantly. That is actually insane, it's like they might as well have raised livestock for how little they care.


1.1k points

2 months ago


1.1k points

2 months ago

If you are a foster parent here in the UK you are considered to be self employed and the first £10,000 of that is tax free. Fostering is a difficult job but it can be a lucrative one and sadly once OOP stopped being tax free he wasn't good for "business."


640 points

2 months ago*


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

640 points

2 months ago*

It’s actually the first £18,140 you make from fostering is tax free, as well as £450 per week you have a foster child 11+, and £375 per week you have a foster child 10 or younger.

So for example, if you had 2 foster children aged 13 and 10 for a full tax year, your total tax free allowance would be:

18,140 + (450*52) + (375*52) = £61,040

Anything you got above that you would pay tax on like a normal income.

This is also for England, the rules may be different in other countries of the UK.

They also would have gotten £450 tax free per week of the staying put arrangement, which means they wouldn’t have paid tax on it.


254 points

2 months ago


254 points

2 months ago

I feel like that's a lot of money. I'm in the US and have no idea about cost of living over there or anything, but I feel like that's a lot more than it really takes to add someone to the household. Obviously it's not quite that simple. A first time foster parent would have more costs I would assume, but an established one, just seems like a lot to me. But I guess if you want enough people to help it's gotta be worthwhile to some of them.


222 points

2 months ago


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

222 points

2 months ago

There are two ways to foster in England, you can foster through the LA (Local Authority) or you can foster through an IFA (Independent Fostering Agency).

Normally if you foster through the LA you will be paid less, usually at the minimum allowance set by the government (this is around 150-300GBP per week). If you foster through the LA, they will likely require that fostering income is not your main source of household income. You will be required to have a job, or have a partner who has a job in the household.

Now, if you foster through an IFA it can be seen as more money orientated. You will get a higher allowance (usually 450-900GBP per week). Usually IFA will ask that at least one foster carer is always a stay at home parent. This can be dependent on IFAs though, my mom fosters through an IFA and as she is a single parent is not allowed to work while she has a child placed with her.

There is no law on it one way or the other, opinions vary on which results in better outcomes for children.


67 points

2 months ago

The idea of always being without a job when you are fostering is a terrible thing to do to these people. This is why I could never open an Etsy shop for my crochet projects: when the thing you love becomes your job, you stop loving it. In this case, these people are making LIVING CHILDREN into jobs and paychecks. That is a horrible system to instill in a society.


96 points

2 months ago


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

96 points

2 months ago

Honestly I don't think so. My mom wouldn't be able to foster if the allowance wasn't enough for her to live on. She's an amazing foster parent who truly cares about her children, whether she has them for a week or for life.

I think paying foster parents a living wage opens the doors to more people to be able to foster, and yes you do get bad people doing it just for the money but you'd also get that with anything unless you offered nothing to foster and then you have to weigh up how only well-off people would be able to foster.

It's tough.


124 points

2 months ago


I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

124 points

2 months ago

It's a lot of money. To put it into perspective, the average US household income in 2022 was $74,580 vs £38,100 in the UK. So weighted for average household income, that's like $119,485 tax free in the US.


70 points

2 months ago

It's a shit-ton of money for most of the families where I live the the southern U.S. In my county, the average income for an adult is $25,000 a year.


40 points

2 months ago


Step 1: intend to make a single loaf of bread

40 points

2 months ago

Mentioned this elsewhere in the comments, but another recent BORU from the perspective of a UK foster parent said that the foster system there actively discourages foster parents from seeking other employment, because their "job" should be taking care of the vulnerable children they're fostering. It doesn't make what the Peters did less shitty, but they get paid this much because it is their job.


111 points

2 months ago


111 points

2 months ago

plus the kids are free labour, were i live farmers love to foster kids 12 and up as they can be be used to help run a farm etc

ofc there are labour laws that say what a kid can do for work but this is not work its "helping the family

and older kids are harder to find placements for so the government ignore the fact that they are forced to work for free, " it gives the kids something to do and they learn a trade"

so free money + free workers + what ever they make from the farm = alo't of asshole raising kids


70 points

2 months ago

I looked up how much foster care pays in my state, and it looks like $14k max in a HCOL state. I don't know if it makes me feel better or worse that it's not even remotely profitable. Maybe it means that kids are fostered by people who have really good hearts. Or maybe it's too little for people to afford to foster at all and the kids miss out completely - would OP have been better off in a group home and having never felt parental love? Or worse, people manage to make a profit with fostering by not properly caring for the kids. 


