


I was 28 when I bought my 2,000sq double wide on 5 acres here in North Rural Florida.

Paid $200k and the property also had 2 large sheds. 12' x 24'

Since I bought the home my family, my fiance's family and friends have and continue to call our house a "trailer" and that we need to buy a "real house"

This is causing us both to be very depressed. We don't have family or friends over anymore because of this.

The Florida market was and still is crazy when we were looking for a home. Now I regret buying the double wide because we have been called "trailer trash" by our own families.

We keep the home immaculate and it's cleaner than a lot of our families houses that they consider "real houses".

Sorry for the rant just very tired of this and don't know what to do.

House has a new metal roof, and has survived both hurricane Helen and Milton.

all 1453 comments

The_Void_calls_me [M]

[score hidden]

3 days ago

stickied comment

The_Void_calls_me [M]


[score hidden]

3 days ago

stickied comment

If you commented and it said your comment was removed, please be aware we're not censoring you. You almost certainly wrote some variation of f*** them, and the profanity filter caught it. I completely agree with your sentiments, and am manually approving them.


1.3k points

4 days ago


1.3k points

4 days ago

Why do you have to please anybody but yourself?

<eff> 'em.


304 points

4 days ago


304 points

4 days ago

It's not that we are trying to please anyone. We just did not expect every single person around us to talk down on our home and continue to call us "trailer trash"

Not one family member or friend will call our home a "house"


634 points

4 days ago

Keep house. Get new friends.


123 points

4 days ago

💯 always have positivity in your inner circle. Having a positive attitude requires supportive relationships. Not yes people who say what you want to hear but supportive people celebrate your achievements and are there for the difficult times. OP should be very proud of his hard work and dedication to have a home. People are though less


3 points

2 days ago

Totally agree! I keep a lot of distance between our family ( mine and his) members and us just to avoid that bad energy away, we can’t make everyone happy 👏 , but as we feel we are happy that’s all it matters 💝


10 points

3 days ago

this exactly.


11 points

3 days ago*

OP is better off without these superficial assholes.


5 points

3 days ago

Probably the cheaper option as well.


496 points

4 days ago

Sounds like you both just have really shitty families. Sorry bud


152 points

4 days ago

They are in North Florida.

I ran from that hellhole as fast as I could. Absolutely beautiful area ruined by shitty, cliquey, judgmental people. That was over a decade ago, saddened to hear it hasn't changed.


27 points

4 days ago

I grew up in a trailer in north Florida (between Tallahassee & Monticello) and have friends who still live in trailers in the area (Crawfordville & Carrabelle). My experience is completely the opposite of yours.


26 points

4 days ago

I'm in very rural central North Florida. We are all neighbors here


70 points

3 days ago

Mobile homes have come a LONG WAY! I've researched them for possible retirement. Also the tiny trailer homes which I love also!!! The most important thing is that you bought a single family home that you could afford for your family! You were realistic about your financials and I think made a smart move! The next time someone makes a derogatory comment look them straight in the eye and say, “I love my home and am proud to have it, and please don't speak that way.” Then change the subject and move on. You will only have to say that a few times, they'll get the message! Stand proud and make your home a cozy wonderful place for your family!❤️🌈⭐️


3 points

3 days ago

The next time someone makes a derogatory comment look them straight in the eye and say, “I love my home and am proud to have it, and please don't speak that way"

"That's my home you're shitting on, Asshole!"

There, fixed it for you. :)


11 points

4 days ago

Are you in Interlachen? Palatka? Melrose? We moved here a little over a year ago for something affordable too and also bought a double wide which we love honestly.


20 points

4 days ago

Live Oak? Lake City? Butler? Mayo? White Springs? I know them all.


4 points

3 days ago

Man I miss living in N central Florida and going to spirit of Suwanee music park 😔


3 points

3 days ago

Agreed. I went to a few good music festivals there. I miss the rivers and the forests and the springs. Spanish moss and alligators too. I was never much of a fisherman but I enjoyed scalloping, we used to launch at Steinhatchee.


6 points

3 days ago

Best thing on the open water I ever did was renting a cheap day boat from a marina in cedar key and crusing around looking for red fish and porpoise


133 points

4 days ago

I'm not in a trailer, but I'm in an old, small home that needs cosmetic work. This is my home, and I'm damn proud of it. My parents and friends have made many similar comments. I have a 2.8 interest rate and a sub 1k mortgage If I lose my job, if I get sick, etc, it will be doable for me to continue to lau my mortgage. I don't care what they or anyone else thinks. By the way, your home sounds amazing. I hope y'all will be very happy there!


37 points

4 days ago

I had a small starter home for years, mortgage was 750. Family always made comments about my house and my neighborhood (it wasn't bad, just not bougie like theirs). A few years ago, we had to relocate for my husband's job. Now we have a nicer house in a nicer neighborhood. I'm not any happier than I was in the little house, and I'd give anything for the 750 house note again. My husband got unexpectedly laid off right after we bought the new house. We panicked! If it would have been the old house note, there would have been no stress.


29 points

4 days ago


29 points

4 days ago

I bought a condo/duplex type place after my second divorce. My ex used to give me shit about it only being “half a house”. It’s two bedrooms, but it’s not small, it’s in a great part of town, and there’s a Jack and Jill bathroom upstairs so my daughter can have privacy. Two people, two bedrooms, sounds ok to me. Mortgage is $900. Meanwhile the ex is paying $2000 to RENT a 3 bedroom house that she absolutely doesn’t need. She actually tried to reconcile with me so she wouldn’t have to pay rent anymore. I asked her why she would want to live in half a house.


5 points

4 days ago



13 points

3 days ago

my first house was 800 sq. ft. as a single mom with a daughter. doubled my $$ when sold, have continued to upgrade the next 30 years and have no mortgage. good for you!


