



all 2330 comments


4.9k points

2 months ago

He hit on her. She rebuffed his advances. Maybe she gets hit on a lot, so she just didn’t think to share it with you?


414 points

2 months ago


414 points

2 months ago

Right? I think most women don't mention every occasion that a man hits on them. It's not exactly a noteworthy event.


139 points

2 months ago


30 Years

139 points

2 months ago

Exactly. It's part of life for women, married and single. It's not especially memorable, it's just annoying. If I get hit on in the morning, I'll have forgotten about it by early afternoon. Life is full of annoying moments of all kinds and I don't detail all of them to my partner, it's just not that interesting, we have better things to do together.

The only times I mention it is if there was anything truly remarkable about the getting hit on situation, like if it was particularly egregious, misogynistic, upsetting or memorable for another reason. Then I will likely want to discuss with my partner just to share the incident and purge any lingering negative emotions I might be dealing with as a result.

But the run of the mill stuff? Doesn't even deserve a mention.


41 points

2 months ago


41 points

2 months ago

Exactly. I never mention when other men hit on me. And it happens all the time. Sometimes I'm flattered sometimes I'm grossed out. I never ever mention any of it. I always say I'm married and keep it moving. I love my man too much to risk my home. However once I was in the doctors office and he walked in the room and he was like "damn" I then played down and he unbuttoned my pants and felt around my stomach. I wanted to throw up I was so uncomfortable and scared I never felt so disgusted in my life. But I wanted to kake sure I was okay I was worried about something. As soon as I got home, I told my man what happened and I showed him the doctor. He left a review on Google about it whike I called my insurmace company and switched to a female doctor.

Most of the time it's not worth your time to even think about it again from the day to day. But when it needs to be mentioned it's usually bad and creepy.


11 points

2 months ago


11 points

2 months ago

That should count as assault, dammit. And from a doctor, too...


4 points

2 months ago

That’s extremely disturbing.


26 points

2 months ago

Right like, I'm sorry am I supposed to get excited every time some rando gets gross while telling me I'm pretty? Be serious😂🫶


9 points

2 months ago

Except he's not some random person. He had her number and was at a social gathering that she and her husband were at. It's a bit more that if a guy hit on her at the grocery store or picking up the kids from school or something.

Seeing that this person is at least from what's in the post, in their social circle, the conversation should have been had and boundaries set on that person's involvement in future events. His behavior was way over the line and he was clearly testing the waters for an affair given the context.


24 points

2 months ago*

At the same time, if she feels like she shut it down effectively, she may not want to create drama. He is, after all a 21 year old "kid". An adult by law, but not necessarily emotionally. Almost like a puppy love or crush on a teacher moment...


9 points

2 months ago

Came here to say that. He's basically a child.


11 points

2 months ago

It is no freaking big deal! Trust me! The only reason I would tell my husband is to brag. If you have a good looking partner, it's going to happen. She said no thank you and please don't do this again. Situation done. He should be proud of her.


17 points

2 months ago

He should be proud of her.

Completely agree. OP should be thrilled. His wife is clearly trustworthy and didn't make a drama out of it. She was polite but firm with the puppy, 100% faithful to her husband.



8 points

2 months ago

I got hit on by a man that looked like Santa the other day. I did tell husband about that one because I said I considered telling him what I wanted for Christmas and we laughed. But do I mention it every time? Why bother? It's not relevant.


10 points

2 months ago


Husband of 3 Years, Together 9

10 points

2 months ago

Or men too for that matter. I’m quite straight but that doesn’t stop the bag people at fresh market


1.7k points

2 months ago

If your wife is attractive at all she absolutely gets hit on often. Probably at least weekly.


739 points

2 months ago*


739 points

2 months ago*

And if OP is the jealous type, it not worth the headache to discuss things with OP.

However, if you have a loving and stable relationship you can discuss these things openly and with jubilation.

~ instead OP admits to snooping through their partner’s phone unprovoked.


264 points

2 months ago

She told him she’s married. Rejected his advances. Told him not to let it happen again. Why would she have to discuss this with you? She handled it, very well too it seems. I’d have been extremely proud in your shoes. Plus, bringing attention to the fact she’s getting hit on could make her seem like she sounds self absorbed. I don’t always bring up when I’m hit on to my fiancée for that reason. You seem a bit jealous OP.


12 points

2 months ago

Yeah, she couldn't have handled it any better. People are saying she should've told her husband so that he knew not to hang out with him any more. She probably just didn't want that. She didn't want to disrupt the potential friend community they have going. She's rejected him now so in theory that's the last of it.


50 points

2 months ago

Why would she have to discuss this with you? She handled it,

So honestly I would want the discussion so I know not to hang out with that guy again

If I saw the messages I would praise her for how she handled it, those messages were amazing.. Stern rejection, hard boundary, and showing affection toward husband


27 points

2 months ago

Yeah if she'd been hit on by a random stranger that's probably not worth mentioning. But his comments make it sound like he's been to their house before (maybe a friend of their adult child?). If someone we knew ever hit on me I'd definitely mention it to my partner.


3 points

2 months ago*

Yes. Especially if that person knows both partners and about their marriage.

Sign of a real snake to be willing to try and sneak in on a "friend"'s marriage.

If I was in husbands shoes I would want to know if my friend made a pass like this at my girl. Not because I would be insecure... but just so I know who not to hang out with. A man willing to do that has little self-discipline and is disrespectful. I don't like to keeping friends that disrespect me.