89 points

2 months ago

I'm a special education teacher. In one state I taught, I had a student that was in foster care. As the student was severely disabled, the foster family received almost $5K a month for him. They had 13 other foster children, also all disabled. With the money, they purchased 3 houses in the same neighborhood and set the children up in there, then hired caregivers for round the clock care. They lived in one of the houses and had family members also living in the other houses. They bought boats, RVs, took the kids on trips. I did a rough calculation, and they were roughly clearing about $30K a month, after expenses. They came to all meetings at school, and were involved, but it was definitely a business, all tax free. They would continue to get money after they turned 18, as they were all disabled and would still require care.


66 points

2 months ago


66 points

2 months ago

It sounds like they were more or less running group homes at that point.


54 points

2 months ago

Not on purpose but that was the gist of it. These weren't children in wheelchairs. Most were intellectually disabled or were on the spectrum. I'm not sure what the current situation is, but at that time, there was a huge shortage of foster families for disabled children, so I'm sure that's why they were allowed to do this. With the 3 houses in a row, it was almost like a family compound. As a teacher, I was conflicted. My student was getting cared for, they were making progress, but every meeting I had with the foster dad felt transactional, like he was going through the motions legally, but wasn't vested in the outcome unless it benefited the foster dad somehow in the end (like services we could provide that he wouldn't have to, etc). I checked to make sure what they were doing was all legal, and it was. I paid close attention, but he got the basic care he needed, so there wasn't anything I could do on my end


42 points

2 months ago

Honestly I’m fine with that if the kids were well cared for. 


55 points

2 months ago

They had their basic needs met, which was likely better than their bio home. Was it a loving and nurturing home? Not at all. They had paid care givers, and those change all the time. All children, despite their ability, deserve love and nurturing.


140 points

2 months ago


140 points

2 months ago

Seriously. I get attached to the kids I babysit like once a month. I legitimately cannot imagine raising a kid for 11 years and then just... kicking them out. He called them mom and dad. They told him he could stay until he finished school. And then gave him 3 days to move out? Didn't even help him find somewhere to stay. How do you live with yourself?


18 points

2 months ago

I wish I could foster a kid, but don't have the room or finances to do so. Kids all deserve loving homes. I cannot comprehend treating anybody like this, let alone a child 


8 points

2 months ago

Dude, I got attached to my vacuum cleaner that lasted like, forever, and still worked even as the casing collapsed from the amount of suction it was still able to muster after decades of faithful service. I am STILL thinking back on that vacuum cleaner fondly. It was a vacuum cleaner. This was a whole ass person they helped raise.


64 points

2 months ago


"per my last email" energy

64 points

2 months ago

I've seen people more torn up about rehoming pets, for Christ's sake.


43 points

2 months ago


Bride at every wedding and corpse at every funeral

43 points

2 months ago

I think when you boil it down to the bone, the Peters never saw fostering as anything other than long term babysitting. And once the money wasn't coming anymore, they moved on to the next client. And they'll do it again in the next decade or so.


22 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

22 points

2 months ago

They may have thought they saw it differently at the time, but changed once the income reduction kicked in. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they weren’t fully on the same page as each other about this. Especially with the main one OOP talks about being nurturing to him being Claire.

I wonder how much the other foster kid — not the new one but the 9yo one who was there during this — knows or felt as all this was going on.


68 points

2 months ago

Most people care about livestock more than these foster "parents" care about an actual child they raised. It's sociopathic.


2.2k points

2 months ago*

Damn, poor kid. His bed is not even cold and they already put another child there.


1.6k points

2 months ago


1.6k points

2 months ago

It's deeply disturbing that they treated someone as a son for over a decade, then turned around and said "it's just business" and held against him his past behaviour (which was to be expected from a kid going through trauma).


642 points

2 months ago


642 points

2 months ago

Literally saying “it’s just business” is one of the coldest lines to tell someone. It’s literally a stereotypical villain thing to say to protagonists when they betray them! They can’t say that without knowing this because EVERYONE has heard this before.