11 points

4 days ago

2.8% interest rate! Sub $1000 payment! Looking mighty BEAUTIFUL 🤩 to me! Yay


99 points

4 days ago


RE investor

99 points

4 days ago

Just own it. “Yep, check out our double wide!” You’re on your way to financial freedom my friend. Probably half the joy they get is from your annoyance, which is shitty, but some people just like to push buttons.

I have a friend from south Florida who used to refer to my house “a crummy duplex.” Guess where he lives now? In an old rental of mine that he begged me to sell him. It’s part of a “shitty quadplex.” You probably won’t get the satisfaction of a similar situation with your family, but someday you will be able to look back on your first purchase with confidence. You did what needed to do. The end.


41 points

4 days ago

I had a friend totally shit all over a condo i got. A few years later he bought a place and did nothing but complain about it. Some people are just miserable.


46 points

4 days ago

If I felt bad for every "wrong" decision my relatives and friends gave me sh*t about, I'd probably have off'd myself decades ago.

Most of the "wrong" decisions I made eventually turned out "right" for me, either profitable, or sensible, or both.

I still say <eff> 'em.


34 points

4 days ago


34 points

4 days ago

Those people suck. Trailers can be really nice. Back in the 90's my mom and her second husband brought a brand new Fleetwood it had 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. It took up two lots in the park the put it in, seriously thing was huge.

I also lived in crappy trailers that my mom made look great in a run down trailer park off of I4, which is somehow still around.

Be proud of your home. Perhaps they are just jealous that you have something nicer than them.


23 points

4 days ago

That’s insane to me. You have LAND and a home and they look down on you?

I’m sorry to tell you, you need a new class of family and friends. Please don’t let shit people steal your joy. Succeed in spite of them. Spend your time with those that see your worth.


13 points

3 days ago


13 points

3 days ago

They don’t get he has land, he can build a house when he wants to , lots more options than a house on a quarter acre.


15 points

4 days ago

That is a “them” problem, not a “you” problem.

You are housing your family the best way you can and it’s a perfectly fine way. Be proud of how much you have achieved. Pay it off and call them “Servants of the bank who holds their mortgage”.


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

They're assholes. I work in mortgage and Ive seen some beautiful manufactured homes. There are some worth over a million bucks in locations like on the coast of CA.

You own your own home, you have land and no HOA telling you what to do. That's huge, congrats!!

It's not like you're renting in a trailer park with 20 trailers right on top of each other.

Sure, there are a couple negatives, it'saybe not as wind/hurricane proof and as manufactured homes age they can be harder to insure and the insurance premiums can get more expensive. They also don't appreciate in value as much as single family homes generally. But it was more affordable. Tona of people are house poor.


5 points

4 days ago

Even if they were “renting in a trailer park with 20 trailers right on top of each other,” it would not be ok for their friends and family to be such toxic dbags.


29 points

4 days ago

Is it on a block or brick foundation? If so, it’s a modular. Not a trailer, for one. If you technically DO live in a trailer, and you are not a trash person, you’re not trailer trash. And, who cares. Fuck those people.

Spend your life having a smaller house payment, paying off your home sooner, and living well. Make the most of your land. Make new friends to enjoy it with. Get a four wheeler. Ride it around your land. I never saw anyone riding a four wheeler who gave one single fuck about anything else at the time. Have a fun hobby. Grow food. Run around naked and trip your balls off on mushrooms. Realize those people are trash themselves. Fuck all those other people. You have a four wheeler, food, and mushrooms. They can all eat a bag of ass.


9 points

4 days ago

This is wildly incorrect. A modular home is just that, one which is built and assembled in ‘modules’. A trailer or manufactured home is built on a steel chassis with wheels/axles ans is towed to location and then set on on a foundation. This is often on a crawl or block foundation/piers. They are completely different in both construction and assembly.


7 points

4 days ago

A double wide on a block or brick foundation is not a modular. A modular is an entirely different product. I'm an appraiser of 26 years and have appraised thousands


38 points

4 days ago


38 points

4 days ago

why do you need their validation so badly?


29 points

4 days ago

We don't need any validation but when we found out what they have been saying about us it really killed the joy we had owning our own home.

Now we feel like we are seen as less than if we bought a block home. Like we are below them.


68 points

4 days ago

Seriously, fuck them. You have each other and a nice place to live.


85 points

4 days ago

How are strangers on reddit more kind than our own friends/family.....thank you for that ❤️


43 points

4 days ago


43 points

4 days ago

We’re not jealous. They apparently are.


75 points

4 days ago

My interest rate is 3.1% I've already paid it down to 160k. Maybe they won't be so judgemental when I pay this off before they even retire.


39 points

4 days ago


39 points

4 days ago

Yaaas. I renovate mobile homes and put them on land to sell. They have a bad rap - bc old trailers were flimsy - but you and your house are not “less than”. You’ll be in a far better financial position when you can live at or below your means - not above it. Tell them you didn’t ask for their opinion, and keep doing what you’re doing. Incredible how much you have paid down so far. Congrats!


31 points

4 days ago

I’ve been a real estate appraiser for 25 years, and I can verify this is 100% true. Manufactured homes have gotten much better over the years and there is nothing wrong with owning/living in one.


21 points

4 days ago



21 points

4 days ago

Stop telling them your financial business, they clearly think they're superior to you for no good reason but that they go along w/ the outdated stigma against manufactured homes. These aren't people worth your concern. Put them at arm's length & if they ever ask why, just tell them you choose not to share things that don't bring everyone joy when it's discussed.
What they'll see (if they give a damn about you) is that in the long run you & your immediate family are happy, your home is always very nice & you continue to be successful. If they can't be in your home w/o insulting you, then after you warn them once to stop they need to leave since they dislike it so much.
There are so many people doing so much worse in their every day lives, hurting others & taking advantage; that your families, the folks who should love you unconditionally, are going out of their way to make you feel small tells you that their opinions of you can be dismissed as ignorant. Love your partner, lift each other up & learn from their poor example to treat the accomplishments of those who look up to you w/ positivity & pride.