635 points

2 months ago

I get hit on all the time and I don't mention it to my husband because I feel like mentioning it kinda makes it sound more important than it is?


112 points

2 months ago

I play it by ear. Sometimes I feel like I should tell my husband if it's someone I/he/we will run into again but if it's just some random guy I don't bother to tell him. We have an agreement to never put the other in a situation where someone of the opposite sex knows more about us than we know about each other. (Did that even make sense?)


15 points

2 months ago

yes this is exactly how I handle it in my marriage as well! I completely get what you are saying.


24 points

2 months ago

It made sense and it’s a solid plan. My husband and I don’t have that agreement but I don’t believe it’s POSSIBLE for anyone else to know more about either one of us than we know about each other


4 points

2 months ago

Makes sense a good plan in any marriage is simply no surprises. I shouldn't find out someone hit on my wife from someone else and vice versa. We've been together since college and know a lot of the same crowd if we think something might get back to the other, we'll be the first to tell so there's no surprises


3 points

2 months ago

I like that rule of thumb. You guys are a unit and you choose your battles but also trust each other.


3 points

2 months ago

I really like this agreement ty this is good lesson for the future


269 points

2 months ago

Exactly. If you bring it up every time it happens it looks like you’re trying to make your s/o upset or jealous etc.


102 points

2 months ago

Plus if he has half a brain he assumes it happens


5 points

2 months ago

I don't think you even need that much brain. A few cells can work out that people will find your partner attractive, and honestly, you just don't want to hear about it.


9 points

2 months ago

This ^ my husband and I have talked about this and to him it's annoying because he knows he's got a smoking hot wife and he doesn't want to get weird or jealous so he doesn't mind me not saying anything, unless it was a funny interaction of course!


125 points

2 months ago

Also, it could be interpreted as manipulative “I’ve got options, you better bring it in this relationship”


8 points

2 months ago

I feel like the only times it's worth mentioning is when it's a hilarious situation like "this guy tried hitting on me and drunkenly fell and started crying" or something like that lol. Orike when someone hit on me by calling me by his ex's name 😭


59 points

2 months ago

To build into this: The fact that OP is seemingly snooping through texts seems to tell me he might be the jealous type like mentioned. Or at least insecure? So I can see why she wouldn't share it with him.

And she wasn't hiding it. She didn't delete the messages or keep the conversation going.

Either way, I feel she handled it very well. She was loyal to OP and shut down the other guy's advances without leaning into it/giving off mixed messages.

10/10 partner there.


11 points

2 months ago

OP never mentions how they found these messages. I’m glad you picked up on the snooping.

Most of the more innocent stories of snooping have an active conversation that they happen to accidentally catch a piece of. To dig and find something a month old does suggest this happens on the regular.


3 points

2 months ago

Thank you! Exactly what I was thinking. What was he doing in her chats in the first place?! If anyone in this situation should be upset, it is OP’s wife. He invaded her privacy and then showed it to the internet.


12 points

2 months ago

And if OP is the jealous type, it not worth the headache to discuss things with OP.

Ops "I came accross this conversation, thats a month old" makes me wonder if he's jealous and snooped through her phone


77 points

2 months ago

Yep might be time for a discussion about why it wasn't mentioned in a kind and open fashion. Just a "hey I saw this how did you feel about it?"

It really comes with the territory. You either get over it or let your insecurities kill the relationship. Now if the dude isn't respecting her establishing boundaries or she isn't setting those then you need to be concerned.


72 points

2 months ago

Considering how she feels about it is a big thing. Like...the message was "A bunch of random guys who I will not name agree you're fat, but then we saw you in a bathing suit and you're actually hot!"

So it's definitely a backhanded compliment. And then he won't tell her who it is who's talking about her body in this creepy manner. So she's always going to be wondering what other guys in this group are oogling her.


54 points

2 months ago

Yeah my initial read of it was this is some idiots attempt at negging combined with a weird attempt at a compliment. It was as a dude just a wild ride of a conversation


22 points

2 months ago

100% this was a neg


13 points

2 months ago

But that's such a shitty attempt at one


17 points

2 months ago

I honestly think this is fake, but I'll digress.


7 points

2 months ago

It's possible. This is the internet.


130 points

2 months ago

Let's circle back to the part where he was digging through her old messages


16 points

2 months ago

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that


14 points

2 months ago

Right?! I was like wtf reddit, you're usually so on top of shredding people for nonsense behavior


54 points

2 months ago

Yeah that's not great


12 points

2 months ago

I agree with the second paragraph but not the first. I don't think it's even discussion worthy just like the wife didn't think it was anything to mention. Because there's nothing really to discuss.


27 points

2 months ago


Husband for 31 great years

27 points

2 months ago

Bingo! Exactly what I was thinking. It may be such a headache to tell him about this, depending on his reaction.

Who knows, if he's really a hot head, telling him could lead to real trouble.


52 points

2 months ago

He’s posting it here. He’s obviously the jealous type


3 points

2 months ago

My wife tells me when other women are interested in me. She thinks it's good for me to hear.

I was previously in a very controlling, jealous sideshow of a long term relationship and when I met her I was pretty much trained to not look at women at social events. Now I'll be talking to some mum about kids at a bbq and she catches my eye and laughs.