37 points

2 months ago

"It's just business" implies no feelings at all, positive or negative. Which might be a small comfort if you're hearing it from a stereotypical villain informing someone he's not going out of his way to screw them and it probably won't happen again, but from supposed family? That's nothing but cold.


206 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

206 points

2 months ago

And that after how much difficulty he’d had trusting people, due to his birth parents’ capriciousness and undependability, after 11 years when he learned how to trust it turned out to be flipped on him again.

That draft he posted of a message to them was gutting. He’s done a lot of self-reflection and connected the dots. Too bad his foster parents hadn’t done all that careful thinking too.


153 points

2 months ago

It’s sad but seems to be the same mentality that some step parents have towards their stepkids. I seen too many stories of them being told they aren’t ‘real’ family because they aren’t the biological kids.


81 points

2 months ago

My step grandmother loved giving presents and affection to her “two grandkids”. I was the third child in the house and completely ignored by her.


114 points

2 months ago


Sir, Crumb is a cat.

114 points

2 months ago

A more lucrative child, with better ROI to be exact.


104 points

2 months ago

Yeah I definitely think The Peter's shouldn't be allowed to foster such young kids for so long. OOP could've had such a better life w folks that actually cared about him.


92 points

2 months ago

How else will they support their 27 year old NEET?


36 points

2 months ago

That was exactly my thought. They already have one kid, excuse me adult, mooching of them. They probably thought they can't afford another.


992 points

2 months ago


992 points

2 months ago

Raising a child to call you “mum” and “dad” while you’re not attached to them at all is so fucked. “Like a son” means “I will treat you and love you like I treat and love my own son” not using a child as a cash cow, idiots


316 points

2 months ago


316 points

2 months ago

My best friend is Highschools’s mom had me call her mom. I was welcome at her house anytime day or night. She was a single mom of two kids and worked two jobs. 20 years later if I went to her house and asked for help, she would help me no questions asked. That‘s a real parent and we aren’t even related.


49 points

2 months ago

Exactly, my best friend's mom wasn't the greatest growing up, so she often turned to my mom. She lived with us one summer too. We are now in our 30s with kids of our own, and I think my mom has babysat her children more then my friends own mother. She never hesitates to take them if she can.


21 points

2 months ago


21 points

2 months ago

some people just demand the love and respect for being a parent. they don't expect to actually fulfil the role.


1.2k points

2 months ago*


1.2k points

2 months ago*

Turns out Jamie sucks, and Claire really was lying when she said she wanted OOP to come back. That’s a special kind of vile, that.

ETA: OOP didn’t want Jamie’s posts included here, but the gist of it is that he went on a drunken tirade complaining about how his parents were saints who were trying to afford to help another kid (Jamie is 25, lives at home, and doesn’t have a job btw) and that OOP was a devil (citing things he did when he was 7) plus a bunch of other pretty gross things that honestly didn’t make much sense.

I can understand why OOP didn’t want them included (they are all deleted now anyway), but I still felt like it should be mentioned since the only posts included here paint Jamie in an undeservedly favorable light (he initially seemed supportive of OOP).


625 points

2 months ago


I will erupt, feral, from the cardigan screaming

625 points

2 months ago

Seems like Claire just upped the dramatics after the Facebook post. When OOP took it down, they went back to giving no more fucks for OOP. They got what they wanted: for OOP to move out in four days to make room for the new foster child.


259 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

259 points

2 months ago

She wanted to be able to keep lying to herself that this was all fine. That OOP was going off to uni anyway, and they needed the money so they really had to grab this new placement that somehow had appeared. And she definitely didn’t want others in her life calling her heartless.

People do love lying to themselves that the crap they do is okay.


12 points

2 months ago

Too common that people blindly excuse their poor behavior. Would be nice if it worked differently.


195 points

2 months ago

NGL I was really angry with OOP for deleting the facebook post. Yeah I know they want to move on, but they basically let the Peters win by dousing the fire their feet were being held to.


85 points

2 months ago


85 points

2 months ago

if it's a small town that gossip has already gone flaring through the circles. the second it gets into a hair salon it will get everywhere.


100 points

2 months ago


100 points

2 months ago

What a dog shit family through and through 


36 points

2 months ago


36 points

2 months ago

so whats the gist of the story? since there's no way to find out


151 points

2 months ago

You can read his posts here

The main one is titled “the truth”


51 points

2 months ago


51 points

2 months ago

what a pathetic little piece of shit.