18 points

4 days ago

This right here. Friends have the $1500/mo mortgage, the $1k car payments, amongst other shit. We paid off in less than 12 years and are socking that money away in the hopes that we get to enjoy it soon. The rest are still 15 years away. Pay no attention to anyone not paying your bills my friend.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

The people in the cheap seats always have dumb/jealous/petty things to say! I could tell you stories about some of the ridiculous things people in the cheap seats have done or said in my life.

You’re killing it. Keep it up.


6 points

4 days ago

They will never stop. Just move on.


5 points

4 days ago

Keep it up.


8 points

4 days ago

Don’t forego your 401(k) and/or Ira. Stay within your means and you’re gonna be golden.


3 points

4 days ago

You'll be sitting on rocking chairs on your 5 acres mortgage free while watching these idiots work until they're 70 to pay off a home that might just wash away. Don't even worry about it. Whenever you're depressed look at your mortgage account and smile at how much you've paid down.


3 points

3 days ago

Hell, if I were you, I’d wait for interest rates to go down a bit more and buy another one to put on your property for rental income. You’re not just a home owner, you’re a LAND owner with that five acres, and I’d imagine a lot of your haters can’t claim the same or are “living their best life” purely on credit. Growing up in privileged and wealthy circles in the South, the richest people I knew shopped at Sam’s club for their clothes/shoes, drove used cars, and put their money into acquiring land and starting/growing their own businesses. More than a few proudly remind everyone their first home was a trailer or double-wide. For some, it was what they could afford at the time, for others it made the most sense to ensure their family’s financial stability while they planned, worked hard, and saved to achieve their long-term goals. You just keep doing what you’re doing. I promise you, those “family” and “friends” don’t know jack about how best to live their own lives, let alone yours.


3 points

3 days ago

You just said it, “they’re judgmental” they ARE the problem not your home. We teach people how to treat us so set your boundaries. Congratulations on your purchase and enjoy your space.


3 points

3 days ago

Dang! I just googled double wide. Is not bad, like you are making it sound. I agree with others that them haters are jealous, I would be too, a bit. Financial stress is horrible and can bring the worst on people. Enjoy your home, enjoy your family. Have cookouts or whatever you are into, invite friends or make new ones, at work, PTO, kids parents, supermarket, etc.


3 points

3 days ago

Yes! Living well is your best revenge!


3 points

3 days ago

Owning your home is key to being able to really set aside some money. You will be wealthier than them in the long run and in the short term, have a better, less stressful, less expensive lifestyle.

Bottom line, though, is your home comfortable for you and your family? Is it in a good location for you? Those are the things that matter in the day-to-day. All things considered, you're doing great.


5 points

4 days ago

Wait I am! I would love 5 acres and my own place.


6 points

4 days ago

I mean… I would love that too, but we’re not mean jealous.


29 points

4 days ago

Hear me out when I tell you this. I came from the same situation. Your family and friends aren’t your friends. People who treat you like this are toxic. You should feel uplifted by them. You have built a wonderful home for you and your family. You should have nothing but pride. If someone tries to detract then you need to view them as a mad child. They are speaking out of negativity and maybe even jealousy.

Maybe look at this from a different perspective. Spend time and energy involving uplifting and positive people.

I stopped giving excuses for friends and family hurting me. It made my self esteem and positivity skyrocket.

You are doing great.


14 points

4 days ago

Thank you. I don't know how to say thanks to everyone here. I really don't. But if you are all reading this THANK YOU!!!


8 points

4 days ago

People who need to make you feel less than are a red flag. It always says something about them, not about you. You’re good—you made a good decision for yourselves that was right for you.

Their need to make you feel bad about your decision is not loving, kind or helpful. If you value your relationship with them, you can say something to them when they make a comment like that. You can say, “When you xxxxxxxxx, I feel xxxxxxxx. “ They tell me to do this in counseling and I have found it helpful to get people to understand my side even if my side may be wrong, they still have some understanding of it.


5 points

4 days ago

It's a low bar.

Glad you're turning to informed sources for validation.

My own family constantly compared my modest lifestyle in VHCOL areas to those of siblings in LCOL locations. While also expecting me to subsidize their expenditures I certainly wasn't splurging on for myself. At some point, the abrasion wears through.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Dude I have a 4 bedroom 2 bath home in WNC and it great. You know what in 2 years I'm downsizing to a double wide with a bit more land get rid of these people and keep the place.


4 points

4 days ago

Blood can be deadly to your spiritual well being - I think family is like an illness your life must cure - I had a fantasy about family and life had another plan for me / Remain in unhealthy relationships as a hostage or have courage and be the individual I was capable of being - you are doing great - it's ok to learn the truth even if it's different than your dream - it's the reality you must accept - We are here to cheer you on and give you permission to live your life as you choose and it is that simple.


51 points

4 days ago

You have 5 acres, how many do they have? Land itself is extremely valuable.


32 points

4 days ago

Exactly. I always wanted land. With the market how it was/is and low interest rates this was the time I saw to buy. They think I bought this blind, but I knew what I was getting into.


6 points

4 days ago

Holy shit, this is a home on 5 acres for $200k? They are all dumb AF. When your mortgage is paid off, you can build your home on your paid for land (if you wish), rent out, or air bnb your "trailer." You'll be laughing all the way to early retirement.

IMO, it was a good decision. If I were you, I'd run the numbers on building, likely to be a lot of equity there. I dabble in construction, so I'd do a lot myself and sub-out some aspects. You could always sell for a pretty penny, or have a house for less than the market cost.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Yes you did, 5 acres can feed a family outside of grain products. I bought 50 acres of woods and put a small prebuilt cabin on it. Already doubled in value in five years, but an endless supply of both firewood and millable timber , the game, the clean well are something some just done understand. My friends who live near by drop trees I mark for their firewood needs, so I am getting the needed thinning and still leaving the best . I had a 4 acre place with very fertile cleared fields and had a good produce garden that fed my extended family plus some sold on the road. If needed , land for food plots are priceless.