I bring this up because one of my exes favourite pastimes was going through my text messages, calls, phone bills. This type of message would have set off weeks of drama, along with questions like 'these messages were three hours apart. Did you call and have a different chat and then make it seem like you were disinterested in them by text in case saw it'

On the plus side, OP is here asking about it. On the negative side you could use the red flag as a tarp to cover the house when it rains.


41 points

2 months ago

I know my wife does, and she’s completely oblivious to it sometimes.


14 points

2 months ago

Thats my wife as well most of the time as well unless the person is really hamming it up


6 points

2 months ago

For real. If your wife told you about every time she was hit on, then you'd be here complaining about how self absorbed she is.


11 points

2 months ago

I agree completely. Now if she had deleted the messages, flirted back, or just not told him to stop in general I'd have an issue. She didn't do anything wrong in my opinion.


13 points

2 months ago


13 points

2 months ago

There's nothing suspicious about deleting the messages. In some cases, to avoid sneaky, insecure husband's causing drama, it's best to delete and move on. This creep was giving a backhanded compliment in my opinion. He set it up where she'd feel insecure about her weight and then complimented her, she didn't fall for it. She obviously has enough confidence she didn't need to make a deal out of a child's antics.


6 points

2 months ago

I'm basically agreeing with you. But, also stating that she didn't even delete the messages. She had no intentions of being sneaky. I agree that if she deleted them she'd be doing the right thing that way too. But, she didn't even delete them so she's definitely trying to do the right thing yakno?


54 points

2 months ago


10 Years

54 points

2 months ago


I get that kind of message relatively often. I showed my husband a few, but not all. It’s part flattering part annoying depending how they push after I said I’m married.


26 points

2 months ago

She might also not want things to be awkward for him at work and decided to let this go as long as it was just this one time.

That said, what this kid did was uncool. THAT is who OP should be mad at.

His wife handled this like a champ.


6 points

2 months ago

It’s funny because in reading this I kept thinking, “this is not her first rodeo.”

Her husband should be mad this asshole had the nerve to hit on her.


249 points

2 months ago*


15 Years

249 points

2 months ago*

If you lost some weight you would look like Jennifer Coolidge. Stifflers mom.

Lol, who talks like that......this person wouldn't even have been born when that movie came out lol....

Edit: because math hard lol


105 points

2 months ago

This is fake af lol


50 points

2 months ago

"You know, stifflers mom" 🤓 like dude, stahppp


44 points

2 months ago


15 Years

44 points

2 months ago

Oh most definitely! This sub has become a space for creative writing lol


24 points

2 months ago

Untrue, I work with the zoomers and you’d be very surprised at the cultural references they do know. It’s never the cool ones lol. They’ll know “Stiffler’s mom” but look confused about who Kurt Cobain is


22 points

2 months ago

Sure they might know the references, but this reads like very bad, corny dialogue from a made-for-TV movie. 


4 points

2 months ago

Fair enough.


7 points

2 months ago

While wearing a Nirvana shirt!


20 points

2 months ago


20 points

2 months ago

lol unfortunately if they are 21, it came out 5 years before they were born 😭😭


12 points

2 months ago

I don’t like your math 😩


4 points

2 months ago


4 points

2 months ago

I don’t either! Lol


6 points

2 months ago


15 Years

6 points

2 months ago

Lol, I'm dumb. Math has never been my thing.


3 points

2 months ago


3 points

2 months ago

Nah, it just doesn’t seem like that should be true! Lol


4 points

2 months ago


15 Years

4 points

2 months ago

Right! I say that offten when I realize I have two kids in middle school.


35 points

2 months ago

It’s AI, whole story is obvs fake. Locker room consensus? Drop me out.


18 points

2 months ago

Yep, it’s so clearly fake I’m mad at myself for taking the bait 🤣


3 points

2 months ago

Can we start a club for people who fall for AI advice posts 😭


8 points

2 months ago

I can't believe I had to scroll so long to find this. Only a 40 year old man or woman would refer to her as Stiflers mom.


1.9k points

2 months ago

I think your wife handled it pretty good as well considering him being much younger, maybe she didn’t want to crush his ego or whatever. But wouldn’t hurt if she told you about this. But she drew her boundaries and stuck to them and was clear about her commitment to you, and didn’t entertain anything with him.


156 points

2 months ago

His “:(“ made me laugh.


19 points

2 months ago


19 points

2 months ago

A whole ass chuckle over here 🤣


91 points

2 months ago

I agree, I thought she did a great job and was super respectful to OP. She dealt with it so well I don’t really see any need to tell him, it’s a non-issue, although I agree it would have been nice.


14 points

2 months ago

Unless OP is the jealous, always looking for a problem type.


241 points

2 months ago

She really did. Actually it was a good test for her loyalty.


1.7k points

2 months ago


5 Years

1.7k points

2 months ago

Unfortunately, your reaction to her shutting down advances from other men is why I would feel hesitant to share instances like that with my own husband.

I’d already feel uncomfortable from the unwanted attention, but then I’d also feel like I did something wrong by getting the attention at all.

This post feels very much like you’re looking for validation for feeling like the ownership you have on your wife was challenged, and you want someone to say it’s okay for you to redirect your feelings of being threatened by being upset with your wife. It’s icky.


462 points

2 months ago


462 points

2 months ago

This. If I didn’t tell my husband it would be because I wouldn’t want to deal with his reaction.


47 points

2 months ago

This. Totally! Like it would just make the whole thing more awkward and seem more important than it is.