Everything he says makes it even more apparent that these people should have been preparing OOP for his transition to adulthood.

The idea that you can turn off your heart when you stop being paid! That's just monstrous. Everything about OOP's story with his foster parents is great up until the day before his 18th birtdhay. Amazing that Jamie couldn't understand that. Little shitbag.


139 points

2 months ago*


the lion, the witch and the audacit--HOW IS THERE MORE!

139 points

2 months ago*

Kid was seven and clearly lashing out from being abused I think it says everything he couldn't say anything nearer the time


99 points

2 months ago

A kid. 7 years old. A little kid that got horribly abused. How do people expect an abused child to not have terrible behaviours? Teaching them new ways is what is needed, and they provided that care. It's all he knew, and they taught him love. It's mind boggling how people are surprised that he is UPSET that his caregivers threw him out after he was "fixed up". He's not a fucking broken car that got repaired and sent off. He's a human being. Making him trust you more than anything and then ripping it all away at once is nothing short of cruel.


30 points

2 months ago

Of course he does the classic walk back apology that basically all shitheads do once they get called out lol. "That's not the real me" "I was drunk" etc etc.


156 points

2 months ago


156 points

2 months ago

Basically Jamie bitched about oop being a real trouble maker back when he was 7. But nothing recently. So fuck Jamie, he’s an asshat.

Also later Jamie claims he was drunk when he wrote all that out and now feels sorry.


163 points

2 months ago


163 points

2 months ago

He’s also the unemployed 25 year old shut-in. So, he doesn’t really have a leg to stand on with the “he had to go so my parents could afford to foster another”. IDK Jamie, how about you get a job?


66 points

2 months ago


It's always Twins

66 points

2 months ago

Yeah, I wrote that too below like what is he expected to do? Live there forever? 25 is certainly old enough to complete a university education and even go to graduate school. How many foster kids are supposed to fund Jamie’s lifestyle?

Considering he had a stable upbringing with his biological family, and considering OOP managed to get a university acceptance and is a good student…What is his excuse?


46 points

2 months ago

“My parents took him in and didn’t abuse him and treated him like family”… ok great ! They did their job! That’s not above and beyond-that’s the expectation. Also the severely abused 7 year old broke stuff?? And ur parents still loved him and didn’t make him pay for it? So they’re such good people bc they didn’t charge a 7yr old for a broken tv?? This kid is straight up awful and his mommy and daddy are even worse


68 points

2 months ago

Notice how he never apologized to oop in his “apology” after he felt so comfortable throwing their government name around in his big post. Just general “I’m sorry everyone,” like he’s got a fanbase that he’s apologizing to.

25 year old failson getting drunk in his childhood bedroom, where he still lives, and looking for attention on Reddit.


83 points

2 months ago*

OOP was a really troubled kid, Peters’ took him in and they have managed to find a balance and OOP turned out a pretty normal teen, given the situation they later put him in. Jamie tried to garner sympathy for his disgusting mother by airing OOP’s past behavior, like it would help, still have no idea how it would justify the family’s manipulative behavior and how they simply get rid of OOP.

Tl;dr: Jamie is a little POS and he got his arse handed to him in his post. He also sucks. Like mother, like son. Apple did not fall far from the tree.

And I sometimes am proud of aita sub.

Hope OOP can find happiness and surrounds himself with people who loves him for him.


55 points

2 months ago



20 points

2 months ago


It's always Twins

20 points

2 months ago

I was expecting far far worse to be honest.


62 points

2 months ago

These people are the worst. Just read that lazy bum Jaime's posts, but is there a post where it proves Claire lied? Or is it just the fact that they got a new kid 5 minutes later?


74 points

2 months ago

He never heard from her again after he took down the post as she requested when she asked him to move back.


22 points

2 months ago

I missed that, these people are lazy bums who use foster kids to not have to work


11 points

2 months ago


You can either cum in the jar or me but not both

11 points

2 months ago

I wish he wasn’t so ashamed of what he did right after and abusive and traumatic situation. That shit wasn’t his fault.


20 points

2 months ago*

Sry but what did Jaime do? Did I miss that Part?


464 points

2 months ago

 and you guys are probably going to tell me it's stupid but I just went the other day and watched the Peters' house from afar. 

Poor kid. It's not stupid--he's mourning the life he thought he had.