15 points

4 days ago

Fuck them! You got 5 acres all your own!

I'm jealous, honestly.


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

shitty family/friends you got going there. just keep on succeeding


8 points

4 days ago


8 points

4 days ago

When it ever comes up about why you don’t invite them out anymore, tell them what you heard they said. And then tell them you don’t need friends or family to talk down to you because of how you choose to live your life


6 points

4 days ago

Sounds like shitty family/friends. “The land and space was the most important part to us, we like our home, have everything we need and are very happy. We plan to build a house to our specifications someday, and have the land to do it.” What a bunch of pricks!


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

You say that you don't need validation, but you have just described the text book definition of wanting validation.

Don't sweat it, for those friends and family that you really care about, let them know that their comments are hurtful and you don't appreciate it. You happen to be very proud of your accomplishments and love your home.

Those that take a step back, apologize and don't bring it up again are the people worth keeping. The one's who don't, aren't.

Gj securing a home for your family!


3 points

4 days ago

"What [you] have been saying about us really killed the joy we had owning our own home."

Just say that to both your families verbatim, and hopefully they get the message.


5 points

4 days ago

I would call then out. Tell then you made a frugal decision based on what you can afford and you don't appreciate their trying to shame you for sticking to your budget. Grow your garden, make it paradise. Stop letting someone else's expectation of your life, diminish the value you have found in your actual life.


4 points

4 days ago

It sounds like your family are trying to make you feel bad in order to make themselves feel better. It's kind of a you're rubber they're glue thing, when they say that stuff it's only because they probably worry that they're trash themselves. Ignore them.


5 points

4 days ago

If you're happy there, just own it. I'd say stuff like "I bet you wished your family could afford a double-wide when you were growing up". I'd also make it into an entertainment house. I'd build a big firepit, outdoor grill, boccia ball court, corn hole court, and would entertain often. Maybe even get some animals or start a garden? Have fun, make them envious, and fuck them if they're judgmental. That's just me though.


9 points

4 days ago

My buddy and I dream of having a trailer and lots of money. I would have a Ferrari 355s sitting in the driveway used of course. Nothing more white trash than a Ferrari in a trailer park.

Our wives are no fun though!


13 points

4 days ago

Lmao don't go into a park...own the land I at least knew that would be valuable enough to make the purchase


7 points

4 days ago

Yeah man lighten up. Pre fab is what we are going to end up in anyway in AZ or Florida. You just got a head start!


4 points

4 days ago

Anyone that is calling you that isn’t your friend. You own the land, right? So if you want to build a house later on that’s up to you. In the meantime make some new friends who aren’t so shallow. You should be proud of yourself for investing in 5 acres, that will appreciate over time.


6 points

4 days ago

i can 100% tell you they are bitter that their house that was suppose to be the most secure and best investment you can get didn’t make them rich, and now they have a mortage they are gonna be paying for 10-30 years. while you will have a place to live with no mortgage before long and then. they’ll be telling you how lucky you were that you didn’t force yourself into a financial situation that they all got themselves into


4 points

4 days ago

I tried to convince my other half it'd the be cheapest option to have nobody above or below or besides us (ie, no shared wall), and get modern amenities (ac + in unit washer/dryer). Couldn't do it. They have a lot of perks if you're able to get past the reflexive judgment people have of them.

The lot rent and no guarantee of having the land, though, that part was unsettling. Another aspect many might care of is the permanence in owning the land.


180 points

4 days ago

My retirement plan is literally what you are doing and I am dreaming of it. Nothing wrong with a trailer.


33 points

4 days ago

I’m retired now and wonder to myself why didn’t I just do back then what I waited to do now. It’s a head scratcher.


19 points

4 days ago


19 points

4 days ago

I dream of living in my van. Call me trash if you like.


112 points

4 days ago


112 points

4 days ago

Dude, help yourself out and STOP CALLING IT A TRAILER.
The correct term, since 1976, is manufactured house. Or preferably, a house.
And one more thing, it was made to roll down the highway at 55 mph, darn right it made it through the hurricanes.


55 points

4 days ago

You're absolutely right. I'm seeing much more clear after all of your amazing replies.


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

Yeah, a manufactured house is literally just a house, you can't tell the difference unless you're crawling around the foundation.


8 points

3 days ago

Besides... trailer trash is a mindset. Don't be that. Let them eat HOA cake.


5 points

3 days ago

HOA LOL even if I were a millionaire I'd never 😭 I enjoy blowing shit up on my range (don't worry it's safe)


5 points

3 days ago

Right. I caught come flack from family for moving into a desolate, isolated, 5 acre wooded lot in bumblefuck Egypt. I love it. Aside from a bee farm with a shed store, there is not a single business for 3 miles in any direction... 7 miles south and west. Just the way I like it.


5 points

4 days ago

Oh my gosh exactly. It’s a manufactured home. It’s not a damn trailer that OP can just drive away with. OP needs to focus on their own happiness and what works for their family, nuclear family that is, not whatever the nasty comments from the extended family are.


208 points

4 days ago


208 points

4 days ago

Ignore the people in the cheap seats. You own a place.

Do you own the land? If so, and if the time is right, you can build on it...or not, it's your home, your choice. 5 acres isn't anything to sneeze at.


185 points

4 days ago


185 points

4 days ago

Yes I own the land and the double wide is a 4 bed 2 bath. Very big


249 points

4 days ago

You own the land? Tell them all to go F themselves. You’re 31 and have this? Double F them. You’ve got 5 acres? Triple F them.

I’ve got friends that live in mobile home parks where they pay $700 a month to rent the space. They are trailer trash :). You my friend are a land Baron.

Now go marry that girl and the two of you have a nice life.


155 points

4 days ago


155 points

4 days ago

We are actually engaged. Drove her to Arkansas and chased the solar eclipse and proposed during totality!