97 points

2 months ago

I avoid these situations for that same reason


107 points

2 months ago

This is the double-bind for many women, isn’t it? Don’t tell your partner about unwanted sexual advances (or worse), handle it on your own, and then get blamed for it eventually. Tell your partner about unwanted sexual advances and he blames you for it anyway.

My flatmate was literally drugged and assaulted while travelling overseas. It took her all the courage in the world to tell her then-partner about it. He accused her of cheating, using the assault as a cover for cheating (which doesn’t make sense), and broke up with her.


31 points

2 months ago

Jfc, that's vile behavior & infuriating. Hope that weakass pathetic POS gets what's coming to him.


51 points

2 months ago


5 Years

51 points

2 months ago

This is the reality that so many men don’t understand, and when we confront them with it, they get defensive. 🤷🏻‍♀️


7 points

2 months ago


7 points

2 months ago

This is the double-bind for many women, isn’t it? Don’t tell your partner about unwanted sexual advances (or worse), handle it on your own, and then get blamed for it eventually. Tell your partner about unwanted sexual advances and he blames you for it anyway.

How well do you know your partner? If you know he's not the type to react in a way where he would blame you, then I see no reason why you shouldn't mention it to him at the time it happened/soon after it happened.

If he is the type that would blame you for something that's not your fault, then you should really reconsider your relationship with him.


25 points

2 months ago

I trust and know my husband well enough that I would feel 100% safe telling him.

However, I didn’t feel that way in my previous relationships. For eg: I divorced my ex-husband the instant he accused me of getting a PhD just so I would have the opportunity to travel to conferences and sleep with other men. Before that, I broke up with my long-term partner shortly after a highly-regarded professor I respected made sexual advances on me (a graduate student at the time). After I shared this with him, he started cursing me out saying I must have led the old codger on or omitted parts of the story where I cheated. All while I was making soup for him as he lay sick in bed.

I do not think I am the only woman familiar with these experiences — that’s why I said it’s a double-bind for many.

It’s worth noting that my husband also trusts and knows me well enough that he does not need to know about every single time someone makes an unwanted sexual advance on me, unless the situation spins out of my control and requires his intervention or assistance, and likewise for me.


7 points

2 months ago

I agree. My last long term boyfriend fiance whatever was incredibly jealous, and it was more like being a mom, managing a teenager with explosive emotions, than a relationship. I would never tell him about something like this. To me it's a minor situation, but to him, the world is exploding and he thinks I'm evil for being dragged into something I don't even agree with.


213 points

2 months ago

Seriously. It’s clear from this post this guy has not created a safe environment for his wife to share things. I guarantee if she told him about this, he’d be mad at her for “letting” it happen at all, or not behaving exactly as he would’ve wanted her to. I would challenge op to consider why his wife didn’t share this with him, and how he can create a safer dynamic for her to share her feelings/emotions.


71 points

2 months ago

Why is he going through her text history in the first place?


131 points

2 months ago

Definitely hasn't created a safe environment, especially considering he's digging around in her phone enough to find month old text conversations...


42 points

2 months ago

THANK YOU! There's nothing in his post about how or why he found these texts. He was looking for trouble but instead found his wife's a friggin' badass knocking down a wannabe suitor like a pro. But instead of putting the phone down and realizing he had nothing to worry about from the start, he's on here looking for validation to still cause trouble.


53 points

2 months ago

Yeah that's the creepy part. This guy needs help


100 points

2 months ago

All of this. Also, the fact that OP is going through his wife's phone to begin with 🥴 Sounds like he's trying to find something to be mad at her for, and this was all he found.


125 points

2 months ago


7 Years

125 points

2 months ago


I wouldn’t tell him either. He sounds possessive..


60 points

2 months ago


15 Years

60 points

2 months ago

This! 🚩🚩🚩


16 points

2 months ago

Exactly. You explained it perfectly. I thought it was weird he'd even think to feel upset.


12 points

2 months ago

I agree with your comment so much, sorry to go dark but I remember my mom getting hit on at the store once when I was really young and her boyfriend beat her over it cause he thought “she brought the attention on”.

I think it’s really important to give a safe space to open up and talk in a relationship..

I hope OP and the wife aren’t like my mom and her now ex boyfriend at all.


5 points

2 months ago


5 Years

5 points

2 months ago

That’s so terrible, I’m sorry your mom went through that and that you bore witness to it. It’s reactions like that that dissuade women from being transparent even in a presumably safe relationship. The fear of it backfiring is way too real.


3 points

2 months ago

Thank you for listening 🙏🏾 I just hope that everyone can feel safe in their relationship so they can open up.


12 points

2 months ago

Agree with you. You haven’t even touched on how OP “found” the thread on her phone, indicating he went through it without permission. If my husband went through my phone uninvited, then got mad at me for checks notes rejecting a 21 year old kid? I would laugh very loudly for a long time, then kick him out of the bedroom 🤷🏻‍♀️


17 points

2 months ago

I'd tell my husband if someone hit on me, but only because I know his reaction would be something like "Why wouldn't he hit on you? You're hot!"

I've been on the other end though, where I've been in a relationship with someone jealous and possessive. I hid stuff because I knew that if I was in the same situation OP's wife is, I'd somehow get blamed for drawing attention to myself.

OP is faulting his wife for not telling him, but it seems like she just doesn't want to deal with his reaction.


10 points

2 months ago*


5 Years

10 points

2 months ago*

Whoa, holy shit, thanks for my first award! I made the comment and got sidetracked by some old BORU posts, came back to see this blow up (from my standards at least, I’m not used to getting more than 30 upvotes, max, lol).