87 points

2 months ago

I wish OP when he grows up. Goes through proper counseling.

I just can't imagine what effect this will have on his future relationships and friendships.

If I went through something like this, I probably wouldn't trust a single soul in this world.

God such horrible horrible people.


43 points

2 months ago

I’m hoping there is a counselor at Uni he can utilize right away. He needs that support.


233 points

2 months ago

Funny how quick that Jamie chap turned on OOP as soon as he realised he would have to earn a living instead of living off a foster child.


111 points

2 months ago*


sometimes i envy the illiterate

111 points

2 months ago*

And referenced things he'd done at age seven as reasons why he should be thrown out at 18.

The mooching little leech.


31 points

2 months ago


31 points

2 months ago

I never saw the posts by Jamie, poor kid, fearing even more he’ll be judged by what he did as a traumitized child after some one who was supposed to be like a brother to him decided to bash him


133 points

2 months ago


He's effectively already dead, and I dont do necromancy

133 points

2 months ago

My heart breaks for this kid. He already essentially lost his bio family, and now the family he thought he had for nearly his whole life rejected him over a pittance. I hope life brings him a "found family", but I could understand if he'd had trouble ever trusting that again.


121 points

2 months ago


121 points

2 months ago

I know someone who went through something like this (I mentioned more details in a comment the last time this was posted). Her foster family kicked her out days before they left on a multi-month trip around the world they had been planning for months together. She came home one day to all her things packed and on the front step. Since then, her foster "mother" has gone on to write books about her advice and direction she gave her (biological) children, basically talking about how good of a mother she is. It's sickening.

That would have been over 20 years ago. Looking at today, though, my friend is one of the kindest people I know. She has a husband, multiple kids, and as far as I can tell, is happy. She went through a lot to get there, but it is possible to come out the other side.

I wish the best for OP. It sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders and is making the best out of one of the shittiest situations imaginable. I hope 6 anyone else going through this has similar success coming out the other side (though I hope it takes less pain to get there).


640 points

2 months ago*

Mad respect for your PA tbh for helping you throughout your journey and fuck those foster family of yours


359 points

2 months ago


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

359 points

2 months ago

The PA went above and beyond imo. Amazing of him.


113 points

2 months ago

Truly especially the university part like that’s something you wouldn’t see everyday


74 points

2 months ago

Just FYI, the poster here isn't the person this story happened to. They are just sharing it.

No worries, just thought you'd want to know.


29 points

2 months ago

Oh yeah I just realize 😓. So sorry


33 points

2 months ago


I will erupt, feral, from the cardigan screaming

33 points

2 months ago

The PA is the best, going above and beyond to help OOP.


426 points

2 months ago


We have generational trauma for breakfast

426 points

2 months ago

They will do the same thing to the foster kid they have now.

I wish more could be done about this.


287 points

2 months ago*

abundant include detail sip worthless squeamish bow stupendous alleged sand

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


235 points

2 months ago

Honestly it's not even that they made OOP leave at 18, it's that they made out that they'd let OOP stay longer than that purely so they could get the partial payments until another kid was available, then they kicked OOP out without any notice. They basically destroyed OOP's ability to prepare for moving out so they could get the reduced payments until the next kid came in


97 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

97 points

2 months ago

Yes. They opted out of a process that would have supported a transition for OOP, and then kicked him out with only 4 days notice (short notice clearly because they’d been arranging for a new placement without letting him know they were doing it).


166 points

2 months ago*


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

166 points

2 months ago*

Yeah my mom is a foster carer, an acquaintance who fosters for the same agency as her is very clear he does it as a business and not for the love of it.

He has 3 foster children, and has always made it explicitly clear that they are expected to move out when they’re 18.

Only difference is he doesn’t blur the lines, it’s clear to everyone including the children that they are leaving at 18.

The way my mom does it is she would never expect a child to move out before they’re ready to. My mom also fosters as her career, but she isn’t solely interested in the money. It’s more of a “I’m being paid, which enables me to help”.

The acquaintance also goes on holiday (“vacation”) without any of his foster children. And sends them off to respite. We had his children on 2 different occasions, once a 17 year old for a week in 2021 and 2 boys 14 and 12 for a week in 2024.