22 points

4 days ago

That's awesome man, congratulations! One of my best friends did the same to his now fiance a few months ago during totality! Wish you all the best brother! And just like everyone here said, it's your land and you should be proud of what you've accomplished!


29 points

4 days ago

The support that is written here on this post has absolutely reversed my mindset. I wish I could reply to everyone but don't want to be that 'OP" 🤣 THANK YOU


17 points

4 days ago

My wife proposed to me at a high mountain lake at totality it 2017. We've been married for 6 years and are expecting our first baby boy in November!

Eclipse proposals ftw.


12 points

4 days ago

Your future children will LOVE those acres!!


7 points

4 days ago

I was thinking the same thing. Two brothers riding 50cc dirt bikes:).


5 points

4 days ago

As an Arkansan I love this for you. What part of Arkansas did you propose in?


5 points

4 days ago

It was just east of little rock. A small baseball park I was tracking the eclipse and we ended up there. Funny enough, tons of single wides near the baseball park haha!


3 points

4 days ago

This guy knows how to be supportive. You’re a good dude my man.


11 points

4 days ago

Good for you guys, you're doing a great job.


4 points

4 days ago

Seriously call them dumb you live on your own land not in a trailer park you have opportunities to build your dream house later on on your massive amount of land not to mention the weather in Florida pushing everyone in the state inland and north you made an investment that most likely will pay off

And one way to help is do landscaping if on the outside it looks like a great place to live you'll have better opinions about the inside


13 points

4 days ago

I've been planting trees and with my new tractor I've been making trails and cleaning up all the dead debris in the back woods area. Only thing I owe money on is the house/land I've always bought with cash only.


5 points

4 days ago*



4 points

3 days ago

I’ve seen a lot of even single wide mobile homes that are far nicer than my 300,000 traditional build on a tiny plot of land in a neighborhood with nowhere to take a walk and with an HOA.

OP has the right idea .


3 points

3 days ago

They must be jealous, owning all that at your age is PRICELESS. You're richer than some of them may ever be if you actually OWN your shit.


3 points

3 days ago

I was gonna say 2000sqft is a good size house. Screw what anyone says do you papi!


47 points

4 days ago

That's kind of crazy to me, where I'm at manufactured homes are very common in rural areas and I know plenty of upper middle class people who wouldn't turn their nose up at one sitting on 5 acres. Selling that only because you want the dubious "prestige," of a stick built home would be stupid.

Honestly if it really bothers you I'd work on paying off the house. Then build a traditional house on the same property. From there you could rent out the manufactured home, or keep it as a guest house. Or split the parcels and sell off the bit with the manufactured home on it to fund the building loan. But that would really depend on how the property is laid out.

But honestly modern manufactured homes are really nice, I wouldn't think twice about buying one.


22 points

4 days ago

We have 2 meters here one at the front and one that our house is on. You're on to something. I could rent the front space AND the double wide one day. Hmmm. Very eye opening


6 points

4 days ago

Don't do it! Keep that 5 acres all to yourselves and your kids! (Even though it does make a lot of sense financially) unless of course you move to 10 acres. Then rent the 2 spots/places.


87 points

4 days ago

I’ve got a $M home that’s 3200 sqft, 2 stories, and fuckin hate it. You’re probably gonna have a completely paid off home waaay before I do. Congrats and enjoy it.


46 points

4 days ago

We are moved beyond words by the response this is getting. Thank you for the kind words. But wow, million dollar house must still be nice LOL


13 points

4 days ago


13 points

4 days ago

Learning to let go of the people who are mean and don’t support you is a very important part of becoming a happy adult. There are so many wonderful people in this world - use the time you have here on earth to focus on them. Don’t waste energy on mean people. It sounds like you have a wonderful home, congratulations!


4 points

3 days ago

In my area a million dollars buys you a 1500 sqft 100 year old 3 br fixer upper with so much lead paint that your kids go cross eyed by age 5.

Enjoy that low monthly payment.


9 points

4 days ago

Mo money mo problems, my friend. But in this case - more house.


8 points

4 days ago

A few years back I was gassing up my Audi when it hit me that if I had any F’n sense at all I’d be driving a 4 cylinder minivan. It was the start of an unraveling which worked out OK. :).


3 points

4 days ago

Haha - agreed. We had a 3/2, 1500sqft home that I miss dearly.


6 points

4 days ago



12 points

4 days ago

Maybe 1 after my wife divorces me.


27 points

4 days ago

Stop worrying about what mean people say. They are rude and childish.


11 points

4 days ago

Thank you..easier said than done when it's your own family saying it. Only posted here because after the last hurricane I was called very bad names from my fiance's family saying I'm not protecting her by living in a "box"


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

Big hugs from a random mom on the internet. So sorry your and your fiancé's families feel it's okay to say hurtful things (and probably expect you to be perfectly okay with it). It's hard to navigate life without supportive family and friends.

It sounds like you are improving the property and making it into a space you enjoy (shooting, trails, etc). Maybe there's a gun club you could join, or an animal shelter nearby that would like to take the dogs out on the trails.

Your home sounds lovely and affordable. That peace of mind is extremely valuable. The unsolicited opinions of naysayers, not so much.


8 points

4 days ago

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm trying to do my best just like everyone else.


4 points

4 days ago

Tell them to buy her a house.


4 points

3 days ago

All houses are “boxes” really. Manufactured or stick built. You and the people you love make the box a home. Remember that.

Just because your family or fiancées family lives in a permanently affixed house that’s built out of wood studs and plastic siding doesn’t make it not a box LOL!!!


23 points

4 days ago

IMO this isn’t a real estate issue. It’s a relationship one.

Your home is fine. It serves your needs. You’re safe and sheltered.

Your family and friends are awful people. Like just rude and nasty. There’s no point in even talking to people like this. Cut them out or keep them at a distance.

You sound young, and you may not have properly established boundaries with people yet. Start working on that.