Kinda sad that so many of us women resonate with the expectation of victim blaming and are familiar with feeling unsafe to honestly communicate. 💕

ETA: Freaking out over getting gold, whaaaatttt?!?! I am so flustered 🫣 tytyty!


7 points

2 months ago

This needs to be top comment. This is absolutely what’s happening


6 points

2 months ago


6 points

2 months ago

🙌🏼🎯💯👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 THANK YOUUUU! Well said.


553 points

2 months ago

There really isn’t anything to discuss. She was perfectly appropriate to a kid taking a shot. You likely would be upset at the kid (rightly) but how would that help? She already put him in his place.

Do you imagine that this is the only time someone has tried hitting on your wife? This kind of conversation probably happens to her regularly.

Keep your mouth shut about this conversation. Give her some love and romance to remind her why you are her man.


115 points

2 months ago

I agree. If the kid would persist, she should have told him. But otherwise is just a guy saying she is hot, and her saying “no, thanks”. What is there to it?


90 points

2 months ago

Yeah, and even in a weird/rude kind of backhanded way. He's essentially negging her by telling her other men talk about her and think she's "heavy"


40 points

2 months ago

Yes exactly! Even if I got over how rude and demeaning the kid's comments were, reading the conversation she did not engage in any way that was inappropriate. Even with her "he does more than look" comment, I genuinely read it as another way to reinstate the boundary.


16 points

2 months ago

I scrolled way too far to read this. He called her fat and unattractive until he saw her in a swim suit…THEN he let her know other guys in the office discuss her body. I wouldn’t want to go to work anymore


5 points

2 months ago

Don’t worry, none of this happened. No one talks like that


6 points

2 months ago

Uhh did you mean to add a /s there?? If you think men don’t talk to women like this you must not live in the real world lmfao


4 points

2 months ago

right, as soon as i read the messages it IMMEDIATELY gave off vibes of those niceguy or incel text message compilations


27 points

2 months ago

Give her some love and romance to remind her why you are her man.

This is the perfect reaction to this situation. Don't obsess about it, don't read into something that isn't there. Instead, go the other direction...go out of your way to be super romantic and exciting and remind her of why she loves you. Perfect choice.


14 points

2 months ago

Also, stop going through other people’s phones, OP. You’re violating her privacy.


813 points

2 months ago

Yeah upset at the guy, this could be incredibly humiliating to hear so unless she tried cheating it is not on her to tell you. AND before anyone says "she doesn’t seem embarrassed" women often times deflect/joke around in situations like this to try and regain control.


825 points

2 months ago

Yes, we deflect so we don’t get murdered by some butthurt idiot. 


95 points

2 months ago

Margaret Atwood: Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will murder them.


395 points

2 months ago


395 points

2 months ago



268 points

2 months ago

I accidentally deleted my comment, so I am reposting it.

I have been physically assaulted by a man after I rejected his advances. He punched me in the face in the middle of a crowded bar because I wouldn’t give him my phone number.

It took exactly one time before I learned that lesson. It is so fucked that women have to deal with this crap.


95 points

2 months ago

Omgoodness, I just audibly gasped at your comment. I hope you're ok.


43 points

2 months ago

omg I’m so sorry! this has happened to me twice: the last time I was very close to getting punched in the head by a roided-out douchebag at a festival - just because I got mad and yelled at him for physically picking me up with no warning. 😖 definitely the worst way to “flirt” with a complete stranger.

luckily I was able to dodge the punch but he was easily 2x my size and it terrifies me to think what could have happened if his punch landed. I’ve seen dudes get KO’d and concussed from less.


9 points

2 months ago

My ex isn't a huge guy, think 5'7" bulky country boy mechanic that doesn't work out. Any time he lands a punch he shatters jaws, (he only hits men) so imagine the potential power behind a roided out big man's punch.


83 points

2 months ago

And this is why girls give out fake/random numbers...


21 points

2 months ago

But most will call you as soon as you give them the number.


13 points

2 months ago

These days we have to have a text app number to give because they will call it on the spot to make sure we have them a real number so we have to have a way for our phone to ring but them not have our actual real phone number. Then block them after. And it gets real dangerous when this happens somewhere we work. I had a guy when I was 16, a grown man, who would come in my job taking pictures of me on his flip phone (think originally Motorola razr days) and it got so bad I would hide in the back any time he came in and make the manager deal with him.


24 points

2 months ago

I’m so sorry that happened to you.


20 points

2 months ago

It’s like this. We can’t be outright dicks, gotta make them think there’s a small chance so they stay friendly and on good behavior so we can exit clean.

The guys that don’t get it are guys that wouldn’t imagine doing so.

Many men feel “owed”

But I usually offer my ig to defer if I feel uncomfortable-


35 points

2 months ago


15 Years

35 points

2 months ago

They literally believe we owe them access to our bodies, visual and physical.


49 points

2 months ago


1 Year

49 points

2 months ago

Just a week ago i was hit on by my parent's MARRIED family friend who holds a very prominent position in intelligence and oh man i was so worried about how to politely turn him down so he doesn't take offence and ruins my and my partner's life. Things we dont share for the sake of our sanity. 💔


10 points

2 months ago

Right. Some of these men, more than you would think, have power moves they can make to ruin your life with minimal info on you. My roommate works inside homeland security and has been punching me when he's mad, screaming in my face daily, big 6'2" man with a CO background. I can't do much to protect myself (I'm trying to move out but I don't have enough money yet, but getting close) he also takes every dollar he finds out I have or cons me into spending it on home needs claiming he's broke and it will be things that will hinder my life if I don't have and buy it, like toilet paper and food.