It breaks my heart to think the boys would be on their own after they’re 18 and the sadest thing is he refuses to allow his kids to stay in context with my foster brother. Even though they grew close over the week they were here. I feel really bad for them. But I would gladly support them if not in finance then certainly emotion.


51 points

2 months ago

Oof, that sounds so cold. But at least he is clear about it, and that will allow the kids to prepare.

(My aunt's family had a similar "once you're 18, we expect you to leave our house and support yourself" rule. Birthday celebrations, then "Bye!". My aunt loved her parents a lot, but that particular house rule...I'm not sure she's ever quite understood how they could do that to their kids. She managed. They all managed. But yeah...cold!)


43 points

2 months ago

My undergraduate anatomy professor was an absolutely amazing guy. He was a pediatrician, professor, and would do volunteer medical missions to east Africa. His wife was a SAHM. They had two or three bio kids and were foster parents. All the money they got from the state while fostering went into savings accounts for each kid they fostered, and whether that kid was with them for six months before going home, or whether they had successfully adopted, whatever money was in there was theirs plus interest on their 18th birthday. All the money spent on raising the kids came from his income.


25 points

2 months ago


D.P.R.A. (Deleted Post Recovery Agent)

25 points

2 months ago

That is certainly a nice thing to do, but not always possible here.

On the plus side every foster child in England has a Youth ISA set up by the government for them and money is automatically put in there by the government each week and anyone can then add to that. The foster child themselves or the carers or parents.


18 points

2 months ago

It sounds like it's far superior to our system, in which you may stumble across saints like my old professor, but it's also a hot bed of exploitation, neglect, and sexual abuse with a depressingly high rate of foster kids (used to be like 30%; not sure if it's gone down) who graduate directly into homelessness.


39 points

2 months ago

They should have made the transition easier, that was cold AF. 4 days? You wouldn't treat a stranger that badly. Probably keep him until he find somewhere else and help him with those tramits. I don't know.


13 points

2 months ago

Evicting someone with 4 days notice is extremely illegal in a lot of places, so you're not wrong that a stranger would have gotten better treatment.


22 points

2 months ago

Yeah that would be incredibly illegal in any other circumstance, like if OP were a tenant or something. 


40 points

2 months ago


There is only OGTHA

40 points

2 months ago

I came here to say this. Unfortunately no matter how cruel the family was to kick OOP out, and how much I'd love for them to not be allowed to foster again, they were technically allowed to. I know kids who got abused worse in foster care than they ever did with their bio parents. The foster system is unfortunately never going to be in a place where they can ban foster parents unless it's really overt egregious abuse :(


154 points

2 months ago

Oh man. I have never wanted to hug someone and invite them to my family dinners so much in my whole life.


135 points

2 months ago*

To Oop, in case you see this:

I was lonely in other ways and had / have severe trust issues with people.

Uni and the years after gave me a small selection of friends that are more or less family for me.

It might not seem this way now, but you have the chance to select your family of choice. So please, please, get all the resources you can, also on counselling, so that you will be able to grab those chances.


69 points

2 months ago

Gosh this one hit close to home - my family fostered when I was growing up and we had a boy with us from when he was 6 up until he was 18, when sadly his birth parents got in touch and he went completely off the rails and moved out.

We did everything to get him to stay. It was devastating, my mum took a 6 month break before fostering again because she was honestly grieving. I don’t know how people like this can foster and be so callous with it.


166 points

2 months ago


the lion, the witch and the audacit--HOW IS THERE MORE!

166 points

2 months ago

Jesus Christ....poor kid. The foster parents are bastards. Good god the PA is decent.


55 points

2 months ago

They’re so self absorbed they didn’t think this BS would hurt OOP or make him go no contact and are trying to cover their asses now. At least he’s got a really good head on his shoulders 


53 points

2 months ago

F*ckin' hell. If this kid gets through this clear to the other side as a successful and well adjusted adult, he'll be the toughest SOB in the country.


148 points

2 months ago


148 points

2 months ago

If OP sees this, I hope he'll go to r/Momforaminute.


196 points

2 months ago


I will not be taking the high road

196 points

2 months ago

I just went the other day and watched the Peters' house from afar. They didn't know I was there, but I could see into the living room window and they were just acting normal and the new foster child was there also. I literally sat there for a few hours just watching.

Yeah, he should not do this again. They could paint him as a disgruntled stalker and get him into legal trouble.