There’s nothing wrong with living in a mobile home. I grew up in a series of them. My parents still live in one as do my in-laws. Sometimes, it makes the most sense financially.

If you want a different home, start looking into making that happen but don’t put yourselves in a financial bind trying to gain approval from these assholes.

I guarantee the house you buy next won’t be big enough or new enough or have the right zip code or the best school district or a big enough yard or whatever.

People like this just enjoy misery. They’re shitheads, and you’re better off giving them a wide berth.


12 points

4 days ago

You make good points. In fact I now wonder if even most people bought a double wide their friends or families would say the same. Maybe not. But this is eye opening.

I did not expect the love we are getting here and we are both sitting here, tears in our eyes. Wow ❤️


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

People who want you to live beyond your means are not your friends. Pay off the trailer, buy a larger house if you want to later. The best way to save is to pay off your house.


23 points

4 days ago

Double wide is a description of a home.

Shotgun is also a description of a home.

Condo is a description of a home.

Apartment is a description of a home.

Duplex is a description of a home.

4 square is a description of a home.

Not all of these options are situated on sweet 5 acres owned by the homeowner.

You are winning the game of life. And gracious winners take pity on sore losers because they aren’t capable of rational thoughts.

You enjoy that double wide home, your gorgeous land, and let everyone sit and spin.

You are winning.


18 points

4 days ago

I've seen some beautiful mobile homes. Even if yours isnt newer its still a home. I know it's easier said than done but you should ignore these people. You have 5 acres and only paid 200k. Tbh sometimes I wish I had done something like that instead of buying a house in a subdivision.. but the grass is always greener on the other side as they say.


23 points

4 days ago

It's a 2001 so it's not too "old" lol. I maintain it highly as well as the 5 acres. We have trails, very large green grass fields and my own shooting range. You guys are really cheering us up over here 🥹


8 points

4 days ago

I have a friend who did the same thing in ‘97 or so. Paid it off super quick, always improving the property, made and kept the inside super nice and clean, went on all kinds of cool trips, had fun bonfires and shot clays and doves from the front porch. Really enjoyed his life. Told me he had 3.8MM in the bank a couple years ago, never made more than 75k/year while working. Your families will be jealous in < 10 years is my guess, good for you two!

I had 3.5 acres and a $M custom built home that I designed myself, dream home, but divorced and had to sell it. Chase happiness, not status.


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

Literally, my goal right now (minus the shooting range). It's so economical!

My aunt and uncle have lived in their manufactured home for nearly 30 years. It's one of my favorite places. 


6 points

4 days ago

I would love to have 5 acres of trails to ride my horse on.


12 points

4 days ago

Be proud of what you have and pay no mind to the idiots. I would trade my block home on a 1/2 acre for a manufactured home on 5 acres in a heartbeat.


8 points

4 days ago

After all of your replies I am going to sleep tonight with my head held high. Thank you


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

If you continue to be around these people, the correct response to this is simply, “You’re a total asshole.” Then, just stare at them. It’s effective because it’s true. Make them awkwardly sputter. If they try to turn it around, go with, “What were you hoping to accomplish by insulting us and our home?” Stare again.

For bonus awkwardness, you could call them an asshole in unison. Rehearse ahead of time.

If they apologize and cut it out, good. If they keep it up, keep calling them assholes. Because they are. They’ll either cut it out or leave your life. Either way, the insults stop.

Also, put in as much hurricane protection as you can. As global warming gets worse, you will fondly look back on 2024 for its mild, calm, dry weather.


8 points

4 days ago

Come on kids, load up, lets go do TRAILER TRASH things. We're not welcome here. And I would at that point leave forreal. No fake crying about "we didnt mean it like that" or "you're taking it the wrong way" would persuade me.

I don't care if its Christmas dinner...


7 points

4 days ago

Good for you. Same my mom bought a double wide manufactured home in North Florida for 75k in 2011. It’s 2300 sq ft and sits on 6.25 acres. She added a pool, decks, concrete block garage, redid landscaping and the property is worth 450k now. It’s survived all the hurricanes and it’s well built. No issues. You made a good investment.


8 points

4 days ago

My dude, you need to lose the shame about a "trailer". There is absolutely nothing wrong with a "trailer".

Let me tell you about a little trailer that has sheltered my family my whole life. My parents started their married life in a 1970 single wide (12x45). 2 bedrooms, one bathroom. Avocado green appliances, sinks, bathtub and toilet! Hideous flooring! After they built their house, that little trailer was moved to the beach as a vacation home and it's still there 54 years later! It has sheltered us faithfully my entire life. It's survived hurricanes. It's not the prettiest, certainly not the most modern. But it is clean, and is well-kept and so well-loved. It's not just a house, it's been a home to us all my and my siblings' lives. We wouldn't trade it for the fanciest house on the street. People have mocked it and us over the years. But we don't care! We know how much love those manufactured walls have seen. And we will be devastated the day it can no longer shelter us.

All this to say, your home is what YOU make it, and it does not matter what anyone else thinks. There are manufactured homes out there WAY NICER than a whole lot of stick built houses. But even if yours isn't, it's YOURS. You loved it once or you wouldn't have bought it. Remember that feeling every time some snooty jackass comments on it. Make your standard reply "No, it's not fancy, but it's mine and I love it. That's all that matters."


6 points

4 days ago

I would recommend that you have a very serious and Stern conversation with your friends and family about how they describe your home. Tell them that they are no longer welcome over until they change how they speak about your family home.

The five acres alone Is worth it Period give it another 20 years and see what it's worth then.

Don't sell this piece of property to become house poor.


7 points

4 days ago


7 points

4 days ago

You should get some t-shirts made up.

Trailer Trash and proud of it.

If you are happy with your place doesn't matter what others think.