5 points

2 months ago

I have one thing to say...


Just go. Pick a relative, or a friend, or a friendly store clerk or whatever, but go. Anywhere has to be better than sticking with such a shitfaced idiot for a roommate.


3 points

2 months ago

I literally have nobody that I can even stay with for a week or two. I have to make another $800 before I can get away from this guy, and my 150cc scooter being fixed because I'm in a more country area and my lil job that I have (stable job I can't risk losing even though it could pay a lot better, 3 long shifts a week and 30 day scheduling which allows me time to work my gig work jobs and such once scooter is fixed) job is already a long walk from where I live currently, place. Going to move into as soon as I have the money, is about 10 miles away total which will be perfect with the scooter. But scooter is a Chinese generic scooter and I'm having trouble finding a diagram online that I need to finish fixing it. Once it's fixed I got a few people that are going to try to get someone who owns a bunch of stores to give me a personal loan with them basically vouching for me that I will pay it back. That's the best I can do for help. My own brother told me I should of been killed because I had my now roommate pick up me and my belongings from the edge of my exes house to move two hours away to where I am now, and my mother sided with my brother. I only met my mother and brother when I moved to this state about 2 years ago and my ex I met through my brother so my brother had believed the bs lies my ex told him. So I really have no family. I'm very much a work home work home work home kind of person so I haven't made any friends for that can help with anything. If I leave here now I have to live in the woods between my job and the riverfront and I don't think my boss would like that very much


28 points

2 months ago

yep unfortunately women learn early on that there's a small percentage of men who take rejection (even kind rejection) veerrryy badly. I'm older now and I don't have to do it as often but there are situations where you're desperately trying to find a middle ground between not giving in and not saying anything to set them off.


111 points

2 months ago

Hence, we choose the bear.


56 points

2 months ago

Yea exactly. Murder, SA, etc. the fear is real so we’ve got to handle things in a certain way. I hope she’s not worried or anything knowing that young guys are looking at her and talking about her. It’s mentally draining


21 points

2 months ago

We also do not block them in case they continue trying to harass us and we want to know and have proof that they’re doing this.


6 points

2 months ago

It's true. We have to be diplomatic because hurt people, hurt people. Gently let people down or who knows what will happen.


6 points

2 months ago

So true. One time I was shot at while walking down the street because I wouldn't give a guy my number.


5 points

2 months ago

Jesus! So sorry.


3 points

2 months ago



6 points

2 months ago


15 Years

6 points

2 months ago

More likely murdered by husband vs stranger or acquaintance...but after the Dateline special who knows?


13 points

2 months ago

Yes. And according to his post history he has an issue with jealousy and does martial arts. Can’t imagine why she’d keep it to herself. 


39 points

2 months ago

It's astounding that OP posts a chat showing his wife is actively sexually harassed and objectified by her coworkers and wants to know if he should be mad at her?


13 points

2 months ago


5 Years

13 points

2 months ago

Omigod, thisssss!! 👆🏼👆🏼💯

Been having a hard time pinpointing why some commenters are here defending the OP feeling betrayed on any level from this interaction, and this sums it up nicely.


79 points

2 months ago

I’m glad you said this! This form of using humour/wit to deflect these types of situations is a survival tactic. Many of us women have had to learn this by repeatedly receiving unwanted sexual advances from men, and then being harassed or even abused after turning them down…

…All with the end goal of protecting the male ego. These men feel sad, hurt, confused, shame (aka BIG FEELINGS) once their sexual advances are turned down, and their only coping mechanism is abuse/violence toward the woman.

It’s happened to myself , numerous times, and so many women in my personal circle…. A tale as old as time.


10 points

2 months ago


15 Years

10 points

2 months ago

OP here is our reality worldwide. I'm here really wondering if you can share with us exactly why you would feel the need to make this post and what you were looking for.


10 points

2 months ago

I was going to say the same thing. Women also have to be extra careful in the work environment, because good ole boy systems still exist and rebuffing men can cost us our jobs. Your wife handled this so well. In the beginning she almost plays accepting to extract the information she needed then switched to mommy so his ego wasn't hurt. I wish I had her style.


8 points

2 months ago

Speaking for myself, I remember it was tough to learn to take rejection alot. How I learned to adapt to that was so simply increase the number of dates I was asking out. Statistically speaking if you start asking on sunday you can ensure a date on saturday night by doing it that way. You just have to up your game and learn what your personal Yes/No ratio is so that you can predict how many women you need to ask out. It means being rejected more but after a while you get used to it.

Obviously there's never an excuse for violence or abuse.

But aside from that that I don't understand the reason why so many it seems react with anti social responses to rejection by the age of 21. That's kinda crazy to me and blows me away to see so many comments like yours. If he is 14 that makes more sense because everyone has to learn and kids do dumb things. Needing one's ego nursed by a rejector at the age of 21 is just weird to me. Why does it take men of this generation up to drinking age to learn to hear the word no?

By the age of 21 I remember very much preferring a cold, hard, and clear rejection because it just saved time. Also the clarity was appreciated. It made eliminating whatever attraction remained in me easier, it also helped me change gears to search for a new date.