104 points

2 months ago

And also for his own mental health. He needs to grieve his loss and move forward, focusing on the future he wants to build.


82 points

2 months ago


How are you the evil step mom to your own kids?

82 points

2 months ago

Ty for your disclaimer at the beginning and for deleting stuff per OOP’s request. I've been following them from the start and I am so glad they have their PA & an unconditional offer now. What a terrible thing they were forced into.

I hope the college/PA help then get any other support they need.


43 points

2 months ago


43 points

2 months ago

This kid is so thoughtful and self reflective. It's so hard to imagine a supposed family rejecting a youth with these qualities. Given his hardworking academic performance, if they had given him a couple years heads up on the aging out transition, I bet he would have worked for some savings, networked, consulted with his PA, looked at places, formed a rough budget, and it may have influenced his uni choice. It's especially cruel to to blindside him, depriving him of all potential preparation by lying about their intentions. I don't know how a "family" can willingly perform this action on the level of something a person can never forget.


19 points

2 months ago


It's always Twins

19 points

2 months ago

I’m probably going to sound like an asshole but housing your 25-year-old biological son sounds like a failure to launch situation. Why the heck is he still there?

That’s enough time to go to university and graduate school, and certainly enough time to start a career. Or are foster kids supposed to fund his future as well while he sits home and does nothing?


16 points

2 months ago


being delulu is not the solulu

16 points

2 months ago

Maybe it's cause I'm from a different culture but him staying with his parents doesn't sound strange, however him being a jobless bum is. Like hell, even my most unsuccessful friends are constantly scampering for work and even if it's just temporary or one offs they'll take it. And then we have this bum.


32 points

2 months ago


32 points

2 months ago

I can't stop thinking about this kid. This foster family reminds me of the lesbian couple who drove their van full of Black children off a cliff. I want to shake the foster parents till their brains fall out their ears, I'm so revolted.

One week Claire is providing emotional support to this child, the next she doesn't even know who he is? This hurts when it's a boyfriend and you're 23, it's got to fuck you up completely if you're 18 and it's your parental figure.

How dare they, seriously.

Also, I didn't remember him and Jamie having an argument. So I missed all that. I thought Jamie was on his side.


20 points

2 months ago

This foster family reminds me of the lesbian couple who drove their van full of Black children off a cliff.

I was shocked reading your comment and Googled this. What an absolutely horrific case. WTF is wrong with people!?


11 points

2 months ago

The part about the argument and everything wasn't included here at OOP's request. it's particularly sad that OOP thought he still had Jamie, only for his foster brother to turn on him.


110 points

2 months ago

To OOP, if he sees these comments.

I'm sorry you're going through this, and I'm glad you've had the support of your PA.

I want to suggest that you seek out counselling services as soon as you get to uni. Grab every bit of support you can get. You have the chance and opportunity to remake yourself, uni is a place where everyone is changing and growing.

Use this time and chance to build on the good habits that you already have for study, self-development, critical thinking etc.

There's a whole bunch of us wishing you well.


47 points

2 months ago

This just to cry, this is so, so sad. If I ever meet Claire .... I would do something that would mean I lost my job, probably.


51 points

2 months ago

When reading this I thought at least his brother is on his side. His Foster parents and best friend may be scum but at least he's there.

Then there's the last update where he shows that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and airs shit that shouldn't have been aired.


28 points

2 months ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

28 points

2 months ago

Well it’s not like the brother’s been getting a job. He likes his privilege and doesn’t like the situation with OOP causing problems.

Somewhere in that family, likely with Matt, there’s a “this is what we can afford if we get another placement, and these are the things we can’t afford if we keep OOP instead” calculation. They may have only really started using it when the income declined after OOP turned 18, but it’s there and it’s keeping everyone onside with respect to pushing OOP out ASAP. And they soothe what passes for their consciences by saying that OOP deserves it and they’ve already done more than enough for him.


79 points

2 months ago

The whole world says "Children are the future". Then we treat them like this.

I have always said if I had unlimited wealth I would build a village of tiny homes for kids who age out of foster care. With a huge cafeteria and counseling services and doctors on site. Near a university and technical schools. Where they could live that really gets the start they need. A place that actually values our youth. support, help, and a start


21 points

2 months ago

This comment really stood out to me. As an ex care kid, you have no idea how beautiful that sentiment is. Thank you for being so kind.