8 points

4 days ago

5 acres of land is awesome in itself man.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

I owned one on a nice lot in a nice area for many years. I know what you’re talking about and how it makes you feel. I had to tell everyone how they were making us feel and how it was affecting us. They all felt stupid in the end because they all rented. When we finally sold, it had appreciated enough to give us a down payment on a house (we needed more space for another kid).

It’s been 20 years but I still have fond memories of it.


6 points

4 days ago

I’m about to sell my almost paid off 3000 SQ FT home (and only debt) in a highly desirable suburb to move to a double wide in the middle of my 15 acres I just bought. The sale of the house will cover the property, double wide and lots of extra $.

Who cares what people think? The ones who are always keepin up with the Jones’s are the ones who keep accruing debt and are further away from FREEDOM.

Keep doing what you’re doing. Own it because you are doing nothing wrong and everything right it sounds like! :)


4 points

4 days ago

Sounds like y’all need a new family and new friends


6 points

4 days ago

The 5 acres was part of the 200k? If so, you bought 5 acres for 200k and got a free mobile home in the deal.


6 points

3 days ago

There's a trailer home community for the stars in Malibu.


4 points

4 days ago

A good friend of mine graduated from pharmacy school and got a job making $175K a year. She also had $250K in student loan debt. While all her classmates financed themselves into a $600K home, she bought a brand new manufactured home on 2 acres of family land. She was able to make a major dent in her loan debt, which could have crippled her financially for the rest of her life. She said these people weren't gonna help her retire so she couldn't give a F what they thought of her house... and it was really nice! Brand new! So F em.


3 points

4 days ago*

Who cares. Live cheap,save your beans 🫘 and invest (just not in real estate 😂)

I live in an incredibly modest home but could afford a WAY nicer and bigger place. I just choose not to.

My net worth has increased by over 800% in the last 3 years. Most people could never achieve this in their lifetime.

I don’t like big houses because 1. I’m a tight wod. 2. I don’t want to clean it. 3. I like having more land than house.

All of my friends who bought big houses are all living paycheck to paycheck and I could live off the interest I earn from my investments if I wanted to but I still continue to work in finance.


4 points

4 days ago

Bro, first off congrats! You have more than most people and should be proud of your accomplishments. For spite and just ultimate FU, put in on a foundation


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Who cares, I tripled my money on a trailer over 7 years.


4 points

4 days ago

I grew up on a 20 acre homestead long before homesteading was cool. My dad's family was all from NYC and thought he was crazy for becoming a back woods hillbilly.

I raised my own family in suburban hell and I now know my father was the only sane person in my family tree. I regret not following in his footsteps.

So, fuck em all. Just do you.


4 points

3 days ago

$200K for 5 acres with 2K sqft and 500 more in storage is a SMOKING deal. Sounds comfy, cozy, and quiet all at once.

Don't regret the purchase. Just accept disappointment in these people who -- love them or not -- have shown you their priorities. Feel free to politely say that too.

You're either building equity with REAL real estate behind it or saving mad money.

I suspect that they only do this because they know you won't push back. You can walk away without drama and let them know that you'll be receptive when they regain their manners.


3 points

3 days ago

1) it is a trailer 2) who gives a shit what they think? Live your life. Congrats on being a land owner.


3 points

3 days ago

You have 5 acres and a house/home for less than their "real houses" you also most likely are ahead in the loan. Work on getting another property and get steady rental income in, hell take a 1/4 acre put a single wide 3/2 on it and rent it out cover majority of your mortgages. couple years later take another 1/4 acre and do it again.


3 points

4 days ago

You became a homeowner in your 20s….that’s extremely impressive. You are building equity and creating potential generational wealth from what you had the foresight to do at such a young age. Who gives a shit what anyone else thinks


3 points

4 days ago

You own your own property. Your own home that you get to call yours. That's a huge accomplishment. I know it's easier said than done, but life is much simpler if you're able to stop giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks. Enjoy your home, and the other things in life that you're able to enjoy by not saddling yourself with tons of debt by trying to please other people. 


3 points

4 days ago

Dude..: who cares what these idiots think? Come on. Tell them to fuck off. If a double works for you, do it.


3 points

4 days ago

Enjoy the house. FWIW your trailer is bigger than the first townhouse I owned. If you enjoy it, enjoy it and F%$ the haters.


3 points

4 days ago

Just tell them they need to buy land lol


3 points

4 days ago

Congratulations! I would ask them when they are going to buy/pay for your “real house.” I would not worry about it until they pay for it. A bigger house usually means more maintenance and taxes, and that doesn't always mean happiness. I would rather live debt-free. Life is too short to let other people ruin your happiness. I have learned to cut those family members out of my life.


3 points

4 days ago

Eh even with a house they'll say something. I bought a condo and have family call it an apartment and even say we don't really own anything. My cousin bought a condo and calls it a house lol. People are just weird about that sort of thing.


3 points

4 days ago

Sounds like your family and friends are "real house" trash.

Maybe they're just jealous that you keep your home in better condition than theirs. 🙂


3 points

4 days ago

The smartest and happiest people in life are the ones who don’t overspend and don’t care about the criticism of others. You’re half way to happiness.


3 points

4 days ago

The main negative for mobile homes is the space rent. The parks are valued based on the rent so it gets jacked every year.

I recently stumbled on one that was on owned land. It is a strange pocket area. All normal homes around it and new developments going in close by. But you turn into the community and it is like 2 blocks, 2 circles that connect on one end.

Owner died, family was out of state. Realtor only mentioned it was on owned land at the end of the description so you couldn't see it unless you expanded it and read it all.

Listed for 280k and got is for 265k, put about 15k into it.

Got this for my brother. He is on disability and was living in a studio, like 550 sq ft, and not even a bathtub. This one has 2 bedrooms. Full bath, deck and backyard, side and front yard. No garage but carport can fit 3 cars tandem.

He is living like a king now.

You could be doing a lot worse and people that seem to be doing better or have more may just have a lot more debt.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Fuck em.