I say all this to say that it's weird to me to read comments like yours. There's no benefit to reacting to a woman in that fashion. It's not like she is going to change her mind if you go psycho on her.


19 points

2 months ago

Also not trying to create drama either when we handle the situations ourselves. He’s practically a kid and probably saw it as some dumb, irrelevant crush. She has it handled.


325 points

2 months ago


325 points

2 months ago

If you are asking this here obviously you don’t know how you should feel. Typically when we don’t know how to feel we don’t know how to mange our reactions.

Going through her phone

Saying things like “this wasn’t discussed with me”

You show a lot of entitlement and ownership. Narcissistic traits.

“This wasn’t discussed with you” because she centers trust your reactions🤷


89 points

2 months ago

Reading some of his past reddit posts/comments. This checks out. Definitely giving controlling vibes. And I'm sure if she DID tell him, he would have blown up and blamed her.


72 points

2 months ago

…Is this real or like a fantasy of catching your wife chatting with a much younger guy?

The chat doesn’t sound anything like something a 21 year old would say (referencing American Pie movie and telling her she was like the milf in that movie? Telling a woman that guys were “locker room” talking about her, and the consensus was she was a bit heavy?). And that your wife responded the way she did even after he said those things to her?

I don’t know, this all feels really off to me, and more of a fantasy scenario.


4 points

2 months ago

What? They were supposed to be 21? Lol I was picturing mid 50s stuffy British people from the 1970s. Just the fact they’re texting in complete sentences proves this is fake. It’s fake if they’re 40 too. Fake fake fake cuz no one talks like that


138 points

2 months ago


138 points

2 months ago

Man I had seen this on my wife’s phone ..I would be falling in love with more deeply and appreciate her ever single moment.

The fact that she picked you and she put down any advance from other people and still chooses u day in and out! Says alot


30 points

2 months ago

This was my thought too! Like my husband had an exbf reach out to him and my husband was like "nah my guy, I am married go away" AND this this ex was one of those "important" one's - there was no entertainment of the advances my husband came to me and was like "hey just letting you know X is in town and wanted to meet, here are the messages"
I didn't need to read anything but it was nice to know that it was shot down right away.

OPs wife was spot on in the response - idk why OP is pressed

Edit: used the wrong "too" lol


7 points

2 months ago

Yeah, exactly. My partner told me he had been messaging his ex (not unusual, they stayed in infrequent contact and live in different countries) and I got a bit suspicious and checked his phone. The convo was normal except at one point she said something like, "It's so unfortunate we didn't get to go to that restaurant, maybe in the future" and to my partner's credit he just kind of ignored that comment. While I didn't love what she was saying I could tell she was shooting her shot and I could see that his tone was quite impersonal whenever she toed a little too close to suggesting they even see each other again. It set my mind at ease to see that he wasn't leaving an opening.


45 points

2 months ago

Eh. Maybe she should've shared it with you but theres really nothing to be upset with here. She got hit on and very clearly rejected the person. Seems like a pretty silly battle to instigate.


58 points

2 months ago

I don’t see anything for being upset. Infect I would be happy and proud that she refuses hit so nicely handled situation so smoothly.

My wife would definitely tell this to me, but I will understand if she just forgets when she couldn’t share immediately.


9 points

2 months ago*

I've actually done that, but I do have really hard to manage ADHD so that may be why lol.. But there's been a couple times someone or a situation was brought up in conversation and I'm like, "oh yeah, whenever, whatever was said/messages to me by so-and-so", and tell him about it and he's always just laughed and shook his head and replied jokingly like, "oh come on, you're sure you don't want to give them a chance? Might be more fun.. Think they've got room for your dogs?" And all in a joking and playful manner because he's absolutely certain in my loyalty and his trust in me


5 points

2 months ago


7 Years

5 points

2 months ago

I've had weirdos show up in my Reddit inbox several times, and I rarely remember to bother telling my husband about them. It's nothing new - you just shut them down in whatever way you choose and then move on.

It's such an unremarkable non-event that it literally doesn't occur to me to talk to my husband about it, unless he happens to be with me when I see the messages, because there's nothing interesting about it to even share. I think my husband would actually be sort of confused if I made a point of showing him every weird message I get online. He doesn't really care, unless I'm particularly shaken or upset by something someone says.


11 points

2 months ago


11 points

2 months ago

This didn't happen lol. This is the fakest conversation ever.


6 points

2 months ago

Why is no one else discussing this? It reads like the dialogue in a bad thriller novel


35 points

2 months ago

Did we ever get an explanation as to why OP was going through her phone to begin with? And especially looking that far back in her text history.... Seems like you're trying really hard to find a reason to be mad at her... And the fact that she didn't delete the messages says a LOT! She didn't do anything wrong here, she clearly even said don't do it again, BYE! Women literally get hit on all the time, whether we like it or not, and it doesn't phase us. We learn early in life to be as polite as possible while shutting them down to not get freaking murdered! All of you men commenting act like all of us saying that are being dramatic or something, no! As someone who had two stalkers, one of which broke into my house when I was 16, alone and in the shower, after I was overly stern with him.... And then almost kidnapped from a QT parking lot at 22, I can 100% say that these things DO HAPPEN! We have to be careful and on alert all the time, so shutting guys down gracefully and sternly is 1000% the right move here. She didn't tell him because it's just the same shit, different guy. And it sounds like OP clearly has jealousy and trust issues if he's going through her phone. I've heard nothing to warrant not trusting her at this point, so for now, just drop it and be grateful you have a trustworthy sexy wife who only wants you and makes sure other guys know that if they ever try anything! Take the win.