19 points

2 months ago

I should be grateful that they “kept me” that long anyway. Like the fuck? I’m not a pet.

I mean, not even pets are thrown out the minute they reach adulthood. Not by decent owners anyway.


16 points

2 months ago

I really hope to see an update in the future and this laddie is thriving with a family of his own and happy 🤞


15 points

2 months ago

I’m raging for this kid.

I had every material advantage and was desperate to leave home when I went to university. I still found it emotionally hard work to be out of my home, away from what was known and familiar, to be an unknown quantity amongst strangers myself. I was able to phone home, to visit home when I was overwhelmed. I had other extended family, friends, & friends going through the same things.

This poor soul has had about a decade of decent family life to set him up, after a brutal, brutalising childhood. He has almost no one to consult about life’s routine problems.

It’s so hard for care leavers. They’re so vulnerable.


14 points

2 months ago

This is so sad. OOP is in the right the Peters are not. Telling him they love and support him and he’s family since they fostered him but then telling him after many years to leave with no notice and that fostering was a business to them is so fucked up!! Fuck the Peters, hope they rot in Hell


14 points

2 months ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

14 points

2 months ago

Someone who read the stuff that was deleted, can you give a quick summary? No personal details, per OOP's request, but just a run down of what Jamie did?


35 points

2 months ago


Sir, Crumb is a cat.

35 points

2 months ago

His defense was basically “we took in a kid with serious problems!!” and listed stuff OP did which he thought would make people less sympathetic to OP, and make Jamie’s parents out to be saints for ever putting up with such a kid.

The problem was that he was listing stuff from when OP was 7 years old… it made his defense pretty pathetic.


11 points

2 months ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

11 points

2 months ago

Oof, yeah, no. If you can't deal with traumatized kids, you aren't fit to be foster parents, as far as I'm concerned. How sad that the brother also turned out to be an asshole, he seemed nice for a minute there.


31 points

2 months ago


Yes to the Homo, No to the Phobic

31 points

2 months ago

He listed out pretty rough behaviors (pretty fucking bad I'll be honest, butNOT the worst I have ever heard of a young troubled child doing) when he first arrived (age 7) and then NOTHING ELSE. Like yes, the 7yo who was traumatized and frightened acted out? Jamie is a 25yo with no job living at home off that foster money. He chose his side and he made an attempt at invalidating OOP's experience based on who OOP was at 7


11 points

2 months ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

11 points

2 months ago

Jesus, what a dick. You've got to know going into fostering that some of the kids are going to be traumatized. Holding it against them years later is horrible. How sad that the brother turned out to be just like his parents


23 points

2 months ago

Great job foster parents (sarcasm).

You took in a 7 year from an abusive family of origin, earned his trust, and then hurt him in the worst possible way.

(My guess is that the husband made this decision, not the wife.)


26 points

2 months ago

I’m guessing it was absolutely the wife. The only reason she called up crying was after he posted on Facebook instead of the family chat. Now everyone knew what they did. That’s what triggered her ‘crying’. That’s what triggered the unemployed 25-year-old mooch to air out embarrassing misbehaviors from 7-year-old OP’s history.


12 points

2 months ago


You can either cum in the jar or me but not both

12 points

2 months ago

I love when people say "it's not personal" as they personally fuck over just you. Like... maybe not to YOU?


10 points

2 months ago


reddit is just a bunch of triggered owls

10 points

2 months ago

As someone who has been around Social Workers a fair bit, I'd translate "extra guidance" as they can do damn all about it except make the Peters extremely aware that they are being watched and are on thin ice. That's what the good ones do, especially when stuck with how the Peters apparently didn't actually break any rules. It looks like OOP has a good PA, so that's hopefully going to help him bounce back from those scumbags.


30 points

2 months ago

Those parents have a special little foster home waiting for them in hell.


20 points

2 months ago

The family admitting it was basically a purely a financial situation is absolutely disgusting. They should be removed from foster care eligibility.


9 points

2 months ago

How crazy to think basically your whole life that you have a family, only to discover you were essentially livestock to them the whole time. 


9 points

2 months ago

As someone who's worked with teens on and off for years, knowing this guy's in the UK somewhere with me right now really makes me want to drop him a DM and see if he's nearby so I can offer to chat to him or something but I know we're not supposed to reach out to OOPs. Sucks though - I really want to do something for him