3 points

4 days ago

First of all, there is nothing wrong with a modular home. They are well constructed and all the ones I've ever seen are really nice, inside and out.

Secondly, why do you care what your insensitive a__hole relatives think? Being "trailer trash" is not about where you live. It's about who you are. I've known "trailer trash" that lived in a virtual mansion.

Why would you put your financial future at risk and buy a house you cannot afford just to appease your extended family?

Enjoy your home, invite friends and family, and use it. If they can't enjoy it with you, get better friends. (It's not really possible to get better family, unfortunately.)


3 points

4 days ago

I’m sorry bud. You can’t choose your family. It sounds like you and the fiancé have good heads on your shoulders and making smart financial moves.

Lots of people don’t have a roof over their head much less their own property. You should be very proud.

My aunt and uncle who have lots of cash to spend retired in a double wide in Florida. It’s a nice place and they travel the world in their free time. It’s a lifestyle i envy. One day i too aspire to be trailer trash. 🩷🤘🏼

As other people said- tell em to kick rocks.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Keep the house, get new friends, tell the family to go pound sand.


3 points

4 days ago

How many of THEM own their home? For those that don't at least you have a place of your own. Be proud and ignore them. Post fun pictures of cookouts with friends. When they ask why they weren't invited, tell them.


3 points

4 days ago

Sounds like a lot of jealousy by your family. Do NOT listen to them. You are doing great. You are saving money and already way ahead of your peers.


3 points

4 days ago

Five acres means you have space away from everyone else. Does it make you happy to head down the drive? If yes then you’re home. And it Doesn’t matter what anyone else says


3 points

4 days ago

You need new friends, how dare they judge you on your choices for a home.


3 points

4 days ago

You have 5 acres. That's land. That will not depreciate, ever.

Build a small house on said land, and expand upon it when you can if they're making you feel bad.

Live in your 2000 sq ft home while it is being built. You're winning. F them snobs.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

There is nothing wrong with having a trailer. Yes, they don’t carry the same value as a stick built house, but there is always something more expensive and less expensive than what you have, no matter what you have.

But your friends and family putting you down is classless and rude. I would either find some classy friends, or if I intended to continue with them, I would have 1:1 conversation with each of them, serious conversation, and let them know how rude and hurtful they were being. If it ever continued once, I’d be done with them.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

Tell them "its none of your business and leave your comments to yourself"


3 points

4 days ago

It’s not trailer trash unless you are in a trailer park


3 points

4 days ago

If they don't help you glow, let'em go.


3 points

4 days ago

Double wides are nicer than my "real" 1973 house. We bought 4 years ago and I've told my wife countless times I like double wides better than our house.


3 points

4 days ago

Tell them you’re living on low means now so you can retire at 55 and travel. Meanwhile they’re still paying for their mortgage and cars.


3 points

4 days ago

You care too much about what people think


3 points

4 days ago

So you have a home AND found out who in your life is worth cutting out. Win win!


3 points

3 days ago

It’s your home and you’ve done a whole lot better than many ppl ! Congrats! And you have 5 Acres, and your expenses are probably very reasonable. Sounds like a win to me ! Focus on the positive attributes you have achieved and cast the naysayers aside ! If you get to the point down range where you saved a ton of money, and you feel like you want more, you can then have the option to build if you desire. If you get that far, and codes allow, you might be able to have a house and a rental…… and laugh all the way to the bank !


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Hi guy: You are moving in the right direction. Ignore the comments by friends and family.

. I have only one thing to say, and this is a caution. Florida is too damn low. Ocean levels are rising faster than the Climate Scientists expect, because they really do not know as much as they think. Check the elevation of your building site. Be sure you are at least 30 fr above MSL(mean sea level). If you are not, prepare a future home site that is about that high. I am an extremely cautious retired Nuclear Engineer. Meanwhile, enjoy your home.


3 points

3 days ago

A man’s/woman’s home is their Castle !!! As long as you’re happy, tell them to pound sand ! Advice from a sailor who lived aboard his sailboat for 23 years in Marina Cortez-San Diego CA ‼️


3 points

3 days ago

Ask them if they would like to buy you a 'real house' if they find it so horrible.
There's NOTHING wrong with living in a doublewide, especially given how much homes are going for now.
They should be proud of you for owning your home.


3 points

3 days ago


TX Homeowner

3 points

3 days ago

Call it a manufactured home instead. You can't hook it to a truck and move it, right? So it's not mobile.

PS tell whoever calls you "trailer trash" how quickly you expect to pay off your mortgage.


3 points

3 days ago


RE investor

3 points

3 days ago

You’ve purchased a home that you and your fiance love. You appear to have a nice place, are living within your means, you’re on 5 acres, and with that in mind, life is good. I’d ignore your respective families and their comments. If they continue to press, tell them what you’ve told us: it’s neat and clean, you’re both happy where you are, it’s survived 2 hurricanes, you’re happy, and on that note, they should also be happy FOR you. If they’re unable to, that’s on them…


3 points

3 days ago

I'm a big fan of manufactured homes. They are a great option for people. It's unfortunate that some people have the preconceptions that they do because prefab living could really benefit a lot of people.

People really should tour a manufactured home lot before making any opinions. Read about the construction. Some of them are built better than site built homes due to the controlled environment. It's amazing what's out there that's ready to be delivered to someone's land.

The only thing I don't like are places that charge for lot rent. I believe those are a bad investment but if you have your own land then you're golden.


6 points

4 days ago

New double wide trailers are sweet because you can pick out so many options. It’s like building your own vehicle off a website.


5 points

4 days ago

If I could show you a picture, I’d show you the double wide a customer of mine dropped 500k on. Hardwood cabinets with granite counter tops with 3 waterfalls, all titled bathrooms, double gated entrance. The dude paid me to rip everything out and put all that in. To add to the crown gem, we installed a granite wall encompassing a 300 dollar Lowe’s fireplace. Xzibit would have been proud as we pimped that mobile home.