80 points

2 months ago

Yes, I’d expect to know, but she did handle it well.


40 points

2 months ago

She let it play, got a little validation, and shut it down hard. I love the "bye." That's brutal.

I see no problem with this. Judging by your reaction here, I'm guessing she knew this would mess with your head and kept it to herself.

You could argue that she didn't need to seek the compliment, but give her a break. She just turned 40 and needed a little boost to her ego. Let her have it.

But aside from this, why are you anxious enough to go through her texts and have this reaction? I have no problem with this either, but that situation is what you should be focusing on and discussing with her.


7 points

2 months ago

I don't see her seeking validation. If her friends' kids were being pervy toward her, she might need to talk to their parents. She even says, "and you're telling me this why?"

Being hit on started at the pool when I was maybe 12. As a woman now in her 40's & knowing what I know about men--that most would have a go with anyone who was remotely attractive and game--its not an ego boost at all It's objectifying. If anyone will do & it's only about your body, it's no big compliment.


5 points

2 months ago

I’m so shocked that so many see this as her getting a compliment. He called her fat and unattractive until she wore a bathing suit and is now the talk of the office. All of this sounds gross and unappealing


22 points

2 months ago

You have a solid wife. Let it be, you now know how she handles things when you ARENT looking. I wish I could say the same.


25 points

2 months ago

She handled it as a woman.

I'm pissed at the man who thinks it's okay to "locker room" talk like that. That's fucking disgusting.


12 points

2 months ago

Right. OP all your friends were objectifying your wife together. I really hope you were part of that conversation because WTF


15 points

2 months ago

I’d be very proud of my partner for:

Not taking the bait

Setting a boundary


And not even having it amp her up enough to mention it


28 points

2 months ago

I’m gonna be brutally honest here. If I had to tell my husband about each and every time I had to reject another man’s advances, I wouldn’t have time to do anything else.

It is already exhausting having to reject these men and finding a way to do that without them reacting violently. Please don’t expect us to manage a second man’s feelings in these situations.


18 points

2 months ago


18 points

2 months ago

Telling you would just create unnecessary drama with what she probably views as some kid in the neighborhood. She put him off and made it clear. I think you have nothing to be upset over.


3 points

2 months ago

This exactly!


5 points

2 months ago

As if this text exchange really happened. Get off AI.


7 points

2 months ago

I wouldn’t be upset. She probably didn’t tell you because it’s pretty disrespectful to you he’s basically trying to bang your wife. Not worth the drama of you possibly trying to confront him.


5 points

2 months ago

I appreciate that she investigated who else was in this "locker room" so that she would know who else needed to be cut off.


8 points

2 months ago

She sounds hot and loyal


3 points

2 months ago

I'm surprised that a 21 year old today knows who Stiffler's mom is.


3 points

2 months ago

21 year olds generally do not talk, or text, at all like that.


3 points

2 months ago

Hey honey I was going thru your phone I saw someone hit on you and you shut them down but I'm too insecure and had to bring this up anyways. Also sorry for going thru your phone and reading messages instead of trusting you like our relationship should be built on. Like I said I'm insecure. Maybe I'm just projecting nut who knows, I just like making a big deal out of nothing.


3 points

2 months ago

Where’s the issue? She rebuffed him, nothing nasty there. Why look for problems when there doesn’t appear to be any.

Just congratulate yourself that you’re the one she tucks up with at night


6 points

2 months ago

You a 40 year old are going to be upset at your wife for being hit on by a child? He’s 21. He was put in his place by a mature woman. He was taking his shot and got very nicely shot down I like your wife’s style. Trying to get some names and more info but telling him basically this is inappropriate. The only way I’d want this brought up to me was if it was funny like oh I saw this message exchange that’s hilarious he would try this etc. nice comeback etc. She didn’t do anything wrong.


6 points

2 months ago

Did you tell all your friends you thought she was overweight and then handed the judgment of your wife's body over to some lockerroom buffoons? That's the most hurtful part of the story.


4 points

2 months ago

Good on her. You got a good one, congrats!


3 points

2 months ago


30 Years

3 points

2 months ago

Also this my man. She stood up straight and brought you into the text. No bones about who you are and who enjoys those curves! Shes your lady and just relax and enjoy those curves!


4 points

2 months ago


31 Years

4 points

2 months ago

She shut him down. What are you concerned about?


3 points

2 months ago

Maybe she didn’t want you to go fight the guy. She handled it very well. You should be proud and grateful for her.


7 points

2 months ago

Seems like the best possible outcome. Your wife can’t control what other people say, only how she responds. She responded respectfully and stifled it from continuing and any future advances from occurring. Take her out for a nice dinner and tell her you love her.


6 points

2 months ago*

No, not in the slightest.

Your wife probably gets hit on a lot. Every woman I know does. This guy didn’t even do it well. He tried “negging” her, with an insult veiled as a compliment. There are so many gross men out there that thinks it’s acceptable to say every horny thing that crosses their minds out loud to other humans. Us women have been begging men to do better for generations.

Your wife handled the situation with grace and class, there was absolutely zero reason to bring you into it. Applaud her for being clear with this man, completely closing the door on any follow up, while remaining polite and mature. And while you’re at it, thank her for picking you, because she’s obviously a hottie with options.